
Increases in the intensity and extent of agriculture as well as fossil fuel combustion have led to dramatic alterations of the global nitrogen (N) cycle, more than doubling the annual input of bio-available, fixed N to terrestrial ecosystems (Vitousek and others 1997) and dramatically increasing N loading to aquatic ecosystems (Carpenter and others 1998; Bernot and Dodds 2005). Approximately 75% of the N loading to terrestrial landscapes cannot be accounted for in river exports to the ocean, and hence most of this N load evidently disappears in transit (Seitzinger and others 2006). These massive changes in N cycling have stimulated interest in understanding how the dominant inorganic N form, nitrate (NO3 ), moves through landscapes, and what controls the fraction that is removed before reaching the coastal marine environment where N causes eutrophication. Most attention has been devoted to the study of NO3 removal by respiratory denitrification of organic carbon (C) (Burgin and Hamilton 2007). Some work has also examined dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) conducted by fermentative bacteria (Tiedje 1988).

Recent work in marine and freshwater systems has demonstrated that certain sulfur (S) oxidizing bacteria can use NO3 to oxidize sulfide and elemental S to SO4 2− (Megonigal and others 2004; Burgin and Hamilton 2007). The ability of bacteria to mediate these reactions has now been established in a number of taxa with diverse metabolic characteristics (Dannenberg and others 1992; Bonin 1996; Phillipot and Højberg 1999) including members of the genera Thiobacillus, Thiomicrospora, and Thioploca (Timmer-ten Hoor 1981; Jorgensen 1982; Kelly and Wood 2000). The biogeochemical importance of NO3 use by S-oxidizing bacteria was first widely recognized in marine sediments, but we are beginning to discover its importance in freshwaters. For example, much of the NO3 uptake in a groundwater aquifer has been ascribed to Thiobacillus denitrificans (Böttcher and others 1990), and Thioploca mats have been discovered not only in marine sediments, but also in lakes Erie, Baikal, and Biwa (Megonigal and others 2004). Studies of groundwater systems have observed NO3 reduction coincident with oxidation of sulfide minerals (Korom 1992; Postma and others 1991; Lucassen and others 2002). NO3 removal by S-oxidizing bacteria has also been exploited as a water treatment method for removing NO3 , for example, in cores packed with elemental S granules (Soares 2002).

Freshwater lakes, streams, and wetlands are often considered to be too low in S for S oxidizers to play a major biogeochemical role. However, in experimental additions of NO3 and sulfate (SO4 2−) to wetland sediments in southwest Michigan, Whitmire and Hamilton (2005) found that in approximately half of their 16 experiments, SO4 2− production occurred during the period of NO3 removal. Similarly, NO3 additions to pools on the Wisconsin River floodplain also resulted in SO4 2− production (Forshay 2003).

These observations of SO4 2− production coupled to NO3 reduction can be explained if S-oxidizing bacteria are utilizing the NO3 in the oxidation of reduced S compounds to SO4 2−. The metabolic flexibility of S-oxidizing bacteria has been increasingly appreciated in recent years. T. denitrificans couples the oxidation of inorganic S compounds to the reduction of NO3 and is common in freshwater and marine sediments (Kelly 1999; Haaijer and others 2006). Tms. denitrificans performs a similar metabolic reaction, but as a member of the ε-proteobacteria, it is not closely related to T. denitrificans, a member of the β-proteobacteria. Both are predominantly anaerobes but are known to tolerate microaerophilic conditions (Timmer-ten Hoor 1981). This N–S coupling capability also extends to the γ-proteobacteria, and a group of Thioploca spp., which were first described from Lake Constance in the early 1900s (Jorgensen and Gallardo 1999). However, their unique influence on biogeochemical cycling was appreciated only after Thioploca was found in vast benthic mats off the coast of Chile (Gallardo 1977). Species of Thioploca have been intensively studied since the discovery of the marine species, in large part because their distinctive metabolism couples NO3 reduction to sulfide (H2S) oxidation (Jorgensen and Gallardo 1999). Additionally, they possess a unique gliding motility that allows them to migrate upward to oxic overlying water of higher NO3 concentration, and store NO3 intracellularly (Jorgensen and Gallardo 1999).

The microbes responsible for conducting the NO3 -driven SO4 2− production may be reducing the NO3 to either N2, as a form of denitrification, or to NH4 +, as a form of DNRA. When the reaction proceeds via denitrification to dinitrogen gas (N2), the initial oxidation step may have the following stoichiometry (Fossing and others 1995):

$$ {\text{5HS}}^ - + {{\text{2NO}}_3}^ - + {\text{7H}}^{+} \to {\text{5S}}^{\text{o}} + {\text{N}}_2 + {\text{6H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} $$

The resultant elemental S may be stored in the cells before later being oxidized to SO4 2. Further oxidation to SO4 2− could occur by the following reaction (Fossing and others 1995):

$$ {\text{5S}}^{\text{o}} + {{\text{6NO}}_3}^{-} + {\text{2H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} \to {{\text{5SO}}_4}^{2-} + {\text{3N}}_{\text{2}} + {\text{4H}}^ + $$

If these two reactions occurred sequentially, the molar ratio of NO3 consumed to SO4 2− produced would be 8:5 (=1.6) as in this combined reaction:

$$ {\text{5HS}}^ - + {{\text{8NO}}_3}^ - + {\text{3H}}^ + \to {{\text{5SO}}_4}^{2 - } + {\text{4N}}_{\text{2}} + {\text{4H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} $$

