
In airway smooth muscle (ASM) intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) has an important role mediating excitation-contraction coupling. In this tissue two ways have been described to increase the [Ca2+]i. One involves the extracellular Ca2+ entry through receptor-operated and voltage-sensitive (both L and T type) Ca2+ channels (Kajita and Yamaguchi 1993; Cuthbert et al. 1994; Montaño et al. 1996; Janssen 1997). The other mechanism requires intracellular Ca2+ release mainly from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) via inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate- and ryanodine-sensitive channels (Baron et al. 1984; Madison et al. 1998; Bazán-Perkins et al. 1998, 2000).

Endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ depletion is associated to Ca2+ influx. This process, known as capacitative Ca2+ entry, was formerly observed in non-excitable cells by Putney (1986). In human ASM cells, Amrani and co-workers (1995) observed an increase of [Ca2+]i after SR-Ca2+ depletion suggesting a capacitative Ca2+ entry mechanism.

A direct relationship between the SR-Ca2+ content and the temporal course of Ca2+ entry has been demonstrated in non-excitable cells (Jacob 1990; Hofer et al. 1998; Sedova et al. 2000) and in excitable cells, such as pancreatic β-cells (Dyachok and Gylfe 2001). However, it is unknown if a similar relationship occurs in ASM.

Currently, there is no consensus regarding the efficiency and selectivity of capacitative channel blockers, but cations like La3+ and Mg2+ have been reported to block this Ca2+ entry in excitable cells (Yoshimura et al. 1997; Yang 1998). Ni2+, an inorganic Ca2+ channel blocker, has also been used to inhibit the capacitative Ca2+ entry in non-excitable (Hoth and Penner 1993; Kerschbaum and Cahalan 1998) and excitable cells (Lee et al. 2002; McDaniel et al. 2001).

Recently, some substances as 2-aminoethyldiphenyl borate (2-APB) and the 1-(beta-[3-(4-methoxy-phenyl)propoxy]-4-methoxyphenethyl)-1H-imidazole hydrochloride (SKF 96365) have been used as capacitative Ca2+ entry blocker in vascular myocytes and mast cells, respectively (Franzius et al. 1994; Peppiatt et al. 2003; Wakabayashi et al. 2003). The aim of the present work was to study, in bovine ASM cells, the effect of different SR-Ca2+ content on Ca2+ entry of depolarised and non-depolarised cells, and to investigate the effect of 2-APB, SKF 96365, La3+, Mg2+ and Ni2+ in this phenomenon.

Materials and methods

Preparation of tracheal smooth muscle

Bovine tracheas were obtained from a local slaughterhouse and transported to the laboratory in cold, oxygenated, physiological salt solution (PSS) with the following composition (mM): 118 NaCl, 25 NaHCO3, 4.6 KCl, 1.2 MgSO4, 1.2 KH2PO4, 2 CaCl2 and 11 glucose. Animals were sacrificed according the Mexican laws. Tracheal smooth muscle was dissected free of adhered fat and connective tissue using a stereoscopic microscope Nikon SWZ-10 (Tokyo, Japan), at room temperature in oxygenated PSS.

Tracheal myocytes isolation

Airway smooth muscle cells were obtained from bovine trachea as follows. Approximately 200 mg smooth muscle were minced, placed in 5 ml Hanks solution (Gibco BRL, Rockville, MD) containing 2 mg cysteine and 0.05 U ml-1 papaine, and incubated for 10 min at 37°C. The tissue was washed with Leibovitz's solution (Gibco) to remove the enzyme excess, and then placed in PSS containing 0.144 mg ml-1 of a highly purified collagenases and neutral proteases mixture (Liberase Blendzyme 2, Roche, Indianapolis, IN) during ~12 min until dispersed cells were observed. This procedure allowed us to obtain cells with consistent levels of resting [Ca2+]i (Montaño et al. 2003). Then, cells were loaded with 0.5 µM fura 2/AM in low Ca2+ (0.1 mM) at room temperature (22–25°C). After 1 h, cells were allowed to settle into a heated perfusion chamber with a glass cover in the bottom. This chamber was mounted on a Nikon inverted microscope (Diaphot 200, Tokyo, Japan) and the cells adhered to the glass were continuously perfused at a rate of 2–2.5 ml/min with PSS (37°C, equilibrated with 95% O2/ 5% CO2, pH 7.4) and containing 2 mM Ca2+.

