1 Introduction

Market-driven incremental product development and delivery (release) is becoming increasingly commonplace in software industry [1, 2]. Incremental product development is planned and executed with the goal of delivering an optimal subset of requirements in a certain release (version of a product that is distributed to customers) [3]. The idea is to select what a release should contain (requirements), when it should be released (time) and at what cost (pertaining to the resources needed for designing and implementing a requirement) this should be achieved. The decision about which customers get what features and quality at what point in time has to be taken, i.e., making these activities a major determinant of the success of a product [4].

All activities described above, i.e., establishing what should be included in a release, when it should be released and at what cost, are vitally dependent on the product requirements and that they are elicited/caught, analyzed and specified before any planning and development activity can commence.

The situation is far more complex than the one presented by the classical bespoke [3] development situation where elicitation could be targeted and concentrated mainly to the customer organization and stakeholders identified there. The development activity was initiated by, e.g., an order, which generally resulted in a project (maybe preceded by a pre-study) and then requirements engineering was initiated through this project. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the situation in a market-driven development situation is different since the requirements flow is not limited to a development instance (e.g., a project), but rather continuous in nature, and the requirements themselves should act as the catalyst for initiating development.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Requirement’s role in the development process

In market-driven development, requirements are generally generated by multiple sources, both internal (e.g., engineers to management) and external (e.g., customers and partners). It can be everything from direct requests for added functionality from existing and/or potential customers to updates proposed by engineers working on the product.

In addition, indirect requirements need to be caught. This can be everything from idea-like requirements caught by the marketing department during a competitor analysis or a market survey to information gathered during product support and conveyed internally.

As the sources of the requirements vary and the requirements themselves are both direct and indirect in nature it is not surprising that they come in different shapes and forms, at multiple levels of abstraction, and described on varying levels of refinement.

In Fig. 1 this is depicted as requirements-initiated development, where all these types of requirements are input to a requirements engineering process, which has the capability of performing the needed refinement, analysis and negotiation, producing good enough requirements to initiate and drive development activities (e.g., projects) in a continuous manner, i.e., development is initiated when the requirements warrant it.

The market-driven product development situation described above was identified during a cooperative software process improvement (SPI) venture in industry, performed at Danaher Motion Särö AB (DHR). There was a need for adapting requirements engineering at DHR to a continuous process, moving from traditional project-initiated requirements engineering to requirements-initiated development. This involved not only creating a new way of working (e.g., how to specify requirements, what roles and responsibilities should be present, etc.), but also a new way of thinking (e.g., requirements are the basis for product development).

The Product Managers (the ones charged with implementing the new way of working) were faced with the challenge of how to take care of the continuous incoming stream of requirements ranging from abstract to technically detailed. Based on this problem the Requirements Abstraction Model (RAM) was developed. This article presents the RAM, how it was created in close cooperation with industry and validated through feedback from professionals as well as how it was tested in a live project.

Although the model was developed based on needs identified at DHR, the objective was for the model to be generally usable, i.e., the aim of RAM was to give professionals working with product planning/development (e.g., Product Managers) a requirements engineering model that helps them in their work. To this end RAM is modeled towards a product perspective, supporting a continuous requirement engineering effort, aimed at taking requirements of multiple types (abstraction level) as input, and offers a structure for the work-up of these requirements, i.e., breaking down abstract requirements into detailed ones and vice versa (see Sect. 4.3).

The benefits of using RAM as a support in product-centered continuous requirements engineering can be summarized in four points:

  1. 1.

    All requirements are compared to the product strategies, offering an assurance that requirements do not violate the overall goals set by the management. This offers the possibility to dismiss requirements early in the process, freeing up resources to work on/refine relevant requirements that are in line with the product strategies.

  2. 2.

    All requirements are broken down to an abstraction level where they are good enough for initiating a development effort (project). This assures that the projects (whose aim it is to realize the requirements) get good enough requirements to base their development efforts on (e.g., testable and unambiguous).

  3. 3.

    Work-up of requirements means that they are formulated on the same level of abstraction, and hence they can be compared and set against one another. The ability to compare requirements is a prerequisite to effective release planning and prioritization.

  4. 4.

    All requirements can be followed through several levels of abstraction giving a richer understanding of each requirement, and thus better decision support can be obtained for all professionals, from management to developers.

The article is outlined as follows. Section 2 offers an overview of related work. In Sect. 3 the background and motivation is presented, along with how it relates to both DHR and the general industry case. Section 4 offers an introduction and exemplification of the RAM, and Sect. 5 presents how RAM was evaluated through static and dynamic validation. Section 6 presents the conclusions.

2 Related work

The idea of market-driven incremental development is not new. An example of this is the IBM REQUEST technique presented in 1992 by Yeh [5]. Here arguments are put forward for the necessity of market-driven (i.e., listening to the customer) development and having mechanisms (prioritization) in place to select what requirements to develop. Recent research focuses on release planning from a perspective of what requirements to put forward taking issues of, e.g., interdependencies between the requirements into account [4, 6, 7] when planning a release, as well as priority from the customer perspective [8]. Dependencies, allocation to a certain release, risk, effort and priority are all factors addressed by the Evolve method presented by Greer and Ruhe [1, 9]. In the same manner the realization that requirements are often on different levels of abstraction and in varying stages of refinement has been recognized in both industry and research [10, 11].

This is often used as a way of working in industry by having different requirements documents for different reasons, e.g., one aimed for market/management where requirements are abstract and closer to visions than actual requirements [Market Requirements Specification (MRS)]. The MRS is later refined to product requirements [Product Requirements Specification (PRS)] by engineers and/or managers who interpret the MRS to form actual requirements (that should be testable and unambiguous, although it may not always be the case). The next step is to refine the requirements by adding technical details and producing Technical Requirements Specifications (TRS) based on the PRS. This offers a refinement of requirements from vision to technical requirements, almost design, through a document-oriented perspective where different people work on different documents interpreting requirement statements along the way. The Product Manager’s role may span from actively participating in the work with high level (MRS) to the next stage lower level (PRS) requirements and planning for what requirements should be allocated to what projects. Exactly what requirements are used as input to projects vary, as does the abstraction level within most documents (MRS, PRS and TRS).

Requirements on different levels of abstraction and at varying levels of refinement are considered by some as crucial input to the development in order to get a better understanding of what should be developed and why [10]. The basic notion is that both the abstract (long-term overview) and the detailed (giving context and the short-term view) are important [12, 13], and the two used in combination offers a better understanding.

The field of goal-based requirements engineering (see, e.g., [1416]) focuses on the elicitation of goals that are to become requirements at some point, working from the top down. Wiegers [17] and Lauesen [18] describe that requirements can be of different types pertaining to what they should be used for, not totally unlike the industry view of dividing requirements of different types into documents, from goal (abstract natural language formulations [19]) to technical design like specifications. The focus is on that requirements be specified on different abstraction levels depending on usage, e.g., project type.

The contribution of the RAM is set around taking advantage of the fact that continuous requirements engineering means that requirements are caught/elicited on different abstraction levels. Abstraction levels subsequently are used as a “motor” to facilitate work-up (not flattening, i.e., forcing all requirements to one level of abstraction) of requirements. Work-up is accomplished by breaking down abstract requirements into detailed ones and vice versa (see Sect. 4.3).

This work-up facilitates initial analysis and refinement of requirements to the degree of producing good enough requirements for project initiation, as well as explicitly linking all requirements to product strategies as a means to offer decision support for, e.g., management.

