
Bearing in mind the high frequency of non-cavitated caries lesions in industrialised nations [1] and the fact that adjunct diagnostic methods, e.g., electrical resistance measurements, fibre-optical transillumination, quantitative light-induced fluorescence and laser fluorescence measurements, do not perform as satisfactorily on such lesions as was hoped [26], it became evident to improve visual caries detection and diagnostic methods. Recently introduced methods—criteria by Ekstrand et al. [7, 8] and Nyvad et al. [9], the International Detection and Assessment System [ICDAS, 10] and the Lesion Activity Assessment [11]—included non-cavitated caries lesions, but classify the caries process with only a few criteria. However, due to the fact that the clinical appearance of carious lesions—especially on occlusal surfaces—is complex, a limited set of criteria seems to be of importance for the dental epidemiologist [12, 13] but is unlikely to describe the appearance of caries lesions as precisely as possible for the clinician. Furthermore, a detailed criteria set seems to be of importance to correlate each single diagnostic score with the caries depth as prerequisite to derive a distinct treatment decision in daily practise as well as to perform a caries monitoring in longitudinal studies. Therefore, our work throughout the last years aimed at systematising the clinical appearance of (non-cavitated) caries lesions with the universal visual scoring system (UniViSS, Fig. 1) in detail [14]. As new systems should fulfill current requirements for caries detection and diagnostic methods [15], there is a need to investigate validity and reproducibility. Consequently, within the first part of this investigation UniViSS should be validated according to the newly developed quantitative caries-extension-index (CE-index), which was inaugurated to determine of the caries depth for each diagnostic score separately. The second part aimed at determining the intra- and inter-examiner reproducibility of UniViSS and focused additionally on the identification of criteria, which were associated with a lower reproducibility to get information about difficulties, which have to be balanced during future calibration trainings.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Criteria of the universal visual scoring system for pits and fissures (UniViSS occlusal)

Material and methods

Validity study

Sample size

A sample of 65 sound and mostly non-cavitated third molars was selected from a pool of teeth extracted for surgical or orthodontic reasons. Molars with sealants, fillings, cavitations, approximal and/or buccal/lingual caries lesions, and developmental disorders were excluded from this study. After gross debris was removed, teeth were carefully cleaned. In order to prevent bacterial growth, all teeth were stored in separate containers with physiological saline containing 0.02% sodium azide. The used material was part of a report before [14].

Determination of the UniViSS consensus diagnosis

All teeth were examined visually using dental magnifying glasses (twofold), the illumination of the dental unit light and compressed air. The (visual) inspection according to UniViSS [14] was carried out under the following principles: For caries lesions detectable in the fissure pattern, the severity (first signs, established lesion, microcavity or dentine exposure) and the discoloration (white, white-brown or brown) were assessed. As the activity assessment—the third step of UniViSS—has to be understood as clinical diagnosis; the present in vitro study design did not include this. Two dentists performed the visual inspection independently (J.K., K.B.). All diagnoses were counterchecked 1 week later to form a consensus diagnosis for each surface. In case of different findings, both examiners discussed the discordant results and reached an agreement.

Histological validation

Prior to the histological preparation, a colour photograph of each surface was taken to assist the histological examination later on. After separation of the root from the coronal part, each crown was embedded in cold-polymerising methacrylate (Kallocryl, Speiko, Münster, Germany) and the teeth were catalogued. Each crown was sectioned in bucco-lingual direction into slices of 500 µm thickness with a 200-µm microtome saw (Mikrotrenn MT 1-78-03, Hofer, Switzerland) to find the maximum caries extension of the lesion. In this context, enamel lesions were defined histological as opacity and dentine caries lesions were linked with yellow and/or brown discolorations. To assess the caries extension more precisely, all slices were examined under a light microscope at 16-fold magnification (Stemi SV11 stereomicroscope, Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). The slice with the greatest caries extension for each specimen was identified, digitally photographed, and stored for further analyses. Following this, the caries extension was quantified.

