
Corn smut disease is caused by the phytopathogenic basidiomycete Ustilago maydis. For pathogenic development to occur, haploid cells need to fuse and to grow as filamentous dikaryons. Cell fusion, the dimorphic switch to filamentous growth, and pathogenic development are governed by the two unlinked mating-type loci a and b. The biallelic a locus encodes a pheromone receptor system (Bölker et al. 1992; Spellig et al. 1994). The pheromone signal, which is a prerequisite for cell fusion and generation of the dikaryon, is transmitted via a MAP kinase cascade. MAP kinase null mutants are unable to grow filamentously and remain in a yeast-like form (Müller et al. 1999). Maintenance of the dikaryon, filamentous growth and subsequent pathogenic development are controlled by the b locus, which encodes two different homeodomain proteins, bE and bW, which dimerize only when they originate from different alleles. The bE/bW heterodimer acts as a transcription factor for a large number of genes (Brachmann et al. 2001; Romeis et al. 2000).

Cell fusion and sexual development are initiated under specific environmental conditions, and involve tight regulation of the intracellular cAMP level. Thus, mutants defective in cAMP signalling display abnormal cell morphology, and are affected in dikaryon formation and pathogenicity (Gold et al. 1994; Krüger et al. 1998). The importance of the dimorphic switch for pathogenicity was demonstrated by the isolation of mutants that affect a motor protein and the vesicle transport system, which showed both impaired filamentous growth and reduced virulence of the dikaryon (Lehmler et al. 1997; Wedlich-Söldner et al. 2002). In other systems also, abnormal morphology is often linked to reduced virulence or complete loss of pathogenicity (Giasson and Kronstad 1995; Lau and Hamer 1998).

Tagging mutagenesis by restriction enzyme mediated integration (REMI) (Schiestl and Petes 1991) allows the identification of genes involved in traits, such as virulence, which are not amenable to gene isolation via complementation. Genes tagged by the inserted DNA can be rapidly isolated by plasmid rescue. To confirm that the insertion is coupled to the observed phenotype the isolated plasmid is used to generate the same mutation in the parental strain by homologous recombination, or a knock-out mutant for the tagged gene can be generated in the parental strain by gene replacement.

The genetically modified haploid U. maydis strain CL13 expresses an active bE/bW heterodimer and hence does not need to fuse in order to infect plants and induce tumor formation. Thus, CL13 is suitable for the isolation of pathogenicity mutants, and has been used in a REMI screen for such mutants (Bölker et al. 1995a). Some of the non-pathogenic mutants identified in this screen showed additional morphological phenotypes.

In this study we describe the characterization of the U. maydis gene glo1 (Accession No. AJ550625), which encodes a glyoxal oxidase. Members of this class of enzymes have previously been identified only in the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium as components of the lignin degradation pathway (Kersten and Kirk 1987; Kersten et al. 1995). U. maydis has two additional genes homologous to glo1: glo2 (AJ550626) and glo3 (AJ550627). Deletion of either of these genes did not lead to any obvious phenotypes. We show that the membrane-bound glyoxal oxidase Glo1 is required for pathogenic development and for maintenance of cell morphology and filamentous growth in U. maydis.

Materials and methods


Chemicals, biochemicals and enzymes were obtained from Roche Diagnostics (Mannheim, Germany), Fluka (Neu-Ulm, Germany), Merck (Darmstadt, Germany), Mobitech (Göttingen, Germany) or Sigma-Aldrich (Deisenhofen, Germany).

Growth conditions for U. maydis

Strains were grown at 28°C in PD or YEPS medium (Tsukada et al. 1988). Mating assays were carried out by co-spotting strains onto PD plates containing 1% charcoal. Subsequent incubation was done at 21°C (Holliday 1974).

Pathogenicity assays were carried out as described by Gillissen et al. (1992). Overnight cultures of the U. maydis strains were grown to an OD600 of 0.8, resuspended to a density of 4×107 cells/ml and injected into young corn seedlings (Gaspar Flint). Plants were examined for tumor formation 7–21 days post infection.

For agar diffusion assays, strains were plated on PD medium. Filter disks of Whatman paper (5 mm) or Millipore GS membranes (13 mm) were soaked with 1 μl of H2O2 [10% (v/v)], 1 μl of methylglyoxal [MG; 40% (v/v)] or 25 μl of 2.5% (w/v) SDS, and placed on the plates. The sizes of halos corresponding to zones of non-growing cells were measured in eight duplicates for each concentration after 36–48 h of incubation.

