1 Introduction

Character recognition technology has been applied in many fields. For alpha-numeric and Chinese characters, recognition methods have matured enough to achieve high accuracy on not only printed but also handwritten characters. However, handwritten Hangul recognizers still cannot provide sufficient performance for practical applications. The major difficulty of handwritten Hangul recognition (HHR) comes from a multitude of confusing characters and excessive cursiveness in writing.

Researchers have developed various methods to recognize handwritten Hangul characters. Among them, structural methods have reported the best results [13]. However, they have not been widely used in real fields because of several practical limitations: They are vulnerable to image degradation and require heavy computation in structural matching. The learning of structural models also remains open. On the other hand, statistical recognizers have been widely applied in handwritten Chinese character recognition (HCCR) and have shown high performance [46]. Nevertheless, they have not received high attention in HHR, because their early trials showed much poorer performance than those of structural recognizers [7].

The past decade has seen significant improvements in statistical recognition methods, especially in HCCR. Particularly, wisely designed character normalization and feature extraction algorithms as well as discriminative classifier learning algorithms were found effective to alleviate shape variations and to improve discrimination ability [5, 6, 810]. We suggest that most of the recent improvements in statistical recognition methods are also applicable to HHR. However, without a systematic evaluation, they cannot draw enough attention in HHR because of their discouraging experience in the past.

In this study, we comprehensively evaluate the effects of state-of-the-art statistical methods in HHR. Specifically, we implemented fifteen character normalization methods, five feature extraction methods, and four classification methods known effective to HCCR and evaluated their performances on two public Hangul databases. We compare the best performance achieved by statistical methods with that of the best structural recognizers reported so far. The experimental results show that in addition to their computational efficiency, statistical recognition methods can perform competitively as structural recognizers in HHR. This has not been reported previously.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 briefly reviews previous works on HHR and related statistical recognition methods. Section 3 describes the recognition system used in our evaluation study. Sections 46 respectively explain the character normalization methods, feature extraction methods, and classification methods evaluated in this study. Section 7 presents our experimental results, and finally, concluding remarks are provided in Sect. 8.

2 Related works

Character recognition methods can be grouped into two categories: structural and statistical. Structural methods describe the input character as strokes or contour segments and identify the class by matching with the structural models of candidate classes. The structural models are usually built by hand because off-the-shelf algorithms for automatic structural learning are not available. Also, the structural matching, as a combinatorial optimization problem, is computationally expensive. On the other hand, statistical methods represent the character image as a feature vector and classify the feature vector using statistical classifiers (in general sense, including all classifiers that work on feature vectors). There are many algorithms for statistical classifier learning, and the classification of vectors is computationally efficient. Although statistical methods are known better in recognition of many other languages, structural methods outperformed statistical methods in HHR.

Kim and Kim proposed a structural method based on hierarchical random graph representation for HHR [1]. Given a character image, they extract strokes and represented into an attributed graph, which is matched with character models using a bottom-up matching algorithm. Kang and Kim proposed an improved method by modeling between-strokes relationship [2]. Jang proposed a post-processing method for the methods of [1] and [2] to improve discrimination ability [3]. The post-processor consists of a set of pair-wise discriminators, each specialized for a pair of graphemes with similar shapes.

Some researchers tried statistical methods to recognize handwritten Hangul. Bae et al. proposed an HHR method based on neural networks [11]. They first classify the input image into one of six predefined types by a neural network. Then, on extracting features from the input image using dynamic bars pursuant to the character type, the feature vector is classified using a secondary neural network specialized to the character type. Kim et al. developed a recognizer using a hierarchical interactive neural network [12]. Jeong developed a handwritten Hangul recognizer using a clustering algorithm and a set of neural network classifiers [7]. The method of [11] and [12] reported recognition rates 85.8 and 95 %, respectively, on different datasets of small sizes. The study of [7] reported recognition performance evaluated on a well-known public Hangul database PE92, which is significantly lower than those of the structural recognizers mentioned above even though it considered a smaller number of classes than the other works. On the public database PE92, the best performance was 87.7 % reported in [2]. On another public Hangul database SERI, also known as KU-1, the best performance was 93.4 % reported in [3].

