1 Introduction

With the rapid development of information and network technologies, user authentication plays an important role to protect resources or services from being accessed by unauthorized users (Brindha and Shaji 2016; He et al. 2015; He and Zeadally 2015; Sk and Islam 2015; Khan 2009; Khan and Kumari 2013; Li and Hwang 2010; Li et al. 2013b, 2015, 2016a; Mishra et al. 2015; Ramasamy and Muniyandi 2012; Wu et al. 2015; Yang et al. 2012). A three-party password-based authenticated key exchange (3PAKE) protocol allows two users over insecure channels negotiate a secure session key and establish a secure channel via the help of the authentication server for securing their subsequent communications. All legal users store their verifiers computed from their actual password in remote server’s database and each user only needs to remember a single password with the trusted server. The main advantage of 3PAKE protocol is that it provides a convenient way for large-scale user-to-user communication environments and each user does not need to remember various passwords for different users who communicate with. Moreover, 3PAKE protocol can be applied for various electronic applications such as eBay.com and JobSearch International, etc. A trusted server assists in transactions between seller and buyer in eBay platform or a third party assists in employments between employer and employee in JobSearch Web site. Then these two users can exchange sensitive transactions or electronic job records securely and conveniently, as shown in Fig. 1.

Recently, due to the excellent properties of diffusion and confusion, the Chebyshev chaotic map has been used in the design of cryptographic protocols, especially secret key and public key cryptosystems. Many chaotic maps 3PAKE protocols have been proposed (Farash and Attari 2014; Lai et al. 2012; Lee et al. 2013; Wang and Zhao 2010; Xie et al. 2013; Yoon and Jeon 2011; Zhao et al. 2013). For example, Wang and Zhao (2010) proposed a chaotic map-based three-party key agreement protocol. However, Yoon and Jeon (2011) pointed out that Wang–Zhao’s protocol is vulnerable to message modification attack. In addition, Lai et al. (2012) proposed an anonymous authentication protocol using the extended Chebyshev chaotic map, but Zhao et al. (2013) showed that Lai et al.’s protocol is vulnerable to privileged-insider attack and offline password guessing attack. Both Lai et al.’s and Zhao et al.’s 3PAKE protocols used smart card to store sensitive information and these protocols may cause lost/stolen smart card problems and the sensitive information stored in smart card can be extracted by using power analysis attacks and side channel attacks. Therefore, Lee et al. (2013) and Xie et al. (2013) presented the extended chaotic map-based 3PAKE protocol without using smart card. On ther other hand, 3PAKE protocol using modular exponentiation and symmetric-key cryptosystem has been addressed widely (Lin and Lee 2014; Lv et al. 2013), but these protocols are not practical due to heavy computation costs.

In order to design a secure and efficient chaotic map-based 3PAKE protocol without using smart cards, Farash and Attari (2014) proposed a provably 3PAKE protocol and the security of their protocol is proved in the random oracle model, which uses neither server’s public key nor symmetric-key cryptosystems. Unfortunately, in this paper, we find that Farash–Attari’s 3PAKE protocol is vulnerable to the password disclosure attack, user impersonation attack and offline password-guessing attack. To enhance security, we present an improved version of Farash–Attari’s 3PAKE protocol using Chebyshev chaotic maps and quadratic residues. Our extended 3PAKE protocol not only overcomes security weaknesses in their protocol but also provides user anonymity. The property of user anonymity (He et al. 2013, 2016a, b; Li and Lee 2012; Li 2013; Li et al. 2013c; Li 2016; Li et al. 2016b) means that a user’s true identity and transmitted packets during the login session cannot be traced or linked by any outsiders.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we introduce the mathematical preliminaries of Chebyshev polynomial problem and quadratic residue problem. Section 3 reviews Farash–Attari’s 3PAKE protocol and gives the cryptanalysis of Farash–Attari’s 3PAKE protocol in Sect. 4. Our 3PAKE protocol with user anonymity is proposed in Sect. 5. Security analysis of our proposed 3PAKE protocol is presented in Sect. 6. Section 7 compares the proposed 3PAKE protocol with related protocols in terms of efficiency and functionality. Finally, the conclusion is given in Sect. 8.

Fig. 1
figure 1

An example of three-party authentication protocol for data exchange in eBay.com

2 Mathematical preliminaries

In this section, we give some basic knowledge about the Chebyshev polynomial problem and quadratic residue problem. More details could be found in Bergamo et al. (2005), Chen et al. (2008, 2013), He et al. (2012), Li et al. (2013c), Wen (2014).

2.1 Chebyshev polynomial problem

  1. 1.

    Discrete logarithm problem (DLP): Given two elements x and y, the task of DLP is to find the integer r, such that \(T_r(x)=y\), where the Chebyshev polynomial \(T_r(x)\) is a polynomial in x of degree r and x be a variable taking value over the interval \([-1, 1]\). It means that the probability of any polynomial-time algorithm to solve DLP is negligible.

  2. 2.

    Computational Diffie–Hellman problem (CDHP): Given three elements x, \(T_r(x)\) and \(T_s(x)\), it is difficult to compute the value \(T_{rs}(x)\). It means that the probability of any polynomial-time algorithm to solve CDHP is negligible.

2.2 Quadratic residue problem

We assume that \(N = x\times y\) and \(b = a^2 \bmod N\) has a solution, where x and y are two large primes. There exists a square root for b, then b is called a quadratic residue \(\bmod N\). The set of all quadratic residue numbers in \([1, N-1]\) is denoted by \(QR_N\) and the quadratic residue problem means that for \(b\in QR_N\), it is hard to find a without knowing the knowledge of x and y due to the difficulty of factoring N.

3 Review of Farash–Attari’s 3PAKE Protocol

In this section, Farash–Attari’s 3PAKE protocol (Farash and Attari 2014) will be briefly reviewed. There are four phases in Farash–Attari’s protocol: system setup, registration, authentication and key exchange, and password change. For convenience of description, terminology and notations used in the paper are summarized as follows:

  • A and B: Two communication users.

