
The concept of comparability (equivalence) of measurement results—“tested once, accepted everywhere” [1]—is increasingly important since it allows to minimize technical barriers in trade, to improve environmental monitoring and medical care and to cut down expenditures for international cooperation. While results obtained under repeatability conditions can be compared directly, results obtained by different laboratories in different countries and at different times are comparable through their relationship to the same reference which is an internationally agreed and recognized measurement standard. This strategy of linking results to a reference by an unbroken chain of comparisons or calibrations is termed “traceability”. Traceability of a measurement result is one of the principal tools required for comparability [1]. It is underscored by adoption of standards ISO 17025 for calibration and testing laboratories [2], ISO 15195 for reference measurement laboratories in medicine [3] and of GLP-GMP standards in pharmaceutical and other industries [4, 5]. To design the traceability chains and understand the degree of equivalence of measurement results (their comparability), measurement uncertainty quantification is necessary. The quantification procedure starts from a careful measurand/analyte definition, includes analysis of all the measurement steps and the traceability chains as sources of uncertainty components and takes into account the method validation data [6].

Practical estimation of comparability of measurement/testing/analytical results is based on interlaboratory comparisons (intercomparisons). Key comparisons conducted on the best measurement capability level of national metrology institutes are organized by CCQM (Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance: Metrology in Chemistry) at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) within the framework of the Convention of the Meter. Results of these comparisons are published in the key comparison data base (KCDB) on the BIPM webpage:, and are widely discussed in the literature [79].

Intercomparisons organized on the routine measurement level of field laboratories are named “proficiency testing” (PT) [10] since they are used mostly for assessment of a laboratory performance. There are international documents regulating requirements for the competence of providers of PT schemes [10, 11], statistical methods to be used in PT by intercomparisons [12], organization of PT schemes and their implementation for analytical (chemical) laboratories [13] and other. PT is a topic of numerous international conferences and workshops [14]. One can find the necessary PT scheme announced by PT providers in the international database EPTIS [15], in Accreditation and Quality Assurance: Journal for Quality, Comparability and Reliability in Chemical Measurement (Springer) and in the Internet. The providers are metrology institutes, accreditation bodies and private companies, since PT is nowadays also a business affected by ISO 17025 [2] and other standards for laboratory accreditation, which define its performance as an important element of its technical competence.

Two main steps are common for all PT schemes: (1) estimation of the assigned value of analyte concentration in the test items/reference material and quantification of the value's uncertainty, including components arising from the material homogeneity and stability and (2) calculation of performance statistics and assessment of the laboratory performance [10]. As test items, portions of a certified reference material (CRM), in the ideal case, are distributed among the laboratories participating in the PT. If CRM is expensive or not available, an in-house reference material (IHRM) or a spike with the traceable property value can be helpful [16, 17]. It is a metrological approach to proficiency testing [18]. The mean or the median of PT results is also used as the assigned/consensus value of the material sent to the laboratories participating in the PT [13]. Performance of a laboratory/PT participant is assessed by the difference between the laboratory result and the assigned value, in comparison to the sum of their uncertainties, or to the standard deviation of the PT results, or to a target standard deviation that can be used as a parameter of the analysis fitness for purpose [12, 18, 19].

Since the laboratory performance is assessed individually for each PT participant, even in the case when the performance of the majority of them is found to be successful, the question about comparability of the PT results (as a whole) still remains unsolved. The purpose of the present paper is to develop a criterion allowing a PT provider and/or an accreditation body to assess the comparability of results obtained for a laboratory proficiency testing based on a metrological approach.

Hypotheses and the criterion for their testing

One can imagine a situation when CRM, IHRM or a spike, with a traceable certified/assigned value of the analyte concentration C cert and standard uncertainty σ cert, is used for proficiency testing of a (theoretically) infinite population of laboratories that produced results with the mean C PT and standard deviation σ PT. For the sake of simplicity, the data of reference material certification and PT results are considered as independent random events having both normal distributions with parameters C cert, σ cert and with C PT, σ PT, correspondingly.

