
Understanding what someone else is doing is a process that is independent of the modality through which we perceive his actions: whether we hear or see someone knocking on our door makes no difference—we intuitively feel that knocking on the door is the same thing whether heard or seen. Indeed, we also intuitively grasp that knocking is the same when we do it ourselves, and when other people do it. While these statements seem trivial, understanding what brain mechanisms reside behind the brain's capacity to extract a single meaning—'knocking'—from such different modalities is far from trivial.

The rostral ventral premotor cortex (area F5, Fig. 1A) of the monkey contains a class of neurons called 'audiovisual mirror neurons' (Kohler et al. 2002) that might shed light on this question. By definition, 'mirror neurons' discharge both when a monkey makes a specific action and when it observes another individual making a similar action (Gallese et al. 1996; Rizzolatti et al. 1996). Effective actions for mirror neurons are those in which a hand or mouth interacts with an object. Grasping or tearing apart objects are examples of such effective actions. About half of these neurons also respond when the final part of the observed action, critical in producing a response in full vision, is occluded from sight (Umiltà et al. 2001) and can therefore only be 'guessed' by the monkey.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A Lateral view of the macaque brain with the location of area F5 shaded in gray. Major sulci: a arcuate, c central, ip intraparietal, s sylvian sulcus. B Experimental setup; see "Materials and methods" for details. C Response of a neuron (Neuron 1) discriminating between two actions in all modalities. Rastergrams are shown together with spike density functions for the best (black) and the less effective action (gray). V+S, V, S and M stand for Vision-and-Sound, Vision-only, Sound-only and Motor conditions, respectively. The vertical lines indicate the time at which the sound occurred (V+S, S) or would have occurred (V).The traces under the spike-density functions in the sound-only conditions are oscillograms of the sounds played back to test the neurons. This neuron discharged when the monkey broke a peanut (row M) and when the monkey observed the experimenter making the same action (rows V and V+S). The same neuron also responded when the monkey only heard the sound of a peanut being broken without seeing the action (row S). When the monkey grasped a ring (M), Neuron 1 responded much less, demonstrating the motor specificity of the neuron. Also both the vision and the sound of an experimenter grasping the ring determined much smaller responses. A statistical criterion yielded both auditory and visual selectivity for this neuron. Note that in the S condition there is nothing for the monkey to see or hear prior to the onset of the action sound, and the neuron therefore remained silent prior to the onset of the action sound (vertical line). These trials therefore enable us to measure the auditory response onset latency of the neuron as the moment at which the activity after the sound onset goes above the mean ± 1.96 SD of the spontaneous activity prior to the sound (dotted horizontal line). In contrast, in the V+S and V conditions, the monkey sees preparatory parts of the action before the sound onset (e.g., the experimenter reaches for the peanut that he will later break), and the activity progressively increased prior to the sound onset, being elevated during the entire 2 s prior to the sound onset compared with the S condition. The same is true when the monkey himself performs the action (M). A similar effect was seen in most neurons. D Mean (± SEM) responses of the population of 33 tested neurons as a function of time relative to the auditory response onset latency (vertical line). The action that produced the strongest response when tested in vision and sound (best action, shown in black) determined stronger responses compared with the less effective action (gray) in all conditions. As for Neuron 1, the population maintained its action selectivity between modalities: the same action was more effective be it heard, seen or executed. (Adapted from Kohler et al. 2002)

Recently (Kohler et al. 2002), we reported that a population of neurons called audiovisual mirror neurons additionally responds even when only the sound of the effective action is presented to the monkey. Non-hand-action related arousing sounds such as white noise or monkey vocalizations typically do not evoke significant responses in these neurons. These neurons respond differentially to different actions, and 22 of the 33 tested neurons responded more to a given action than to another independently of whether the actions were heard, seen or executed. Figure 1C, D illustrates these results.

