1 Introduction

Model building is at the heart of system design. This is true in many engineering disciplines and is increasingly the case in software engineering. Model-driven engineering (MDE) [16] is a software development methodology that focuses on creating models of different system views from which system artifacts such as code and configuration data are automatically generated. This vision has already produced results that are available for industrial practice, but these results are only partial and specific to certain domains and languages.

The best possible scenario occurs when a source modeling language can be perfectly linked to a target language of election. Namely, a well-defined mapping bridges the gap between the source and the target language. Otherwise, manual encoding of the system design is cumbersome and error prone. Moreover, keeping the resulting code and the design views synchronized is very difficult since any changes in each of them will require manual changes to the other part.

In this setting, we provide the definition of a mapping comes to bridge the gap between chosen source and target languages with the aim of saving the effort and exposition to errors that a manual translation conveys. More concretely, we introduce a SQL-PLFootnote 1 code generator for OCL expressions. Namely, our source language is the Object Constraint Language (OCL) [23] that is used to express constraints and queries using a textual notation on UML models. Our target language is the procedural language (PL) extension to the Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is a special-purpose programming language designed for managing data in relational database management systems (RDBMS). The purpose of PL for SQL is to combine database language and procedural programming language.

A variety of applications arises for a mapping from OCL to SQL expressions. Among others, there are three prominent types. These are (i) evaluation of OCL expressions (analysis queries and metrics) on large model’s instances (in line with the discussions in [6, 19]); (ii) identification of constraints during data modeling that have to be checked as integrity constraints on actual data (in line with the discussion in [25]); and (iii) automatic code generation from models (in line with the discussion in [2]).

In the past, we explored other strategies to address (i) and contribute to (iii). To address (i), we built EOS, an efficient Java component for OCL evaluation [6]. Moreover, we contributed our previous OCL to MySQL mapping to advance (iii). It was used as a key component of a toolkit [2] that automatically generated ready-to-deploy web applications for secure data management from design models. The security policies that the toolkit handled were written in SecureUML [3] over a data model. SecureUML extends role-based access control policies with dynamic authorization constraints that have to be evaluated at runtime. Our component was used to map and evaluate these OCL constraints specified in the SecureUML policies.

OCL is an OMG [23] and ISO standard [14] specification language. As part of UML, it was originally intended for modeling properties that could not be easily or naturally captured using graphical notation (e.g., class invariants in a UML class diagram).

SQL is also an ISO standard [31]. However, SQL full standard is divided into several parts dealing with different aspects of the language or its processing. Also, different RDBMS implement certain syntactic variations to the standard SQL notation. Thus, we had to adapt the implementation of our mapping to each of them. As implementation targets we selected MariaDB [17], PostgreSQL [27], and MS SQL Server [18]. Also, we kept MySQL [20] which was our first target. MariaDB and PostgreSQL were selected because they are open source and widely used by developers. MS SQL server was selected to be able to compare evaluation time from open source to commercial RDBMS. Yet, it is in our roadmap to implement our mapping into other commercial engines like Oracle 12c or the Adaptive Server Enterprise/Anywhere RDBMS by Sybase, among others. Our code generator is defined recursively over the structure of OCL expressions, and it is implemented in the SQL-PL4OCL tool that is publicly available at [10]. In the following sections, we discuss the structure of the code produced by our new mapping, provide examples, and benchmark query evaluation time in MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MS SQL Server.

The seminal work of the mapping presented here can be found in [9, 13]. The key idea that enables the mapping from OCL iterator expressions to iterative stored procedures remains the same, but the work detailed in this paper introduces a novel mapping from OCL expressions to SQL-PL stored procedures.

The most remarkable differences are stated in Remark 1.

Remark 1

Key differences to our previous mapping

  1. i.

    Each OCL expression, either non-iterator or (nested) iterator expression, is mapped into just one stored procedure.

  2. ii.

    The evaluation of the source OCL expression once mapped is retrieved by executing exactly one call-statement. This call statement provokes the execution of the procedure and, in particular, the execution of an SQL query written in the last part of the outermost block of the procedure that retrieves the evaluation of the OCL expression.

  3. iii.

    We only use temporary tables for intermediate and final values’ storage. Final values’ tables hold the resulting value of a query execution.

  4. iv.

    We have adapted our mapping to deal with the three-valued semantics of OCL.

Decisions (i) and (ii) have facilitated the recursive definition of the code generator and simplify its definition. Decision (iii) has significantly decreased the time required for the evaluation of the code generated. Feature (iv) enables to deal properly with the three-valued evaluation semantics of OCL. In addition, our original work and implementation was intended only for the procedural extension of MySQL, while our new definition eased the implementation of the mapping into other relational database management systems. In turn, we can now evaluate the resulting code using different RDBMS, which permits us to widen our discussion regarding efficiency in terms of evaluation time of the code produced by SQL-PL4OCL tool.

1.1 Organization

In Sect. 2, we explain the basics about the source and target languages of our mapping, namely OCL and SQL-PL. In Sect. 3, we explain how OCL contextual models are mapped to databases’ schemas and records. In Sect. 4, we summarize the main ideas behind our mapping definition and explain the expected new structure of the PL blocks of code. Section 5 provides details about the definition that map OCL to SQL-PL expressions. In Sect. 6, we explain the architecture of the SQL-PL4OCL tool, how syntactic variations among the DBMS are tackled, and benchmark the times obtained by evaluating examples into the different engines. Finally, Sects. 7 and 8 discuss related work, future work, and conclusions.

2 Background

2.1 Data models

We use a strict subset of UML class diagrams for modeling the data. This restricted modeling language is used as the contextual model for OCL. It essentially provides a simplified subset of UML class models where classes can be related by associations and may have attributes. Also, classes may be related by generalization relationships. Attributes may have either primitive or class types and association-ends have class types.Footnote 2 As expected, the type of an attribute is the type of the attribute values, and the type associated to an association-end is the type of the objects which may be linked at this end of the association.

2.2 Object Constraint Language (OCL): constraints and queries

The Object Constraint Language (OCL) [14] is a pure specification language, also considered as a textual modeling language. In fact, OCL expressions are always written in the context of a model, and they are evaluated on scenarios of this model. This evaluation returns a value but does not change anything of the model: OCL is a side effect-free language. OCL can be used as a constraint language and as a query language, i.e., OCL can be used to analyze models and to validate them over selected scenarios or concrete system states as well as to launch arbitrary queries upon models.