Requirements Abstraction Model does not assume a starting point (e.g., starting with goals), but rather takes what requirement is available as input and uses it as a base. Furthermore there is no choice of one abstraction level, i.e., flattening all requirements depending on the project type since the continuous requirements engineering is not project initiated rather product oriented in nature. In a product development situation there is a need for decision support on multiple levels before any release planning and development activity can be undertaken (e.g., in project form). Through work with RAM, requirements on a high level of abstraction (comparable to product strategy) and a low level of abstraction (good enough as input to a project) are available. In addition, as several levels of abstraction are offered, a richer understanding can be obtained as to the purpose of a requirement, its origin and so on, by looking at requirements over the abstraction level boundaries.

The fact that requirements are not flattened (forced to the same level of abstraction), or put into one repository (regardless of abstraction level), means that requirements produced when using RAM offer the possibility for comparison of requirements against each other on one or several abstraction levels. This is a prerequisite for later planning and prioritization activities.

3 Research context: background and motivation

The development of RAM was prompted by the increased pressure on product development organizations to handle an escalating load of requirements coming in to product management on varying levels of abstraction and detail. Moving away from project-centered development (project-initiated requirements engineering) towards product-centered development (requirements-initiated development) demands support for handling the incoming requirements. Giving product management a model for how to handle (and use) the requirements and their varying abstraction levels was the central motivation behind the development of RAM.

The need for a supporting model for handling and working with requirements in this context was also explicitly identified during a software process assessment activity performed at DHR [20]. The DHR case is used as an illustration of the problem and the needs described throughout this article.

The DHR develops and sells software and hardware equipment for navigation, control, fleet management and service for automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems. More than 50 AGV system suppliers worldwide are using DHR technologies and expertise together with their own products in effective transport and logistic solutions to various markets worldwide. The headquarters and the R & D Centre are located in Särö, south of Gothenburg, Sweden. DHR has 85 employees. DHR is certified according to SS-EN ISO 9001:1994 (currently working on certification according to ISO 9001:2000), but there have not been any attempts towards CMM or CMMI certification.

The DHR has a wide product portfolio, as the ability to offer partners and customers a wide selection of general variants of hardware and supporting software is regarded as important. Product Managers oversee development and new releases of products.

The initiative for an extensive process improvement program was initiated by DHR in recognition of the importance of optimizing their product development, and especially the area of requirements engineering was targeted. The first step of the improvement program was to perform an assessment activity to establish a baseline and identify possible improvement issues.

3.1 Process assessment results

During the process assessment conducted at DHR, in total nine major improvement issues were identified and formulated (see [20] for detailed information). These nine issues were subsequently prioritized and packaged (according to dependencies and priority) into three separate improvement packages to be addressed in turn (see [21] for detailed information). The RAM was primarily built not only to address the first of these three improvement packages, but also to prepare for the subsequent two (see Sect. 7). Improvement issue package 1 consisted of three issues as can be seen in Table 1.Footnote 1 Below, the issues are expanded upon and described to illustrate the state they were in at the initiation of the process improvement activity that started the creation of RAM.

Table 1 Improvement issue package 1

3.1.1 Abstraction level and contents of requirements

Issue-1. It speaks to the need for looking over and establishing how the requirements are specified regarding abstraction level and level of detail. During the process assessment, it was ascertained that requirements (obtained from multiple sources) were often specified on different levels of abstraction, and that some were detailed while others were not. This depended on several factors, e.g., who stated the requirement (source), who specified the requirement (experience and expertise) and to what extent the requirement was analyzed and refined subsequent to the initial draft. See Example 1 for an example.

Example 1
figure a

Abstraction level and level of detail

Issue-1 and state of the art. Looking at the literature and previous studies conducted regarding the state of requirements engineering in industry the points described in Issue-1 are not exclusive to the DHR case in any way. An example is the findings in context of the REAIMS Esprit project [22, 23]. This is further supported by the findings in [10, 2427], where certain issues were identified as general deficiencies in the requirements engineering process:

  • Analysis and negotiation (leading to good enough specification)

  • Interpretation and structuring of requirements

  • Testability and measurability (of the specified requirements)

  • Reviews (of the requirements)

  • Varying abstraction level of specified requirements leading to problems in, e.g., comparing requirements

3.1.2 Roles and responsibilities: RE process

Issue-2. This is related to there being an unambiguous and clear description of the responsibilities needed to support the requirements engineering process, as well as an explicitly defined structure for what these responsibilities entailed. The market-driven product development at DHR made it necessary to elicit/catch requirements continuously, i.e., there was a need for a continuous requirements engineering process and roles to support the activities this involved, which partly lie outside of the traditional project-initiated requirements engineering process.

Issue-2 and state of the art. The importance of making roles and subsequent responsibilities clear is not an issue reserved for requirements engineering, but pertinent in any organization involved in product development [28, 29]. Roles and responsibilities needed to handle requirements and, in essence, manage products often lay outside the focus of traditional quality assurance frameworks like CMM [30], since it is not a direct constituent of the development, rather an initiator of it.

3.1.3 Requirements upkeep during and post project

Issue-3. It is about keeping requirements “alive” as long as they are relevant. Keeping requirements updated is largely connected to Issue-2 (i.e., who has the responsibility to update requirements). The reasoning was that the requirements should be used throughout the development cycle, i.e., initially for establishing what is to be done and why, later as a basis for validation (e.g., system test) and for purposes of possible reuse. Keeping requirements updated was deemed necessary in order for requirements to be usable over (and beyond) the entire development cycle.

Issue-3 and state of the art. There are any number of reasons for keeping the requirements up to date during and post development. If changes are made to what is done and the requirements are not updated the requirements do not reflect the end-result of the development activity. This can be a problem both technically and legally since the requirements cannot be used as a basis for, e.g., system test [31] or as a binding agreement (contract) between customer and developers [18].

In the case of DHR’s continuous product development the requirements sources are many (see Fig. 1) and the customer is not generally identifiable as one external customer, but rather the role of customer is taken by, e.g., the Product Managers. Thus, the requirements are the contract between the management (of which Product Managers are a part) and the projects designing and implementing new products/product versions.

3.2 Motivation summary

Two main factors motivated the creation and evolvement of the RAM: (1) a direct need identified in industry and (2) a suitable model was not found in the literature, i.e., a model for continuous requirements engineering catching and handling requirements on multiple levels of abstraction.

Regarding the industry need (1) there was an expressed interest to make the way of working with requirements market-driven and product-centered [32]. Utilizing product management and the multitude of requirements gathered (from multiple sources, but more importantly on multiple levels of abstraction) by the organization to improve the product alignment towards the needs of the market, the actual need for this type of model has become even more apparent after the development of RAM. A different organization has shown an interest in applying the model to their organization, due to which they experienced similar challenges as DHR.

The way of working with requirements was to reflect good practices identified in the state of the art, i.e., adopting appropriate good practices (see, e.g., [22, 23, 33]) in RAM. Moreover, aspects like repeatability and structure were seen as important, but only to the extent of offering a clear support-framework without being cumbersome and overbearing. The plan for achieving a process improvement was to develop a way of working with requirements based on the needs and experiences of the management, Product Managers and engineers.

Looking at the state of the art, there is a research being conducted in the area of continuous requirements engineering in a market-driven development situation, although many problems remain (as described above in combination with the improvement issues), and there is a lack of an appropriate model (2). Offering support for continuous product-centered requirements engineering that not only considers abstraction levels but also uses them prompted the explicit effort to develop RAM in a way suitable for organizations faced with certain issues, rather than tailoring the model towards one organization.