Despite the superior performance achieved by structural methods in HHR, statistical methods are popularly used for the recognition of other scripts, including handwritten Chinese character recognition (HCCR) [6]. In recent years, there have been significant improvements in statistical recognition methods. Particularly, classification algorithms based on the quadratic discriminant function (QDF) and the modified QDF (MQDF, proposed by Kimural et al. [14]) have reported superior performance. Liu et al. proposed an improved version of MQDF called discriminative learning QDF (DLQDF) [8]. As well, there were significant advances in the methods of character normalization [9, 10, 1519] and feature extraction [4, 20], which improves the recognition performance via reshaping the distributions of classes in the feature space and improving separability.

3 Statistical handwritten hangul recognition system

In order to evaluate the performance of various statistical recognition methods, we built an experimental recognition system as shown in Fig. 1. It consists of three main steps: character normalization, feature extraction, and classification. Normalization is to regulate the size and alleviate the shape variation of the character image. Feature extraction is to represent the normalized image as a feature vector reflecting the characteristics of the character shape. Classification is to select a class label as the recognition result of the input character by analyzing the feature vector. Each step has multiple options of implemented methods. In this study, we implemented fifteen normalization methods, five feature extraction methods, and four classification methods and evaluated their performances on two public handwritten Hangul databases. The implemented algorithms are briefly explained in the following Sections.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Block diagram of recognition system

4 Normalization methods

Normalization is a transformation from an input character image to another image with standard size and reduced shape variation. Denoting the input and the output images by \(f(x,y)\) and \(g(x^{\prime }, y^{\prime })\), respectively, a normalization algorithm is implemented by a coordinate mapping from a coordinate \((x, y)\) on \(f(\cdot )\) to its counterpart \((x^{\prime }, y^{\prime })\) on \(g(\cdot )\) as

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ {{\begin{array}{l} {x^{\prime }=x^{\prime }(x,y),} \\ {y^{\prime }=y^{\prime }(x,y).} \\ \end{array} }} \right. \end{aligned}$$

For easing the computation of coordinate mapping and alleviating the shape distortion in normalization, many early normalization algorithms used 1D mapping functions

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ {{\begin{array}{l} {x^{\prime }=x^{\prime }(x),} \\ {y^{\prime }=y^{\prime }(y).} \\ \end{array} }} \right. \end{aligned}$$

In the following, we briefly describe popular 1D normalization algorithms, and then their 2D extensions.

4.1 1D normalization methods

Linear normalization (LN) is the simplest normalization algorithm, which regulates the size and aspect ratio of character image. Imagine that both the input character image and the normalized image are enclosed by bounding boxes. Denote the width and height of the input image as \(W_{\textit{1}}\) and \(H_{\textit{1}}\), and those of the normalized image as \(W_{\textit{2}}\) and \(H_{\textit{2}}\); the coordinate mapping functions of LN are

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ {{\begin{array}{l} {x^{\prime }=\frac{W_2 }{W_1 }x,} \\ {y^{\prime }=\frac{H_2 }{H_1 }y.} \\ \end{array} }} \right. \end{aligned}$$

Linear normalization does not change the relative position and the density of strokes, and therefore, is limited in regulating the character shape. On the other hand, nonlinear normalization algorithms regulate the character shape as well as the size. The nonlinear normalization algorithm based on line density equalization [15, 16] has been shown very effective and has been widely used in HCCR. Its coordinate mapping functions can be represented as

