
Predicting molecular properties and modeling chemical, biological and pharmaceutical effects are among the most challenging aims in modern chemistry and pharmacology. Effects are closely related to molecular properties, which can be calculated or predicted from the molecular structure using particular methods. The important influence of the degree of ionization on the biological behavior of chemical substances, namely drugs, is well established, and one of the fundamental properties of any organic drug molecule, the pK a value, determines the degree of dissociation in solution—it is a measure of the strength of an acid or a base. Physicochemical properties such as acid pK a value, solubility, permeability and protein binding are closely related to drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME). During the drug development phase, timely knowledge of these properties of compounds aids candidate selection, formulation design and drug delivery. On the other hand, the pK a value of an organic compound is also a vital piece of information in environmental exposure assessment, as it can be used to define the degree of ionization and the resulting propensity for sorption into soil and sediment which, in turn, can determine a compound’s mobility, reaction kinetics, bioavailability, complexation, etc. In the world of chemometrics or chemoinformatics, there is immense interest in developing new and better software for pK a prediction. To obtain a significant correlation and an accurate predicted pK a value, it is crucial to employ the appropriate structure descriptors. Numerous studies have considered (and various approaches have been applied to) the prediction of pK a, but mostly without a rigorous statistical test of pK a accuracy. Efficient software packages have been implemented to predict the values; due to their fragment-based approach, however, they are inadequate when the fragments present in the molecule under study are absent from the database. It is clear that such approaches to pK a prediction are only accurate when the compounds that are under investigation are very similar to those available in the training set. Xing and Glen [1, 2] used molecular tree structured fingerprints of key fragments and atom types in a hierarchical tree form to correlate pK a values with basic and acidic centers, a method based on the SYBYL informatics approach [1, 3, 4]. The ACD/pK a module [5] uses fragment methods to build a large number of equations with experimental or calculated electronic constants that can be used to predict pK a values [58]. The MARVIN software developed by ChemAxon [9] and the PALLAS software [10] are free of charge for academic use, and are therefore preferred in an academic setting to the advanced commercial software of ACD/Labs, provided that the performance is also satisfactory, while in an industrial setting other critical aspects of the software might be just as important as the prediction (which should be as accurate as possible), such as possibility of automation and batch processing, integration of in-house proprietary databases, reliability of the software, and long-term commitment and maintenance of the software producer. Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) has been used to model pK a values for small sets of structures of between 30 and 50 molecules drawn from specific chemical series [1113]. In 1981, Perrin et al. [14] published a book on pK a prediction which is still widely used. An artificial neural network (ANN) was successfully used to predict the pK a values of various acids with diverse chemical structures using the QSPR relationship [15]. A method called quantum topological molecular similarity (QTMS) that can be used for the construction of a variety of medical, ecological and physical organic QSPRs and predicted pK a values was proposed fairly recently [16]. The SPARC (SPARC Performs Automated Reasoning in Chemistry) program [17] predicts numerous physical properties and chemical reactivity parameters for a large number of organic compounds strictly from their molecular structures. SPARC applies a mechanistic perturbation method to estimate the pK a value based on a number of models that account for electronic effects, salvation effects, hydrogen bonding effects, and the influence of temperature. The user only needs to know the molecular structure of the compound to predict the property of interest. SPARC web-based calculators have been used by many academics and the employees of chemical/pharmaceutical companies throughout the world. It has been announced that the free, web-based version of SPARC performs 50,000–100,000 calculations per month. The SPARC pK a calculator has been highly refined and exhaustively tested. Unfortunately, to date no reliable method for predicting pK a values over a wide range of molecular structures, including simple compounds and for complex molecules such as drugs and dyes, has been made available.

In this context, an examination of the statistical accuracy of the predicted pK a value would appear to be an important approach. The regression diagnostics algorithm REGDIA [18] in S-Plus [19] has already been developed in order to examine the accuracy of the pK a values predicted by four commonly used algorithms, PALLAS, MARVIN, PERRIN and SYBYL. Outlier predicted pK a values correspond to molecules that are poorly characterized by the pK a prediction program considered. The statistical detection of outliers can fail because of masking and swamping effects. Of the seven most efficient diagnostic plots, the Williams graph is considered to give the most reliable detection of outliers. Six statistical characteristics ( F exp, R 2, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \), MEP, AIC, and s(e) in pK a units) of the results obtained when all four pK a prediction algorithms were applied to three datasets were examined. The highest values of F exp, R 2, and \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \), the lowest values of MEP and s(e), and the most negative AIC were obtained for the PERRIN pK a prediction algorithm, which indicates that this algorithm yields the best predictive power and the most accurate results. The proposed accuracy test performed by the REGDIA program can also be extended to test the accuracy of prediction for other values, such as log P, log D, aqueous solubility or other physicochemical properties.