3.3 Evolvement of the Requirements Abstraction Model

Requirements Abstraction Model was developed in several stages as can be viewed in Fig. 2. Subsequent to the initial formulation RAM went through two major validations (Validations One and Two are seen as static validation) before it was deemed good enough to be tested in a live industry setting (dynamic validation). The static validation steps involved brainstorming/interview sessions with product and Project Managers as well as discussions with representatives for development, system test and upper management.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Evolvement time-line of RAM

The dynamic validation consisted of using RAM for a real live requirements engineering effort. Both the static and dynamic validations had a fundamental impact on the model and are described in Sect. 5.

The version of RAM presented in this article is 1.0 (see Sect. 4), i.e., the model that evolved as a result of the validations. RAM v.1.0 was mainly aimed towards establishing support for the initial stages (specification, placement and work-up) of the continuous requirements engineering performed by Product Managers. This is illustrated in Fig. 3 where two types of requirements engineering can be seen, continuous and dedicated. The continuous requirements engineering is considered a prerequisite for being able to deliver a subset of the total requirements to one or more development projects.

Fig. 3
figure 3

RAM overview: continuous versus dedicated requirements engineering

4 RAM structure and supporting process: an overview

This section describes the RAM’s structure and the supporting process developed as part of it. The gray example boxes in this section offer exemplification continuously throughout the text. Examples are important when working with RAM since the model is example driven, i.e., relevant examples (regarding the requirements engineering of the product in question) are important as a means to support training and use of RAM for continuous requirements engineering. Developing relevant examples is a part of the model tailoring (see Sect. 4.5), as is ascertaining the number of abstraction levels appropriate and attributes needed for each requirement. The version of RAM presented in this article (Sects. 4.14.3) is based on the one developed at DHR and is an example of what RAM can look like. The examples are not specific to any domain or organization, rather general in nature. This offers a general model exemplification and overview. The version of the model presented here is intended as a starting point for anyone wanting to tailor it for their specific organization and products.

Requirements engineering using the model involves the following three basic steps, as can be seen in Fig. 4. The first step (Specify) involves specifying the initial (raw) requirement and eliciting enough information about it to specify a number of attributes. The second step (Place) is centered around what abstraction level the now specified requirements resides on and last (Abstraction) each requirement goes through a work-up. Each of these steps is described in further detail below.

Fig. 4
figure 4

RAM action steps

4.1 Action step one: Specify (elicit)

In order to get a uniform way of specifying requirements, four main attributes are to be specified manually in this initial step. The goal of this step is to get an overview of the raw requirement to the extent of it being understood by the Product Manager performing the continuous requirements engineering.

The four attributes are:

  1. 1.

    Description. The requirement description should not be more than about five sentences and should be in broad strokes describing the central essence of the requirement. Example 2 offers examples of this attribute.

    Example 2
    figure b


  2. 2.

    Reason/Benefit/Rationale. This attribute consists of two parts: WHY the requirement is specified and BENEFIT of the specified requirement. “Benefit” should be seen in the context of the subject of the requirement being stated. If the subject is a user it should illustrate the benefit to him/her (see Example 3, Requirement B); if the subject is the product itself, e.g., in a non-functional requirement, the benefit should reflect the benefit from the requirements perspective (see Example 3, Requirements A and C).

    Example 3
    figure c


  3. 3.

    Restrictions/Risks. This attribute describes the restrictions and/or risks with the requirement that is not obvious in the description. It is possible to say that this attribute constitutes the negotiation space in the requirement. Example 4 offers examples of this attribute.

    Example 4
    figure d


  4. 4.

    Title. The title should reflect the contents of the requirement and should not be longer than five words. Example 5 offers examples of this attribute.

    Example 5
    figure e


As these four attributes have been specified, the next step is to ascertain the abstraction level of the requirement in question. Additional attributes to be specified are described in Sect. 4.4.

4.2 Action step two: Place

RAM consists of a number of abstraction levels (the driving motor of the model). This step involves analyzing what level a requirement is on and placing it on this level. Looking at Fig. 5, four abstraction levels can be seen, i.e., Product Level, Feature Level, Function Level and Component Level. (See Example 6 for exemplification of the placement of requirements on abstraction level described here.)

Fig. 5
figure 5

RAM abstraction levels

Example 6
figure f

Placing example requirements

The Product Level is the most abstract level. Requirements on this level are goal-like in nature, i.e., not fitting the normal definition of a requirement (e.g., testable and unambiguous [33]). Thus the use of the term “requirement” can be viewed as somewhat questionable in this case. Nevertheless, “requirement” is used for statements on all the four levels of abstraction. This is motivated by the fact that requirements in the model do not exist in isolation, but are always broken down to a level that is in line with the traditional meaning of the word “requirement” (see Sect. 4.3), as part of the RAM work-up.

Product Level requirements are considered abstract enough to be comparable directly to the product strategies and indirectly to the organizational strategies. In the context of RAM, product strategies are, e.g., rules, long and short-term goals and visions pertaining to a product specified by the management. Product strategies are in other words what govern what is to be done (direction of the product) and what is not, depending on, e.g., targeted market segments, competitor situation and so on.

The Feature Level is the next level in the model. The requirements on this level are features that the product supports. Feature Level requirements should not offer details as to what functions are needed in order for the product to support a feature; rather the requirements should be an abstract description of the feature itself.

The Function Level is, as the name suggests, a repository for functional requirements, i.e., what a user should be able to do (actions that are possible to perform), and also for non-functional requirements. The main criterion is that the requirement should be descriptive of what a user (or the system in the case of non-functional requirements) should be able to perform/do. In general, Function Level requirements are detailed and complete enough to be handed over to a system designer for further evolution and finally be a basis for the design. Functional Level requirements should strive to be testable and unambiguous.

The Component Level is the last level of abstraction in RAM. Component Level requirements are of a detailed nature depicting information that is closer to (or even examples of) how something should be solved, i.e., on the boundary of design information. The main reason for the existence of this level is twofold. Many requirements that come from internal sources (e.g., engineers) are on this level of abstraction. The Component Level can also act as a possibility to break down Function Level requirements into more detail and/or set limits to a Function Level requirement. This last point is elaborated upon in Sect. 4.3.

In order for this RAM action step to be completed (i.e., the initial placement of the requirement on appropriate abstraction level), a how-to guide was developed, as can be seen in Fig. 9 in Appendix. This guide operates on the principle of asking a series of questions and thus guiding the initial placement of the requirement. It should be noted that the how-to guide is only a part of the support material offered to the professionals working with the requirements. Other support materials consist of, e.g., a list of multiple examples (of requirements on all abstraction levels) relevant to the requirements engineering of the product in question. Example 6 offers exemplification of the placement of a requirement on a certain abstraction level.

It is important to realize that the initial placement of requirements as described in this section (and exemplified in Example 6) is not an absolute, but a balance, where the requirements have to be weighed against the examples and instructions in, e.g., the how-to guide. It is imperative for the requirements engineers (Requirements Manager) working with RAM to be consistent, i.e., placing requirements of comparable abstraction levels on the same level and enforcing consistency over time.

4.3 Action step three: Abstraction (work-up)

Subsequent to the initial placement of the requirement on an appropriate abstraction level the work-up of the requirement can commence. This third step of RAM involves abstracting and/or breakdown of a requirement, depending on the initial placement of the original requirement. The work-up process involves creating new requirements (called work-up requirements hereafter) on adjacent abstraction levels or linking to already existing ones, depending on the situation.

This process takes place for several reasons. First, as mentioned before, one of the model’s goals is for every requirement to be comparable with the product strategies. Thus, every requirement (on Feature Level or lower) has to be abstracted up to the Product Level (see Fig. 5) in order for this to be possible. This creates the first work-up rule (R1):


No requirement may exist without having a connection to the Product Level.

