1 Introduction

In recent years, sentiment analysis is becoming more and more important in natural language processing tasks [3], which is especially hard for Chinese short texts. The state-of-the-art methods for sentiment analysis mostly adopt deep neural networks [14, 36]. However, these methods either depend heavily on manually labeling features or regional word-level representation of texts [32]. They have advantages for sentences or documents, but still have limitations for short texts [24]. For instance, the length of short texts is usually limited to 140 characters, referred as microblog texts. This makes text simple and compact. These characteristics increase the difficulty of sentiment analysis. For example, short texts often lack sentence elements. Moreover, short texts may contain multiple emotions. Apart from that, there is not only the homo-phonic but also the slang in Chinese.

However, short-text sentiment analysis is a wealth topic for it is profitable for financial texts [9, 21]. As a matter of fact, most retail investor does not present long speech and their emotion is expressed through short text often. On the other hand, if the emotion of the stock market is detected, it can lead to an arbitration [38]. Therefore, it is valuable to dig into the Chinese financial short-text’s sentiment analysis. Along with the many success of deep learning, it is also popularly used in sentiment analysis. Sadly, it is not explainable. Particularly, some approaches have been proposed for short-text sentiment analysis. For example, Zeng [39] built latent topic models and memory networks for short-text classification, in which the topic models were pre-defined and very similar to original classes. As another example, Wang [32] proposed a cross-domain sentiment classification algorithm, while their algorithm uses Sentiment Related Index (SRI) to measure the association between different lexical elements across domains. Yet another example, Wu [35] built a slang sentiment dictionary to aid sentiment analysis, and it is laborious and time-consuming to collect a comprehensive list of slang words.

Based on the above, this work dedicates to figure out which techniques suit better for the sentiment analysis of Chinese financial short texts with deep learning. We designed an ablation experiment and tested among the five most popular features used in NLP. They are the Pinyin [25], the word segmentation [16], the lexical analysis [21], the phrase structures [20] and the attention mechanism [29].

The contributions of our paper are as follows:

  • We collected a Chinese financial short-text corpus for sentiment analysis. It has more than 18,000 posts collected from stock forums.Footnote 1

  • We tested the Pinyin features, the segmentation, the phrase structure, the lexical analysis and the attention mechanism in an ablation experiment. This explains which technique(s) is more valuable in sentiment analysis with deep learning, for Chinese financial short texts.

  • We found the most cost-effective model is a Phrase Structure and Attention-based Deep network model (PhraSAD). It combines phrase-level representation and self-attention information with deep neural networks for sentiment analysis. The phrases can provide a stronger emotional indication than single words. And the self-attention mechanism can be used to extract in-sentence correlation.

  • We provided a dual classifier strategy to further improve the classification accuracy for neutral data.

The remainder of this paper is arranged as follows. In Sect. 2, we introduce related work. In Sect. 3, we present the overall architecture and algorithms of the PhraSAD. In Sect. 4, we evaluate the model performance with comparison. In the last section, we conclude this paper with future work.

2 Related work

In this section, the problem and our basic deep learning model are stated before major techniques used in Chinese natural language processing (NLP) are presented. These techniques are Pinyin, the segmentation, the lexical analysis, the phrase structure and the attention mechanism.

2.1 Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis is also known as polarity analysis, which aims to analyze, process, summarize and reason the data with emotion color in the text. In recent years, it has been developed rapidly in many applications, such as stock prediction and product reviews. For example, Ruan [26] manually labeled a Twitter dataset and used different neural networks for sentiment analysis and Batra [2] performed sentiment analysis on the tweets related to Apple products, which were extracted from financial StockTwitsFootnote 2 from 2010 to 2017.

Traditionally, short-text sentiment analysis problems are categorized as 2-class (positive and negative), or 3-class (positive, neutral and negative). The following examples illustrate some characteristics of short texts. All examples are in the CSFC and annotated by three experts.

Example 1

Sample text: “我今天买了新股!” (I bought a new stock today!) This text does not provide sufficient information, such as the name or the value of the stock. However, the sentiment polarity of this text is positive, because the speaker would not buy it otherwise.