The combination of motor, visual and auditory properties in these cells led us to hypothesize that audiovisual mirror neurons may be part of a network of neurons underlying our ability to discriminate actions independently of whether they are heard, seen or executed. This hypothesis raised two questions that will be addressed in the present paper. First: how do the visual and the auditory modalities interact to produce responses in audiovisual mirror neurons? Second: if audiovisual mirror neurons participate in our capacity to discriminate between actions independently of the modality through which they are perceived, can their firing reliably discriminate between different actions in all modalities? Using a neurometric analysis known as the Receiver Operator Characteristics (ROC) (Fig. 2) analysis, we therefore ask how well two actions could be discriminated based on the firing of audiovisual mirror neurons.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Illustration of the ROC analysis for a neuron with a firing rate that does (A, B) and one that does not (C, D) discriminate between the two actions. A The spike count histogram of an audiovisual neuron is shown when the experimenter performed the best action in front of the monkey (top histogram) or the less effective action (bottom). The histogram illustrates the spike-count on the x-axis and the absolute frequency of observing this spike count on the y-axis. Note how the top histogram is shifted towards the right compared to the bottom histogram. This shift reflects the fact that high spike-counts are more likely if the best action was performed in front of the monkey. The dotted vertical line represents a 'theta' value of 20 used by the observer to take its decisions: he reports the best action for spike counts larger than or equal to this value (right of the dotted line) and the less effective action for spike counts smaller than this value (left of the dotted line). Since the observer does not know which action the experimenter really performed in front of the monkey, he treats the two histograms equally. Responding with best action is correct (hit) when the best action was performed in front of the monkey (black bars) but a mistake (false alarm) when the less effective action was actually performed (gray bars). For this particular neuron and theta, there were nine hit trials in the ten best action trials (hit rate = 9/10=90%) and two false alarms in the ten less effective action trials (false alarm rate = 2/10=20%). B Shows the Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve for the neuron shown in A. This curve is obtained by linking the false alarm rate and hit rate obtained for all of the possible theta values. Each possible theta value is shown next to its respective point. A illustrates how to calculate the two values for a theta of 20 (shown as a bold number). Shifting the dotted theta line in A rightwards (i.e., increasing the theta value) mainly decreases the hit rate, resulting in a sharp dip of the curve left of the theta=20 point. If we move the dotted line of A leftwards, decreasing theta, we mainly increase the false alarm rate, resulting in the horizontal arm of the ROC curve rightwards of the theta=20 point. At all thetas, the hit rate remains above the false alarm rate for this neuron, resulting in an ROC curve that remains above the dotted diagonal. The surface under the ROC curve is 0.96. Such large surface values (close to 1) are typical for neurons that accurately discriminate between two actions. C Spike-count histograms for a neuron not discriminating between the two actions. Note how the two histograms largely overlap. For this neuron the terms best and less effective action are meaningless, and are only used in analogy to A and B. At theta=20, the observer has a hit rate of 60% and a false alarm rate of 50%. D ROC curve for the neuron of C. Increasing theta reduces hit and false alarm rate equally. Decreasing theta increases both values similarly. The curve remains along the diagonal, with a surface of 0.54. This behavior is typical for neurons not related to the observer's decision, with very overlapping histograms

Materials and methods

Experimental animals and physiological procedures

These procedures have been explained elsewhere (Kohler et al. 2002). Briefly, three adult monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) were trained to sit in a primate chair, head fixated and fitted with recording chambers. They performed hand actions on command for fruit juice reward. All experimental protocols were approved by the Veterinarian Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Parma, and complied with the European law on the humane care and use of laboratory animals. Single neurons were recorded using tungsten microelectrodes (impedance: 0.5–1.5 MΩ measured at 1 kHz) inserted through the dura. Recording sites were attributed to area F5 based on topographical and physiological properties.

Data acquisition

The study described in the present article was preceded by an initial study in which, after discovering that some mirror neurons responded to auditory stimuli, we assessed whether these responses were due to arousal or other unspecific factors (Kohler et al. 2002). Since arousing control sounds did not evoke responses in F5 neurons, in the present study such control sounds were only tested occasionally and these results are not discussed in the present paper.