We summarize next the main elements of the OCL language which are used in this paper. OCL is a strongly typed language. Expressions either have a primitive type (namely Boolean, Integer, Real, and String), a class type, or a collection type (built up on a element type that may be either a primitive type or a class type). OCL distinguishes three different collection types: Set, Sequence, OrderedSet and Bag. Set means a mathematical set. It does not contain duplicate elements. A Bag is like a Set, which may contain duplicates (it corresponds to the mathematical structure multiset); that is, the same element may be in a bag twice or more times. A Sequence is like a Bag in which the elements are ordered. Both Bags and Sets have no order defined on them. OCL provides the standard operators on primitive types and on collections. For example, the operator includes checks whether a given object is part of a collection, and the operator isEmpty checks whether a collection is empty. Furthermore, OCL provides a dot-operator to navigate to the properties of the objects, i.e., objects’ attributes and association-ends, and to access some operations. For example, let u be an object of the class Car. Then, the expression u.model refers to the value of the attribute model for the Caru, and the expression u.owners refers to the objects linked to the Caru through the association-end owners. In addition, OCL provides the operator allInstances to retrieve all instances of a class. For example, the expression Car.allInstances() refers to all the objects of the class Car. Finally, OCL provides operators to iterate on collections as forAll, exists, select, reject, one, and collect. For example, Car.allInstances()->select(u|u.model=’BMW’) refers to the collection of objects of the class Car whose attribute model has the value ‘BMW.’

2.3 Structured Query Language (SQL): queries and stored procedures

The Structured Query Language (SQL) is a special-purpose programming language designed for managing data in relational database management systems (RDBMS). Originally based upon relational algebra and tuple relational calculus, its scope includes data insert, query, update and delete, schema creation and modification, and data access control. Accordingly, SQL commands can be divided into two: the Data Definition Language (DDL) that contains the commands used to create and destroy databases and database objects; and the Data Manipulation Language (DML) that can be used to insert, delete, retrieve, and modify the data stored in databases. Although SQL is to a great extent a declarative language, it also includes procedural elements.

Currently, SQL corresponds to an ISO standard [31]. However, issues of SQL code portability between major RDBMS products still exist due to lack of full compliance with, or different interpretations of, the standard. Among the reasons mentioned are the large size and incomplete specification of the standard, as well as vendor lock-in. For the work presented in this paper, we actually use as a target language a procedural extension of SQL which was originally developed by Oracle Corporation in the early 1990s to enhance the capabilities of SQL. It was later adopted by other RDBMS, namely PL/pgSQL in PostgreSQL, stored procedures in MySQL and MariaDB, or TransactSQL (T-SQL) in SQL Server.

In particular, the procedural extensions to SQL support stored procedures which are routines (like a subprogram in a regular computing language) that are stored in the database. The procedural extension to SQL allows sending an entire block of statements to the database at one time within a stored procedure. A stored procedure has a name, may have a parameter list, and a SQL statement, which can contain many other SQL statements. The procedural languages are designed to extend the SQL’s abilities while being able to integrate well with SQL. Yet, stored procedures cannot be called within SQL queries.

Stored procedures provide a special syntax for local variables, error handling, loop control, if-conditions and cursors, and flow control which allow the definition of iterative structures. Within stored programs, begin-end blocks are used to enclose multiple SQL statements, namely to write compound statements. A block consists of various types of declarations (e.g., variables, cursors, handlers) and program code (e.g., assignments, conditional statements, loops). The order in which these can occur in a routine body is the following (1) variable and condition declarations; (2) cursor declarations; (3) handler declarations; (4) program code.

Moreover, begin-end blocks have two other features that are particularly useful in our case: (i) begin-end blocks can be nested; (ii) variables declared in outer begin-end blocks are visible in the inner blocks at any level of depth. Both of these features are crucial in our mapping to easily and recursively map OCL expressions that contain nested operators expressions. Figure 1 gives an idea of the structure that nested blocks adopt within stored procedures. Another case is OCL sequential operators; in such case, these are mapped into sequential blocks. Figure 2 gives an idea of the structure that sequential blocks adopt within stored procedures. Furthermore, we can have a combination of sequential and nested operators; in that case, the stored procedure will have a combination of sequential and nested blocks. Finally, to invoke a stored procedure, we use the call statement; i.e., the routines showed in Figs. 1 or 2 are invoked by the following statement:

figure c
Fig. 1
figure 1

Nested blocks structure in Stored Procedures

Fig. 2
figure 2

Sequential blocks structure in Stored Procedures

3 Mapping data models to databases

In this section, we will explain how a restricted subset of UML class diagrams (i.e., data models) and object diagrams are mapped to SQL-PL tables by our code generator. We will introduce first how we map OCL types to SQL-PL types. Second, we will detail the definition of our code generator.

3.1 A brief description of the relation between OCL and SQL type systems

OCL is a contextual language which takes syntactic constructs from its contextual model. But, independently of the contextual model, the OCL type system contains the primitive types Boolean, Integer, Real, and String. Our code generator maps these types to the following SQL types: Boolean, Int, Real, and Varchar( 250), respectively. When the contextual model for the OCL expressions is a structural model, like our data model, the OCL type system also contains one class type for each class specified in the class diagram. In this section, we will also explain how our code generator maps UML class types to SQL tables. Collection types are also present in OCL, for instance, Set, Bag, OrderedSet, and Sequence that may take as a parameter a primitive type, or a class type, e.g., Set(Integer). These types do not have a direct mapping to SQL since SQL type system does not have collection types. However, the result of an OCL query may be a collection of elements, and the execution of the code generated in SQL to translate this OCL query will also return a collection of elements. Collection of collections are also possible in OCL. These are collection types taking as parameter another collection type, for example, Bag(Set(Car)). We decided not to map collection of collections to SQL since the complexity added to our code generator would be major and, on the other hand, they are difficult to use by designers or developers unless they have an advanced knowledge of the OCL language. In [13], we mentioned an strategy that is still valid for the mapping presented here. Namely, to cover collections of collections we have to modify our queries \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) in order to obtain more structured result-sets. More concretely, to cope with expressions denoting types, each element in the result-set of a query produced by our code generator shall not only hold a value, but also its type. Then, to cope with expressions defining collection of collections, the result-set returned by executing the query produced by our code generator shall take the form of a left join, in which all the elements of the same subcollection are joint together. Like collection types, OCL tuple types cannot be mapped to SQL types; however, we could implement the evaluation semantics of OCL tuples by expanding the strategy that we apply for sequence types. Namely, we could perform the evaluation of each of the n-tuples separatedly and ensure the allocation of each tuple evaluation result in a different table’s column. Due to the complexity, it would add to our code generator and we leave this discussion out of the scope of this paper. Last but not least, the OCL special types, i.e., Invalid, Void, and Any do not have a counterpart in SQL either. Yet, the null value which is the unique value of the Void type is mapped to the null value of SQL. We do not consider the invalid value in our mapping.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Example: The Car–Company model

