1 Introduction

CRM (customer relationship management) suppliers range from top-tier companies, typically targeting large enterprises, to a number of smaller vendors, which offer CRM functionalities as part of a general-purpose IT platform. It is also expected that top-tier companies will address other market segments when the demand from large enterprises starts decreasing [1]. Consequently, smaller companies will be faced by the alternative between more expensive top-tier CRM packages and cheaper mid-market solutions. Similar to what has happened in the past with ERP (enterprise resource planning) packages, cost differences are likely to encourage an accurate evaluation of corresponding benefits [2]. According to market growth estimates, numerous companies will soon be challenged by this choice [3, 4, 5].

The objective of this paper is to propose and empirically validate a model supporting the selection of CRM packages during feasibility analyses. Traditional COTS (commercial off-the shelf) selection methodologies emphasize functional quality and costs as the primary decision point of view that guarantees the correspondence between software and organizational requirements [6, 7]. This model is novel as it includes technical selection variables measuring the architectural quality of CRM packages. Technical and functional quality variables are provided operating definitions to be measured quantitatively for different CRM packages. Measures are used to rank packages by their overall quality, according to the contextual priorities of decision makers. From a practical perspective, this contributes to feasibility analyses by providing a way to aggregate separate evaluations of individual selection variables into an overall quality assessment and operate a pre-selection of CRM packages. In this way, managers can focus more in-depth qualitative analyses on a restricted set of decision alternatives limited to higher packages in the quality ranking.

In the remainder of the paper, the literature on software selection is considered first. Next, the selection model is presented and the hierarchical ranking process that extracts CRM packages is illustrated based on selection variables and decision makers’ priorities. Results of empirical testing are reported in Sects. 4 and 5, and, finally, management and research implications of the findings are discussed in Sect. 6.

2 State of the art

The software selection process can be conceptualized as a sequence of steps through which companies make decisions on the package to be implemented and on their implementation partners [8, 9]. There is substantial agreement among previous research contributions on three methodological steps that compose the software selection process from the initial adoption intent to the final decision and the subsequent start of implementation activities (Fig. 1):

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Software selection steps

  1. 1.

    Pre-selection, aimed at reducing the number of software alternatives to be considered [10, 11, 12]

  2. 2.

    Analysis, aimed at obtaining an in-depth understanding of the technological and functional characteristics of pre-selected packages to evaluate their contextual suitability [11, 12, 13]

  3. 3.

    Negotiation, aimed at gathering information on the ability of prospective partners to provide pre- and post-implementation support [12, 14, 15]

A decision not to implement CRM can be made at any step, as additional information is gathered, which may change the initial disposition towards implementation. Furthermore, as the selection process develops, the understanding of a company’s software requirements can grow and selection steps may need to be iterated accordingly (Fig. 1).

Although selection steps are general, evaluation criteria, variables, and activities vary with the type of package that is considered for implementation. Research on CRM provides a number of case studies exemplifying implementation issues and activities with an exploratory methodological approach [16, 17]. The generalization of these implementation experiences into a CRM selection methodology is an important unanswered research question. Addressing this methodological gap, this paper focusses on pre-selection, as the first software selection step whose output represents the basis for subsequent evaluation activities.

Pre-selection analyses are usually characterized by a methodological orientation towards quantitative over qualitative evaluation criteria. Qualitative criteria are preferred when analyses are contextual (that is, they refer to a specific application case) and when decision variables are strongly inter-related [11]. The use of quantitative criteria for pre-selection is encouraged instead by the low level of detail that is usually required and is also generally recommended to reduce decision time. Quantitative evaluations of different decision variables can be more easily aggregated into an overall assessment and, in turn, lead to a faster pre-selection decision [8, 9, 18]. Furthermore, a lesson learned from Maiden and Ncube’s work on COTS selection is that measurability of selection criteria significantly increases the effectiveness of the selection process [19].

Maiden and Ncube’s prevalent quantitative methodological approach makes the majority of pre-selection methodologies output rather than process oriented. Process-oriented methodologies focus on categorizing, sorting, and synchronizing decision-making activities, whose individual execution is mostly supported through qualitative working guidelines [20, 21]. Conversely, output-oriented methodologies are concerned with obtaining a result and supporting evaluation activities in order to make sure that a decision is ultimately made [22]. Pre-selection methodologies typically consider the support to evaluation activities a primary issue that constitutes the foundation to obtain a final decision. Pre-selection methodologies that have been proposed for ERP packages [23], statistical tools [24], and executive decision support systems are all centred around a quantitative appraisal of packages against pre-defined decision criteria.

