
Unlike other dietary fats, trans-fatty acids (commonly shortened to trans fats or TFAs) are neither essential nor salubrious and, in fact, their consumption can lead to higher risk of some pathologies, such as cardiovascular diseases [1].

TFAs arise through partial hydrogenation or isomerization (i.e. reduction in unsaturation) of cis unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) [1]. TFAs can be produced by two major sources: (1) the bio-hydrogenation, which is naturally occurring in ruminants (e.g. cows, sheep) and involves bacterial enzymes (e.g. desaturases) as catalysts and (2) the partial catalytic hydrogenation of vegetables or fish oils, which is an industrial process that requires hydrogen gas and a metal catalyst in order to modify the physical–chemical properties of UFAs (e.g. decrease in their oxidation sensitivity, solidification of vegetable fat products) [1].

In terms of quantitative distribution, the total content of TFAs and isomers, in either natural (i.e. pasture) or industrial (i.e. conventional) food products, can largely vary between products, while the qualitative nature of TFAs is usually quite similar [2]. As a result, the fat in milk, butter, cheese and beef approximately contains 2-9 % TFAs, whereas industrial products such as margarines and “shortenings” (e.g. containing partially hardened vegetable oils such as baking or frying fats) can reach over 50 % of total FAs [24].

Furthermore, TFAs qualitatively differ according to the feeding source. Indeed, feeding of pasture (i.e. natural fat foods) results in high amounts of vaccenic acid (i.e. oleic acid isomer trans-11 aka 18:1 Δ11 trans), which can be converted in mammals into small amounts of the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) 18:2 cis-9, trans-11 [2, 5], whereas conventional feeding (i.e. industrial/hydrogenated fat foods) mainly results in high amounts of elaidic acid (i.e. oleic acid isomer trans-9 aka 18:1, Δ9 trans) [2, 6]. In some cases, such as during partial hydrogenation of fish oils, trans-isomers of the omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA aka 20:5) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA aka 22:6) are predominant [7]. Besides, gamma-linoleic trans-isomers (18:2) and of alpha-linolenic acid (18:3) may arise from deep fat frying [8].

Nowadays, ruminant fats are considered as the major source of TFAs in most European countries because of the step reduction in the production and intake of industrial TFAs [9]. It was predicted that it will likely become so in the USA [10]. Nevertheless, the specific effects of ruminant TFAs on health are unclear as they can hardly be discriminated from the industrial ones. Indeed, the current epidemiological and experimental studies remain limited and controversial to correctly associate TFAs intake, whatever their origins, with the risk of causing deleterious human health effects (e.g. “non-communicable diseases” such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes or cancers) [1122]. For instance, a debatable positive association between industrial TFAs consumption and the risk of developing coronary heart disease has been shown and further explained by a TFAs-mediated increase in the plasmatic LDL level (low-density lipoprotein or “bad cholesterol”) and decrease in the plasmatic HDL level (high-density lipoprotein or “good cholesterol”) [1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 1822]. In this context, one can notably argue about the presence of TFAs in a number of products such as marketed capsules promoted for weight loss for which no strong evidence of their safety in humans has been demonstrated [23, 24].

Eventually, the 2004 World Health Organization (WHO) Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health endorsed the recommendation that TFAs intake should not exceed 1 % of the total energy intake (TEI) [25]. In 2007, the PAHO/WHO Task Force on “Trans Fat Free Americas” recommended that industrial TFAs should be eliminated from the food supply across the American continent [26]. Ultimately, in addition to other proposals (e.g. food labeling, health claims regulation disclosing fat content of foods supplied in restaurants and food programs), this same organization suggested that TFAs content should not reach more than 2 % of total fat in vegetable oils and margarines, and no more than 5 % in other foods [26]. Despite these international recommendations, only few governments have implemented a TFA policy. For instance, in France, strategies to reduce TFAs consumption are still required and shall range from public health approaches such as the use of dietary guidelines and health promotion programs, mandatory labeling of TFAs content in food and voluntary agreements with the food industry to reduce TFAs content and produce alternative healthier fat sources.

Our present work aims to review the TFAs origins, use, consumption and regulation in France comparatively to some reference countries (e.g. Denmark), as well as their implications on human health.

Definition, nomenclature and properties of fatty acids: an overview

Definition and nomenclature of cis-fatty acids

The term fatty acid (FA) designates any one of the aliphatic monocarboxylic acids that can be liberated by hydrolysis from naturally occurring fats and oils [27, 28]. FAs play multiple and essential cellular roles (e.g. energy production, membrane structures, immune cell regulation, cell signaling, gene expression and regulation) [2933].