R1 can be met in one of the two ways: one or more new work-up requirements are created or the requirement in question is linked to already existing requirements on an adjacent upper level. In either case, the original requirement is abstracted upward and can be compared (indirectly) to the product strategies.

In addition to abstraction, there may also be reason for requirements to be broken down enough to act as a basis for design (good enough for project initiation). For a requirement to be detailed enough and on the right level of abstraction for this to be possible, every requirement (on Feature Level or higher) has to be broken down to Function Level (testable and unambiguous). This creates the second work-up rule (R2):


All requirements have to be broken down to Function Level.

Like in the case of R1 this can mean creating one or more work-up requirements on adjacent levels or linking the requirement in question to already existing requirements on lower adjacent levels. Either is acceptable as long as the requirement(s) on lower levels satisfy the upper level one.

Satisfy in this case pertains to the issue of breaking down a high-level requirement (from, e.g., Feature Level) to Function Level, where the requirements on lower level together satisfy the original one to the extent of giving a foundation good enough for the initiation of realization (design) of the requirement. The main reasoning behind this is that requirements are meaningless if they cannot be delivered to a development effort (i.e., left on a too abstract level). Typically, R2 involves the creation of several work-up requirements being created.

An example of R1 and R2 can be viewed in Example 7. Here the original requirement “C: Support for multiple languages” (placed on Feature Level) is abstracted to Product Level (R1) through the creation of a work-up requirement, “Usability internationally”, and broken down to Functional Level (R2) where three work-up requirements are created as a part of the breakdown.

Example 7
figure g

Abstraction and breakdown of example requirement C: Support for multiple languages

The breakdown to Component Level offers further details to relatively low-level requirements and is often associated with suggestions of how to implement a requirement. This level is not mandatory in the process of breaking down requirements. However, it should be observed that it is not unusual that several of the incoming requirements are on the Component Level of abstraction, thus the level cannot be discarded. The need for the Component Level is illustrated in the validation part in Sect. 5. In addition, the Component Level can also act as clarification (refinement and/or limitation) to one or more Function Level requirements. An example of this can be viewed in Example 7, where a technical limitation pertaining to the user interface adds (and limits the possible solutions by adding a design element) to the requirement on Function Level.

As was the case in the previous step (initial placement of the requirement) a how-to guide was developed to aid in the work-up of requirements. This guide (see Fig. 10 in Appendix) is example driven adhering to the two rules (R1 and R2) described above. It shows mandatory as well as optional work-up of the requirements.

It should be noted that none of the RAM action steps is final, i.e., in some instances it is necessary to iterate (go back) and rethink the initial placement of a requirement (as the work-up offers an analysis that may change the perception of the original requirement). This can also involve eliciting additional information from the requirement’s source if this is possible.

During the work-up, it is important to stay true to the original requirement or rather the intention of it. The creation of new requirements as a part of the work-up should not stray too far from the initial intention of the original requirement and thus give rise to totally new requirements that are related to but outside the scope of initial intention. It is inevitable to create new requirements (especially if the original requirement is on a high abstraction level) as the work-up is designed to create new relevant work-up requirements to the extent that they satisfy the original requirement. However, this is not the same as including new requirements based on “this might also be a good idea” philosophy, as this could give rise to a mass of new requirements. As the model (and the usage of it) is aimed at offering support to professionals, it is also very dependent on the same professionals pertaining to how well it works. A recommendation when performing work-up of original requirements is always to ask the question “is this new (work-up created) requirement really necessary in order to satisfy the original requirement”? If the answer is “yes” then there is no problem, but if there is uncertainty, the work-up should be stopped.

This does not mean that good ideas pertaining to new requirements should be discarded along the way in any case, but they should not be a part of the work-up, rather be specified as new original requirements on an appropriate level (and in turn get a work-up themselves).

4.3.1 Requirements work-up: discussion

Looking further into the process of work-up using RAM, several potential issues can be identified when applying the work-up rules.

As mentioned before, no requirement may exist without having a connection to the Product Level (R1). This can imply that new work-up requirements are created on upper levels using lower level original requirements as a base. A potential issue during this activity is that an original incoming low-level requirement can give rise to (or be linked to) several requirements on a more abstract level. Two rules of thumb apply here, based on what was learned during the validations described in Sect. 4. First, staying true to the intention of the original requirement is a priority. Inventing new requirements from scratch outside what is needed to work-up an original requirement can result in overwork of requirements at this early stage (product management). New requirements that are created as a part of the work-up process are separate requirements, but not original requirements. This distinction can seem somewhat trivial but it helps in keeping focus on expanding the meaning of the original requirements and the work-up of them instead of using the whole process as an excuse to create large amount of new independent requirements. Like all activities the requirements engineers, e.g., Product Managers, base this distinction on their expertise and judgment, and they must judge the impact not only on future development but also on product strategy. Secondly, a new requirement that cannot be directly attributed to the work-up process, but still invented as a result of an original requirement idea, should not be dismissed, but rather stated as a new original requirement (inventor is the source), and then subjected to work-up of its own. Work-up has to be seen as a part of the analysis, refinement and specification of requirements, as well as a way to compare incoming requirements to product strategies.

Once the work-up is completed and there are distinct links from the original requirement upwards and downwards (if applicable) a requirement in the “chain” cannot be removed without considering the whole structure of the requirements. For example, removing a requirement on Product Level would result in that all requirements linked under it must either be re-linked to another requirement on Product Level or all requirements in the chain have to be deleted as well.

The same consideration has to be taken when removing requirements on lower levels, i.e., removing a requirement on Function Level would demand an explicit decision stating that the above linked requirement(s) can be satisfied after the removal (by other requirements linked to the Feature Level requirement in question) or the Feature Level requirement should also be removed. Looking at Example 7, this would mean that the removal of, e.g., the Function Level requirement “Addition of languages to the system” would demand that an explicit decision is made that functionality for adding new ‘language sets’ to the system should not be incorporated as a part of the feature of supporting multiple languages in the system. This in turn has implications. How should languages be added? Are some set of them just added manually at development and so on? The decision of when (in this case a Feature Level) a requirement is satisfied by lower level requirements is also a judgment call, but an explicit decision has to be made all the way up to Product Level regarding adequacy and satisfaction. Ultimately management (both business and technical) has to decide if a certain chain of requirements are complete and within the product strategies or not.

4.4 Additional structure and process: roles, attributes and rules

As requirements are specified, placed and worked-up additional attributes are specified (in addition to those introduced in Sect. 4.1) for each requirement as applicable. Table 2 summarizes the additional attributes with a short description linked to each. Under the comment column there is an indication whether the attribute has to be specified (mandatory) or not (optional), as well as if it has to be specified manually or auto generated (assuming tool use). The subsequent sections elaborate regarding the attributes and their rationale.

Table 2 RAM requirement’s attributes (for attributes 1–4, see Sect. 4.1)

4.4.1 Traceability and role attributes

Attributes 5, 6 and 7 are linked to traceability issues, enabling (roles) people to be linked to a certain requirement, ensuring that responsibilities are clear, not open to interpretation, on a requirement level rather than a document level, to avoid issues like certain requirements being neglected or even overlooked entirely.

As requirements are caught/elicited from multiple sources, everything from a person to a market survey or a competitor analysis can be the official “source” of the requirement (in the latter two the sources are the reports/documents produced). This makes the role of Requirement Owner important as this person is charged with the responsibility of seeing that the requirement is followed through on. A Requirement Owner is the representative of the Requirement Source when this role is silent, e.g., when the source is a survey or an external party like a group of customers. In some instances the Requirement Source and the Requirement Owner can be the same person (e.g., in the case of an internal engineer formulating the original requirement).