Calculation of the CE-index

For calculation of the CE-index, first a differentiation was made between histological sound slices (score 0), demineralisations in the enamel (base value = 0.x/y) or dentine (base value = 1.x/y) and lesions reaching the pulp (base value = 2). If an enamel or dentine lesion was present, the corresponding base value has to be combined with the ratio of the caries extension (x) and the overall enamel or enamel/dentine thickness (y) as a second step. This effectively means that the caries extension needs to be measured as the distance between the outer enamel surface or the enamel–dentine junction and the deepest demineralisation point towards the pulp (x), which has to be divided by the enamel or dentine thickness (y). Therefore, the CE-index has to be understood as an index of two components: the base value and the percentage of the x/y ratio (Fig. 2). The CE-index ranges from 0.0 to 2.0.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Exemplified description of the caries-extension-index (CE-index). a Microradiography of a histological slice with enamel caries. In this case the CE-index combines the base value (0.x/y) with the percentage of the ratio of the caries extension in enamel (x = 0.83) and the overall enamel thickness (y = 1.06) and amounts to 0.78. b Microradiography of a histological slice with dentine caries. Below the imaginary enamel–dentine junction the zone of destruction, the zone of demineralisation and the zone of sclerotic reaction are clearly visible. In this case the CE-index combines the base value (1.x/y) with the percentage of the ratio of the caries extension in dentine (x = 0.50) and the overall dentine thickness (y = 3.09) and amounts to 1.43

In detail, the enamel/dentine thickness, as well as the caries extension, was measured with the ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health, USA, downloadable at by two blinded dentists (J.K., K.B.). All slices were reassessed 1 week later and a final decision for the caries extension was made for each specimen. In case of different findings, both examiners discussed their discordant measures to reach an agreement.

Statistical analysis

The data were analysed with Excel 2003 (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA) and SPSS 14.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) in order to cross tabulate the findings as well as to calculate mean values (mean), standard deviations (SD), minimum value (min) and the maximum values (max) of the CE-index for each UniViSS score. A CE-index of 0 is associated with sound surfaces and values between 0.01 and 1.0 are corresponding to enamel caries lesions. Dentine caries lesions will be determined by a CE-index between 1.01 and 1.99. A pulpal involvement is related to a CE-index of 2.00. The overall validity of UniViSS can be expressed by the calculation of the sensitivity (SE), the specificity (SP) and the area under the ROC curves (AUC). These results were published elsewhere [14].

Intra- and inter-examiner reproducibility study

Sample size and examiners

A separate sample of 149 sound and non-cavitated third molars was selected from a pool of teeth extracted for surgical or orthodontic reasons. The inclusion criteria, specimen preparation and storage followed the same principles as mentioned above. For testing the reproducibility the inaugurator of UniViSS (D1) as well as six additional examiners took part in this study. One of these dentists had >6 years of clinical experience and practise (D2) and the other, only some months (D3). Four of the investigators were clinically low-experienced students in their fifth year of studies (S1 to S4).

Diagnostic procedure

Prior to the beginning of this study all examiners were introduced to the study protocol and the use of UniViSS. The theoretical and practical training consisted of a 30-min hands-on for all examiners which included basic information about the diagnostic principles of non-tactile visual examination, the usage of the CPI probe as measuring instrument, the help of standardised illumination of each specimen with the dental operation light and the necessity of careful air drying. Extensive and detailed calibration training was not performed. The visual decision process for each occlusal surface according to UniViSS included the following evaluation steps: In case of a detectable caries process (1) the most progressed severity stage (first signs, established lesion, microcavity and dentine exposure) as well as (2) the corresponding discoloration (white, white-brown, brown and greyish) was registered for each specimen. The third (clinical) UniViSS step of an activity assessment was not part of this in vitro study protocol. All examiners were encouraged to form their surface-related diagnosis within a time interval of 30 s. Furthermore, a coloured UniViSS chart with typical examples for each score (Fig. 1) was distributed to all examiners. Each evaluation cycle was repeated after a minimum interval of 2 weeks to safeguard the blindness of each investigator between the measurement cycles. Two investigators collected a third series of measuring data (D1 and S1). Hence, all participating examiners obtained a total of 4,768 diagnoses for the occlusal fissure pattern.

