
Parasites are an essential part of each aquatic community. Their presence becomes evident after a massive development, causing diseases and sometimes even leading to the mass mortality of infested hosts. Such events are often combined with biotic or abiotic changes in the environment (Möller 1987). There is increasing evidence that parasites are an important element of marine biodiversity (Mariaux 1996; Palm et al. 1999; Klimpel et al. 2001). In fisheries biology, parasitological studies have increasing importance, because parasites may serve as natural markers for the identification of fish stocks (MacKenzie 1983; Williams et al. 1992). Moreover, parasites can help to analyse the diet of fish species, serving as biological indicators of the prey species and their origin (Campbell et al. 1980; Palm et al. 1998). Whereas stomach analyses may provide detailed information on the immediate trophic relationship at the time of sampling, parasitological studies make it possible to infer previous trophic interactions, thus integrating short-term variability in the food web to make wider relationships more apparent. Helminths are particularly useful for such studies, because the different stages in their life cycle are passed through the marine food web until they reach their definitive host (Campbell et al. 1980). Finally, parasites provide information on habitats and trophic status of the studied fish species within the marine ecosystem.

Small fish species are frequent food items for piscivorous fish. Predatory fish largely acquire and accumulate parasites by ingesting small fish species that are infested and serve as carriers (Lile 1998). Parasitological studies, however, mainly focus on commercial fish species. In Gadus morhua L., 1758 and Clupea harengus L., 1758, for instance, the number of parasite species determined to date attains 123 and 80, respectively (Arthur and Arai 1984; Hemmingsen and MacKenzie 1993). Moreover, there is also an increasing interest in the patterns of parasite distribution within non-commercial fish species. Palm et al. (1999) demonstrated that the small-sized fish species Gasterosteus aculeatus L., 1758, Gobius niger L., 1758, Pomatoschistus microps (Krøyer, 1838), P. minutus (Pallas, 1770) and Pungitius pungitius (L., 1758) from the North Sea harbour a great parasite diversity (41, 22, 30, 33, 32 species, respectively), most of them having a low host-specificity.

The diversity of parasites is dependent on the specific feeding behaviour of hosts, the availability of intermediate and final hosts, depth distribution and host migrations (Rhode 1984; Kennedy et al. 1986; Poulin 1995). Similarities in diet and habitat of potential host species may result in similar parasite faunas (Polyanski 1966). In contrast, hosts with different food preferences may have large differences in their parasite faunas (Polyanski 1961). The aim of the present study is to investigate the parasite fauna of hitherto little-studied small-sized fish species in the central North Sea. The result is intended to clarify their role within the marine food web and illustrate their feeding ecology and parasite diversity.

Materials and methods

A total of 70 specimens each of Agonus cataphractus (total length 12.9–17.4 cm, total weight 21.2–59.7 g), Buglossidium luteum (total length 7.9–11.8 cm, total weight 5.2–20.0 g), Callionymus lyra (total length 10.5–21.8 cm, total weight 8.7–59.4 g) and Rhinonemus cimbrius (total length 14.2–22.5 cm, total weight 13.2–62.7 g) were collected on board of the German research vessel FFK Solea. The fishes were caught in the central North Sea (53°48′ to 54°43′N, 06°29′ to 08°08′E) between 2 January and 12 February 1999 by bottom trawls at a water depth of 16–44 m.

All fish specimens were deep-frozen and later studied in the laboratory. Ectoparasite infestation was examined while the fish was still in a partly frozen state. Skin, fins, eyes, nasal capsules, gills and the buccal and branchial cavities were studied for metazoan parasites. While the body cavity, internal organs and digestive tract were examined under a stereomicroscope, the gall bladder was removed and studied using phase-contrast microscopy. Belly flaps and musculature were examined using a candling table. Additionally, a subsample of 35 specimens per species of A. cataphractus, B. luteum, C. lyra and R. cimbrius were examined for stomach contents, which were then sorted and prey items were identified to the lowest possible taxon. The frequency of occurrence (F) of prey items in non-empty stomachs was recorded and calculated in accordance with Hyslop (1980).