Example 2

Sample text: “今天不大跌就已经是胜利啦!” (It is a victory if (the stock) do not crash today!) This text lacks a subject which should be the price of some stock. The emotion of this text is negative. See the sentiment word “大跌,” which means crash.

Example 3

Sample text: “涨是期待!跌是无奈!涨涨跌跌是一种常态!” (Expecting jumps while suffering slumps! Volatile and mix are in our daily life!) This text contains multiple emotions: “expecting” signals a positive emotion, while “suffering” suggests a negative emotion. These two emotions are conflicting. In practice, this text is regarded as neutral.

However, basic approaches in this filed have many limitations. For example, the 3-class problem is difficult for the bag-of-word [33]-based methods. See the following example.

Example 4

Sample text: “利空出尽, 就是利好。” (It is good news that all bad news are revealed!) There are two sentiment words: “利空,” which means bad, and “利好,” which means good. A naive bag-of-word algorithm will regard this text as neutral, but this sentence is positive indeed.

2.2 Neural Language Model

The basic deep learning models for NLP, includes CNNs (Convolutional Neural Networks) and RNNs (Recurrent Neural Networks). CNNs are initially designed for computer vision while Yanmei [19] performed sentiment analysis on 1000 microblog comments using CNNs, and Ouyang [25] used CNNs to analyze sentiment polarity in movie reviews. On the other hand, RNNs are particularly beneficial for sequential data. Examples in this line include Silhavy [27], which proposed Hierarchical Bi-directional RNNs (HBRNNs) to perform emotion analysis on customer reviews, and Chen [4], which used the RNN-GRU model to analyze sentiment in the datasets of Yelp and IMDB, whose results indicated that RNN-GRU outperformed many baseline methods. Additionally, BiLSTM (Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory) [11] is currently widely used in sequence-to-sequence learning, which took context into the consideration.

2.3 Pinyin

Pinyin is the romanization of Chinese characters and also a very popular input method for Chinese text. This leads to a near-homophones preferable social media culture, and some researchers consequently believe that leveraging on Pinyin feature could boost the performance of a Chinese NLP [25] task. We refer readers to previous studies for augmentations, see [25]. The following is an example.

Example 5

Sample text: “喋喋不休!” (Chatter.) The Pinyin for this sentence is: “Die Die Bu Xiu.” It is a homophone for “跌跌不休!”. (A sustained drop.) It is a typical sample of a negative text.

In previous studies, the Pinyin along with the Chinese characters were concatenated and used as inputs to NLP algorithms.

2.4 Segmentation

Chinese word segmentation is the task of splitting a Chinese text into valid words. It has a long history and many on-the-shelf tools.Footnote 3 However, recently, some researchers found that there is no more beneficial to learn word embedding after segmentation [16]. They supposed that “it is because word-based models are more vulnerable to data sparsity and the presence of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, and thus more prone to overfitting.” Here, we use a previous sample as an illustration.

Example 6

Sample text: “今天不大跌就已经是胜利啦!” (It is a victory if (the stock) do not crash today!) It can be segmented as “今天 不 大跌 就 已经 是 胜利 啦 !”.

Techniques took advantages of this pre-process used segmentation instead of the Chinese characters as inputs. The word segmentation means a technique of NLP, but in this paper, we used it to represent the result of this technique. This result can be another feature of NLP tools.

2.5 Syntax Analysis

Syntax analysis often results in a syntax tree structure, which can be provided as prior knowledge in the NLP. Tree-LSTM [28], DAG-LSTM [42] and DC-TreeNN [18] are three popular models using the syntax tree, while syntax analyzer tools like CoreNLP [22] are on-the-shelf. The tree-LSTM [28] used syntax trees to organize the hierarchical structure of LSTM units. Consequently, the content vectors obtained a semantic representation like that of original input text. The DAG-LSTM [42] also extended the chain-structured LSTM to directed acyclic graphs. Thus, it incorporated additional prior knowledge into RNN. The DC-TreeNN [18] introduced the dynamic compositional neural networks over tree structures to capture the meta-knowledge across the different compositional rules. There is many available syntax analysis software. For example, the CoreNLP [22] is a famous tool developed by the Stanford University. Lexical analysis is part of syntax analysis for today’s parsers. The results of lexical analysis can be used together with either the original text or segmentation of text and inputted to any software.

