1 Introduction

Neutron stars and stellar mass black holes stand out as luminous X-ray sources in the Galaxy when they are accreting matter from nearby stars. When these companions have masses above \({\sim }10\) M\(_\odot \), the systems are known as high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXB). Such systems can be formed when one of the initial member stars loses a significant part of its mass, through stellar wind or mass transfer, before the first supernova explosion occurs (van den Heuvel and Heise 1972). They are young (several dozen million years old), in contrast to the low-mass X-ray binary systems (LMXBs) that are several billion years old.

In most HMXBs, the compact objects capture a very small fraction of the stellar wind of their companions and the resulting accretion rates are low (Bondi and Hoyle 1944; Davidson and Ostriker 1973; Lamers et al. 1976). High X-ray luminosities \(({>}10^{35}\) erg/s) are observed in two situations. Strong and transient X-ray flares, reaching the Eddington luminosity, occur when the compact object crosses a dense component of the stellar wind, usually expelled by a fast rotating main sequence star (featuring emission lines in the optical and hence identified as “Be” systems). High accretion rates are also observed in close systems where the companion is practically filling its Roche lobe (giant and super-giant systems). These systems become very luminous (up to \(10^{40}\) erg/s; Bachetti et al. 2014) when the donor is close to the Roche limit and the accretion becomes dominated by a tidal stream. Roche-lobe overflow is rarely observed as the compact object is quickly enshrouded, unless the radial expansion of the companion is slow.

The very large majority of the HMXB systems harbour accreting pulsars (Liu et al. 2006; Lutovinov and Tsygankov 2009). In such systems, the plasma approaching the neutron star is stopped by the pressure of the dipolar magnetic field and forced to move along the field lines toward the magnetic poles, where the captured matter releases its gravitational energy in the form of X-rays. The X-ray continuum of accreting pulsars is characterised by a power law of photon index 0.3–2 with a high-energy exponential cutoff (7–30 keV, White et al. 1983; Filippova et al. 2005), sometimes modified by absorption and emission lines in the soft X-rays and by cyclotron resonance scattering features (CRSF) at higher energies (Coburn et al. 2002; Filippova et al. 2005; Caballero and Wilms 2012). The plasma falls in the accretion column at almost the speed of light and heats to \(10^8\)K close to the neutron star surface (see, e.g. Basko and Sunyaev 1976; Nagel 1981; Meszaros and Nagel 1985; Araya-Góchez and Harding 2000; Nishimura 2008; Mushtukov et al. 2015). Bulk and thermal Comptonization plays a key role in the formation of the non thermal X-ray emission (Becker and Wolff 2007).

CRSFs are caused by the scattering of hard X-ray photons on electrons whose energy is quantized by the magnetic field according to the Landau levels (Gnedin and Sunyaev 1974; Truemper et al. 1978; Araya-Góchez and Harding 2000). This electron energy can be measured from the source spectra and hence the magnetic field strength in the scattering region. Variability of the CRSF energy with luminosity on long and spin period time scales indicate that the accretion flow is not uniform nor stationary (Mihara et al. 1998; Mowlavi et al. 2006; Staubert et al. 2007; Tsygankov et al. 2006, 2010; Klochkov et al. 2011).

Emission lines and absorption observed in the soft X-ray band are the imprints of the companion stellar wind. Photo-ionisation and other effects of the pulsar on the wind structure, as well as inhomogeneities of the wind, either genuine or induced by the compact object, lead to additional variability.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Image of the inner part of the Galactic plane, obtained with INTEGRAL/IBIS in the 17–60 keV energy band. Persistent HMXBs are identified with circles (Lutovinov et al. 2013b). The horizontal red line is the Galactic equator

The HMXBs of the Milky Way include three microquasars and black-hole candidates and three gamma-ray loud binaries. Because of their peculiarities, these six sources will not be discussed in this review. Their high-energy emission and variability patterns are very different from those described above and dominated by inverse Compton scattering of electron accelerated close to the black-hole or in the interaction regions between the companion stellar winds and pulsar winds or microquasar jets (Dubus 2013).

