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Stable isotope labels as a tool to determine the iron absorption by Peruvian school children from a breakfast meal

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Fractional iron absorption from a breakfast meal was determined in Peruvian children employing stable iron isotopes as labels. Iron isotopic analysis was performed by the recently developed negative thermal ionization technique for high-precision iron isotope ratio measurements using FeF4 ions. By increasing the ascorbic acid content of the standard breakfast meal as served within the Peruvian school-breakfast program from 27 mg to 70 mg, it was possible to increase the geometric mean fractional iron absorption significantly from 5.1% (range 1.6–13.5%) to 8.2% (range 3.1–25.8%). Fractional iron absorption was calculated according to isotope dilution principles and by considering the non-monoisotopic character of the used spikes.

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Received: 7 February 1997 / Revised: 9 June 1997 / Accepted: 12 June 1997

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Walczyk, T., Davidsson, L., Zavaleta, N. et al. Stable isotope labels as a tool to determine the iron absorption by Peruvian school children from a breakfast meal. Fresenius J Anal Chem 359, 445–449 (1997).

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