2.6 Phrase Structure

Phrases are one of the grammatical structures, which can obtain more dependency information from the context. This grammatical representation has got many achievements, e.g., Vilares [30] used parsers to perform opinion mining in Spanish reviews which accorded grammatical structure with manually crafted regulations. Lazaridou [12] is another example, which proposed a model for unsupervised induction of sentiment aspect, and discourse information. They showed that performance can be improved by incorporating latent grammatical information. Dong [7] is also another example, which proposed a system which can learn in-sentence sentiment structures using grammatical structures. We use a figure to show how to use the above techniques on the same sentence. As the results of lexical analysis, and an approach of sentence modeling [40], the phrase structure could contribute to NLP tasks as a part of the input too.

2.7 Self-attention

The attention mechanism is used to evaluate the correlation or the alignment between sequence elements, it finds the words of importance for a given query word in a sentence in NLP. It was first proposed in the field of image classification [23] and then introduced into sequence-to-sequence learning [1] rapidly while encoder–decoder networks become more and more popular. In encoder–decoder networks, an attention score is calculated by mapping functions (e.g., inner product function or cosine function) on hidden state information of encoders and decoders. Therefore, it is also called self-attention. For example, the inner product function or cosine function. To capture the dependency of in-sentence words, the output of encoder is set to be the input of the decoder. The Transformer [29] further introduced self-attention into sequence-to-sequence neural networks learning. Transformer proposed a novel and simple network architecture and was based solely on attention mechanism, dispensing with recurrence and convolutions entirely. Later, the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) [6] obtained new state-of-the-art results on eleven natural language processing tasks. For sentiment analysis, Lin [17] proposed self-attentive sentence embedding and applied them in English sentiment analysis. Moreover, Du [8] uses word attention on the existing review datasets and Li [15] further combined attention with sentiment-related features on another existing review datasets.

Different with the Pinyin, lexical and phrase structures, the attention is a technique instead of input features. However, in this paper we try to discuss them together. The reason behind this is that attention is basically an automated position-related features extraction method. When we discuss attention, in this paper, we are indeed discussing position-related features.

3 Model

3.1 Overall architecture

The model is composed of two parts and a hidden self-attention layer. The first part is feature extraction. It extracts features which focus on one aspect of a sentence.

  • The Pinyin emphasizes on phonetics.

  • The segmentation targets on the splitting words into logical units.

  • The syntax analysis aims to provide lexical roles for every word.

  • The phrase-level features can provide phrase structures of word units.

In a middle layer, self-attention can be used to extract the correlation of in-sentence words. The second part offers single- or dual-classifier options. We identify neutral data for 3-class problems by designing a dual classifier strategy. That is, a pos-classifier to decide whether an example is positive and a neg-classifier to decide whether this example is negative.Footnote 4 A text is regarded as neutral only if it is both positive and negative (i.e., multiple emotions), or neither positive nor negative (i.e., no emotion). See Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

An example of features for a sample text

In feature extraction part, inspired by the multiple-branch sentiment analysis model [36], we built four CNN + BiLSTM branches to deal with different feature representations. For the Pinyin branch, we used the PypinyinFootnote 5to generate the Pinyin embedding. In the segmentation branch, we used the JiebaFootnote 6 to perform word segmentation, and then adopt the Word2vecFootnote 7 to produce word embedding. The lexical analysis and syntactic analysis were conducted with the Stanford CoreNLP [22]. The POS (Parts-of-Speech) of words and phrase structures were obtained from the resulting syntax trees. At last, we calculated phrase embedding based on parse trees. Its algorithm will be given in the next subsection.

In classifier construction part, there are two options for multi-class problems. The first option is to construct an ensemble. In this approach, we train base classifiers for only one class. Then, the results of base classifiers are aggregated by a voting system. While in our case, the ensemble does not really need three base classifiers in this situation. It can be composed of two dual classifiers: a pos-classifier and a neg-classifier. An example text is determined to be:

  1. 1.

    positive if the pos-classifier says “yes” and the neg-classifier says “no”;

  2. 2.

    negative if the pos-classifier says “no” and the neg-classifier says “yes”;

  3. 3.

    neutral, otherwise.