[Ca2+]i measurement

Cells loaded with fura 2 were exposed to alternating pulses of 340 and 380 nm excitation light, and emission light was collected at 510 nm using a PTI microphotometer (Photon Technology International, Princenton, NJ). Background fluorescence was automatically subtracted and determined by removing the cell from the field before starting the experiments. The fluorescence acquisition rate was 0.5 s. [Ca2+]i was calculated according to the formula of Grynkiewicz and co-workers (1985). The K d of fura 2 was assumed to be 386 nM (Kajita and Yamaguchi 1993). The mean 340/380 fluorescence ratios Rmax and Rmin were obtained by exposing the cells to 10 mM Ca2+ in presence of 10 µM ionomycin and in Ca2+-free PSS with 1.11 mM EGTA, respectively. Rmax was 11.2 and Rmin 0.37. The fluorescence ratio at 380 nm light excitation in Ca2+-free PSS and Ca2+ saturated cells (ß) was 5.2.

Experimental design

Bovine ASM cells stimulated with 10 mM caffeine or 10 µM carbachol (Cch) in PSS, were afterwards perfused with nominal Ca2+ free medium for about 10 min. During this period, caffeine was added at 2, 4, 6 or 10 min. In other set of experiments, following a similar protocol, Ca2+ was restored at the same intervals, 2, 4, 6 and 10 min. Cells used in these intervals are referred in the text as groups 2, 4, 6 and 10. In some cells of 10-min group, Ca2+-free medium was supplemented with 1 µM thapsigargin. Other cells from groups 4 and 10 were previously depolarised by substitution of 118 mM NaCl with 122 mM KCl or incubated with 30 µM of methoxyverapamil hydrochloride (D-600), an L-type Ca2+ channel blocker. For each interval we used different cells.

Additionally, in groups 4 and 10, we explored the effect of 100 µM 2-APB, 20 µM SKF 96365, 4 mM Mg2+, 0.2 mM La3+ or 1 mM Ni2+, a well known capacitative Ca2+ entry blockers (Hoth and Penner 1993; Franzius et al. 1994; Yoshimura et al. 1997; Yang 1998; Bootman et al. 2002; Kawanabe et al. 2002; Peppiatt et al. 2003; Wakabayashi et al. 2003), during Ca2+ entry after SR-Ca2+ depletion. In La3+ and Mn2+ experiments the PSS had the following composition (mM): 138 NaCl, 5 HEPES, 4.6 KCl, 1.2 MgCl2, 1.2 KH2PO4, 2 CaCl2 and 11 glucose, the pH 7.4 was adjusted with NaOH (10 M).

Finally, using groups 4 and 10, variations in Ca2+ influx after SR-Ca2+ depletion were estimated more directly by Mn2+ (50 µM) quench approach. In this experiments 360 nm excitation light was used.


Caffeine, fura 2/AM, EGTA, ionomycin, HEPES, methoxyverapamil hydrochloride, thapsigargin, lanthanum chloride heptahydrate, nickel chloride hexahydrate, magnesium chloride anhydrous and manganese chloride tetrahydrate were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). SKF 96365 was obtained from Biomol (Plymouth Meeting, PA). 2-APB was obtained from Calbiochem (La Jolla, CA). Liberase Blendzyme 2 was obtained from Roche (Indianapolis, IN). Ionomycin and fura 2/AM were dissolved in DMSO (final concentration 0.025%). In control experiments, use of DMSO alone had no effect.


