1 Introduction

Widely deployed security architectures of 2G/3G mobile networks are based on symmetric key-based security architecture [14, 15]. In this architecture, the master seed key is securely stored in the universal subscriber identity module (USIM) and generates the session keys such as the cipher key and the integrity key for mobile equipments (ME) to use in the secure communications and applications.

Recent developments of mobile communication technologies [13] request the deployment of the public key-based security architecture for more advanced applications. However, the large computational overhead of PKI brings the public key management issue. Storing public keys and security computation in low-cost USIM could be the bottleneck in advanced security services [6]. Since the public key-based security operations such as signature generations occur much larger computational overhead, the operations depend on the computational power of USIM. Currently, even more advanced USIM technologies with high capability are shown by telecommunication manufacturers [9], and additional replacement is required to use it and the user identity should be still stored in the USIM weaker than ME. Storing public key pairs in ME weaken the strength of key storage as the claim in [16], while storing keys in USIM has the computational overhead problem due to the security computations operated in USIM.

Recently, several studies such as [2] focused on deploying ID-based cryptosystem (IDBC) [3, 8] that does not require the public key management; in IP Multimedia System, they still have the potential threat of key leakage.

Therefore, our motivation is to overcome key management problems that are mentioned above. Although several researches such as “key-insulated” encryption [4] and signature scheme [5, 10] are proposed to be resilient against the key leakage, their designs did not consider mobile environments that the key losses occasionally happen. Since the communication is operated via wireless environments, they have wider applications than previous environment. Also, the mobile devices are always carried by users and can be lost. Moreover, their designs are related to the specific protocols and insufficient to support the various applications in mobile network.

Our contribution is to improve the “key-insulated” model and show “Trust Delegation” model resilient against not only the key exposure but also the key loss and to provide the secure and efficient public key management for the next generation mobile networks. Our trust delegation model is based on IDBC and achieves the great benefit regarding the efficiency of public key management. Compared with the current architecture [16], our model does not require the involvement of symmetric key base architecture [14] and has only one-third of transaction that helps the resilience against DoS attacks to mobile networks [17].

The last of our paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 briefly describes the current mobile network security architecture. Section 3 argues the key management issues in mobile networks and introduces the trust delegation model. We propose our novel trusted delegated key management designs in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5, we show the analysis of our design. Finally, we conclude our paper in Sect. 6.

2 Security architecture of mobile network

2.1 Current security architecture

Basically, a mobile device consists of two main components: One is mobile equipment (ME) and the other is a universal subscriber identity module (USIM). ME is a device such as mobile phones, those attaches USIM that contains the unique identity of user such as phone number and the master seed key. Since USIM is considered as a tamper-resistant security hardware module and secret information such as user identity and secret key are stored in USIM. Therefore, 3GPP specifies the security architecture that the seed key is securely stored in USIM, and the session keys (the cipher key and the integrity key) are generated from the seed key using the UMTS-AKA algorithm and transferred to ME [15]. Then, ME uses the session keys for the secure communication.

3GPP also specifies the generic authentication architecture (GAA) to support the third-party network applications such as mobile banking and various multimedia services. Currently, widely employed GAA is the symmetric key-based generic bootstrapping architecture (GBA) [14] as in Fig. 1. The architecture consists of four essential entities such as the bootstrapping function (BSF), the network application function (NAF), home subscriber server (HSS), and ME. For the third-party service, ME can be communicated with NAF that can be used with any specific application protocol necessary. HSS has the initial key shared with USIM and sends the authentication information to BSF. BSFs are located in each domain and send the received authentication information to NAF. GBA employs the UMTS-AKA algorithm for mutual authentication between the mobile equipment and BSF in the network.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The process of generic authentication architecture. 3GPP TS 33.221 specifies that NAF has the role of the PKI portal

2.2 PKI support for advanced security service

The advance of mobile network brings the request for the deployment of PKI that enables the more various security applications such as the digital signature.

