Adrenal medulla chromaffin cells (CCs) are invaluable cell models for neurosecretion studies [5]. Significant differences in Ca2+ dynamics and exocytosis exist in CCs from several mammalian species (bovine, rat, guinea pig, cat, human) [7]. Nonetheless, the interest in mouse CCs (MCCs) increased disproportionally after the advent of transgenic mouse models to explore, from the complexities of Ca2+ signaling and exocytosis to alterations of Ca2+ homeostasis in neurodegenerative diseases [5].

There is a consensus that bovine chromaffin cells (BCCs) express an efficient mechanism of [Ca2+]i signal amplification by which the initial [Ca2+]i elevation opens ryanodine receptors (RyRs) from the ER through which Ca2+ is released into the cytosol [2, 8]. An influential article [10] reported that MCCs lack RyR-mediated Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR), but two recent studies in CCs from C57BL/6 mice [4, 11] conclusively support the presence of RyR and CICR. A differential role of mitochondria Ca2+ handling has also been reported: They sequester a more significant fraction of Ca2+ influx in MCCs than in BCCs [1].

Martínez-Ramírez et al., in this issue [9], compare the effects of acute, reversible SERCA pump inhibition by ciclopiazonic acid (CPA) on exocytotic responses and intracellular Ca2+ signals elicited by application to MCCs or BCCs of short ACh pulses at different intervals and extracellular [Ca2+]. The results could not be more contrasting: enhancement of exocytosis during CPA treatment and inhibition of exocytosis upon CPA washout in MCCs; inhibition of exocytosis during CPA exposure, and rebound exocytosis recovery upon CPA washout in BCCs. These differences, found under identical recording conditions at 37 °C, appear genuine. Intriguingly, CPA only reduced ACh-induced Ca2+ signals slightly in both cell types. Why the reversible pharmacological inhibition of ER Ca2+ uptake affects so differently ACh-elicited CA exocytosis in MCCs and BCCs?

The authors suggest that the opposite effects of CPA on ACh-induced exocytosis in MCCs and BCCs result from different [Ca2+]i handling by the ER and mitochondria, affecting vesicle traffic and refilling of the rapid release pool. During the SERCA’s acute blockade, more Ca2+ is diverted to and taken up by the mitochondria through their Ca2+ uniporter. Conversely, upon restoration of ER Ca2+ uptake, mitochondria release Ca2+ through the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, which the ER eventually takes up. As mentioned above, more Ca2+ is sequestered by mitochondria in MCCs than in BCCs [1]. However, mitochondrial Ca2+ transport cannot explain interspecies differences because it is not affected by the CPA.

It has been demonstrated that the ER can either attenuate or potentiate depolarization-induced Ca2+ signals, depending on its Ca2+ content. When depleted, a fraction of Ca2+ entering the cell during stimulation is captured by the store, acting as a Ca2+ sink. Conversely, when the store is full, it acts as a Ca2+ source and releases Ca2+ by CICR, therefore amplifying Ca2+ entry [3, 6].

Thus, the different behavior could be explained by assuming that mouse and bovine CCs differ in the two opposing ER functions: CICR and Ca2+ uptake: MCCs display weak CICR and strong Ca sinking. The reverse is true for BCCs. Significantly, CPA inhibits both mechanisms. In MCCs, secretion is enhanced by CPA because Ca2+ sinking is reduced, and a larger fraction of the Ca2+ entering the cell becomes available to trigger exocytosis. Upon removal of CPA, Ca2+ sinking recuperates, and exocytosis diminishes back to control. In BCCs, by discontinuing Ca2+ uptake (and allowing ER Ca2+ leakage), Ca2+ content drops, and CICR is weakened, thus reducing exocytosis. After CPA wash out, CICR recovers its strength, and exocytosis recuperates. See the summarizing scheme of Figure 9 in Martínez-Ramírez et al. [9]. The discordant Ca2+ signaling data is irrelevant in this context because Fura-2 reports “bulk [Ca2+]I and the relevant Ca2+ signals for exocytosis occur locally, in the submembrane space.

One may wonder if SERCA inhibition would affect differently exocytosis elicited by other stimuli, namely high-K+ depolarization, Ca2+ release by InsP3-dependent mechanisms, or caffeine that directly opens RyRs. Also, given the crucial role of CICR in this context, it would be interesting to know if ryanodine, which blocks RyRs, affects exocytosis differently in MCC and BCC during SERCA inhibition.

The ER store’s filling status depends on the cell’s previous electrical activity, the expression level and activity of SERCA, and other Ca2+-mobilizing proteins, the expression, and activity of RyRs, InsP3 receptors etc. Variations of these parameters determine the cell’s response under physiological and pathological scenarios. By clearly demonstrating differences between MCCs and BCCs in the same context, this study underscores the need to understand better the regulatory mechanisms that underlie these phenomena.