1 Introduction

Over the past few years, hashtags have been widely used in social media to provide the topical information of user-generated content. Hashtags are shown to be useful in many applications including event detection [1], information diffusion [5], sentiment analysis [6], information retrieval [9], text classification [42], and so on. However, hashtags are manually created, and many social media texts do not contain hashtags due to users’ uncertainty and unwillingness to use hashtags. We therefore take up the task of automatically recommending the hashtags to social media texts.

In this paper, we use publicly accessible tweets from Twitter to create our dataset. Twitter is one of the biggest social networking platforms with millions of active users. Users share information with their friends and followers in the form of tweets. Tweets are short texts with a maximum length of 280 characters. Due to the length constraint, tweets are usually broadcasted with limited context. Hashtags provide a better representation of tweets and facilitate improved user participation in discussions [4]. However, a large fraction of tweets do not contain any hashtag due to insufficient knowledge about the relevant hashtags [18, 28].

Several methods [22, 49] have been proposed to recommend hashtags for a tweet. Existing works on hashtag recommendation depend on the intrinsic information present in the tweet such as similar tweets [48], similar topics [39], and link information [38]. Unlike typical texts with many words or sentences, tweets often consist of one or two sentences, which present several challenges in existing methods. Short tweets do not provide sufficient term co-occurrence information. Employing traditional text-matching techniques [48] to find similar tweets have several limitations due to the sparse representation of tweets. Recommending hashtags based on similar topics using topic modeling techniques [14, 39] may fail as these techniques are developed for long documents that contain sufficient term co-occurrences but short tweets contain a very limited term co-occurrence information. A large fraction of tweets do not contain links to external sources, which prevent to get co-occurrence information from external sources. As a result, existing link-based techniques [33, 38] also do not perform well in understanding the context of a general tweet, thereby recommending better hashtags for a tweet.

The focus of this paper is to develop an effective method for recommending hashtags to short tweets using intrinsic information present in tweets and extrinsic information from external knowledge sources. The extrinsic information has been proven to be useful for many applications [19, 46]. This information can also be used to fill the semantic gap in short tweet representation by getting sufficient term co-occurrences. The semantic gap problem can be realized from the following example tweet: ‘Breaking News: Hope Hicks, told Maggie Haberman she plans to resign from White House #HopeHicks #Maggie #Haberman #Trump #Hope #Hicks #News #America #Pennsylvania #WhiteHouse #US.’ The tweet is not only annotated with some of the keywords present in it but also with the terms that are not present in the tweet such as #Trump, #America, #Pennsylvania, #US. Although these keywords are semantically related to the tweet, the information about these keywords is not readily available. This is referred to as the semantic gap problem. To reduce the semantic gap, we utilize the extrinsic information from external sources by incorporating Wikipedia, word-embeddings, and web-pages. Furthermore, we propose a word-embedding-based tweet similarity method to recommend hashtags for a tweet from semantically related tweets, which can also reduce the semantic gap problem.

A tweet often contains hashtags that were originally generated by a popular or influential user. If a popular user starts a campaign or event with a hashtag, many of his followers and other users start promoting the event by putting the same hashtag as generated by the popular user. A popular user usually has a large number of users connected to him. As a result, hashtags created by a popular user are most commonly used in social media compared to that generated by an ordinary user. Therefore, it is essential to look into the user’s influential position in the Twitter network while recommending hashtags for a tweet. In this paper, we determine user influence by considering user connections and status to recommend better hashtags.

Our key contributions are as follows:

  • We propose a novel word-embedding-based framework to recommend hashtags for tweets.

  • We address the data sparsity problem of short tweet representation by incorporating the extrinsic information of tweets.

  • We present a user influence metric to recommend the improved hashtags.

  • To achieve better performance, we integrate different hashtag recommendation methods and recommend the top-ranked hashtags generated by these methods using learning-to-rank.

  • Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves a significant improvement as compared to the current state-of-the-art methods.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we briefly survey the related work. Section 3 presents our methodologies. We proceed by describing the experimental evaluations in Sect. 4. Finally, in Sect. 5, we conclude our work.

2 Related work

In this section, we first give a brief summary of the works on hashtags in Twitter and then review the related works on hashtag recommendation.

2.1 Hashtags in Twitter

The widespread use of hashtags has attracted significant research attention. Many studies have been proposed to address different aspects of hashtags such as hashtag popularity prediction [26, 27, 40], hashtag diffusion [5, 35, 43], hashtag sentiment analysis [6, 21, 42], hashtag recommendation [14, 22, 47], etc. Due to the usefulness of hashtags, many works have been proposed recently to recommend hashtags that help in better retrieval and categorization of tweets. We can categorize these approaches into three main classes, namely content-based hashtag recommendation, topic-based hashtag recommendation, and personalized hashtag recommendation.