The INTernational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL), a medium size mission from the European Space Agency (Winkler et al. 2003), observes the Universe in the hard X-ray and soft gamma-ray band. The wide field of view (\({\sim }30^\circ \)) of its main instruments, its unique energy coverage and its frequent scans of the galactic plane allowed INTEGRAL to observe the Galaxy in a parameter space not well studied before and to discover strongly absorbed and transient HMXBs with low duty cycles.

110 HMXB systems were known in the Milky Way before the launch of INTEGRAL (Liu et al. 2000): 13 super-giant, 52 Be and 45 systems of unclear or other types. The serendipitous discovery by INTEGRAL of many new HMXB systems, in particular 23 likely of super-giant type, came as a surprise. The mere fact that these new systems had not been identified in the past indicates that the HMXB phenomenology is more diverse and rich than anticipated. This review concentrates on these new aspects.

HMXBs are generally concentrated towards the Galactic plane, close to their birthplace (Fig. 1; see also, e.g. Grimm et al. 2002). The X-ray luminosity of normal star forming galaxies, dominated by HMXBs and by the hot ionised inter-stellar gas, correlates well with the star formation rate (Grimm et al. 2003; Ranalli et al. 2003; Lehmer et al. 2010; Mineo et al. 2012a, b; Lutovinov et al. 2013b). The discovery by INTEGRAL of many new HMXBs close to the tangent directions to the inner galactic arms also allowed to understand better their distribution in the Milky Way and their relation with star forming regions (Lutovinov et al. 2005a; Bodaghee et al. 2012c; Coleiro and Chaty 2013). Finally, the small fraction of black-hole HMXB systems, probably originating from very high mass stars, and their higher masses when compared to neutron stars, can be related to the physics of supernova explosions (Belczynski et al. 2012).

Sections 2 and 3 review the new observations, source discoveries and catalogue and the properties of the various classes of HMXBs in the light of the new observations. In Sects. 4 and 5, we discuss several new aspects of the phenomenology of wind accretion revealed by the individual objects and the global properties of their population at the scale of the Galaxy. Finally a summary of the new results is presented in Sect. 6.

2 Observations and source catalogue

2.1 Hard X-ray sources and their identification

The large field of view, hard X-ray coded mask imagers on board INTEGRAL and Swift are observing the full sky regularly; INTEGRAL focussing more on the galactic plane. The observations consist of numerous short pointings of \((1-5)\times 10^3\) s, enhancing the sensitivity to flaring activities on such time scales. Many new sources and flares were detected and about a thousand Astronomer’s Telegrams were issued.

Fig. 2
figure 2

a Sky field around the source IGR J22534+6243 in the J-band (2MASS survey). Contours indicate levels of the source intensity in the X-rays, obtained by Swift/XRT. The infrared counterpart is indicated by the arrow. b Optical spectrum of the source. c Broadband energy spectrum of IGR J22534+6243. The best-fit model is indicated by the solid line. d Pulse profile in three energy bands, folded with the period of 46.675 s. See Lutovinov et al. (2013a) for details

The value of any sky survey to study the properties of a population of sources (in particular HMXBs) depends on the survey completeness and on the identification of the nature of the detected sources. Surveys performed with INTEGRAL and Swift have a very high identification completeness, reaching 92 % in the Galactic plane (Krivonos et al. 2012). Such a high identification completeness results from follow-up observations performed by several research groups in the soft X-rays (\({<}10\) keV), optical, infrared and radio wavelengths (see, e.g. Walter et al. 2003; Bikmaev et al. 2006, 2008; Masetti et al. 2006b, 2009, 2012b; Tomsick et al. 2006a, 2008, 2009a; Rahoui et al. 2008; Burenin et al. 2008; Chaty et al. 2008; Lutovinov et al. 2012b; Karasev et al. 2012).