One-way analysis of variance and Tukey's test for multiple comparisons were used. In some experiments we used Student's t-test for paired data. Two-tailed p values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Ca2+ entry rate was calculated for each experiment using straight linear regression and calculating the slope of each recording during Ca2+ restoration and expressed as nM/s. All values in the text and illustrations correspond to mean ± SEM.


Effect of external Ca2+ removal on the [Ca2+]i

The resting [Ca2+]i in bovine ASM cells was 148±6 nM (n=90). Caffeine (10 mM) addition during 2 min resulted in a transient Ca2+ peak (630±10 nM, n=31; Fig. 1a). Cch (10 µM) incubation induced a similar transient response (472±96 nM, n=4). Removal of external Ca2+ lead to a continuous reduction in the [Ca2+]i until a steady state was reached after 10 min (22±6 nM, n=5; Fig. 1b). This decrement in [Ca2+]i was associated with a significant and proportional reduction of the caffeine Ca2+ transient responses observed at 2, 4 and 6 min in Ca2+ free PSS when compared with their respective control group in normal PSS (n=6; Fig. 1c). At 10 min, the response to caffeine was totally absent whilst Cch response was only 4% of its response in normal PSS (n=6 and 4 respectively, Fig. 1c, d). These results corroborated that the SR-Ca2+ stores were almost completely depleted after 10 min in Ca2+ free medium.

Fig. 1a–d.
figure 1

External Ca2+ removal decreased the intracellular free-Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) and the SR-Ca2+ content in isolated tracheal myocytes. (a) Original trace of caffeine-induced Ca2+ transient peak. (b) Typical recording from a myocyte incubated in Ca2+-free PSS. Recovery of basal [Ca2+]i, suggesting Ca2+ entry, was initiated after external Ca2+ (2 mM) was restored. (c) Ca2+ responses induced by caffeine (10 mM) after different incubation periods in Ca2+-free medium. (d) Ca2+ response induced by carbachol (10 µM) after 10 min in Ca2+-free medium. For details see text. *p<0.01

Restoration of extracellular Ca2+ (2 mM) produced, in all groups, a return to the initial [Ca2+]i basal levels (Fig. 2). This increase in [Ca2+]i was considered as a Ca2+ entry to the cell. The rate of Ca2+ entry in groups 6 and 10 min was significantly faster (p<0.01, fast Ca2+ entry) than those rates calculated at other times (slow Ca2+ entry). An additional group of 10 min that was incubated with 1 µM thapsigargin showed a faster Ca2+ entry rate (p<0.01) when compared with its control group (10 min, Fig. 2). The long lasting depolarisation of the ASM cells by substitution of NaCl by high potassium solution to induce inactivation of L and T-type Ca2+ channels and inversion of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, did not appear to change Ca2+ entry rate, since this phenomenon was still faster after 10 min (1.48±0.21 nM/s, p<0.01, n=4) compared with the 4-min group (0.19±0.06 nM/s, n=6). Indeed, we did not observe any statistical difference in Ca2+ entry in these groups when compared with their respective non-depolarised cells.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Temporal course of [Ca2+]i increment after Ca2+ restoration of four different cell groups that have been incubated in Ca2+-free medium during different periods. These values suggest the existence of two different mechanisms for Ca2+ entry. An additional group of 10 min was incubated with 1 µM thapsigargin (Thap, an SR-Ca2+ ATPase blocker). †,†† p<0.05, 0.01, respectively, between group 10, 6 vs. 2, 4 groups. *p<0.01 between 10, 6 and Thap groups. § p<0.01 between Thap group vs. all groups

When Mn2+ (50 µM) was present in the PSS, Ca2+ restoration to the cells after 4-min incubation in Ca2+ free medium did not modify the fluorescence at 360 nm (n=5; Fig. 3a), i.e., we did not observe an additional Mn2+ influx. However, when Ca2+ was added after 10 min incubation in Ca2+-free medium, we noticed an increment of Mn2+ influx (n=5, Fig. 3b), corroborating an increase in Ca2+ entry.