DNA and RNA procedures

Standard molecular methods were performed according to Sambrook et al. (1989). A PCR-based strategy was employed to generate glo1 null mutants (Kämper 2003, 2004). Genomic DNA of the haploid U. maydis strain 518 served as the template. A 5′ flanking region of 1151 bp was amplified with the primer pair LB2 (5′-CACGGCCTGAGTGGCCGGTGTGTAAACGATCCTTTCTGGAAG-3′) and LB1 (5′-CCTCCAAGTTTCGAGATATCGACC-3′). A 3′ flanking region of 1249 bp was amplified using the primers RB1 (5′-GTGGGCCATCTAGGCCGTCAACAGCACCAAATTCACAGCC-3′) and RB2 (5′-ATCGTAGCTCGAGTGTATGCTTCC-3′). The primers LB2 and RB1 introduce Sfi I sites into the amplification products. Amplicons were cleaved with Sfi I and ligated to a 1884-bp Sfi I fragment containing the hygromycin B cassette from the vector pBS. For transformation, the ligation product of 4300 bp was amplified by PCR using the primers LB1 and RB2. The genes glo2 and glo3 were disrupted using a similar procedure. The primer pairs used to knock out glo2 were glo2_rB2 (5′-TACACGAGGGTCCCAAAGAAGC-3′)/glo2_lB1 (5′-ATGTTGGCGAAATGGAGGGTCG-3′), and glo2_rB1 (5′-GTGGGCCATCTAGGCCGTCAAGGAAAGATGGTCATGGTGG-3′)/glo2_lB2 (5′-CACGGCCTGAGTGGCCACGCCCGAATTGCCAACGACTTGC-3′), which amplify the right and left borders flanking glo2. For the glo3 knock-out the primer pairs glo3_rBo2 (5′-TTGCTCATCAGCAGTCTCTG-3′)/glo3_rB1 (5′-GTGGGCCATCTAGGCCGCCTTCGCCCTGTTTGCTTGATTG-3′) and glo3_lB2 (5′-CACGGCCTGAGTGGCCGACGATGCAGCCATTACGACGAGG-3′)/glo3_lBo1 (5′-TGTGCTTGAGGATCGTCAG-3′) were used.

Transformation of U. maydis was carried out according to Schulz et al. (1990). Isolation of genomic DNA from U. maydis is described by Hoffmann and Winston (1987). Transformants were checked by Southern hybridization analysis.

Plasmid rescue was carried out as described by Bölker et al. (1995a). Genomic DNA of the U. maydis CL13 ( a1bE1/ bW2) strain 5662 was cleaved with Mlu I, religated and used to transform E. coli cells via electroporation.

For overproduction of Glo1 a 3400-bp fragment encompassing the glo1 gene was amplified with the primers 5’glo1 (5′-CCCGGGATGACGAGGCACCTCTCCTCATC-3′), which includes the start codon of glo1 (underlined), and primer 3’glo1Not (5′-GCGGCCGCGAATTGGTCAGACGAATCCG-3′) which anneals 0.6 kb downstream of the glo1 ORF. The amplicon was cloned into pCR-Topo2.1. The glo1 fragment was re-isolated by restriction with Sma I and Not I, and transferred into the respective sites of pCA123 (for sequence, see Electronic Supplementary Material). The resulting plasmid, pCA929, was linearized by digestion Ssp I, and transformed into U. maydis 518Δglo1. Strains containing the construct were selected for carboxin (Cbx) resistance (Keon et al. 1991).

For localization studies of Glo1 the coding region of glo1 was amplified with the primers Glo1-GFPfwd (5′-ATGACGAGGCACCTCTCCTCATC-3′) and Glo1-GFPrev (5′-GCGTCGACTAGAGTAGCTTCCTTGG-3′). The amplicon was fused to the 5′ end of the gene encoding eGFP by insertion into the Sma I site of pCA123. The resulting construct, glo1-GFP, was then transformed into U. maydis strain 521.

To investigate the role of Glo1 in cAMP signalling, an U. maydis Um521Δglo1Δadr1 strain was generated: To delete the adr1 gene, its 5′ and 3′ regions were amplified with the primer pairs adr1-894 (5′-GCCGCTGCTGTTACTCATG-3′)/adr1-5’SfiI (5′-CTGGGCCATCTAGGCCATCTACGGAAACGGTAGAGCTCG-3′), and adr1+2262 (5′-GACGATCGATCGGATGC-3′) and adr1-3’SfiI (5′-TGAGGCCTGAGTGGCCGGCTGGCTCAACACGCGCATACC-3′). After cleavage with Sfi I these fragments were ligated with an Sfi I-cleaved 2.4-kb phleomycin resistance cassette isolated from pBS-phleo (Brachmann et al. 2004). The ligation product was subsequently cloned into pCR-TOPO2.1, resulting in pCRΔadr1phleo. To generate the Um521Δglo1Δadr1 double mutant, Um521Δglo1 was transformed with the PCR product amplified with the primers adr1-894 and adr1+2202, using pCRΔadr1phleo as template. Two independent Um521Δglo1Δadr1 strains were verified by Southern analysis.

cAMP treatment

The strains CA95 and FB2 (Table 1) were grown in CM+1% glucose supplemented with 15 mM cAMP for 16 h to an OD600 of 0.6.