However, the NO3 may not be completely reduced to N2, but may be converted to NH4 + in a form of DNRA. The conversion of NO3 to NH4 +, assuming direct transformation of sulfide to elemental S [as in equation (1)], has the following stoichiometry (Sayama and others 2005):

$$ {\text{4H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{S}} + {{\text{NO}}_3}^ - + {\text{2H}}^ + \to {\text{4S}}^{\text{o}} + {{\text{NH}}_4}^{+} + {\text{3H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} $$

The resultant S may be stored, or further oxidized to SO4 2− via:

$$ {\text{4S}}^{\text{o}} + {{\text{3NO}}_3}^{-} + {\text{7H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} \to {{\text{3NH}}_4}^{+} + {{\text{ 4SO}}_4}^{2 - } + {\text{2H}}^ + $$

Reactions 4 and 5 may occur sequentially producing one mole of SO4 2− for each mole of NO3 consumed:

$$ {\text{4H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{S}} + {{\text{4NO}}_3}^ - + {\text{4H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} \to {{\text{4NH}}_4}^{+} + {{\text{4SO}}_4}^{2-} $$

The stoichiometry of these two reactions can be used to estimate the magnitude of the SO4 2− production that could be coupled to NO3 removal.

The alternative reduction products (N2 vs. NH4 +) have different implications for ecosystem N cycling. NO3 reduced to N2 via denitrification is permanently removed, whereas NO3 transformed to NH4 + via DNRA is retained within the ecosystem. Few studies have examined the role of DNRA in freshwater systems, and the eventual fate of NH4 + produced by DNRA is uncertain (Burgin and Hamilton 2007). Furthermore, although freshwater wetlands are low in S compared to marine systems, they often contain enough S to support significant bacterial transformations (Lovley and Klug 1983). The potential for and significance of S-coupled N cycling is all but unknown, particularly for freshwater ecosystems.

In this study, we investigated links between NO3 reduction and SO4 2− production in streams, wetlands, and lakes of southwestern Michigan (USA). The objectives of this study were to: (1) confirm that the NO3 -driven SO4 2− production is a biological phenomenon and not an artifact of experimental methods; (2) ascertain how widespread the phenomenon is across diverse freshwater ecosystems; (3) explore which potential pathways and reactions could be responsible; and (4) seek a predictive understanding of when NO3 -driven SO4 2− production is an important NO3 removal process.


Site Selection

Experiments were conducted in nine streams, nine wetlands, and three lakes (Table 1). For the 2004 study, sites were selected to encompass a range of free H2S concentrations in sediment porewaters (Whitmire 2003). In 2005, sites were selected in part based on data from the larger 2004 survey, and in part based on sites from a cross-site study of NO3 removal by streams (Mulholland and others 2008). Sites were selected to represent the range of aquatic ecosystems in southwest Michigan, as well as to encompass a gradient of geochemical and hydrologic settings. The number of sites in this study precludes a detailed description of each site, however, the sites are listed and their general chemistry detailed in Table 1. Coordinates for the site locations are listed in Table 1 in Appendix A.

Table 1 Physico-Chemical Characteristics of the Study Sites

Push–Pull Methodology

Push–pull experiments entail removing a sample of porewater and amending it with one or more reactive solutes (for example, NO3 ) as well as a conservative solute tracer (Br), reinjecting the porewater into the sediments, and withdrawing samples over time to quantify the rates of uptake. The ratio of the reactant to the conservative tracer concentration corrects for dilution and dispersion; use of the conservative tracer together with the biologically active solute allows for calculation of the net production or consumption of the reactant (see Whitmire and Hamilton 2005 for more details on the calculations). The push–pull method has been used to estimate biogeochemical processing rates in aquifers (Istok and others 1997; McGuire and others 2002), lake sediments (Luthy and others 2000), and riparian wetlands (Addy and others 2002).

In this study, push–pull measurements were done using a near-surface push–pull technique similar to the method developed by Whitmire and Hamilton (2005). The experiments were conducted in situ at 5–10-cm depth in the sediments, at three locations per treatment (described below) in each site. The amendment solution was O2-free and minimal in volume. Generally, 30 ml of porewater was removed from the sediments, and after removing 3 ml of this water for analysis of background concentrations, the remaining 27 ml was amended with 3 ml of anoxic Br (control) or NO3  + Br (treatment) solution (final concentrations were 10 mg l−1 [714 μM] NO3 –N and 3 mg l−1 [37.5 μM] Br), and reinjected into the sediments. We added a relatively high NO3 concentration to sediment porewaters that are normally much lower in NO3 concentration, and therefore these rate constants should be considered potentials; however, the NO3 concentration we used is not unrealistic and is similar to groundwater NO3 concentrations in the area (Whitmire and Hamilton 2005; see section “Discussion” for more detail on the caveats of the push–pull method). The injection line was then flushed with 1 ml of porewater and 1 ml of sample was withdrawn and filtered (0.45 μm, 13 mm Millex syringe filters). In lake and wetland sediments, samples were taken every 10 min for the first hour and then every 30 min for the next 2–3 h. Incubations generally lasted 4 h. Due to the increased hydrologic movement in stream sediments, samples were taken every 5 min for the first 20 min and every 10 min thereafter.

