1 Correction to: Climate Dynamics https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-018-4296-y

In Fig. 12, the data of hypoxic area from the sensitivity experiments TAIR1 (dark green solid curve) and WIND (magenta solid curve) displayed in the lower right panel were wrong. The corrected Fig. 12 is shown below.

Fig. 12
figure 12

4-year running mean, volume averaged annual temperature (in °C), salinity (in g kg−1), DIN (in mmol N m−3), DIP (in mmol P m−3), phytoplankton concentration (in mg CHL m−3), cyanobacteria concentration (in mg CHL m−3) and dissolved oxygen concentration (in mL O2 L−1), and hypoxic area (in km2) (from upper left to lower right): REF (black solid), TAIR1 (dark green solid), TAIR2 (dark green dashed), WIND (magenta solid), CONST (magenta dashed), RUNOFF (blue solid), FRESH (light blue solid), LOW (yellow solid), OBC (orange solid), HIGH (red solid), CYANO (turquoise solid), MSLR (gray solid), and MSLD (gray dashed). Note that the temperature curves of REF, RUNOFF, LOW, OBC, HIGH, and MSLD are on top of each other. Similarly, the salinity curves of REF, LOW, OBC, and HIGH are indistinguishable

In Sect. 3.2 (Results of the sensitivity experiments) the sentences “In REF, TAIR1, WIND and RUNOFF hypoxic areas increase considerably between the 1950s and 1970s and the temporal evolutions differ first after the 1970s slightly. In OBC, FRESH and TAIR2 and in CONST the rise in hypoxic area occurs about 5 years earlier and about 10 years later, respectively. In CONST, hypoxic area decreases again after the maximum in the 1970s.” should be replaced with “In REF, TAIR1, and RUNOFF hypoxic areas increase considerably between the 1950s and 1970s and the temporal evolutions differ first after the 1970s slightly. In (1) OBC, FRESH and TAIR2 and in (2) WIND and CONST the rise in hypoxic area occurs about 5 years earlier and about 10 years later, respectively. In WIND and CONST, hypoxic area decreases again after the maximum in the 1970s.”

In Table 4 the cell text for hypoxic area in TAIR “like REF” should be replaced with “smaller than REF”. The corrected Table 4 is shown below.

Table 4 Brief summary of the results of the sensitivity experiments (see Sects. 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 of the discussion)