Statistical analysis

The data analysis was performed using SAS release 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Weighted Kappa values (wK) were calculated as measure of agreement for categorical data to determine the intra- and inter-examiner reproducibility [16] The reproducibility was assessed as low for wK below 0.40, moderate for wK between 0.41 and 0.60, good for wK between 0.61 and 0.80 and excellent for wK between 0.81 and 1.00 [17]. In addition, a cumulative Logit-model was fitted [18]. The dependence of each visual decision on the occlusal surfaces examined was modelled by a random normal effect u (i = 149) with standard deviation Sigma. The model uses cumulative Logits to describe the transition probability from one diagnostic level to another (αj). The influence of the examiners is assumed as equal on all levels, i.e., a common β at all stages j. There are J diagnostic levels. For all inter-examiner comparison were used the inaugurator of UniViSS as reference examiner (D1); the β values representing existing differences between the examiner D1 and each of the other investigators. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. If the p value was lower than 0.05, then the null hypothesis that the examiner do not differ in their scoring has to be rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis, which states that differences exist. The following equation describes the used model:

$$ \log \,it\left[ {P\left( {\left. {{Y_{it}} \leqslant j} \right|{u_i}} \right)} \right] = {\alpha_j} + x_{_{it}}^\prime\beta + z_{_{it}}^\prime{u_i},j = 1, \ldots, J - 1 $$

The cumulative Logits were calculated as follows:

$$ \log it\left[ {P\left( {\left. {Y \leqslant j} \right|x} \right)} \right] = \log \frac{{P\left( {\left. {Y \leqslant j} \right|x} \right)}}{{1 - P\left( {\left. {Y \leqslant j} \right|x} \right)}},j = 1, \ldots, J - 1 $$


Validity study

Table 1 summarises the results of the CE-index in relation to each of the UniViSS scores. The results showed that for sound occlusal surfaces no demineralisations were detectable. Fissures with ‘First signs’ of a caries process had a mean CE-index of 0.6, which indicates that most lesions were found in the enamel. With respect to the maximum value of 1.3, some exceptions occurred. The UniViSS severity score ‘Established lesion’ showed a heterogeneous distribution of the CE-index in relation to the UniViSS discoloration score. The following findings were observed: (1) The caries extension progresses with increased discoloration scoring. (2) The CE-indices for ‘Established lesions’ with white (0.4) and white-brown discolorations (0.7) indicate an enamel progression only. Contrary to this, ‘Established lesions’ with brown discolorations (1.2) and greyish translucencies (1.5) progressed regularly into dentine. The CE-index of 1.5 and 1.7 for ‘Microcavities’ and ‘Dentine exposure’ indicated that these lesions had histologically progressed into the middle of the dentine on average.

Table 1 Quantification of the caries extension for each score of the universal visual scoring system (UniViSS) using the caries-extension-index

Reproducibility study

Analyses of all inter-examiner data from the first measurement series showed that 53% (UniViSS/severity) and 61% (UniViSS/discoloration) of all measurements were repeated consistently. Viewing the results from the second measurement series, in 57% (UniViSS/severity) and 66% (UniViSS/discoloration) of all inter-examiner comparisons concordant diagnoses were made. This distinct tendency for higher accordance of the diagnoses obtained by the second measurements was confirmed by the wK values (inter-examiner data) of the first and second series. The inter-examiner wK values rose from 0.520 to 0.576 for the UniViSS/severity criteria and from 0.510 to 0.565 for the UniViSS/discoloration criteria. The intra-examiner reproducibility amounted to 0.685 (UniViSS/severity) and 0.628 (UniViSS/discoloration). The intra- and inter-examiner wK values are summarised in Table 2 for the UniViSS/severity criteria and for the UniViSS/discoloration criteria.