  • S: The remote server.

  • \(\textit{ID}_i\): The identity of \(U_i\).

  • \(pw_i\): The password of \(U_i\).

  • \(H_1(\cdot )\): A hash function (Aboshosha et al. 2016; Drissi and Asimi 2017), \(H_1:\{0, 1\}^* \rightarrow \mathbb {Z}_p\), where p is a large prime.

  • \(H(\cdot )\): A hash function (National Institute of Standards and Technology 2002) and \(H:\{0, 1\}^* \rightarrow \{0, 1\}^l\), where l is the secure parameter size.

  • s: S’s long-live secret key, which is kept secret and only known by S.

  • \(\alpha \): A pubic parameter, where \(\alpha \in \mathbb {Z}_p\) such that the minimal period of Chebyshev polynomial sequence \((T_n(\alpha ) \bmod p)_{n>0}\) is \(p+1\).

  • \(\textit{SK}_{ij}\): The session key, which is established between entity i and entity j.

3.1 System setup phase

In this phase, the remote server S keeps the secret key s and publishes the parameters \(\{p, \alpha , H_1(\cdot ), H(\cdot )\}\).

3.2 Registration phase

In this phase, the user registers with the remote server S through a secure channel to be a legal user. The details of registration phase are as follows:

Step R1 :

The user chooses his/her identity \(\textit{ID}_i\) and password \(pw_i\) and computes \(\textit{PW}_i=T_{pw_i}(\alpha ) \bmod p\). Then user sends the registration request {\(\textit{ID}_i, pw_i\)} to S.

Step R2 :

The remote server S computes \(VPW_i=H(\textit{ID}_i, s) + \textit{PW}_i \bmod p\) and stores \((\textit{ID}_i, VPW_i)\) in its database, and zeroizes \(\textit{PW}_i\).

3.3 Authentication and key exchange phase

When the users A and B want to authenticate the validity of each other and establish a common session key, they must perform the following steps with S to execute a session of the protocol:

Step A1 :

The user A chooses a random number \(r_A \in [1, p+1]\) and computes \(R_A=T_{r_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\). Then A sends {\(\textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_A\)} to S.

Step A2 :

Upon receiving {\(\textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_A\)} from A, S chooses two random numbers \(r_{S1}, r_{S2} \in [1, p+1]\) and computes \(R_{S1}=T_{r_{S1}}(\alpha ) - \textit{PW}_A \bmod p\) and \(R_{S2}=T_{r_{S2}}(\alpha ) - \textit{PW}_B \bmod p\). Then S sends {\(\textit{ID}_A, R_A, R_{S2}\)} to B.

Step A3 :

Upon receiving {\(\textit{ID}_A, R_A, R_{S2}\)} from S, B chooses a random number \(r_B \in [1, p+1]\) and computes \(R_B=T_{r_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), \(K_{BS}=T_{r_{B}}(R_{S2}+\textit{PW}_B) \bmod p = T_{r_Br_{S2}}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), \(K_{BA}=T_{r_{B}}(R_A) \bmod p = T_{r_Br_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), \(Z_{BA}=H(0, \textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A\), \(R_B, R_A, K_{BA})\) and \(Z_{BS}=H(0, \textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A, R_B,\) \(R_{S2}, Z_{BA}, K_{BS})\). Then B sends {\(R_B, Z_{BS}, Z_{BA}\)} to S.

Step A4 :

Upon receiving {\(R_B, Z_{BS}, Z_{BA}\)} from B, S computes \(K_{SB}=T_{r_{S2}}(R_B) = T_{r_Br_{S2}}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and verifies if computed \(H(0, \textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A, R_B, R_{S2}, Z_{BA}\), \(K_{SB})\) equals received \(Z_{BS}\). If it holds, S computes \(K_{SA}=T_{r_{S1}}(R_A)=T_{r_{S1}r_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(Z_{SA}=H(0, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_{S1}, R_A, R_B, Z_{BA}, K_{SA})\) and sends \(\{R_{S1}, R_B, Z_{BA},\) \(Z_{SA}\}\) to A.

Step A5 :

After receiving \(\{R_{S1}, R_B, Z_{BA}, Z_{SA}\}\) from S, A computes \(K_{AS}=T_{r_A}(R_{S1}+\textit{PW}_A) = T_{r_Ar_{S1}}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and verifies if computed \(H(0, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_{S1}, R_A\), \(R_B, Z_{BA}, K_{AS})\) equals received \(Z_{SA}\). If it holds, A computes \(K_{AB}=T_{r_A(R_B)} \bmod p=T_{r_Ar_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and verifies if computed \(H(0, \textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A, R_B\), \(R_A, K_{BA})\) equals received \(Z_{BA}\). If it holds, B is authenticated by A and A computes \(Z_{AB}=H(1, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B\), \(R_A, R_B, K_{AB})\) and \(Z_{AS}=H(1, \textit{ID}_A\), \(\textit{ID}_B, R_A, R_{S1}, Z_{AB}, K_{AS})\). Then A sends \(\{Z_{AS}, Z_{AB}\}\) to S.

Step A6 :

After receiving \(\{Z_{AS}, Z_{AB}\}\) from A, S verifies if computed \(H(1, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B,\) \(R_A, R_{S1}, Z_{AB}, K_{SA})\) equals received \(Z_{AS}\). If it holds, S computes \(Z_{SB}=H(1, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_A, R_B, Z_{AB}, K_{SB})\) and sends \(\{Z_{AB}, Z_{SB}\}\) to B.

Step A7 :

After receiving \(\{Z_{AB}, Z_{SB}\}\) from S, B verifies if computed \(H(1, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B,\) \(R_A, R_B, Z_{AB}, K_{SB})\) and \(H(1, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_A, R_B, K_{BA})\) equal received \(Z_{SB}\) and \(Z_{AB}\), respectively. If they are valid, A is authenticated by B.