Table 1 Strains used in this study

Glo1 activity assay

Glyoxal oxidase activity was determined in culture supernatants, whole cells, cell extracts and membrane fractions. Cells were grown in minimal medium to an OD600 of 0.7, harvested and resuspended to an OD600 of 50 in 50 mM TRIS-HCl (pH 8). Cell extracts were prepared by suspending protoplasts of the U. maydis strains in distilled water. All subsequent steps were carried out at 4°C. Cell debris was removed by centrifugation at 8000 rpm. The membrane fraction was collected by centrifugation at 13,000 rpm for 30 min. The membrane pellet was resuspended in 500 μl of 50 mM TRIS-HCl (pH 8) or 180 μl of the same buffer containing 1.5% (v/v) Tween-20 (substrate spectrum experiment). The efficiency of cell fractionation was tested by assaying for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GAPDH) activity (determination of NADH production in the presence of AsO43-, NAD and GAP) using identical volumes of membrane and cytosolic fractions. For the Glo activity test 1-μl aliquots of membrane suspension were used, for the substrate spectrum 4-μl samples. Glyoxal oxidase activity was determined using a coupled assay with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and phenol red. The reaction mixture (50 μl) contained 10 μl of sample, 12 mM dimethylsuccinate buffer (pH 5), 10 mM MG, 19 U of HRP and 0.001% (w/v) phenol red (Kersten and Kirk 1987). Reaction mixtures were incubated at 28°C. Reactions were stopped after 16 h by adding 20 μl of 1 M NaOH. The A550 values were then determined spectrometrically.

For determination of substrate specificity substrates (short-chain alcohols and aldehydes, sugars, β-hydroxyaldehydes and -ketones, α-, β-dicarbonyl compounds) were added at final concentrations of 2 mM and 10 mM.

Alternatively, enzymatic activity was determined by coupling the production of H2O2 via HRP to the oxidation of Amplex Red (Molecular Probes). The coupling reaction was carried out according to the manufacturer’s instructions, with slight modifications. Reaction volume was 50 μl. CA95 and Um518 cells were harvested, washed with water and transferred to microtiter plates to give a final OD600 of 1. The reaction was started by the addition of MG (MG; final concentration 10 mM). After incubation at 30°C for 9 h, the reaction products were detected fluorimetrically, using an excitation wavelength of 550 nm and emission at 595 nm, in a Tecan plus fluorescence reader. Measurements were repeated eight times and the experiments were done in duplicate.


Microscopic examination of U. maydis strains was carried out using a Zeiss Axioskop with differential interference contrast (DIC) optics. Plates were photographed with a Casio CCD camera. Pictures were processed using Adobe Photoshop 5.0 and Microsoft Power Point. For the analysis of eGFP fusion proteins, the Um521-glo1-GFP strain was grown in CM+1% glucose to an OD600 of 0.6, and cells were embedded in 1% low-melting agarose (Sigma A-4018) for microscopic examination. Pictures were taken using a CCD camera (C4742-95; Hamamatsu). GFP and Calcofluor were detected by fluorescence microscopy using specific filter sets (BP 470/20, FT 493, BP 505–530; Zeiss) and (BP 395–440, FT 460, LP>470) respectively. Image processing and measurements were done with Axiovision 3.1 (Zeiss) and Canvas 7.0 (Deneba).


REMI integration identifies an ORF whose predicted product shows significant homology to glyoxal oxidases

Among the REMI mutants affected in pathogenicity recovered in the screen performed by Bölker et al. (1995a), we chose for further analysis one that showed an additional morphological phenotype. This mutant formed fluffy colonies. The cells exhibited a pleiotropic morphology defect—appearing distorted and showing a higher degree of vacuolation than wild-type cells. Plasmid rescue led to the isolation of a 5490-bp genomic fragment, and the insertion was mapped 770 bp downstream of the start codon of a putative ORF. The 862-amino acid sequence deduced from this ORF showed significant homology to that of the glyoxal oxidase-encoded by the glx genes from Phanerochaete chrysosporium. We therefore assigned the symbol glo1 (glyoxal oxidase1) to the U. maydis gene.