Whenever a neuron was isolated in area F5, general motor and visual properties were tested, as described previously (Gallese et al. 1996). All neurons were additionally tested with a battery of six actions that produced sounds ('noisy actions'): peanut breaking, ripping a sheet of paper, shaking a sheet of paper, crumpling a plastic bag, dropping a stick onto the floor, and grasping a metallic ring that emitted a sound when touched. Prior to recording, the monkeys were trained to perform all these actions on command: the target of the action was presented to the monkey, and fruit juice was given if the monkey performed the action. During training, the monkeys performed the natural version of the actions and the monkeys were therefore well acquainted with the acoustic consequences of all these actions. These six actions were tested a small number of times in front of the monkey. The most effective of these actions and one of the less effective actions at triggering a response in the neuron were then selected for further testing. To be fully tested using the paradigm described in the next paragraph, neurons had to respond to the sound of the best action. Responding to the sound of the best action was assessed by playing back the sound of the best action through a loudspeaker, and visually inspecting histograms of the response induced by this sound.

Full testing of the best and less effective actions then involved three 'sensory' conditions: vision-and-sound ('V+S'), vision-only ('V') and sound-only ('S') (see Fig. 1B), and during the active performance of the best, and in part of the neurons, the less effective action ('M'); see below. To test separately the visual and auditory contributions to the neuron's responses, the objects on which the actions were performed were modified so as to render the actions visually similar to the natural ones but silent. These silent versions of the action were: breaking an already broken peanut, ripping wet paper, shaking a sheet of rubber foam, crumpling rubber foam, dropping a stick onto a sheet of rubber foam. In the case of grasping the metal ring, the metallic sound was not played back through the loudspeaker. The absence of sound during silent actions was controlled using a sound level meter (Lutron SL-4001).

In all cases, pressing a foot pedal hidden from the monkey's sight triggered the recording of 4 s of spikes centered upon the pedal-pressing event. In V and V+S conditions pedal pressing was done just before the moment at which the action-sound normally starts. In S and V+S conditions, pedal pressing additionally triggered the playback of the pre-recorded sounds. By pressing the foot pedal at the adequate point in time, the experimenter synchronized the playback of the action-sound with the vision of the action. This gave the impression of a natural action. Although experimenters were very good at synchronizing the moment at which the action was performed with the pedal-pressing, there might still be a trial-to-trial variability in the order of ±20 ms in the synchronization with the visual stimulus. Synchronization with the auditory stimulus is within ±1 ms, due to an automatic triggering of the playback. Given that most analyses in this paper are done within windows of analysis over 1 s in length, this small jitter has no significant effect on the results.

In 14 of the cells, x and y eye position as measured using an infrared oculometer with a resolution of 1–5 min arc (Dr. Bouis, Germany; see Bach et al. 1983 for further details) were recorded in addition to spike activity. Statistical analysis of eye movements revealed that eye movements did not explain a significant proportion of the variance of the firing rates between conditions and they are therefore not discussed in the paper (all p>0.05).


Acoustic stimuli were recorded beforehand using an omnidirectional microphone (Earthworks TC30 K), an A/D preamplifier with phantom power-supply (MindPrint AN/DI PRO), a digital I/O sound card (RME Digi 96/8 PST), real-time sound analysis software (wSpecGram) and presented by means of a single digital loudspeaker (Genelec S30D) placed 2 m in front of the monkey (see Fig. 1B). This equipment allows the linear reproduction of frequencies in the range of 36 Hz–48 kHz (±2.5 dB). To ascertain that the reproduced sounds had an amplitude comparable to their natural counterparts, the peak sound pressure level of natural actions was measured at the head position of the monkey using a sound level meter (Lutron SL-4001). The amplitudes of the digitally reproduced sounds were matched to the same peak sound pressure using the same sound level meter. Peak sound level varied between 60 and 85 dB. Ten slightly different versions of the sound of each action were pre-recorded. This avoids the artificiality of presenting always the same sound to the monkey from one trial to another.