Depending on the absence or presence of a double bond, the FA is called “saturated” (SFA) (e.g. palmitic acid 16:0, arachidic acid 20:0) or unsaturated (UFA), respectively [7, 33]. When the chain presents one or several double bonds, the FA is called monounsaturated (MUFA) or polyunsaturated (PUFA), respectively [7, 33]. Thereby, MUFAs occur naturally in various animal and vegetable fats and can be obtained by biotransformation of SFAs [34]. MUFA group is represented by the oleic acid (18:1), which belongs to the family omega 9 (ω9 or serial n-9). It is formed by a chain of 18 carbons and one double bond in configuration cis at the position 9 (aka ∆9, which represents the number of carbon atoms from the α-carbon/carboxylic group (–COOH) to the nearest double bond). The PUFA group is divided into two major families: (1) under the appellation omega-3 (ω3 or serial n−3) such as linolenic acid 18:3, EPA 20:5 or DHA 22:6 and (2) under the appellation omega-6 (ω6 or serial n−6) such as linoleic acid 18:2 or arachidonic acid 20:4 [7, 33]. Their classification (i.e. omega-3 or omega-6) is obtained by subtracting the highest double bond—which is, respectively, located three or six carbons away from the “omega” carbon/opposite end of the carboxyl group (e.g. 15 in the case of α-linolenic acid)—from the number of carbons in the FA (e.g. 18 in the case of α-linolenic acid). The PUFAs linolenic and linoleic acids are essential in humans—they cannot be synthesized by the organism and cannot be obtained from biotransformation of SFAs or MUFAs—and so, they must be provided by food (e.g. vegetables), preferentially at the 5/1 ratio [34]. Eventually, by successive elongations and desaturations, PUFAs can be converted into longer unsaturated carbonated FAs chain (e.g. linolenic acid 18:3 can be converted into EPA 20:5 which, in turns, can be converted into DHA 22:6) [34].

Eventually, several ways exist to write an unsaturated FA, depending on the terminology adopted by biochemists, chemists and physiologists [35, 36]. In the chemist’s terminology, the carbon atoms are counted from the carboxyl group (–COOH) which put the emphasis on the double bond closet to this group (∆-notations) [35]. However, in the biochemist’s and physiologist’s terminology, a new numbering system for the unsaturation of FAs called the “omega nomenclature” was proposed by Holman RT in 1964 and consists of counting the carbon atoms from the methyl (–CH3) determining the metabolic family, noted by ωx (e.g. ω3) or better nx (n for the total number of carbon, x being the position of the distal double bond) [36]. For instance, linoleic acid (aka cis-9, cis-12-octadecadienoic acid) can also be written 18:2 9c, 12c; 18:2 ∆9, 12 or 18:2 (n−6) or 18:2 ω6 [7, 33].

Definition and properties of trans-fatty acids

Naturally occurring FAs usually have the cis-configuration. Nevertheless, under certain conditions (e.g. partial catalytic hydrogenation or enzymatic hydrogenation), a double bond in FAs may change from a cis (Z) to a trans (E) configuration (geometric isomerization) and/or move to other positions in the carbon chain (positional isomerization) [7, 37].

In configuration cis, the two hydrogen atoms are on the same side of the carbon chain with respect to the double bond, a situation that produces a bend in the FAs, whereas in the configuration trans, the two atoms of hydrogen are diagonally opposed to each other, straightening the carbon chain (Fig. 1). For instance, oleic acid (18:1) can be found either as a geometric trans-isomer called elaidic acid (18:1 9t) or as a positional trans-isomer called vaccenic acid (18:1 11t) (Fig. 1). The case of PUFAs is more complex since their double bonds can be found in configuration trans or cis/trans. Indeed, linoleic acid (18:2 9c, 12c) can be found in three possible geometric isomers: 18:2 9c, 12t; 18:2 9t, 12c and/or 18:2 9t, 12t as well as in two positional isomers 18:2 9c, 13t and/or 18:2 9c, 11t (Fig. 2). In natural conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), the collective name for a range of conjugated octadecadienoic geometrical and positional isomers, 18:2 9c, 11t, is always the major isomer formed during microbial biohydrogenation of LA. In industrial preparations, the 9c, 11t and 10t, 12c isomers are the major components. CLA can occur naturally at low levels in a range of products, but is highest (about 0.5 % of total fat) in ruminants, both in meat and in dairy products. It is also produced on an industrial scale by alkaline isomerization of LA (e.g. from sunflower or safflower oil) and is often referred to as commercial CLA [38]. Interestingly, CLA is a fatty acid that is currently receiving considerable attention because of a range of properties that may make a positive contribution to health at moderate doses [38].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Isomers of the oleic acid (aka cis-Δ9-Octadecenoic acid, C18H34O2 or 18:1-9c). a Represents this MUFA in its configuration cis (Z). In this configuration, hydrogen atoms are on the same side of the carbon chain with respect to the double bond, a situation that produces a bend in the FAs. Cis-oleic acid can be transformed into configuration trans (E). In this case, the two atoms of hydrogen are diagonally opposed to each other, straightening the carbon chain. Thereby, trans-isomers of (a) can be either b geometric, represented by the elaidic acid (18:1 9t), which is mostly encountered in partially hydrogenated products (i.e. industrial fat foods such as margarines) or c positional represented by the vaccenic acid (18:1 11t), frequently observed in biohydrogenated dairy products (i.e. natural fat foods such as milk). The structures were assessed using online available lipid maps tools [156, 157]

