
Meta-analysis is a statistical technique used to synthesize information from a collection of all relevant studies comparing interventions for a medical condition of interest to address a focused research question about effectiveness or safety in the context of a systematic review [1, 2]. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have been fundamental tools for the practice of evidence-based medicine by clinicians, scientists and policy makers. When done well and transparently reported, systematic reviews and meta-analyses produce information (in which bias has been extensively reduced) that can be helpful for the evaluation of healthcare interventions. However, a potential drawback of traditional meta-analyses is their ability to compare no more than two treatments at a time, a significant obstacle for decision-making when the medical condition under study has many relevant treatment options to be considered in clinical practice [38]. Moreover, in situations where there are no studies directly comparing two or more interventions, traditional meta-analysis cannot estimate their comparative benefits and harms. A simple example of this scenario is when information from RCTs is available regarding the effectiveness of two active treatments, generically B and C, in comparison to a common comparator A (commonly placebo or standard practice therapy); an indirect treatment comparison may be used to estimate a comparison of the relative effectiveness of B compared with C. In recent years, advanced approaches to meta-analysis have been increasingly implemented to obtain estimates of the relative effects of multiple treatments, taking into account the “full network” of available trials, and simultaneously incorporating direct and indirect treatment comparisons in a more complete analysis. This is the objective of network meta-analyses, also known as “multiple-treatments meta-analyses” or “mixed-treatment comparisons meta-analyses.”

What is a network meta-analysis ?

Envision a situation in which a clinician wishes to know the comparative effectiveness of biologic drug therapies used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Classically, a systematic review of RCTs could only identify studies comparing treatment A (placebo) versus treatment B (or biologic one) and treatment A (placebo) versus treatment C (or biologic two). These sets of studies provide information to compare two sets of treatments (e.g., A vs. B and A vs. C), in what is often termed pairwise or direct comparisons. It can be observed that in this hypothetical systematic review, there are no identified trials that directly compare treatment C versus treatment B, and so direct evidence from these trials is not available to estimate the most clinically relevant comparison between active treatments (B vs. C). Following a traditional approach using pairwise meta-analysis techniques, one cannot establish the relative benefits of treatment B versus C. However, by applying a network meta-analysis (NMA) approach, one can consider many indirect comparisons using information from multiple trials that include a common comparator, A. In this example, an indirect comparison of C versus B can be obtained by synthesizing the results of the trials providing information on the direct comparisons of A versus B and A versus C.

Statistical methods for comparing multiple interventions (using a Bayesian or frequentist framework) have been described in detail elsewhere [912]. Suppose that treatment B is judged better than treatment A, demonstrating a higher response of clinical relevance in five additional patients with rheumatoid arthritis and that treatment C is judged better than treatment A with a higher response in three additional patients. An indirect estimate of the comparative effectiveness of treatment B versus C would result in a relative benefit for two additional patients (B is considered to be better than C). Doing so, it would be possible to estimate the potential benefits of the various relative comparisons of treatments A, B and C. In addition, NMA also allows for the combination of direct and indirect information in the estimation of a single treatment effect, which has come to be known as a mixed comparison. In this example, the mixed comparison between B and C incorporates the results of the direct comparison of the two treatments (i.e., outcome data from RCTs of B vs. C) with indirect comparison results obtained from the information of other related direct comparisons (i.e., outcome data from RCTs of B vs. A and C vs. A). In practice, mixed comparisons can be estimated as a weighted average of the direct and indirect estimates of treatment effects, and they can complement information for those comparisons in which there is scarce direct information. When both direct and indirect information can be combined, precision of the estimated treatment effect is improved.

Network geometry

Generally, the graphical representation of a network showing the multiple competing treatments being compared for a medical condition is useful to understand and assess the strength of the clinical evidence for each of the various comparisons under study. Reviewing network geometry also improves the transparency of the results for the critical appraisal of a NMA from the perspective of determining the degree of confidence one may place in interpreting particular comparisons.