A search of the U. maydis genome sequence identified two additional glyoxal oxidase homologues, glo2 (1878 bp) and glo3 (1959 bp) (see Fig. 1A for a schematic representation of their organization). Their products show 42% and 38% sequence identity, respectively, to Glo1. In silico analysis predicted that Glo2 is most likely to be a secreted protein, while Glo1 and Glo3 contain a putative transmembrane domain and a GPI anchor, respectively. Interestingly, for Glo3 the iPSORT algorithm (Nakai and Horton 1999) predicted a cytoplasmic localization of the catalytic domain, while the catalytic portion of Glo1 is most probably extracellular. All three U. maydis proteins share not only overall similarity with Glx2 (29% identity to Glo1, 30% to Glo2 and 28% to Glo3) but also a conserved Cu2+ binding domain which defines the redox centre of Glx1/Glx2 (Fig. 1A). Figure 1B shows a phylogenetic tree based on a ClustalW analysis of all deduced glyoxal oxidase protein sequences from fungi that are currently available in public databases. This tree also includes all galactose oxidase protein sequences, since these proteins also contain the conserved Cu2+ binding domain and were demonstrated to have close structural similarities in their active sites (Whittaker et al. 1999). As a point of reference glyoxal oxidase proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana are included. The sequences of essential parts of these proteins (residues 1–110, and 320–530) are provided as Electronic Supplementary Material, highlighting the conserved amino acids. In contrast to the recently described copper-radical oxidase gene family in P. chrysosporium, where three of the seven genes are clustered within a region of 50 kb (Martinez et al. 2004), the U. maydis glo genes are not clustered: glo1 is found on chromosome V, glo2 and glo3 on chromosome II (separated from each other by about 750 kb), while gao1 (UM02809.1 on supercontig 1.94), a proposed galactose oxidase gene, is located on chromosome VI.

Fig. 1A, B
figure 1

Domain organization of Glo1 (AJ550625), Glo2 (AJ550625) and Glo3 (AJ550627) of U. maydis ( A) and phylogenetic analysis of their homologues in other species ( B). A Conserved residues involved in Cu2+ binding, putative signal peptides (SP) and the postulated transmembrane domain (TM) are indicated. B A phylogenetic tree based on a ClustalW analysis (CLUSTALX 1.81, Matrix BLOSUM62) is shown. The analysis was performed with sequences either directly taken from protein datasets or obtained by homology searches in the corresponding genomes, followed by conceptual translation. The following sequence sources were used: Arabidopsis thaliana (; Aspergillus oryzae (GenBank Accession No. BD160924); Aspergillus fumigatus (, Cryptococcus neoformans (, Dactylium dendroides (Uniprot Accession No. Q01745), Fusarium graminearum (, Magnaporthe grisea (, Neurospora crassa (, Phanerochaete chrysosporium (, Podospora anserina (, and Ustilago maydis ( Organisms are abbreviated in accordance with the acronyms used by the SWISSPROT taxonomy (

Glo1 is localized in the plasma membrane

The subcellular localization of Glo1 was determined by the expression of an N-terminal fusion of Glo1 to eGFP. The eGFP-specific signal was detected in patches in the plasma membrane (Fig. 2B II): In young buds the fusion protein was concentrated at the tip, older buds showed a more dispersed signal. Later the protein was localized in septa and bud scars. Additional fluorescence was seen in the vacuole. Both sources of fluorescence correlated with the two signals observed upon immunodetection analysis (Fig. 2B I). The vacuolar staining is most likely to be derived from degradation of the constitutively expressed full-length fusion protein. Recent studies in yeast have demonstrated that, after turnover, GFP-tagged plasma membrane proteins are reimported by endocytosis and targeted to the vacuole for degradation (Petersson et al. 1999; Paiva et al. 2002). Fluorescence microscopy of the otef-eGFP reporter strain, which expresses eGFP alone, showed that eGFP itself is not targeted from the cytosol to the vacuole (Fig. 2B III).

Fig. 2A–C
figure 2

Phenotypic analyses of the Um521 glo1 mutants in comparison to wild type (Um521) cells (wt). A Cells were grown in PD medium, washed with water and fixed in 1% (w/v) Kelzan. Scale bar = 3 μm. B I. Immunodetection of eGFP in cell extracts of independent glo1-eGFP reporter strains. pCA123 without an insertion was integrated as a control (lane 1, strain Um521 otef-eGFP); the eGFP migrates at 27 kDa. The Glo1 protein was N-terminally fused to eGFP (lanes 2 and 3; glo1-eGFP-1,2) leading to signals at 120 kDa (the size of the fusion protein) and additional signals which may be due to partial degradation. II. Localization of the Glo1-eGFP fusion protein (strain Um521 glo1-eGFP-1). The fusion protein is transferred into the secretory pathway and finally localized to the plasma membrane (pm). Degraded protein accumulates in the vacuole (v). Scale bar = 2.5 μm. III. Localization of eGFP (strain Um521 otef-eGFP). eGFP is located in the cytosol and accumulates in the nucleus (n) but not in the vacuole. C Calcofluor staining of Δ glo1 and wt cells. Cells were grown in CE medium plus 1% glucose to an OD600 value of 0.6. Cells were harvested, resuspended in PBS, and inspected in medium supplemented with 1 μM Calcofluor. Δ glo1 cells are shown on the left and wt cells on the right