As the source localization accuracy provided by the imagers on board INTEGRAL and Swift (about 2–5 arcmin depending on the source significance) is not enough for an unambiguous optical identification, a significant improvement of the localization accuracy is required as a first step. This is achieved by follow-up observations (or archival studies) carried out with focussing X-ray telescopes such as Swift/XRT, XMM-Newton or Chandra. In densely populated regions, such as the inner part of the Galaxy, sub arcsecond resolution is required and only follow-up observations with Chandra can help to identify a hard X-tray source.

In the case of HMXBs, an accurate X-ray position is usually good enough to identify the likely counterpart in optical and infrared surveys or catalogues (such as DSS, USNO-A2(B1), 2MASS, UKIDSS, or VVV). The photometry obtained from these surveys together with the high-energy spectra and lightcurves allow us to make first assumptions on the nature of the sources. In particular, the presence of X-ray absorption together with a counterpart well detected in the infrared and much weaker in the optical is a good indication for the massive nature of the binary system. The detection of X-ray pulsations unambiguously points at a rotating neutron star with a strong magnetic field.

A final confirmation of the nature of the sources can only be obtained from infrared/optical spectroscopic observations with low to medium resolution (\(\lambda /\varDelta \lambda \simeq 500{-}3000\)). Several classification parameters are used: the reddening, different absorption and emission lines typical for different object classes, line flux ratios, line width and their redshift.

The identification process is illustrated in Fig. 2 for IGR J22534+6243, a hard X-ray source discovered by INTEGRAL. An infrared image in the J-band around the position obtained by a follow-up observation with Swift/XRT is shown in Fig. 2a. Two close (4.4 arcsecond separation) relatively bright (m\(_J\simeq 11.64\) and m\(_J\simeq 11.78\)) objects are detected in the X-ray error circle. The optical spectrum of the most central object obtained with the Russian-Turkish Telescope RTT-150 is typical for an early-type star (Fig. 2b). The broadened \(H\alpha \) emission line, together with the \(H\beta \) and HeI emission lines, is often observed for Be stars, which have a fast-rotating equatorial disc. The broadband X-ray spectrum of IGR J22534+6243 obtained with Chandra and INTEGRAL is typical for an accreting neutron star with a cutoff power law model and photo-absorption at low energies (Fig. 2c). Finally, X-ray pulsations with a period of \(P_{s}\simeq 46.67\) s were detected from this source (Fig. 2d). These observations allow to classify IGR J22534+6243 as a new X-ray pulsar in a Be high-mass X-ray binary system (Lutovinov et al. 2013a). Other examples of the optical and infrared spectra of high-mass X-ray binaries, discovered by INTEGRAL  are shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

An example of optical and infrared spectra of two high mass X-ray binary systems IGR J08262-3736 (left) and IGR J17391-3021 (right), discovered by INTEGRAL. The spectra are from Masetti et al. (2010b) and Chaty et al. (2008)

Table 1 Catalogue of high-mass X-ray binaries

2.2 Source catalogue

Our catalogue of HMXBs in the Milky Way includes a total of 87 sources listed in Table 1, organised per source category as commonly known in the literature. For each source we list coordinates, spin and orbital periods, spectral type, distance, system type (cl: classical; abs: obscured; SFXT: transients; ?: unclear type; e: eccentric orbit; P: pulsar; BH: black-hole) and the average 17–60 keV flux in units of \(10^{-11}\) erg s\(^{-1}\) cm\(^{-2}\) (taken from Krivonos et al. 2007, 2012). If the source is missing in these catalogues, then its flux was taken from other papers (appropriate references and energy bands are mentioned). The system type is based on our analysis of the available data presented in this review and can be different from the previously published ones.

The Milky-Way HMXBs can be categorized as follows:

  • 24 systems have super-giant companions and are persistent at hard X-rays. These are the classical systems. Six of them are characterised by high obscuration. Seven of them are known in the literature as super-giant fast X-ray transients but can be understood as classical systems.