Network geometry addresses what the shape of the treatment network looks like in terms of the number of included interventions (i.e., “treatment nodes”), the extent to which there are trials comparing different pairs of these interventions (i.e., the adjoining lines or “edges”), and the numbers of patients associated with different comparisons [5, 13]. By studying and presenting the network geometry, one can develop an understanding of how strong the evidence is for some treatment comparisons and whether specific comparisons are selected, under-represented or even avoided by trialists (comparator preference bias) [5, 7]. Generally, the edges between treatment nodes in the network indicate the comparisons made within eligible randomized trials identified during the process of study identification. The widths of these edges are commonly sized to proportionally reflect the numbers of studies evaluating each pair of treatments, and the sizes of each treatment node are typically sized to proportionally reflect the numbers of subjects randomized to each treatment. If there is no link between a given pair of treatment nodes, it suggests there are no identified trials comparing those particular treatments. Examples of possible network geometries are presented in Fig. 1 and show scenarios which range from a sparse network with a complete lack of direct information for most of the comparisons in the network to a more heavily connected network. For example, if all of the treatments have been compared against a common comparator (e.g., placebo), but not among active treatment options themselves, the network geometry looks like a star (Fig. 1a). If all of the active treatments have been compared with each other, the network plot can be represented as a complex polygon with all treatment nodes connected to each other (Fig. 1b) [5]. For a published survey of network geometries encountered in a range of clinical disciplines, we refer readers to Salanti et al. [13].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Examples of treatment networks. Circles represent treatment nodes in the network; lines represent direct comparisons for which data are available from RCTs. Line thickness is proportionally weighted according to the number of studies evaluating each comparison, while nodes are proportionally weighted according to the number of patients that have received each treatment relative to the total number of participants across all studies

Assumptions and validity considerations: transitivity and consistency

The validity of a NMA depends on a set of assumptions. Particularly, indirect and mixed comparisons are generally considered observational in nature and are based on the assumptions of transitivity (e.g., if treatment B is better than A and A is better than C, it is assumed that B is better than C) [14] and consistency or coherence (which refers to the level of agreement between the evidence from direct and indirect comparisons) [15]. These core assumptions for NMAs can be verified conceptually and epidemiologically but are, however, subject to substantial uncertainty. Clinicians and researchers must assess the appropriateness of the transitivity assumption based on careful review of included studies to judge their comparability from both clinical and methodologic viewpoints. In practice, transitivity and consistency require similarity, which means that the sets of trials used to establish the indirect or mixed comparison are sufficiently alike in terms of important clinical characteristics of the patients, settings and study methods (often referred to as effect modifiers) [14, 16].

NMA methodology is not limited strictly to the calculation of “numerical estimates” based on the synthesis of indirect and mixed comparisons for multiple competing interventions. It may also be used to examine the totality of underlying evidence available for relevant treatments to manage a medical condition in order to detect current research gaps in the existing comparisons and to explore potential sources which may place findings of an NMA at risk of biases [1719]. One can use network analyses to undertake an examination of the geometry of the clinical evidence (i.e., to identify the totality of all the randomized comparisons that have been performed in terms of comparisons present and missing, the numbers of patients studied, and so forth). Identifying these geometry patterns is informative for detecting research gaps in the existing evidence and designing future research agendas that could potentially improve evidence-based practice. It is possible to consider exploring potential sources of bias (e.g., reporting bias) [18] and also to calculate estimates adjusted for important study and patient characteristics that can be considered as effect modifiers, or even providing subgroup analyses [20]. In addition to the estimation of summary outcome measures of a familiar nature (e.g., odds ratios, mean differences), NMAs can also produce supporting information of considerable appeal to researchers in the form of treatment rankings (e.g., generation of a ranking of different treatments according to the probability of being the “best” treatment, second best, third best and so forth; these values are often summarized by a parameter for each treatment commonly called the surface under the cumulative ranking curve [SUCRA]) [21]. It has been suggested in many published network meta-analyses that these rankings may facilitate interpretation of the results from indirect and mixed comparisons and that they can be especially important for clinicians who wish to know what is the best treatment for a particular clinical condition. However, there are risks of focusing one’s primary interpretation and conclusions on treatment rankings, especially when the network structure may be considered weak (e.g., there exists few or no trials for some of the included comparisons, the trials are of small sample size, and/or are of high risk of bias) or where the systematic review may not have appropriately considered all relevant treatments [7, 19]. Furthermore, treatment rankings may exaggerate small differences in benefits. For this reason, it is generally recommended that clinicians not focus their interpretation of the data solely on the treatment ranks, but rather consider them alongside relative and absolute effect measures.

Example: Results from a published NMA of randomized controlled trials of biologics for rheumatoid arthritis

The number of published NMAs has increased substantially in recent years [22, 23] and has been conducted to evaluate a wide range of healthcare interventions in a diverse array of clinical disciplines. The last few years have also seen a considerable increase in the use of NMA to assess the comparative effectiveness and safety of interventions in the field of clinical rheumatology [22, 23]. One example of a frequently studied condition using NMA methods has been the assessment of the efficacy and safety of treatments such as biologics for rheumatoid arthritis [2430]. Below, we summarize and comment on a published example of the use of Bayesian NMA methods (see Box 1) based on a study that compared the efficacy of biologics (abatacept, adalimumab, certolizumab pegol, etanercept, golimumab, infliximab and rituximab, tocilizumab) used in combination with a non-biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis previously treated with methotrexate or other DMARD [24].