The Requirements Manager’s role is typically represented by the Product Manager charged with the responsibility of actually working with the requirement throughout its lifecycle. During RAM action steps (see Fig. 4) the Requirements Manager can utilize resources needed, e.g., asking system experts and/or domain specialists for input during the work-up of the requirement. The cooperation between the Requirements Manager, Owner and Source (when applicable) is especially important as they, respectively, possess different perspectives and knowledge pertaining to the requirement in question. If a requirement is created as part of the work-up (a work-up requirement, not an original one), the attributes of the Requirement Source/Owner/Manager are set to the Requirements Manager responsible for the work-up.

4.4.2 Process (attributes)

State reflects how the requirement is handled in the product development organization and how it is set to different states reflecting the status. Figure 6 offers an overview of the different states. Looking at Fig. 6, states A, B and C are a part of RAM action steps (see Fig. 4) and the continuous (project-independent) requirements engineering and are basically about drafting the requirement. The work done associated with the three states is specified in further detail in Table 3 where each separate step and substep is described. Observe that states D (dependent on prioritization) and F (dependent on packaging into release packages) are addressed in future work (see Sect. 7).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Requirement’s states in RAM

Table 3 RAM state steps (see Fig. 6)

In RAM v.1.0 the possible states a requirement can exist in are A: Draft requirement, B: Rejected requirement, C: Incompletely specified and G: Refined requirement. A requirement can reach states A, B and C during the continuous requirements engineering, i.e., the work done as part of RAM action steps. State G is, however, reached as the requirement in question is subjected to further refinement and validation during the dedicated requirements engineering.

Dedicated requirements engineering is performed on a chosen subset of requirements after project initiation and involves refinement by the development project and system test departments to assure testability and unambiguity as well as completeness of the requirements.

It should be noted that state B is dependent on the requirement being out of scope, i.e., that it is not in line with the product strategies. Generally the out-of-scope requirement is rejected offhand (and attribute 10: Reject reason is specified), but in some instances an alternate decision can be taken. If a requirement is considered out of scope but is important for any reason (e.g., an important customer is the source) an exception can be made. However, this exception is an explicit action and has to be approved by both the Requirements Manager and the Requirement Owner, as well as checked against upper management. The general rule is that all requirements not rejected should be in line with the strategies formulated for a product. Exceptions to this rule should be kept at a minimum in order to use the full potential of RAM.

4.5 Model tailoring

The basic elements of the RAM revolve around using abstraction levels, instead of flattening them (or dividing them into separate documents), to work with requirements. RAM action steps described in Sects. 4.14.3 follow this ambition, and the use of attributes (Sect. 4.4) enables a requirements-oriented (not document-oriented) way of working.

This does not mean that RAM was developed to be prescriptive in nature. One model fitting all types of products is not a realistic aim, not to mention differences between organizations. To this end, the model is intended to be a framework on which continuous requirements engineering can be based. Several things need to be addressed prior to the model being set into operation in an organization. This can be seen as tailoring of RAM to fit a specific product (organization), as well as giving the adopting organization’s representatives (e.g., Product Managers) a chance to acquaint themselves with RAM.

Below an overview of the tailoring aspects is offered:

  • Abstraction levels (and usage of them) are a fundamental part of RAM. However, the number of abstraction levels and the abstraction degree of each level is not to be considered absolute.

    • The number of abstraction levels needed depends on the product and organization. To facilitate abstraction (to a level comparable to product strategy) and breakdown (to a level good enough for project initiation) different organizations may have different needs. Three levels may suffice in some cases where requirements are generally only caught/elicited on three levels; other organizations may have the need for five abstraction levels and so on.

    • The same reasoning applies to the abstraction degree of each level. It is dependent on the number of abstraction levels used, i.e., the jumps between levels are greater if few levels are used and vice versa.

    • As a rule, two things determine the number of abstraction levels and the abstraction degree of these levels. First, the requirements caught/elicited can be used as an indicator (if requirements are typically caught on four levels this amount may be appropriate). Second, the need for work-up of the requirements, i.e., do four levels (instead of three) help in making the work-up of the requirements easier? This mainly pertains to the distance between the abstraction levels.

  • Example driven is a term used in the description of RAM. As different organizations (products) are dependent on different vocabularies, domains, technical terminology, traditions and needs in terms of, e.g., the number of abstraction levels and abstraction degree, relevant examples have to be developed. The examples are to illustrate most “common” situations encountered by the Product Manager charged with the job of performing the continuous requirements engineering.

  • Attributes need to be reviewed and adapted to the needs of the organization. It is important to realize that perfect attributes are meaningless if they are not specified. A balance between benefit and cost has to be reached, and the benefit of specifying a certain attribute should be well anchored in the organization.

  • Roles present differ from organization to organization. In some cases new roles may be needed, e.g., if no Product Manager or equivalent role exists charged with the continuous requirements engineering; in other cases already present roles can be redefined. This is not primarily to fit the model, but rather to fit the nature of the requirements-initiated development (market driven and continuous).

  • Naming of abstraction levels, attributes, roles and so on should be adapted to fit the vocabulary of the organization. The main concern is that all parties have the same understanding of what is meant and a naming standard is used.

  • Product Focus means that an organization with homogenous products (pertaining to the development) can work with the same version of RAM (tailored to their needs). If an organization has heterogeneous products (e.g., large organization with different types of products/product lines) several tailored versions of RAM may be beneficial, e.g., one for each “group/type” of product.

  • Support Material, e.g., how-to guides are a result of the other tailoring points described above. The number of abstraction levels, abstraction degree, relevant examples and so on all govern how the guides are developed and what contents they have.

Details pertaining to the tailoring of RAM are considered outside the scope of this article. However, it should be noted that a tailoring effort of RAM is underway at present, which is a prelude to the test and implementation of RAM in a second organization faced with a situation similar to the one identified at DHR.

4.6 Requirement Abstraction Model: summary of the action steps

Product Managers are offered a model to handle requirements on multiple levels of abstraction in a continuous requirements engineering environment and a structured framework for how to work-up these requirements. The main steps of RAM are summarized below:

  1. 1.

    Specify initial attributes (attributes 1–4) to form a basic understanding of the requirement and ascertain its abstraction level. This is generally done by the Requirements Manager (Product Manager) in cooperation with the Requirement Owner (and the Requirement Source when applicable) (see Sects. 4.1 and 4.4).

  2. 2.

    Place the requirement (see Sect. 4.2) on an appropriate abstraction level (using product-relevant examples; see Sect. 4.5 and the how-to guide in Fig. 9 in Appendix).

  3. 3.

    Work-up (see Sect. 4.3) the requirement by specifying additional requirements (called work-up requirements) on adjacent abstraction levels until work-up rules R1 and R2 are satisfied (using product-relevant examples; see Sect. 4.5 and the how-to guide in Fig. 10 in Appendix).

During work-up, attributes 1–4 are specified for the new work-up requirements. As the work-up is being completed additional attributes need to be specified (see Sect. 4.4).

During work-up it may be necessary to rethink the initial placement of the original requirement and reinitiate work-up.

5 RAM: validation

This section offers a presentation of the evolutionary development of RAM as it was validated in industry against an organization faced with the improvement issues described in Sect. 3.

The validation is divided into two main parts, static and dynamic (see Fig. 2). The static validation consists of reviews and walkthroughs of RAM, and the dynamic validation consists of a live industry requirements engineering effort where the model was put through its phases.

5.1 Static validation

As RAM was developed it was considered important to get input from all stakeholders involved in product management and requirements engineering, as well as the ones using requirements as input to their work.