3.2 Guiding example: the Car–Company model

Let us now introduce a Car–Company model that we will use as our guiding example. The Car–Company model shown in Fig. 3 is a data model that contains five classes: the class Car, the class Company, the class Person, and two subclasses of the latter: Employees and Customer, which are used, respectively, to distinguish among employees and customers of the company. The class Compa-ny has an association, people, to the class Person to indicate that objects of type Company are related to objects of type Person. The classes Car and Person are related by an association to reflect that cars sold by the company may be owned by people, either customers or employees, who may also buy a car. The association is called ownership, and its association-ends are, respectively, ownedCars and owners. The class Company has the attribute name of type String. The class Car has the attributes model, and color of type String, and the attribute price, of type Real. The class Person has the attributes name, surname, of type String, and age, of type Int. The class Customer inherits the attributes specified in the class Person. In addition to the attributes inherited from the class Person, the class Employee has the attribute salary of type Real.

3.3 Mapping data and object models to SQL-PL tables and records

Our code generator maps the underlying data and object models (i.e., the ‘context’ and the evaluation scenario of the OCL queries) to SQL-PL tables and records (resp.) following the next (rather) standard rules.

Let M be a class diagram, and let O be an instance of M. Then,


Each class A in M is mapped to a table \({ nm}(A)\)Footnote 3, which contains, by default, a column pk of type Int as its primary key. Then, each object o in O of class type A is represented by a row in table \({ nm}(A)\) and is identified by a unique value placed automatically in the column pk (\(>0\) and not null). This value is also automatically incremented (\(+1\)) each time a new row is inserted.

Class attribute.:

Given a class A, each attribute W of A is mapped to a column \({ nm}(W)\) of table \({ nm}(A)\), being the type of \({ nm}(W)\) the corresponding type of W, according to the rules for mapping types that we introduced at the beginning of this section. Then, the value of W for an object o, instance of class A, is mapped to the value held by the column \({ nm}(W)\) for the record that is identified by the pk value assigned to o in table \({ nm}(A)\).Footnote 4


Given two classes A and B, each many-to-many association P between A and B, with association-ends \({ rl\_A}\) (at the class A) and \({ rl\_B}\) (at the class B), is mapped to a junction table \({ nm}(P)\), which contains two columns \({ nm}({ rl\_A})\) and \({ nm}({ rl\_B})\), both of type Int. Then, a P-link between an object o of class A and an object \(o'\) of class B is represented by a row in table \({ nm}(P)\), where \({ nm}({ rl\_A})\) holds the key denoting \({ o}\) and \({ nm}({ rl\_B})\) holds the key denoting \(o'\) as foreign keys’ references.

For one-to-many associations, we add a foreign key column on the table corresponding to the class in the many-side of the relationship. This column holds the key value referencing the object linked in the one-side of the association.


Each class C, subclass of a class A, is mapped to a table \({ nm}(C)\) together with its direct (i.e., not inherited) attributes and associations following the definitions described above. But, in addition, a foreign key column, fk, is added to \({ nm}(C)\) referencing the primary key column of the table \({ nm}(A)\) that maps class A.

Although it is not completely obvious, this definition is controlling how tables which correspond to classes related by inheritance are populated. We avoid discussing it further here since it would add a complexity that is not of direct value to the presentation of our code generator. Yet, we provide examples next that will help to understand the rationale behind our definition. The interested reader can find the details in [9].

Remark 2

The above mapping rules assume that source data models satisfy the following (rather) natural constraints:

  • Each class has a unique name.

  • Each attribute within a class has a unique name.

  • A class cannot inherit properties, i.e., association-ends or attributes, that have the same name along inheritance relationships.

  • Each association is a binary relation that is uniquely characterized by its association-ends. Moreover, the association-ends in a self-association have different names.

Mapping the Car–Company model to a database structure.

From now on, we will choose MariaDB (fully compatible with MySQL) syntax to illustrate the code generated by our mapping, both for the definitions and the examples.

The command that is automatically generated to map the class Person to a SQL table is:

figure d

Similarly, the classes Car and Company are mapped to tables.

The command that is automatically generated to map the class Employee to a SQL table is:

figure e

Similarly, the class Customer is mapped to a table.

The command that is automatically generated to map the association ownership to a SQL table is:

figure f

Similarly, the association people is mapped to a table.

Please notice that in the structure of the tables that we create for the subclasses Employee (and Customer), the subclasses hold an additional column fkPerson as a foreign key to the primary key of the table Person that corresponds to their parent class.

Fig. 4
figure 4

a Simple Car–Company model. b Car–Company table

4 SQL-PL4OCL : structure of the generated code in a Nutshell

In this section, we briefly introduce the novel structure of the code produced by our SQL-PL generator for OCL expressions. This section is intended to help the understanding of our mapping definition in the following section. For any input OCL expression, our code generator always produces a stored procedure that can be invoked using a call statement, as we explain next.

Given an OCL expression exp, our code generator \({ patternproc}({ exp})\) generates the following pattern.

figure g

The generated code contains the declaration of the stored procedure (lines 2-5), headed by its creation command and name (line 1). The main block is enclosed by the delimiters begin-end. The code contained by the main block is generated by the auxiliary functions \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) and \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) (lines 3-4). These functions generate code that mirrors the structure of the OCL expressions. The role of the function \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) is to generate code when the mapping of the expression, exp, needs of an auxiliary block definition. The role of the function \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) is always to generate a query that retrieves the values corresponding to the evaluation of exp. Finally, the function \({ patternproc}({ exp})\) also generates a call-statement to execute the stored procedure (line 6).Footnote 5

Simple expressions. There are cases in which the function \({ codegen}_{ b}(exp)\) does not generate any code. It happens when exp is a kind of expression that does not need any auxiliary block definition within the stored procedure to be mapped. Examples of this kind of expressions are operators over classes, operators between sets or bags, and math operators.