The aim of this work was to compare the accuracy of the results from the four predictive algorithms when applied to three different literature datasets, using a tool to investigate whether the pK a prediction method in question leads to a sufficiently accurate estimate of the pK a value (i.e., the correlation between the predicted pK a,pred value and the experimental value pK a,exp is usually high). In this investigation, linear regression models were used to interpret the essential features of a pK a,pred dataset. Some difficulties associated with this investigation involve the detection and elucidation of outlying pK a,pred values in the predicted pK a data; pK a,pred outliers can strongly influence the regression model, especially when using least squares criteria.


Software and data used

The ionization models were developed using a combination of descriptors that were mapped onto the molecular tree constructed around the ionizable center, using the four different algorithms studied. Most of the work was carried out in the PALLAS [10], MARVIN [9], ACD/pK a [5] and SPARC [17] software packages. These largely predict pK a based on chemical structure, and so their reliability reflects the accuracy of the underlying experimental data. In most software, the input is the chemical structure drawn in graphical mode. The REGDIA algorithm in S-Plus [19] was applied to create regression diagnostic graphs and compute regression-based characteristics. Various diagnostic measures that were designed to detect individual pK a,pred outliers that may differ from the bulk of the data were used. The main difference between the use of regression diagnostics and classical statistical tests in REGDIA is that there is no need for an alternative hypothesis, because all types of deviations from the ideal state are discovered.

Regression diagnostics for examining the pK a accuracy in REGDIA

The examination of pK a data quality involves the detection of influential points in the proposed regression model pK a,pred=β 0+β 1 pK a,exp, which cause many problems in regression analysis by shifting the parameter estimates or increasing the variance of the parameters [20]. These points correspond to pK a,pred outliers, which differ from the other points in terms of their y-axis values, where y stands in all of the following relations for pK a,pred. The benefits of analyzing various types of diagnostics graphs using the REGDIA program in order to detect inadequacies in the model or influential points in the data, have been described in detail previously [18, 20]. The following descriptive statistics of the residuals can be used for a numerical goodness-of-fit evaluation in REGDIA (see page 290 in volume 2 of [20]):

  1. (1)

    The residual bias is the arithmetic mean of the residuals \(E{\left( {\widehat{e}} \right)}\) and should equal zero.

  2. (2)

    The square root of the residual variance \({s^{2} {\left( {\widehat{e}} \right)} = RSS{\left( b \right)}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{s^{2} {\left( {\widehat{e}} \right)} = RSS{\left( b \right)}} {{\left( {n - m} \right)}}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {{\left( {n - m} \right)}}\) is used to estimate the residual standard deviation, \(s{\left( {\widehat{e}} \right)}\), where RSS(b) is the residual square sum, and should be of the same magnitude as the random error s(pK a,pred), as it is valid that \(s{\left( {\widehat{e}} \right)}\)s(pK a,pred).

  3. (3)

    The determination coefficient R 2, calculated from the correlation coefficient R and multiplied by 100%, is interpreted as the percentage of all of the points that agree with the proposed regression model.

  4. (4)

    One of the most efficient criteria is the mean quadratic error of prediction \(MEP = \frac{{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {{\left( {y_{i} - x^{T}_{i} b_{{{\left( i \right)}}} } \right)}^{2} } }}}{n}\), where b (i) represents the estimated regression parameters when all points except the ith are used and x i (here pK a,exp,i) is the ith row of matrix pK a,exp . The statistic MEP uses a predicted value \(\widehat{y}_{{P,i}} \) (here pK a,pred,i) obtained from an estimate derived without including the ith point.

  5. (5)

    The MEP can be used to express the predicted determination coefficient, \(\widehat{R}^{2}_{{\text{P}}} = 1 - \frac{{n \times MEP}}{{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {y^{2}_{i} - n \times \overline{y} ^{2} } }}}\).

  6. (6)

    Another statistical characteristic is derived from information and entropy theory, and is known as the Akaike information criterion,\(AIC = n\,\ln {\left( {\frac{{RSS{\left( b \right)}}}{n}} \right)} + 2\,m\), where n is the number of data points and m is the number of parameters (for a straight line, m = 2). The best regression model is considered to be that in which the MEP and AIC values are minimized and the value of \( R^{2}_{P} \) is maximized.