2.2 Content-based hashtag recommendation

A major fraction of techniques on hashtag recommendation recommends hashtags for a tweet based on the tweet content [3, 32, 45, 47]. Content-based hashtag recommendation methods usually exploit the similarity between tweets by utilizing their textual features. Zangerle et al. [47] proposed three hashtag recommendation methods, namely (a) OverallPopularityRank, (b) RecommendationPopularityRank, and (c) SimilarityRank. For a given tweet, they first determined the most similar tweets using TF-IDF similarity, and then ranked the hashtags from similar tweets using the three approaches mentioned above. OverallPopularityRank and RecommendationPopularityRank rank the hashtags by considering the popularity of hashtags in the whole dataset and most similar tweets, respectively. SimilarityRank ranks the hashtags based on the similarity score of most similar tweets. They reported that SimilarityRank performs the best in recommending hashtags. Mishne et al. [31] also recommended tags to blog posts based on the textual content of posts. They recommended tags for a new post from the existing contents based on TF-IDF similarity. Otsuka et al. [32] proposed a variant of TF-IDF ranking method, Hashtag Frequency-Inverse Hashtag Ubiquity (HF-IHU). HF-IHU is a hashtag ranking scheme that considers the relevance of hashtags, unlike TF-IDF ranking method that determines the relevance of terms. Kalloubi et al. [20] used entities within a tweet to compute similarity between tweets and recommended hashtags from top-k similar tweets. All the methods mentioned above depend on the textual content present in short tweets. However, tweets do not contain sufficient textual terms, which reduces the probability of relevant tweets to be selected for recommendation. On the other hand, our approach focuses on solving this problem by providing adequate contextual information from external knowledge sources to represent a tweet.

2.3 Topic-based hashtag recommendation

Topic models such as Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) are found to be very useful to discover the latent topics from a text corpus. These methods have also been successfully employed to recommend hashtags for tweets [14, 28, 39, 49]. Godin et al. [14] showed that there are many challenges in recommending hashtags based on the similarity of tweets due to their sparse representation. They employed LDA to recommend hashtags for a tweet based on latent topics of the tweet. LDA model was trained on existing tweets and the same model was used to generate the topic distribution of a new tweet. Top keywords from the dominant topic to this new tweet were recommended as hashtags. She et al. [39] proposed a supervised topic model to recommend hashtags for a tweet. They considered each tweet as a local topic and hashtags as labels of the local topic. They assumed that there is a global topic for the corpus. Using these assumptions, they identified the relationship among hashtags, words and topics of tweets. Ding et al. [7] proposed topic translation model to recommend the hashtags using topic modeling. They assumed that the content of a tweet and its hashtags are based on the same theme but written in different languages. The key idea behind their approach is to find the latent topics of tweets and recommend hashtags based on a particular topic. Ma et al. [28] introduced two PLSA-style topic models that capture relations between latent topics of tweets and respective hashtags. However, topic modeling algorithms were developed for long documents and may not work well in case of short tweets where sufficient term co-occurrence information is not available. In this paper, we incorporate semantically related information of a tweet from external sources, which provide sufficient term co-occurrences.

2.4 Personalized hashtag recommendation

Content-based and topic-based hashtag recommendation methods recommend hashtags based on only textual information present in the tweet. Besides these methods, several personalized hashtag recommendation methods are proposed, which also consider the users’ interests while recommending hashtags. Zhao et al. [50] proposed personalized hashtag recommendation based on user-topic distribution. They first identified top-k similar users based on user-topic distribution and later determined hashtags counts associated to these users to recommend hashtags. Wang to et al. [44] proposed a personalized hashtag recommendation based on collaborative filtering and topical information (or content relevance). They combined global content information to capture topical semantic of posts and users’ preferences from other similar users to obtain personalized information. Liang et al. [24] used various relations among tags, users, and items to determine the meaning of each user and tag. They utilize these relationships for a personalized recommendation. Kywe et al. [22] presented a method to incorporate the users’ preferences in hashtag recommendation. They combined hashtags of both similar tweets and similar users to recommend personalized hashtags. Although they considered similar users, their method would recommend the hashtag only from similar tweets if target users have never used hashtags in the past. TF-IDF was again used to construct the feature vectors which is a sparse representation of short tweets and does not consider the semantics of tweets. However, we use word-embeddings to capture the semantics of the tweet. We also prepare a dense representation of tweets by considering both word-embeddings as well as external features.

Apart from the above-mentioned hashtag recommendation methods, a few graph-based methods [10, 11, 16, 33] have been successfully employed to recommend hashtags. These methods find the correlation between hashtags and tweet texts by constructing a graph and recommend hashtags based on correlation. Our method is complementary to the graph-based methods as we also find the correlation between hashtags and tweets to recommend hashtags for a new tweet. Furthermore, Surendra et al. [38] proposed a method to recommend hashtags using hyperlinks present in tweets. However, we observe that 85.3% of tweets do not contain hyperlinks to external documents and the method [38] may fail to recommend relevant hashtags for these tweets. In this paper, we incorporate semantically related information of a tweet from external knowledge sources.

All the above-mentioned hashtag recommendation methods are primarily based on original tweet-text. Due to data sparsity and semantic gap problems, existing methods do not perform well in understanding the context of a general tweet, thereby recommending better hashtags for the tweet. In this paper, we exploit external knowledge to provide a better representation of tweets. Unlike existing methods, we address the data sparsity and semantic gap problem of tweets using information from multiple external sources. We propose word-embedding hashtag recommendation method that also reduces the semantic gap problem. To build a better hashtag recommendation system that can outperform the individual recommendation system, we aggregate different hashtag recommendation methods using learning-to-rank.

3 Methodology

Fig. 1
figure 1

Systems architecture of hashtag recommendation

Figure 1 shows the architectural overview of the proposed hashtag recommendation system. We divide the task of hashtag recommendation into five primary steps: (a) extrinsic feature extraction; (b) feature selection and processing; (c) candidate hashtag generation; (d) user influence score computation; (e) candidate hashtag recommendation. The proposed system first extracts the tweets from Twitter and stores them in a tweet database. It then extracts extrinsic features from external sources to obtain more context for short tweets. These features are cleaned by removing noisy features. After pre-processing of these features, different candidate hashtag generation techniques are proposed to recommend hashtags for a tweet. All these hashtag generation methods and user influence score are combined using learning-to-rank to recommend better hashtags for a tweet.