It should be noted that in pre-selection methodologies decision criteria are specific to the class of packages that is considered for implementation and need to be reconsidered as a new type of software is introduced. On the contrary, the pre-selection process is commonly based on the appraisal and ranking of packages aimed at prioritizing in-depth analyses. A ranking, as opposed to the extraction of a subset of alternatives, allows the analysis phase to take into consideration any number of packages until sufficient information is gathered to make a decision. Methodological support is usually provided to fine tune the ranking of alternatives by varying the importance attributed to different decision criteria or by modifying the selected set of criteria [6, 25].

3 Selection model

Typical decision criteria for pre-selection are costs and quality [20, 26]. In pre-selection, costs are used to fulfil two complementary objectives:

  1. 1.

    To calculate the quality-to-cost ratio and support opportunity evaluations

  2. 2.

    To set a maximum budget for implementation and limit pre-selection to packages satisfying budget constraints

Both objectives share a common attitude towards costs as an organizational control variable that complements rather than determines the ranking of packages. The first objective is achieved if ranking is based on quality and cost is used as a control variable to compare packages with similar levels of quality. In fulfilling the second objective, cost is still used as a control variable to exclude alternatives exceeding a predefined budget. The ranking of remaining alternatives can still be based on quality and complemented by cost evaluations.

A high cost variance can also been observed among CRM packages, probably related to the size of target companies (Table 6). From this perspective, larger companies inevitably involve greater software complexity and consequently incur higher costs. Conversely, smaller companies may not need the most expensive packages and, in this respect, cost limits constitute a legitimate market orientation that precedes the ranking of alternatives.

The empirical analyses reported in Sect. 4 test the correlation between cost and quality. This test is needed to verify that the inclusion of costs among decision variables does not contribute to ranking and, thus, empirically support the methodological use of costs as a control variable.

Figure 2 describes a model for the evaluation of the quality of CRM packages. The proposed model is novel in that it includes technical software quality variables. Previous software selection research bases the operating measure of quality on the breadth and appropriateness of a package’s functionalities [10], while technical aspects of quality are most often neglected [27]. However, the generally accepted ISO 9126 software quality certification guidelines emphasize both functional and technical quality variables as essential to the effectiveness of applications [24]. Specifically, ISO guidelines define technical quality along three dimensions: usability, maintainability, and portability [28]. The proposed model for pre-selection includes maintainability and portability variables, which are collectively labelled as architectural quality decision variables. Usability is not included since it constitutes a more subjective decision criterion that involves a personal assessment of the clarity and learnability of software interaction patterns. This requires knowledge of the specific organizational context which, as observed before, is typically gathered during the subsequent analysis phase for a reduced number of decision alternatives [23].

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Hierarchical decision model including functional and architectural determinants of quality

Similarly, vendor quality variables are not considered because of their strong context dependence. For example, a vendor may be more willing to support larger companies and a general quality assessment of their after-sale assistance could be inaccurate. The expertise and dependability of vendors is also context dependent, since it could largely vary with the particular geographical region and with the capabilities of local implementation partners. For these reasons, vendor-related evaluations are traditionally made through negotiation after an in-depth analysis of pre-selected packages (Fig. 1).

The next sections discuss the determinants of technical and functional quality along dimensions of portability, maintainability, completeness, and personalizability (Fig. 2). Lower-level determinants of quality represent primary decision variables that can be provided with a quantitative evaluation. These evaluations constitute the basis to obtain an aggregate quantitative measure of high-level decision variables through the hierarchical model discussed in Sect. 4.

3.1 Determinants of architectural quality: portability and maintainability

The traditional exclusion of technical quality variables from pre-selection can be related to multiple concurrent causes. First, technical variables are more difficult to understand for managers, who are typically in charge of the final software selection decision [20]. Furthermore, there exists a widespread management belief that IT variables should not drive decision making, since technical issues can always be solved by purchasing a corresponding technical solution [27].

The IS literature has repeatedly opposed the exclusion of technical variables from management decision-making activities and recognized their impact on software projects’ success [27]. The ISO 9126 architectural quality variables included in this paper’s pre-selection ranking model (Fig. 2) constitute accepted drivers of project effectiveness [19, 29].