Individual estimates b of parameters β are then tested for statistical significance using the Student t-test. The Fisher–Snedecor F-test of the significance of the proposed regression model is based on the testing criterion \(F_{{\text{R}}} = {\widehat{R}^{2} {\left( {n - m} \right)}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\widehat{R}^{2} {\left( {n - m} \right)}} {{\left[ {{\left( {1 - \widehat{R}^{2} } \right)}{\left( {m - 1} \right)}} \right]}}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {{\left[ {{\left( {1 - \widehat{R}^{2} } \right)}{\left( {m - 1} \right)}} \right]}}\) which has a Fisher–Snedecor distribution with (m−1) and (nm) degrees of freedom, where R 2 is the determination coefficient. The null hypothesis H0: R 2 = 0 may be tested using F R, and this constitutes a test of the significance of all of the regression parameters β.

The quality of the data and the model can be assessed directly from a scatter plot of pK a,pred vs. pK a,exp. A variety of plots have been widely used in REGDIA regression diagnostics [18], but the most efficient diagnostic seems to be the Williams graph with two boundary lines. The first line is horizontal, and points above this line are detected as the outliers: y=t 0.95(nm−1). The second line is vertical, and points located on its right side are detected as the high leverages: x = 2m/n. Note that t 0.95(nm−1) is the 95% quantile of the Student distribution with (nm−1) degrees of freedom. The Williams graph contains the diagonal elements on its x-axis and the jackknife residuals on its y-axis.


Procedure for examining the accuracy

The procedure for examining influential points in the data, and for constructing a linear regression model using the REGDIA program, has been described in detail previously [18]. The least squares straight-line fitting of the proposed regression model, pK a,pred=β 0 + β 1 pK a,exp (with a 95% confidence interval) and the regression diagnostics for identifying outlying pK a,pred values detect suspicious points (S) or outliers (O) using the preferred Williams graph. The statistical significance of both parameters β 0 and β 1 of the straight-line regression model pK a,pred=β 0(s 0, A or R) + β1(s 1, A or R) pK a,exp is tested in REGDIA using the Student t-test, where A or R refer to whether the tested null hypothesis H0: β0 = 0 vs. HA: β0 ≠ 0 and H0: β1 = 1 vs. HA: β1 ≠ 1 is either Accepted or Rejected. The standard deviations s 0 and s 1 of the actual parameters β 0 and β 1 are estimated. A statistical test of the total regression is performed using a Fisher–Snedecor F-test, and the calculated significance level P is enumerated. The correlation coefficient R and the determination coefficient R 2 are computed. The mean quadratic error of prediction MEP, the Akaike information criterion AIC and the predictive coefficient of determination \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) (a percentage) are calculated to examine the quality of the model. Based on whether the conditions required for the least-squares method are fulfilled, and the results of the regression diagnostics, a more accurate regression model without outliers is constructed, and its statistical characteristics are examined. Outliers should also be elucidated.


Three different validation datasets (Dataset a, Dataset b and Dataset c), taken from the literature [2123], were used to examine the accuracies of the four different algorithms. The authors then used the PALLAS, MARVIN and SPARC web calculators and predicted the pK a values for 64 drugs (Table 1) from three datasets (see Table 1):

  1. (a)

    The first validation data (Dataset a), assembled from several published studies [6, 24] of the accuracy of pK a data, were taken from a paper by Rekker et al. [6]; the pK a values for 21 drugs were available through the ACD/pK a method and the results are summarized in Table 1. This physiochemical dataset has also been used in other papers [2429].

  2. (b)

    The second validation data (Dataset b) employed the ACD/pK a approach, in which the experimental values reported by Slater et al. [7] were compared; the results are summarized in Table 1. This paper contains the pK a values of 25 compounds, including six substituted phenols, two substituted quinolines, N-methylaniline, five barbiturate derivatives, two phenothiazines, and several other molecules of pharmaceutical interest, which were determined by a potentiometric technique at 25 °C and an ionic strength 0.1 M (KNO3). These data were derived from the PHYSPROP database (, a commercial dataset of experimental data for physical properties, which references the original papers that the data were compiled from. It has already been used successfully by other researchers to obtain a pK a validation model. Engvist and Wrede [31] used several rules and filters to eliminate unwanted compounds from a group of 41040 compounds in order to obtain a data sample representing a drug-like chemical space, comprising compounds that were expected to be present in the drug manufacturing pipeline.