3.1 Extrinsic feature extraction

Unlike large documents or blog posts, tweets are short in length. Tweets do not contain sufficient terms or co-occurrence information of terms, which present a great challenge in hashtag recommendation. Employing tweet-tweet similarity methods on short texts may not achieve satisfactory results. Since there is very less context in tweets, it is essential to get more contextual information about tweets from external sources to recommend better hashtags. We extract extrinsic or external features for tweets from external knowledge sources using internal features of tweets. This extracted information from external sources provides an alternate and richer representation of a tweet. We collect external information from multiple sources as follows.

3.1.1 Wikipedia extraction

Wikipedia offers a vast amount of domain-specific knowledge. There is a common phenomenon that entities which occur in the same contexts tend to purport similar or related information [13, 17]. Existing hashtag recommendation methods can be improved by adding the similar entities that are highly related to actual entities present in a tweet. Wikipedia can provide related entities and contextual information related to entities present in a tweet. We therefore take each entityFootnote 1 from the tweet and query WikipediaFootnote 2 to get the Wikipedia page linked to that entity. In this paper, the term ‘entity’ refers to the ‘named entity’ obtained using a widely used named entity recognizer (NER), namely Stanford CoreNLP [29]. As most of the entity extraction methods are case-sensitive, we use TrueCase Annotator from CoreNLP to identify true cases of all the terms in ill-formed tweets. For instance, if a tweet ‘Mr. Chris Cornell dies at sound garden concert in detroit’ is processed by an entity recognizer, it may not detect the entities ‘sound garden’ and ‘detroit,’ which are in lowercase. Moreover, there are a few challenges while extracting knowledge from Wikipedia as follows:

Disambiguation: In the microblogging platform, users do not use a unique name for an entity and often use many ambiguous name. Due to ambiguity, querying an ambiguous term (or entity) to Wikipedia returns multiple pages. For example, querying a term ‘Trump’ results in several Wikipedia pages such as ‘Donald Trump,’ ‘Melania Trump,’ ‘Lara Trump,’ etc. To avoid the ambiguity, we process the complete tweet and use collective agreement between all possible ambiguous sense (or meaning) of that entity and other entities in the tweet [12].

Let us consider \(A_T\) is a set of all entities or anchors occurring in a tweet T, i is a anchor term present in the tweet, \(P_i\) is a page linked to anchor term i. \(\text {Pg}(i)\) (\(P_i \in \text {Pg}(i)\)) is a set of all the pages linked to i. In order to disambiguate each anchor \(i \in A_T\), relevance score \(rel_i(P_i)\) is computed for all \(P_i \in \text {Pg}(i)\) and the page \(P_i\) with the highest value of \(\text {rel}_i(P_i)\) is picked for annotation i \(\rightarrow \) \(P_i\). The relevance score, \(\text {rel}_i(P_i)\) is computed by considering the vote, \(\text {vote}_j(P_i)\) received from other anchor terms j present in \(A_T\):

$$\begin{aligned} \text {rel}_i(P_i) = \sum _{j \in A_T \backslash \{i\}} \text {vote}_j(P_i) \end{aligned}$$

The vote, \(vote_j(P_i)\) received from other anchor terms j to a page \(P_i\) (linked to the anchor term i) is computed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \text {vote}_j(P_i) = \dfrac{\sum _{P_j \in \text {Pg}(j)} \text {rel}(P_j,P_i). \text {Pr}(P_j|j) }{|\text {Pg}(j)|} \end{aligned}$$

where prior probability \(\text {Pr}(p_j/j)\) is computed by dividing the number of times j occurs as an anchor in Wikipedia with the number of times j occurs in Wikipedia (with or without anchor). And the relatedness score, \(\text {rel}(P_i, P_j)\) is computed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \text {rel}(P_i, P_j) = \dfrac{\text {log}(\text {max}(|I|,|J|)) - \text {log}(|I \cap J|)}{\text {log}(|W|) - \text {log}(\text {min}(|I|,|J|))} \end{aligned}$$

where I and J are the set of all pages that link to \(P_i\), \(P_j\), respectively, and W is total number of pages in Wikipedia.

Type and amount of information Wikipedia pages contain lots of useful information, and these pages are often much cleaner than regular web-pages. However, Wikipedia pages also include some information which is not useful in our analysis. We observe that a Wikipedia page usually contains lots of noisy words such as stop words, unimportant verbs, and adjectives, which are not much useful in hashtag recommendation. We therefore extract entities from a page resulted by querying an entity. These entities are semantically related to the original entity in the tweet as most of the entities in a Wikipedia page describe its primary/original entity due to the inherent nature of Wikipedia. We next extract the anchor texts present in a Wikipedia page as anchor texts often represent important concepts or entities. We also extract the category information present at the bottom of the pages as they contain similar subjects as the primary entity. Moreover, Wikipedia pages contain lots of information, and it is more than the required for the tag recommendation. We therefore select only the top three paragraphs from Wikipedia pages.

3.1.2 Web extraction

To build an effective and accurate recommendation system, a significant amount of tweet information is required. Due to limited information and entities present in tweets, the method employed above (i.e., Wikipedia extraction) to extract related information is not sufficient. Wikipedia extraction may not be able to capture the context of the complete tweet. We therefore extract the contextual related information for the tweet from the Web. As we extract streaming tweets related to news events, our data comprise of the latest news events. Ample amount of information related to a news event is also available from different news media sites and web-pages.