The efficacy of the signal peptide of Glo1 was also confirmed in the heterologous yeast signal sequence trap system (Klein et al. 1996). A fusion protein consisting of the Glo1 signal peptide attached to yeast invertase is effectively secreted in yeast (not shown).

glo1 mutants are mating-deficient and cannot grow filamentously

To study the function of the glo1 gene, knock-out mutants were generated by gene replacement in the compatible haploid strains Um518 and Um521. Strains deleted for glo1 formed aggregates of distorted, irregularly branched cells which also showed a cytokinesis defect. Knock-out cells showed similar morphological defects to the REMI mutant. The mutant cells were much shorter than wild-type cells, appeared swollen and showed a high degree of vacuolation (Fig. 2). Despite their severe morphological defects, the growth rates of the mutant strains were not significantly reduced compared to wild type (not shown).

When tested in a plate mating assay, mating-compatible Δglo1 mutants failed to develop the typical white dikaryotic mycelium (Fig. 3A), and the same combination of strains was unable to induce symptoms when injected into corn seedlings (Table 2). However, when glo1 mutants were co-spotted with compatible wild-type strains, some filaments were observed (Fig. 3A) and these mixtures were able to infect corn seedlings (Table 2). This indicates that glo1 mutants are not completely impaired in cell fusion. In contrast to glo1 mutant strains, neither glo2 nor glo3 null mutants displayed obvious phenotypes (not shown) and were fully pathogenic (Table 2).

Fig. 3A–C
figure 3

Phenotype of Δ glo1 strains. Strains were spotted alone or in combination on PD-charcoal plates and incubated for 48 h. A The Δ glo1 allele was introduced into Um521( a1b1) or Um518( a2b2). Strains were spotted as indicated ( left panel). The appearance of white mycelium indicates successful mating. The haploid and pathogenic wild type SG200 ( a1:mfa2bE1/ bW2) strain and the glo1 mutant strain SG200Δglo1 were spotted separately ( right panel). Note that all glo1 mutant strains showed the same colony morphology. B Colony morphology of a Δ adr1Δ glo1 strain. The strains indicated above the panels were grown on PD-charcoal plates for 48 h. All pictures were taken at the same magnification. Scale bar = 1 mm. C Cell morphology of FB2 and CA95 cells upon cAMP treatment. The strains indicated above the panels were grown in CM+1% glucose for 16 h, supplemented with 15 mM cAMP where indicated. All pictures were taken with the same magnification. Scale bar = 20 μm

Table 2 Pathogenicity of glo1, glo2 and glo3 mutant strains

glo1 is required for pathogenic development in haploid pathogenic strains

To investigate whether the reduction in filament formation observed in matings of Δglo1 strains is due a post-fusion defect in filamentation, the Δglo1 mutation was introduced into the haploid pathogenic strain SG200 (Table 1) by gene replacement. SG200 is able to grow as a filament on charcoal-containing plates because it carries both the active b heterodimer and a self-stimulatory combination of the a 1 receptor and a 2 pheromone (Bölker et al. 1995b). SG200Δglo1 cells have the same morphology as the haploid Δglo1 Um518 and Um521 derivatives (not shown). On charcoal plates SG200Δglo1 failed to grow filamentously (Fig. 3A, left panel) and was non-pathogenic in corn plants (Table 2). This demonstrates that glo1 is required for filamentation as well as for pathogenic development.

Overproduction of Glo1 complements the glo1 phenotype

To overproduce Glo1, we constructed the glo1-1 allele, allowing the glo1 gene to be expressed under the control of the constitutive otef promoter (Spellig et al. 1996). The glo1-1 allele was integrated into the cbx locus in the glo1 mutant strain Um518Δglo1. The resulting strain, CA95 (Um518a2b2 Δglo1 glo1-1), was indistinguishable from wild-type cells and formed filaments efficiently when crossed to a compatible wild-type strain (not shown). Tumor formation by CA95 crossed with Um521 was comparable to that seen in crosses of wild-type strains (Table 2).