By contrast, the second option is to use a single k-class classifier.

All classifiers are trained with a CNN-BiLSTM network, as shown in Fig. 2. Each deep network includes CNN, Dropout, Batch Normalization and BiLSTM layers in order. Using CNN and BiLSTM jointly is because CNN can extract local information and BiLSTM can capture long-distance dependency. Apart from that, lexical features and phrase features can be combined into phrase-level representation. With concatenation, both word-level and phrase-level representations are packed together into a full-connected neural network, outputting the final label after a softmax.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Overall architecture of the ablation experiment

The detailed formulas are as follows:

$$ \mathop \rightarrow \limits_{{h_{t}^{w} }} = LSTM(CNN\left( Y \right), \mathop \rightarrow \limits_{{h_{t - 1}^{w} }} ) $$
$$ \mathop \leftarrow \limits_{{h_{t}^{w} }} = LSTM(CNN\left( Y \right), \mathop \leftarrow \limits_{{h_{t - 1}^{w} }} ) $$
$$ y_{t}^{w} = \mathop \rightarrow \limits_{{h_{t}^{w} }} + \mathop \leftarrow \limits_{{h_{t}^{w} }}, $$

where Y is the output of self-attention process, and \(h_{t}^{w}\) is the value of hidden state h, at step t. The \(\mathop \rightarrow \limits_{{h_{t}^{w} }}\) part of \(h_{t}^{w}\) considers information on the right side of h and the \(\mathop \leftarrow \limits_{{h_{t}^{w} }}\) part of \(h_{t}^{w}\) reflects information on the left side of h.

After that, we integrate the Pinyin, lexical and phrase features with the dot product, producing phrase-level representation. Fw represents word-level embedding and FP represents phrase-level embedding. The \(y_{t}^{y} ,{ }y_{t}^{w}\), \(y_{t}^{l} ,{ }y_{t}^{p}\) are inputted features for the Pinyin, word segmentation, lexical code, and phrase structure, correspondingly.

$$ F^{w} = Dot\left( {y_{t}^{y} ,{ }y_{t}^{w} } \right) $$
$$ F^{P} = Dot\left( {y_{t}^{l} ,{ } y_{t}^{p} } \right). $$

As a result, we get a word-level embedding and a phrase-level embedding. They are concatenated and fed into a fully connected layer.

$$ F = Concat\left( {F^{w} , \, F^{P} } \right) $$
$$ \tilde{F} = Dense(F). $$

At the end, through the SoftMax, the model outputs the sentiment polarity for a given text.

3.2 Phrase-level Representation

In this subsection, a new algorithm for calculating phrase embedding will be given. As a beginning, we use the Stanford CoreNLPFootnote 8 to perform syntactic analysis of texts in the corpus. Each syntax tree produced by CoreNLP is a binary tree, where each node has at most two children. It is easy to recognize phrase structures in such a parse tree. Figure 3 presents all results of feature extraction from a given example text. Particularly, there are two phrases separated by a comma in this text. The first phrase is a short sentence (i.e., IP) with complete subject and predicate, and the second phrase is a noun phrase (i.e., NP).

Fig. 3
figure 3

The DNN (Dual or Single) classifier in the experiment

In our model, phrase embedding is calculated with a weighted linear function of word embedding. This is inspired by an existing approach which calculates the embedding of an English word with decomposition [21]. An English word can be decomposed into three parts: prefix, stem, and suffix. Therefore, the word embedding can be calculated based on these three components recursively. The phrase embedding is calculated based on the tree structure in a similar way. For the simplicity, we use abstract syntax trees by removing all the single-child nodes.

figure a

Algorithm 1 shows the pseudocode that calculates phrase embedding for nodes in an abstract syntax tree. It traverses the syntax tree in a depth-first way, starting from the root node and running recursively. Then, algorithm 1 calculates the embedding of every node by three cases. 1) In the punctuation-node case, there is nothing to do (line 3–4). 2) In the word-node case, the node is a leaf node. Therefore, the associated word embedding is returned directly (line 6–7). 3) In the phrase-node case, we first calculate phrase embedding for its two children recursively (line 9–10). Then, we get the weighted sum on phrase embedding of children to generate phrase embedding of the parent (line 11). Here, w1 and w2 are learned parameters to represent weights, and b is the bias. The phrase-level representation of a previous showed example is as follows.