  • 10 systems are super-giant fast X-ray transients detected above 10 mCrab only for short periods and with a low (\(\lesssim \)10 %) duty cycle. They feature likely super-giant companions and show impressive variability factors in the range 10\(^{2{-}5}\). Most of them have been discovered by INTEGRAL (some had been discovered previously but not identified as super-giant systems).

  • Cen X-3, the only Roche Lobe Overflow giant system identified in the Galaxy.

  • 57 systems have likely a Be stellar companion (32 detected by INTEGRAL).

  • 3 gamma-ray loud binaries (of Be type as well).

  • 3 black-hole systems (2 are super-giant systems).

  • 4 giant and main sequence systems (two of them discovered by INTEGRAL).

  • 12 systems of unclear type, 4 among them have likely a main sequence or giant companion, and their identification is, therefore, more difficult. IGR J10101-5654 is a sgB[e] system which was detected in outburst for two months in 2004 and has been faint otherwise.

The galactic plane observations of INTEGRAL had an important impact on our knowledge of super-giant systems. They tripled the number of these systems identified in the Galaxy (Fig. 4) and new types of behaviour were discovered, in particular systems featuring strong and persistent obscuration or high variability and low duty cycles (respectively, 6 and 13 sources). Even while pulsations have not yet been detected in 12 of these systems, their hard X-ray spectra are typical of accreting pulsars. Not a single new high-mass black-hole system has been discovered.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Number of HMXBs identified as Be or super-giant systems in the Galaxy, before and after the discoveries triggered by the INTEGRAL mission

There are about 20,000 O stars in the galaxy and 33 % of them are double systems evolving through envelope stripping (Sana et al. 2012). Assuming that half of these systems will survive the supernova kicks, about one HMXB forms every 1500 years. The larger number of super-giant HMXBs discovered by INTEGRAL points to a lifetime of \({\sim } 10^5\) years for the HXMB phase which may support the enhanced wind and stripped H-burning scenario of Ziolkowski (1977).

There are some additional unidentified INTEGRAL sources that have been suggested as HMXB candidates: the X-ray spectra of IGR J18325-0756, IGR J16283-4843 and IGR J18219-1347 show significant absorption; IGR J13186-6257 and XTE J1824-141 have periods of 20 days and 120 s, respectively. We decided not to include them here as the evidence for high mass companions remains too vague.

2.3 Corbet diagram

The Corbet diagram (Corbet 1984), presenting HMXB as a function of spin and orbital periods, is a powerful tool to understand the nature and the evolution of the systems. Figure 5 displays the members of our catalogue for which both orbital and spin periods are available.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The Corbet diagram for the systems in our sample of HMXB with both orbital and spin periods available. Green squares are Be systems; blue circles are super-giant systems; yellow diamonds are main sequence systems and the red cross is the Roche lobe overflow system Cen X-3. Pentagons identify systems discussed in the text

The Be systems (green squares) are well aligned on the usual sequence (Corbet 1984), excepting for the outlier 1A 1118-615 (green pentagon). Staubert et al. (2011) suggested that the long quiescence time between the outbursts of this system could cause the pulsar to spin down to a period characteristic of wind-fed systems.

The super-giant systems (blue circles) have spin periods independent from their orbital periods, as expected for wind accretion. The supergiant with the longest orbital period, IGR J11215-5952 reaches the Be sequence. It features very regular outbursts and it has been suggested to be an evolutionary link with the Be systems (Liu et al. 2011). GX 301-2 (blue pentagon) remains persistently wind-fed by its hypergiant stellar companion, despite its eccentric orbit. The few super-giant fast X-ray transients which cannot be explained as classical systems appear in two groups that will be further discussed in Sect. 3.2: the short orbital period transient systems (for which no spin periods are available) and eccentric systems with orbital periods comparable to that of GX 301-2.

The few giant and main sequence systems (yellow diamonds), lacking emission lines, are in the wind-fed region of the diagram. The only galactic Roche-lobe overflow system Cen X-3 (red cross) has spun-up to very short period.