Fig. 2
figure 2

Isomers of the linoleic acid (aka cis-Δ9, cis-Δ12-Octadecenoic acid, C18H32O2 or 18:2-9c, 12c). a Represents this PUFA in its configuration cis, which can be transformed into: b three possible geometric isomers: 18:2 9c, 12t; 18:2 9t, 12t and 18:2 9t, 12c of linoleic acid (LA) or: c two possible positional isomers: 18:2 9c, 11t and 18:2 9c, 13t of LA. The structures were assessed using online available lipid maps tools [156, 157]

Eventually, the physical–chemical properties of FAs have further implications in health and industrial applications (e.g. preparation of shortenings). Thereby, in addition to be characterized by a higher rigid carbon (acyl-) chain, TFAs differ from cis-FAs by their polarity and by a much higher melting point than FAs [39]. For instance, oleic acid 18:1 9c melts at 4 °C, whereas its trans-isomers, the elaidic acid 18:1 9t and vaccenic acid 18:1 11t, melt between 42 and 44 °C and 44 and 45 °C, respectively [39].

Origins of trans-fatty acids

In human diets, TFAs may arise from three sources: a natural one (i.e. biohydrogenation), an industrial one (i.e. catalytic hydrogenation) and a technological/domestic one (i.e. extreme thermal treatments) that is often forgotten, probably because it is considered as a minor source.


The biohydrogenation mainly results from the enzymatic transformation of cis-FAs into TFAs by the bacterial flora (aka microbiome) present in the rumen of animals (e.g. cows, cheeps, goats) [2]. They also can be produced by mammalian breasts through the action of the Δ9-desaturase [4042]. Natural TFAs are found in different quantities (up to 10 % of total FAs) predominantly in milk, derived milk products (e.g. butter, cheese) and meats [2, 4345]. The corresponding TFA isomers are mainly represented by the vaccenic acid (18:1 11t) at a quantity ranging from 30 to more than 50 % of the 18:1 [2, 43, 46]. This quantitative variation can depend on the race, stage of lactation, age and seasonal alimentation of mammalians (e.g. ruminants) [4749].

Partial catalytic hydrogenation

The chemistry of hydrogenation, initially developed in the late nineteenth century by the Nobel laureate Paul Sabatier and the German chemist Wilhelm Normann, is an industrial process that leads to a reduction in FAs unsaturation in order to solidify vegetable fats, decrease their oxidation sensitivity and enhance their taste [50, 51]. Thereby, vegetable oils are often processed in agro-industries [5254], notably to produce margarines as well as “shortenings” which are anhydrous fat products used for cooking and confecting other products (e.g. chocolates, cakes, pizzas) [55, 56]. The amount of TFAs in margarines varied from 1 to 2 % (e.g. high-quality margarine) to 60 % (e.g. low-quality margarine) of total FAs [54, 55]. Industrial TFAs are principally composed of the oleic acid isomers 18:1 9t (elaidic acid) and 18:1 10t, which represent up to 85–95 % of the 18:1 [5256].

The use of some industrial processes such as the trans-esterification to produce shortenings largely contributes to decrease the TFAs level in those products and their derived products [55, 57, 58]. However, in some partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (PHVO), TFAs levels are still too high [6].