Isolated parasites were fixed in 4% borax-buffered formalin and preserved in 70% ethanol/5% glycerine. For identification purposes, Nematoda were dehydrated in a gradated ethanol series and transferred to 100% glycerine (Riemann 1988). Digenea and Cestoda were stained with acetic carmin, dehydrated, cleared with eugenol or creosote and then mounted in Canada balsam. Crustacea were dehydrated in a gradated ethanol series and transferred into Canada balsam.

Parasite identification literature included original descriptions by Bray and Gibson (1986), Gibson and Bray (1986) and Køie (1976, 1978, 1979, 1992, 1995) for Digenea, Dollfus (1942) and Khalil et al. (1994) for Cestoda, Køie (1993, 2000, 2001) and Moravec (1987) for Nematoda and Kabata (1979, 1992) for Crustacea. Parasitological terms (prevalence, intensity, mean intensity) were used in accordance with Bush et al. (1997). The diversity of metazoan parasite faunas of each fish species was estimated using the Shannon diversity index (H′) and the evenness index (J′) of Pielou (Magurran 1988). Correlations were analysed by Spearman′s rank correlation coefficient. Differences in numbers of different parasite species between the four small-sized fish species were tested for statistical significance by the Kruskal–Wallis test.


Agonus cataphractus (L., 1758)

Nine parasite species were found in or on A. cataphractus: three Digenea, two Cestoda and four Nematoda (Table 1). The digenean trematodes Brachyphallus crenatus, Derogenes varicus and Hemiurus communis were present as adults and were located in the stomach. Two larval cestodes were identified: Bothriocephalus scorpii and Scolex pleuronectis (Tetraphyllidea indet.). They were located in the pyloric caeca and the intestine. Among the nematodes, Hysterothylacium aduncum was found as third and fourth stage larvae (L3/L4) and Ascarophis arctica, Capillaria gracilis, Cucullanus heterochrous and H. aduncum were found as adults. The adult nematodes were found in the stomach, pyloric caeca and the intestine, while the larvae were located exclusively in the body cavity. The present findings of B. crenatus, H. communis, S. pleuronectis, B. scorpii, C. heterochrous, A. arctica and C. gracilis represent new host records; and the finding of A. arctica represents a new locality for the central North Sea.

Table 1. Prevalence (P) and mean intensity (mI) of infestation of four small-sized fish species from the central North Sea

Buglossidium luteum (Risso, 1810)

Six different parasite species were detected in or on B. luteum: two Digenea, two Nematoda and two Crustacea (Table 1). D. varicus and Podocotyle atomon were present as adults. D. varicus was located in the stomach, while P. atomon was found in the intestine. C. heterochrous and H. aduncum were present as adult stages and H. aduncum was also found as L3 and L4 larvae. The adult nematodes were encountered in the digestive tract; and the larval stages were encysted in the body cavity. The crustacean parasite Bomolochus sp. and copepodite stages of Lernaeocera branchialis were located on the gills. The present findings of D. varicus, P. atomon, C. heterochrous, H. aduncum, Bomolochus sp. and L. branchialis represent new host records; and Bomolochus sp. represents a new locality record.

Callionymus lyra (L., 1758)

C. lyra had a total of five parasite species: three Digenea and two Nematoda (Table 1). The digenean trematodes D. varicus, P. atomon and Zoogonoides viviparus were found as adults. D. varicus was exclusively located in the stomach, P. atomon and Z. viviparus only in the intestine. The fishes were also infested by the adult nematodes Capillaria gracilis and H. aduncum and by L3 and L4 stages of H. aduncum. The adult nematodes were present in the digestive tract and the larval stages were encysted in the body cavity. The present findings of P. atomon, C. gracilis and H. aduncum represent new host records.

Rhinonemus cimbrius (L., 1758)

A total of nine parasite species were found in or on R. cimbrius: four Digenea, two Cestoda, two Nematoda and one Crustacea (Table 1). B. crenatus, D. varicus, H. communis and Stephanostomum caducum were present as adults. B. crenatus, D. varicus and H. communis were found exclusively in the stomach and S. caducum was located in the pyloric caeca and the intestine. The cestodes were represented by a larval stage of Lacistorhynchus tenuis and adult stages of B. scorpii. L. tenuis was located in the body cavity and B. scorpii in the pyloric caeca. The nematodes C. gracilis and H. aduncum were present as adults and within the digestive tract. The only nematode larvae (L3/L4) belonged to H. aduncum and were encysted in the body cavity. Adults of the crustacean species Taeniacanthus onosi were located exclusively on the gills. The present findings of L. tenuis and B. scorpii represent new host records; and the findings of C. gracilis and T. onosi represent new locality records.