To obtain context information for a tweet, we submit the tweet as a query to The Guardian news search engine.Footnote 3 The Guardian is one of the most relevant and widely used sources for daily news events. While querying the search engine using time filter, highly related news documents created recently appears at the top of search results. We extract the first ten documents as these first ten documents are highly related to the tweet. We further filter these extracted documents by measuring the cosine similarity between the headline of documents and the tweet. For the tweet, if a document headline shows the similarity less than a threshold (in our experiment, we empirically set threshold as 0.2), we discard that document. One of the reasons is that headline precisely captures the essence of the whole news article—the higher similarity between the document headline and the tweet, the more similar they are. Including more number of documents adds less relevant and noisy information. We extract the entities and keywordsFootnote 4 from these un-structured pages.

3.1.3 Word-embedding-based extraction

We extract keywords that are semantically related to a tweet using word-embeddings. There are several keywords which are semantically related and co-occur in tweets but may not appear when we perform Wikipedia and Web extraction. We therefore use word-embeddings to find the semantically related words to a tweet using Word2vec most similar function [30]. We train our Word2vec model using 17.6 million news tweets collected from Twitter. Word2vec model creates word-embeddings by generating vector space from the tweet corpus where each word in the corpus is assigned to a vector in the space, and each of these vectors has a dimensionality of 300. Given a tweet, we extract the top-20 words for each term present in the tweet using Word2vec most similar function. We include these words in extrinsic features of a tweet. For a tweet, the information collected from all the above-mentioned external sources is termed as ‘external document,’ ‘extrinsic document,’ or ‘document.’ In the rest of the paper, we use these three terms interchangeably.

3.2 Feature selection and processing

Due to feature extraction from multiple external sources, many redundant and noisy features are generated. To clean the data, standard text processing techniques such as stop words removal, stemming, lemmatization are used. We remove punctuations, numerical characters, URLs, special characters and duplicate words from extrinsic documents. We next remove the words that are not in English and perform spelling correction step. Further, we notice that users often use pronouns to refer nouns or noun phrases in their tweets. While using different hashtag recommendation methods, these nouns are important to determine similar tweets. For example, a user mentions ‘Trump’ once in his tweet and refers to it using pronouns multiple times. Replacing pronouns with nouns will increase the similarity between tweets and thereby recommend better hashtags. We use Bart [41], a modular toolkit for coreference resolution. Next, we use part-of-speech (POS) tagging [29] to get important words by removing trivial words such as ‘usually,’ ‘could,’ ‘where,’ etc. The tagger assigns a POS tag to each word of the given text, such as adverb, modal, particle, etc. Adverbs are represented by ‘RB,’ modals are represented by ‘MD,’ etc. We remove adverbs, symbols, wh-pronouns, wh-adverbs, particles, and modals from the collected extrinsic document. Finally, we remove all features with sparsity more than 0.99 as it helps to prevent overfitting.

3.3 Candidate hashtag generation

In this section, we describe the different hashtag recommendation methods used to generate candidate hashtags.

3.3.1 Similarity using term-based method

A tweet has tweet content and extrinsic document (or document) extracted from external sources. We first discuss the hashtag recommendation based on tweet content similarity and then describe the hashtag recommendation based on document similarity.

It is studied that similar tweets most likely share similar hashtags [22, 47]. Zangerle et al. [47] introduced a hashtag recommendation system that retrieves a set of existing tweets similar to a given tweet. It then recommends hashtags to a given tweet from similar existing tweets. Similarly, we also recommend suitable hashtags to a given tweet based on existing similar tweets. TF-IDF and cosine similarity methods [34] are employed to get similar tweets. We rank the tweets based on their similarities and recommend hashtags from the most similar tweets.

Extrinsic document for a tweet is a collection of features gathered from external sources using tweet content. As we create a larger and semantically related document for the tweet using its internal features (or tweet content), it can capture more contextual information of the tweet which was hindered due to its character limit. As extrinsic document contains most of the related keywords of the tweet, it can capture the similarity better than just tweet similarity. We therefore extend the tweet similarity function to document similarity. Similar to tweet similarity, TF-IDF and cosine similarity are applied to documents to get similar documents for a given document. A document belonging to a tweet share the same hashtags as the tweet. We rank documents based on their similarities and select hashtags from tweets that contain the most similar documents as recommended hashtags for the given tweet.

3.3.2 Similarity using word-embeddings

The method described in the last section aims to recommend hashtags based on text content present in tweets. While finding similar tweets using TF-IDF and cosine similarity, we may miss the semantic information that is not readily available in tweets. We therefore use word-embeddings to compute the semantic similarity between tweets. We use word-embeddings-based Doc2vec model [23] to get the distributed representation of tweets. Each tweet in the semantic space is represented as a document vector or paragraph vector. The vector representation is learned using a neural network, which is trained using stochastic gradient descent where the gradient is acquired via backpropagation [37]. Semantic similarity between two vectors generated using Doc2vec is computed using cosine similarity. We first train Doc2vec model using our tweet corpus and then for a given tweet, we find the most similar tweets. We rank these tweets based on their similarities and select hashtags from the most similar tweets. Similarly, we apply the above Doc2vec-based similarity method for the external document of a tweet to select hashtags from the most similar external documents.

3.3.3 Language translation model

One can suggest hashtags for a tweet by merely looking into the content of the tweet such as annotating a tweet with entities present in it. However, this is not sufficient because tweet content and hashtag have diverse vocabularies, which is referred to as vocabulary gap [7, 25]. Vocabulary gap is mainly created due to the following two reasons: (1) some entities that appear in the tweet can annotate a tweet but these entities are not statistically significant; and (2) some hashtags do not appear in the tweet. We can reduce the vocabulary gap by considering both the tweet and hashtags as parallel summaries of a resource in two different languages. We say that entities and hashtags present in a news tweet are two different representation of the tweet. It means that tweet and hashtag both want to convey the same meaning but both of them have different representations. For example, a tweet usually consists of a few sentences with a maximum length of 280 characters but hashtags are a few words with hash symbols. Language translation model (or LT model) forms a strong relationship between entities and hashtags with the support of other existing tweets. This entity and hashtag information is used to recommend the hashtags for a tweet.