Extreme thermal treatments

Thermal treatments involving technology (e.g. deodorization during oil refining) and domestic processes (e.g. dry pan frying, barbecue or long-time baking at high temperatures) can generate TFA isomers [59, 60]. Indeed, oils exposed at very high temperatures induced high amounts of gamma-linoleic acid (18:2 9c, 12c) and alpha-linolenic acid (18:3 9c, 12c, 15c) trans-isomers, while small amounts of oleic acid (18:1 9c) trans-isomers were observed [60, 61]. Globally, the nature and the quantity of TFA isomers generated after thermal treatment depend on the degree of temperature, the duration of treatment and the product itself (e.g. milk, meat, oils). For instance, the trans-isomer of gamma-linoleic acid (18:2 9t 12t) was abundantly (~15–30 % of TFAs) found in vegetable oils (e.g. peanut, sunflower, rape) but was rare in milk when those products were heated at very high temperatures (>200 °C during ~15 min) or used several times [60]. Those generated isomers were stable at very low temperatures (4 or −20 °C) for several weeks (up to 24), but gamma-linoleic acid was much lesser sensitive to isomerization (i.e. about 12–14-folds) than alpha-linolenic acid [62]. Eventually, it was estimated that TFAs originated from thermal treatments would represent 1.3 % of total FAs after heating at 220 °C but represented only 0.2 % at 180 °C, a most commonly used temperature [63].

Analytical methods for TFAs characterization

Several techniques (e.g. GC, TLC, HPLC and FTIR) have been proposed to quantitatively and qualitatively determine TFAs in sample matrices. At every stage of the fat analysis, precautions are requested to minimize the risk of auto-oxidation of unsaturated FAs (i.e. procedures shall be followed under subdued light in an inert atmosphere of nitrogen) and/or enzymatic lipolysis (i.e. analysis or freezing of all tissues shall be followed immediately after removal from the living organism) [7]. Among the major techniques to characterize TFAs, gas chromatography (GC) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) represent the two current methods routinely used.

In opposite to FTIR and when suitable standards are available, GC allows the identification of individual FAs [7]. However, in complex mixtures of isomeric FAs such as those present in some foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable or fish oil, all FAs isomers are rarely resolved by GC, resulting in an overlap of cis- and trans-isomers as well as in biased data [7]. Nevertheless, these overlapping isomers could be quantified using auxiliary fractionation techniques, such as silver nitrate thin-layer chromatography (TLC) or silver ion high-pressure liquid chromatography (Ag+-HPLC) [7, 64]. The problems of cis–trans isomers identification can also be overcome by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS) [7]. In this case, the double bond position can easily be identified by analyzing FA samples as nitrogen compounds such as picolinyl, pyrrolidide or 4,4-dimethyloxazoline derivatives [7, 64, 65]. GC coupled to FTIR (FTIR–GC) can also differentiate cis- and trans-isomers, including those present in PUFAs [7, 66]. Interestingly, an efficient GC method to analyze FAs profile, from biological or food samples, has been described [7]. This method involved three steps: (1) extraction of lipids; (2) conversion of the extracted lipids to a volatile derivative, often to fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs); and (3) analysis of the FAMEs by GC. Optimal FAs profile analysis was obtained using a flame ionization detector, a carrier gas (e.g. hydrogen or helium) and polar fused silica capillary (PFSC) columns [7]. Furthermore, the use of high elution pressure allowed analysis of complex FA mixtures in shorter times than conventional GC [7]. Eventually, the best separation of FAs from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils with minimum overlaps of cis–trans isomers was achieved when the column temperature was isothermally operated at 180 °C, using hydrogen as the carrier gas with a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min [7, 67]. These GC parameters have been adopted by the American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) in their official method “Ce 1 h-05” to determine the FAs composition by GC in vegetable or non-ruminant animal oils and fats [7, 68]. These GC operating parameters in conjunction with the fat extraction procedure of AOAC Official Method “996.06” [69] are widely used in Canada and the USA for the determination of total fat, SFAs, TFAs, MUFAs and PUFAs as well as for subsequent food labeling [7].

Alternatively, FTIR coupled to attenuated total reflection (ATR) infrared cell technique (FITR–ATR) can determine the total trans content in a very short time (i.e. about 5 min) in pure fats and oil samples without converting them into FAMEs or other derivatives [7, 66].

Consumption levels of TFAs and current recommendations in France

In France, the dietary guidelines are given by committees of experts organized by the Centre National d’Etudes et de Recommendations sur la Nutrition et l’Alimentation (CNERNA) along with the national food council (Conseil National de l’Alimentation; CAN) [70]. The national food consumption database is handled by the Observatoire des Consommations Alimentaires (OCA) [71, 72]. This database includes national individual dietary surveys and continuous national food purchase panels [71]. In spite of several French cohort studies (e.g. TRANSFAIR study [9], E3N-EPIC cohort [73], AQUITAINE survey [74]), information on the French population’s nutritional intake and representative individual consumption level of TFAs in the French population have been mostly provided by AFSSA (Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments), recently renamed as ANSES (Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire), through two large dietary surveys: INCA 1 (1998–1999) and INCA 2 (2005–2007) (enquêtes Individuelles Nationales de Consommation Alimentaire) [75, 76], which were combined to the national food composition database CIQUAL (Centre Informatique sur la QUalité des ALiments) available at the time of the investigation [72, 77].