Glo1 appears not to be involved in cAMP signaling

In U. maydis cAMP signaling is a critical regulator of cell morphology and filamentous growth (Kahmann et al. 2000). Haploid cells which are impaired in cAMP signaling, e.g. strains deleted for the gene adr1, which codes for protein kinase A (PKA) grow filamentously, whereas an activated cAMP cascade leads to a cell separation defect termed multiple budding, which inhibits filamentous growth (Kahmann et al. 2000). To analyze whether the morphological phenotypes of Δ glo1 cells (severe defects in cell separation and filamentous growth) reflect a function of glo1 in cAMP signaling, we generated adr1glo1 double mutants. These mutant strains showed no differences in filamentous growth from adr1 single knock-out strains (Fig. 3B). On the other hand, cells that overexpress Glo1 react with multiple budding when grown in the presence of exogenous cAMP (Fig. 3C). These results suggest that Glo1 is not a part of the cAMP signaling pathway and influences cell morphology by a different mechanism.

Glo1 produces H2O2 using methylglyoxal as substrate

To analyze the enzymatic properties of the Glo1 protein, Um518, the respective glo1, glo2 , glo3 mutants thereof, and Glo1-overproducing CA95 cells (Table 1) were assayed for their ability to oxidize methylglyoxal (MG) and produce H2O2. MG dependent production of hydrogen peroxide can be detected colorimetrically, in a coupled reaction with horseradish peroxidase and phenol red, as a decrease in absorbance at 550/590 nm (Pick and Mizel 1981). In the absence of MG no production of H2O2 was observed. Based on the amount of H2O2 produced, CA95 cells showed about twice the activity of the wild-type cells, while Δglo1 and Δglo2 cells had less than 60% of the activity found in wild-type cells (Fig. 4A). Δglo3 cells displayed an intermediate activity.

Fig. 4A–C
figure 4

Glo1 produces H2O2 with MG as substrate. Production of H2O2 was determined fluorimetrically, using the Amplex red-peroxidase-system, as an increase in fluorescence at 595 nm (excitation at 550 nm). Reactions were started by the addition of MG. The activity of CA95 was set to 100%. The mean values of eight independent experiments are shown, and each experiment was performed twice. A Relative activity of Glo1 in (from left to right) CA95, Δ glo1, Δ glo2, Δ glo3 and Um518 cells was determined after 9 h of incubation. B Membrane fractions and cytosol preparations were assayed for H2O2 production in the presence of MG. Strains are indicated below the histogram. The efficiency of fractionation was checked by assaying for GAPDH (activity was detected only in the cytosol (not shown). C Kinetics of the appearance of Glo1 activity in CA95 cells ( diamonds) and Um518 cells ( triangles) as a control. The time course of the relative fluorescence of the derived resorufin derivative is shown

The kinetics of oxidation of MG showed a lag-phase of about an hour (Fig. 4C), most probably because autocatalytic activation of the enzyme by small amounts of H2O2 produced by its basal activity is required for the expression of full activity. An apparent Km-value for MG of 7 mM was determined using the coupled Amplex Red-peroxidase reaction. The pH-optimum of the reaction was between pH 5 and 6.5. At pH values higher than 7.2 no activity could be observed.

To verify the membrane localization of Glo1 activity, cell fractions were prepared from wild type, Δglo1 and CA95 strains, and their glyoxal oxidase activities were determined. Despite partial loss of activity during preparation of the membrane fractions, membranes of the Glo1-overproducing strain showed a significantly higher activity than membranes from Δglo1 cells (Fig. 4B). Some 80% of this enzymatic activity can be attributed to the membrane fraction of CA95 cells (Fig. 4B). For the other strains, enrichment was observed but was less pronounced. Thus the membrane association could be confirmed by an enrichment of enzymatic activity upon cell fractionation.

The substrate specificity of Glo1

To investigate the substrate specificity of Glo1, a series of carbonyls, sugars and alcohol derivatives were incubated with Um518 and CA95 cells, and the supernatants were assayed for the production of H2O2. Comparison of the results for CA95 cells and wild-type cells indicated that MG was the preferred substrate, while glycolaldehyde, formaldehyde, dihydroxyacetone and hydroxyacetone were converted at lower rates (Table 3). No activity was observed when sugars were supplied as substrates. The substrate specificity of the membrane fraction was similar, but, in addition, a weak conversion activity was observed for acetaldehyde, glyoxalate, glyceraldehyde and glyoxal (not shown).