In order to perform this task, LT model estimates the translation probabilities between entities and hashtags in tweets. Consider a tweet has \(N_e\) entities. The recommendation score (s) for a hashtag (\(h_t\)) can be computed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} s(h_t) = \sum _{e_i \in N_e} P(h_t|e_i) \end{aligned}$$

where \(P(h_t|e_i)\) is the conditional probability that is computed by the number of times a hashtag \(h_t\) annotate a tweet t containing an entity \(e_i\) with respect to the frequency of \(e_i\). We rank the hashtags based on their recommendation scores and select the top-ranked hashtags.

3.3.4 Topic modeling

Topic models are statistical models that are used to discover the important topics or hidden semantic structures from a large text corpus [2]. There are many topic modeling techniques such as PLSA (Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis), LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), and TNG (Topical N-grams). Among these techniques, LDA is one of the most widely used technique and it is also used to recommend hashtags for tweets [14]. LDA is a generative topic model, which represents each document (or tweet) as a random mixture of latent topics with definite probabilities. Each topic is characterized by a distribution over words. The terms that usually appear together are placed under the same topic with high probabilities. Document-topic distribution (\(\theta _{dj}\)) is computed using Gibbs sampling as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \theta _{dj} = \dfrac{N^{DT}_{dj} + \alpha }{\sum _{k=1}^T N^{DT}_{dk} + T\alpha } \end{aligned}$$

where D, T are the number of documents, topics, respectively. \(N^{DT}_{dj}\) is number of times topic j assigned to document d. \(\alpha \) is a smoothing constant.

Term-topic distribution (\(\phi _{ij}\)) is also estimated using Gibbs sampling as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \phi _{ij} = \dfrac{N^{WT}_{ij} + \beta }{\sum _{k=1}^W N^{WT}_{kj} + W\beta } \end{aligned}$$

where W and T are the number of terms, topics, respectively. \(N{ij}^{WT}\) is the number of times word i assigned to document j, and \(\beta \) is a smoothing constant. We train the model with parameters \(\alpha =0.1\), \(\beta =0.1\), and \(T=200\). To select the ideal number of topics T, we use perplexity measure. Perplexity is used to determine the performance of topic models [36]. It is a decreasing function of the log likelihood of the test tweets. So, a better model has a lower perplexity. We compute the rate of perplexity change on 10% test tweets. The point where the rate of perplexity no longer falls significantly with an increase in the number of topics is used as the ideal number of topics. Gibbs sampling method integrates these two assignments and updates the topic assignment until convergence.

We train the LDA model using 90% of the collected tweets and use the same model for the remaining test tweets. We again use Gibbs sampling to determine the document-topic distribution of a test tweet. Term-topic distribution is the same as computed during the training of the LDA model. After determining the document-topic distribution for a test tweet, we recommend top keywords from it as recommended hashtags based on the topic-term count.

3.4 User influence score computation

Twitter is one of the social network platforms where a few influential or popular users such as celebrities have a higher influence on the usage of hashtags by other users in Twitter community. Influential users are connected to a large number of other users. Their tweets have a higher exposure compare to an ordinary user [27, 35] and can affect the hashtag adoption of connected users. According to a popular social media journalist,Footnote 5 influential social media users or leaders include hashtags in their tweets and they attract their connected users to promote their tweets. So, tweets created by popular users with a higher number of followers have better reach in the network. Followers often use the same hashtags that are created by the influential user whom they follow. Let us consider the following example:

There are two users u1 and u2, where user u1 is a celebrity having a verified status account and a higher number of followers than user u2. If user u1 tweets about an event with a hashtag (e.g., #FilmfareAwards) and user u2 tweets about the same event with a different hashtags (e.g., #FFAwards), then it is highly likely that the tweet by user u1 would have a higher reach. One of the reasons is that user u1 has more number of followers and there is a high probability that these followers would start tweeting or re-tweeting about the event with the same hashtag used by u1.

As it can be observed from the above example that hashtags used by influential users are more likely to be used by Twitter community. Verified users are one type of influential users. According to Twitter,Footnote 6 a user with public interest is given a verified status. When such users create a tweet, they get high visibility as their tweet is spread to a large audience. These users’ tweets have higher reach in Twitter community and their hashtags are used by a large number of other Twitter users. Recommending hashtags used by verified users can help to avoid hashtag duplication/redundancy, which can lead to effective tweet categorization and retrieval. This can also help users to join a larger conversation. We therefore give more weights to the hashtags used by such users while recommending hashtags for a tweet. For each hashtag, we compute user influence score (UInfh) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \text {UInf}_{h} = \alpha * U_v + \beta * \text {log}(U_f) \end{aligned}$$

where \(U_v\) is the average verified status of all the users who have used the hashtag h. Verified status for a user is set to 1 if the user is verified and 0 otherwise. \(U_f\) is the average of followers count of all the users who have used the hashtag h. \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) are two multiplicative constants. We tried using different values of \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \). In our experiment, we found that our system gives better results with parameters \(\alpha \) = 1 and \(\beta \) = 0.25. One of the reasons is that verified status is given to user accounts which are of public interest. These users have a diverse reach and their tweets influence people all over the world even if they do not have a large number of followers. So, it is important to give priority to the hashtags used by verified users by assigning a higher weight \(\alpha \). The above equation shows that if a hashtag is used by a verified user with a higher number of follower count, user influence score for the hashtag will be higher compared to other hashtags which are not used by such users.