Example 1

The code generated by \({ patternproc}({ exp})\) for the expression exp=Car.allInstances() is:

figure h

where \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) generates the following specific code:

figure i

Note that when the stored procedure is executed, the result is a table containing a column called val, which holds all the values of the column pk (primary key) from the records of table Car. \(\square \)

Example 2

Consider now the expression exp=Car.allIns- tances().model. The code generated by \({ patternproc}({ exp})\) is:

figure j

where \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) generates the following specific code:

figure k

Note that when the stored procedure is executed, the result is a table containing a column called val, which holds all values of the column model from the records of the Car table.\(\square \)

Example 3

Consider the following OCL expression \({ exp}\), \({ exp } = { exp_1}\)->notEmpty(), where \({ exp_1}\) is an expression which does not contain any operator subexpression that requires a block definition, then \({ patternproc}({ exp})\) generates the following code:

figure l

\(\square \)

In what follows, we will see how our code generator can recursively deal with the recursive structure of OCL expressions.

Complex expressions.

There are other cases for which the function \({ codegen}_{ b}(exp)\) does generate code because mapping a given expression, exp, needs of an auxiliary block definition. This auxiliary block is required either for the expression to be properly mapped or because we have noticed that it brings efficiency to the execution. For example, in some cases we noticed that executing a given sequence of operations within a block required less time than executing a given SQL query, and we tailored our mapping accordingly. We consider occurrences of complex expressions to operators over sequences, iterators, etc. Next, we sketch the idea of our mapping in these cases and provide examples.

4.1 Sequence operators

Let \({ exp}\) be a sequence expression. Let the shape of this expression be op(\({ exp_1}\),...,\({ exp_n}\)) and consider that the subexpressions \({ exp_1}\),...,\({ exp_n}\) need to be mapped into blocks too. Then, \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) generates the SQL-PL blocks:

figure m

while, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) generates:

figure n

Note that \({ basictype}({{ tp}})\) is the SQL type associated with the UML type tp.

Example 4

Consider now the expression exp=’hi’.charac-ters().union(’ho’.characters()). Then, the code generated by \({ patternproc}({ exp})\) is:

figure o

where \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) generates the following specific code:

figure p

While \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) generates the following specific code:

figure q

Note that when a stored procedure is executed to evaluate a expression of sequence type, the result is stored in a table containing two columns called pos and val, which holds all values (in the column val) ordered by the position given in the column pos.

4.2 Iterator expressions

These expressions are of the form \({ src}\)-> \({ iterOp(v| body)}\) whose top operator is an iterator operator.Footnote 6 For each iterator expression \({ exp}\), our code generator produces a stored procedure composed of an iterative block and a query following the structure introduced at the beginning of the section.

When the stored procedure is called, it

  1. Step 1.

    creates a temporary table;

  2. Step 2.

    executes, for each element in the \({ src}\)-collection that is instantiating the iterator variable \({ v}\) the \({ body}\) of the iterator expression;

  3. Step 3.

    processes and stores in the table, created in Step 1, the result of the query \({ codegen}_{ q}( body)\), according to the semantics of the iterator operator.

The function \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) generates a query that retrieves the values corresponding to the evaluation of \({ exp}\) from the table that has been created and filled in during the execution of the iterative block of the stored procedure. Finally, as we shown before, the function \({ patternproc}({ exp})\) also generates a call-statement to actually execute the procedure \({ patternproc}({ exp})\).

Example 5

Iterator expressions. Consider the expression exp = Car.allInstances()->select(u|u.model=’BMW’). The code generated by \({ patternproc}({ exp})\) is:

figure r

where \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) generates the following specific code:

figure s

The definition of the block (line 1–23) contains the following declarations: first some variables are declared (lines 2–7); following Step 1, a new temporary table is created (note that it is deleted if it exists) (lines 8–9); following Step 2, for each element of the source (lines 11–12), the value of the result of the execution of the body is calculated; however, following Step 3, this value is only inserted into the new table (lines 18–19) if the condition of the body is satisfied (lines 13–21), according to the semantics of the iterator operation.

Finally, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) generates the following specific code:

figure t

Note that, as it happened for Example 1, the result of the execution of the stored procedure is a table containing a column called val, which holds all records of the table Car whose model is ‘BMW.’ \(\square \)

To conclude, let us say that the potential complexity of the OCL expression is mirrored within the stored procedure by using the function \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\).

Within such procedure, the general idea that drives the mapping of OCL complex expressions is that OCL sequential operators are mapped to sequential blocks, and OCL nested operators are mapped to nested blocks. In addition, there will always be an outermost begin-end enclosing block that contains the query to retrieve the evaluation result when the procedure is invoked.

Remark 3


We do not cover yet completely the whole OCL language. However, we cover most of the operators listed in the OCL standard library [23, Chapter 11]. More concretely, we cover operators on primitive types String, Boolean, Integer and Real; operators on Set, Bag and Sequence types; and all iterator operators except orderBy and closure. Last but not least, we do cover nested iterator expressions, i.e., iterator expressions whose body also contains iterator expressions, for example, Person.allInstances()->forAll(p|Car.allInstances()->exists(c|p.ownedCars->includes(c))). We will deal in detail with this type of expression in the following section. Yet, we do not support tuples or nested collections. Finally, we neither support static collections of AnyType, and we have to refer the null value explicity, i.e., null::String.

5 The SQL-PL4OCL code generator

In this section, we take advantage of the explanation about the structure of the code generated in previous section. It will allow the reader to understand more easily the definition of our mapping. Below, we provide the mapping definition for those operations from the OCL standard library [22, Chapter 11] that we have considered more illustrative. The exhaustive definition of the mapping for all the operations of the OCL standard library is provided in [10]. We start each definition with the name of the operator, followed by a brief description of its semantics, and the definition of its mapping.

5.1 Mapping simple OCL expressions

In this section, we show how we define our mapping for simple expressions. Recall from the previous section that these are expressions for which the top operator is mapped directly to a SQL query without the need of declaring auxiliary SQL-PL blocks. Fall within this category model-specific operators, boolean, numeric, and collection operators for sets and bags.

5.1.1 Model-specific operators

There are operations in OCL that the language ‘borrows’ from the contextual model. These operations vary when the contextual model changes and they refer to association-ends, classes’ attributes, and classes’ identifiers.

In the following, we consider \({ exp_1}\) to be an OCL expression of type class, or (not ordered) set or bag.

allInstances(). It returns all the instances of the class that it receives as argument. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ C}\).allInstances(), where \({ C}\) is a class of the contextual model. Then, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) returns the following SQL query:

figure u

Attribute Expression. It retrieves an attribute’s values of the instances returned by the source expression.

Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ exp_1}\).\({ attr}\) where \({ attr}\) is an attribute of a class A. Then, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) returns the following SQL query:

figure v

Note that \({ al}()\) generates a unique alias names for tables.

Association-End Expression. It retrieves the instances linked to the objects returned by the source expression through the association-end.

Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ exp_1}\).\({ rl\_A}\) (resp. \({ exp_1}\).\({ rl\_B}\)), where \({ rl\_A}\) (resp. \({ rl\_B}\)) is the A-end (resp. B-end) of an association \({ P}\) between two classes A and B. Then, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) returns the following SQL query:

figure w

In all cases previously described, the top expression exp does not require any block definition. Thus \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) consists only of the blocks that might be required by its subexpression:

figure x

Example 6

Model-specific operators. The following examples do only generate SQL queries. None of them need blocks for their definition, i.e., \({ codegen}_{ b}( exp)\) is empty in all cases.

Q1. Query the ages of all employees.

figure y
figure z

Notice that since Employee is a subclass of Person that inherits from it the attribute age, we recover with the SQL query the column age of the table Person, but only for the rows contained by the table Employee. This is enforced by the left join used to align the foreign keys contained by the table Employee with the keys contained by the table Person.

Q2. Query the cars owned by all persons.

figure aa
figure ab

\(\square \)

5.1.2 Boolean value returning operators

In all cases described below, the top expression exp does not require any block definition. Thus, \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) consists only of the blocks that might be required by its sub-expression:

figure ac

isEmpty(). It returns ‘true’ if the source collection is empty, and ‘false’ otherwise. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ exp_1}\)->isEmpty(). Then, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) is the following SQL query:

figure ad

The operator isEmpty() does not require any block definition; thus, \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) is composed by the blocks of its subexpression (if any):

figure ae

For the operator notEmpty(), ‘> ’ replaces ‘=’ in the above SQL query.

includes. It returns ‘true’ if the source collection \({ exp_1}\) contains the element exp.

Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ exp_1}\)->inclu-des(\({ exp_2}\)). Then, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) returns the following SQL query:

figure af

The operator includes does not require any block definition; thus, \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) is composed by the blocks of its subexpressions (if any):

figure ag

For the operator excludes, ‘not in’ replaces ‘in’ in the above SQL query.

includesAll. It returns ‘true’ if the collection \({ exp_1}\) contains all the elements in the collection \({ exp_2}\), and ‘false’ otherwise. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ exp_1}\)->includesAll(\({ exp_2}\)). Then, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) returns the following SQL query:

figure ah

The operator excludesAll returns ‘true’ if the collection \({ exp_1}\) does not contain all the elements in the collection \({ exp_2}\), and ‘false’ otherwise. For the operator excludesAll, ‘not in’ replaces ‘in’ in the above SQL-PL statement.

In all cases previously described, the expression exp does not require any block definition. Thus, \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) consists only of the blocks that might be required by its subexpressions:

figure ai

Example 7

Boolean value returning operators.

The following examples only need to generate SQL queries. None of them require a block definition. \({ codegen}_{ b}( exp)\), in all cases, is empty.

Q3. Query whether there are ‘BMW’ cars in the company.

figure aj
figure ak

\(\square \)

5.1.3 Numeric value returning operators

Again, for all cases described below, the top expression exp does not require any block definition. Thus, \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) consists only of the blocks that might be required by its subexpression:

figure al

size. It returns the size of the source collection. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ exp_1}\)->size(). Then, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) is the following SQL query:

figure am

sum. It returns the sum of the elements in the source collection that must be of numeric type. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ exp_1}\)->sum().

Then, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) is the following SQL query:

figure an

Example 8

Numeric value returning operators.

The following examples do only generate SQL queries. None of them need blocks for their definition, i.e., \({ codegen}_{ b}( exp)\) is empty in all cases.

Q4. Count the number of customers.

figure ao
figure ap

\(\square \)

5.1.4 Collection operators for set and bag types

asSet. The set containing all the elements from the source collection, with duplicates removed (if any). Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ exp_1}\)->asSet(). Then, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) is the following SQL query:

figure aq

union. It returns the set union (resp. multiset union) of both sets (resp. bags) passed as arguments to the operation. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ exp_1}\)->un-ion(\({ exp_2}\)), where both \({ exp_1}\) and \({ exp_2}\) are sets. Then, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) returns the following SQL query:

figure ar

When \({ exp_1}\) or \({ exp_2}\) are bags, then ‘union all’ will replace ‘union’ in the above SQL query. The operator including that returns the bag containing all elements of the source collection \({ exp_1}\) plus the element \({ exp_2}\) passed as argument is mapped exactly as the operator union is.

excluding. It returns the bag that results from removing the element \({ exp_2}\) from the source collection \({ exp_1}\). Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ exp_1}\)->exclu-ding(\({ exp_2}\)). Then, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) returns the following SQL query:

figure as

Example 9

Collection Operators. The following examples do only generate SQL queries. None of them need blocks for their definition, i.e., \({ codegen}_{ b}( exp)\) is empty in all cases.

Q5. Query the surnames of all customers but those whose surname is ‘Smith.’

figure at
figure au

5.2 Mapping complex OCL expressions

In this section, we introduce the mapping definition for those top operators whose definition needs to generate both SQL queries and blocks, namely sequence and iterator operators.

5.2.1 Sequence operators

In OCL, there is an operation for building a sequence from a set or a bag of elements. This operation is asSe- quence(). Remember that when we talk about a sequence in OCL, we talk about a collection of elements that are assigned a position in a list. Sequences allow for duplicated elements.

asSequence(). Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ exp_1}\).asSequence(). Then, \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) generates the SQL-PL blocks:

figure av

while \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) generates:

figure aw

Example 10

Sequence Operators.

Q6. Query the length of a sequence that contains all instances of Person.

figure ax
figure ay

\(\square \)

5.2.2 Mapping OCL iterator expressions

Since the semantics of each OCL iterator operator can be defined through a mapping from the iterator to the iterate construct, we could have decided to translate the iterate expressions resulting from those mappings in order to generate code for the iterator operations like reject, select, forAll, exists, collect, one, sortedBy, isUnique and any by applying the iterate pattern. In fact, this was the decision made for the definition of the OCL2SQL code generator in [28]; however, they did not succeed in finding a pattern to map the iterate expressions and therefore the iterator expressions were not mapped either. Instead, we decided to generate code specifically for each iterator operator according to its semantics. In this way, we can generate code that is less complex and more tailored to the semantics of each iterator operator. Also this decision allows us, as we explain below, to end a block at an intermediate iteration step once the evaluation result of the translated iterator is clear. For instance, when the execution of the code generated to map the body of a forAll expression returns false at one iteration step, the procedure is terminated returning false.