In 2004, we performed push–pull experiments in a diverse set of wetlands (n = 9), streams (n = 9), and lakes (n = 3) (Table 1). In 2005, we returned to each of three wetlands, lakes, and streams and repeated the push–pull experiments in the same locations using both 14 NO3 for the N removal rate measurements and 15NO3 to discern the dominant end products (sites marked with asterisks in Table 1). Due to analytical constraints, we could not remove small sub-samples of the 15NO3 addition; therefore, those injectors were sampled only once at the end of the incubation period. The treatment addition was thus undisturbed for the length of the experiment, and the whole volume (40 ml) was removed at the end of the experiment. Porewater-dissolved N2 was extracted using static headspace equilibration and analyzed for δ 15N (Hamilton and Ostrom 2007) to quantify denitrification, and the remaining water was filtered for analysis of δ 15N in NH4 + to quantify DNRA. The δ 15N of NH4 + was measured using the ammonia-diffusion procedure (Holmes and others 1998). These samples were analyzed for δ 15N either in the Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory operated by Nathaniel and Peggy Ostrom at MSU or at the Marine Biological Laboratory’s facility in Woods Hole, MA. The 15N tracer data were compared to the NO3 removal rates calculated from the 14NO3 addition at the same site.

NO3 removal rate constants were calculated based on background-corrected NO3 and Br concentrations, and were modeled as first-order reactions using the following exponential function, which relates the concentration (C) of the reactant (NO3 ) to the tracer (Br) at a given point in time (t):

$$ C_{{\text{reactant}}} (t) = C_{{\text{tracer}}} (t){\text{ }}*{\text{ }}e^{ - kt} $$

The NO3 removal rate constant (k) is the slope of a regression line fit to a plot of ln((C reactant(t)/C tracer(t)) versus time. Linear regressions for the calculation of nitrate removal were always significant (that is, P < 0.05).

NO3 removal was calculated for each subsample as the difference between the measured concentration and what would be expected based on the concentration of the conservative tracer (Br), after background correction if background concentrations were measurable:

$$ {{\text{[NO}}_3}^ - {\text{]}}_{{\hbox{exp'd}}} = {\text{[Br}}^ - {\text{]}}_{{\hbox{obs'd}}} *{{\text{([NO}}_3}^ - {\text{]/[Br}}^ - {\text{])}}_{{\text{injectate}}} $$

where [NO3 ]exp’d is the expected concentration if no loss or gain of NO3 had taken place, [Br]obs’d is the Br concentration observed at a given sampling time, and ([NO3 ]/[Br])injectate is the ratio of NO3 to Br in the injectate that was added at the beginning of the experiment. SO4 2− production was calculated similarly. All concentrations are molar.

The stoichiometric model described above [equations (1)–(6)] was applied to compare how NO3 removal (yielding either NH4 + or N2) related to the measured SO4 2− production in different aquatic ecosystems under the two alternative reaction stoichiometries (DNRA vs. denitrification). The molar ratio of total SO4 2− production to total NO3 removal over the duration of the experiment is hereafter referred to as SP:NR. The “overall ratio” (mean of the ratios taken at each time point) over the duration of the NO3 removal period may be a better indicator of reaction stoichiometry because of the potential temporary storage of NO3 or elemental S by S oxidizing bacteria.

Testing for Experimental Artifacts

To ensure that the observed SO4 2− production is not an experimental artifact of the push–pull methodology, we performed three tests: (1) a temperature test to verify enzymatic catalysis and thereby rule out the possibility of a strictly abiotic chemical reaction; (2) a test using an alternative injector material to ensure that the phenomenon was not caused by a reaction with the stainless-steel injectors; and (3) additions of tracers to water overlying sediments to see if the phenomenon occurred in the absence of direct injection of NO3 into anoxic porewaters.

For the temperature test, we collected soil cores from a nearby wetland and placed the cores into 1-quart canning jars along with approximately 100 ml overlying water allowing 1 day in the dark for stabilization. To each jar, we added a regular push–pull injector made with a stainless-steel mesh tip. Triplicate jars were incubated at 6, 22, or 50°C. For the 22°C treatment, there were three additional jars with injectors made from a nylon mesh material to test the second possible artifact described above. Push–pull experiments were conducted in these jars, using the same methods described for the field experiments. Additionally, for the third experiment, we collected sediment from the same site to half-fill a 20-l bucket, leaving approximately 2.5 cm of overlying water to which NO3 and Br were added. This overlying water was periodically sampled over a longer time period than the push–pull experiments because we expected reactions to occur more slowly, limited by sediment-water diffusive exchanges. Water samples for all experiments were analyzed as described below.

Porewater Chemistry Analysis

In both control (Br) and treatment (NO3  + Br) injections, porewaters were sampled for NH4 + and H2S concentrations prior to application of the treatment (“pre”) and at the end of the experiment (“post”). H2S was analyzed by the methylene-blue colorimetric method (Golterman and Clymo 1969). NH4 + was measured colorimetrically using the phenylhypochlorite technique (Aminot and others 1997). NO3 , Br, and SO4 2− were measured using membrane-suppression ion chromatography (Dionex 4200 with an AS14A anion column). At each site a sample of surface water was collected (filtered with a Gelman 0.45 μm Supor membrane filter) for analysis of major solutes and nutrients.