  3. (c)

    The third set of validation data (Dataset c) [8, 30] comprised the results from titrometric measurements made on 18 selected drugs (which were compared to the ACD/pKa predictions for these drugs in [8].

Table 1 pK a values (experimental and predicted) of the compounds in the three validation datasets used in this study

Supporting information available

The complete computational procedures for the REGDIA program [18], input data specimens and corresponding outputs in numerical and graphical forms are available at in the blocks DATA and ALGORITHMS.

Results and discussion

The pK a values predicted using the four algorithms PALLAS [10], MARVIN [9], ACD/pKa [5] and SPARC [17] were compared with the predicted values of the dissociation constants pK a,pred, and plotted against the experimental pK a,expvalues for the compounds in the datasets described in Table 1; the resulting scatter plots are shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 3. Even given that SPARC may yield less accurate results for drug-like compounds, there is good agreement between the predicted pK a,pred values and the experimental pK a,exp values in general.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Comparison of four programs in terms of the predictive ability of the proposed regression model pK a,pred=β 0(s 0, A or R) + β 1(s 1, A or R) pK a,exp. Top: scatter diagrams of the original data from Table 1 for Dataset a. Bottom: outlier detection with Williams graphs, with n = 21 and α = 0.05. A or R refer to whether the tested null hypothesis H0: β 0 = 0 vs. HA: β 0 ≠ 0 and H0: β 1 = 1 vs. HA: β1 ≠ 1 was Accepted or Rejected. The estimated standard deviation of the actual parameter is shown in parentheses. a, e PALLAS: β 0(s 0)=0.46 (0.49, A), β 1(s 1)=0.95 (0.06, R), R 2 = 92.8%, s(e)=0.64, F = 233.1 > 4.38, P = 9.6 × 10−12, MEP = 0.55, AIC = −15.6, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 80.3%, outliers indicated: 2, 6, 19. b, f MARVIN: β 0(s 0)=0.78 (0.32, R), β 1(s 1)=0.90 (0.04, R), R 2 = 96.6%, s(e)=0.50, F = 537.2 > 4.38, P = 2.15 × 10−15, MEP = 0.23, AIC = −32.4, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 91.2%, outliers indicated: 6, 11, 16. c, g ACD: β 0(s 0)=−0.50 (0.23, R), β 1(s 1)=1.06 (0.03, R), R 2 = 98.7%, s(e)=0.34, F = 1408.7 > 4.38, P = 2.8 × 10−19, MEP = 0.12, AIC = −45.9, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 96.6%, outliers indicated: 10, 13. d, h SPARC: β 0(s 0)=−0.93 (0.89, A), β 1(s 1)=1.10 (0.11, R), R 2 = 84.3%, s(e)=1.24, F = 101.8 > 4.38, P = 4.6 × 10−9, MEP = 1.64, AIC = 11.2, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 66.6%, outliers indicated: 2, 3, 8

Fig. 2
figure 2

Comparison of four programs in terms of the predictive ability of the proposed regression model pK a,pred=β 0(s 0, A or R) + β 1(s 1, A or R) pK a,exp. Top: scatter diagrams of the original data from Table 1 for Dataset b. Bottom: outlier detection with Williams graphs with n = 25 and α = 0.05, where A or R refer to whether the tested null hypothesis H0: β 0 = 0 vs. HA: β 0 ≠ 0 and H0: β 1 = 1 vs. HA: β1 ≠ 1 was Accepted or Rejected. The estimated standard deviation of the actual parameter is shown in parentheses. a, e PALLAS: β 0(s 0)=−0.63 (0.27, R), β 1(s 1)= 1.08 (0.03, R), R 2 = 98.0%, s(e)=0.39, F = 1130.3 > 4.12, P = 4.3 × 10−21, MEP = 0.13, AIC = −50.7, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 95.4%, outliers indicated: 39, 44. b, f MARVIN: β 0(s 0)=−0.22 (0.25, A), β 1(s 1)=1.01 (0.03, R), R 2 = 98.1%, s(e)=0.31, F = 1194.1 > 4.12, P = 2.3×−21, MEP = 0.10, AIC = −55.5, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 95.8%, outliers indicated: 31, 39, 42. c, g ACD: β 0(s 0)=−0.14 (0.16, A), β 1(s 1)=1.01 (0.02, A), R 2 = 99.2%, s(e)=0.20, F = 2787.5 > 4.12, P = 1.5 × 10−25, MEP = 0.05, AIC = −76.6, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 98.2%, outliers: indicated 31, 44, 46. d, h SPARC: β 0(s 0)=−0.31 (0.25, A), β 1(s 1)=1.02 (0.03, R), R 2 = 98.2%, s(e)=0.31, F = 1218.4 > 4.12, P = 1.8 × 10−21, MEP = 0.12, AIC = −55.6, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 95.3%, outliers: indicated 22, 35, 44