Thus, 3GPP also specifies the asymmetric key-based security architecture [16] to support the certificate service. In the architecture, a NAF acts as the PKI portal that issues the certificates of the ME as in Fig. 1. In order to establish the secure channel between the PKI portal and the ME, the BSF should have the shared secret key with NAF and ME. That means that the PKI support in [16] is only available along with GBA introduced in the previous section.

However, deploying the PKI occurs the key management problem. Storing the certificate and computing the security operations in the USIM will be significant overhead to USIM. Instead, storing the certificate and computing the security operations in the ME are better for the overall performance. Nevertheless, the storing the certificate in ME increases the potential threats of the leakage of the secret keys. Such problem is also argued in [16], and we discuss more detail in the following section.

3 Trust delegation

3.1 Public key management issues in mobile networks

One of the important issues on deploying public key-based cryptosystem is key management problem. Because only the key owner should know the private key, and the certificate are securely stored. There can be two cases on storing the certificate: One is storing the certificate in the USIM as in Fig. 2a and the other is storing the certificate in ME as in Fig. 2b.

Fig. 2
figure 2

a Storing public key in USIM gives security strength. b Storing public key in ME enables many applications

Although storing the certificate in the USIM provides enhanced security, the USIM has weaker resources and the performance.

Commercially used typical hardware configuration of the USIM is about 5–40 MHz clock speed, a few kilobytes of memories. Also, the communication between USIM and the ME is based on ISO 7816-3 based I/O interface (T = 0, 1) provides half-duplex communication between USIM and ME with 9600 baud—115 kbps communication speed. Even the recent developments [9] are prepared to provide the full-duplex I/O interface, multi-application service, flash memory, and browser-based service, more time are need for such technologies are deployed, and mobile devices will be more powerful at that time. Recent Java card platform [12] is designed to support the better hardware that has a 32-bit processor, 128 kilobytes of EEPROM, 512 kb of ROM, and 24 kb of RAM, while the performance of the recent smart phone is equivalent to entry-level mobile computer. In order to compare the performance between USIM and ME, we refer [11] that the computation time for encryption with RSA 1024 is 5–25 ms in USIM with 5–40 MHz clock speed and 1 ms in Intel Celeron 450 MHz. Nowadays, the performance of smart phones shows the better performance than Celeron 450 MHz. Thus, we can consider the ME significantly outperforms the USIM.

While storing the certificate in the ME could overcome such constraints, it increases the potential security threat of key leakage instead. Alternatively, we can use only short-lived certificates for enrolling subscriber. Even if new user may access the old user’s private key, he/she should fail to masquerade as the old user in authorization transactions when the subscriber certificates expired. However, the use of the short-lived certificates requires the more frequent communication between PKI portal and the user for update the certificates. Also, the risk lives until the expiration of the certificates. Key pair generation should protect disclosure/cloning of private key, because the key pair generation is important for the secrecy of the private key.

3.2 Trust delegation

3.2.1 Trust delegation concept

There were the several ideas against the key exposure problem. In 2002, Dodis et al. [4] proposed the “key-insulated public key cryptosystem” for the encryption and “key-insulated signature” (KIS) scheme for the signature generation [5]. Later, Ohtake et al. showed more efficient KIS scheme and showed the application that a large-scale multi-receiver authentication system in which a signer communicates with a huge number of receivers [10]. In such KIS schemes, the “master” private key remains in the secure storage and the “temporary” private key generated from the master key is actually used for the security applications.

However, such KIS schemes have no consideration for the mobile network. In the mobile network, the losses of data including keys in ME occasionally happen, while the KIS schemes are focusing on resilience against the leakage of the master key. Since the old temporary key is required to generate the updated temporary key [5, 10], the loss of key in ME disables the key update. For example, TSK 3 and later keys cannot be generated in case TSK 2 is lost in Fig. 3a. Also, KIS schemes use N number of the temporary private keys, and each key is used during a constant time period t. After t × N times later, the large overhead for reconstructing the temporary key set is required [5].