To formulate a “yes-no” type of criterion for assessment of PT results comparability, the null hypothesis H 0 concerning insignificance of the bias \(|C_{{\rm PT}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} |\) has to be established. For example, H 0 may consist of the assumption that the bias exceeds the value σ cert (approximately equal to half the expanded uncertainty of C cert given in the certificate of the reference material) by a value which is insignificant in comparison with random interlaboratory errors of the analysis. In this case, the null hypothesis has the following form:

$$H_0 :|C_{{\rm PT}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} | \le [(0.3\,\sigma _{{\rm PT}} )^2 + \sigma _{{\rm cert}}^{\rm 2} ]^{1/2} ,$$

The alternative hypothesis H 1 assumes that the bias exceeds σ cert significantly, e.g. by analogy with a similar situation analyzed in [20],

$$H_{11} :|C_{{\rm PT}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} | = 2.0[(0.3\sigma _{{\rm PT}} )^2 + \sigma _{{\rm cert}}^{\rm 2} ]^{1/2} ,$$
$$H_{12} :|C_{{\rm PT}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} | = 2.1\,[(0.3\sigma _{{\rm PT}} )^2 + \sigma _{{\rm cert}}^{\rm 2} ]^{1/2} ,$$


In practice, laboratories participating in PT form a statistical sample (from the population) of size N, i.e. only N laboratories are sending their results. Therefore, the criterion for not rejecting H 0 is

$$|C_{{\rm PT}/{\rm av}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} | + t_{1 - \alpha /2} S_{{\rm PT}} /N^{1/2} \le [(0.3{\rm \sigma }_{{\rm PT}} )^2 + \sigma _{{\rm cert}}^{\rm 2} ]^{1/2} ,$$

where C PT/av and S PT are the sample estimates of C PT and σ PT calculated from the same N results as the sample average and standard deviation, correspondingly; the left-hand side of the expression represents the upper limit of the confidence interval for the bias \(|C_{{\rm PT}} - C_{{\rm cert}} |;t_{1 - \alpha /2}\) is the quantile of the Student's distribution for the number of degrees of freedom N−1; the value 1−α/2 is the probability of the bias \(|C_{{\rm PT}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} |\) not exceeding the upper limit of its confidence interval. Substituting the ratio σ cert/σ PT=γ into Eq. (4), the following expression can be obtained:

$${{|C_{{\rm PT}/{\rm av}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} |} \mathord{\left/{\vphantom {{|C_{{\rm PT}/{\rm av}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} |} {S_{{\rm PT}} }}} \right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {S_{{\rm PT}} }} \le (\sigma _{{\rm PT}} /S_{{\rm PT}} )\,(0.09 + \gamma ^2 )^{1/2}\\ \qquad- t_{1 - \alpha /2} /N^{1/2} .$$

Since \(S_{{\rm PT}} /\sigma _{{\rm PT}} = [\chi _{\alpha /2}^2 /(N - 1)]^{1/2}\), where χ 2 is the quantile of chi-square distribution for the number of degrees of freedom N−1, the criterion is transformed again:

$${{|C_{{\rm PT}/{\rm av}} - C_{{\rm cert}} |} \mathord{\left/{\vphantom {{|C_{{\rm PT}/{\rm av}} - C_{{\rm cert}} |} {S_{{\rm PT}} }}} \right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {S_{{\rm PT}} }} \le \{ [(N - 1)/\chi _{\alpha /2}^2 ]\,(0.09 + \gamma ^2 )\} ^{1/2}\\ \qquad\quad - t_{1 - \alpha /2} /N^{1/2} .$$
Table 1 Comparability assessment according to criterion (6): the bias norms in S PT units

Table 1 gives the numerical values for the right-hand side of the criterion at α=0.05. These values are the norms for the bias of the average PT result from the analyte concentration certified in the reference material (in S PT units). The value γ is set based on requirements of the analysis, taking into account a σ PT value equal to the standard analytical/measurement uncertainty or to the target standard deviation (calculated using the Horwitz curve [12] or another database).

For example, if standard reference material SRM 2690 (NIST, USA) is chosen for PT of aluminium determination in coal fly ashes, C cert=12.35% by weight and σ cert=0.28/2=0.14% (±0.28% is the expanded uncertainty shown in the certificate). According to the ASTM standard [21], the means of the results of duplicate determinations carried out by different laboratories on riffled splits of the analysis sample should not differ by more than 2.0% for Al2O3, i.e. 1.06% for aluminium. Since the range for two laboratory results is limited by the standard, σ PT=1.06/2.77=0.38%, where 2.77 is the 95% percentile of the range distribution [22], the value γ=0.14/0.38=0.4. Simulated statistical samples of the PT results are given in Table 2. Comparability of results of the first 15 laboratories can be assessed as satisfactory by the norm in Table 1 for γ=0.4 (0.23), since \(|C_{{\rm PT}/{\rm av}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} | = |12.30 - 12.35| = 0.05 < 0.23 S_{{\rm PT}} = 0.23 \times 0.34 = 0.08\% \) by weight. The same is true concerning comparability of results of all the 30 laboratories (the norm is 0.30): \(|C_{{\rm PT}/{\rm av}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} | = 12.38 - - 12.35| = 0.03 < 0.30 S_{{\rm PT}} = 0.30 \times 0.35 = 0.11\%\).