The first step was to identify relevant general roles at DHR and their relation to the requirements engineering process. The roles identified were project centered, as the organization was largely centered on development projects (i.e., project-initiated requirements engineering) at the time of the model’s development. This also meant that the roles were not directly compatible with the ones described by RAM (see Sect. 4.4).

Below the identified roles are listed. The roles were to some extent influenced by the roles identified during the process assessment activity performed earlier at DHR [20] (see Section 3.1):

  1. (A)

    The Product Manager role was new to the DHR organization (<1 year). The role’s responsibilities were centered on product coordination and product (release) planning, as well as development project coordination. The Product Manager was considered responsible for a product and answered to upper management.

  2. (B)

    The Orderer had the task of being the internal owner of a certain project, i.e., having the customer role and if applicable the official contact with an external customer and/or partner. This role is responsible for the official signing-off when it comes to the requirements, i.e., he/she places an order.

  3. (C)

    The Project Manager has the traditional role of managing the project, resources, planning and follow-up. As far as requirements are concerned, the Project Manager is responsible for the requirements engineering performed, the requirements specification written and signed off by the System Engineer.

  4. (D)

    The System Engineer is the technical person responsible for a project. It is also important to recognize that the System Engineer has the official responsibility for the requirements specification in a project.

  5. (E)

    The Developer is a representative for the developers (e.g., programmers) in a project, the ones actually implementing the requirements. The developers use the requirements specification.

  6. (F)

    The System Test role can be described as the traditional role of system test. This role is officially present during initial project meetings and is a part of the verification of the requirements specification.

  7. (G)

    Upper Management was identified as a crucial stakeholder since executive power to a large extent resided here. This role also represented the process owners, as well as the ones actively participating in the creation of product strategies.

Static Validation One involved eliciting feedback/input regarding RAM from the following roles:

  1. (A)

    Product Manager (two persons interviewed)

  2. (B)

    Orderer (one person interviewed)

  3. (C)

    Project Manager (two persons interviewed)

  4. (D)

    System Engineer (one person interviewed)

Static Validation Two involved eliciting feedback/input regarding RAM from the following roles:

  1. (E)

    Developer (one person interviewed)

  2. (F)

    System Test (one person interviewed)

  3. (G)

    Upper Management (one person interviewed)

The division of roles between the two static validations was deliberate. Static Validation One was centered on the initial formulation of the model, and cooperation with roles working with requirements (elicitation, analysis, management and so on) was considered crucial. Static Validation Two was centered on the input to and output from the model (what the model needed, e.g., product strategies, and what the model produced, e.g., requirements good enough for project initiation). Developers and System Test were in the position to give input as to, e.g., when a requirement was good enough for project initiation, testability and so on. Upper Management was directly involved with product strategies, as well as the process as a whole.

Both validations were carried out in the form of unstructured interviews [34] in the offices of the interview subjects and lasted between 1 and 2 h each.

In addition to the two official static validations described above it should be noted that the development of RAM was conducted on-site and that unofficial discussions and feedback were commonplace from multiple sources not limited to, but sometimes including, the roles and interview subjects that participated in the official validations.

5.1.1 Static validation impact and lessons learned

Static Validation One mainly influenced RAM pertaining to size and complexity. The initial designs of RAM were considered too ambitious in terms of how requirements were specified (e.g., more attributes pertaining to relations and dependencies). It led to a larger model demanding further details in the specification. There was a view amongst the Product Managers that too rigorous demands would result in either the model being not used (at least not as intended) or that too much time would go into specifying details that were never used (even if potentially beneficial). It was realized that simplifying the model pertaining to what was specified in relation to a requirement also dulled the requirement in question. This trade-off was considered and the general view was that it was better to have a model (requirements) that was good enough and used than a larger more complete model that was considered too cumbersome.

In addition, the usability of the model was debated and the consensus was that the example-driven nature of the model was important as far as usability was concerned. Product-centered relevant examples of specification, placement and work-up were considered necessary and, in combination with abbreviated how-to guides (see Appendix) enhanced the usability of the model substantially, especially in comparison to just offering, e.g., a list of rules describing RAM.

The structure and rules of RAM were considered important to get a repeatable and comparable continuous requirements engineering process that produced requirements on a level of detail that was predetermined and not ad hoc. The ability to compare requirements (directly or indirectly through work-up requirements) to product strategies was considered very beneficial as it would be possible theoretically to dismiss some requirements offhand if they were considered to be out of scope. The main risk identified in this scenario was that product strategies had to be present and explicit in order for this to work.

Static Validation Two mainly influenced RAM pertaining to process-related issues. This validation can be divided into two main parts: RAM-produced requirements and RAM general process. RAM-produced requirements was the part discussed at length with the Development and System Test roles and involved how to ascertain that RAM-produced requirements (on Function/Component Level) passed to development (input to initial design) were refined enough, unambiguous and testable. These aspects were used as input to the validation with upper management regarding RAM general process and gave rise to a division of RAM requirements engineering into two main parts: a continuous (pre-project) part and dedicated (during project) part. Figure 3 illustrates this.

To ensure testability and to get a pre-design review of all requirements a testability review was proposed. It meant creating test cases based on the requirements and thus getting an indirect review of testability and (to a large extent) completeness and refinement. The creation of test cases based on the requirements was not adding any work effort to the development as this was to be done in any case, but usually at a much later stage (i.e., as implementation is close to completion).

The testability review was not deemed possible to perform during the continuous part, but was placed in the dedicated part of the process. The main reason for this was not to waste effort on requirements not yet planned for development, i.e., only the Function/Component Level requirements allocated to a project would be subjected to the review.

This meant that testability could not be assured for all Function/Component Level requirements in RAM requirements “repository”, but rather only for the ones prioritized enough to be allocated to a project. A requirement on Function/Component Level should strive to be testable, but no formal review would be conducted until project allocation (i.e., performed during the dedicated part) was set as a general rule.

In addition to the division of the requirements engineering into two parts, upper management identified product strategies as an important factor in the context of performing requirements engineering with RAM. The general view was that the creation of explicitly defined product strategies would allow better control over product development, as well as tie development efforts (projects) closer to the goals for the product (and indirectly the organization).

5.2 Dynamic validation

As a candidate model (RAM v.0.9, see Fig. 2) was completed, it was set to be tested in a live development situation (referred to as dynamic validation hereafter). The idea was to use the model for actual requirements engineering in order to validate its components (e.g., attributes) and to check if the model was scalable to a real development situation. This involved validating several aspects of RAM:

  1. 1.

    Abstraction levels

    1. (a)

      On what abstraction levels did requirements actually come in, and what sources produced what requirements (pertaining to abstraction level)?

    2. (b)

      Did the work-up create any problems with, e.g., too many new requirements (i.e., work-up requirements) created as a result of work-up? This aspect was largely linked to the scalability of RAM.

  2. 2.

    Was it possible to use requirements directly from the model for the intended purposes, i.e.,

    1. (a)

      Were Product Level requirements comparable to product strategies?

    2. (b)

      Did the Function Level (together with corresponding Component Level) requirements offer enough material for a development project to perform dedicated requirements engineering?

  3. 3.

    Usability, i.e., was RAM easy and intuitive enough to use practically?

The main factor limiting the effectiveness of the dynamic validation was the difficulties of actual performing continuous requirements engineering over a long time period, as the dynamic validation was limited in time and scope. This meant that the “continuous” part was not really tested, i.e., only one development project was to be initiated as a result of the requirements engineering performed during the dynamic validation. Following a continuous product-centered requirements engineering view (as intended when using RAM and described in, e.g., Fig. 1) the dynamic validation would have to be performed over a much longer period eliciting/catching requirements continuously and initiating several development projects as needed (based on the requirements).