Finally, A computes the session key \(\textit{SK}_{AB}=H(2, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B,\) \(R_A, R_B, K_{AB})\) and B computes the session key \(\textit{SK}_{BA}=H(2, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_A, R_B, K_{BA})\). Note that \(K_{AB}=K_{BA}=T_{r_Ar_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(\textit{SK}_{AB}=\textit{SK}_{BA}\).

3.4 Password change phase

When the user A wants to change his/her old password \(pw_A\) to a new password \(pw_A^*\), A must notify the remote server S to update the old password verifier \(VPW_A=H(\textit{ID}_A, s) + \textit{PW}_A \bmod p\) to a new password verifier \(VPW_A^*=H(\textit{ID}_A, s) + \textit{PW}_A^* \bmod p\), where \(\textit{PW}_A=T_{pw_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(\textit{PW}_A^*=T_{pw_A^*}(\alpha ) \bmod p\).

Step C1 :

The user A randomly chooses a random number \(r_A \in [1, p+1]\), computes \(R_A=T_{r_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and sends {\(\textit{ID}_A, R_A\)} to S.

Step C2 :

Upon receiving {\(\textit{ID}_A, R_A\)} from A, S chooses a random number \(r_S \in [1, p+1]\) and computes \(R_S=T_{r_S}(\alpha ) - \textit{PW}_A \bmod p\), \(K_{SA}=T_{r_S}(R_A) = T_{r_Sr_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(Z_{SA}=H(0, \textit{ID}_A, R_S, R_A, K_{SA})\). Then S sends {\(R_S, Z_{SA}\)} to A.

Step C3 :

Upon receiving {\(R_S, Z_{SA}\)} from S, A computes \(K_{AS}=T_{r_A}(R_S) = T_{r_Sr_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and verifies if computed \(H(0, \textit{ID}_A, R_S, R_A, K_{AS})\) equals received \(Z_{SA}\). If it holds, A computes \(Z_{AS}=H(1, \textit{ID}_A, R_A, R_S, K_{AS})\), \(\textit{PW}_A^*=T_{pw_A^*}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), \(PWD = H_1(K_{AS}, \textit{ID}_A) + \textit{PW}_A^* \bmod p\) and \(V_3=H(K_{AS}, \textit{PW}_A^*)\) and sends \(\{Z_{AS}, PWD, V_3\}\) to S, where \(pw_A^*\) is A’s new password.

Step C4 :

Upon receiving password change request \(\{Z_{AS}, PWD, V_3\}\) from A, S verifies if computed \(H(1, \textit{ID}_A, R_A, R_S, K_{SA})\) equals received \(Z_{AS}\). If it holds, S computes \(\textit{PW}_A^* = PWD - H(K_{SA}, \textit{ID}_A) \bmod p\) and verifies if computed \(H(K_{SA}, \textit{PW}_A^*)\) equals received \(V_3\). If it holds, S accepts A’s password change request, computes \(R_1 = H(1, \textit{ID}_A, PWD, V_3, K_{SA})\) and \(VPW_A^* = H(\textit{ID}_A, s) + \textit{PW}_A^* \bmod p\) and replaces \(VPW_A\) with \(VPW_A^*\). Then S sends \(\{\mathrm{Accept}, R_1\}\) to A. Otherwise, S rejects A’s password change request, computes \(R_2 = H(0, \textit{ID}_A, PWD, V_3, K_{SA})\) and sends \(\{\mathrm{Reject}, R_2\}\) to A. If the message is \(\{\mathrm{Accept}, R_1\}\), A verifies if computed \(H(1, \textit{ID}_A, PWD, V_3, K_{AS})\) equals received \(R_1\). If it holds, A confirms \(pw_A^*\) as the new password. Otherwise, A returns to Step C1 and follows the process. If the message is \(\{\mathrm{Reject}, R_2\}\), A returns to Step C1 with another new password and follows the process.

4 Weaknesses of Farash–Attari’s 3PAKE protocol

In this section, we will show that Farash–Attari’s protocol is vulnerable to password disclosure attacks, user impersonation attacks and offline password-guessing attacks.

4.1 Password disclosure attacks

In real environments, the user A may register with a number of servers by using a common password \(pw_A\) and the identity \(\textit{ID}_A\) for his/her convenience. Thus, the privileged-insider of S may try to use the knowledge of A’s \(pw_A\) and \(\textit{ID}_A\) to access another servers. The details of password disclosure attack in Farash–Attari’s protocol are described as follows:

Step 1 :

The privileged-insider of S steals the password verifier \(\textit{PW}_A = T_{pw_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) from S’s database.

Step 2 :

The privileged-insider of S guesses a password \(pw_A'\) and computes \(\textit{PW}_A'=T_{pw_A'}(\alpha ) \bmod p\).

Step 3 :

The privileged-insider of S compares \(\textit{PW}_A'\) with \(\textit{PW}_A\).

A match in Step 3 above indicates the correct guessing of A’s password and the privileged-insider of S succeeds to guess the low-entropy password \(pw_A'=pw_A\). Otherwise, the privileged-insider of S repeats Step 2. Note that above-mentioned steps can be done by offline manner and S is not aware of having caused problem.

4.2 User impersonation attacks

In user impersonation attack, a malicious attacker C may try to impersonate the user A to spoof the remote server S and the victim user B. The details of user impersonation attack in Farash–Attari’s protocol are described as follows:

Step 1 :

The attacker C chooses a random number \(r_C \in [1, p+1]\) and computes \(R_C = T_{r_C}(\alpha ) \bmod p\). Then C sends {\(\textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_C\)} to S.

Step 2 :

Upon receiving {\(\textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_C\)} from C, in Step A2 of Farash–Attari’s protocol, S sends {\(\textit{ID}_A, R_C, R_{S2}\)} to B.

Step 3 :

Upon receiving {\(\textit{ID}_A, R_C, R_{S2}\)} from S, in Step A3 of Farash–Attari’s protocol, the victim user B will send \(\{R_B, Z_{BS}, Z_{BA}\}\) to S, where \(R_B = T_{r_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), \(Z_{BA} = H(0, \textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A, R_B, R_C, K_{BA})\), \(K_{BA} = T_{r_B}(R_C) = T_{r_Br_C}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), \(Z_{BS} = H(0, \textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A, R_B, R_{S2}, Z_{BA}, K_{BS})\) and \(K_{BS} = T_{r_B}(R_{S2} + \textit{PW}_B) = T_{r_Br_{S2}}(\alpha ) \bmod p\).