Example 7

Sample text: “利空出尽, 就是利好。” (It is good news that all bad news is revealed!) The phrase-level representation: [[NN, Embedding of “利空”], [VV, Embedding of “出尽”], [PU, Embedding of “,”], [AD, Embedding of “就是”], [NN, Embedding of “利 好”], [PU, Embedding of “。”]].

4 Experiment

This section presents the details of our ablation experiment, including settings, comparison models and discussions. In deep learning, ablation experiments should consist of several trials, every trial removes some feature of the model.

4.1 Settings

The machine used in experiments has an Intel CoreTM i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30 GHz *4 processors and a single NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti GPU with 8 GB VRAM and 16 GB RAM. We ran Keras 2.1.4 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and used TensorFlow 1.4.1 backend on the GPU. The source code of our model has been released on the GitHub.Footnote 9

To test the effectiveness of different models, we use three corpus. Two Chinese short-text datasets (CFSC and CTRD) and one English short-text dataset (TWITTER) were used in our experiments. Here, the English dataset is used to show the extendibility of our method.

  • CFSC. We collected 18,000 Chinese posts on Oriental Wealth ForumFootnote 10 from 2015 to 2017. Each record in this dataset was annotated by three experts. The final denotation was determined according to the majority voting principle. For that matter, all example texts in this paper come from this corpus.

  • CTRD. This Chinese Review datasetFootnote 11 comes from a Chinese Takeaway platform. It contains only two classes: positive and negative. There are totally 4000 positive comments and 7987 negative comments.

  • TWITTER. This is a very big English dataset which comes from the Twitter.Footnote 12 We randomly selected 10,000 examples out of fairness to be close to the size of other datasets. Moreover, for performance verification, we increased the size of the dataset to 30,000 samples. In experiments, these two datasets were, viz. TWITTER(10 k) and TWITTER(30 k). However, because the difference between TWITTER(10 k) and TWITTER(30 k) is negligible, they are called TWITTER in all other parts of this paper but experiment result tables.

Table 1 gives the basic information about these datasets. Here, class means sentiment polarity. For each dataset, we took about 80% data as the training set and 20% data as the test set. The Avg.Len is the average length of sentences in a dataset. We choose the CTRD because it contains short Chinese text. Sentences in the CTRD is reviews, which might include sentiment but not necessary. However, as public Chinese short-text sentiment corpus is unavailable, the CTRD is our second-best choice.

Table 1 Summary of datasets

4.2 Comparison models

We compared our model with seven related approaches. Among them, there were six deep learning-based models. They were CNN, LSTM/BiLSTM, CNN-BiLSTM, Attention, Regional CNN-LSTM (RCNN-LSTM) and Multiple Branches CNN-LSTM (MBCNN-LSTM).

  1. 1.

    THUCTC. This baseline was proposed by Li [14]. The paper focused on a full performance comparison between words and character-bigrams used as features in Chinese text processing tasks. We obtained its source code from the author.Footnote 13

  2. 2.

    CNN. It was proposed by Kim [10]. The paper reported on a series of experiments with CNN trained on top of pre-trained word vectors for sentence-level classification tasks. Its source code is available on the GitHub.Footnote 14

  3. 3.

    LSTM/BiLSTM. This method was developed by Cho [5]. The model learned phrase representations using RNN encoder–decoder for statistical machine translation tasks and carried out the performance comparison between LSTM and BiLSTM.

  4. 4.

    CNN-BiLSTM. This baseline used the combination of CNN and BiLSTM to do the sentiment analysis. It can be viewed as the slimmest version of our model without phrase representation and self-attention.

  5. 5.

    Attention. Lin proposed it in 2017 [17]. It is a new model for extracting an interpretable sentence embedding by introducing self-attention.

  6. 6.

    Regional CNN-LSTM. This method combined the regional CNNs and LSTMs for sentiment analysis. The RCNN was introduced to extract features in the region.