Table 3 Glo1 activity with different substrates

The effect of MG, H2O2 and detergent on the growth of Um518 Δglo1 mutants and wild-type (Um518) strains

To obtain insights into the biological function of Glo1 in U. maydis, the tolerance of wild-type, CA95 and Um518 Δglo1 strains towards MG, H2O2 and detergent was investigated. Strains were tested in an agar diffusion assay with filter disks soaked with H2O2, MG and SDS, respectively. Wild-type cells showed the highest tolerance to H2O2 and MG; the Δglo1 strain was more sensitive to MG. Unexpectedly, CA95 showed the highest sensitivity to both substrates (Fig. 5). The reason for this phenotype remains unclear, but it may be that stringent regulation of the enzymatic activity is required in order to detoxify MG and, at the same time, prevent the production of toxic amounts of H2O2. With respect to detergent sensitivity, wild-type cells, Δglo2, Δglo3 and CA 95 cells showed less sensitivity to SDS, while the growth of Δglo1 cells was inhibited by 2.5% SDS, probably due to their cell wall defect.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Agar diffusion test with the strains CA95, Um518, Δ glo1, Δ glo2 and Δ glo3. Strains were plated on PD medium, and Whatman filter disks (5 mm) spotted with 1 μl of H2O2 (10%-solution) (columns 1–5), 1 μl of MG (40%-solution) (columns 6–10) or 25 μl of SDS (2.5%-solution) (columns 11–15) were placed on the membranes (13 mm). The size of halos of non-growing cells were measured in eight duplicates for each concentration

Furthermore, we stained wild-type and Um521Δ glo1 cells with Calcofluor, which labels β-1,3-glucans. In wild-type cells Calcofluor staining was seen in regions where cells divide (bud necks) or where cells are elongating (bud tips). Dividing cells showed two regions of staining close to each other, one in the mother and one in the daughter cell. In Δ glo1 mutant cells the β-1,3-glucan staining is somewhat different. Single cells were often stained at both ends. In cell clusters sometimes all cell tips displayed staining. Septa, and buds emerging from septa, were intensely stained. This is compatible with the idea that deletion of glo1 might cause defects during cell wall assembly which enhance the cell’s ability to take up Calcofluor (Fig. 2C).


Molecular analysis of an insertional mutant of the corn smut pathogen U. maydis has identified a glyoxal oxidase-encoding gene, glo1 , as an important determinant of cell morphology and virulence. Haploid glo1 deletion mutants proliferate at normal rates, but display a particular morphology: cells appear crumpled, or elongated with bubbles and with strong vacuolization, form extra septa and exhibit a cytokinesis defect. glo1 mutant strains fail to form dikaryotic filaments, but they are not sterile. Furthermore, glo1 mutants are completely non-pathogenic.

Interestingly a targeted mutant of Botrytis cinerea with a deletion in a glyoxal oxidase gene also shows severe defects in conidial germination and hyphal growth, specifically on minimal medium. In a test of phytopathogenicity this mutant is completely non-pathogenic on some fruits and ornamentals (J. van Kan, personal communication).

Fungal glyoxal oxidases have so far been described only in the white rot fungus P. chrysosporium (Kersten and Kirk 1987; Kersten et al. 1995). There, Glx is an essential component of the lignin degradation pathway, and provides extracellular hydrogen peroxide as a co-substrate for lignin peroxidase and Mn-dependent peroxidase (Janse et al. 1998). Glyoxal oxidases catalyse the enzymatic oxidation of a variety of simple dicarbonyl and β-hydroxycarbonyls, especially glyoxal and methylglyoxal (MG), to carboxylic acids (Kersten and Cullen 1993). This class of enzymes contains an unusual free radical-coupled copper active site (Whittaker et al. 1996, 1999). Its members share a characteristic catalytic motif of four amino acid ligands coordinating to the copper ion: two histidine and two tyrosine residues (Fig. 1A). One of the tyrosines is cross-linked to a cysteinyl residue, forming a thioether dimer that has been shown to be the radical redox site of the enzyme. The best studied member of this enzyme family is the fungal galactose oxidase Galox1 from Dactylium dendroides, whose three-dimensional structure has been solved (Ito et al. 1991). Bioinformatic analysis (see Supplementary Material) demonstrates that all fungal proteins, and eight deduced proteins from A. thaliana, share the above-mentioned catalytic motif with the conserved histidine and tyrosine residues. The galactose oxidase from Aspergillus fumigatus (aspfu_gao1) appears to be an exception, as deduced by automated protein prediction by the Sanger Centre. Our own more detailed analysis (which will be published elsewhere), however, suggests that the first conserved tyrosine is also present.

Glo1 shows significant similarity to the P. chrysosporium enzymes Glx1 and Glx2. The U. maydis genome contains two additional ORFs that share a high degree of similarity to glyoxal oxidases. These genes, glo2 and glo3, are not involved in pathogenic development, since null mutants cause no change in symptoms after infection of corn seedlings (Table 2). Comparison of Glo1, Glo2 and Glo3 sequences suggest different cellular distributions for these enzymes, which may be decisive for their functions. A fourth ORF (UM02809.1) with less pronounced similarity is also present in the U. maydis genome. This ORF encodes a protein which is predicted to be a galactose oxidase (Gao1).