However, the consensus at DHR was that a limited, but nevertheless real, test of RAM would produce a clear indication as to the applicability of the model to solve the problems described in Sect. 2, as well as answer the questions posed above (see questions 1–3).

Looking at the process of dynamic validation the Product Manager’s role (at DHR) corresponded to the Requirement Manager’s role in RAM (see Sect. 4.4). Two persons in cooperation conducted the actual requirements engineering work performed with RAM, i.e., the normal Requirements Manager role of RAM was divided during the validation between a DHR Product Manager (driving the work) and the researcher (collection/support). In reality, the researcher’s role was not only collection, but also cooperation and collaboration to some extent. The main idea was for a professional in industry to use RAM in a requirements engineering situation, and by doing so involve other parts of the organization described by RAM, e.g., Requirement Owner and Requirement Source, and also, e.g., system experts and developers as needed to complete the tasks. The guarantee for scalability of RAM resided in this fact, i.e., that seasoned professionals used the model for a real requirements engineering effort and could estimate scalability based on their experience. The researcher’s role was to support and help in the work.

The dynamic validation (requirements engineering effort) was centered on the development of a new small product needed at DHR. It was set up to be as close to a real market-driven continuous requirements engineering effort as possible (but focused in length). Figure 7 illustrates the set-up. Requirements were caught /elicited from multiple sources, both internal and external. Each requirement was specified, placed and worked-up in turn. The stop condition for the dynamic validation was when there were adequate requirements in RAM repository for one development project to be initiated. In a continuous requirements situation the requirements engineering with RAM would never stop, but continue initiating project after project over time as the requirements came in.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Requirements engineering during dynamic validation

During the dynamic validation, the dedicated part of the requirements engineering (performed in the project) was largely omitted as the aim was to validate RAM v.0.9 (supporting the Product Manager during the continuous part); however, a number of testability reviews were performed. The motivation for this was to check Function/Component Level requirements (as they were delivered to the development project) for testability, completeness and ambiguity since the formal review ensuring these aspects was moved to the dedicated requirements engineering (see Sect. 5.1.1, Static Validation Two).

The role of Requirement Source was represented by a diverse group of different internal stakeholders with varying agendas. Some of these internal stakeholders (primarily marketing and sales personnel) represented external parties during the dynamic validation (as they often are pertaining to the “normal” case in everyday work).

5.2.1 Dynamic validation: lessons learned

Below, each of the questions posed in Sect. 5.2 (i.e., questions 1–3 with sub-questions) is discussed based on the experiences from the dynamic validation of RAM. Looking at the requirements engineering performed, 78 original requirements were elicited/caught before Product Management considered a development effort possible.

1(a). As the original requirements came in, the distribution over abstraction levels was diverse, as can be seen in Fig. 8. In the center of Fig. 8 the incoming requirements’ distribution over abstraction levels can be viewed as percentages of the total amount of requirements. In the left side of the figure the sources (grouped) of the requirements can be seen along with a percentage indicating their relative contribution of the total amount of requirements on each abstraction level. For example, 6% of the requirements came in (were placed) on Product Level, and the two sources (Customer and Management) had an equal (50% each) share of these requirements.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Requirements distribution over sources and abstraction levels

As the dynamic validation was a limited test-run of RAM and the organization had limited infrastructure to register requirements sources, some grouping was necessary. The grouping is based on general source, e.g., the group “Developers” is populated by all requirements elicited/caught from the development department regardless of, e.g., who the developer was. In the same way, the “Management” group consists of requirements from all management sources (whether it was upper or middle management). The Partner group was elicited indirectly through the marketing department, as direct access was limited, as was the case in most Customer group cases.

The distribution over the abstraction levels was relatively even except for the Product Level. This was not surprising as the Product Level only holds relatively abstract requirements and not statements such as “the product should support” which was the most common type (as indicated by 37% at Feature Level). The abstract nature of requirements on the Product Level means that in reality the requirements will result in many more requirements on lower levels when they are broken down. On the one hand, this means that the percentage figures are not comparable. On the other hand, the inability to compare between different levels of abstraction is one of the main motivations for the development of the model.

Most of the requirements came in on Feature Level, not testable or broken down enough for development, but feature focused, as were the Customer and Management groups that dominated this abstraction level. There was a limited introduction of requirements from both the Partner and Developer groups on Feature Level as well.

The Developer group stated most of the requirements on Function Level and had a fair share on Component Level as well. This is not surprising, as developers generally are perceived as more hands-on and not prone to abstract non-verifiable statements. The Partner group consisted of requirements where the source could be derived to industry partners that used DHR’s products as components in their own products. The partners’ high level of technical expertise and insight into DHR product’s technical detail probably led to their high representation on Component Level.

It should be noted that the Management group has relatively high representation on low abstraction levels. This might be because many management representatives are experienced engineers, well versed in technical aspects and have been with the organization for a large number of years.

With regard to the distribution, it was seen as beneficial that RAM supported varying levels of abstraction for initial placement of requirements since incoming requirements varied a great deal regarding abstraction level. The alternative was to put all requirements into one single repository, regardless of abstraction level, as was largely done prior to RAM.

1(b). The total number of requirements after work-up was about twice as many as the original requirements, i.e., for every original requirement in average one work-up requirement was created. The original requirements that came in on Product Level (6%) were relatively few in comparison, but resulted in the creation of several work-up requirements, more so than original requirements coming in on lower levels of abstraction. That is, the product impact of the requirements on high abstraction levels (Product Level) was substantial even if the amount of original requirements coming in on this level was relatively low.

The main issue with creating work-up requirements (new requirements as a result of work-up) was knowing when to stop. Satisfying the work-up rules (R1 and R2) was not the real problem. The main challenge was to avoid inventing new and not completely relevant requirements. Relevance in this case was staying true to the original requirement and only performing the work-up that was necessary to satisfy it. The Product Manager felt that it could be easy to lose focus and create additional requirements that were semi-relevant, e.g., adding functionality that could be “good to have”, but was not sought after when looking at the original requirement and the Requirement Source.

The main experience from the work-up was that staying true to the original requirements was very important and probably a matter of experience in using RAM. The doubling of the total amount of requirements as a result of work-up was not considered a problem since the benefits outweighed the costs. The benefits were not only comparison to strategies and producing good enough requirements for development, but also that the work-up process itself gave a better overview of the requirements and allowed for a better holistic view. In addition, the increase in effort, despite the creation of work-up requirements, was considered moderate in comparison to the requirements engineering performed before the use of RAM. In conclusion, the work-up (i.e., abstraction and breakdown) of requirements was considered beneficial since it implied analysis, refinement and completion of requirements in a structured way.

2(a). As the requirements were abstracted upwards, it was possible to compare most of the requirements to the product strategies. It should be noted that some of the product strategies were not in place prior to the requirements engineering (as the product was new to the organization, this was rather expected). However, the benefit was that explicit decisions had to be made during the requirements engineering as to what requirements were to be dismissed and what were not. This activity can be seen not only as a “reverse engineering” of product strategies, but also as the creation (or rather explicit specification) of product strategies that are lacking, using requirements as a roadmap to what is needed. Either way, as the strategic decisions were made they offered the possibility to dismiss requirements that were out of scope at an early stage and keeping resources spent on irrelevant requirements at a minimum.

The main concern for the management was for a need to establish routines for creating and re-creating (e.g., adding to/reformulating) product strategies continuously, as needed, to support the continuous requirements engineering. A lack of these routines was not a direct problem during the dynamic validation as the scope of the requirements engineering effort was limited and did not influence critical core products.