Fig. 3
figure 3

a Temporary private keys are linked in KIS model. b Each temporary key has no link in “Trust Delegation” model

Moreover, KIS schemes are deeply related to specific security protocol. For instance, Ohtake et al.’s KIS scheme [10] is based on Abe-Okamoto proxy signature scheme [1]. Thus, simultaneous deployment of both KIS scheme and the encryption scheme requests separated process to generate the temporary keys, which can be the potential security threat.

Instead KIS schemes, our design is to provide the “common” architecture that supports practical mobile networks. Since the design criterion is rather different to the KIS schemes, we introduce the alternative model of “Trust Delegation” (TD) employing the ID-based cryptosystem (IDBC) that the user’s identity is used as the public key and private key as shown in initial setup phase of proposed model. Because the old temporary key is not required to update the new temporary key as in Fig. 3b, our TD model is not only resilient against the loss of key, but also provides simultaneous invocation of multiple distinct temporary private keys. Also, TD model enables the various security services are computed in the mobile device while the private key is securely stored in USIM. Figure 4 depicts the brief TD model.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Trust delegation model enables the various security applications such as encryption, signature generation, and the shared key exchange using multiple temporary private key

3.2.2 Brief overview of ID-based cryptosystem

IDBC is based on properties of pairing [3] and the cryptographic problem [7] as following.

Elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem

With given P, P’ ∈ G 1 , find an integer n that satisfies P = n·P’ where an additive group G 1 over q, and P as the generator of G 1 .

For the brief of IDBC, let us consider an additive group G 1 and a multiplicative group G 2 of the same order q. Assume that the discrete logarithm problem is hard in both groups. Let p be a generator of G 1 and e:G 1  × G 1   G 2 a bilinear map satisfying the following properties:

  • Bilinearity e(aP,bQ) = e(P,Q)ab for all P,Q ∈ G 1 and all a,b ∈ Z.

  • Non-degeneracy If e(P,Q) = 1 for all Q ∈ G 1 , then P = O.

  • Computability There exists an efficient algorithm to compute e(P,Q) for and P,Q ∈ G 1 .

Using the properties of IDBC, we can easily construct key exchange or signature protocol. Our TD model is based on the property of bilinearity, and the security of temporary private key is based on the computational hardness of elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). The details of ID-based cryptography are explained in [8]. Due to the characteristic of IDBC that does not require the public key managements, there are studies such as [2] that deploy ID-based cryptosystem (IDBC) [3, 8] for IP Multimedia System.

4 Proposed design

In this section, we explain our proposed trust delegation model for the mobile networks. Section 4.1 shows the private key distribution in initial setup that users obtain their private key. Section 4.2 shows the session key setup between peer users. We propose the enhanced generic authentication architecture in Sect. 4.3. We define notations in Table 1 and the message format to request to USIM in Table 2.

Table 1 Notations
Table 2 USIM request message type

4.1 Initial setup: private key distribution

Let the Key Generation Center (KGC) that is a trusted entity that distributes the private keys to users. KGC generates a random integer s ∈ Z p *, which will be the master secret of KGC. Each subscriber owns the unique identity ID. KGC distributes the private key sk ID  = s·H(ID) for each subscriber, where the public key knows the hash function H:Z p *  G 1 . The symbol “·” denotes the point multiplication over Elliptic curve.

The private key sk ID is initially distributed in off-line environment. In practical application, users obtain sk ID stored in USIM when they subscribe mobile services.

4.2 Session key establishment between peer entities

Assume two users A and B try to establish their secure communication. Each entity has a device, ME with USIM, U. Then, A initiates the session key establishment in ME A and proceeds following steps:


ME A generates a timestamp TS A . And then, ME A sends REQ1, ID of B, and TS A to U A.


U A generates a random nonce r A and generates e A and sig A and return them to ME A , where e A  = e pkB (r A ) and sig A  = sign skA (e A TS A ).


ME A sends REQ, e A , TS A , and sig A to ME B .