Fig. 3
figure 3

Comparison of four programs in terms of the predictive ability of the proposed regression model pK a,pred=β 0(s 0, A or R) + β 1(s 1, A or R) pK a,exp. Top: scatter diagrams of the original data from Table 1 for Dataset c. Bottom: outlier detection with Williams graphs, with n = 18 and α = 0.05 where A or R refers to whether the tested null hypothesis H0: β0 = 0 vs. HA: β 0 ≠ 0 and H0: β 1 = 1 vs. HA: β1 ≠ 1 was Accepted or Rejected. The estimated standard deviation of the actual parameter is shown in parentheses. a, e PALLAS: β 0(s 0)=−0.64 (1.00, A), β 1(s 1)= 1.09 (0.13, R), R 2 = 80.4%, s(e)=1.50, F = 65.6 > 4.49, P = 4.7 × 10−7,MEP = 2.6, AIC = 17.0, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 57.1%, outliers indicated: 51, 52, 62. b, f MARVIN: β 0(s 0)=−0.27 (0.33, A), β 1(s 1)=1.05 (0.04, R), R 2 = 97.3%, s(e)=0.51, F = 569.4 > 4.49, P = 6.2 × 10−14, MEP = 0.26, AIC = −23.1, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 93.61%, outliers indicated: 52. c, g ACD: β 0(s 0)=0.71 (0.34, R), β 1(s 1)=0.90 (0.05, R), R 2 = 96.2%, s(e)=0.56, F = 402.2 > 4.49, P = 9.2 × 10−13, MEP = 0.29, AIC = −22.4, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 90.7%, outliers indicated: 50, 52, 62. d, h SPARC: β 0(s 0)=0.22 (0.33, A), β 1(s 1)=0.97 (0.04, R), R 2 = 96.7%, s(e)=0.50, F = 472.5 > 4.49, P = 2.6 × 10−13, MEP = 0.29, AIC = −22.8, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 91.8%, outliers indicated: 48, 52

Predictability of pK a and identifying outliers

The REGDIA program was used to investigate the regression analyses and to discover influential points in the pK a,pred data. The data shown in Table 1 provide a useful way to compare results, and to demonstrate the efficiency of each diagnostic tool for outlier detection. Most the outliers are obviously easier to spot using diagnostic plots than by performing statistical tests of the numerical diagnostic values in the table. These data have been analyzed many times in tests of outlier methods. Plots of the PALLAS-predicted pK a,pred values versus the experimentally observed pK a,exp values for the set of bases and acids examined are shown in Fig. 1a, while the MARVIN-predicted pK a,pred values are shown in Fig. 1b, the ACD/pK a-predicted pK a,pred values are shown in Fig. 1c, and the SPARC-predicted pK a,pred values in Fig. 1d. The pK a,pred values are distributed evenly around the diagonal, implying consistent error behavior for the residual values. The optimal slope β 1 and the intercept β 0 of the linear regression model pK a,pred = β 0 + β 1 pK a,exp for β 0 = 0.46 (0.49, A) and β 1 = 0.95 (0.06, A) in the case of PALLAS can be taken to be 0 and 1, respectively, where the standard deviations of the parameters appear in parentheses, and A means that the tested null hypothesis H0: β 0 = 0 vs. HA: β 0 ≠ 0 and H0: β 1 = 1 vs. HA: β A ≠ 1 was accepted.

Another way to evaluate the quality of the regression model proposed by the prediction algorithm is to examine its goodness-of-fit. Most of the acids and bases in the examined sample were predicted with an accuracy of better than one log of their measured values.

Diagnostic graphs for outlier detection can usually be applied to test suspected influential points, and the most efficient of these tools, the Williams graph (Fig. 1e–h), indicates three outliers: 2, 6 and 19. It has previously been concluded [18] that the Williams graph is one of the best diagnostic graphs for outlier detection.

Benchmarking the predicted pK a values obtained using the four algorithms

Four algorithms—PALLAS [10], MARVIN [9], ACD/pK a [5] and SPARC [17]—were applied to the datasets in order to predict pK a values, and their performances in statistical accuracy tests were compared. As expected, the calculated values of pK a,pred agreed well with the experimental values of pK a,exp.