Fig. 6
figure 6

X-ray luminosity expected from a sgHMXB for a smooth stellar wind (\(V_{\infty }=10^3\) km/s, \(\beta =0.8\), \({\dot{M}}=10^{-6}\) M\(_{\odot }\)/year, M\(_{\star }=20\) M\(_{\odot }\)) as a function of the orbital period for eccentricities of 0 (continuous line) and 0.8 (short dashed lines). The long dashed line indicates the Roche-lobe overflow limit. The range of observed variability (minimum and maximum connected by dotted lines) is indicated for a number of sources discussed in this review

2.4 Expected X-ray luminosity of super-giant systems

The X-ray luminosity of an accreting neutron star (i.e. the mass accretion rate) is determined mainly by the density and velocity of the stellar wind near the compact object. Assuming a smooth stellar wind and a mass to luminosity conversion factor of 0.1 mc\(^2\), the range of X-ray luminosities reachable by a system (with a specific companion and wind velocity) depends mostly on the orbital period and eccentricity (see, e.g. Castor et al. 1975; Lamers and Cassinelli 1999; Vink et al. 2000) as schematized in Fig. 6. The main secondary parameter driving the luminosity is the wind velocity. An increase of the terminal velocity by a factor of 3 pushes the red lines in Fig. 6 downwards by a factor of 50 and could explain part of the outlier luminosities.

Persistent systems (i.e. \(L_X>10^{35}~\hbox {erg}/\hbox {s}\)) are expected at short orbital periods. Eccentric systems generate variations by factors up to 100 and can appear as transitory. Systems with short orbital periods and reaching low luminosities require a mechanism quenching accretion. Hydrodynamical effects of the neutron star on the stellar wind (Blondin et al. 1991; Manousakis and Walter 2015a) can generate variability by a factor \({>}100\). Intrinsic clumping of the stellar wind (Walter and Zurita Heras 2007) or magnetic gating mechanisms (Bozzo et al. 2008b) can have even larger effects.

3 Types of high-mass X-ray binaries

3.1 Persistent super-giant systems

INTEGRAL discovered 13 new persistent sgHMXB in addition to the ten classical wind-fed systems previously known in the Galaxy. Six of them, featuring absorbing column densities persistently \({\gtrsim }10^{23}\) cm\(^{-2}\), are known as “obscured systems”. The classical systems also display strong absorption close to eclipse but are less absorbed (\(N_H\sim 10^{22}\) cm\(^{-2}\)) at the inferior conjunction. Obscured and classical systems are very similar and the distinction between them is mostly due to the fact that the former were first identified at hard X-rays. One of the obscured system, IGR J16318-4848, is peculiar and deserves a special category. Note that several SFXTs (see Sect. 3.2) turn out to be classical systems as well.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Histogram of the effective time during which a given count rate is observed for Vela X-1 (INTEGRAL/ISGRI 17–80 keV). Eclipses have been removed and the distribution has been corrected for the statistical noise. The total exposure time is 11.8 Ms; time bins span from 24 to 720 s depending on the source strength; the average count rate statistical uncertainty is 4 ct/s. The distributions for two bright SFXTs are shown as well

3.1.1 Classical super-giant systems

Several of the classical sgHXMB are bright enough to allow long and meaningful lightcurves to be obtained at hard X-rays:

  • Vela X-1 is the prototype of the classical sgHMXB. It has been observed continuously by INTEGRAL with several orbits at high temporal resolution. Its 17–80 keV luminosity (outside of eclipses) varies in the range \((0.6-25)\times 10^{36}~\hbox {erg}/\hbox {s}\) for an average of \(1.4\times 10^{36}~\hbox {erg}/\hbox {s}\). The brightest flares are short (down to 0.5 h) and sequences of flares, separated by \({\sim }2\) h have been observed. The pulsed fraction does not vary significantly during the flares, indicating that the mass inflow rate through the accretion column varies considerably. The flare rate is decreasing smoothly with luminosity (Fig. 7) suggesting that the variability is driven by a single mechanism. Low luminosities are observed during short (fraction of an hour) periods. Even if they have been named “off-states”, accretion goes on but at a reduced rate (during the five off-states presented by Kreykenbohm et al. (2008), the average INTEGRAL/ISGRI count rate was \(10\pm 0.7\) ct/s, i.e. \(3\times 10^{35}\) erg/s). Figure 7 indicates that the luminosity distribution extends smoothly towards low values before slightly bending up, suggesting that a distinct variability mechanism is required. Suzaku observations confirmed that this bending is indeed related to the “off-states” (Doroshenko et al. 2011).