  7. 7.

    Multiple Branches CNN-LSTM. This approach was introduced in 2017 [36]. The model built deep CNN-LSTMs with combined kernels from multiple branches for IMDb review sentiment analysis.

We chose them because of similar neural network architecture, i.e., deep networking. On the other hand, these methods represent different existing NLP techniques and their combinations. The THUCTC was a traditional classification method based on machine learning. Even though some related work was also involved in short-text sentiment analysis tasks, such as [32], they did not provide source codes for copyright limitations. Other deep learning approaches over syntax trees, such as the DC-TreeNN [18], are not open sourced as of the date of writing.

4.3 Results and discussion

Results are presented in Tables 2 and 3. The parameter setting of our model is as follows. We used 64 filters in each CNN. The filter size was [1, 2, 2]. The dropout rate was 0.5 and the learning rate was 0.01. The dimension of both word and phrase embedding was 100. And the dimension of hidden states in the LSTM was 64. We observed that the ensemble classifier outperformed the single classifier in our experiments. Therefore, we adopt the ensemble classifier for 3-class problems by default, as shown in Fig. 1.

Table 2 Overall evaluation results (accuracy)
Table 3 Ablation testing results (accuracy) for contributions of different components with dual classifier

Because the TWITTER is an English corpus, the Pinyin is not used on it. Using the CTRD leads to higher accuracy, for both previous studies and our method. It seems like the CTRD is an “easier” corpus. We believe this is because people are more emotional when it comes to stocks rather than goods, which caused the CFSC more complicated.

Overall Performance: As shown in Table 2, the PhraSAD outperformed all other models in all datasets. We adopted the classification accuracy as evaluation metric. Our model gained an absolute 16.93% improvement on CFSC, 1.27% on CTRD and 2.48% on TWITTER, compared with the most similar model, CNN-BiLSTM. Particularly, it improved the classification accuracy on CFSC by a substantial margin. Since CFSC is annotated manually, it is more credible than the other two datasets which are labeled by machine learning. It showed that, combining phrase-level representation and self-attention together seems to be a good choice for short-text analysis, for either Chinese or English short text.Footnote 15

Another interesting observation is that the PhraSAD (dual classifier) outperformed the PhraSAD (single classifier) by 1.86% improvement on CFSC. The reason is that the dual classification alleviated the difficulty of identifying neutral data. Therefore, by default, we used the dual-classifier on CFSC and the single-classifier on CTRD and TWITTER in the following experiments.

Role of Pinyin for CFSC: the model with the additional Pinyin feature is worse than the model without a Pinyin feature. The Pinyin feature is input into the model as a separated vector. However, the result shows that the accuracy was decreased. Therefore, the Pinyin branch is not part of the final PhraSAD model. See Table 4. Further, there are other two possible reasons which can explain the inefficiency of the Pinyin feature. For one thing, homophone is popular in Chinese. This leads to an inexplicit aspect of Pinyin. For another, using Pinyin almost doubled the length of the inputs, which can be a burden for networks with a fixed layer number. In other words, the Pinyin feature dispersed representations, just like the segmentation in previous studies [16].

Table 4 Role of pinyin (accuracy)

Contribution of Components: In order to analyze the effectiveness of each component of the PhraSAD, we executed the ablation test. We removed the self-attention, the lexical branch and the phrase branch, respectively, from the PhraSAD. The Pinyin branch is not used in this test because the accuracy will drop with it. Moreover, because segmentation is a special problem for Chinese text, we compared with a model without segmentation too. Accordingly, the new models were denoted as PhraSAD no attention, PhraSAD no lexical, PhraSAD no phrase and PhraSAD no segmentation, respectively. It was impossible to discard the word branch in any case. Results are presented in Table 3.