Fitted residual evaluation can be an efficient tool to use when building and testing a regression model. The predictive power of each prediction algorithm was evaluated by comparison with experimental data taken from the literature. Altogether, 64 drugs and other organic molecules with complex and diverse structural patterns were used as an external and realistic test set. The quality of the prediction models used by the algorithm was measured using six main statistical parameters, F exp, R 2, \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \), MEP, AIC, and s(e) in pK a units. The results are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 Accuracies of the predicted pK a values calculated using the four algorithms PALLAS, MARVIN, ACD and SPARC (evaluated using the REGDIA program)

Analysis of dataset a

The correlations between the values of pK a calculated by each of the four algorithms used and the experimental pK a values with outliers are shown in Table 2. Figure 1a–d illustrate preliminary analyses of the goodness-of-fit for each model, while Fig. 1e–h show the Williams graphs used to identify and remove outliers. In addition to these graphical analyses, the regression diagnostics for the fitness tests shown in Table 2 show the quality of pK a prediction: the highest values of R 2 and \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) in Fig. 4, the lowest values of MEP and s(e), and the most negative value of AIC in Fig. 5 and Table 2 all show that the ACD/pK a algorithm used for pK a prediction offers the best predictive power and the most accurate results.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Resolution abilities of the three regression diagnostic criteria F exp, R 2 and \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) in relation to examining the accuracies of pK a predictions made by the four algorithms PALLAS, MARVIN, ACD/pK a and SPARC. Here orig refers to the original dataset from Table 1, and out refers to the dataset without outliers

Fig. 5
figure 5

Resolution abilities of the three regression diagnostic criteria MEP, AIC and s(e) in relation to examining the accuracies of pK a predictions made by the four algorithms PALLAS, MARVIN, ACD/pKa and SPARC. Here orig refers to the original dataset from Table 1, and out refers to the dataset without outliers

Proposed regression model

The predicted vs. experimentally observed pK a values for the dataset examined are plotted in Fig. 1a–d, while the numerical results are shown in Table 2. The data points are distributed evenly around the diagonal in the figures, implying consistent error behavior for the residual value. The slope and the intercept of the linear regression are optimal; the slope estimates for the four algorithms used are β 1(s 1)=0.95 (0.06, R), 0.90(0.04, R), 1.06 (0.03, R), 1.10 (0.11, R), where A or R mean that the tested null hypothesis H0: β 0 = 0 vs. HA: β 0 ≠ 0 and H0: β 1 = 1 vs. HA: β 1 ≠ 1 was Accepted or Rejected; the standard deviation of the estimated parameter is given in parentheses. Upon removing the outliers from the dataset, these estimates improve to 0.96 (0.05, R), 0.86 (0.03, R), 1.04 (0.02, R), 1.12 (0.06, R). The estimated intercepts are β 0(s 0)=0.46 (0.49, A), 0.78 (0.32, R), −0.50 (0.23, R), −0.93 (0.89, A), and after removing outliers from the dataset they are 0.28(0.45, A), 1.07(0.24, R), −0.35(0.20, A), −1.24(0.44, R). Here A or R mean that the tested null hypothesis H0: β 0 = 0 vs. HA: β 0 ≠ 0 and H0: β 1 = 1 vs. HA: β 1 ≠ 1 was Accepted or Rejected. The slope is almost equal to one for all four algorithms, and the intercept is almost equal to zero for all four algorithms. The Fisher–Snedecor F-test of overall regression for the four prediction algorithms in Fig. 4 yields calculated significance levels of P = 9.58 × 10−12, 2.15 × 10−15, 2.75 × 10−19, 4.58 × 10−9, and after removing the outliers from the dataset these significance levels changed to P = 1.57 × 10−11, 1.87 × 10−15, 1.08 × 10−18, 8.09 × 10−13, meaning that all four algorithms proposed significant regression models. The highest F-test value was obtained using the ACD/pK a algorithm, which therefore gave the best prediction of pK a,pred.


The quality of the regression models yielded by the four algorithms was measured using the two statistical characteristics of correlation shown in Fig. 4 and Table 2; i.e., R 2 = 92.83%, 96.58%, 98.67%, 84.26% and R 2 = 95.52%, 98.23%, 99.07%, 96.23% before and after removing the outliers from the dataset, respectively, while the predicted determination coefficient \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 80.28%, 91.19%, 96.57%, 66.57% and \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) = 89.33%, 95.07%, 97.25%, 91.13% before and after removing the outliers from the dataset, respectively. R 2 is high for all four algorithms and this indicates that they are all able to interpolate within the range of pK a values associated with the examined dataset. The highest values of R 2 and \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) are exhibited by the ACD/pK a algorithm.