  • 4U 1700-37 is characterised by very short flares (with duration down to 250 s) reaching \({\gtrsim } 10^{37}~\hbox {erg}/\hbox {s}\). XMM-Newton observed it in quiet state at \(2\times 10^{35}~\hbox {erg}/\hbox {s}\) (van der Meer et al. 2005). Its luminosity distribution follows an asymmetric log normal, peaking at \(10^{36}~\hbox {erg}/\hbox {s}\) (Fig. 8).

  • The variability of OAO 1657-415 (Fig. 8) is shaped as an highly asymmetric log-normal distribution. Periods of enhanced activity are very long (10 to 120 days, i.e. 1–12 orbits) reaching \({\gtrsim } 10^{37}~\hbox {erg}/\hbox {s}\). Periods of low activity (\({\lesssim } 2\times 10^{35}~\hbox {erg}/\hbox {s}\)) are also relatively long (several days). The variability is dominated by stellar wind density/velocity variations that extend over the complete orbit (\({\sim } 2 R_\star \)) and varies on time scales of months or by low velocity clumps corotating with the neutron star. It is interesting to note that the companion is a peculiar O star, (possibly a Wolf–Rayet), that can generate highly structured winds.

  • Figure 8 shows clearly that an additional component is required in GX 301-2 to explain its high flux activity: the dense accretion stream forming close to periastron. Short flares (fraction of an hour) are superimposed. In about half of the orbits long secondary flares can be observed during the less active part of the orbit, indicating that the tidal stream generates a spiral structure.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Histogram of the effective time during which a given count rate is observed for four classical HMXB (Swift/BAT). Eclipses have been removed. The right-hand side of the distribution is much steeper for OAO 1657-415, which is dominated by very long activity periods rather than by narrow spikes as observed in the other sources

Short “off-states” have been observed in Vela X-1, GX 301-2 (Göğüş et al. 2011) and 4U1907+09 (Doroshenko et al. 2012a). The “off-states” of 4U1907+09 are particularly frequent (\({\gtrsim }20\) % duty cycle) and are missing close to periastron. Figure 8 indicates that classical sgHMXB, such as 4U 1700-37 and OAO 1657-415, features an intense activity at low count rate, similar to that observed in 4U 1907+09, and that Vela X-1 is more rarely is such a state.

Variability amplitude and off-states

The variability of the accretion rate by a factor 10–100 in wind-fed systems in circular orbits was successfully explained by hydrodynamical simulations (Blondin et al. 1990). When the system is close to Roche-lobe overflow, the tidal stream further increases the wind density in the direction of the compact object (Blondin et al. 1991), explaining enhanced variability in eccentric systems (such as GX 301-2). Photo-ionisation of the wind by the compact object also generates wind inhomogeneities in the form of additional streams (Blondin 1994) and obscuration at late orbital phases. Large and rapid variations of the mass accretion rate have interesting consequences for the formation of the hard X-ray spectrum that can be probed on short time scales with NuStar (Fürst et al. 2014b). A number of explanations was put forward to explain variability factors as large as \({\sim }10^3\) in classical sgHMXB and in particular in Vela X-1 (Fig. 8):