Step 4 :

Upon receiving \(\{R_B, Z_{BS}, Z_{BA}\}\) from B, in Step A4 of Farash–Attari’s protocol, S will sends \(\{R_{S1}, R_B\), \(Z_{BA}, Z_{SA}\}\) to C, where \(R_{S1} = T_{r_{S1}}(\alpha ) - \textit{PW}_A \bmod p\), \(Z_{SA} = H(0, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_{S1}, R_C, R_B, Z_{BA}, K_{SA})\) and \(K_{SA} = T_{r_{S1}}(R_C) = T_{r_{S1}r_C}(\alpha ) \bmod p\).

Step 5 :

Upon receiving \(\{R_{S1}, R_B, Z_{BA}, Z_{SA}\}\) from S, C guesses a password \(pw_A'\) and computes \(\textit{PW}_A' = T_{pw_A'}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(K_{AS}'=T{r_C}(R_{S1}+\textit{PW}_A') \bmod p\). Then C verifies if computed \(H(0, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_{S1}\), \(R_C, R_B, Z_{BA}, K_{AS}')\) equals received \(Z_{SA}\). If it matches, it indicates the correct guessing of A’s password and the attacker C succeeds to guess the low-entropy password \(pw_A'=pw_A\). Otherwise, C guesses another password until success. Note that Step 5 can be done by offline manner.

Step 6 :

If Step 5 is passed, it indicates that C knows \(K_{AS}' = T_{R_C}(r_{S1}) = T_{r_Cr_{S1}}(\alpha ) \bmod p =K_{SA}\). Then C computes \(K_{AB}'=T{r_C}(R_B)=T_{r_Cr_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), \(Z_{AB}'=H(1, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_C, R_B, K_{AB}')\) and \(Z_{AS}'=H(1, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_C, R_{S1},\) \(Z_{AB}', K_{AS}')\) and sends {\(Z_{AS}', Z_{AB}'\)} to S.

Step 7 :

Upon receiving {\(Z_{AS}', Z_{AB}'\)} from C, in Step A6 of Farash–Attari’s protocol, C will pass S’s verification and S will send \(\{Z_{AB}', Z_{SB}'\}\) to B, where \(Z_{SB}'=H(1, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_C, R_B, Z_{AB}', K_{SB})\) and \(K{SB}=T_{r_{S2}}(R_B)=T_{r_{S2}r_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p\).

Step 8 :

Upon receiving \(\{Z_{AB}', Z_{SB}'\}\) from S, in Step A7 of Farash–Attari’s protocol, B verifies if computed \(H(1, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B\), \(R_C, R_B, Z_{AB}', K_{SB})\) and \(H(1, \textit{ID}_A\), \(\textit{ID}_B\), \(R_C, R_B, K_{BA})\) equal received \(Z_{SB}'\) and \(Z_{AB}'\), respectively. If they are valid, C is authenticated by B.

Finally, C succeeded in impersonating A to spoof the remote server S and the victim user B. Moreover, C can easily establish the common session key \(\textit{SK}_{AB}'=\textit{SK}_{BA}'\) shared between C and B and B is not aware of having caused problem, where \(\textit{SK}_{AB}'=H(2, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_C, R_B, K_{AB}')=\textit{SK}_{BA}'\) and \(K_{AB}'=T{r_C}(R_B)=T_{r_Cr_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p\).

4.3 Offline password-guessing attacks

In password change phase of Farash–Attari’s protocol, the attacker C can impersonate a legitimate user and guess a legitimate user A’s password with the help of achieved values from the remote server S. The details of offline password-guessing attack in Farash–Attari’s protocol are described as follows:

Step 1 :

During the password change phase, the attacker C randomly chooses a random number \(r_C \in [1, p+1]\), computes \(R_C=T_{r_C}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and sends {\(\textit{ID}_A, R_C\)} to S.

Step 2 :

Upon receiving {\(\textit{ID}_A, R_C\)} from C, S chooses a random number \(r_S \in [1, p+1]\) and computes \(R_S=T_{r_S}(\alpha ) - \textit{PW}_A \bmod p\), \(K_{SA}=T_{r_S}(R_C) = T_{r_Sr_C}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(Z_{SA}=H(0, \textit{ID}_A, R_S, R_C, K_{SA})\). Then S sends {\(R_S, Z_{SA}\)} to C.

Step 3 :

Upon receiving {\(R_S, Z_{SA}\)} from S, C guesses a password \(pw_A'\) and computes \(\textit{PW}_A'=T_{pw_A'}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) , \(T_{r_S'}(\alpha ) \bmod p=R_S + \textit{PW}_A' \bmod p\) and \(K_{AS}'=T_{r_C}(T_{r_S'}) = T_{r_Cr_S'}(\alpha ) \bmod p\). Then C compares if computed \(Z_{AS}'=H(0, \textit{ID}_A, R_C, R_S, K_{AS}')\) equals received \(Z_{SA}\).

A match in Step 3 above indicates the correct guessing of A’s password and the attacker C succeeds to guess the low-entropy password \(pw_A'=pw_A\). Otherwise, C repeats Step 3. Note that above-mentioned steps can be done by offline manner and S is not aware of having caused problem.

5 The proposed 3PAKE protocol with user anonymity

This section proposes a simple improvement on Farash–Attari’s protocol, which not only keeps the merits of original protocol but also resists the security weaknesses described in previous section. Moreover, we extend the proposed 3PAKE protocol to provide the user anonymity and two communication users’ true identity cannot be traced by any outsiders over public channels. Figure 2 shows the flowchart of our proposed 3PAKE protocol with user anonymity.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The flowchart of our proposed 3PAKE protocol with user anonymity

5.1 System setup phase

In this phase, the remote server S keeps one secret key s and two secret numbers (xy) and publishes the parameters \(\{p, \alpha , H_1(\cdot ), H(\cdot ), N\}\), where the number \(N=x\times y\) and (xy) are two large primes maintained by S.