Box 1 Bayesian NMA

Orme et al. [24] reviewed 29 RCTs of eight biologics forming a star-shaped network (Fig. 2). This network geometry shows that there were no head-to-head comparisons between the active treatments and that all biologics were compared only with placebo in the corresponding set of RCTs. The major outcomes reviewed were benefits defined as a 25, 50, 75 % improvement in patient- and physician-reported criteria of the American College of Rheumatology; here, we shall focus on the results for the 50 % improvement (ACR50). Using a conventional approach to meta-analysis, findings are limited to summary estimates of the direct (pairwise) comparisons for which information is available (namely comparison of each biologic to placebo). Compared with DMARD, all biologics were associated with a clinically important difference in ACR50 response rate (Table 1). From the perspective of selecting a treatment for patients, analyzing the data and presenting results in this manner makes it difficult to draw an overall conclusion about which biologic is best. Furthermore, it is difficult to adjust for differences in patient and study-level characteristics among included studies when analyses are conducted in a disparate fashion, and it is also limiting in terms of assessing whether findings are internally consistent. The NMA approach can provide a set of relative effects for comparing biologics against each other, considering indirect evidence for each comparison and can also provide estimates of the probability each treatment is best. For example, Table 2 presents estimates of comparative effectiveness of combination therapy of etanercept + DMARD versus other active combination therapies (as reported by Orme et al. [24]) using random-effects models and fixed-effect models. Random-effects NMA differs from fixed-effect NMA in that it allows the true treatment effect (odds ratios between two treatments) to vary between studies due to heterogeneity. One could similarly estimate comparisons of adalimumab + DMARD versus other active combinations, and so forth. Table 3 presents estimates of the probability each treatment is best for ACR50 and absolute efficacy of each treatment. Further, NMA allows one to formally assess inconsistency [31] and adjust for differences in patient and study-level characteristics [32]. Finally, network meta-analytic methods have evolved considerably in recent years and there are now a suite of diagnostic tools available to help choose appropriate statistical models [3135]. For example, in this analysis [24], the authors chose the random-effects model (vs. the fixed-effects) for the base-case because model diagnostics indicated the random-effects model provided a better fit to the data. When interpreting these findings, the authors recognized that evidence syntheses considering indirect comparisons need to account for differences among trials in terms of patient and study-level characteristics disease duration and duration of follow-up. Others have noted the considerable heterogeneity among patient and study-level characteristics of previous NMAs comparing biologics for rheumatoid arthritis [3638]. Accordingly, Orme et al. [24] conducted numerous sensitivity analyses to adjust for patient and study-level characteristics, which are crucial when conducting and appraising NMAs.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Example of network geometry: RCTs evaluating biologics in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [24]. Treatment network diagram based on data from [24] for standard regimens. Note: Circles represent the biologic as a treatment node in the network, while lines represent direct comparisons using placebo RCTs. DMARD disease-modifying antirheumatic drug, kg kilogram, mg milligram, wk(s) week(s)

Box 2 Critical appraisal of a NMA
Table 1 Example of traditional (direct) meta-analysis for each DMARD combination compared with placebo for benefits (ACR 50) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [24]
Table 2 Example of NMA of biologics for rheumatoid arthritis [24]

Box 2 provides a short summary of issues relevant to evaluating and interpreting systematic reviews incorporating NMAs [6, 39].

Table 3 Example of treatment effect estimates from NMA of biologics for rheumatoid arthritis [24]

Final considerations

NMA, an extension of traditional pairwise meta-analysis, is a novel statistical method that incorporates clinical evidence from both direct and indirect treatment comparisons in a complete network of trials to assess the benefits and risks of multiple interventions. Efforts to educate readers and researchers alike about the core methodological concepts and assumptions underlying NMAs are important to provide tools to enable proper interpretation of findings. NMAs should be carried out as part of a rigorous systematic review process to ensure high methodological quality. In order to realize the full potential of these tools, methods and results of NMAs should be transparent and completely reported. It is also necessary to know their inherent limitations. Apart from the transitivity and consistency assumptions, NMA may suffer from potential biases affecting studies, which provide direct and indirect evidence. The assessment of the impact of such potential biases on the results of meta-analyses of indirect and mixed-treatment comparisons is still limited, and the methods to adjust for these biases are still under development. It is important to continue working on the development and validation of the methods for NMAs and, for the time being, interpreting reports of NMAs in light of these potential limitations [7, 35].