Enrichment and Microbial Characterization

An enrichment culture was created to identify the major organism(s) in these sediments that grow in the presence of NO3 and H2S. Inoculation sources (1–2 g sediment) were taken from three of the sites used in this study. The cultures were grown in 120 ml serum bottles with 50 ml of a complex anaerobic medium without C or N sources (see Appendix A for a detailed description of the medium). These cultures were kept completely anoxic (indicated by resazurin) and all transfers and nutrient additions were conducted in an anaerobic glove bag. Cultures were given H2S (to a final concentration of 200 μM) and NO3 (to a final concentration of 1,000 μM) as needed, typically every other day. The concentrations of H2S, NO3 , and SO4 2− in the enrichment cultures were monitored until the enrichments were harvested for characterization. On the final sampling, water was extracted for analysis of elemental S as in Guerrero and others (1985) and SO4 2− via ion chromatography. DNA from the primary enrichments was extracted using the MoBio Ultraclean Soil DNA isolation kit. The 16S rRNA was PCR amplified using universal bacterial primers (8F and 1498R). The PCR product was cloned into a plasmid vector and transformed into Escherichia coli using an Invitrogen TOPO TA Cloning Kit. E. coli was plated onto LB plates. Twenty colonies were picked from each site and a total of 60 colonies were sequenced at the Josephine Bay Paul Center in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The sequences were manually aligned and analyzed using the ARB package (Ludwig and others 2004) to identify the nearest relative of the isolates. Analyses were compared to the output of BLAST (Basic Local Alignment and Search Tool; matches.

Statistical Analysis

To summarize the large amount of variation in NO3 removal and NO3 -driven SO4 2− production within each ecosystem type, we created box plots that encompass all of the individual injectors from each site (that is, the box plots are based on the entire set of experiments, rather than site averages, and experiments were conducted at three points within each site). This gives the most complete illustration of the variation within and among ecosystems. All statistical analyses were conducted using Systat version 11.0 software. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the differences in NO3 removal rate constants (k), % of NO3 removal by DNRA, % overall NO3 removal, and SP:NR ratios across ecosystem types. One-way ANOVA was also used to compare pre- and post-manipulation differences in porewater chemistry between treatment and control injectors. Stepwise multiple regression (MR; α = 0.10) was used to determine which environmental variables (Table 1) best explained the variation in NO3 removal rate constants and SP:NR ratios. Variables were square root transformed when necessary to improve normality. MR was only performed on the 2004 data to avoid including the same sites from 2 years; MR was not performed on the 2005 data alone because there were only nine sites total, which was not enough power for the analysis.


Figure 1 shows examples (from this study) of this phenomenon in a wetland in which the SO4 2− production (triangles) was quite pronounced (Figure 1A) and a wetland in which the response was less prominent (Figure 1C). NO3 removal can be stoichiometrically compared to SO4 2− production by expressing the data as the difference between observed and expected concentrations (Figure 1B, D). The example in panels A and B is from a site where high rates of SO4 2− production occurred. The example in panels C and D is from a site where relatively little SO4 2− production occurred.

Figure 1
figure 1

Nitrate removal and sulfate production in two different wetlands (A and B; C and D). The panels on the left are the ratios of the reactants (NO3 and SO4 2−) to the conservative tracer (Br) in two push–pull experiments. The panels on the right are a comparison of observed and expected concentrations of NO3 [equation (8)] and SO4 2− in a site with high (top) and low (bottom) relative sulfate production. The top panels are data from Prairieville Creek Fen and the bottom panels are from Windmill Pond (see Table 1 for more site information). These two examples represent the highest and lowest rates of SO4 2− production relative to NO3 removal that were observed. Panels E and F are NO3 removal and SO4 2− production in surface water over Turkey Marsh sediments after NO3 addition to the surface water (conducted in the lab in a bucket). NO3 :Br became negative because the NO3 concentration fell below what was originally present (∼0.6 mg N/L) just prior to the experimental NO3 /Br addition. Note the difference in time scales between panels AD and panels E, F.

Field Push–Pull Experiments

The NO3 removal rate constant is the fraction of the NO3 concentration that was removed per unit time (min−1), with removal indicated by a negative constant. NO3 removal rate constants were highly variable both among ecosystem types and within a given ecosystem (Figure 2A). Lakes had higher removal rates than did streams and wetlands (ANOVA, F 2,97 = 3.09; P = 0.05). Stream NO3 removal rate constants ranged from −0.006 to −0.0545 min−1, wetlands ranged from −0.0031 to −0.0752 min−1, and lakes ranged from −0.062 to −0.0842 min−1.

Figure 2
figure 2

Nitrate removal by lakes, streams, and wetlands. “n” refers to the number of individual experiments (typically three per site), not to the number of sites of that particular ecosystem. Boxes encompass the upper and lower quartiles, while the line indicates the median. Asterisks are mild outliers and open circles are extreme outliers. Shown here are: (A) NO3 removal rate constants (min−1); (B) ratios of total SO4 2− production to NO3 removal (SP:NR); and (C) the fraction of measured NO3 removal that can be explained by SO4 2− production using equations (1)–(3) (gray boxes) or equations (4)–(6) (black boxes).

To compare the relative amount of SO4 2− production in relation to NO3 removal across sites and aquatic ecosystems, we used a ratio of the micromoles of SO4 2− produced (calculated from the observed SO4 2− concentration and the expected concentration based on the Br concentration; Figure 1) to the micromoles of NO3 removed (also as in Figure 1). This generated a unitless ratio of SP:NR.