3.1.1 Portability

Packages should be designed in compliance with modularity principles [30]. Modularity is technically defined as the ability to independently install and use separate sets of a package’s functionalities referred to as modules. Different modules interact with each other by exchanging data and services, that is, through their interfaces and without access to each other’s private information and procedures. Modularity principles apply to both individual packages and multi-package information systems, where packages act as separate, but interacting complex modules.

Portability is primarily related to the degree of modularity, which is fundamental to integrate packages into a company’s information system by parametrizing their interfaces and avoiding cumbersome software redesign activities. Researchers as well as vendors have devoted considerable resources to the definition of standard interface parameters that can guarantee software portability [31]. However, due to the functional complexity of business software, these efforts have resulted in multiple standard interfaces that have been developed in parallel and de facto continue to coexist. Packages can obviate this problem by incorporating multiple standards whose selection is left to designers as a contextual implementation choice. The broader the variety of interface standards supported by a package, the greater the portability.

Common knowledge suggests that standard interfaces are enclosed within middleware software. Middleware is defined as a software module that allows heterogeneous systems to interact with each other although individually they may comply with different interface standards. For this purpose, middleware incorporates interoperability paradigms, such as CORBA, DCOM, and RMI (Table 1), and provides translation capabilities from and to different standards. Accordingly, packages are considered more portable if they include a middleware component and if the variety of interface standards supported by their middleware is broad [28].

Table 1. Summary of portability variables

However, for CRM packages the middleware does not address all relevant aspects of portability. CRM is aimed at providing integrated access to organizational data, which are then exploited to improve a company’s relationship with customers. This involves access to distinct and possibly heterogeneous databases managed by different DBMSs (data base management systems). This ability to operate with heterogeneous data standards is an important aspect of portability for CRM packages and the number of different DBMSs that are supported is an additional indication of portability (Table 1).

Note that part of the organizational data may originate from partner companies. Different inter-organizational communication standards have developed over time and are still used by organizations, despite the completeness and versatility of more recent data models, such as XML. The ability to support multiple communication standards is also critical to CRM portability and complements the ability to deal with internal data standards (Table 1).

By accessing separate databases, CRM could affect data consistency. Data are typically retrieved from different sources and integrated into a unified schema [31, 32]. Consistency is preserved if modifications to these integrated data are simultaneously translated into updates of the original databases. Delays in updating databases cause temporary misalignments between CRM and original data, which could result in functional errors. For example, a call-centre operator may not be able to view a customer’s latest transactions and provide real-time assistance.

This ability to perform real time as opposed to batch data updates depends on the degree of a package’s portability. For updates to be real time, CRM modules need to include specific software procedures that align different data sources. If a CRM package does not include these procedures, it cannot be integrated into real-time information systems through predefined software interfaces and would require considerable redesign [33]. In turn, batch as opposed to real-time data consistency is an indication of lower portability (Table 1).

A further aspect of CRM’s portability is related to the breadth of security policies that are supported (Table 1). CRM allows access to organizational data through different channels, both internal and external. The ability to support different security policies is critical to the ease of integration of a CRM package within a company’s information system through parametrization as opposed to redesign [33]. For example, a CRM package may not provide built-in user profiles that can be associated with different data access rights. This inability to satisfy user security policies may cause integration difficulties and could represent a cause for low portability.

3.1.2 Maintainability

Modularity is also a fundamental driver of maintainability [28]. In modular packages, changes to a module do not propagate to other modules as long as their interface remains unchanged. Since modules can be independently modified, maintenance is faced with a lower software complexity and can be organized into separate and more manageable tasks [34]. The higher the total number of modules, the lower their individual complexity. Consequently, the total number of modules of a CRM package can be regarded as a first, rough indicator of maintainability (Table 2).

Table 2. Summary of maintainability variables

However, modules may not represent independent software entities. The inability to independently install a module stems from an extensive inter-module coupling, which represents a high need for services from other modules [31, 33]. In case of high coupling, changes to a module may have a broad impact on these inter-module service exchanges and the overall maintainability of a package can be lower. The number of modules that can be installed autonomously should be regarded as a further indicator of maintainability (Table 2).