Table 2 Weighted Kappa values for the intra- and inter-examiner reproducibility of the UniViSS/severity and UniViSS/discoloration criteria

The results of the cumulative Logit-model are shown in Table 3. For UniViSS/severity both dentists and two out of four students did not show a significant difference to the inaugurator of the method (D1); S1 and S4 staged the severity significantly inferior. In case of UniViSS/discoloration a different observation was obtained: Only the experienced dentist (D2) reproduced their findings in concordance to the inaugurator of the method (D1); the other dentist (D3) and all four students (S1-S4) registered significantly different discoloration scores in comparison to D1.

Table 3 The cumulative Logit-model represents the comparisons between the reference examiner (D1) and each of the others for the UniViSS severity and discoloration criteria


As main result of this study it was shown that the newly developed CE-index provided quantitative information about the exact caries depth of a distinct diagnostic score. Based on these results it will be possible to assign a probable preventive or operative treatment strategy to a certain diagnostic scores (Table 1). While the traditionally used validity parameters do not provide such detailed information, the CE-index will help to determine clearer diagnostic thresholds for intervention strategies. This aspect is of clinical importance as the indication for a restorative treatment no longer depends on the simple fact that a caries lesion penetrated the enamel–dentin junction [19].

In order to investigate the validity of UniViSS, it was possible to evaluate each diagnostic score separately with the CE-index (Table 1). ‘First signs’ of a caries lesion were mainly associated with an enamel caries (CE-index of 0.6); but it should be noted that in few cases with white-brown or brown discolorations the outer third of dentine was reached. Therefore, this criterion seems to be mainly associated with lesions that require a preventive treatment strategy only. ‘Established lesions’ showed a much greater heterogeneity: Established white-spot lesions were mainly associated with caries extending into the enamel and possibly needing preventive care. In contrast to this, ‘Established lesions’ with white-brown or brown discoloration showed a more heterogeneous distribution. While the mean CE-index of 0.7 and 1.2 indicated a caries process extending into the enamel or the dentine beneath the enamel–dentine junction, the maximum values of 1.7 for both scores showed that variations could be possible. These exceptions underline the known clinical problem of the difficulty to assess the caries extension on non-cavitated occlusal lesion by visual means correctly. Consequently, occlusal ‘Established lesions’ need clinically a diagnostic ‘safety net’ under inclusion of additional diagnostic methods, e.g., bitewing radiographs and/or laser fluorescence measurements, to detect caries lesions that have progressed far into dentine and need restorative treatment [2023].

‘Microcavities’ and ‘Dentine cavities’ on occlusal surfaces were always associated with dentine caries regardless of the state of discoloration (Table 1) and should be therefore restored. Based on our results the potential of the quantitative CE-index was shown. Therefore, this index could help to advance the analysis and interpretation of validation data in future diagnostic studies.

When further comparing the established validity parameters (SE, SP and AUC) of UniViSS on occlusal caries lesions [14] with results from other recently published visual caries detection and diagnostic methods [711] the registered validity parameters for UniViSS were found to be in the same order of magnitude. When generalizing previously made suggestions that the sum of SE and SP should be at least ∼160% before a diagnostic method could be considered as a legitimate candidate for practical use [24, 25], then the potential of UniViSS was illustrated. For both, the overall caries detection level (SE 100.0%, SP 58.3%) as well as for the dentine caries detection level (SE 62.5%, SP 97.6%), the sum of ∼160% was reached [14]. Furthermore, the documented AUC for the caries detection level (0.84) and for the dentine caries detection level (0.81) are high and correspond to other studies on meticulous visual inspection methods [2634].