Concurrent SO4 2− production and NO3 removal occurred in all freshwater ecosystem types (Figure 2B). Streams had the greatest range of ratios of total SO4 2− production to total NO3 removal (SP:NR 0.02–2.4). Wetland SP:NR ranged from 0.005 to 1.1 and lake SP:NR from 0.03 to 1.1. Generally, SO4 2− production accounted for 25–50% of NO3 removal (estimated from the inter-quartile ranges in Figure 2B), and the fraction of removal attributable to SO4 2− production did not differ among ecosystem types (ANOVA, F 2,84 = 1.45; P = 0.24). In six injectors from two stream sites, SO4 2− production greatly exceeded the stoichiometric equivalent of NO3 removed under the model assumptions; this also occurred in four wetland injectors from two sites (<10% of the experiments we conducted).

The amount of SO4 2− produced accounted for a substantial fraction of the NO3 removed in all types of aquatic ecosystems (Figure 2C). Lakes had the highest potential NO3 -driven SO4 2− production, followed by streams and wetlands (Figure 2C), though there was considerable variation within a given ecosystem type. The reaction in which NO3 is denitrified (to N2) to oxidize SO4 2− (gray boxes, Figure 2C) accounts for a greater fraction of the overall NO3 removal because of the 8:5 stoichiometry. The DNRA reaction with 1 mole of NH4 + as the end product for every 1 mole of NO3 removed (black boxes, Figure 2C) can explain a smaller, but still significant proportion of the NO3 removal.

The porewaters of each injector were sampled for NH4 + and H2S prior to the application of the treatment (NO3  + Br or the Br only “control”) and at the end of the experiment. Generally there was more NH4 + production (Figure 3A) and H2S depletion (Figure 3B) in NO3 amended sediments than in the control injections. This pattern reflects what would be expected if DNRA was coupled with S oxidation, although there is no significant difference between the “post” control and treatment injectors for either the NH4 + concentrations (ANOVA, F 1,77 = 1.8; P = 0.19) or H2S concentrations (ANOVA, F 1,67 = 0.44; P = 0.51).

Figure 3
figure 3

Pre- and post-treatment NH4 + concentrations (bottom) and H2S concentrations (top) for all injectors at all sites in both 2004 and 2005. Closed symbols denote injectors that received NO3 additions and open symbols denote control injectors that only received a Br addition. Error bars are ±1 standard error of the mean.

Additional evidence for the importance of DNRA as a NO3 removal pathway in aquatic ecosystems comes from the 2005 experiments in which we added 15NO3 to the sediments during push–pull experiments (Figure 4). Although there were no significant differences in the amount of DNRA among ecosystem types (ANOVA, F 2,15 = 2.46; P = 0.119), wetlands tended to have a higher fraction of NO3 removal attributable to DNRA. Additionally, wetlands had the greatest variation in the percent of NO3 removal that could be attributed to DNRA. Streams and lakes had comparable amounts of NO3 removal attributable to DNRA, ranging from 3.5 to 37% and 0.5 to 42%, respectively (Figure 4). This DNRA assay would reflect the sum of both fermentative and chemolithoautotrophic metabolisms.

Figure 4
figure 4

Percent of nitrate removal attributable to DNRA by lakes, streams, and wetlands. “n” refers to the number of individual experiments (typically three per site), not to the number of sites of that particular ecosystem. Boxes encompass the upper and lower quartiles, whereas the line indicates the median for the dataset.

We also measured 15N2 production (indicative of denitrification) as part of the 15NO3 injections, which would have allowed for a direct comparison of denitrification to DNRA. However, we concluded that the addition of 99% 15NO3 in the experiments produced mostly 30N2 (as opposed to 29N2) because there was little ambient 14NO3 in the porewater. Isotope ratio mass spectrometers are often only tuned to measure 28 and 29 N2, because the atmospheric amounts of 30N2 are very low, and that was the case when samples from these experiments were analyzed. Thus, we were not able to get accurate estimates of denitrification from the 15N2 measurements.

Surface and porewater chemical characteristics were measured at each site where a push–pull experiment was conducted (Table 1). These data were used in a stepwise MR model to examine which site characteristics best predicted both NO3 removal rate constants and SP:NR across sites. NO3 removal rate constants were best predicted by surface water NO3 and NH4 + concentrations and porewater H2S concentrations (Table 2). Sites with higher surface water NO3 had higher NO3 removal rate constants, as did sites with lower surface water NH4 + and lower H2S concentrations. These three variables explained 58% of the variation in NO3 removal rate constants across sites.

Table 2 Stepwise MR Model (α = 0.1) to Predict NO3 Removal Rate Constants and Ratios of SO4 2− Production to NO3 Removal (SP:NR)

SP:NR ratios, indicative of the relative importance of SO4 2− production in NO3 removal, were best predicted by a combination of surface water SO4 2− and porewater NH4 + concentrations (Table 2). Sites with higher SP:NR ratios had higher surface water SO4 2− and lower porewater NH4 + concentrations. The combination of these two variables explained 44% of the variation in SP:NR ratios across sites.

Experimental Artifact Tests

In the tests of SO4 2− production and NO3 removal across a temperature gradient, both processes had an intermediate thermal optimum, which is indicative of a biologically mediated (enzymatic) reaction (Figure 5). Results were similar for injectors made of either stainless-steel screens (closed symbols) or nylon filters (open symbols), indicating that an interaction with the steel was not causing the phenomenon.