3.5 Candidate hashtag recommendation

In Sect. 3.3, we presented the methods to generate the candidate hashtags. Each of these methods is capable enough to recommend hashtags for a given tweet. While using stand-alone recommendation method, we may not achieve better performance as compared to the combination of all the methods. We therefore aggregate the hashtags generated by all the methods and rank them to get the advantage of these methods. To this end, we frame our problem of hashtag recommendation as a learning-to-rank problem.

3.5.1 Pairwise learning-to-rank model

We use a pairwise learning-to-rank method to recommend the top-ranked hashtags from the candidate hashtags. For a given tweet t, we generate the candidate hashtags using hashtag generation techniques. Each candidate hashtag (\(h_t\)) is represented using a vector of features. We use two sets of features to represent a hashtag vector. The first set contains six features where each feature corresponds to a candidate hashtag selection scheme. For a given candidate hashtag, each of its features in the first set of feature vector is set to 1 if the corresponding hashtag selection method recommends that hashtag (\(h_t\)) for the given tweet. The second set contains a single feature named user influence score. For the candidate hashtag set of a tweet, we create a matrix of feature vectors where each row represents a hashtag. After generating the matrix, we train the RankSVM model to rank these hashtags.

3.5.2 Training learning-to-rank model

We divide all the candidate hashtags of a tweet t into two sets: (a) positive set (\(h_t^+\)), and (b) negative set (\(h_t^-\)). (\(h_t^+\)) is the collection of those hashtags that are actually used to annotate the tweet and (\(h_t^-\)) are those hashtags that are not used to annotate the tweet. We formulate our ranking problem as a classification problem where \(<h^+,h^->\) is a positive instance for the classification and \(<h^-,h^+>\) is a negative instance for the classification. We represent each pair by the difference between feature vectors of two hashtags. Support Vector Machine classifier is trained using these settings for all the tweets in training set. For a new tweet, every hashtag in the candidate hashtag set is paired with every other hashtag in the same set. Each pair of hashtags is represented by the vector difference of the hashtags in the same pair. Each pair is then passed to the classifier that predicts it as a positive or negative instance. To better understand this, let us consider \(H_T\) is a set of candidate hashtags for a new tweet T. We can represent \(H_T\) as follows: \(H_T= {h_1, h_2,\ldots ,h_t}\). Now, we compute the recommendation score \(\text {RS}(h_{t})\) for a hashtag \(h_t\).

$$\begin{aligned} \text {RS}(h_t) = \sum _{h_s \in H_T, h_t \ne h_s} I(h_t, h_s) \end{aligned}$$

where \(I(h_t, h_s)=1\) if \(<h_t,h_s>\) is classified as positive instance else 0. We rank the candidate hashtags based on the recommendation score.

4 Experimental evaluations

In this section, we first give the details about our dataset, dataset preprocessing steps, and then evaluate our proposed methods.

4.1 Dataset collection

In order to validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we collect data from Twitter using Twitter Streaming API.Footnote 7 To get the news tweets, we use top trending news hashtags guided by hashtags.org.Footnote 8 Some of the common keywords used to query streaming API are NEWS, CNN, FoxNews, BBC, etc. In total, we extract 30 million news tweets in the month of March 2018. Among 30 million total tweets, there are 12.4 million retweets and 17.6 million tweets. Further, there are 14.7% tweets, which contain URLs of external sources. We also extract the data from external sources using these URLs. Table 1 presents the dataset statistics of collected 17.6 million tweets. In Table 1, term ‘entity’ indicates ‘named entity’ that is obtained using Stanford CoreNLP [29]. Figs. 2 and 3 show the entity distribution and hashtag distribution of tweets, respectively.

Table 1 Dataset statistics
Fig. 2
figure 2

Entity distribution

Fig. 3
figure 3

Hashtag distribution

To create our dataset, we consider tweets with at least two hashtags so that we can validate our proposed method. There are two million tweets with at least two hashtags. We further remove tweets that are noisy and do not provide sufficient information about an event. We say that a tweet is informative if it contains at least two entities. Tweets without any entity or less than two entities do not convey sufficient information about a news event. It is difficult to get much context from non-informative tweets while querying Wikipedia and Web. Though our proposed method works for all kinds of tweets, we remove the tweets that are not informative for a better recommendation.

4.2 Dataset pre-processing

Due to the inherent nature of the microblogging platform, the collected data are very noisy. Users often use informal and specialized language, which create a great challenge to build a good quality recommender system. We therefore perform pre-processing to clean our dataset. Tweets often contain emojis, URLs, emails, pictographs, etc. These components are not much useful for hashtag recommendation and are removed from tweets. We further clean the dataset using the following steps:

4.2.1 Removing trailing hashtags

Hashtags are usually placed at the end of a tweet. However, there is no restriction on placing the hashtag in a tweet. Many users use hash symbols for a word, which is part of the tweet. We therefore remove all the trailing hashtags but remove only the ‘#’ symbol from a hashtag if it is part of a tweet. For example, ‘Trump clashes with #CNN reporter, suspends WhiteHouse pass #TrumpPressConference #Trump #WhiteHousePressConference.’ In this example, #CNN is a part of the tweet sentence. We remove only the ‘#’ symbol from #CNN but remove all the trailing hashtags such as #TrumpPressConference #Trump #WhiteHousePressConference. The final processed tweet is as follows: Trump clashes with CNN reporter, suspends WhiteHouse pass.