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ {{\begin{array}{l} {x^{\prime }=W_2 \sum \limits _{u=0}^x {h_x (u)} ,} \\ {y^{\prime }=H_2 \sum \limits _{v=0}^y {h_y (v)} ,} \\ \end{array} }} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(h_{x}(x)\) and \(h_{y}(y)\) are normalized line (or pixel) density histograms along the \(x\)-axis and \(y\)-axis, respectively. Denoting by \(d_{x}(x, y)\) and \(d_{y}(x, y)\) as the horizontal and vertical local line (or pixel) densities, and \(p_{x}(x)\) and \(p_{y}(y)\) as their projections onto \(x\) and \(y\) axes, respectively, the normalized density histograms are obtained by

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ {{\begin{array}{l} {h_x (x)=\frac{p_x (x)}{\sum _u {p_x (u)} },} \\ {h_y (y)=\frac{p_y (y)}{\sum _v {p_y (v)} },} \\ \end{array} }} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(p_x (x)=\sum _v {d_x (x,v)} +\alpha \) and \(p_y (y)=\sum _u {d_y (u,y)} +\beta \) are projections; \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) are used to remedy the rows or columns of zero density projection. They usually take zero for line density and nonzero (2 in our experiments) for pixel density.

The definitions of the local density functions \(d_{x}(x, y)\) and \(d_{y}(x, y)\) are variable. In the pixel density equalization (PDE), either \(d_{x}(x, y)\) or \(d_{y}(x, y)\) is simply one for foreground pixels and zero for background pixels. In the line density equalization (LDE), the local line density functions can be obtained in several ways. Among them, Tsukumo and Tanaka’s method showed a good performance at a reasonable computation cost in a previous study [17]. It computes the horizontal/vertical line densities \(d_{x}(x, y)\) and \(d_{y}(x, y)\) by the reciprocal of horizontal/vertical run-length in the background area or takes a small constant in the foreground area.

The line density projection fitting (LDPF) method is an alternative of the line density equalization [9]. With the density projections \(h_{x}(x)\) and \(h_{y}(y)\), it fits the accumulated densities \(\sum _{u=0}^x h_x (u)\) and \(\sum _{v=0}^y h_y (v)\) with a pair of quadratic functions. Then, the quadratic functions substitute the accumulated density functions in (4). The resulting coordinate mapping functions are smoother than those of the density equalization, and therefore, the normalized image has smoother stroke shapes.

The moment normalization (MN) aligns the centroid \((x_{c}, y_{c})\) of the input image to the geometric center of the normalized image \((x_{c}^{\prime }, y_{c}^{\prime }) = (W_{\textit{2}}/2, H_{\textit{2}}/2)\) and re-bounds the input image according to the second-order 1D moments [13]. Denoting the second-order central moments as \(\mu _{\textit{2}0}\) and \(\mu _{\textit{0}2}\), and letting \(\delta _x =4\sqrt{\mu _{20}}\) and \(\delta _y =4\sqrt{\mu _{02}}\) as the re-set character width and height, the coordinate mapping functions are

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ {{\begin{array}{l} {x^{\prime }=\frac{W_2 }{\delta _x }(x-x_c )+x_c^{\prime },}\\ {y^{\prime }=\frac{H_2 }{\delta _y }(y-y_c )+y_c^{\prime }.} \\ \end{array} }} \right. \end{aligned}$$

The moment normalization (MN) is actually a linear transformation. Its difference from the simple linear normalization (LN) lies in the centroid alignment and character re-bounding. The alignment of centroid is particularly effective to reduce the within-class shape variation.