Besides evaluation of diagnostic accuracy, caries activity assessment gained more attention throughout the last years. With respect to the definition of ‘caries activity’, which designates such lesions as active which are showing an ongoing mineral loss due to the metabolic activity of the biofilm [35], the need for longitudinal clinical trials is obvious. For this basic reason, we deliberately excluded an activity assessment from this in vitro study even though it is part of UniViSS [14]. Nevertheless, Braga et al. [11] published a first attempt to quantify caries activity in vitro. The authors included the parameters ‘ICDAS score’, ‘plaque stagnation area’ and ‘surface texture’ into their lesion activity assessment system. While plaque stagnation areas and roughness can be justified aetiologically, there is currently no unanimous consensus as to when a plaque stagnation area, plaque presence and/or surface roughness should be rated as such. Further, it has also be taken into account that during the investigation the operator is constantly aware of the visual diagnosis and hence biased when it comes to the decision about activity [1]. All of these uncertainties will be completed by the fact that there are no quantitative reference standards published so far to determine the caries activity itself [36] as well as the validity of the criteria ‘plaque stagnation area’ and ‘roughness’. Therefore, more research to improve the caries activity assessment under inclusion of objective and quantifiable diagnostic criteria is needed. Within the second part of this investigation the reproducibility of UniViSS was comprehensively analysed. According to the wK results the all-over reproducibility can be assessed as good to moderate (Table 2). While good wK values were obtained mostly for the intra-examiner reproducibility, the inter-examiner reproducibility proved to be on a moderate level. Nevertheless, for several inter-examiner comparisons good wK values were found, too (Table 2). The registered wK values show almost the same order of magnitude as the Kappa values that were obtained for the visual criteria by Ekstrand et al. [7, 8] on occlusal surfaces [7, 30, 31, 33, 34].

With respect to the almost identical criteria sequences of ICDAS II and UniViSS/severity comparisons of the reproducibility data between both systems are feasible. The wK values for the intra- and inter-examiner reproducibility for ICDAS II amounted to 0.62 to 0.83 [28] and 0.88 to 0.90 [1] and indicate more favourable results than those for UniViSS from the present study. Since this can be explained by a more extensive calibration training in both ICDAS studies [1, 28], which was explicitly not part of the present study design, it can be assumed that an extensive calibration training should improve the reproducibility for UniViSS substantially.

To our knowledge, this was the first study that used a cumulative Logit-model to assess the reproducibility of a caries diagnostic method. In case of our investigation the developed cumulative Logit-model served to evaluate measurements in comparison to the decisions of the inaugurator of UniViSS (D1). As shown in Table 3, statistically non-significant differences were found for the majority of comparisons for UniViSS/severity. In contrast, the results for the UniViSS/discoloration criteria showed a more heterogeneous pattern (Table 3). Here, only one dentist (D2) was able to obtain similar decisions, which can be explained by longer clinical experience. These findings indicate that clinically and scientifically inexperienced dentists have a higher need for training especially for the assessment of the UniViSS/discoloration criteria. The main keys for successful calibration training seem to impart theoretical knowledge, to discuss visual decisions on dental photographs and extracted teeth and to perform a clinical training. In case of clinically inexperienced dentists, the training should be intensified and, perhaps, repeated to eliminate possible subjective errors. Under these circumstances it can be hypothesised that the registered reproducibility values could be substantially improved when extensive calibration training is performed.

In conclusion of the present study, the overall validity and reproducibility of UniViSS has to be assessed as encouraging. Based on our findings we could further state that the detailed approach to categorise (non-)cavitated caries lesions with UniViSS provides additional information especially on ‘Established lesions’ for the clinician. With respect to the UniViSS/discoloration score and the CE-index, it was shown that each discoloration score on ‘Established lesions’ was associated with a different caries depth which would further result in different preventive/treatment strategies. As such detailed and clinically important information are not part of recently published visual caries detection and diagnostic systems [711], this aspect has to be understood as the unique feature of UniViSS. Nevertheless, further investigations are needed to validate UniViSS with a larger sample size before final treatment recommendations could be drawn. With respect to the results of the reproducibility study, it has to be concluded to adapt the calibration training to the clinical experience of the dentist(s). As the UniViSS/discoloration score seems to be more difficult to reproduce, more emphasis should be paid on this finding in the future. The used cumulative Logit-model enabled statistical comparisons between all examiners and enhanced the informative value of the reproducibility study. Therefore, such models could be used more frequently to investigate intra- and inter-examiner reproducibility in future.