Fig. 3a, b.
figure 3

Original recordings of Mn2+ quenching (50 µM) using 360 nm excitation light in cells perfused with Ca2+-free medium during 4 (a) and 10 min (b). Arrows indicate when 2 mM Ca2+ was added in the perfusion medium. Ca2+ restoration to the medium modifies Mn2+ influx only 10 min after Ca2+ removal, suggesting the existence of a membrane Ca2+ pathway during the fast Ca2+ recovery

Effect of La3+ and Mg2+ in Ca2+ entry

In non-stimulated myocytes, incubation with La3+ (0.2 mM) or Mg2+ (4 mM) during 10 min did not modify the [Ca2+]i basal levels. Some cells were incubated in Ca2+ free PSS during either 4 or 10 min (as described above) and the Ca2+ entry rate was determined by restoring this ion in the external medium in the presence of these two cations. Figure 4 shows the results of the 10-min group (n=9, 5, respectively) and it can be observed that Ca2+ entry rates were not modified when cells were incubated with the capacitative Ca2+ blockers. Similar lack of effect of La3+ and Mg2+ was observed in the 4-min group, which had an average value of 0.37±0.14 and 0.38±0.13 nM/s, n=6, 4, respectively, when compared with its corresponding control group: 0.30±0.10 and 0.38±0.09 nM/s, respectively.

Fig. 4a–c.
figure 4

La3+ (0.2 mM, n=9) and Mg2+ (4 mM, n=4) did not affect the fast Ca2+ entry observed in bovine airway smooth muscle cells (group of 10 min). (a) Original recording showing the lack of effect of La3+ on the Ca2+ entry. (b, c) Average data of the temporal course of Ca2+ entry during Ca2+ restoration in two different experimental conditions

Effect of Ni2+ in Ca2+ entry

Ni2+ (1 mM) addition to PSS induced a slow [Ca2+]i decrement in non-stimulated myocytes, and after 5 min perfusion, a new steady state of [Ca2+]i was observed (79±11 nM, n=6; Fig. 5a–c). Ni2+ removal restored Ca2+ basal levels even when cells were submitted to Ca2+-free medium (Fig. 5a, b). Under the new steady state induced by Ni2+, two groups of cells were incubated in Ca2+ free PSS during either 4 or 10 min and the Ca2+ entry rate was determined by restoring this ion in the external medium (n=5 each group; Fig. 5c, d). In the first group a rate of 0.30±0.11 nM/s was obtained, which was not different than the rate values of the control group of 4 min (without Ni2+, see Fig. 2). The calculated rate of the second group was slower (0.16±0.03 nM/s, n= 6) than that of the control group of 10 min (Fig. 2).

Fig. 5a–d.
figure 5

Ni2+ (1 mM) decreased the basal [Ca2+]i and slowed down the fast Ca2+ entry triggered by Ca2+ restoration in bovine airway smooth muscle cells. Ca2+ addition restored [Ca2+]i basal levels in cells that were previously incubated with Ni2+ in normal (a) and Ca2+-free PSS (b). (c) Original recording showing the effect of Ni2+ in Ca2+ entry after Ca2+ restoration. (d) Time course of Ca2+ entry during Ni2+ incubation in cells with slow (4 min) and fast (10 min) Ca2+ influx

It has been proposed that Ni2+ induces fura 2 quenching (Merritt et al. 1989). In Fig. 5a we can observe that the signal from 340 and 380 nm during Ni2+ perfusion was not modified i.e., Ni2+ did not enter to the cell.