Figure 5
figure 5

The effect of temperature on nitrate removal and sulfate production (both in micromoles). Open symbols denote the nylon mesh injectors, and closed symbols denote the stainless-steel injectors that were employed in all of the field experiments. These incubations lasted 4 h.

To ensure that the tracer ions did not somehow affect sediment ion exchange equilibria (desorbing SO4 2−), we injected only Br at various concentrations, and found no SO4 2− production (the NaBr comprised most of the total ions added; Figure 1 in Appendix A). All experiments were conducted in sediments free of plant roots, ruling out NO3 uptake by vascular plants. Finally, to ensure that the injection of NO3 directly into anoxic porewaters was not creating an artificial juxtaposition of reduced and oxidized substances, we added NO3 to the water overlying sediments in a bucket of organic sediment in the lab. Water-column NO3 additions yielded the same results as the push–pull experiments from the lab and field, albeit over a longer time scale (Figure 1E, F).

Enrichment and Microbial Characterization

To confirm that freshwater wetlands had the biological capacity to conduct NO3 -driven SO4 2− production, we enriched for and identified microbes responsible for the process. In the cultures from three wetland sites, the added NO3 and H2S were generally removed within 24 h of the addition (Figure 2 in Appendix A). This was also accompanied by an increase in SO4 2− concentration, as was also seen in the push–pull experiments. The majority of the added H2S was oxidized to SO4 2−; on average, at the end of the experiment more than 90% of the added H2S was found as SO4 2− with the remainder as elemental S (Figure 3 in Appendix A). Community analysis from the three different enrichments suggested that the cultures contained predominantly Tms. denitrificans, because 17, 17, and 14 of the 20 clones picked per site grouped closest to this species for the respective enrichment cultures. BLAST analysis confirmed that these enrichment sequences were largely Tms. denitrificans.


NO3 Removal Across Aquatic Ecosystems

NO3 removal is often considered to be a beneficial service provided by aquatic ecosystems (Zedler 2003), particularly in agricultural landscapes such as those in southwestern Michigan. This study, like an earlier one by Whitmire and Hamilton (2005), demonstrates how quickly NO3 can be removed in sediments of many different types of aquatic ecosystems (Figures 1 and 2A). Additionally, all ecosystem types exhibited a similar amount of variation in NO3 removal rates, indicating that perhaps there is nothing distinctive about NO3 removal in sediments of streams, lakes, or wetlands, and that all aquatic ecosystems have some capacity to remove NO3 . NO3 removal may be driven by the transport of NO3 (or lack thereof) into the sediment porewaters. This hypothesis, however, would predict that there should be higher rates of NO3 removal in streams, due to their greater turbulence and hydrologic connectivity to porewaters. We did not find evidence for higher NO3 removal rates in streams as compared to wetland or lake sediments.

Our push–pull methodology reveals potential rates of microbial transformations because the background NO3 concentration in the porewater was increased to ensure that NO3 removal was readily measurable over the time course of the experiment. However they are not maximum potential rates because other potential limiting factors (for example, sulfide, labile organic matter) were not altered. We added 10 mg N/L (714 μM) of NO3 to porewaters with relatively low ambient NO3 concentrations (generally 1–35 μM, though as high as 550 μM). Although this represents a large increase over the background concentration, it is not out of the realm of possibility for these sediments to receive water inputs with such high NO3 concentrations. Domestic water supply wells in this agricultural region commonly contain ground water with NO3 concentrations as high as in our injectate, and most of our study sites were largely groundwater-fed aquatic ecosystems (Whitmire 2003). An additional limitation to the push–pull method is that the rates of the reaction cannot readily be reported on an areal or volumetric basis because the sphere of influence of the tracer injection is unknown and dependent on factors that vary across sites, including the porosity and bulk density of the sediments.

Evidence for NO3 -Driven SO4 2− Production

SO4 2− production coincident with NO3 removal was observed in most of the freshwater sediments we examined and appears to be a biologically mediated process, as indicated by the intermediate temperature optimum seen for both NO3 removal and SO4 2− production (Figure 5). If the reaction was abiotic (that is, not enzymatically mediated), one would expect increasing rates of SO4 2− production with increasing temperatures. Evidence that this is not merely an experimental artifact of the push–pull experimental method can be found from the NO3 additions to water overlying a sediment mesocosm (Figure 1E, F), wherein we saw the same NO3 -induced SO4 2− production, albeit over a longer time-scale. Further evidence for the biological nature of this reaction is the molecular characterization of Tms. denitrificans in enrichment cultures from three of the sites used in this study. The cultures largely produced SO4 2− rather than elemental S. We were not able to ascertain the ultimate fate of the added NO3 in the enrichment cultures (that is, denitrification or DNRA).

SO4 2− production often accounted for 25–50% of the NO3 removal across aquatic ecosystems (based on the interquartile range of SP:NR ratios; Figure 2B, C). Lakes and streams generally had higher amounts of SO4 2− production relative to NO3 removal than did wetlands, although there was a great deal of variation within each ecosystem type. Wetland porewaters tended to have higher H2S concentrations (the hypothesized electron donor for NO3 reduction; Table 1). This relative abundance of electron donors may have caused H2S to be oxidized only to elemental S [as in equations (1) and (4)] rather than all the way to SO4 2− [as in equations (3) and (6)], which would have led us to underestimate the importance of SO4 2− production relative to NO3 removal (SP:NR). The occasional cases where SO4 2− production exceeded NO3 removal might be explained by bacterial use of NO3 that had been previously taken up and stored; we are confident that these sediments did not contain enough O2 to drive the SO4 2− production.