Auditory response onset latency

For each neuron, response onset was defined in the sound-only condition of the best action as the time when activity exceeded spontaneous activity, i.e. >mean+1.96 SD of the 1 s before sound onset (see the dotted horizontal lines in Figs. 1, 3 in the S condition). Since in the V, V+S and M conditions, preparatory parts of the action occur prior to sound onset, true spontaneous activity could only be estimated in the S conditions, where the experimenter stood still behind the loudspeaker and nothing could tell the monkey that a particular sound was going to be played back to him.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Responses of four neurons to their best action stimulus in the three sensory conditions. Conventions as in Fig. 1C

Statistical selectivity criteria

To analyze the effect of the two modalities and the two actions on the firing rate of individual cells, a Vision (yes/no) × Sound (yes/no) × Action (best/less effective) multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) on the neurons' firing rate in the early epoch and the late epoch was performed. The early epoch extended 1 s before the auditory response onset to capture visual responses. The late epoch started at auditory response onset and lasted for as long as the longer of the two sounds used for testing the neuron. A neuron was considered auditory selective if it had a significant A×S or A×S×V interaction, auditory non-selective if it only had a significant main effect of sound. A neuron was called visually selective if it had a significant A×V or A×S×V interaction. Since the auditory selectivity based on the A×S and A×S×V criterion may be achieved in part due to differences in the vision-and-sound condition, Newman-Keuls post hoc analyses were performed to check differences between individual conditions. In particular, a comparison of the responses to the best and less effective action during the late epoch of the sound-only condition was used to test if a neuron could differentiate between two actions based on sound-only. For single cells, significant results refer to p<0.05. The same analysis was also applied to the population of neurons, with one entry per neuron rather than one per trial.

Population analysis

Neurons differ in their response onset latency, their spontaneous activity, and their peak firing rate. To analyze the activity of the population, these factors were normalized. First, to account for differences in latency between neurons, all population analyses were done relative to the auditory response onset rather than stimulus onset. Responses were aligned on the auditory response onset even in the vision-only and motor conditions to keep all the responses aligned equally. For the first population analysis (Fig. 1D), and for each neuron, the net mean activity was calculated for each 20-ms bin, in all sensory and motor conditions and for both actions. The spontaneous firing rate (i.e., mean firing rate in the first 2 s of the sound-only conditions) was subtracted and the highest remaining bin in the best vision-and-sound condition taken to divide spike counts in all bins. In the second analysis (Fig. 4), the mean firing rate in the early and late epochs was calculated for each neuron, the spontaneous activity subtracted, and the epoch yielding the largest remaining activity in the best vision-and-sound condition taken to divide all other values for that neuron. In both analyses, zero then represents spontaneous activity, and 1 peak activity in vision-and-sound.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Population analysis of the 22 audiovisual mirror neurons. Mean net normalized firing rates (± SEM) are shown for the early and late Epoch of the best and less effective action. Numbers represent the membership in one of the three homogeneous groups determined by a Newman-Keuls post hoc analysis (p<0.05): members of a given group do not differ significantly from each other, but do differ significantly from members of the other groups

Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis

How useful are audiovisual mirror neurons at telling us or the brain which of two actions was performed at a given moment? Could the animal use audiovisual mirror neurons to discriminate actions? Those are two questions that the ROC analysis tries to answer. For each neuron spike counts were taken in the time period extending from 1 s before auditory response onset until response onset plus the duration of the longer of the two sounds used to test that neuron. This time period contains both the purely auditory responses occurring after auditory response onset and the preceding visual responses due to the sight of preparatory parts of the action. The mean firing rate during the window of analysis was 35 spk/s (±5 SEM between neurons). For each condition (V+S, V, S and M) separately, an ROC analysis (Newsome et al. 1989 and Box 1) was performed on the spike counts to the best and the less effective actions. The same number of trials (average 8.5±0.34 trials) was used for the best and less effective action. In the sound only condition, spiking activity before auditory response onset represents spontaneous activity given that the experimenter stood still behind the loudspeaker and no sound was played back. To evaluate a chance level of ROC performance, the ROC analysis was also performed based on that activity, using spike counts taken in a time window of the same length as for the other conditions, but ending before the auditory response onset.


Activity was recorded in 286 neurons. One hundred and thirty out of 286 recorded neurons responded during both motor and sensory testing. Of these, 61 appeared to have auditory properties and were selected for further testing. Thirty-three were kept long enough to perform the full testing (see "Materials and methods") for a sufficient number of trials in all sensory and the best motor conditions. For 28 of these the monkey also performed the less effective action.