Criteria for expressing the prediction ability

The goodness-of-fit test criteria that best express the predictive ability are the mean error of prediction MEP and the Akaike information criterion AIC, as shown in Fig. 5 and Table 2. Calculated MEP values were 0.55, 0.23, 0.12, 1.64, but after removing the outliers from the dataset these MEP values dropped to 0.18, 0.11, 0.09, 0.38. The Akaike information criterion AIC yielded values of −15.58, −32.37, −45.92, 11.15, but after removing the outliers from the dataset they dropped to −28.88, −41.47, −49.26, −16.63. A numerical comparison shows that both MEP and AIC classify the predictive abilities of the four algorithms well, and are able to distinguish between them. The lowest value of MEP was 0.12 and the most negative value of AIC was −45.92, both of which were attained for the ACD/pK a method. These criteria were used to classify the predictive abilities of the regression models, and to rank the four algorithms from best to worst. The regression models were sufficiently predictive, i.e., they were able to extrapolate beyond the range of the training set values.

Goodness-of-fit test

The best way to evaluate the four regression models is to examine the fitted residuals. If the proposed model represents the data adequately, the residuals should form a random pattern with a normal distribution N(0, s 2) and the residual mean of zero, \(E{\left( {\widehat{e}} \right)}\) = 0. A Student t-test examines the null hypothesis H0: \(E{\left( {\widehat{e}} \right)}\) = 0 vs. HA: \(E{\left( {\widehat{e}} \right)}\)≠0 and gives the values of the criteria for the four algorithms in the form of the calculated significance levels P = 0.37, 0.46, 0.19, 0.33. All four algorithms give a residual bias of zero. The estimated standard deviation of the regression straight line s(e) in Fig. 5 and Table 2 is s(e)=0.64, 0.50, 0.34, 1.24 log units pK a, and after removing the outliers from the dataset they became s(e)=0.40, 0.46, 0.27, 0.65 log units pK a, with the lowest value attained for the ACD/pK a method. Previously, Hilal et al. [17] used the SPARC calculator to estimate the 4338 pK a values for some 3685 compounds, including multiple pK a values up to the sixth pK a, and the overall standard deviation s(e) for this large test set of compounds was found to be 0.37 pK a units. For complicated structures where a molecule has multiple ionization sites, such as azo dyes, the expected SPARC error was ±0.65 pK a units. SPARC was used to estimate 358 pK a values for 214 azo dyes, and the SPARC standard deviation was found to be 0.63 pK a units. The reported IUPAC RMS interlaboratory deviation between observed values of pK a for azo dyes, when more than one measurement was reported, was 0.64. The error in the SPARC-calculated values was comparable to the experimental error and perhaps better for these complicated molecules.

Outlier detection

The detection, assessment, and understanding of outlier pK a,pred values are major areas of interest when examining accuracy. If the data contains a single outlier pK a,pred, it is relatively simple to identify this pK a,pred value. If the pK a,pred data contain more than one outlier (which is likely to be the case in most data), it becomes more difficult to identify such pK a,pred values, due to masking and swamping effects [20]. Masking occurs when an outlying pK a,pred value goes undetected because of the presence of another, usually adjacent, subset of pK a,pred values. Swamping occurs when “good” pK a,pred values are incorrectly identified as outliers because of the presence of another, usually remote, subset of pK a,pred values. Statistical tests are needed in order to decide how to use the real data such that the assumptions of the hypothesis tested are approximately satisfied. In the PALLAS straight line model, three outliers (2, 6 and 19) were detected. In the MARVIN straight line model, three outliers (6, 11, and 16) were detected. In the ACD/pK a straight line model, only two outliers (10 and 13) were indicated, while in the SPARC straight line model, three outliers (2, 3, and 8) were found.