Feeding ecology

The food of A. cataphractus consisted mainly of Crustacea, Polychaeta, Mollusca and fish (Table 2). The Crustacea were dominated by Decapoda [mainly Crangon crangon (L., 1758)], Amphipoda (mostly Gammaridea and Hyperiidae), Copepoda and Euphausiacea. The fish belonged almost exclusively to the Gobiidae.

Table 2. Frequency of occurrence (F) of the prey items identified in the stomach of four small-sized fish species from the central North Sea

The food of B. luteum consisted of small Crustacea, Echinodermata, Mollusca and Polychaeta (Table 2). The Crustacea were dominated by Cumacea and small Amphipoda (mostly Gammaridea). The Mollusca were dominated by Bivalvia; and the Echinodermata belonged almost exclusively to the Ophiuroidea.

The main food of C. lyra were Echinodermata and, to a much lesser extent, Polychaeta and Crustacea (Table 2). The Echinodermata were dominated by Ophiuroidea (the main food genus was Ophiura) and Echinoidea. The Crustacea were almost exclusively small Gammaridea.

The food of R. cimbrius consisted mostly of Crustacea, fish, Polychaeta and Mollusca (Table 2). The Crustacea were mainly Amphipoda (mostly Gammaridea and Hyperiidae), Decapoda [the main food species were C. crangon and Pagurus bernhardus (L., 1758)], Euphausiacea and Cumacea. The fish belonged almost exclusively to the Gobiidae.

The food composition of A. cataphractus and R. cimbrius depended on the total fish length. With increasing total fish length (Fig. 1), the contribution of the Polychaeta and Amphipoda decreased, while Decapoda, Euphausiacea, Copepoda and Gobiidae increased. The composition of the food items within B. luteum and C. lyra was not dependent on the total fish length, with all prey items being present within the different length classes (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1a–d.
figure 1

The food composition of Agonus cataphractus, Rhinonemus cimbrius, Buglossidium luteum and Callionymus lyra. The food composition of A. cataphractus (a) and R. cimbrius (d) depends on the total fish length. With increasing total fish length, the contribution of the Polychaeta and Amphipoda decreases, while Decapoda, Euphausiacea, Copepoda and Gobiidae increase. The composition of the food items within B. luteum (b) and C. lyra (c) is not dependent on the total fish length, with all prey items being present within the different length classes

Parasite diversity

A. cataphractus and R. cimbrius usually harboured 2–6 different parasite species (mean 4.1 and 3.9, respectively), whereas B. luteum and C. lyra were mostly infested with 1–3 species (mean 1.7 and 2.0, respectively; Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Parasite diversity. A. cataphractus and R. cimbrius usually harbour 2–6 different parasite species (mean 4.1 and 3.9, respectively), whereas B. luteum and C. lyra are mostly infested with 1–3 species (mean 1.7 and 2.0, respectively)

The number of parasite species rose with increasing total fish length (Fig. 3). This significant correlation was strong in A. cataphractus (n=70, r 2=0.854, P<0.01) and R. cimbrius (n=70, r 2=0.828, P<0.01), but weak in B. luteum (n=70, r 2=0.255, P<0.01) and C. lyra (n=70, r 2=0.322, P<0.01). The Shannon diversity index was relatively high in A. cataphractus (H′=1.574, J′=0.716) and R. cimbrius (H′=1.514, J′=0.689), but lower in B. luteum (H′=0.982, J′=0.548) and C. lyra (H′=0.731, J′=0.454).