A final line of evidence for the importance of NO3 reduction coupled to H2S oxidation comes from examining the concentrations of NH4 + (a potential product) and H2S (the hypothesized reactant) before and after the NO3 additions (Figure 3). Across all of the individual experiments from both years, NH4 + concentrations increased after adding NO3 compared to the control, whereas the H2S concentrations simultaneously decreased. Although the differences illustrated in Figure 3 are not statistically significant, they are consistent with the expected pattern if NO3 -driven SO4 2− production was occurring. This study adds to the observations of others (Lucassen and others 2002; Soares 2002; Forshay 2003; Whitmire and Hamilton 2005) that there may be important but relatively unexplored linkages between N and S cycles in freshwaters.

An alternative explanation of our observed SO4 2− production is that the addition of NO3 promotes denitrification, and denitrifiers out-compete SO4 2− reducers for labile substrates. Meanwhile, SO4 2− continues to accumulate via another form of sulfide oxidation (for example, O2-driven SO4 2− production). To get the increases in SO4 2− that we commonly measured would require large amounts of O2. An increase of just 10 μM SO4 2− (on the low end of what we measured in this study), would require a concentration of 235 μM O2 in the water, which we believe is impossibly high given our methods. Additionally, we have measured SO4 2− production of similar magnitude when we add NO3 to completely anoxic slurries in lab incubations and in the enrichment cultures (Figure 2 in Appendix A), as opposed to the in situ field methods described here. By simultaneously adding NO3 and 35SO4 2− in a radioisotope pool dilution experiment, we have also demonstrated that this is new SO4 2− produced (Figure 4 in Appendix A). Thus we conclude that this alternative explanation of the SO4 2− production could not account for a significant proportion of the phenomenon we report on herein.

Chemolithoautotrophic oxidation of iron (Fe) and possibly manganese (Mn) could potentially utilize NO3 as an oxidant in a manner analogous to NO3 -driven S oxidation, representing additional potential NO3 removal processes that have been little explored in fresh waters (Hauck and others 2001; Weber and others 2006; Haaijer and others 2006, 2007). Although we did not measure Fe or Mn in our study sites, data from anoxic peats of nearby wetland sites in southwest Michigan indicate that reduced Fe2+ and total dissolved Mn are present at low concentrations (5–50 and 10–30 μM, respectively; Koretsky and others 2007). In sediment pore waters free Fe2+ and H2S are somewhat mutually exclusive due to the insolubility of iron sulfide minerals, and thus a given sediment may be more influenced by either Fe or S chemolithoautotrophy. S oxidation (for example, SO4 2− production) can also be coupled to the reduction of oxidized forms of these metals (for example, Fe3+ or Mn4+: Lovley 1991), but this reaction is not nearly as energetically favorable as NO3 -driven S oxidation, and microbes are not able to harvest enough energy from the reaction to support growth (Lovley 1991). We cannot rule out chemolithoautotrophic Fe or Mn oxidation as a contributing sink for NO3 in our experiments, and this is an area that warrants further research. Nonetheless, the production of SO4 2− that we observed appears most likely to result from NO3 -driven S oxidation.

What Predicts NO3 -Driven SO4 2− Production?

Multiple linear regression models suggested that surface water SO4 2− and porewater NH4 + were the best predictors of the amount of SO4 2− production relative to NO3 removal (SP:NR). Sites with higher SP:NR had higher surface water SO4 2− concentrations and lower porewater NH4 + concentrations (Table 2). The positive relationship between SP:NR and surface water SO4 2− is understandable because sites with high-surface water SO4 2− may be sites with higher rates of S cycling, and in particular higher SO4 2− reduction, thus providing the sulfide that supports S oxidizing bacterial populations. The negative relationship between SP:NR and porewater NH4 + may be because sites with more porewater NH4 + are more thoroughly and consistently anoxic, and thus may have lower populations of S oxidizers.

Multiple linear regression showed a positive relationship between NO3 removal rates and surface water NO3 concentrations (Table 2), as might be expected. The model also revealed negative relationships between NO3 removal rates and porewater H2S concentrations and surface water NH4 + concentrations. The negative relationship with H2S could reflect the negative feedback of high H2S concentrations, which tend to inhibit microbial S transformations (Jorgensen 1982). Alternatively, particularly high H2S in porewaters could correspond with a lack of S oxidation potential due to an antecedent absence of oxidants. The inverse relationship between NO3 removal rates and surface water NH4 + is harder to explain; it could reflect a tendency for surface waters high in NO3 to be more oxic and less apt to contain high NH4 + concentrations, but such a relationship is not apparent from the measurements in Table 2.

NO3 Removal End-Products

We used two methods to estimate NO3 removal end-products: a stoichiometric approach [equations (1)–(6)] and 15N tracer methods. Stoichiometric methods inherently rely on a mass balance approach (Groffman and others 2006), but allow comparison of the fluxes of N and S. Rates of DNRA can be directly measured using stable isotopes to track the flow of 15N from NO3 to NH4 +.