The bi-moment normalization (BMN) [9] is a nonlinear extension of the MN. It also aligns the centroid of the input image, but the width and height are treated asymmetrically with respect to the centroid. In BMN, the second-order moments are split into two parts at the centroid: \(\mu _{x}^{-}, \mu _{x}^{+}, \mu _{y}^{-}\), and \(\mu _{y}^{+}\). The boundaries of the input image are re-set to \(\left[{x}_c -2\sqrt{\mu _x^- }, \,{x}_c +2\sqrt{\mu _x^+}\right]\) and \(\left[{y}_c -2\sqrt{\mu _y^- }, \,{y}_c +2\sqrt{\mu _y^+}\right]\). The x-coordinate mapping function is defined using a quadratic function \(u(x)=ax^{2}+bx+c\) that aligns three points \(\left({x}_c-2\sqrt{\mu _x^-}, x_{c}, {x}_c +2\sqrt{\mu _x^+}\right)\) to the normalized coordinates (0, 0.5, 1), respectively. Similarly, the coordinate mapping is defined using a quadratic function \(v(y)\) that works for the \(y\)-axis. With \(u(x)\) and \(v(y)\), the coordinate mapping functions of BMN are

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ {{\begin{array}{l} {x^{\prime }=W_2 u(x),} \\ {y^{\prime }=H_2 v(y).} \\ \end{array} }} \right. \end{aligned}$$

The centroid-boundary alignment (CBA) algorithm [9] aligns the physical boundaries (spread limits of stroke pixels) and centroid, that is, maps \((0, x_{c}, W_{\textit{1}})\) and \((0,y_{c}, H_{\textit{1}})\) to (0,0.5,1), using a pair of quadratic functions. A modified version of CBA (MCBA) [10] further adjusts the stroke density in the central area by combining sine functions with the quadratic functions as

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ {{\begin{array}{l} {x^{\prime }=W_2 [u(x)+\eta _x \sin (2\pi u(x))],} \\ {y^{\prime }=H_2 [v(y)+\eta _y \sin (2\pi v(y))],} \\ \end{array} }} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where the amplitudes of the sine waves, \(\eta _{x}\) and \(\eta _{y}\), are estimated from the extent of the central area, defined by the centroid of the partial images divided by the global centroid.

In the above 1D normalization methods, the LN and MN are linear transformation methods, while the line/pixel density equalization methods (LDE, PDE), LDPF, BMN, CBA and MCBA methods are nonlinear ones. The 1D coordinate mapping functions using these methods can be extended to 2D functions using the pseudo normalization strategy introduced below.

4.2 Pseudo 2D normalization methods

Although 1D normalization algorithms are simple and fast, their shape restoration capacity is limited because the pixels on the same row/column on the input image are mapped to the same row/column on the normalized image. Pseudo 2D normalization algorithms overcome this limitation while controlling the excessive shape distortion of character images by smoothing the 2D coordinate mapping functions.

Horiuchi et al. proposed a 2D extension of nonlinear normalization based online density equalization [18]. Instead of 1D line density projection, they equalized horizontal/vertical local line densities of each row/column. And to avoid excessive shape distortion, they smoothed the local line densities with a Gaussian filter. This pseudo 2D LDE method results in improved recognition performance but is computationally expensive.

The pseudo 2D normalization method based on line density projection interpolation (LDPI) was shown to yield comparable recognition performance with the above 2D extension by Gaussian smoothing at much lower computation cost [19]. The LDPI method gives 2D coordinate mapping function by combining three 1D mapping functions with a parameterized weighting function. For x-coordinate mapping, the input image is vertically divided into three overlapping soft horizontal strips. Given the local horizontal density function \(d_{x}(x, y)\) of the input image, the local density function of each strip is obtained by

$$\begin{aligned} d_x^{(i)} (x,y)=w^{(i)}(y)d_x (x,y),\quad i=1,2,3, \end{aligned}$$

where \(w^{(i)}(y), i=1,2,3\), are piecewise linear weight functions for the strips. A pre-defined constant \(w_{0}>0\) is used in the weighted functions to control the flexibility of shape transformation (details in [19]). The horizontal density functions of the three strips are then projected onto the \(x\)-axis as

$$\begin{aligned} p_x^i (x)=\sum _v {d_x^i (x,v),\quad i=1,2,3.} \end{aligned}$$

From the density projection of each strip, a 1D coordinate mapping function \(x^{\prime (i)}(x), i=1,2,3\), is obtained using an 1D normalization method (one introduced in Sect. 4.1). Finally, the three 1D coordinate functions are combined into 2D mapping function by interpolation as

$$\begin{aligned} x^{\prime }(x,y)= \left\{ {{\begin{array}{l} {w^{(1)}(y)x^{\prime (1)}(x)+w^{(2)}(y)x^{\prime (2)} (x),\,\, y<y_c,} \\ {w^{(3)}(y)x^{\prime (3)}(x)+w^{(2)}(y)x^{\prime (2)} (x),\,\, y\ge y_c.} \\ \end{array} }} \right. \end{aligned}$$