Fig. 3a–d.
figure 3

The number of parasite species rises with increasing total fish length (see Results for details). (a) A. cataphractus, (b) B. luteum, (c) C. lyra, (d) R. cimbrius


The analysed North Sea fishes were parasitised by numerous parasites that are defined as generalists, i.e. unspecialised parasites that infest fishes regardless of the host species (Lile 1998; Marcogliese 2002). Agonus cataphractus and Rhinonemus cimbrius were the most heavily infested fishes and usually hosted 2–6 parasite species. Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between the number of parasite species and the total fish length of A. cataphractus and R. cimbrius. The fishes acquire and accumulate parasite species through preying upon infected intermediate and transport hosts (Lile 1998). Benthic invertebrates (e.g. Polychaeta, Crustacea) are the principal food of the smaller specimens of A. cataphractus and R. cimbrius, whereas the larger specimens feed mostly on fish and crustaceans. This demonstrates an important shift towards a piscivorous and crustacean-feeding behaviour during growth. Because of the increasing number and change in prey organisms, both species demonstrate an increasing parasite load with increasing total fish length. In contrast to A. cataphractus and R. cimbrius, the number of different parasite species in Buglossidium luteum and Callionymus lyra was lower, being 1–3. Both fish species feed exclusively on small benthic invertebrates and, therefore, are infested directly from the benthic intermediate hosts. Because there is no change in feeding behaviour with increasing total fish length, the infestation of B. luteum and C. lyra was probably directly dependent on the availability of the first intermediate host and not on the fish size. The parasite diversity was higher in A. cataphractus and R. cimbrius, while essentially lower values were tallied for B. luteum and C. lyra. These results clearly reflect the indicator function of fish parasites for the feeding behaviour of their hosts.

All four fish species were infested with Derogenes varicus and Hysterothylacium aduncum. These two parasite species are among the most common in marine fishes of the northern hemisphere (Køie 1979, 1993) and have been recorded from many different fish species along the German coast (Palm et al. 1999). The first intermediate host of D. varicus in the study area is the prosobranch, Natica spp. (Køie 1979), while H. aduncum has several planktonic and benthic invertebrates as first intermediate hosts (Marcogliese 1996; Jackson et al. 1997). The latter may also serve as second intermediate hosts to both D. varicus and H. aduncum (e.g. Øresland 1986; Køie 1993). The infestation of the fishes studied with both parasite species is therefore linked to the availability of the first intermediate host and the low host-specificity of the parasites with regard to their second intermediate host.

The nematode Capillaria gracilis was found in three of the fish species and did not occur in B. luteum. The life cycle of this parasite was recently described by Køie (2001), who showed experimentally that Annelida and Gobiidae are its first and second intermediate hosts. A. cataphractus and R. cimbrius were presumably infested with C. gracilis by feeding on various gobiids that serve as vectors. The lower infestation of C. lyra with C. gracilis indicates this fish species preys infrequently on Annelida. The nematode Cucullanus heterochrous detected in A. cataphractus and B. luteum typically infests flatfishes of the family Pleuronectidae (Palm et al. 1999). Gibson (1972) suggested that C. heterochrous might have an indirect development. However, Køie (2000) demonstrated experimentally that its intermediate hosts are various species of Polychaeta which are preyed upon by the fish species within the present study. The coexistence of the various parasite species is caused by the uptake of prey organisms that serve as intermediate hosts. The high similarity of infestation rates and the similar number of parasite species in A. cataphractus and R. cimbrius indicate that both species have an active food-searching behaviour and a variable diet, thus increasing their chance of becoming infested.

A. cataphractus feeds bentho-pelagically, as indicated by the presence of the Digenea, Brachyphallus crenatus and Hemiururs communis. Both parasite species have snails of the genus Retusa as first intermediate hosts (Køie 1992, 1995); and field studies have detected metacercaria of both species in several planktonic invertebrates as second intermediate hosts (Gibson and Bray 1986; Køie 1992, 1995). B. crenatus and H. communis have been found in a variety of final hosts in the north-east Atlantic (Gibson and Bray 1986; Palm et al. 1999), indicating a low host-specificity. Large numbers of the nematode Ascarophis arctica were only found in A. cataphractus. Its life cycle is unknown, but several species of benthic Crustacea may serve as first intermediate hosts. Benthic Decapoda and Amphipoda, known as intermediate hosts of other Ascarophis species (Uspenskaya 1953; Appy 1981; Jackson et al. 1997), belong to the regular diet of A. cataphractus.

