The International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) and the Global Promotion Committee of the International Programme on Landslides (GPC/IPL) invite all active landslide researchers, engineers, and practitioners to join the 5th World Landslide Forum (WLF5) on November 2–6, 2020, in Kyoto, Japan. One of the major outcomes of the WLF5 is to establish the Kyoto 2020 Commitment for Global Promotion of Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk (KC2020) to develop the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015–2025 to a medium- and long-term global alliance. The organizers requested the theme and session coordinators of the WLF5 to invite potential speakers who will be able to write acceptable papers and will also assure to attend the WLF5. The list of invited speakers who were invited by the coordinators and have accepted the invitation by 15 December 2018 is shown in the Table 1.

Table 1 List of invited speakers of WLF5, who confirmed to contribute their papers in the WLF5

The organizing committee of the WLF5 is now calling for active speakers in the WLF5 and requesting to fill out the Preliminary Registration Form available in the WLF5 webpage. Individual theme coordinators will contact the preliminary registered speakers (PRS), or PRS may contact one of the theme coordinators (authors of this article) and/ or the WLF5 secretariat (

WLF5 is calling for sponsors supporting participants from developing countries. Potential speakers and potential sponsors are requested to access and fill out the forms available in the webpage (

Call for ICL members and partners of KC2020

The final draft of KC2020 was approved and adopted in 2018 ICL-IPL Kyoto Conference. ICL is sending the invitation to potential organizations to join KC2020. Invited organizations include ICL members (ICL full members, ICL associates, and ICL supporters), ICL supporting organizations, partners of the Sendai Partnerships 2015–2025, and governments which support ICL members in their countries.

In order to promote KC2020, ICL has established the ICL associates as a new ICL membership category. Its membership fee is 20% of ICL full member membership fee, i.e., 100 USD (low-income countries), 200 USD (lower middle-income countries), 400 USD (upper middle-income countries), and 600 USD (high-income countries) in 2018. Sixteen associates joined ICL in 2018. ICL has decided to create a new category of ICL supporting organizations in 2018 ICL-IPL Kyoto Conference. The ICL supporting organization was established by the 2006 Tokyo Action Plan to promote the International Programme on Landslides. ICL had exchanged MOU with each of seven global stakeholders (UNESCO, WMO, FAO, UNISDR, UNU, ISC, WFEO) to promote the Action Plan in 2016. Those were the initial ICL supporting organizations. ICL wishes to invite other organizations who can also contribute to the KC2020 as ICL supporting organization by establishing an official cooperation status. An invited speaker of WLF5 is requested to promote his/her organization to one of ICL associates or ICL supporting organizations as well as ICL full members and ICL supporters for the establishment and further development of KC2020 for reducing landslide disaster risk.