  • Wind clumping Line driven instability can in principle generate huge density variations in the stellar wind of massive stars but the details and the geometry are not yet understood. Besides multiple observational evidence (Bouret et al. 2005; Fullerton et al. 2006; Prinja and Howarth 1986; Lépine and Moffat 1999; Markova et al. 2005; Lupie and Nordsieck 1987; Davies et al. 2007; Cassinelli and Olson 1979; Oskinova et al. 2006), wind clumping is still poorly constrained. If huge density variations can in principle be accounted for by wind clumps (in’t Zand 2005; Walter and Zurita Heras 2007), it is unclear if: (i) the density contrasts will propagate to the magnetosphere, (ii) how clumps interplays with the hydrodynamic effects in the wind induced by the presence of the compact object, (iii) if a reasonable clump model can generate the observed luminosity distribution (Fig. 8), and (iv) if clumps are created early enough to influence close binaries (Sundqvist and Owocki 2013).

  • HydrodynamicsManousakis and Walter (2015a, b) have included the effect of photo-ionisation on the wind acceleration in the hydrodynamical model of Vela X-1. Even with a very simplified treatment, the model allowed to probe the dynamics of the region surrounding the neutron star and in particular the collision between the primary stellar wind, slowed down by photo-ionisation and flowing outwards and a gas stream flowing inwards from the tidal stream towards the neutron star. A shock front is generated and moves inwards and outwards regularly creating low-density bubbles expanding to \({\sim }10^{11}\) cm before crashing on the accretion radius. This “breathing” mechanism generates instantaneous accretion rates 10 times lower than predicted previously, global luminosity variations by a factor of \(10^3\) and transient modulations with a characteristic time-scale of \({\sim }6500\) s (for the geometry of Vela X-1). Interestingly such transient modulations have been detected in Vela X-1 (Kreykenbohm et al. 2008). The model predicts a luminosity distribution that is slightly too narrow when compared to the observations. The identification of a mechanism that can explain both the observed variability and quasi-periods is, however, encouraging.

    Shakura et al. (2013) have shown that two regimes of subsonic accretion are possible at the boundary of the magnetosphere depending on whether or not the plasma is cooled by Compton processes (high vs low accretion rate). The different cooling times determine the fall-down velocity, i.e. the accretion rate at the boundary of the magnetosphere. At low luminosity the X-ray photons are directed perpendicular to the neutron star surface, inverse Compton cooling is less efficient and a change of the pulse profile could be observed (Doroshenko et al. 2011). This mechanism increases the luminosity ratio produced by an externally driven mass accretion variability.

    These two mechanisms will work together. The breathing mode that occurs high above the magnetosphere will be amplified by the change of geometry of the accretion column and of the cooling mechanism. The amplification might not be so effective, nor needed, if the seed density variations are strong enough.

  • Magnetic gating Doroshenko et al. (2011) have investigated the possibility for the variability of Vela X-1 to be generated by Kelvin–Helmholtz instability at the magnetospheric boundary, leading to “magnetic gating” of the accretion (opening and closing the gate) (Bozzo et al. 2008b). The required magnetic field of \((2-10)\times 10^{13}\) G can in principle be accommodated if the CRSF would be generated close to the top of the accretion column at high flux level. However, NuStar observations (Fürst et al. 2014b) recently revealed that the CRSF harmonic energy is correlated to the X-ray luminosity down to \(10^{36}\) erg/s (this is not the case for the fundamental), which was interpreted with a surface magnetic field of \(2\times 10^{12}\) G. The spectrum of an off-state of Vela X-1, presented in the same paper, did not show any CRSF possibly pointing to a higher magnetic field, but the relatively low signal to noise obtained is not yet conclusive.

The X-ray variability of classical sgHMXB systems is complex but most of the behaviour seems to be reproducible by hydrodynamical effects (even if this has not been done effectively for all systems). It is not obvious that additional physical mechanisms such are clumping or magnetic gating are required to explain the observations. OAO 1657-415 features variability on very long (\(\gg P_\mathrm{orb}\)) time scales that can only be related to global wind structures but these variations have not been studied in detail so far.