To remove trailing hashtags, we use part-of-speech (POS) tagging. We say that if a preceding word of a hashtag is conjunction, verb or preposition, then the hashtag is a part of the sentence. If a hashtag word is either first word of the sentence or its preceding word is one of following POS tags: ‘SCONJ,’ ‘PART,’ ‘DET,’ ‘CCONJ,’ ‘CONJ,’ ‘AUX,’ ‘ADP,’ ‘ADJ,’ ‘VERB,’ ‘INTJ,’ ‘PRON,’ ‘ADV,’ then the hashtag word is part of the sentence and only # symbol from the hashtag word is removed. Otherwise, the hashtag is not the part of the sentence and complete hashtag word is removed.

4.2.2 Replacing user mentions with user actual names

Users often write user mentions in tweets instead of writing their actual name. For example, consider the following example tweet: @AbeShinzo is meeting @narendramodi tomorrow in the city of Yamanashi Japan. In this tweet, instead of using the name of prime ministers Shinzo Abe and Narendra Modi, a user decides to use user mentions. Replacing these user mentions with their actual name may yield better similarity while recommending hashtags. We use the screen name attribute provided by Twitter and replace user mentions with the corresponding actual names.

4.2.3 Word splitting and contractions

Users often use a combination of multiple words as a hashtag such as #realifequotes, #independenceday, #healthylife, etc. Although ‘independenceday’ and ‘independence day’ convey the same meaning, they would be treated as different tokens by a hashtag recommendation system. If these words are the part of a tweet then they create a challenge for a hashtag recommendation system while finding the similarity between tweets. We therefore split these kinds of big phrases (or hashtags) into smaller meaningful words using word segment module.Footnote 9 We also resolve the contraction and slang problem appearing in a tweet such as ‘yall,’ ‘gotta,’ ‘ima,’ and ‘youre.’ Using contraction module,Footnote 10 these contractions can be fixed. For example, ‘yall,’ ‘gotta,’ ‘ima,’ and ‘youre’ are converted to ‘you all,’ ‘got to,’ ‘i am going to,’ and ‘you are,’ respectively.

4.2.4 Expanding abbreviated terms

In Twitter, users often use abbreviations to convey the meaning in short form due to the limitation of tweet length and ease of writing abbreviations. However, these informal abbreviations are not uniformly used by all the users, which leads to low similarity between tweets while recommending the hashtags. For example, ‘gratz,’ ‘maga,’ and ‘ianap’ are commonly used abbreviations, which indicate ‘Congratulations,’ ‘Make America Great Again,’ and ‘I am not a photographer,’ respectively. To this end, we create a custom dictionary using WebopediaFootnote 11 and GitHub.Footnote 12 We replace all the key abbreviations using their values or expanded forms from the dictionary.

4.2.5 Entity resolution

Due to the inherent nature of social media, users do not use named entities or entities uniformly. Entities are very important for hashtag recommendation as many entities are also used as hashtags to annotate a tweet. For example, let us consider the following tweet: ‘Donald Trump is visiting Singapore tomorrow to meet Kim Jong-un.’ The same news tweet is tweeted differently from different users. Instead of using uniform entities many users use Kim, Kim Jong, Trump, or Donald J. Trump. We can resolve this by providing a uniform name for an entity. To this end, we use TAGME [12] which can annotate entity with its correct name. It uses Wikipedia data to perform this task and link each entity present in a tweet to its correct Wikipedia page. We use the title of the page to rename an entity to its correct form. In addition to all the above pre-processing steps, we also perform stop-word removal, stemming and lemmatization. Table 2 presents the summary of pre-processed informative tweets.

4.3 Method

In this section, we give details of the methods that are compared with our proposed method (i.e., RankSVM with User Influence). We evaluate our proposed method against four baseline methods, two word-embedding-based methods, and one RankSVM-based method.

4.3.1 Term-based tweet similarity method

The method recommends hashtags to a given tweet from similar existing tweets. We use TF-IDF and cosine similarity to retrieve similar tweets. We have given the details of the method in Sect. 3.3.1.

4.3.2 Term-based document similarity method

This method recommends hashtags to a given tweet based on extrinsic documents that are similar to the extrinsic document of a given tweet. The detailed explanation is given in Sect. 3.3.1.

4.3.3 LT model

We implement our LT model, which is inspired by the word trigger method for suggesting tags [25]. We say that entities and hashtags present in a news tweet are two different representation of the tweet. For a given tweet, the model recommends hashtags that are highly associated with entities present in the tweet. We have described the method in Sect. 3.3.3.

4.3.4 LDA

LDA is one of the most popular techniques that have been used to recommend hashtags. LDA uses topic distribution to recommend hashtags for a given tweet. We use Collapsed Gibbs Sampling method to implement LDA [15]. We have provided the details of the method in Sect. 3.3.4.

Table 2 Pre-processed Tweets

4.3.5 Word-embeddings-based tweet similarity method

Word-embeddings-based method is used to compute the semantic similarity between tweets. We use word-embeddings-based Doc2vec model [23] to get the distributed representation of tweets and compute semantic similarity between tweets using cosine similarity. For a given tweet, hashtags are recommended from most similar tweets. The details of the method are provided in Sect. 3.3.2.

4.3.6 Word-embeddings-based document similarity method

We extend the word-embeddings-based tweet similarity to word-embeddings-based document similarity to recommend hashtags from most similar documents as described in Sect. 3.3.2.

4.3.7 RankSVM

RankSVM is a widely used learning-to-rank method [8], which aggregates the above-mentioned six methods to the get advantage of all these methods. RankSVM employs pairwise learning-to-rank strategy to perform this task as mention in Sect. 3.5.