Table 2 PT results of aluminium determination in SRM 2690 (simulated in % by weight)

Reliability of the assessment

Reliability in such comparability assessment is determined by the probabilities of not rejecting the null hypothesis H 0 when it is true, and rejecting it when it is false (the alternative hypothesis H 1 is true). Criterion (6) does not allow for the rejecting of hypothesis H 0 for the probability 1−α/2, when it is true. Probability of an error of type I by this criterion (to reject the H 0 hypothesis when it is true) is α/2. The probability of rejecting H 0, when it is false, i.e. when the alternative hypothesis H1 is actually true (the criterion power [23]) is:

$$P = {{\phi \{ (t_{\alpha /2} + \lambda )} \mathord{\left/{\vphantom {{\phi \{ (t_{\alpha /2} + \lambda )} {[1 + t_{1 - \alpha /2}^2 /2(N - 1)]^{1/2} \} }}} \right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {[1 + t_{1 - \alpha /2}^2 /2(N - 1)]^{1/2} \} }},$$

where φ is the function of the normalized normal distribution, and

$$\lambda = {{[|C_{{\rm PT}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} |{\rm - }\sigma _{{\rm PT}} (0.09 + \gamma ^2 )^{1/2} ]} \mathord{\left/{\vphantom {{[|C_{{\rm PT}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} |{\rm - }\sigma _{{\rm PT}} (0.09 + \gamma ^2 )^{1/2} ]} {(\sigma _{{\rm PT}} /N^{1/2} )}}} \right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {(\sigma _{{\rm PT}} /N^{1/2} )}}.$$

The value of the deviation parameter λ is calculated by substituting the expression \(|C_{{\rm PT}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} |\) in Eq. (8) for its value, corresponding to the alternative hypothesis. For example, for hypothesis H 11 in Eq. (2) this is \(2.0 [(0.3\sigma _{{\rm PT}} )^2 + \sigma _{{\rm cert}}^{\rm 2} ]^{1/2}\). Therefore, for H 11, the parameter is λ=[(0.09+γ 2)N]1/2, and for H 12 in Eq. (3) it is λ=1.1[(0.09+γ 2)N]1/2. The probability of an error of type II (not rejecting the H 0 when it is false) equals β=1−P. Both operational characteristics of the criterion P and β are shown in Fig. 1 at α=0.05 for the alternative hypotheses H 11 and H 12, and for different γ values and different numbers N of the PT participants.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Power P of the criterion and probability β of an error of type II (dependent on the number N of laboratories participating in PT) for probability α/2=0.025 of an error of type I. Solid lines are for the case when the null hypothesis H 0 is tested against the alternative hypotheses H 11, and dotted lines are when it is tested against the alternative hypothesis H 22. Curves 1 correspond to γ=0.4, and curves 2 correspond to γ=1.0

For example, reliability of the assessment using the hypotheses H 0 against H 11 for the above-described PT scheme for aluminium determination in coal fly ashes (γ=0.4), can be characterized by 1) probability 1−α/2=0.975 for correctly assessing comparability as successful (not rejecting the null hypothesis H 0 when it is true) for any number N of the PT participants, and by 2) probability P=0.42 for correctly assessing comparability as unsuccessful for N=15 PT results (rejecting H 0 when the alternative hypothesis H 11 is true), and probability P=0.75 of the same event for N=30 results. Probability α/2 of an error of type I is 0.025 for any N, while probability β of a type II error is 0.58 for N=15, and 0.25 for N=30, etc.


The operational characteristics of the criterion expressed in Eq. (6) and shown in Fig. 1 are high enough (P>0.5) for the number of PT participants N≥20. However, it is known that reliability of the assessment and probabilities of erroneous decisions based on such criterion depend on how the hypotheses have been formulated, as well as on the criterion for their testing [20]. In particular, the criterion power increases with λ values from the alternative hypothesis H 11 to the hypothesis H 12, since the last one is “further” from the null hypothesis H 0. Thus, detecting greater bias is simpler: for H 0 it is \([(0.3\sigma _{{\rm PT}} )^2 + \sigma _{{\rm cert}}^2 ]^{1/2}\), for \(H_{11} - 2.0 \times [(0.3\sigma _{{\rm PT}} )^2 + \sigma _{{\rm cert}}^{\rm 2} ]^{1/2}\) and for \(H_{12} - 2.1 \times [(0.3\sigma _{{\rm PT}} )^2 + \sigma _{{\rm cert}}^{\rm 2} ]^{1/2}\) .