The 2D coordinate mapping function \(y^{\prime }(x,y)\) for the \(y\)-axis is obtained similarly by dividing the input image into soft vertical strips and combine three 1D coordinate mapping functions \(y^{\prime (i)}(y)\) using weight functions \(w^{(i)}(x), i=1,2,3\).

By projection interpolation, only three 1D coordinate mapping functions are computed and smoothed for either the \(x\)-coordinate or \(y\)-coordinate. Hence, its computation cost is significantly lower than the 2D extension by Gaussian smoothing, which computes and smoothes the 1D coordinate mapping functions of each row and each column. Moreover, the projection interpolation strategy can be flexibly combined with any 1D normalization method, which is used to compute the 1D coordinate mapping function for each strip. The extension of 1D normalization methods to pseudo 2D methods is summarized in Table 1. The pseudo 2D extension of the LN and CBA is not implemented since they are not among the top performing ones. It is noteworthy that the P2DLDE (line density equalization) and P2DPDE (pixel density equalization) are based on 2D extension by Gaussian smoothing (Horiuchi et al. [18]), while the other pseudo 2D algorithms are based on projection interpolation.

Table 1 Summary of normalization methods

Figure 2 shows the normalized images of an input character image using the 1D normalization methods and pseudo 2D methods. It can be seen that pseudo 2D normalization methods better equalize stroke densities than 1D methods but sometimes they yield excessive shape distortion.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Normalized images using 1D and pseudo 2D normalization methods

5 Feature extraction methods

Although numerous types of features have been proposed for character recognition, the orientation/direction histograms of contour chaincode or gradient is dominant and among the best-performing ones [6]. The feature extraction process usually consists of two stages: orientation/direction decomposition and feature blurring/sampling. In the first stage, the contour or edge pixels of the character image are assigned to a number of orientation/direction planes. Decomposition into 4 or 8 directions is popularly adopted. In the second stage, each plane is convolved with a Gaussian blurring mask (low-pass filter) to extract feature values.

The chaincode direction is determined through contour tracing but can be equivalently done by raster scanning. The gradient direction feature is more robust against noise because the gradient is computed from a neighborhood, often using the Sobel operator. The decomposition of gradient into 8 standard directions (corresponding to the 8 chaincode directions) is briefly outlined hereon. At a pixel \((x, y)\), its gradient vector \(\mathbf{g}=(g_{x}, g_{y})\) computed by the Sobel operator is decomposed into its two neighboring standard directions using the parallelogram rule as shown in Fig. 3. The amplitudes (corresponding to the lengths) of the two sub-vectors (\(a\) and \(b\) in Fig. 3) are added to the corresponding direction plane at the pixels of the same location \((x, y)\). For obtaining 4 orientation planes, every two direction planes of opposite directions (e.g., left and right) are merged to one.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Decomposition of gradient vector

From an orientation/direction plane, the feature values are the sampled pixel values after Gaussian filtering. This is equivalent to convolve the plane with a Gaussian blurring mask (impulse response function) centered at the locations of sampling points. The variance parameter of the Gaussian filter can be empirically estimated from the sampling interval [4]. At each sampling point, the feature values of multiple orientations/directions can be viewed as the elements of a local histogram.