The INCA 1 (1998–1999) represents the second largest national survey on adult and child dietary consumption in France after the ASPCC one (Association Sucre-Produits Sucrés, Consommation, Communication) piloted by CREDOC (Centre de Recherche pour l’ÉtuDe et l’Observation des Conditions de vie) during the period 1993–1994 [70, 78]. The INCA 1 survey described the dietary consumption of 3.003 individual people of 3 years old and above, who were representative of the French population. This survey, which took place after several years, troubled by many food crises (e.g. bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), dioxins or listeria), and the intense debate about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) revealed both a decline in traditional dietary models through the development of fast food products (e.g. pizzas, fizzy drinks or fruit juices) and a strong demand from consumers for information, control by the public authorities and scientific research in the fields of food safety and nutrition [76]. According to this survey, the average consumption of TFAs in adults (2.8 g/day in women and 3.4 g/day in men) was independent of the gender and not significantly different from the one observed in children (2.7 g/day in girls and 3.0 g/day in boys) [75]. Importantly, this consumption level was higher than the one observed from the TRANSFAIR study (2.1 g/day in women and 2.7 g/day in men) [9]. Furthermore, the INCA 1 survey revealed that the consumption of TFAs was increased from the age-group 15–24 (3.55 %) to the group older than 65 years (4.01 %) [75]. Spearman correlation studies, after adjustment with age, showed that daily intake of TFAs was strongly associated with SFA amounts independently of the gender [75]. After adjustment with calorie diet, this association was still significant in adults but reduced in children [75]. The “strong” consumers were usually young participants, and the TFAs overall consumption was superior to 4.89 g/day in girls and 5.79 g/day in boys [75]. Nevertheless, a high distortion may exist if interindividual analysis of TFA consumption is done. Besides, it was shown that 303 and 311 food products in girls and women, respectively, versus 299 and 331 in boys and men, respectively, contribute to the total TFAs intake [75]. Among the most consumed TFAs-containing food groups in adults versus in children, the butter (29.15 % vs. 24.04 %), the cheeses (17.75 % vs. 10.05 %), the meats (9.18 % vs. 8.97 %) and the pastries (6.63 % vs. 10.38 %) contributed together to approximately 62.71 % of total TFAs in adults and about 53.44 % in children [75]. Eventually, in the analyzed population, the average consumption of TFAs corresponded to 1.3 % TEI. In adults, 5 % of the population reached the threshold of 2 % TEI, while boys of 12–14 years represented the most consuming group with nearly 8 g/day of TFAs, largely exceeding this threshold.

The INCA 2 (2005–2007), the third largest national individual survey on food consumption, reported food consumption data gathered over 7 days for over 4,000 participants, adults and children, living in mainland France [76]. The weight and height of the participants as well as information related to their physical activity level, food supplement consumption or food storage practice were also collected. From the analysis of this study in 2008, AFSSA considered that the total TFAs intake level in the French population was lower than the levels observed during INCA 1 [77]. Indeed, the TEI (as a mean of total TFAs intake level) was similar between adults and children and close to 1 %. Furthermore, among the strongest consumers, this level remained below the threshold of 2 % TEI set earlier, regardless of the age and gender [77]. However, it was observed that natural TFAs were predominant in adults, whereas both natural and industrial TFAs were found in children [77]. In spite of lower-level TFAs intake in the general population, AFSSA still recommends a reduced consumption (about 30 %) of TFAs-enriched food products (e.g. cookies, fat meats) [76, 77]. Interestingly, in the French population, approximately 63 % of TFAs consumed originates from animals and 37 % from vegetables [79]. In European countries (including France), average TFAs consumption varies from 1.98 g/day in women to 2.40 g/day in men [75]. France was listed in front of most investigated North European countries such as Island (4.1–6.7 g/day women–men) or Norway (3.2–4.8 g/day women–men), but under South European countries such as Italy (1.6 g/day) or Greece (1.2–1.7 g/day women–men) [9, 75]. Interestingly, the average TFAs consumption in Denmark was much lower than in France (1.1 g/day) [75], certainly because of its efficient governmental legislation. Worldwide TFAs consumption analysis showed that North American countries (USA and Canada) were on the top list of TFAs-consuming countries [75]. Indeed, the TFAs intake in US Americans varied between 4.6 and 8.3 g/day on average [75], which was quite similar to the one in Canadians which varied between 3.8 and 8.4 g/day on average [75].