The risk involved with low values of these indicators is to forcibly implement functionalities that are not required by users, but are nonetheless necessary due to the low modularity and high inter-module coupling of packages. On the contrary, companies can greatly benefit from an incremental deployment of CRM functionalities starting from a reduced set of core modules and subsequently extending support to non-core activities. An incremental deployment also reduces initial investments and allows a more cautious experimentation of CRM technologies. From the authors’ experience during this study, to accommodate these requirements, packages with low modularity and high inter-module coupling provide documentation for a guided installation process which allows the deployment of selected functionalities. However, this installation process involves software design activities, as opposed to simple parametrization.

The maintainability of CRM also has hardware determinants. Over time, the number of users can increase and hardware processing capacity has to be upgraded accordingly. These upgrades are enabled by hardware scalability, that is, the potential of a hardware architecture to incrementally grow in size by accommodating increasing requirements with technology changes of comparable magnitude [35]. The inability to satisfy hardware maintainability requirements may result in the obsolescence of the software package, which may have to be replaced to implement a more flexible hardware architecture [23, 36]. CRM packages can facilitate hardware scalability in three ways:

  1. 1.

    Packages can support a varying number of workstations, that is, simultaneous users. The maximum number of workstations that can be supported represents an indicator of maintainability, since it can favour scalability as a higher number of users requires access to CRM functionalities over time (Table 2).

  2. 2.

    Packages can split vertically into application tiers. If a package can be split into a higher number of application tiers, hardware scalability is increased, since greater capacity requirements can be satisfied by adding new tiers and corresponding machines (Table 2).

  3. 3.

    Packages can split horizontally, that is, they can allow application modules to be allocated onto separate machines. The number of modules that can be installed on separate machines is an indication of hardware scalability, since increasing capacity requirements can be satisfied by moving modules onto new hardware components (Table 2).

3.2 Determinants of functional quality: completeness and personalizability

Functional quality is traditionally defined as the degree to which software satisfies functional requirements [13]. Packages offer a pre-defined set of functionalities, grouped into modules and sub-modules. Functional quality depends on the completeness of a package’s functionalities and on their personalizability according to organizational requirements [31].

Functional completeness is emphasized as the main quality variable in the official documentation of CRM packages. Functionalities are usually described by listing and discussing the package’s hierarchy of modules and sub-modules. In order to compare the functional structure of different packages, a general classification of CRM functionalities is required. The hierarchical classification of CRM functionalities into modules and sub-modules that has been used in this study is reported in Appendix 1.

There is substantial agreement in the literature about three broad CRM functional areas, collaborative, analytical, and operational, which constitute the foundation of the classification reported in Appendix 1 [31]. Collaborative CRM functionalities allow customers to efficiently and consistently interact with an organization through multiple channels. Analytical CRM functionalities integrate, store, and manage customer information collected through multiple channels to be used by operational CRM functionalities. Operational CRM functionalities support an organization’s operations by exploiting CRM data to support planning, marketing, and sale activities. During this study, we have verified that the sub-modules within these three general functional areas constitute the most detailed information that can be obtained from official CRM documentation. Further knowledge should be gathered through demos and interviews and, hence, seems more appropriate for elicitation during in-depth analyses for a subset of alternatives.

Static and dynamic personalizability are distinguished for CRM packages [33]. Some of the personalization requirements can be foreseen by vendors and are accommodated by means of software parameters. However, software parameters can only be assigned a statically pre-defined set of values and personalization requirements that have not been foreseen must be dynamically accommodated by redesigning software code.

Static personalization is typically supported at an aggregate industry level by providing different versions of the package, referred to as vertical solutions, that encapsulate processes and best practices typical of a specific market segment (Table 3). A higher number of vertical solutions is an indication of greater personalizability. At a less aggregate level, interfaces, i.e. paper reports and screen fields, can also be parametrized. Table 3 defines the customizable reports and customizable fields variables accordingly. An interface type variable has also been included in Table 3 to discriminate packages that still fail to include a graphical user interface.

Table 3. Summary of personalizability variables

Dynamic personalization involves reprogramming. In this respect, packages may not release their source code to their implementation partners and, therefore, do not allow any form of dynamic personalization. In higher-quality packages, reprogramming is instead allowed by means of ad hoc languages, which are designed to take advantage of a package’s modular structure and provide useful high-level instructions (Table 3). Reprogramming can also be supported by standard fourth generation languages. The number of fourth generation languages that are supported is also an indication of quality, as it reduces the risk of skill shortage for a specific language and increases the ability to expand a package’s functionalities by integrating code developed in any language (Table 3).