5.2 Registration phase

In this phase, the user registers with the remote server S through a secure channel to be a legal user. The details of registration phase are as follows:

Step R1 :

The user chooses his/her identity \(\textit{ID}_i\) and password \(pw_i\) and computes \(\textit{PW}_i=T_{pw_i}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(H(rn_i, \textit{PW}_i)\), where \(rn_i \in [1, p+1]\). Then user sends the registration request {\(\textit{ID}_i, H(rn_i, \textit{PW}_i)\)} to S.

Step R2 :

The remote server S computes \(VPW_i=H(\textit{ID}_i, s) + H(rn_i, \textit{PW}_i) \bmod p\) and stores \((\textit{ID}_i, VPW_i)\) in its database, and zeroizes \(H(rn_i, \textit{PW}_i)\).

Step R3 :

The user stores \(rn_i\) into his/her end-user device.

5.3 Authentication and key exchange phase

When the users A and B want to anonymously authenticate each other and establish a common session key, they must perform the following steps with S to execute a session of the protocol:

Step A1 :

The user A chooses a random number \(r_A \in [1, p+1]\) and enters his/her password \(pw_A\). Next, A computes \(R_A=T_{r_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), \(\textit{PW}_A=T_{pw_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A)\), where \(rn_A\) is retrieved from his/her end-user device. Then A sends \(M_1=(\textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A), R_A)^2 \bmod N\) to S.

Step A2 :

Upon receiving \(M_1\) from A, S reveals \(M_1\) by using the Chinese Remainder Theorem with x and y to obtain \((\textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A), R_A)\). Next, S verifies the revealed \(H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A)\) with the stored \(VPW_A=H(\textit{ID}_A, s)+H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A) \bmod p\) corresponding to \(\textit{ID}_A\). If \(VPW_A - H(\textit{ID}_A, s) = H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A)\), S accepts A’s request message \(M_1\). Then S chooses two random numbers \(r_{S1}, r_{S2} \in [1, p+1]\) and computes \(R_{S1}=T_{r_{S1}}(\alpha ) - H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A)\bmod p\), \(R_{S2}=T_{r_{S2}}(\alpha ) - H(rn_B, \textit{PW}_B) \bmod p\) and \(u_A=\textit{ID}_A \oplus T_{r_{S2}}(\alpha ) \bmod p\). Then S sends \(M_2=\{u_A, R_A, R_{S2}\)} to B.

Step A3 :

Upon receiving \(M_2\) from S, B enters his/her password \(pw_B\) and computes \(\textit{PW}_B=T_{pw_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(H(rn_B, \textit{PW}_B)\), where \(rn_B\) is retrieved from his/her end-user device. Next, B reveals \(T_{r_{S2}}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(\textit{ID}_A\) by computing \(R_{S2} - H(rn_B, \textit{PW}_B) \bmod p\) and \(u_A \oplus T_{r_{S2}}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), respectively. Then B chooses a random number \(r_B \in [1, p+1]\) and computes \(R_B=T_{r_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), \(K_{BS}=T_{r_{B}}(T_{r_{S2}}(\alpha )) \bmod p = T_{r_Br_{S2}}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), \(K_{BA}=T_{r_{B}}(R_A) \bmod p = T_{r_Br_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), \(Z_{BA}=H(0, \textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A, R_B, R_A, K_{BA})\) and \(Z_{BS}=H(0, \textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A, R_B,\) \(R_{S2}, Z_{BA}, K_{BS})\). Then B sends \(M_3=(\textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A, R_B, Z_{BS}, Z_{BA})^2 \bmod N\) to S.

Step A4 :

Upon receiving \(M_3\) from B, S reveals \(M_3\) by using the Chinese Remainder Theorem with x and y to obtain \((\textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A, R_B, Z_{BS}, Z_{BA})\). S computes \(K_{SB}=T_{r_{S2}}(R_B) = T_{r_Br_{S2}}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and verifies if computed \(H(0, \textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A, R_B, R_{S2}, Z_{BA}, K_{SB})\) equals received \(Z_{BS}\). If it holds, B is authenticated by S and S computes \(K_{SA}=T_{r_{S1}}(R_A)=T_{r_{S1}r_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(Z_{SA}=H(0, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B\), \(R_{S1}, R_A, R_B, Z_{BA}, K_{SA})\). Then S sends \(M_4=\{R_{S1}, R_B, Z_{BA},\) \(Z_{SA}\}\) to A.

Step A5::

After receiving \(M_4\) from S, A computes \(K_{AS}=T_{r_A}(R_{S1}+H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A)) = T_{r_Ar_{S1}}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and verifies if computed \(H(0, \textit{ID}_A\), \(\textit{ID}_B, R_{S1}\), \(R_A, R_B, Z_{BA}, K_{AS})\) equals received \(Z_{SA}\). If it holds, S is authenticated by A. Next, A computes \(K_{AB}=T_{r_A(R_B)} \bmod p=T_{r_Ar_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and verifies if computed \(H(0, \textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A,\) \(R_B, R_A, K_{AB})\) equals received \(Z_{BA}\). If it holds, B is authenticated by A and A computes \(Z_{AB}=H(1, \textit{ID}_A, {} \textit{ID}_B, R_A, R_B, K_{AB})\) and \(Z_{AS}=H(1, \textit{ID}_A, {} \textit{ID}_B, R_A, R_{S1}, Z_{AB}, K_{AS})\). Then A sends \(M_5=\{Z_{AS}, Z_{AB}\}\) to S.

Step A6 :

After receiving \(M_5\) from A, S verifies if computed \(H(1, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B,\) \(R_A, R_{S1}, Z_{AB}, K_{SA})\) equals received \(Z_{AS}\). If it holds, A is authenticated by S. Then S computes \(Z_{SB}=H(1, \textit{ID}_A\), \(\textit{ID}_B, R_A\), \(R_B, Z_{AB}, K_{SB})\) and sends \(M_6=\{Z_{AB}, Z_{SB}\}\) to B.