ME B sends REQ2, e A , TS A , and sig A to U B .


After verifying sig A with the A’s public key pk A generated by A’s ID, U B decrypts e A and obtain r A . U B then generates a random nonce r B and compute e B , sig B and tsk B , where e B  = e pkA (r B ), sig B  = sign skB (r B TS A ), and tsk B  = t·sk B , respectively. We can compute t = (r A   r B ), where  denotes the arbitrary operation of two inputs.


U B returns e B , sig B , and tsk B to ME B .


ME B sends RES, e B , and sig B to ME A .


ME A sends REQ3, e B , and sig B to U A .


U A verifies sig B and decrypts e B to obtain r B . U A then generates tsk A  = t·sk A . After that, U A returns tsk A to ME A .

After that, ME A stores tsk A and ME B stores tsk B . With tsk A and tsk B , ME A and ME B can operate secure computation without revealing original sk A and sk B . Overall procedures are shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Session key establishment between peer entities A and B

After the authentication procedures are completed, ME A generates the shared session key K A  = e(tsk A , pk B ), while ME B generates K B  = e(pk A , tsk B ). The correctness of K A  = K B is as K A  = e(tsk A , pk B ) = e(t·sH(A), H(B)) = e(H(A), H(B)) t·s = e(H(A), t·sH(B)) = e(pk A , tsk B ) = K B .

For the general mobile communication networks, the subscribers request the communication to the mobile access point that is linked to the servers. For the practical application of trust delegation model, we apply our design to the 3GPP generic authentication architecture [14, 16] in following section.

4.3 Enhanced generic authentication architecture with trust delegation

In this section, we show the enhanced design of GAA that applies PKI. Scheme 3 consists of three phases: temporary private key generation, bootstrapping procedure, and service request to NAF.

4.3.1 Phase 1: temporary private key generation


ME A sends ME_REQ, TS A to U A , where ME_REQ is the request of tsk A and TS A is the timestamp generated by ME A .


U A generates r A and computes e A as in Sect. 4.2. U A then returns e A , tsk A and sig A to ME A , where tsk A  = r A ·sk A and sig A  = sign skA (e A TS A ).

After the phase 1 is completed, ME A stores tsk A , e A , TS A , and sig A .

4.3.2 Phase 2: bootstrapping procedure

If there is no shared information with NAF, ME A has to contact BSF.


ME A sends ID of A, tsig A , e A , TS A , and sig A with bootstrapping request BSF_REQ to BSF, where tsig A  = sign tskA (BSF_REQ).


BSF generates pk A  = H(A) for the verification of sig A . After verifying sig A , BSF can retrieve r A by decrypting e A and check the validity of tsk A . If tsk A is valid, BSF can verify tsig A . After the successful verification, BSF stores r A and TS A with the ID of ME A and sends the response BSF_RES with corresponding signature back.

4.3.3 Phase 3: service request to NAF

After Phase 2, ME A requests the service to NAF, and then NAF authenticates ME A as following procedures.


ME A sends NAF_REQ, APPL_ID, and tsig A to the NAF, where NAF_REQ is the request of application service and APPL_ID is the application ID. tsig A is the signature where tsig A  = sign tskA (NAF_REQAPPL_ID).


If NAF has already authorized tsk A , NAF instantly verifies tsig A . In other case, NAF requests BSF the authentication information of A. We assume that NAF and BSF have the secure channel.


BSF returns r A and TS A those are used for NAF to verify tsig A . NAF stores r A until TS A is expired.


NAF generates pk A and verifies tsig A . When tsig A is valid, NAF authenticates ME A and provides its service to ME A .

Overall procedures are shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Public key-based GAA with trust delegation. BSF involved for the compatibility

4.4 Simplified enhanced generic authentication architecture with trust delegation

Since IDBC does not request the public key management, we can also reduce the BSF involvement for the authentication procedures. Thus, we can simplify the step S-NF.1 and S-NF.2 as follows. The overall simplified procedures are shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

NAF directly authenticates the mobile device for request of services without BSF


ME sends NAF_REQ, ID of A, e A , TS A , sig A , APPL_ID, and tsig A to NAF for requesting the service APPL_ID.