Conventionally, feature extraction is performed after character normalization, that is, features are extracted from the normalized image. This procedure is called normalization-based feature extraction (NBFE). For orientation/direction histogram feature extraction, chaincode/gradient direction decomposition can be performed directly on the input image. In this case, the contour/edge direction of original image is assigned to direction planes. The normalized image is not generated, but the coordinate mapping functions are used in direction decomposition: to assign the direction amplitude of pixel \((x, y)\) in input image to pixel \((x^{\prime }, y^{\prime })\) of direction planes. This strategy is called normalization-cooperated feature extraction (NCFE) [20]. It has two advantages: saves computation of normalization and overcomes direction distortion caused by normalization. NCFE was initially proposed for contour direction feature, and Liu proposed an NCFE method for gradient direction feature, called normalization-cooperated gradient feature extraction (NCGFE) [21]. The NCGFE has an alternative that extracts the normalized gradient direction of input image (according to coordinate mapping functions, again not need to generate normalized image). This is called as normalized direction NCGFE (nNCGFE).

In this study, we implemented both chaincode and gradient direction features using either NBFE or NCFE. The variations of features are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2 Feature extraction methods

6 Classification methods

For the classification of handwritten Hangul recognition, we evaluated some statistical classifiers that have demonstrated superior in HCCR. Particularly, the MQDF proposed by Kimura et al. [14] is dominantly used in HCCR and is among the best performing one. It is based on Bayesian decision by assuming multivariate Gaussian density for each class. To modify the quadratic discriminant function (QDF) resulted from Gaussian density, the smallest eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of each class are replaced by a constant. Denoting the \(d\)-dimensional feature vector by x, the MQDF of class \(\omega _i (i=1,2,{\ldots }, M)\) is

$$\begin{aligned} g_2 (\mathbf{x},\omega _i)&= \sum \limits _{j=1}^k {\frac{1}{\lambda _{ij} }\left[(x-\mu _i )^{T}\phi _{ij}\right]^{2}}\nonumber \\&+\frac{1}{\delta _i }\left\{ ||x-\mu _i||^{2}-\sum \limits _{j=1}^k {\left[(x-\mu _i )^{T}\phi _{ij}\right]^{2}}\right\} \nonumber \\&+\sum \limits _{j=1}^k {\log \lambda _{ij} } +(d-k)\log \delta _i, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mu _i\) is the mean vector of class \(\omega _i, \lambda _{ij}\), and \(\phi _{ij}, j=1,2,{\ldots }, d\), are the eigenvalues (sorted in nonascending order) and their corresponding eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of class \(\omega _i\). It is seen that by replacing the smallest eigenvalues with a constant \(\delta _i\), the corresponding eigenvectors are not necessarily stored and computed in the discriminant function. The regulation of smallest eigenvalues also helps alleviate the curse of dimensionality, and the shortage of training sample data, and consequently, improves the generalized classification performance.

Two artificial parameters of MQDF are the number \(k\) of retained principal eigenvectors per class and the constant \(\delta _i\) substituting smallest eigenvalues. The former parameter is determined empirically: try several values and select the one that gives nearly optimal performance. For determining the constant eigenvalue \(\delta _i\), a strategy is to hypothesize multiple values of class-independent constant and select one by cross-validation on the training dataset [6]. We used fivefold holdout partitioning of the training data for saving the computation of cross-validation on large dataset.

The MQDF is a generative model with parameters estimated by maximum likelihood, which does not consider the boundary between classes. The discriminative learning QDF (DLQDF) [8] is an improved version of MQDF by discriminative optimization of the parameters under a classification-oriented objective such as the minimum classification error (MCE) criterion [22]. More details can be found in [8].

Besides the powerful MQDF, the nearest prototype classifier is also frequently used for its low computation cost. This class of classifier includes the nearest class means, multiple prototypes estimated by clustering, and supervised prototype learning by learning vector quantization [23]. We use a recently proposed prototype learning algorithm called log-likelihood of margin (LOGM) [24].