The basic idea is therefore that, for each iterator expression \({ exp}\), our code generator produces a SQL-PL block that, when it is called creates a table, denoted by \({ nm}({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp}))\), from which we obtain using a simple select-statement the values corresponding to the evaluation of \({ exp}\). By now, we assume that the types of the src-subexpressions are either sets or bags of primitive or class types.

Let \({ exp}\) be an iterator expression of the form \({ src}\)-> iter_op(\({ var}|{ body}\)). Then, \({ codegen}_{ q}({ exp})\) returns the following SQL query:

figure az

while \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) generates the following scheme of SQL-PL blocks:

figure ba

Basically, \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) generates a block [lines 2–22] which creates the table \({ nm}({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp}))\) [line 9] and execute, for each element in the \({ src}\)-collection [lines 5,12–14], the \({ body}\) [line 15] of the iterator expression \({ exp}\). More concretely, until all elements in the \({ src}\)-collection have been considered, \({ codegen}_{ b}({ exp})\) repeats the following process: (i) it instantiates the iterator variable \({ var}\) in the \({ body}\)-subexpression, each time with a different element of the \({ src}\)-collection, which it fetches from \({ codegen}_{ q}( src)\) using a cursor [lines 12–14]; and (ii) using the so-called iterator-specific processing code, it processes in \({ nm}({ codegen}_{ b}( exp))\) the result of the query \({ codegen}_{ q}( body)\), according to the semantics of the iterator \({ iter\_op}\) [line 17]. In addition, in the case of the four iterators: forAll, one, exists and sortedBy, the table \({ nm}({ codegen}_{ b}( exp))\) is initialized, using the so-called initialization-specific code [line 11], and in the case of the iterator isUnique, an ‘end-specific code’ is required. Moreover, for the iterators forAll and exists, the process described above will also be finished when, for any element in the \({ src}\)-collection, the result of the query \({ codegen}_{ q}( body)\) contains the value corresponding, in the case of the iterator forAll, to False or, in the case of the iterator exists, to True.

In the remaining of this subsection, we specify, for each case of iterator expression, the corresponding ‘value-specific type,’ ‘initialization-specific code,’ ‘iterator-specific processing code,’ and ‘end-specific code’ produced by our code generator when instantiating the general schema. Again, for all cases, the ‘cursor-specific type’ is the SQL-PL type which represents, according to our mapping (see Sect. 3.1), the type of the elements in the \({ src}\).

forAll-iterator. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ src}\)-> forAll(\({ var}|{ body}\)). This operation returns ‘true’ if \({ body}\) is ‘true’ for all elements in the source collection \({ src}\). The ‘holes’ in the scheme \({ codegen}_{ b}( exp)\) will be filled as follows:

  • value-specific type:boolean.

  • Initialization code:

    figure bb
  • Iteration-processing code:

    figure bc

exists-iterator. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ src}\)-> exists(\({ var}|{ body}\)). This operation returns ‘true’ if \({ body}\) is ‘true’ for at least one element in the source collection \({ src}\). The ‘holes’ in the scheme \({ codegen}_{ b}( exp)\) will be filled as follows:

  • value-specific type:boolean.

  • Initialization code:

    figure bd
  • Iteration-processing code:

    figure be

one-iterator. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form src-> one(\({ var}|{ body}\)). This operation returns ‘true’ if \({ body}\) is ‘true’ for exactly one element in the source collection \({ src}\). The ‘holes’ in the scheme \({ codegen}_{ b}( exp)\) will be filled as follows:

  • value-specific type:boolean.

  • Initialization code:

    figure bf
  • Iteration-processing code:

    figure bg

sortedBy-iterator. According to [23], it results in the OrderedSet containing all elements of the source collection ordered in descending order according to the values returned by the evaluation of the body expression. The order considered is given by the operation < that should be defined on the type of the body expression. We consider instead the order given by the operation \(\le \) in order to be able to include in the resulting ordered set those elements for which the evaluation of the body returns exactly the same value.

Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form src->sortedBy(\({ var}|{ body}\)). This operation returns the collection of elements in the \({ src}\) expression ordered by the criterion specified by \({ body}\).

The ‘holes’ in the scheme \({ codegen}_{ b}( exp)\) will be filled as follows:

  • value-specific type: the SQL type which represents, according to our mapping, the type of the \({ body}\).

  • Initialization code:

    figure bh
  • Iteration-processing code:

    figure bi

collect-iterator. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ src}\)->collect(\({ var}|{ body}\)). This expression returns the collection of objects that result from evaluating \({ body}\) for each element in the source collection \({ src}\). The ‘holes’ in the scheme \({ codegen}_{ b}( exp)\) will be filled as follows:

  • value-specific type: the SQL-PL type which represents, according to our mapping, the type of the \({ body}\).

  • Iteration-processing code:

    figure bj

select-iterator. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ src}\)->select(\({ var}|{ body}\)). This expression returns a subcollection of the source collection \({ src}\) containing all elements for which \({ body}\) evaluates to ‘true.’ The ‘holes’ in the scheme \({ codegen}_{ b}( exp)\) will be filled as follows:

  • value-specific type: the SQL-PL type which represents, according to our mapping, the type of the elements in the \({ src}\).

  • Iteration-processing code:

    figure bk

reject-iterator. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ source}\)->reject(\({ var}\mid { body}\)). This expression returns a subcollection of the source collection \({ src}\) containing all elements for which \({ body}\) evaluates to \({ false}\). The ‘holes’ in the scheme \({ codegen}_{ b}( exp)\) will be filled as follows:

  • value-specific type: the SQL-PL type which represents, according to our mapping, the type of the elements in the \({ src}\).

  • Iteration-processing code:

    figure bl

isUnique-iterator. Let \({ exp}\) be an expression of the form \({ source}\)->isUnique(\({ var} \)\( \mid \)\( { body}\)). This expression returns True if all elements of the collection of objects that result from evaluating \({ body}\) for each element in the source collection \({ src}\) are different. The ‘holes’ in the scheme \({ codegen}_{ b}( exp)\) will be filled as follows:

  • value-specific type: boolean

  • Initialization code:

    figure bm

    where value-specific type: the SQL-PL type which represents, according to our mapping, the type of the elements in the \({ body}\).