4 Methodology and results

Because of the numerous decision variables to be accounted for, the pre-selection of CRM packages represents a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem [37, 38]. The previous section analysed the problem space and built a theoretical model including two fundamental points of view [37], functional quality and technical quality, which, in their turn, are defined by several interconnected primary evaluation variables. The second methodological step of MCMD problems is referred to as evaluation and is aimed at the empirical testing of the decision model. The objectives of testing MCDM models are:

  1. 1.

    To verify whether primary evaluation variables discriminate decision alternatives

  2. 2.

    To understand how quantitative measures of primary evaluation variables should be weighed into a final score

Recommendations to decision makers should be gathered from testing as a final methodological step of MCDM problems [25]. Evaluation is sound if decision makers can understand how to apply the decision model and obtain a ranking that is consistent with their decision priorities.

4.1 Data sample and descriptive statistics

The sample is comprised of data on 42 CRM packages, including about one-third of the packages available on the global market [39]. Only 20% of the packages in the sample operate in a single country. Extended ERP, knowledge management, and datawarehouse packages have been excluded from the data collection process because of their focus on a limited set of CRM functionalities. Table 4 reports the sample’s average value and standard deviation of functional completeness, measured as described in Appendix 2 and normalized in the 0:1 range. All packages in the sample offer functionalities in at least three modules and seven packages out of 42 address all modules. Descriptive statistics of the sample’s architectural quality are reported in Table 5, measured as described in Appendix 2 and normalized in the 0:1 range. Note how architectural quality shows higher values of standard deviation than functional quality, suggesting that technical variables may have greater discriminating capability for pre-selection. Table 6 shows descriptive cost statistics.

Table 4. Descriptive statistics of the sample’s functional quality
Table 5. Descriptive statistics of the sample’s architectural quality
Table 6. Descriptive statistics of the sample’s licence costs (figures represent total licence costs for a given number of workstations)

Data have been obtained primarily through questionnaires that were submitted to vendors and cooperatively filled through telephone and personal meetings with both marketing and production managers. Data have been checked for consistency and validated with information from Internet sites and official documentation of packages. Although the questionnaire was submitted to 120 CRM vendors, 42 demonstrated willing to take part in the study and provided complete information, with the exception of architectural data on the number of modules that can be installed on separate servers at the same application tier (Table 2). This information was provided by only five vendors and, accordingly, the corresponding maintainability variable has been excluded by empirical analyses. Overall, the data collection and validation effort was carried out over an eight-month period.

4.2 Statistical methodology and approach

According to Roy’s classification of MCDM problems, pre-selection constitutes a choice problem, which can be defined as the selection of a subset of satisfactory solutions as an intermediate step to reach a final decision [40]. Choice problems can be structured hierarchically as shown in Fig. 2 if the following two tests are satisfied [41, 42]:

  1. 1.

    Lower-level criteria should answer how the corresponding higher-level criterion can be satisfied by decision alternatives.

  2. 2.

    Higher-level criteria should explain why corresponding lower-level criteria should be satisfied by decision alternatives.

Both conditions are verified by the hierarchical decision model in Fig. 2. The first is satisfied by the top-down discussion of primary evaluation variables reported in Sect. 3, which identifies elementary decision criteria as determinants of architectural and functional quality. Conversely, architectural and functional quality represent fundamental selection criteria that justify the relevance of lower-level variables.

Hierarchical decision models provide a ranking of alternatives by hierarchically combining quantitative assessments of primary evaluation variables into an overall score. Different approaches can be used to combine quantitative assessments of primary evaluation variables. Value or utility functions can be defined to map the measures of each package’s primary evaluation variables into an overall score [38]. This approach applies to decision-making models that can benefit from a strong grounding in economic theory which allows the use of pre-defined value or utility functions. Novel or less-structured decision problems typically require an empirical approach [37, 43].

The empirical a priori variant of the analytic hierarchical process (AHP) proposed by Saaty [25] is used in this paper to extract an overall score by means of the hierarchical model. The first step of the AHP is the operationalization of model variables, which should be mapped onto a common quantitative scale that supports the hierarchical aggregation of their empirical measures. This involves two methodological steps [37, 44]:

  1. 1.

    Variables whose values are qualitative should be mapped onto a quantitative scale.

  2. 2.

    Different quantitative scales should be normalized onto the same range.