Cross-modal interactions

In Kohler et al. (2002), we showed that, of the 33 fully tested neurons, 22 showed both visual and auditory selectivity (see Neuron 1, Fig. 1C, for example). Of the remaining 11, 7 showed auditory selectivity but lacked visual selectivity, and the remaining 4 neurons responded to the sound of both actions equally. Given that the 22 audiovisual mirror neurons preferred the same action in both the visual and auditory modality, now we analyze how the two modalities interact in determining the neural responses. Although all neurons shown below also have motor responses, their motor responses will be omitted for brevity's sake.

We assessed the cross-modal interaction by performing Newman-Keuls post hoc analysis on the responses in the late epoch (ranging from the neurons' response onset in sound only conditions and lasting for the duration of the longer of the two sounds) of the most effective action for all 22 audiovisual mirror neurons. Only the late epoch was analyzed because it contained both auditory and visual responses, while the early epoch by definition only contained visual responses. Neurons were found to fall within the three categories illustrated in Fig. 3. These categories are not sharply delimited: some cells show intermediate behaviors.

The first category of neurons was characterized by the fact that responses when the vision and the sound of the action were presented together (V+S) did not differ from those to the separate presentation of the two modalities (V or S, all p>0.05). Half the audiovisual mirror neurons (11/22) fell into this category. Neuron 2 (Fig. 3) illustrates this behavior. For such neurons, any evidence for the action, be it auditory or visual, is sufficient to retrieve a full-blown representation of the action.

The second category of neurons was characterized by the fact that the strongest response was observed when the sound and the vision of the action were presented together. This was true for 8/22 neurons. For five of these, both sound and vision alone evoked significant responses, but the V+S response was roughly equal to the sum of the V and S response. Neuron 3 (Fig. 3) illustrates this additive behavior. The remaining three neurons showed no significant response in the V condition, but responded more in the V+S condition than in the S condition (e.g. Neuron 4, Fig. 3). For these later neurons, the conjunction of vision and sound appears critical for the response.

The third category included three neurons that responded most strongly to the S condition. Neuron 5 is an example of such a cell.

If the 22 audiovisual mirror neurons are considered as a population (see Fig. 4), a MANOVA considering the normalized net firing rate in both the early and late Epoch reveals a main effect of Action, Sound and Vision (all R (2,20)>25, p<10−5), and all interactions between the factors are significant (all R (2,20)>8, p<0.005). A Newman-Keuls post hoc analysis revealed three homogeneous groups (at p<0.05). The group containing the largest values included the late epoch of V+S and S, the intermediate group contained the early epoch of V+S and the early and late epoch of V. The third group contained the remaining conditions that had activity values not differing from spontaneous activity. Values within a homogeneous group do not differ significantly from each other, while values taken from different groups do.

The existence of a significant Action × Sound × Vision interaction indicates that at the population level, the contributions of the visual and auditory modality were not independent. In the light of the Newman-Keuls post hoc analysis, this significant interaction is due to the fact that in the late epoch, the vision of the best action has a strong impact on the response if the sound is absent, but not when the sound is present.

Receiver Operator Characteristics (ROC) analysis

If audiovisual mirror neurons play a role in the recognition of actions, their firing rate has to reliably discriminate between actions (see Box 1; Appendix 1). To evaluate how well a monkey would perform in an action discrimination task if he used the firing of audiovisual mirror neurons as the only source of information, an ROC analysis was performed. Figure 5 shows the average surface under the ROC curve obtained for the 22 audiovisual mirror neurons. These values estimate the proportion of correct answers the monkey would be able to give if asked 'which of the two tested actions was this?', and basing its answer only on the firing of an audiovisual mirror neuron. The leftmost bar represents the average performance obtained if the analysis is based on spontaneous activity (see "Materials and methods"), and is equal to 0.49, not differing from the expected chance level of 0.5. Performance in the V and S condition averaged at 0.88 and 0.89, respectively. In the V+S condition, performance reached 0.97. The monkey could therefore on average differentiate the two tested actions with a performance of ~90% correct based on vision or sound alone, and 97% correct based on the combined vision and sound of the action, if he/she only used the firing of a single audiovisual mirror neuron to take this decision.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Mean (± SEM) surface under the ROC curve for the 22 audiovisual mirror neurons. S/A stands for spontaneous activity and is the result of the ROC analysis if spikes are counted in the sound only condition before the sound has been played back. Other conventions as in Fig. 4