C. lyra feeds selectively on benthic invertebrates and consequently has fewer parasite species than A. cataphractus and R. cimbrius. Its specialised diet explains the high infestation with the trematode Zoogonoides viviparus and the relatively low infestation with H. aduncum. The first intermediate host of Z. viviparus is the Common whelk, Buccinum undatum L., 1758. Polychaeta and Echinodermata (particularly those of the genus Ophiura) are the second intermediate hosts (Køie 1976). C. lyra preys mostly upon Echinodermata and Polychaeta within the study area, enabling transfer of the parasite. The life cycle of Podocotyle atomon was described by Hunninen and Cable (1943) and repeated experimentally by Køie (1981). The main first intermediate host is the snail Littorina saxatilis (Olivi, 1792). The cercariae encyst in various benthic Amphipoda which serve as second intermediate hosts (Køie 1981). The presence of P. atomon in C. lyra indicates that it may also feed on benthic Crustacea, as was demonstrated in the present study. The parasite species and infestation rates of B. luteum reflect the small size of the analysed fishes. Analysis of the stomach contents showed that B. luteum mostly feeds on Cumacea, small Amphipoda, Mollusca and Echinodermata. Most benthic Crustacea are probably too large to be prey organisms. The special scope of benthic organisms in the diet of B. luteum and C. lyra and their selectivity on prey that is not commonly utilised by other fishes is reflected in the large number of P. atomon and Z. viviparus. For the first time, a parasitic copepod species of the family Bomolochidae, genus Bomolochus, was found on the gills of B. luteum. After Kabata (1992), the North Sea fauna contains only Bomolochus soleae as a crustacean parasite species of Solea solea (L., 1758). As a second crustacean species, copepodite stages of Lernaeocera branchialis were also found on B. luteum. This species typically infests fish of the family Gadidae (Palm et al. 1999). Thirteen intermediate hosts have been recorded so far in the literature, eight of them flatfishes (Kabata 1992). In the North Sea, intermediate hosts are usually Platichthys flesus (L., 1758) and Microstomus kitt (Walbaum, 1792) (Kabata 1992). In general, specimens of B. luteum live offshore on sandy bottoms, but small numbers of juveniles migrate infrequently to inshore waters in summer (Nottage and Perkins 1983), where presumably the infection with L. branchialis take place. However, B. luteum probably plays a less important role in the life cycle of L. branchialis, which is typically a coastal parasite species (Templeman et al. 1976).

R. cimbrius is characterised by its parasites and their infestation rates, which are typical of a species predatory on Crustacea and fishes. This is demonstrated by the presence of B. crenatus, Stephanostomum caducum and Bothriocephalus scorpii. Experiments have shown that S. caducum uses the prosobranch Natica alderi (Forbes, 1838) as first and Gobiidae as second intermediate hosts (Køie 1978). The latter are frequently preyed upon by R. cimbrius. The first intermediate hosts of B. scorpii are copepods and various fish species are obligatory secondary hosts (Palm et al. 1999). R. cimbrius presumably is infected with adult B. scorpii via Gobiidae, since only these are capable of developing into adult cestodes. With Taeniacanthus onosi, one copepod species was found to infest R. cimbrius. This parasite species was previously recorded only from Ciliata mustela (L., 1758) and R. cimbrius collected in northern British waters (Kabata 1979). T. onosi shows a high degree of host-specificity and is therefore a typical crustacean parasite of R. cimbrius.

The present study fills a gap in our knowledge on the parasite composition of four different small-sized fish species in the central North Sea. Several new host and locality records are established.

A combination of different factors, especially the feeding ecology and habitat preferences of the hosts, can be seen as the reason for the observed infestation patterns. Also, small-sized fish species with a wide range of prey organisms, such as A. cataphractus and R. cimbrius, can harbour a diverse parasite fauna, mainly consisting of species with a low host-specificity. They either have a generalist feeding behaviour and eat various invertebrates, or they feed on other fish species. Small-sized fishes, such as B. luteum and C. lyra, harbour a relatively poor parasite fauna, reflecting their specialised feeding behaviour and local range of distribution. It is concluded that the observed parasite fauna provides important insights into the trophic relationship of their fish hosts.