Step one is performed separately for single-valued and multi-valued qualitative variables. The first are mapped onto a quantitative scale by means of pair comparisons among their qualitative values. The output of pair comparisons is an eigenvector of numbers that assesses the impact on CRM quality of different qualitative values. The eigenvector can be used as the corresponding quantitative scale [25, 37]. Multi-valued variables can assume multiple qualitative values simultaneously and a quantitative scale can be obtained if pair comparisons evaluate the impact on quality of all combinations of compatible values, as opposed to individual values only [25]. This approach is feasible if the number of variables to be compared is not too high as in the model shown in Fig. 2 [19]. However, pair-comparison tables do not need to be recalculated when the set of packages to be compared is extended and, thus, guarantee the scalability to a grounding number of selection alternatives. Moreover, a statistical approach is provided to take care of different evaluations related to pair comparisons among selection variables. The analysis is based on the study of the dependability of pair comparisons when multiple actors are involved in the decision process and has the advantage to rank COTS without the use of complex negotiation processes among decision makers as discussed, for instance, by Bohem et al. [15].

Appendix 2 reports the operationalization of model variables, including the pair-comparison tables that have been used to calculate the eigenvectors. A linear normalization function mapping different quantitative scales onto the 0:1 interval is used in this paper as it is the most common approach in the literature [37]. Note that quantitative variables can have no theoretical limit, while a maximum value should be specified for normalization. In these cases, the maximum empirical value for packages in our sample was selected as the upper bound for normalization. Costs are operationalized as licence costs for different numbers of users ranging from 5 to 150.

Pair comparison tables have been obtained by interviewing 35 senior managers within consulting companies. All interviewees had previous experience with several CRM projects and knowledge of multiple packages. Managers were requested to make comparative evaluations of decision variables by assuming that selection had to be performed for a company operating within the financial industry. They provided different evaluations of decision variables, according to their individual perception of decision priorities. In most cases, they also expressed their individual priorities as a range as opposed to a number, due to both evaluation uncertainty and possible context dependence. This variability in managers’ evaluations may translate into changes in the ranking of packages. From a methodological standpoint, if for all values within evaluation ranges there are no rank reversals, ranking can be considered dependable [25]. If, on the contrary, rank reversals occur as evaluations are set closer to the limits of their variability ranges, managers should be provided methodological support by estimating the probability of rank reversals, to be used as an assessment of ranking dependability.

An aggregate comparison matrix was built from managers’ individual evaluations by taking their lowest and highest score for each pair of decision variables as the limits of an overall evaluation range. This aggregation process maximizes variability and allows the analysis of ranking dependability within the worst case scenario.

The literature provides empirical evidence showing that by randomly taking values within evaluation ranges, the corresponding elements of the eigenvector have a normal distribution [45]. It has been verified by means of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test that managers’ evaluations comply with these empirical indications by providing weights ω i with a normal distribution around a mean value μ i . Rank reversal is tested within a 99% confidence interval around the mean value calculated as μ i ±2.59σ i , according to the standard deviation σ i of each weight ω i Results are reported in Appendix 3. Note that the eigenvectors associated with fundamental points of view, that is, functional and architectural quality, can be analytically determined from the eigenvectors of lower-level variables, as described in Saaty [25].

4.3 Evaluation

The first objective of evaluation is to verify whether decision variables are mutually preferential independent and, therefore, contribute to the decision process. A principal component analysis was conducted separately on primary evaluation variables and fundamental points of view [46, 47]. Table 7 reports the correlation coefficients among the principal components of functional and architectural quality. The correlation coefficients between costs and the principal components of functional and architectural quality are reported in Tables 8 and 9, respectively.

Table 7. Correlation coefficients among principal components of architectural and functional quality
Table 8. Correlation coefficients among principal components of architectural quality and costs
Table 9. Correlation coefficients among principal components of functional quality and costs

The second evaluation objective is to test the dependability of ranking. An initial ranking is extracted by applying the mean value of weights to the hierarchical model shown Fig. 2. Sensitivity analysis has been conducted at all levels of the hierarchy by determining for each element of the eigenvectors (a) whether there are rank reversals within the 99% confidence interval, (b) the confidence interval that guarantees the absence of rank reversals and (c) the maximum confidence interval where at most one rank reversal occurs. It was verified through sensitivity analyses that allowing one rank reversal provides confidence levels above 90% for all primary evaluation variables, which can be considered dependable. Sensitivity analysis was conducted on the entire sample to address the worst-case scenario. In a real-case scenario, cost requirements can improve ranking dependability by discarding solutions which generate rank reversals.