The role of the ratio γ of the population standard deviations σ cert and σ PT is more complicated. Formally the larger γ is, the larger λ and the criterion power are. However, γ>1 (σ cert>σ PT) makes no metrological sense even when IHRM or a spike is used, since it means that either less accurate methods were applied for the material preparation and study than those used by laboratories participating in the PT, or the material is not suitable because of its inhomogeneity and/or instability. On the other hand, if it is possible to neglect the uncertainty of the reference material certification, as compared with random interlaboratory errors of the analysis, i.e. when σ cert<<σ PT, then the value γ<0.3 can be considered as insignificant. In such cases, Eq. (6) is reduced to a simpler one, similar to that described by Kuselman and Skryabina [24], since the null hypothesis by Eq. (1) is transformed here into a different one based on the statement that the bias of PT results from the certified value of the reference material is also negligible in comparison with random interlaboratory errors: \(|C_{{\rm PT}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} | \le 0.3\sigma _{{\rm PT}}\). The corresponding criterion is less powerful and requires N=50–100 for achieving the operation characteristics demonstrated for criterion (6) in Fig. 1. When both σ cert and σ PT are to be taken into account as values of the same order, i.e. when 0.4≤γ≤1, the null hypothesis can be formulated as \(|C_{{\rm PT}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} | \le 0.3\,(\sigma _{{\rm PT}}^{\rm 2} + \sigma _{{\rm cert}}^{\rm 2} )^{1/2}\), i.e. the bias is negligible in comparison with the sum of random interlaboratory errors and the material certification uncertainty. This hypothesis leads to the criterion being stricter than for Eq. (6), which is probably more appropriate for comparability assessment of key comparison results.

It should also be taken into consideration that information about the distributions (of both analytical results used for the reference material certification and of the PT results) is limited by the small sizes of statistical samples of experimental data. Therefore, the comparability assessment can be adequate only as long as the postulate concerning the normal distributions of the results fits the reality. In those cases where the distributions differ from the normal ones, and it is impossible to determine and to remove the causes of that difference, similar criteria can be formulated by non-parametric statistics methods; for example, using the sign test of hypotheses concerning the bias value \(|M_{{\rm PT}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} |\), where M PT is the median of the population of PT results at the hypothetically infinite number of participants. Thus, the null hypothesis by Eq. (1) is transformed here into \(H_0 :|M_{{\rm PT}} {\rm - }C_{{\rm cert}} | \le [(0.3\,\sigma _{{\rm PT}} )^2 + \sigma _{{\rm cert}}^{\rm 2} ]^{1/2}\) and so on [25 ]. However, the power efficiency of the sign test in relation to the t-test (ratio of the sizes N of statistical samples from normal populations allowing the same power) is from 0.96 for N=5 to 0.64 for infinite N [26]. Therefore, the power of a non-parametric criterion will always be less than the power of a parametric one for the same number N of PT participants.

From the chemical/metrological point of view, discussion of the results comparability should be restricted by the definition of the analyte and the matrix for which C cert and σ cert are quantified. Therefore, the adequacy of the reference material used is very important [27]. On the other hand, if the reference material prepared for PT is not certified and a consensus value (the average or the median of the PT results) is used instead of C cert, traceability of this value is questionable and comparability of the PT results cannot be assessed in the sense of “tested once, accepted everywhere”. In such cases, especially when number N of the participants is limited, a local comparability, i.e. among the participants only, is tested based on known requirements to the method reproducibility [28].


  1. 1.

    Comparability of measurement results in a PT scheme can be assessed based on a “yes–no” type of criterion for testing the null hypothesis regarding the insignificance of the bias of the results mean from the traceable value certified in the reference material used for the PT. The reliability of such assessment is determined by the probability of not rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true, and rejecting it when it is false and the alternative hypothesis is true.

  2. 2.

    A combination of chemical/metrological and statistical knowledge is necessary for careful formulation of the null hypothesis, since different hypotheses can lead to different decisions about comparability of the measurement results obtained in the same PT scheme.