Nevertheless, comparison and interpretation of TFA levels between populations at a given time period are globally difficult since the cohort study protocols were not strictly standardized (e.g. lack of adjustment parameters). The minimization of daily intake of deleterious TFAs and SFAs as well as the sufficient consumption of cis-UFAs (i.e. omega-3 known to present health benefits such as lowering LDL cholesterol) shall be anyway encouraged worldwide, and particularly in France (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Schematic representation of the interrelations between TFAs and health status. Briefly, TFAs can originate from three known sources (natural, industrial and technological/domestic). Once overproduced or overconsumed (arrow symbols as marking activation), most TFAs may cause deleterious effects on health such as potentially increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) by concomitantly reducing the HDL levels and stimulating the LDL production in the blood, which can be targeted by cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statins, albeit the role of cholesterol in the cardiovascular physiopathology remains controversial. Eventually, efficient prevention (e.g. information on TFAs, personalized nutritional chart, quick blood test, longitudinal follow-up of patients, etc.) and novel therapy strategies (hammer symbols marking inhibition or blockade) against TFAs might be then required

Potential effects of TFAs on health

Most TFAs—with the exception of some CLAs which, at moderate doses, would present some therapeutic benefits [38]—can negatively affect the human health and so be involved in several chronic pathologies and biological processes.

TFAs and cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are known to be the first cause of human death worldwide [80]. Importantly, arterial hypertension is considered as one of the major risk factors for both CVD (about 50 %) and death [80]. Several epidemiologic and experimental studies underlines the preponderant role of high levels of cholesterol low-density lipoproteins (C-LDL or “bad cholesterol”) and low levels of cholesterol high-density lipoproteins (C-HDL or “good cholesterol”) on atherogenesis and its consequences [8184].

However, there is increasing consensus that dietary fats can also affect the CVDs risk via factors other than C-LDL and C-HDL [85, 86]. Thereby, in vivo modulating factors such as TFAs [87], triglycerides [88], homocysteine [89], lipoprotein(a) [90] and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) [91] and clotting factors such as FVII [92] when relatively increased, as well as a natural anticoagulants when significantly decreased, appear to be important to better explain the etiology of CVDs and their complications.

Interestingly, most retrospective case–control and prospective cohort studies reported positive associations, even after adjustments of confusion factors (e.g. smoking, age, obesity and high blood pressure), between a relatively high consumption of TFAs (>3 g/day) and the risk to develop CVDs [11, 13, 93103]. In fact, TFAs consumption corresponding to 2 % TEI can increase the cardiovascular risk of 25 % [15], suggesting that the threshold of 2 % TEI should not be considered as an acceptable reference by competent authorities. That is certainly one of the reasons why the 2004 WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health has subsequently recommended an intake of TFAs lower than 1 % TEI [25]. The respect of 1 % TEI is applied in many countries, ruminant fats being a more important source than industrially partially hydrogenated fats.

Mechanistically, TFAs could represent a strong risk factor in the development of CVDs by molecular mechanisms involving (1) increase in plasmatic cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity [104, 105]; (2) increase in C-LDL level [106109]; (3) decrease in C-HDL levels [106109]; (4) stimulation of pro-inflammatory molecules [e.g. tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (C-RP)] [110, 111]; and (5) endothelial dysfunction [110, 111].

Interestingly, TFAs [e.g. vaccenic acid (18:1 11t)] would be, consequently, more atherogenic than SFAs (e.g. palmitic acid, 16:0) which increased both C-LDL and C-HDL [107].

Eventually, although the importance of C-LDL and C-LDL/C-HDL ratio is relatively debated to explain the etiology of CVDs, the implication of TFAs in the development of CVDs appears prominent and thus TFAs should be considered as preventive and therapeutic targets (Fig. 3).

TFAs and other possible health effects

TFAs and metabolic disorders

Most TFAs can be considered as modifiable dietary risk factors for metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus (aka type 2 diabetes or T2D) and obesity.

Indeed, relatively high TFAs intake can cause metabolic dysfunction in humans: It can adversely affect circulating lipid levels, trigger systemic inflammation, induce endothelial dysfunction and increase visceral adiposity, body weight as well as insulin resistance (i.e. low insulin sensitivity) [112115]. The mechanisms behind such effects are unclear, but could involve several possible components such as altered physiochemical membrane properties, fuel partitioning (via altered fat oxidation and carbohydrate oxidation) or altered gene expression [116].