Note that fundamental points of view do not require sensitivity analyses, as architectural and functional quality have been evenly weighed by all managers. Portability, maintainability, completeness, and personalizability, that is, middle-level criteria in the hierarchical model, were weighed differently by managers. However, managers provided only four distinct configurations of decision priorities. Sensitivity has been tested separately for these four configurations, as opposed to analysing a single evaluation range, as is recommended in the literature for higher-level decision criteria.

As a consequence of a rank reversal, a package moves upwards or downwards by one or multiple ranking positions. This lower dependability caused by rank reversals can be addressed by considering a greater number of packages for in-depth analyses, evaluating to the number of ranking positions either acquired or lost by a package plus one. Table 10 reports the overall number of packages that should be considered for in-depth analyses.

Table 10. Minimum number of alternatives to be selected for in-depth analysis

5 Discussion of findings

A first result concerns the contribution of both functional and architectural decision variables in determining the overall score of CRM packages. The principal components of functional and architectural quality have been found to be mutually preferential independent, suggesting the inclusion of both points of view in the selection process. Descriptive statistics have also shown that the variance of both aspects of quality is high among CRM packages. As a consequence, high functional quality may be accompanied by low architectural quality, which, in turn, could raise numerous technical obstacles, whose negative impact on implementation and maintenance activities have been extensively discussed in the literature [31, 33]. In particular, it is important to recall that limited portability and maintainability have been found to cause design difficulties whose solution often involves the replacement of the package [23, 36].

5.1 Findings

The results above provide preliminary evidence of the applicability and dependability of the proposed hierarchical selection model. Costs have been found to be positively correlated with architectural quality (Table 8). This supports their use as a control rather than a selection variable and indicates a first practical consequence of a cost-minimization approach to the selection of CRM packages. Lower costs are likely to be accompanied by inferior architectural quality, which, as a source of technical difficulties, may generate unexpected expenses as the project unfolds.

On the other hand, budget limits can represent a necessary constraint. Using costs as a control variable limits pre-selection to packages satisfying budget constraints. Companies can partly release these constraints as they examine pre-selected packages against their high-level architectural requirements, according to an iterative approach to pre-selection. Alternatively, they can accept limitations on selected architectural variables given their specific organizational requirements and extract lower-cost packages for subsequent in-depth analyses.

The principal components of costs and functional quality do not show significant levels of correlation. A possible explanation for this lack of correlation can be related to the low average level of functional completeness of packages, reported in Table 4. Packages tend to focus on a few modules, for which they offer a relatively high number of sub-modules. Other modules show significantly lower levels of functional completeness, although they are seldom totally missing. As a consequence, packages with a low functional completeness can be highly specialized and, thus, have sufficient competitive advantage to obtain high license fees.

However, the ranking of packages is not meant to determine the final selection decision, but represents a support to pre-select a restricted subset of packages to be analysed in-depth (Sect. 2). Provided that multiple packages are pre-selected for in-depth analysis, one or a few rank reversals can be acceptable. For example, the uncertainty caused by one rank reversal is obviated if a minimum subset of two packages is pre-selected for in-depth analysis. Table 10 shows that at most four packages should be selected for in-depth analyses, depending on the configuration of the comparison matrix that is considered. This number seems reasonable with respect to managerial practices reported in case studies. Furthermore, packages may be eliminated from ranking if they do not fulfil either functional or architectural constraints. As a side effect, this may reduce the number of rank reversals and, consequently, the minimum number of packages to be pre-selected for in-depth analyses. Overall, the model seems sufficiently dependable with respect to empirical levels of uncertainty in weighing decision variables.

5.2 Recommendations to decision makers

Our findings have important implications for CRM feasibility analyses. First of all, decision makers should be aware that marketing information provided by CRM vendors is incomplete if it exclusively focusses on functional characteristics of packages. In this respect, it should be observed that this current study has collected information on the architectural characteristics of packages by means of ad hoc questionnaires, while functional information was available either from vendors’ Internet sites or standard marketing documents. Primary decision variables provided by this study can be used as a basis to gather more accurate information to support CRM software selection.