When tested for its substrate spectrum, Glo1 showed the highest activities on MG and glycolaldehyde, whereas other small carbonyls are only poorly utilized. The glyoxal oxidases of P. chrysosporium, Glx, show a similar substrate spectrum but less specificity (Kersten and Kirk 1987). Interestingly, the enzymes from both organisms do not use substrates with more than four C atoms, including most abundant sugars. The similarity in the substrate spectrum, and the conservation of catalytic residues, may support a similar reaction mechanism for both enzymes. Heterologously expressed glyoxal oxidase from P. chrysosporium needs to be oxidized in order to show full activity (Kersten and Cullen 1993). U. maydis Glo1 activity also shows a lag-phase that is probably due to a comparable requirement for autocatalytic activation by small amounts of H2O2. The glyoxal oxidase background activity in Δglo1 strains might result from an overlapping activity of other aldehyde-oxidizing enzymes in U. maydis.

One possible role for Glo1 that can be derived from the known function of Glx in P. chrysosporium is the production of H2O2 as a driving force for a second enzymatic reaction. The morphological phenotype of glo1 mutants suggests that cell wall-modifying activities might require H2O2 production by Glo1. It is tempting to speculate that Glo1 might function in the maturation of cell walls, e.g. in the introduction of cross-links. In agreement with this idea, glo1 mutants are more sensitive to protoplasting enzymes and detergents than are wild-type cells (Fig. 5). In addition, the activity of Glo1 is predominantly membrane associated, and studies of a GFP fusion with Glo1 show that the enzyme is localized especially at the tips of young buds (Figs. 2B and 4B).

An additional function of glyoxal oxidase or its isoenzymes may be the detoxification of MG. Accumulation of methyl glyoxal leads to severe cell damage (Kalapos 1999), although MG is generated in low concentrations during normal metabolism as a by-product of amino acid catabolism and glycolysis, and can account for 0.3% of the total glycolytic flux in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Martins et al. 2001). To prevent cell damage, several detoxification systems for MG exist in nature. In many organisms, from yeast to mammals, this function is provided by the glyoxalase system. The U. maydis genome contains a glyoxalase homologue that could potentially detoxify intracellularly produced MG. However, organisms like P. chrysosporium are additionally exposed to extracellular sources of MG. Detoxification of extracellular MG is therefore a possible function of glyoxal oxidases. However, cells harboring a glyoxal oxidase detoxification system produce cytotoxic H2O2. In U. maydis, wild type cells are less sensitive to MG and H2O2 than the Glo1 overproducer and the null mutant. This may be because stringent regulation of the enzymatic activity is required in order to detoxify MG and, at the same time, prevent the production of toxic amounts of H2O2.

Glo1 might also function in signaling pathways that regulate filamentous growth. Initial experiments presented in this communication do not indicate any influence of Glo1 on the filamentous growth of protein kinase A-deficient strains. However, Glo1 might be involved in the regulation of filamentous growth and pathogenicity by generating hydrogen peroxide as a messenger or as a source of more active superoxide radicals. One general theory postulates a requirement for an unstable hyperoxidant state to trigger differentiation in many microorganisms. In Neurospora crassa and A. nidulans, Toledo et al. (1995) and Navarro et al. (1996) showed that a hyperoxidative state occurs at the onset of all morphogenetic processes during conidiation. For plants it has been shown that NADPH oxidases control cell expansion and polarized growth of root hair cells by generating ROS (reactive oxygen species), thereby regulating the activity of calcium channels (Foreman et al. 2003). Recently, Lara-Ortiz et al. (2003) were able to demonstrate the same function of NADPH oxidases in the filamentous fungus A. nidulans. Here the production of ROS in the external walls was found to be essential for the differentiation of sexual fruiting bodies. Thus evidence for the importance of ROS as signals in the regulation of diverse cellular processes in fungal physiology and differentiation is accumulating.

To explain the pathogenicity defect of glo1 mutants, one could also envision a scenario in which H2O2 production by Glo1 activity might be essential for successful infection. For the necrotrophic plant pathogenic fungus B. cinerea, it has been previously shown that hydrogen peroxide stimulates lesion formation and lesion expansion (Govrin and Levine 2000). Furthermore, a deletion mutant of B. cinerea that is defective in superoxide dismutase, another enzyme that produces H2O2, shows a strong reduction in pathogenicity (P. Tudzynski, personal communication).

Further investigations into the biological role of glyoxal oxidase should enable us to gain new insights into the processes of filamentous growth and pathogenicity in fungi.