  • Iteration-processing code:

    figure bn
  • End code:

    figure bo

Example 11

Nested and sequential iterator expressions.

Q7. Check whether there is a car owner whose surname is Perez.

figure bp
figure bq

Q8. Check whether exists a person, who owner a car, with surname Perez.

figure br
figure bs

\(\square \)

To conclude this section, we would like to remark, some general invariants in our mappings:

  • nested operators, which require blocks definitions, are mapped into nested blocks, while sequential operators are mapped into sequential blocks.

  • the results of expressions with simple types and sets are mapped into tables with a column called val, while expressions with sequence types are mapped into tables with two columns, one for the values (i.e., val) and the another for the positions (i.e., pos).

  • when we talk about iterators, the statement:

    figure bt

    defined when the src-collection is a sequence has the following format:

    figure bu
Fig. 5
figure 5

SQL-PL4OCL tool component architecture

6 The SQL-PL4OCL tool

The SQL-PL4OCL tool rewrites the tool introduced in [13] to target not just MySQL (or MariaDB) but also PostgreSQL and SQL Server DBMS. The new implementation does not comply to the mapping we introduced in [9, 13] but to the one defined in Sect. 5. Please recall Remark 1 (Sect. 1) for a summary of the differences.

Essentially, SQL-PL4OCL is a code generator tool that using as input a data model (as specified in Sect. 3), a list of OCL queries, and a vendor identifier, it generates a set of statements ready to create the database with the tables that correspond to the data model (following the mapping introduced in Sect. 3), and a list of stored procedures (one per OCL query, following the definition specified in Sect. 5). Figure 6 shows two screenshots of the tool interface. Of course, the resulting code is produced adapted to the syntax of each target RDBMS.

Figure 5 shows the main components of the tool architecture. These are:

  • DM validator: This component checks whether the input data model fulfills the restrictions about well-formedness that we explain in Sect. 3 (Remark 2), so as to serve as a valid context for OCL queries.

  • OCL validator: This component parses each OCL query of input in the context of the data model. Only if a query parses correctly (and our mapping covers it), it is used as input to produce code.

  • DB engine selector: This component receives as input the vendor identifier so as the code generated is syntactically adapted to the selected RDBMS.

  • DB model generator: This component generates the engine-specific statements to create the database and corresponding tables.

  • SQL-PL generator: This component generates the engine-specific statements to create the SQL-PL stored procedures corresponding to the input OCL queries.

The complexity of supporting multiple RDBMS is brought by their implementation differences. Perhaps the most noticeable difference is the language they parse. Even though all engines use some flavor of SQL, these all differ in how variables, stored procedures, and built-in functions are declared in their procedural extensions. Also, PostgreSQL supports different procedural languages (we targeted at PL/pgSQL), MS SQL Server uses Transact SQL and MySQL uses yet another dialect (fully compatible with MariaDB’s).

As implementation strategy, we avoided the burden of dealing with the subtleties of each SQL dialect within the mapping algorithm by defining a plugin-based architecture. In this architecture, each plugin component is responsible for performing the appropriate translation for the RDBMS it targets. In [32], the reader can find a comparison that gives idea of the variations among the different SQL dialects. We encourage the interested reader to use our tool, which is available at [10], to investigate them.

6.1 A benchmark to explore the efficiency of the code generated

Table 1 shows a benchmark to test the performance (in terms of the evaluation time) of a sample of OCL mapped queries into the different DBMS. In this sample, we included both simple expressions (Q1-Q7), and complex expressions (Q8-Q14), including iterator and sequence operators. All the expressions in the benchmark were evaluated on an artificial scenario that we created. The scenario is an instance of the Car–Company data model depicted in Fig. 3. This instance contains \(10^6\) instances of class Car, \(10^5\) instances of class Person (all of them are Employees), and \(10^2\) instances of class Company, where each company is associated with \(10^2\) instances of Person, and each person owns 10 different cars. All car instances have a color different from black.

We used bold font to highlight the lowest evaluation time of each query in Table 1. By just taking a look, it turns apparent that MariaDB, an open-source database, achieves the fastest evaluation times for the majority of the queries and, most importantly, for almost the totality of complex expressions.Footnote 7

Fig. 6
figure 6

SQL-PL4OCL tool: screenshots

In our view, a dedicated experimentation would be needed in order to outline a function that may relate an OCL expression evaluation over an scenario with the time that the evaluation of the translated query takes over a database. Yet, we have identified three parameters which seem to correlate directly to the increase in the evaluation time of an expression translated by our mapping. More concretely,

  1. i.

    The OCL expression contains access to attributes or association-ends. Their translation into left joins (of size n \(\times \) m) makes them expensive in time. Also, the materialization of a left join performed between different tables (i.e., for translating an association, as in Q3 and Q7) is more expensive than one performed by a table with itself (i.e., for translating access to an attribute, as in Q2 and Q6). The time gets worse when the source table is larger, i.e., with a high n. For example, compare evaluation times for queries Q3 and Q4 where the size of the source collection is \(10^6\) and \(10^5\) (resp.), or queries Q2 and Q12 for which the size of the left join (owners.ownedCars) is \(10^6 \times 10\) and \(1 \times 10\) (resp.).

  2. ii.

    The size of the outermost source collection in an OCL iterator expression (if there is no stop criterion applied). For example, to evaluate Q9 the cursor has to fetch values from a table of size \(10^6\), however, to evaluate Q10 the cursor only fetches one value and the procedure stops. Notice also the different evaluation time between Q2 and Q11 (which are similar expressions in semantics) since the last is shaped as an iterator expression.

  3. iii.

    The number of insertions to a table when this is required by the mapping to translate a query. In particular, insertions to a table are always required for evaluating sequence expressions. As an example we compare queries Q8 and Q9. The size of the source expression for both queries is the same (\(10^6\)). However, the evaluation of Q8 requires the insertion of intermediate values into a table while Q9 evaluation does not. Similarly happens with Q2 and Q13. The different evaluation time between Q8 and Q14 seems to be due to the generation of the autoincremented position value for the latter.

Table 1 Evaluation times

7 Related work

The work [29] is concerned about the translation of OCL to SQL and viceversa. This translation supports only OCL class invariants and, partially, the operators forAll, select, and exists. Because of this clear limitation, many of the problems discussed in previous sections are not considered. Another limited translation is presented in [30]. Its main result is the implementation of a solution that generates SQL code from OCL simple expressions as a part of Enterprise Architect. However, this solution cannot deal with OCL iterator expressions or sequences.