Results encourage a rigorous methodological approach to obtain an overall evaluation of packages’ quality based on complete pre-selection information. Table 4 shows how there is a wide variance in how CRM packages cover different functional areas. Similar variations are shown by architectural quality variables in Table 5. The high number of quality variables and their mutual independence makes an overall judgment difficult to reach intuitively. Managers have demonstrated that even their comparative judgment of pairs of variables is subject to uncertainty, although they have been asked to provide their contextual priorities for a specific industry. The hierarchical model can help managers cope with their uncertainty by delivering an overall quality evaluation that is aggregate and dependable notwithstanding judgment difficulties.

The model can be applied according to different approaches. First, managers can simply rank CRM packages by using the set of hierarchical weights estimated in this study, which have been verified to provide a dependable ranking if at least four packages are pre-selected for in-depth analysis (Table 10). However, pair comparison tables and, consequently, sensitivity analyses are referred to the financial sector (Sect. 4.3). Managers operating in a different industry may disagree with the decision priorities reported in this paper. In this case, they should redefine pair comparison tables through interviews, or brainstorming sessions or, simply, their own judgment, according to their perceived level of uncertainty [45]. In turn, this redefinition will involve a new estimate of hierarchical weights and of the model’s dependability.

Alternatively, they can apply a hybrid approach, partially re-estimating weights. This approach is based on the observation that uncertainty in managers’ priorities decreases at higher levels in the hierarchical model. Therefore, managers may re-estimate lower-level comparison matrices, while reusing higher-level weights, possibly improving the model’s dependability. Table 10 reports the minimum number of packages to be pre-selected for different priorities in weighing portability with respect to maintainability, and completeness with respect to personalizability. For most configurations of managers’ priorities with middle-level variables, the minimum number of packages decreases from four to three.

Note that the numerical distance among overall quality scores cannot be used as a criterion to further reduce the number of packages to be pre-selected [44]. For example, if the first two packages in ranking are scored 1 and 0.1, respectively, it cannot be concluded that the second package should not be considered for in-depth analysis since its quality is ten times lower. The model provides an evaluation of quality according to an ordinal scale, as a consequence of the inclusion of both quantitative and qualitative decision variables. Therefore, the concept of distance among scores cannot be defined. The only methodological criterion that determines the number of packages to be pre-selected is dependability.

As a last observation, functional completeness is defined as the total number of sub-modules provided by a package according the classification reported in Appendix 1. This indicator can be refined as the model is applied within a specific organizational context by assessing the contingent importance of different functionalities through pair comparisons among modules and sub-modules. Thus, a more reliable, context-dependent indicator of functional completeness can be obtained, which may enhance the model’s dependability and, hence, the decision process.

6 Concluding remarks

Results show that CRM packages significantly differ in their functional and architectural quality and a dependable ranking can be obtained to support pre-selection. If pre-selection is exclusively based on functional quality, in-depth analyses would be faced with the comparison of functionally similar packages with a different architectural quality. It could be argued that a company requires selected instances of architectural variables, depending on legacy software components that need to interact with CRM. Unfortunately, excluding architectural variables from a definition of quality represents an oversimplification for many reasons. Architectural standards may not be mutually exclusive and higher-quality standards are compatible with the majority of legacy components. Irrespective of specific requirements, greater architectural quality should be preferred. Over time, requirements typically evolve and only higher-quality architectural solutions can accommodate change.

The set of architectural variables of the study is grounded in the technical literature and it is rather standard. The contribution of this paper is to take a first step towards translating technical knowledge into aggregate, understandable and measurable criteria for feasibility analyses. Initial design phases are especially critical as they require interdisciplinary knowledge to bridge management and technical areas of expertise towards common evaluations and decisions. In subsequent phases, projects are organized into more specialized tasks where expertise is developed. A challenge for both theory and practice is to mine this specialized know-how and gather high-level knowledge for managerial decision making.

This study focusses on the pre-selection step of feasibility analyses, but a number of questions still remain unanswered, and research in this direction would certainly represent a fruitful area of investigation. The inclusion of technical variables should be extended to subsequent software selection phases. In particular, in-depth analyses need support to evaluate packages against organizational requirements and require context-dependent criteria to assess architectural quality. Technical determinants of the need for process change should also be identified to help feasibility analyses. The model could then be generalized to other software packages and the set of decision variables proposed in this paper could be extended according to other packages’ specific characteristics, thus filling the literature gap identified in this paper across different functional areas of software architectures.