A 2 vision × 2 sound repeated measurement ANOVA on these results indicates significant main effects for vision (F (1,21)=44, p<10−6) and sound (F (1,21)=63, p<10−6) as well as a significant interaction (F (1,21)=46, p<10−6). A Newman-Keuls post hoc analysis revealed three homogeneous groups: spontaneous activity with the smallest performance, V and S with intermediate performance, and V+S with best performance.

If only the 14 neurons were considered, for which both the best and the less effective action were tested in the motor condition, the ROC analysis yields the following results (mean ± SEM): 0.81±0.05 (M), 0.87±4 (S), 0.86±0.06 (V) and 0.97±0.02 (V+S). Despite the fact that the neurons are recorded in the premotor cortex, their firing therefore more accurately predicts what action the monkey observed (V+S) than what action the monkey performs (M, t-test, p<0.01).


Previously (Kohler et al. 2002) we have shown that some neurons in the ventral premotor cortex (area F5) of the monkey responding during the execution of actions also respond to the vision and/or the sound of these actions. Here we show that for half of the tested audiovisual mirror neurons, the amplitude of the response does not differ significantly whether the preferred action is heard, seen or both heard and seen. We also demonstrate that the firing of audiovisual mirror neurons would support quasi-perfect sensory discrimination performance between two actions.

When we say that we recognize that someone just knocked on the door, we mean that we matched the sound of this action with our internal representation of what 'knocking on the door' is. A striking property of audiovisual mirror neurons is the fact that they match the sound and the vision of someone else's actions onto the monkey's own motor repertoire. It is therefore likely that these neurons participate in the recognition of an action: We recognize someone else's actions because we manage to activate our own inner action representation using mirror neurons (Gallese et al. 1996; Rizzolatti et al. 1996). In this context, it is paramount that audiovisual mirror neurons not only discriminate between actions in all modalities, but that the action producing more activity in one modality is the action producing more firing also in the other modalities. As we show in this paper, audiovisual mirror neurons have this property both if considered individually and if considered as a population.

Humans can effortlessly discriminate between the sound of someone ripping a sheet of paper and someone breaking a peanut. If audiovisual mirror neurons are to play a key role in this discrimination process, their firing rate should reliably discriminate between such actions. Here we analyzed their firing rates using the ROC analysis (Newsome et al. 1989) and show that they indeed support near-perfect discrimination performance between actions. Single audiovisual mirror neurons would enable a ~90% correct discrimination performance if the actions are either only seen or only heard. The combination of seeing and hearing the actions would lead to virtually perfect (~97% correct) performance using these neurons. While this finding is encouraging, it is true that this excellent performance is obtained for actions that have been chosen to produce particularly large and particularly small responses in individual neurons, but it is important to keep in mind that only 6 actions were used to test the neurons and only 286 cells had to be tested to find 22 cells that discriminate well between these actions. Given the considerable number of neurons in area F5, it is therefore likely—albeit not demonstrated in this paper—that for any given pair of actions, some neurons would have the tuning characteristics necessary to discriminate these actions. Altogether, these results are in agreement with the idea that audiovisual mirror neurons could play a central role in the recognition of actions. A similar mechanism has been demonstrated for the visual modality in humans (Fadiga et al. 1995; Grafton et al. 1996; Decety and Grezes 1999; Buccino et al. 2001). Inactivation studies may help us understand in the future if action discrimination performance is indeed affected if F5, the area in which audiovisual mirror neurons are found, is disrupted.