However, rodent studies suggested that supplementation of a CLA mixture (18:2 9c, 11t and 18:2 10t, 12c) could be beneficial for the management of insulin resistance, reduce the corporal fat mass and improve the lipid metabolism, whereas 18:2 10t, 12c alone was associated with greater insulin resistance [117]. In humans, the CLA isomers, 18:2 9c, 11t and 18:2 10t, 12c, have opposite effects with regard to the total cholesterol/c-HDL ratio. Thereby, 18:2 9c, 11t would have a beneficial effect, while 18:2 10t, 12c would have a deleterious effect translated by an increase in insulin resistance in obese individuals presenting a metabolic syndrome [118].

Nevertheless, relatively high consumption of CLAs does not prevent obesity. Indeed, it has been shown that daily consumption of a drinkable dairy product containing up to 3 g of CLA isomers for 18 weeks had no statistically significant effect on body composition in overweight, middle-aged men and women [119].

Eventually, the lack of longitudinal and dose-effects studies does not allow us to clearly conclude about the importance of TFAs and CLAs.

TFAs and cancers

High content of TFAs was associated with an increased risk of cancers, mainly human breast and colorectal cancers [120122]. However, other studies reported no increase in the rate of those cancers when greater intake of dietary fat and fat subtypes, including TFAs, was consumed, at least among older and postmenopaused women [123, 124]. Interestingly, experimental studies suggest promising effects of some CLAs (e.g. 18:2 9c, 11t) on cancer risk in animal models and in breast cancer cells [125127]. However, these effects have, until now, not been confirmed in humans.

Taken together, TFAs may be associated with the risk of some cancers. Nevertheless, further studies are still definitively required to solidify this hypothesis. Indeed, method limitations as well as lack of some experimental considerations could explain bias and contradictory results. In the benefice of doubts, the precautionary principle to limit TFAs consumption should be applied.

TFAs and teratogeny: from mother to early infant development and lactation

TFAs ingestion by pregnant women could affect the fetal development due to the presence of TFAs in the maternal milk and their transplacental passage [128, 129].

Indeed, while some 18:2 CLA trans-isomers (e.g. 18:2 9t,12c) are overrepresented in umbilical plasma, 18:1 trans-isomers (e.g. 18:1 9t) were predominantly found in maternal plasma [130]. Since the TFAs composition in human milk fat was mainly represented by oleic acid 18:1 isomers (range: ∆9–12t) and an inverse relation between the weight at birth and the elaidic acid (18:1 9t) level was observed in premature babies, the occurrence of a transplacental passage of elaidic acid was strongly suggested [131]. Furthermore, it has been shown that newborns with low venous umbilical DHA levels and high levels of umbilical TFAs had poor neurologic conditions at 18 months [132]. Overall, it is now admitted that poor maternal DHA status can affect infant’s brain and retinal development [133].

Mechanistically, TFAs transported across the placenta and secreted in human milk in amounts that depend on the maternal dietary intake may have adverse effects on infant growth and development through interfering with essential FA metabolism, direct effects on membrane structures or metabolism or secondary to reduce the intakes of the cis essential FAs in either mother or child [134].

Overall, those limited data point out the risk for pregnant and breast-feeding mothers to consume industrial TFA-containing products, while consumption of essential FAs such as the omega-3 DHA would be largely beneficial.

Policies about TFAs content in France


In 2005, the French AFSSA’s report suggested that in a given product (e.g. table oils, shortenings), TFAs should not exceed 1 g/100 g (0.4 % TEI) [75]. Furthermore, AFSSA advised the consumers to reduce their consumption of 30 % in TFA-enriched foods (e.g. pastries, industrial bread products, chocolate bars) because of their low nutritional value [7577]. To be consistent with the decline in consumption of these products, the agency encouraged manufacturers of margarine and fats for the food sector to reduce TFAs content of their products [7577].

Nevertheless, in spite of the awareness of the problem, the AFSSA’s suggestions and recommendations are not fully transparent to the consumers and cannot be correctly applied unless legal, firm and concrete procedures (e.g. limitation of TFAs content in manufactured/industrial products, banning of TFAs use in restaurants and in packaged foods and mediatization of the TFAs-related health risks). Yet, international policies could be used as a reference to efficiently reduce TFAs in foods, inform and prevent the French population against potential deleterious TFAs-associated health effects [135].