Step A7 :

After receiving \(M_6\) from S, B verifies if computed \(H(1, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B\), \(R_A, R_B, Z_{AB}, K_{SB})\) and \(H(1, \textit{ID}_A\), \(\textit{ID}_B, R_A\), \(R_B, K_{BA})\) equal received \(Z_{SB}\) and \(Z_{AB}\), respectively. If they are valid, A and S are authenticated by B.

Finally, A computes the session key \(\textit{SK}_{AB}=H(2, \textit{ID}_A\), \(\textit{ID}_B, R_A\), \(R_B, K_{AB})\) and B computes the session key \(\textit{SK}_{BA}=H(2, \textit{ID}_A\), \(\textit{ID}_B, R_A\), \(R_B, K_{BA})\). Note that \(K_{AB}=K_{BA}=T_{r_Ar_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(\textit{SK}_{AB}=\textit{SK}_{BA}\).

5.4 Password change phase

When the user A wants to change his/her old password \(pw_A\) to a new password \(pw_A^*\), A must notify the remote server S to update the old password verifier \(VPW_A=H(\textit{ID}_A, s) + H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A) \bmod p\) to a new password verifier \(VPW_A^*=H(\textit{ID}_A, s) + H(rn_A^*, \textit{PW}_A^*) \bmod p\), where \(\textit{PW}_A=T_{pw_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(\textit{PW}_A^*=T_{pw_A^*}(\alpha ) \bmod p\).

Step C1 :

The user A randomly chooses a random number \(r_A \in [1, p+1]\) and enters his/her old password \(pw_A\). Next, A computes \(R_A=T_{r_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), \(\textit{PW}_A=T_{pw_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A)\), where \(rn_A\) is retrieved from his/her end-user device. Then A sends \(C_1=(\textit{ID}_A, H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A), R_A)^2 \bmod p\) to S.

Step C2 :

Upon receiving \(C_1\) from A, S reveals \(C_1\) by using the Chinese Remainder Theorem with x and y to obtain \((\textit{ID}_A, H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A), R_A)\). Next, S verifies the revealed \(H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A)\) with the stored \(VPW_A=H(\textit{ID}_A, s)+H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A) \bmod p\) corresponding to \(\textit{ID}_A\). If \(VPW_A - H(\textit{ID}_A, s) = H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A)\), S accepts A’s request message \(C_1\). Then S chooses a random number \(r_S \in [1, p+1]\) and computes \(R_S=T_{r_S}(\alpha ) - H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A) \bmod p\), \(K_{SA}=T_{r_S}(R_A) = T_{r_Sr_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(Z_{SA}=H(0, \textit{ID}_A, R_S, R_A, K_{SA})\). Then S sends \(C_2=\{R_S, Z_{SA}\}\) to A.

Step C3 :

Upon receiving \(C_2\) from S, A computes \(K_{AS}=T_{r_A}(R_S+H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A)) = T_{r_Sr_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and verifies if computed \(H(0, \textit{ID}_A, R_S, R_A, K_{AS})\) equals received \(Z_{SA}\). If it holds, S is authenticated by A. Next, A randomly selects a new password \(pw_A^*\) and a new random number \(rn_A^*\) and computes \(Z_{AS}=H(1, \textit{ID}_A, R_A, R_S, K_{AS})\), \(\textit{PW}_A^*=T_{pw_A^*}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), and \(H(rn_A^*, \textit{PW}_A^*)\). Then A sends \(C_3=(Z_{AS}, \textit{ID}_A, H(rn_A^*, \textit{PW}_A^*))^2 \bmod p\) to S.

Step C4 :

Upon receiving \(C_3\) from A, S verifies if computed \(H(1, \textit{ID}_A, R_A, R_S, K_{SA})\) equals received \(Z_{AS}\). If it holds, S accepts A’s password change request, computes \(R_1 = H(1, \textit{ID}_A, H(rn_A^*, \textit{PW}_A^*), K_{SA})\) and \(VPW_A^* = H(\textit{ID}_A, s) + H(rn_A^*, \textit{PW}_A^*) \bmod p\) and replaces \(VPW_A\) with \(VPW_A^*\). Then S sends \(\{\mathrm{Accept}, R_1\}\) to A. Otherwise, S rejects A’s password change request, computes \(R_2 = H(0, \textit{ID}_A, H(rn_A^*, \textit{PW}_A^*), K_{SA})\) and sends \(\{\mathrm{Reject}, R_2\}\) to A. If the message is \(\{\mathrm{Accept}, R_1\}\), A verifies if computed \(H(1, \textit{ID}_A, H(rn_A^*, \textit{PW}_A^*), K_{AS})\) equals received \(R_1\). If it holds, A confirms \(pw_A^*\) as the new password and replaces \(rn_A\) with \(rn_A^*\) in his/her end-user device. Otherwise, A returns to Step C1 and follows the process. If the message is \(\{\mathrm{Reject}, R_2\}\), A returns to Step C1 with another new password and follows the process.

6 Analysis of the proposed 3PAKE protocol

In this section, we analyzed the proposed 3PAKE protocol in terms of security and functionality requirements. The details are described below.

Proposition 1

The proposed 3PAKE protocol ensures anonymous interactions between the users (AB) and the server S and no outsiders can ascribe any session to a particular user during authentication and key exchange phase.