In classification, we also reduce the dimensionality of feature vectors by subspace projection, with the subspace parameters learned by the Fisher linear discriminant analysis (FDA). Dimensionality reduction helps reduce the computation cost of classifier learning and classification and often improves the classification performance.

7 Experiments

We evaluated the normalization, feature extraction, and classification methods on two public handwritten Hangul datasets: SERI and PE92 [25]. The SERI database, also known as KU-1, consists of 520 most frequently used classes, and each class has about 1,000 samples. The PE92 database contains 2,350 classes, and each class has about 100 samples. For each database, 90 % of samples per class were used for training, and the other 10 % of samples were used for testing. Table 3 shows the numbers of classes and samples used in our experiments, and Fig. 4 shows some samples of the two databases. The experiments were performed on a PC that has an Intel Q6600 CPU (2.4 GHz) and 4 GB memory.

Table 3 Specification soft wo public databases
Fig. 4
figure 4

Sample images of SERI (a) and PE92 (b)

7.1 Performance of normalization methods

First, we evaluated the performance of the fifteen normalization methods described in Sect. 4 on the SERI database using a standard feature extraction method (NCGFE) and classifier (MQDF). The NCGFE was shown to perform best in HCCR [21]. We set the size of normalized image (direction planes) as \(64 \times 64\) pixels; from each plane, \(8 \times 8\) feature values are extraction by Gaussian blurring. Thus, the dimensionality of feature vector is 512. The feature vectors are reduced to 160D subspace by FDA (as often done in HCCR [6]).The MQDF uses \(k=60\) principal eigenvectors per class. We use the SERI database for evaluation because it has a larger number of samples than the PE92 database, and thus, the recognition result is more confident.

Table 4 shows the test accuracies on the SERI database using different normalization methods, the second column shows the results of 1D normalization methods, and the fourth column shows the results of pseudo 2D methods. It is evident that the pseudo 2D methods all outperform their 1D counterparts. The best performance, test accuracy 93.01 %, was given by the pseudo 2D methods LDPI and P2DBMN.The P2DLDE performs comparatively well, giving test accuracy 92.95 %.

Table 4 Test accuracies of normalization methods on SERI database

Table 5 shows the average computation time for coordinate mapping of the normalization methods. We only show the coordinate mapping time because the normalized image is not necessarily generated for normalization-cooperated feature extraction (NCFE). Generally, the pseudo 2D normalization methods are slower than their corresponding 1D counterparts. Especially, the P2DLDE and P2DPDE algorithms (2D extensions by Gaussian smoothing) are very computationally expensive compared with the other algorithms. The pseudo 2D algorithms based on projection interpolation are only slightly more costly than the 1D nonlinear normalization method LDE. When the normalized image is to be generalized, the 1D normalization methods cost 0.012 ms, while the pseudo 2D normalization methods cost 0.473 ms.

Table 5 Average CPU times for coordinate mapping of normalization methods

7.2 Performance of feature extraction methods

Using the best normalization method P2DBMN and the MQDF classifier \((k=60)\), we then evaluated the five feature extraction methods described in Sect. 5. In all cases of feature extraction, the normalized plane size remains \(64 \times 64\), and \(8 \times 8\) feature values are extracted from each of 8 direction planes, resulting 512D feature vector. And the feature vectors are reduced to 160D subspace by FDA. The test accuracies on the SERI database are shown in Table 6. We can see that the NCFE methods (NCCFE, NCGFE, nNCGFE) outperform the NBFE methods (NBCFE, NBGFE), and the gradient feature NCGFE gives the best performance of 93.01 % test accuracy. The comparison of feature extraction methods is again similar to the results reported in HCCR in [21]. We did not compare computational costs of the feature extraction methods, because they were already compared very well in [21] and the computational cost is independent of the database or character set.

Table 6 Test accuracies of feature extraction methods on SERI database

7.3 Performance of classification methods

On selecting the best normalization (P2DBMN) and feature extraction (NCGFE) methods, we evaluated three classification algorithms: MQDF, DLQDF, and nearest prototype classifier (NPC) under the Euclidean distance metric. Both the SERI and PE92 databases were evaluated in this case.