4.4 Evaluation metrics

To evaluate the performance of our proposed method, we use two evaluation metrics, namely precision and recall. These are the most common evaluation metrics used to evaluate the performance of recommender systems. We say that recommended hashtags are retrieved hashtags (\(r_t\)), and relevant hashtags (\(r_l\)) are the hashtags that are originally present in the tweet (i.e., ground-truth hashtags). So according to the definition of precision, it is the fraction of retrieved hashtags that are relevant to the tweet. Recall is the fraction of the relevant hashtags that are successfully retrieved. We formally define precision and recall at k as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}&\text {Precision}@k = \dfrac{r_t \cap r_l}{r_t} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\text {Recall}@k = \dfrac{r_t \cap r_l}{r_l} \end{aligned}$$

where k is the number of top-ranked recommended hashtags. From the above definition, we can also say that precision is the number of common hashtags between actual hashtags present in the tweet and recommended hashtags divided by the number of recommended hashtags. Recall is the number of common hashtags between actual hashtags and recommended hashtags divided by the actual number of hashtags present in the tweet.

4.5 Effectiveness of the methods

Figures 4 and 5 show the performance of all the hashtag recommendation methods including proposed RankSVM-based method. These figures present the results for \(k = 2,3,5\), where k is the number of top-ranked recommended hashtags. We use different values of k to investigate the performance of hashtag recommendation methods with a varying number of recommended hashtags. As we increase the value of k, precision decreases and recall increases for all the methods. All the methods show the best precision at \(k=2\). One of the reasons for this is that the average number of hashtags for a tweet is two. While increasing the recommended hashtags, the number of common hashtags between actual hashtags present in the tweet and recommended hashtags does not increase much, which leads to a lower precision. On the other hand, it can be inferred from Equation 10 that recall increases as the number of recommended hashtag increases. In Figs. 4 and 5, ‘Term based TweetSim,’ ‘Term based DocSim,’ ‘Word-embeddings based TweetSim,’ ‘Word-embeddings based DocSim,’ and ‘RankSVM w/ User Influence’ indicate ‘Term based Tweet Similarity Method,’ ‘Term based Document Similarity Method,’ ‘Word-embeddings based Tweet Similarity Method,’ ‘Word-embeddings based Document Similarity Method,’ and ‘RankSVM with User Influence,’ respectively.

Fig. 4
figure 4


Fig. 5
figure 5


It can be observed from Figs. 4 and 5 that LDA and LT models have lower precision and recall as compared to other methods. For all the three values of k, these methods do not perform well. One of the reasons for the poor performance of these methods is that these methods do not take the tweet context into account. LDA recommends very general topical words as hashtags. It first creates a fixed number of topics and keeps recommending hashtags from these topics that may not be an accurate recommendation for a given specific tweet. Similarly, LT model also does not consider tweet context into account and recommends hashtags that are highly associated with entities present in the tweet. For example, consider an entity e is associated with a hashtag h with high probability. For a new tweet t containing the same entity e, LT model would recommend the high probable hashtag h without considering the context of the new tweet.

Similarity using term-based methods perform better than LDA and LT model as similarity-based methods take tweet context into account. We further notice that the term similarity method based on extrinsic document performs better than the term similarity method based on tweet content. One of the reasons for this is that short tweets have very limited text content and it is difficult to find similar tweets based on their contents. On the other hand, an extrinsic document has enough content to find the most similar tweets based on the extrinsic document similarity.

Tweets usually suffer from semantic gap problem due to their limited length. Using word-embedding-based method, we can reduce the semantic gap problem, and thereby increase the performance of the hashtag recommendation system. As can be observed from Figs. 4 and 5, word-embedding method using tweet content achieves better precision and recall compared to term-based method using tweet content. Similarly, word-embedding method based on extrinsic document also performs better than term-based method using extrinsic document. Further, word-embedding method using extrinsic document performs better than word-embedding method using tweet content. One of the reasons is that extrinsic document has enough features from external sources. These extrinsic features from external sources add more contextual information of tweets and include sufficient non-trivial semantically related features from external sources.

Further, RankSVM performs better than all other existing individual methods. RankSVM is trained in such a way that it ranks the set of candidate hashtags from all the methods according to their relevance. It combines all the similarity-based methods, LDA and LT models. Term-based similarity method and word-embedding-based similarity method capture the context and semantics of tweets. LDA model captures the general topics of tweets and recommends the relevant hashtags. LT model captures the entity-hashtag relationship information for every entity in a tweet and recommends the relevant hashtags. Since all these methods are combined using RankSVM, it recommends more accurate and relevant hashtags for a tweet. Moreover, the largest improvement comes when RankSVM is combined with user influence. Since user influence feature gives weights to popular hashtags, the RankSVM learns to give preference to the popular hashtags which leads to a better performance.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed a novel method to recommend hashtags for tweets using lexical, topical, semantic and user influence features. To eliminate the problem of limited word co-occurrence and data sparsity in short tweets, the proposed method exploited the knowledge from extrinsic sources. External knowledge from extrinsic sources bridges the semantic gap between tweets and related hashtags. The paper proposed different candidate hashtag generation techniques based on lexical, topical and semantic features of tweets. Unlike existing methods that rely on the similarity of tweets, the paper proposed word-embedding-based hashtag recommendation method that reduces the semantic gap between tweets and hashtags. To recommend more relevant hashtags, the paper aggregated multiple hashtag generation methods using learning-to-rank. Experimental results showed that the proposed method achieves a significant improvement in precision and recall compared to existing hashtag recommendation methods.