Effect of D-600, 2-APB and SKF-96365 in Ca2+ entry

Incubation of the myocytes with D-600 (30 µM, n=4), 2-APB (100 µM, n=5) or SKF 96365 (20 µM, n=5) during 10 min did not modify the [Ca2+]i basal levels. In the 10-min group, the fast Ca2+ entry was not modify by D-600, 2-APB or SKF 96365 (Figs. 6 and 7a). Similar results were observed in the 4-min group where the slow Ca2+ entry (0.38±0.09 nM/s, n=4) was not modified by D-600 (0.30±0.12 nM/s), or 2-APB (0.72±0.21 vs. control 0.39±0.09 nM/s, n=5). Contrary to this last effect, SKF 96365 significantly reduced the Ca2+ entry rates and the [Ca2+]i basal level was not restored, i.e., the slow Ca2+ entry was blocked in the 4-min group (Fig. 7b, n=6).

Fig. 6a, b.
figure 6

Effect of D-600 (30 µM) and 2-APB (100 µM, a capacitative Ca2+ entry blocker) in the fast Ca2+ entry observed in bovine airway smooth muscle cells (group of 10 min). Both drugs, D-600 (a) and 2-APB (b) did not modify the Ca2+ entry rate when compared with their respective control groups

Fig. 7a, b.
figure 7

Effect of SKF 96365 (20 µM) in the fast and slow Ca2+ entry observed in bovine airway smooth muscle cells. In (a) we can observe that SKF 96365 did not modify the fast Ca2+ entry, but significantly inhibited the slow Ca2+ entry (b)


External Ca2+ removal in bovine ASM cells induced a slow and continuous [Ca2+]i decrement until a new baseline was achieved. This slow [Ca2+]i fall was associated with a similar reduction in the SR-Ca2+ content. When external Ca2+ was restored, an increase in [Ca2+]i was observed, which would imply a Ca2+ entry to the cell. This Ca2+ entry had a faster rate (>1 nM/s) when the SR-Ca2+ content was less than 50% and was sensitive to Ni2+. However, when the SR-Ca2+ content was above 50%, Ca2+ entry rate was slower (~0.3 nM/s) and sensitive to SKF 96365. Both influxes, the slow and the fast, were not blocked by 2-APB, La3+, Mg2+ or voltage Ca2+ channels inhibition.

In non excitable cells such as endothelial (Jacob 1990, Sedova et al. 2000), RBL/1 cells, BHK/21 fibroblasts (Hofer et al. 1998) and excitable cells as mice pancreatic β cells (Dyachok and Gylfe 2001), it has been observed that capacitative Ca2+ entry is specifically controlled by the Ca2+ content of intracellular stores, i.e., the rate of Ca2+ entry varies inversely with the degree of fullness of these stores. Opposite to what happens in these cells, in ASM cells the rate of Ca2+ entry does not appear to vary with the degree of fullness of the SR-Ca2+, since we found two patterns of Ca2+ entry, the slow and the fast influx. This would imply that ASM uses different mechanisms to regulate this Ca2+ entry than those used in previous mentioned cells. In this regard, it has been reported in RBL cells (non excitable cells) that opening of Ca2+-release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channels occurs only when the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ content reaches a thershold level (Parekh et al. 1997). It is possible that in ASM cells capacitative Ca2+ influx signaling is also activated when SR-Ca2+ stores reach a threshold level, and this one seems to be when the SR-Ca2+ content was less than 50%.

Mg2+ and La3+, two capacitative Ca2+ entry blockers in vascular myocytes (Yoshimura et al. 1997) and mast cells (Hoth and Penner 1993), did not modify the Ca2+ entry rate in ASM cells with slow and fast Ca2+ entry. These results would imply that in ASM the channels involved in this Ca2+ entry are not sensitive to these blockers.