Before we compare the classification methods, we measured the performance of MQDF with variable FDA subspace dimensionality and principal eigenvector number \(k\). For the SERI database, the subspace dimensionality varies from 100 to 200 by step 20, and \(k\) from 40 to 80 by step 10. For the PE92 database, because each class has less than 100 training samples, we use MQDF classifier with smaller \(k\) (from 20 to 60) and lower dimensional subspaces (from 80 to 180). The test accuracies of two databases are shown in Tables 7 and 8, respectively. We can see that on the SERI database (with large number of samples per class), the best performance was obtained on 120D subspace, and the classifier MQDF with larger \(k\) gives higher performance. While on the PE92 database (with small number of samples per class), the best performance was obtained on 80D subspace, and the classifier MQDF with smaller \(k\) gives higher performance, with best performance given by \(k=30\).

Table 7 Test accuracies of SERI database by MQDF with varying \(k\) and subspace dimensionality \(d\)
Table 8 Test accuracies of PE92 database by MQDF with varying \(k\) and subspace dimensionality \(d\)

For evaluating the performance of NPC and DLQDF, we chose the best-performing subspace dimensionality 120 for the SERI database and 80 for the PE92 database. Each class was learned 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 prototypes by \(k\)-means clustering and by supervised learning algorithm LOGM [2]. The test accuracies on two databases are shown in Table 9. We can see that supervised prototype learning LOGM yields significantly higher accuracies than \(k\)-means clustering. LOGM yielded the highest accuracy 91.58 % on the SERI database and 82.50 % on the PE92 database. In comparison, the accuracies of the nearest mean classifier (one prototype by \(k\)-means) are 85.88 % on the SERI database and 80.85 % on the PE92 database.

Table 9 Test accuracies using NPC with variable prototype number per class

The DLQDF used the parameters of MQDF (\(d=120, k=60\) for SERI and \(d=80, k=30\) for PE92) as initial values, which are updated discriminatively on the training dataset. As result, the test accuracies of DLQDF are 93.71 % on SERI and 85.99 on PE92; both are higher than the performance of MQDF. The highest accuracies of three classifiers are collected in Table 10. Computational costs of the classification methods are presented in Table 11. NPC classifiers were much faster than QDF-based classifiers.

Table 10 Highest text accuracies (%) of three classifiers on two databases
Table 11 Computational costs of classification methods

Finally, we compare the best results of our methods (best combination of P2DBMN, NCGFE and DLQDF classification) on the two databases with those reported in previous literatures. The compared accuracies are listed in Table 12. On the SERI database, the performance achieved in this study is slightly better than the best structural recognizer [3]. On the PE92 database, the accuracy of our approach is higher than that of the structural recognizer in [1] but is lower than that of another structural recognizer in [2]. The proposed statistical approach could not achieve higher accuracy on the PE92 because the training dataset is small (less than 100 samples per class). Higher accuracies can be expected if increasing the training sample size with either real samples or synthesized samples.

Table 12 Recognition accuracies (%) compared with previous results

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we comprehensively analyzed the effects of recently emerged statistical recognition methods in handwritten Hangul recognition. We evaluated fifteen normalization methods, five feature extraction methods, and three classification methods on two well-known public handwritten Hangul databases. The highest accuracies were achieved by combining P2DBMN, NCGFE, and DLQDF classifier. The highest test accuracy on the SERI database achieved by the proposed statistical approach is 93.71 %, which is higher than the best result in the literature. The highest accuracy on the PE92 database is 85.99 %, which is slightly lower than the best previous result. These results demonstrate that the state-of-the-art statistical methods can be as competent as structural methods in HHR, which was not confirmed in previous works. We expect that large training dataset and more advanced classification/learning algorithms can yield even higher recognition accuracies in handwritten Hangul recognition.