Traditionally, ROC analysis has indicated very accurate discrimination capacities between stimuli in sensory cortex (Newsome et al. 1989; Keysers et al. 2001). In premotor cortex, one might expect neurons to be correlated with the actions performed by the monkey, and not with the stimuli the monkey is perceiving. The high ROC scores we observe here were measured in monkeys not involved in any explicit motor task during stimulus presentation, and therefore suggest that premotor cortex may be involved in the representation of observed/heard actions independently of motor output. Interpreting the selective response as a preparation to interact with the perceived object of the action (e.g., the peanut) is unlikely: after the experimenter performed the actions, the monkey had no access to the objects used during the actions and was always rewarded with fruit juice. Indeed, in the 14 neurons tested also in the M condition, the firing of the neuron tells us more accurately what action the monkey observed (V+S, 97% correct) than what action the monkey performed (M, 81% correct). It should be kept in mind, however, that the actions to be tested were selected to show clearly different sensory responses and not clearly different motor responses.

The audiovisual mirror neurons reported in this paper were tested on average 8.5 times for each condition, depending on how long the neuron was kept. To evaluate the effect of small trial numbers on the ROC results, we performed a boot-strapping, considering only five trials in each conditions picked at random from the ones available. This procedure was repeated 10 times, with different trials being picked each time. The resulting performances was always below that calculated with all trials, and was on average 10% under that calculated with all trials. Using a small number of trials thus tends to reduce the ROC performance, and the high ROC performances obtained in this paper are therefore probably an underestimate of the ROC performance that would be obtained with an even larger number of trials.

Another remarkable property of audiovisual mirror neurons is that about half of them respond with a similar intensity of discharge whether the action is only heard, only seen or both heard and seen. This finding is important, as it suggests that the neurons code the action in an abstract way, which does not depend on the source of information (auditory or visual) from which the evidence about the presence of the action is taken. For these neurons breaking a peanut is breaking a peanut, whether the monkey saw peanut breaking or heard peanut breaking. This abstract coding in neurons situated in the ventral premotor cortex may be a precursor of the abstract properties so characteristic of human thought. Indeed, bringing together the capacity for abstract representations and auditory input, audiovisual mirror neurons may be a cornerstone in the evolution of language. The fact that they are located in F5, the area considered the monkey's precursor of Broca's area (Rizzolatti and Arbib 1998), supports this idea. Indeed the abstract action representation embodied by audiovisual mirror neurons is reminiscent of the way we use verbs in language: the verb 'break' is used to represent an abstract meaning that is used in different contexts: 'I see you break a peanut', 'I hear you break a peanut', 'I break a peanut'. The verb, just as the responses in audiovisual mirror neurons, does not change depending on the context in which it is used, nor depending on the subject/agent performing the action.

How audiovisual mirror neurons acquire their remarkable properties remains to be elucidated, but it is reasonable to assume that this coupling of motor, auditory and visual properties occurs through hebbian learning (Hebb 1949; Bi and Poo 2001). Whenever the monkey breaks a peanut, two events overlap in time: neurons involved in the motor planning and execution of the movement will be active, while at the same time the monkey sees and hears the consequences of this action. The consequences will include the sound of the breaking peanut and the sight of his/her own hands performing the action. The temporal overlap of activity in the motor system and activity in the sensory areas of the brain responding to the sensory consequences of the actions are ideal conditions for hebbian associative learning. The only further requirement for such learning to occur is that a single neuron must have anatomical inputs relaying motor intentions and auditory and visual feedback. To our knowledge there is no evidence for a direct anatomical connection between area F5 and auditory cortices (M. Matelli, personal communication). The auditory information may reach F5 neurons along complex cortico-cortical routes (see Romanski et al. 1999) or even involve cortico-subcortical loops (see Fries 1984). Whatever the connection may turn out to be, once hebbian associative learning has occurred, the sound alone, the vision alone or the motor intention alone could then evoke—as observed in our experiment—firing in such neurons even if the sound or the vision originate from someone else's movements. Finally, while previous findings have shown that the ventral premotor cortex contains multimodal neurons integrating auditory and visual information (Watanabe 1992; Graziano et al. 1999), the present findings substantially extend those results by showing how multimodal integration can be used for the meaningful representation and recognition of ecologically relevant actions.