The fast Ca2+ entry appears to be sensitive to Ni2+. In our experiments, we observed that Ni2+ produced a gradual [Ca2+]i decrement until a new steady state of [Ca2+]i was reached. This effect might be mediated by its known action as Ca2+ antagonist that involves the blockade of voltage-sensitive and receptor-operated Ca2+ channels, and the Na+/Ca2+ exchange (Cuthbert et al. 1994; Hoya and Venosa 1995). The effect of Ni2+ on Ca2+ entry after SR depletion is, however, unlikely mediated by such an action, hypothesis that is supported by the following: 1) we found that the slow and fast Ca2+ entry, was not affected by prolonged depolarisation or incubation with D-600, suggesting that voltage-sensitive L- and T-type Ca2+ channels and the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger are not important in this phenomenon; 2) receptor-operated Ca2+ channels require the action of an agonist to be opened and this is not the case.

Recently, in vascular smooth muscle from aorta and pulmonary artery, it was found that Ni2+ abolished the capacitative Ca2+ entry (Lee et al. 2002; McDaniel et al. 2001), suggesting that this cation is an appropriate antagonist for excitable cells. In our study, we observed that Ni2+ only abolished the fast Ca2+ entry. Thus, these observations support the hypothesis that Ni2+ is blocking the putative capacitative Ca2+ entry pathway, which is only present when the SR-Ca2+ content is lower than 50%. On the other hand, since Ni2+ did not block the slow Ca2+ entry, we could suggest that this is a non capacitative phenomenon, probably the so called passive influx. The results with 2-APB, recently described as a capacitative Ca2+ inhibitor (Prakriya and Lewis 2001), in the slow Ca2+ entry support our hypothesis that this Ca2+ influx is a non capacitative phenomenon since the drug did not block it. In this context, SKF 96365, a compound with several effects such as store-operated and receptor-operated Ca2+ channels blocker (Merritt et al. 1990; Prakriya and Lewis 2002), significantly reduced this slow Ca2+ entry. This effect of SKF 96365 on the passive Ca2+ entry was also previously reported in human leukemic HL-60 cells (Leung et al. 1996). In this last work SKF 96365 almost completely blocked (basal) Mn2+ entry. These results suggested the participation of Ca2+ channels in the slow Ca2+ entry, however further experiments are required to determine the type of Ca2+ channels involved.

In order to corroborate that during the fast Ca2+ entry an additional Ca2+ pathway was activated, we used the Mn2+ quench approach to confirm more directly the Ca2+ influx. We found an increase in Mn2+ influx when Ca2+ was restored in cells with SR-Ca2+ content lower than 50%, suggesting a change in Ca2+ entry that probably was due to a capacitative Ca2+ phenomenon. In cells with SR-Ca2+ content higher than 50%, Mn2+ quench did not change when Ca2+ was added to PSS. Thus, Ca2+ influx that contributes to restore the intracellular Ca2+ levels in these cells seems not to be related to the activation of an additional Ca2+ pathway, confirming that this slow Ca2+ entry is passive.

Our observations also indicate that in the fast Ca2+ entry, the rate of [Ca2+]i increase after reintroduction of extracellular Ca2+ could be influenced by sequestration of Ca2+ by the SR, because we found that the blockade of SR-Ca2+ pump with thapsigargin significantly accelerates the rate of [Ca2+]i increase. The SR might be playing a similar role in experimental cells with slow Ca2+ influx. Unfortunately, experiments with thapsigargin in these later groups would have been difficult to interpret because this maneuver also depletes the SR.

In conclusion, we observed that in bovine ASM cells Ca2+ influx after SR-Ca2+ depletion has two rates: A) The slow Ca2+ influx which occurred in cells with more than 50% of their SR-Ca2+ content, is sensitive to SKF 96365 and appears to be a non-capacitative Ca2+ entry (passive entry). B) The fast Ca2+ influx observed in cells with less than 50% of their SR-Ca2+ content, is probably a capacitative Ca2+ entry and was only Ni2+-sensitive. Both mechanisms were not blocked by La3+, Mg2+, 2-APB, and voltage-Ca2+ channels were also not involved.