1 Erratum to: Clim Dyn DOI 10.1007/s00382-017-3817-4

In the original publication of the article, Fig. 1 caption has been published incorrectly. The correct Fig. 1 caption should be as follows:

Fig. 1 Locations of three studied glaciers (red star), six Chinese meteorological stations (blue point) near the glaciers, and two other glaciers (red triangles) on the Tibetan Plateau, as well as name of mountain ranges (italics and dashed outline) (a); the area-altitude distribution of Muztag Ata No. 15 (MZ15) glacier (b), Zhadang (ZD) glacier (c) and Parlung No. 4 (PL04) glacier (d)

In the original publication of the article, “OPS” in the note of Table 5 is changed to “QPS”.

In the original publication of the article, “Fig. 1” in Line 15 of the second paragraph on Page 4 is changed to “Fig. S1”.

In the original publication of the article, “Table S3” in Line 42 of the third paragraph on Page 6 is changed to “Table 3”.

In the original publication of the article, “Table 2” in Line 10 of the second paragraph on Page 14 is changed to “Table 4”.