2(b). As the requirements engineering come close to its stop condition (adequate requirements for project initiation) a requirements review was performed in order to assess if the requirements on Feature Level and Component Level were good enough for use in a project and dedicated requirements engineering. In total ten requirements were reviewed on Feature Level (chosen by random). Three of these were considered as testable and unambiguous right away. The other seven were in need of some additional work before testability could be assured.

During the review, all ten requirements were considered good enough as input to the dedicated requirements engineering. There was adequate material present (looking at the entire abstraction chain) to continue the work of refinement and completion before the design stage.

The input to the project planning effort was also improved as all requirements were broken down to a level where greater accuracy regarding resource cost could be achieved, especially in comparison to having a mix of abstract and detailed technical requirements as a basis for project planning and initiation.

It should be noted that some communication with the Product Manager and minor refinement (reformulation) of requirements would have been necessary if the requirements should have been good enough in terms of being unambiguous and testable. This was deemed as acceptable and considered a substantial improvement over previous input to projects.

3. The overall impression of using RAM was positive. The action steps of specification, placement and work-up were performed without much trouble and supported by relevant examples, but rather intuitive. As the dynamic validation was the first attempt to actually use RAM there were of course some problems, mainly pertaining to coming up with relevant examples and figuring out strategy-related issues. However, the model helped in raising a number of issues early instead of leaving more uncertainties to development. Thus, the model is also indirectly a risk mitigation tool.

The material produced by using RAM was considered more than adequate, as well as offering it on an even level, i.e., as the requirements were specified and worked-up in the same way, most requirements were equally refined and comparable (on the same level of abstraction).

The potential problems with the model were not directly associated with RAM, but rather the infrastructure needed to support RAM. This included issues mentioned before, e.g., product strategies, and also issues such as adequate tool support and organizational infrastructure (traceability to original requirement source) and so on.

Looking at the dynamic validation as a first live run of RAM, the overall usability of the model was considered more than adequate by the Product Manager using RAM, as were the results produced by RAM.

6 Conclusions

The RAM was developed in response to direct needs identified in industry and the lack of an appropriate model to address these needs. The goal was to offer Product Managers a model supporting the ability to handle and work with requirements on multiple levels of abstraction in a continuous product-centered requirements engineering effort. This meant going from, e.g., one repository where all requirements were kept, regardless of abstraction level, to a structure mirroring the reality of the requirements coming in.

RAM enforces work-up rules that abstracts and breaks down requirements as needed, offering requirements on several levels of abstraction reflecting the needs of a development organization. Product Level requirements can be compared to product strategies, in an attempt to dismiss out-of-scope requirements at an early stage. Function and Component Level requirements (needed for project initiation) effectively assure that developers are not burdened with requirements too abstract for development. In addition, working with the model gave a homogenous refinement and analysis of requirements and the effect that several issues, normally left to projects, were caught early on. This mitigates the risk of some problems creeping into development and caught only after the development effort (e.g., project) was planned and initiated.

As requirements engineering is an integrated part of development the effective use of RAM is dependent on certain infrastructure being in place; this pertains mainly to explicitly formulated product strategies, whose existence cannot be taken for granted. As part of the benefit is dependent on this fact it could be considered a drawback; however, it should also be noted that the abstraction of requirements can trigger explicit questions, challenging management to refine product goals and strategies to reflect the needs of the development organization.

All parties working with development (management in particular) can compare requirements, as they are homogenous regarding abstraction level and are not forced to decide between an abstract requirement and a detailed one as, e.g., planning and prioritization activities are performed.

As part of its development, RAM was validated in industry through both static validations, getting feedback from professionals working with requirements engineering and product development, and through dynamic validation, giving a real live test-run of the model. The validations were performed to assure that the model complied with the needs of the industry.

During the validations it was ascertained that requirements did come in on different levels of abstraction, and that specification, placement and work-up were feasible in a real live requirements engineering situation. The usability of the model was premiered in its development and was partly assured during the static validation and tested during the dynamic validation.

As RAM is not prescriptive in nature, but rather adaptable and example driven, tailoring towards a product (or organization) may be required prior to use in order to develop support materials like guides and relevant examples. The main stakeholder pertaining to the model is the Requirements Manager (e.g., a Product Manager), and as the model should be tailored to support the work performed, not only the work performed must adhere to work-up rules, but also the consistency regarding abstraction levels is critical and how requirements are handled in relation to these rules. The main point is not having a certain requirement of a certain abstraction on a particular level, but rather having all requirements of a certain abstraction on the same level. This (i.e., adequate usage of the model) is obtained through supporting users with guides, relevant examples and explicitly formulated product strategies, and also through training in model usage prior and during model implementation in an organization. Issues such as the number of abstraction levels needed are up to the organization in question and their particular case and are a part of the tailoring.

Requirements specified using RAM were based on attributes validated against industry professionals and were considered adequate in amount and detail pertaining to fulfilling the functions needed. The usability was premiered in the models’ development, but not at the expense of substantially lowering the quality of the requirements produced. This was assured through the validity reviews performed.

As stated earlier, RAM presented in this article was designed with Product Managers in mind, supporting them in their requirements engineering effort towards producing requirements good enough for planning activities, giving detailed abstraction as well as a big picture view. However, it was also developed with engineers (developers) in mind, controlling the abstraction level and refinement of requirements handed over to projects. The motivation for RAM was to address needs identified at DHR, the same needs that were later confirmed by a second (independent) development organization, and their explicit interest in tailoring RAM to their products.

The non-prescriptive, adaptable nature of the model is based on the assumption that a perfect model and way of working cannot be specified, not even for one organization with homogenous products, since the products and needs of the organization may change over time. RAM can be tailored to satisfy the needs of different organizations and products. In the same way, it can be modified over time to reflect the current situation of a development organization, supporting the collection of requirements over time and product’s life cycle.

7 Future work: RAM validation and evolution

RAM v.1.0, as described in this article, was aimed at assuring that requirements be specified on multiple abstraction levels in a repeatable and homogenous way, enabling, e.g., Product Managers in early requirements engineering efforts. This was considered a prerequisite for subsequent activities, i.e., requirements estimation, risk analysis, prioritization and packaging of requirements taking, e.g., coupling between requirements into consideration. The next phase that will be undertaken in the validation and evolution of RAM can be described as a two-step process. First, a controlled empirical evaluation in a lab environment will be performed. This evaluation will be designed to further test the concepts behind RAM in an experimental setting, prior to industry trials. The goal for this evaluation will be to give important feedback regarding the usability and usefulness of RAM without spending valuable industry resources, but nonetheless enabling further improvements on the model’s concepts, identification of potential weaknesses and collection metrics regarding the usage of RAM. All information gathered during this lab evaluation will be used as input to the next step, the tailoring and large-scale piloting of RAM in industry. The present plan is for RAM to be tailored to, and subsequently piloted in, two organizations, Danaher Motion Särö AB and ABB Automation Technology Products. Data, both qualitative and quantitative, gathered during the pilots will act not only as decision support material for further model improvements, but also as input to the organizations when considering the full scale adoption of a tailored version of RAM in their product planning and development process.

In addition, the natural evolution of RAM will continue, incorporating explicit support for requirements estimation, risk analysis, prioritization and packaging of requirements into development instances. The work name for this endeavor is RAM v.2.0. Requirements engineering closer to and within projects will be incorporated. The goal will be to create one usable and flexible lightweight model that covers requirements engineering activities performed not only during product planning and management activities, but also within and post projects, thus effectively addressing most of the issues identified in industry (see, e.g., Improvement Package Two and Three in [21]).