In the authentication and key exchange phase of proposed protocol, A’s real identity \(\textit{ID}_A\) and B’s real identity \(\textit{ID}_B\) are implicitly involved in \(M_1\) and \(M_3\), where \(M_1=(\textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A), R_A)^2 \bmod N\) and \(M_3=(\textit{ID}_B, \textit{ID}_A, R_B, Z_{BS}, Z_{BA})^2 \bmod N\). If the outsider C would like to reveal \(\textit{ID}_A\) and \(\textit{ID}_B\) from \(M_1\) and \(M_3\), C needs to solve the quadratic residue problem by knowing the secret primes (xy) which only kept by the remote server S. On the other hand, if C wants to reveal \(\textit{ID}_A\) from the parameter \(u_A\) transmitted in \(M_2\), C should collect \(u_A\) and \(R_{S2}\) and know \(T_{r_{S2}}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) or B’s password verifier \(H(rn_B, \textit{PW}_B)\), where \(u_A=\textit{ID}_A\oplus T_{r_{S2}}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(R_{S2}=T_{r_{S2}}(\alpha ) - H(rn_B, \textit{PW}_B) \bmod p\). However, if SHA-256 (National Institute of Standards and Technology 2002) is used, due to the bit-length of \(H(rn_B, \textit{PW}_B)\) is 256 bits and the probability to guess a correct \(H(rn_B, \textit{PW}_B)\) is \(\frac{1}{2^{256}}\). As a result, it is computationally infeasible for C to perform this attack in polynomial time. On the other hands, the transmitted messages \(\{M_1, M_2, M_3, M_4, M_5, M_6\}\) are independent and different in every session since login parameters and random numbers are randomly selected and updated in every session. Finally, the proposed 3PAKE protocol achieves user anonymity. \(\square \)

Proposition 2

The proposed 3PAKE protocol can withstand password disclosure and stolen-verifier attacks and the attacker C cannot find any opportunity to acquire user’s sensitive password including a privileged-insider of S.


In the registration phase of proposed 3PAKE protocol, the user \(U_i\) sends the registration request \(\{\textit{ID}_i, H(rn_i, \textit{PW}_i)\}\) to S via a secure channel, where \(rn_i\) is a 128-bit random number and \(rn_i\) is unknown to S. In order to derive the password \(pw_i\) of the user \(U_i\) from \(H(rn_i, \textit{PW}_i)\), the privileged-insider C needs to guess correctly both \(rn_i\) and \(pw_i\) at the same time. We assume the probability of guessing \(pw_i\) composed of exact m characters and \(rn_i\) composed of exact k bits (in our proposed protocol, \(k=128\)) is approximately \(\frac{1}{2^{6m+k}} = \frac{1}{2^{6m+128}}\). This probability is very negligible and the privileged-insider C has no feasible way to derive \(pw_i\) of the user \(U_i\) in polynomial time. Therefore, the proposed 3PAKE protocol is secure against the password disclosure and stolen-verifier attacks. \(\square \)

Proposition 3

The proposed 3PAKE protocol is secured against impersonation attack while ensuring the system integrity of the entities that have participated in a three-party session over public channels; including A, B and S.


In impersonation attacks, two cases are taken into consideration. Case 1 is an attempt by the attacker to generate a malicious request to impersonate a legal user to login to the remote server. Case 2 is an attempt by the attacker to submit faked responses to impersonate a remote server to cheat two communication users.

Case 1 :

Assume that attacker C tries to login to S on behalf of A. Therefore, the attacker C needs to compute a valid authentication message \(M_1=(\textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A), R_C)^2 \bmod N\), where \(R_C=T_{r_C}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(r_C \in [1, p+1]\) is chosen by C. However, in the proposed 3PAKE protocol, C knows neither \(rn_A\) nor \(\textit{PW}_A=T_{pw_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\). As a result, C it is impossible for C to compute the value of \(H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A)\) and forge a valid authentication message \(M_1\) to cheat S and B.

Case 2 :

Suppose that attacker C also tries to impersonate the remote server S to cheat user B, C needs to generate a valid response \(R_{S2}=T_{r_{S2}}(\alpha )-H(rn_B, \textit{PW}_B)\) by knowing the values \(rn_B\) and \(\textit{PW}_B\), which are concealed in \(M_2\). However, the probability to guess correct \(rn_B\) and \(\textit{PW}_B\) is approximately \(\frac{1}{2^{6m+128}}\), C cannot impersonate S to B. In addition, we assume that C tries to impersonate S to cheat user A, C must collect transmitted messages \(M_1\), \(M_2\), and \(M_3\). Unfortunately, C cannot derive \(K_{SA}\), \(K_{AB}\), \(Z_{SA}\) and \(Z_{AB}\) from messages \((M_1, M_2, M_3)\) due to the infeasibility of CDH problem and quadratic residue problem. \(\square \)

Proposition 4

The proposed 3PAKE protocol is secured against replay and modification attacks and the attacker C cannot replay and modify the authentication messages of the users and the remote server.


Suppose the attacker C intercepts the previous authentication message (i.e., \(M_1\), \(M_3\)) and tries to impersonate the valid users A and B by immediately replaying the messages. To protect the proposed 3PAKE protocol from replay attacks, we use random numbers into the messages and the server would reject the request due to the invalid random numbers (i.e., \(R_A\), \(R_B\)) will be detected in Step A1 and Step A3 of the authentication procedure. In addition, due to the protection of Chinese Remainder Theorem and one-way hash function, we ensure that authentication messages cannot be modified and the modified packets can be easily identified by checking the hash values. As such, the proposed 3PAKE protocol can resist replay and modification attacks. \(\square \)

Proposition 5

The proposed 3PAKE protocol is secured against offline password- guessing attacks and the attacker C cannot offline guess a legitimate user’s password with the help of transmitted values from the remote server.


In the password change phase of our proposed 3PAKE protocol, the attacker C may attempt to impersonate a legitimate user and send the password change request to the remote server S. Then C can guess a legitimate user A’s password with the help of transmitted values from S. Thus, in Step C1 of the password change phase, the attacker C must generate a password change request \(C_1=(\textit{ID}_A, H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A), R_C)^2 \bmod p\) and sends \(C_1\) to S, where \(R_C=T_{r_C}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and the random number \(r_C \in [1, p+1]\) is chosen by C. However, C needs to guess correctly both \(rn_A\) and \(pw_A\) at the same time and the probability of guessing \(pw_A\) composed of exact m characters and \(rn_A\) composed of exact \(k=128\) bits is approximately \(\frac{1}{2^{6m+k}} = \frac{1}{2^{6m+128}}\). This probability is very negligible and the server would reject the password change request due to the invalid secret value \(H(rn_A, \textit{PW}_A)\) will be detected in Step C2 of the verification procedure. It is clear from the above discussion that offline password-guessing attack cannot work with the help of the server. \(\square \)

Proposition 6

The proposed 3PAKE protocol achieves mutual authentication and the remote server and two communication users can verify the validity of each other to establish mutual confidence before transmitting users’ private data.