Using the stoichiometric approach, SO4 2− production can account for a variable but significant fraction of overall NO3 removal [equations (1)–(3) for denitrification or equations (4)–(6) for DNRA; Figure 2C]. In general, SO4 2− production explained between 25 and 40% of NO3 removal in lakes, 15–25% of removal in streams, and 10–15% of removal in wetlands (medians, Figure 2C). There was, however, a great deal of variation in the degree to which SO4 2− production could account for NO3 removal in streams and lakes, with less variation in wetlands.

The 15NO3 tracer push–pull experiments allow estimation of the fraction of NO3 converted to NH4 + (Figure 4). Wetlands had the greatest range of NO3 removal attributable to DNRA, whereas streams and lakes had smaller ranges. Tiedje (1988) hypothesized that fermentative DNRA should occur in the most biologically productive sites where sediments were most highly reducing. This could explain why wetlands had higher DNRA than either lakes or streams (although the pattern was not statistically significant). However, the most productive sites are also likely to have high organic loading to the sediments and high SO4 2− reduction rates, creating the source of sulfide to support S oxidizers.

The median amount of NO3 removal that can be accounted for by the stoichiometry of reduction to NH4 + [equations (4)–(6); Figure 2C black boxes] agrees reasonably well with the total DNRA measured via 15N methods for lakes and streams (about 20–30% in both cases). However, there is a large discrepancy between the amount of NO3 removal to NH4 + as predicted by the SO4 2− production (Figure 2C, black boxes) and the DNRA measured via 15N methods in wetlands. The 15N approach estimated that roughly half of the NO3 was converted to NH4 + in wetlands (Figure 4), whereas the SO4 2− production only estimated 10% of the overall NO3 removal was to NH4 +. This suggests that the stoichiometric model for NO3 -driven SO4 2− production via DNRA may underestimate the total amount of NO3 being lost to DNRA, particularly in wetlands. On the other hand, the stoichiometric model may overestimate the amount of NO3 being lost to DNRA in some streams and wetlands (see outliers in Figure 2C). However, although there is a great deal of variation, the median values of measured DNRA (Figure 4) and the median values of the stoichiometric model (Figure 2C, black bars) are very similar, explaining approximately 20% of the NO3 removal. In this regard the two methods for estimating the importance of N–S coupled cycling (via either measured sulfate production or measured DNRA) are in approximate agreement.

We attempted to measure DNRA by quantifying the increase in porewater NH4 + concentrations after NO3 injection (Figure 3), and by using stable isotope enrichment experiments (Figure 4). Figure 3 demonstrates how difficult it is to measure DNRA by quantifying changes in NH4 + concentration alone. This is in large part due to the high degree of variation in NH4 + production both within a given site and between sites within a particular ecosystem. However, by using stable isotope techniques (Figure 4), we found that DNRA can be a significant pathway of NO3 removal. The isotope tracer experiments provide a conservative estimate of DNRA because our measurements of 15NH4 + production did not include any tracer 15N that equilibrated with the sorbed NH4 + pool, which can be significant in many sediments.

The temporary increase in porewater NO3 concentrations produced by our experimental methods may have stimulated microbial N transformation rates, and this raises the question of whether a particular NO3 removal pathway was favored over others. Several studies have suggested that increasing NO3 availability should stimulate denitrification at the expense of DNRA (King and Nedwell 1985; Smith 1982; Fazzolari and others 1990; Laverman and others 2006; Matheson and others 2003; Morkved and others 2005). Therefore, although the absolute rates of DNRA may be stimulated upon NO3 addition, these should be conservative estimates of the importance of DNRA relative to overall NO3 removal.

Implications for Aquatic Ecosystem N Cycling

The existence and relative importance of alternative N removal processes besides respiratory denitrification have profound implications for N cycling in aquatic ecosystems (Burgin and Hamilton 2007). Whereas NO3 that is denitrified to N2 is permanently removed from biological availability, NO3 that is converted to NH4 + becomes more biologically available to many plants and bacteria, and is more likely to be retained within the ecosystem. DNRA is a relatively understudied pathway of microbial metabolism, especially compared to denitrification. The ultimate fate of the resultant NH4 + from DNRA is unclear; the NH4 + may be nitrified if it reaches oxic environments, or it could be stored temporarily as sorbed ions in the sediments or as organic N assimilated into biomass.

NO3 is the most mobile N form in hydrologic systems, and removal of NO3 by any of these microbial processes can improve water quality, but permanent removal (to N2 gas) by denitrification is most desirable. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a byproduct of denitrification that contributes to climate change, but the other N transformations including DNRA and NO3 -driven S oxidation are also potential sources of N2O, with unknown importance for N2O emissions to the atmosphere. Our hypothesis that S-oxidizing bacteria are taking up and transforming a significant fraction of the NO3 in surface or ground waters implies that NO3 removal is closely linked to S cycling, and specifically to SO4 2− inputs. SO4 2− is a ubiquitous pollutant in industrialized regions and freshwater SO4 2− concentrations are greatly enhanced over pre-industrial times (Schlesinger 1997). If anthropogenic SO4 2− loading to freshwaters enhances sulfide availability through SO4 2− reduction, thereby indirectly increasing the importance of NO3 -driven S oxidation, then the controls on N processing in landscapes subject to S and N pollution become more complex than previously thought.