Re: J Mol Evol (2004) 59:80–89. Due to a printer’s error, Fig. 3 of this article did not appear correctly in the printed issue. We present here the corrected Fig. 3 along with its caption.

Figure 3
figure 1

Phylogenetic distribution of trans splicing of nad1i728 in land plants. The phylogeny shown was generated as described in Materials and Methods. The species with trans-spliced introns are shown in gray boxes (except for Hedychium coronarium and Pontederia cordata, which may have secondarily derived cis-spliced introns and are indicated by asterisks, and Amborella trichopoda, whose intron status is even less clear and is therefore marked by a question mark). The lineages whose trans-spliced introns are broken between the 5’-end of the intron and mat R are shown by thick gray lines, while those with breakage between mat R and the 3’-end of the intron are shown by thick black lines. For taxa with a black dot, the splicing status of the intron was determined by sequencing (see text for citations in which the sequences were reported). For taxa in italics, the splicing status of the intron was inferred using Southern hybridizations with four single-enzyme digests and 12-cm electrophoretic separation (many of these taxa were also investigated in the first round of hybridizations using two other, single-enzyme digests and 6-cm electrophoretic separation). All other taxa (in plain text) have a cis-spliced intron according to the results of Southern hybridizations using two single-enzyme digests and 6 cm electrophoretic separation. NYM–Nymphaeales, AUS–Austro-baileyales, CHL–Chloranthaceae, WIN–Winteraceae, CYM–Cymdoceaceae, HYD–Hydrocharitaceae, NAJ–Najadaceae, EUM–Eumonocots, POL–Polygonales, CAR–Caryophyllales, ERO–Erodium, SAP–Sapindales, ROS–Rosales, JUG–Ju-glandaceae, SOL–Solanaceae.