Mutual authentication means that the remote server can verify two communication users are legal and two users can ensure that the remote server is not a forged one. In the authentication and key exchange phase, Step A4 shows that the server authenticates the user B and Step A6 shows that the server authenticates the user A. Next, Step A5 shows that the user A authenticates the user B and the server S. Finally, Step A7 shows that the user B authenticates the user A and the server S and the proposed mutual authentication property makes the man-in-the-middle attacks necessarily unsuccessful. \(\square \)

Proposition 7

The proposed 3PAKE protocol achieves session key security and perfect forward secrecy.

Table 1 Performance comparison between our proposed protocol and other typical 3PAKE protocols
Table 2 Functionality comparison between our proposed protocol and other typical 3PAKE protocols


The new session key \(\textit{SK}_{AB}=\textit{SK}_{BA}\), which has been established by A and B with the help of S is only known by the two participants A and B themselves. In the proposed 3PAKE protocol, S knows \(R_A=T_{r_A}(\alpha ) \bmod p\) and \(R_B=T_{r_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p\), while S still cannot derive \(K_{AB}=T_{r_Ar_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p=K_{BA}\) with the unknown of \(r_A\) or \(r_B\) which is the secret parameter of A and B by themselves. Perfect forward secrecy means that if some secret parameters are compromised by the attacker C, C still cannot derive previous session keys from them. In the proposed protocol, even if the parameters \(\textit{ID}_A\), \(\textit{ID}_B\), \(R_A\) and \(R_B\) are disclosed, the session key \(\textit{SK}_{AB}=H(2, \textit{ID}_A, \textit{ID}_B, R_A, R_B, K_{AB})\) still remains secure. Since the random numbers are different in every authentication session and it is equivalent to a CDH problem, which is assumed to be computationally hard. \(\square \)

7 Performance and functionality comparisons with related 3PAKE protocols

In this section, we evaluate the efficiency and functionality of our proposed protocol and related 3PAKE protocols (Farash and Attari 2014; Lv et al. 2013; Zhao et al. 2013). For convenience to evaluate the computational costs and functional requirements, we define some notations as follows.

  • \(t_h\): The time of executing a one-way hash function.

  • \(t_s\): The time of executing a symmetric encryption/ decryption operation.

  • \(t_c\): The time of executing a Chebyshev chaotic maps operation.

  • \(t_m\): The time of executing a modular squaring operation.

  • \(t_q\): The time of executing a square root modulo N.

As shown in Table 1, we summarize the efficiency comparison between our proposed protocol and other previous 3PAKE protocols in terms of computation and communication cost during the authentication and key exchange phase. According to recent researches (Chen et al. 2008; Peris-Lopez et al. 2006), an implementation of a cheap modular squaring is using \(f(x)=x^2 - an\) to substitute \(f(x)=x^2 \bmod n\), where a is a carefully computed coefficient. Then the implementation of such a modular squaring can be reduced to a few hundred gate-equivalents and this is cheaper than traditional one-way hashing function such as MD5 and SHA-1, cost 16 K gates and 20 K gates, respectively. Although the total computational cost of Farash–Attari’s protocol is fewest than other protocols, their protocol generates the most number of message flows. In fact, the authenticated Diffie–Hellman protocol needs more chaotic maps operations for providing anonymity of communication session and it is the reason why there are four additional chaotic maps operations \(K_{SB}=T_{r_Br_{S2}}(\alpha ) \bmod p=K_{BS}\), \(K_{AB}=T_{r_Ar_B}(\alpha ) \bmod p=K_{BA}\) and \(K_{SB}=T_{r_Br_{S2}}(\alpha ) \bmod p=K_{BS}\) in our protocol than Farash–Attari’s and Zhao et al.’s protocols. In addition, the proposed protocol requires two extra modular squaring computations and two computations of a square root modulo N than Zhao et al.’s protocol, it does not use symmetric encryption/decryption operations. Therefore, it is obvious that the execution time of the proposed protocol is still well suited for 3PAKE.

In Table 2, the security requirements and functional properties of four protocols are summarized. It is clear to note from Table 2 that our proposed protocol is superior when compared with other previous 3PAKE protocols. The proposed protocol and Zhao et al.’s protocol ensure user anonymity property, where Lv et al.’s and Farash–Attari’s protocols does not support this property. Without protecting user anonymity, it may cause the leaking of the network users’ sensitive data and the proposed protocol provides user anonymity during authentication phase to ensure communication privacy. In addition, Lv et al.’s and Zhao et al.’s protocols does not provide password update procedure and require symmetric-key cryptosystem. Without providing password update mechanism for the user, he/she has to go to the remote server in person and ask for changing his/her password. Moreover, Zhao et al.’s protocol needs to use timestamp and smart card during authentication procedure and Lv et al.’s protocol needs to pre-shared a secret key between users and the server. Finally, considering the security and other extra important properties provided by our proposed protocol, we conclude that the proposed protocol outperforms than other related 3PAKE protocols.

8 Conclusions

In this paper, we pointed out that Farash–Attari’s protocol is vulnerable to password disclosure, user impersonation and offline password-guessing attacks. To remedy these security weaknesses, we propose a chaotic maps and quadratic residues based three-party password-authenticated key exchange protocol. According to the comparisons, the proposed 3PAKE protocol is more secure and practical than other related protocols. Moreover, we extend our protocol to provide the user anonymity and two communication users’ true identities and locations cannot be traced by any outsiders over public channels. Without doubt, two users and the remote server still can provide mutual authentication and compute a common session key with perfect forward secrecy.