To the best of our knowledge, the idea of mapping OCL iterators to stored procedures was first proposed in [28]; however, the idea was not fully developed:

‘Das Ergebnis des hier vorgestellten Abbildungsmusters kann für einen Teilausdruck nicht direkt in das Abbildungsergebnis eines anderen Teilausdrucks eingesetzt werden. Die Kombinationstechnik wird nicht formal beschrieben.’ [28, pag.59] [...]

‘Es ist in dieser Arbeit nicht gelungen, eine übersichtliche und vollständig formale Darstellung für die prozeduralen Abbildungsmuster zu finden.’ [28, pag.112]Footnote 8

Neither have we found any other development of it afterward. Since we are concerned with query evaluation, it is crucial for the mapping to preserve evaluation semantics, in particular for navigation expressions. For instance, the expression p.ownedCars.owners where p is an object returns a bag where some elements may be repeated. However, the translation proposed in [11, 28] removes duplicates because it relies on the SQL in operator. Thus, to preserve the evaluation semantics of navigations expressions we decided to employ SQL left joins instead of the in operator.

There are other much less relevant differences between both mappings that we do not treat here due to space limitations. In [12], they present the architecture of the Dresden OCL2SQL tool where they introduce views to hold those elements which do not fulfill a constraint mapped using the patterns in [11, 28]. They also propose some pattern refinements to ease the implementation and tailor the results for different DBMS. In [15], they propose a novel architecture for a query code generation framework where different transformation patterns, e.g., OCL2SQL or OCL2XQuery could be integrated. The patterns to perform the mapping OCL2SQL are those already reviewed. In [26], they model geographical information systems with UML and OCL but they also propose an extension to the OCL-type system to represent some basic geometric elements. Their final aim is to implement the modeled systems and to evaluate their constraints in the relational database which contains the actual spatial data so they intend to study whether the tool OCL2SQL would fit their needs. Most of the OCL constraints handled in this work contain iterators so, in principle, we could cover their generation. However, we need to study further how well we could deal with their extension to the OCL type system. In [1], they explore a model transformation approach from UML to CWM [21] and from OCL to a patterns metamodel. This is a feasible approach but as far as we know, it did not have further development. In any case, we do not use model transformations as the mapping technique.

The work in [5] introduces a different strategy for query translation to ours. Instead of a compile time translation, they propose a runtime query translation from model-level languages like EOL, to persistent query languages like SQL. Each EOL query is splitted up into subexpressions that are handled by the appropriate implementation classes. We expect to obtain an interesting comparison when this runtime implementation strategy is applied to translate OCL to SQL.

In [4], authors explore how participation constraints defined on binary associations, e.g., ‘xor’ constraint, can be expressed at two different levels, in OCL as a constraint language, and as SQL triggers. No mapping from OCL to SQL expressions is proposed.

In [7], the author proposes OCL transformations rules to SQL standard for some simple OCL expressions. However, complex expressionsFootnote 9 are not covered, neither the recursive nature of the OCL language. We could not test their tool since it does not seem to be publically available.

In [25], the authors propose an approach to reduce the problem of the satisfiability of an OCL constraint to check the emptiness of some SQL query in an RDBMS. This evaluation can be performed incrementally if some update is applied to the data stored. In their paper, the mapping from OCL constraints does not directly target SQL. In contrast, it translates OCL to a logic called Event-Dependency Constraints (EDC). From EDC, they generate SQL statements with a pattern-based approach. The coverage of OCL supported by their mapping is not detailed. However, they report about an experiment using four examples for which they reach lower evaluation times in SQL than the times returned by evaluating the code produced with MySQL4OCL. In our view, a detailed comparison in terms of efficiency and in terms of OCL language coverage is needed.

The work in [8] is motivated by the concern of expressing database integrity constraints as business rules in a more abstract language. In the process of business rules identification, it describes the mapping between SQL SELECT statements, certain type of PL blocks and the equivalent OCL expressions. Although very interesting, this mapping that is based on the structure of SQL expressions is focused in covering the mapping for SQL projections, joins, conditions, functions, group by and having clauses. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only work dealing with the translation from SQL to OCL up to date.

8 Conclusions and future work

In this work, we have detailed a novel mapping from OCL expressions to SQL-PL stored procedures. The seminal work of our mapping was introduced in [9, 13]. However, the definition provided here is improved with respect to the previous one, being the most remarkable differences the following: (1) each OCL expression (no matter its complexity) is mapped to just one stored procedure that is executed by just one call-statement; (2) we employ temporary tables in the stored procedures which help improve evaluation time of resulting code; (3) we consider the three-valued evaluation semantics of OCL. Moreover, while our original work met only the procedural extension of MySQL, our new definition has eased the implementation task and we managed to target several relational database management systems, both open source and proprietary. This fact allowed us to compare the evaluation time of the resulting code into the different RDBMS. Finally, we implemented and made available our SQL-PL4OCL tool at [10].

Since OCL is a language created to be used at design time of the software engineering lifecycle, we would like, as a matter of primary objective for future work, to integrate our code generator with Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools which support design of systems. As part of this work, we will extend our mapping to cover Aggregation and Composition relationships which are frequently used by software architects and developers to indicate a part-whole relationship. Both types of relationships are binary associations. Since the semantics of Aggregation (i.e., shared aggregation) varies by application area and modeler [24, page 110], we will study its mapping case by case. However, since the semantics of Composition (i.e., composite aggregation) states that the composite object has the responsibility for the existence and storage of the composed objects [24, page 110], Composition will be mapped as a one-to-many relationship (as we explained in Sect. 3.3). Moreover, when the instance at the ‘one’ side of the Composition is removed, all instances linked to it through this relation will also be removed.

Regarding evaluation times, we would like to implement a lazy evaluation strategy for our SQL-PL4OCL tool to optimize OCL expressions’ evaluation times, as we identified in [6]. Nevertheless, without using a lazy strategy we have improved resulting evaluation times with respect to previous versions of our mapping [13].

Of course, as a priority in our roadmap is removing current limitations of our mapping.

Also, we noticed that very few works deal with the translation of SQL to OCL. The lessons learned by defining the presented mapping appear to us as a good starting point to address the backwards traceability from SQL to OCL.

Other interesting future lines of work are, on the one hand, adapting our mapping to mobile embedded databases, i.e., SQLite. On the other hand, it is to study the feasibility of mapping OCL to NoSQL databases. Yet, we are aware of the difficulty of the mapping definition and the implementation efforts from one NoSQL database to another, since they lack of standardization.