Thereby and comparatively, Denmark and Switzerland were the first European countries in 2003 and 2008, respectively, to promptly introduce a legal regulation to limit the TFAs content in foods, based on a publication reporting the risk of coronary heart disease and TFAs consumption [136] as well as on the Danish Nutritional Council (DNC) scientific reports [137, 138]. Thereby, along with The Danish Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the Danish Order on TFA imposed a maximum of 2 g TFA/100 g (0.8 % TEI) of oils or fats destined for human consumption [138]. Later, the undertaken regulation also limited products claimed to be “free from TFAs” to <1 g TFA/100 g (0.4 % TEI) in the oil or fat used for production [139]. In USA, some cities and states, such as New York and California, decided to regulate TFAs independently of the national action. By 2008, New York’s Board of Health successfully removed and prevent fats containing TFAs in restaurants [140142].

Mandatory labeling

In 2005, the AFSSA’s report recommended labeling only when thresholds are exceeded from the standards of the current food supply [75]. Consequently, manufacturers were likely encouraged to improve the composition of their products at some points, but the lack of information on TFAs content and mandatory accessible labeling on any food product—that does or not exceed the regulated threshold—was and is still far from helping customers to reduce their TFAs consumption.

Comparatively, Canada was the first country to regulate mandatory food labeling in 2002, which ordered in 2005 that food labels separately list the amount of TFAs and SFAs for most pre-packaged foods, including products with <0.2 g TFAs per serving which could be labeled as “TFAs free” [143]. This labeling regulation, together with the Task Force Action and the published “Transfat monitoring program,” has been successful in stimulating food manufacturers to reduce or eliminate TFAs [143]. In the USA, along with the important help of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPINET) [144], the FDA final ruling of 2003 required mandatory food labeling mentioning the amount of TFAs [145], although it did not specify maximum allowable limits or approve claims such as “TFAs free” due to concerns of trace amounts adding up with increasing servings. Thereby, food manufacturers were prompted to make product changes [146]. Interestingly, Brazil and Argentina are examples of middle-income countries that have seen changes in TFAs content of food, in part due to the agricultural trade agreement MERCOSUR (the South American Common Market integrated by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) in 2003 to mandate labeling which specified amount of TFAs on pre-packaged foods [147]. This initiative induced some food industries to switch from partially hydrogenated oils (aka PVHO) to non-hydrogenated unsaturated oils at no additional costs to consumers because being “trans free” was seen as a competitive advantage [148].

Voluntary industrial initiatives

From the second half of the 1990s which marked the discovery and confirmation of adverse effects of TFAs, TFA intake went down significantly. This was mainly due to voluntary changes in oil processing by the food industry. Indeed, many international food manufacturers and retailers (e.g. Unilever) have voluntarily removed TFAs from their products (e.g. margarines and spreads) [149], triggered by media coverage that TFAs were unhealthier than SFAs [150].

Contrarily to France, where alternatives to reduce the use of industrial TFAs have only been suggested [7577], some European countries, such as the Netherlands, have successfully relied on voluntary agreements with the food industry [151]. In the UK, the British Retail Consortium announced that major retailers (e.g. some supermarket chains) were committed to remove TFAs from all branded products, and by December 2007, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) claimed that voluntary measures to reduce TFAs had already resulted in safe levels of consumer intake [152]. In the USA, a task force with representation of various stakeholders played an important role in pressuring the food industry to effectively remove TFAs from the food supply without government regulations or involvement [153]. Eventually, in South Korea and Argentina, novel public–private business partnerships between academics and industrials have led to the production of healthier and cost-effective fats or oils, stimulating the food industry to replace TFAs in food manufacturing [135]. Furthermore, in Costa Rica, the industry voluntarily decreased TFAs content in their oils (e.g. soybean oil) which consequently reduced the risk of myocardial infarction in his population, in spite of lack of food labeling and TFAs content regulation [154, 155].


There is abundant evidence that TFAs—with perhaps the exception of some CLAs—have deleterious effects on health. The question whether ruminant TFAs have the same effect, also in the long term, on human diseases risk as industrial TFA has not definitively been settled. The most convincing studies have shown that TFAs represent an independent risk factor for CVDs, a group of non-communicating diseases which lead to the highest rates of mortality worldwide. One of the major explanations of such risk on health is that TFAs consumption concomitantly raises LDL cholesterol levels and reduces HDL cholesterol levels, the later representing an additional negative effect comparatively to SFA. Overall, TFAs intake should be largely prevented by different sanitary and legal dispositions (e.g. media coverage; regulations on food content, labeling and marketing; replacement of poor nutritional oils by healthy fats; fiscal measures; and quick blood test). In France, policy makers—along with the public health sector and other competent authorities—shall be enough stimulated to improve dietary intake behavior (notably to lower TFAs) and health outcomes of individuals, without compromising meanwhile the quality and the price of a given product.