It turns out that each component had a positive impact on the whole performance of the PhraSAD. The accuracy declined when we removed any branch. Using three branches jointly performed better than using any single branch or any pair of two branches. Interestingly, the accuracy dropped the most when we tested the PhraSAD no phrase model. It showed that the phrase branch contributed most to the proposed model. Concretely, comparing Tables 2 and 3, we know that for English TWITTER dataset the phrase structure improves the accuracy by at least (83.03–78.85 =)4.18%, while for Chinese dataset CTRD the phrase structure improves the accuracy by (89.28–87.32 =)1.96% and for CFSC this improvement turned out to be (84.11–80.42 =)3.69%. Additionally, it is arguable whether segmentation is principal for Chinese texts. In our experiments, it is the most important component for the CFSC dataset as well as the least important component for the CTRD dataset.

Different Approaches for Phrase Embedding: We compared our weighted-sum method (i.e., Algorithm 1) with the other two phrase embedding methods. They take either a single sum or the average on the embedding of words contained in a phrase. As shown in Fig. 4, our method outperformed compared methods in all datasets. Even though using syntax trees is not novel, the purpose of using syntax trees in this paper is novel. This new phrase embedding generation approach based on syntax trees outperformed the existing simple-sum approaches by a substantial margin.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Results of different phrase embedding generation methods

Position of Self-attention Layer: At last, we compared the effect of placing the self- attention layer on a different position in our deep network. As shown in Fig. 5, we found that in all datasets, the accuracy of Self-Attention + CNN + BiLSTM was higher than that of CNN + Self-Attention + BiLSTM. Because after CNN extracts local features, the data becomes blurred. Therefore, it is difficult to calculate the relevance in the next attention layer. This leads to a degradation of the accuracy.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Results of different self-attention layers

There are previous studies which used word attention [8] or attention model [14] on review datasets. However, our approach is different with them in three major points. First, studies like Du [8] only use attention on word but PhraSAD uses attention on all features. Second, the features considered by Li [14] are only semantic-related while the PhraSAD take the Pinyin, segmentation, lexical analysis and phrase structure into account. Therefore, we did an ablation experiment on the PhraSAD. Third, they focus on long review text for products [8] or movies [14] while we pay more attention on financial short texts. That is why we had to build a corpus (CFSC) while previous studies can use long existing corpus [8, 14]. Because some previous studies [8, 15] did not release their code, we cannot compare their network with the PhraSAD in this paper.

5 Conclusion

This paper focuses on explaining the effectiveness of features for deep learning in Chinese financial short-text sentiment analysis tasks. Each data item was labeled by financial experts thus it is highly credible. For evaluation, we build a new Chinese short-text corpus. It was used along with two other existing short-text datasets (CTRD and TWITTER) in our experiments. Our experiments showed that phrase structure with self-attention models is two of the best. A major contribution of this paper is the final model, which preformed best for all corpus in the experiments, especially for CFSC.

However, this should not be the end of the story. There are promising directions of our future work, which are listed in Table 5 with failure cases.

  • For example, managing abbreviations and buzzwords. A case in point is a positive sentence “打死不割肉(Never cut position),” which includes a buzzword “割肉(cut position).” This will be helpful to identify complete semantic information of short texts.

  • For another example, it is more reasonable to use different weights for different types of phrases. “怎么涨起来了?楼主你不是说跌停吗?” is a stereotype positive sentence, which means “Why the stock rise while you said it would fall?”. Although there are a rise and a fall, the fall is only a statement about past facts. To do this, we should use lexical code and phrase structures jointly to produce phrase embeddings.

  • Yet another example is to consider more advanced grammatical representation. One candidate is tree bank provided by CoreNLP. Phrases usually are instantiated, while tree bank provides an abstract structure. This will alleviate the structured sparsity problem of short texts, see [37] for more details about the structured sparsity in NLP. An example is a positive sentence “今天完完全全满仓了, 啥也不想, 啥也不看了。任你风吹雨打, 我自岿然不动” with 5 sparse phrases, which means “Today I turned all my capital into securities, I don't think about anything, and I didn't watch anything. Let the wind and rain beat me, I won’t move.”

  • At last, character-based features [41] can be taken into the consideration via extending channels in our model. A negative sample is “已经果断清仓, 明天再看低位做t,” which means “I have sold all my stock, and I will buy at low position tomorrow, but that depends.” The character sequence “看低位做t,” which means “I will buy at low position tomorrow, but that depends,” is a neutral sentence with positive words.

Table 5 Promising directions with failure cases