Outlier interpretation and removal

The poorest molecular pK a predictions correspond to outliers. Outliers are molecules which belong to the most poorly characterized class considered, so it is no great surprise that they are also the most poorly predicted. Outliers should therefore be analyzed, elucidated and then removed from the data. In our study, the use of the Williams plot revealed three outliers, nos. 2 (chlorothiazide, pK 1), 6 (diazepam) and 19 (tetracaine), in the PALLAS regression model (Fig. 1e); three outliers, nos. 6 (diazepam), 11 (haloperidol) and 16 (phenytoin), in the MARVIN model (Fig. 1f); two outliers, nos. 10 (furosemide) and 13 (lidocaine), in ACD/pK a (Fig. 1g); and three outliers, nos. 2 (chlorothiazide, pK 1), 3 (chlorothiazide, pK 2) and 8 (disopyramide), in the SPARC model (Fig. 1h). After removing the outlying values of pK a for the poorly predicted molecules, all of the remaining data points were statistically significant (Table 2). Outliers frequently turned out to be either misassignments of pK a values or suspicious molecular structures. Due to their fragment-based approach, the methods proved to be inadequate when fragments present in the molecule under investigation were absent from the database. Such pK a prediction methods require that the compounds being studied are very similar to those available in the training set. Suitable corrections were made where possible, but in some cases the corresponding data had to be omitted from the training set. In other cases, the outliers served to highlight the need to split one class of molecules into two or more subclasses based on the substructure in which the acidic or (more often) basic center was embedded.

Analysis of dataset b

The regression data treatment of Dataset b was performed in the same way as for Dataset a, and individual blocks of Table 2 associated with Dataset b were interpreted in a similar way to the blocks associated with Dataset a in Table 2. It is obvious that the line fits are much better in Fig. 2 (for Dataset b) than in Fig. 1 (for Dataset a). While R 2 and \(R^{2}_{{\text{P}}} \) cannot be so clearly discriminated among the different correlation of variables {pK a, pK a,pred} leading to the straight line, the statistical test criterion F exp exhibits much better resolution power. All three statistics MEP, AIC and s(e) in Fig. 5 show good resolution, as differences between the various line-fittings are obviously pronounced. Figures 4 and 5 enable us to classify not only the three datasets but also the performances of the four prediction algorithms. The numerical values of all of the statistics mentioned are given in Table 2. The algorithms indicate some outliers, and so these outliers should be analyzed and removed from the data. The Williams plots revealed two outliers, nos. 39 (pentobarbitone), 44 (celiprolol), in the PALLAS regression model (Fig. 2e); three outliers, nos. 31 (3,4-dichlorophenol), 39 (pentobarbitone) and 42 (pericyazine), in the MARVIN model (Fig. 2f); three outliers, nos. 44 (celiprolol), 31 (3,4-dichlorophenol) and 46 (propranolol), in the ACD/pK a model (Fig. 2g), and three outliers, nos. 44 (celiprolol), 22 (benzoic acid) and 35 (N-methylaniline), in the SPARC model (Fig. 2h). All of these outlying molecules belong to the poorly characterized class in the training set of the algorithm’s database.

Analysis of dataset c

The regression data treatment of Dataset c was performed in the same way as for Dataset a, and the individual blocks associated with Dataset c in Table 2 were interpreted in a similar way to those of Dataset a in Table 2. The Williams plots revealed three outliers, nos. 51 (enalapril), 52 (famotidine), and 62 (piroxicam), in the PALLAS regression model (Fig. 3e); one outlier, no. 52 (famotidine), in the MARVIN model (Fig. 3f); three outliers, nos. 52 (famotidine), 62 (piroxicam) and 50 (diltiazem), in the ACD/pK a model (Fig. 3g); and two outliers, nos. 52 (famotidine) and 48 (captopril), in the SPARC model (Fig. 3h). Most of the poorly predicted molecules, which were outliers in relation to the regression line, were important pharmacologically but were also poorly represented, and were the most poorly characterized classes considered in the algorithm’s training set. A criterion that describes the similarity of the molecules under investigation to those in the training database would be very useful.

One may also question, however, whether a failure to make predictions for unusual compounds is a particularly bad thing. When predictions are not obtained for some molecules, this means that the training set does not contain any molecules that are similar to them. This would explain the absence of the required fragments in the training set. However, the authors also note that the diversity and complexity of the molecules used for pK a model development and testing has dramatically increased in the last few years, which should lead to greater robustness.


Researchers should use rigorous statistical rules and regression prediction models with caution, and should always validate these models with known experimental data (using the REGDIA algorithm for example) before making any critical decisions. The most poorly predicted molecular pK a values correspond to outliers. The Williams graph is the preferred tool for the reliable detection of outlying pK a values. Regression diagnostics analysis ensures that outliers in the predicted pK a dataset are found, and this represents a critical step in explicitly manipulating the degree of ionization in order to improve solubility, permeability, protein binding and blood–brain permeation. The ACD/pK a program proved to be the most accurate method of predicting pK a values for the three datasets tested. The proposed accuracy test provided by the REGDIA program can also be extended to other predicted values, such as log P, log D, aqueous solubility, and some physiochemical properties.