After generating pk A , NAF verifies sig A and compute tsig A by decrypting e A in sequence. When tsig A is valid, NAF authenticates ME A and provides its service to ME A .

5 Design analysis

In this section, we briefly analyze our proposed model and compare with 3GPP generic authentication architecture. We show security analysis first and performance analysis in sequence.

5.1 Security analysis

For the analysis of our design, we define the attack scenarios as follows:

  • Impersonation by malicious adversaries: An adversary A* tries to impersonate a innocent subscriber A. As a result of this attack, A* communicate with mobile service provider pretending A.

In order impersonate A, A* may resend REQ, e A , TS A , and sig A (P.3) or RES, e B , and sig B (P.7). However, A* should be able to manipulate the fake sig A and sig B without knowing sk A or sk B .

  • Leakage of private key by a compromised ME: An adversary A* obtain a ME and exposure the original private key from USIM.

In case of A* obtains compromised ME, since the tsk, e A , and H(A) are known to ME A , the compromised ME A tries to compute sH(A) with e A , H(A), and r A · sH(A). However, compromised ME A fails to retrieve the original private key without any information of r A . Recall elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem that is a well-known computational hard problem, we know such trial has the same success probability of solving DLP. (Breaking DLP is computationally infeasible.) Even though compromised ME A sends tsk A to other adversary, the adversary fails to impersonate after TS is expired. Thus, even ME is compromised, sk is still secure in USIM and the effect on tsk in ME is limited. Since we already assume that the private key in the USIM is stored in secure, the security of the USIM is considered as the security of the security storage of the USIM and the out of focus in this thesis.

  • And weaken strength from temporary private key: An adversary A* obtain the original private key from the several temporary private keys or session keys.

Comparing the session keys derived from the initial private key sk and the temporary private key tsk, a session key using sk is computed as e(sk A , pk B ), while a session key using tsk is computed as e(t·sk A , pk B ). It is trivial that the both have the same security strength. Finally, if tsk is erased in ME, new tsk can be simply generated by choosing new random nonce r’ A . Thus, our design is resilient to not only key exposure problem, but also key erase problem.

5.2 Performance analysis

5.2.1 Computational overhead

Our design reduces the overall computational overhead in USIM comparing the case that the private key is stored in USIM (Fig. 2a) that all public key-based security computations are operated in USIM. In the proposed model, the computations in the USIM are one hash computation to generate the public key, one point multiplication to generate the temporary private key, and the signature generation of random nonce for the temporary private key. Because USIM is the only trusted entity, signature generation and verification in USIM are inevitable. The computational overhead of hash function generation is negligible.

Finally, our design does not require public key-based security computation after the initial signature generation and verification, while the private key still remains in the secure storage. We do not count the computational overheads in ME with the large computational power.

5.2.2 Transaction overhead

Our model shows about a half number of transactions than current 3GPP security architecture [14, 16], because our design is fully based on asymmetric key cryptosystem. Applying the IDBC, our design reduces the number of transaction to 4 rounds when we let NAF authenticate ME for itself. The design supporting PKI [16] still requires the support of GBA [14] for the certificate management that requires 13 rounds of transaction, while our design does not have the overhead for PKI certificate management that eventually follows the use of the GBA. Thus, our model is resilient to the DoS attack that makes HSS or BSF unavailable [17]. Table 3 shows the comparisons.

Table 3 Comparision with previous model

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we described public key management issues in the mobile networks and proposed “Trust Delegation” concept based on IDBC that enables multiple security applications simultaneously and is resilient against not only the key exposure but also the key loss. Reducing the number of transactions as well as involved entities such as HSS and BSF, our design is resilient to the DoS attack targeting HSS or BSF. In conclusion, our novel design is applicable to the next generation mobile networks that the public key-based security architecture is inevitably deployed.