3.1.2 Obscured super-giant systems

The five super-giant HMXBs featuring persistently high obscuration (\({\gtrsim } 10^{23}\) cm\(^{-2}\)) harbour pulsars orbiting in 3.7–9.7 days around O8-B1 companions. In three of them (IGR J16393-4611, IGR J16418-4532, IGR J18027-2016), the orbital periods are very short (\(<\)4.4 days) and the pulsars orbit close to the surface of their companion stars. Two classical sgHXMB have similarly short periods:

  • 4U1700-37: EXOSAT spectra obtained along the orbit have shown a phase-dependent absorbing column density with a minimum \({\sim } 0.5\times 10^{23}\) cm\(^{-2}\) (Haberl et al. 1989). High Fe K\(\alpha \) equivalent width and important scattered and soft X-ray excess emission (van der Meer et al. 2005) indicate that the absorbing column density was underestimated. A minimum value of \({\sim }2\times 10^{23}\) cm\(^{-2}\) was reported, matching our definition for an obscured source.

  • 4U 1909+07: A low absorption was reported but the spectrum is fairly complex showing an Iron K\(\alpha \) line and a soft X-ray excess. The value of the absorbing column density in this object is not settled but the combined spectrum built from RXTE, INTEGRAL and BAT data are reasonably represented with \(N_H\) \({\sim }1.3\times 10^{23}\) cm\(^{-2}\) and an Fe K\(\alpha \) equivalent width of 100 eV (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9
figure 9

RXTE PCA, INTEGRAL/ISGRI and Swift/BAT spectra of 4U 1909+07 fitted with an absorbed cutoff power law plus Fe K\(\alpha \) and soft X-ray excess

It is, therefore, plausible to assume that all persistent systems with \(P_\mathrm{orb}< 5\) days become obscured and are in transition towards Roche lobe overflow. As a matter of fact they all have \(L\gtrsim 10^{36}\) erg/s with IGR J16418-4532 reaching up to \(10^{38}\) erg/s (see also Sect. 3.2). The two remaining obscured systems have longer orbital periods (\({\approx }10\) days) and other explanations have been found for their obscuration:

  • EXO 1722-363: Comparison of observations with hydrodynamic simulations indicate that the large absorbing column density and its variability with orbital phase can be understood if the wind terminal velocity is low and if the neutron star is massive enough \(({>}1.8\) M\(_{\odot })\) to strongly perturb the stellar wind (Manousakis et al. 2012).

  • IGR J16320-4751: The absorbing column density is pretty constant at \({\approx }10^{23}\) cm\(^{-2}\) (the exact value is model dependent; Rodriguez et al. 2006) along the orbit and increased to \(5\times 10^{23}\) cm\(^{-2}\) at one occasion (Zurita-Heras et al. 2009). The infrared reddening towards IGR J16320-4751 is exceptional and significantly larger than what can be expected from the 21-cm measurements (Chaty et al. 2008). This indicates the presence of large amount of dust in the vicinity of the source that can explain a fraction of the constant X-ray obscuration. IGR J16320-4751 might well be a classical system obscured by the environment and not by intrinsic processes.

Obscured sgHMXBs can, therefore, be understood as classical systems in transition to Roche lobe overflow or with relatively low-velocity winds. As the neutron stars can cut off wind acceleration via ionisation (Stevens and Kallman 1990), the wind can be slower in binaries than in isolated stars. For instance GX 301-2, 4U 1907+09 and EXO 1722-363 feature high absorbing column densities and low wind terminal velocities of 500, 1000 and 600 km/s (Kaper et al. 2006; Kostka and Leahy 2010; Manousakis et al. 2012). Even the companion of Vela X-1 has a wind terminal velocity less than what would be expected from its high luminosity (Kudritzki and Puls 2000). Once the companion is close to overflowing its Roche lobe, deep spiral-in is unavoidable (van den Heuvel and De Loore 1973) and results in a Common Envelope phase (Taam et al. 1978).

Obscured systems account for \({\sim }20~\%\) of the persistent sgHMXBs detected at hard X-rays. This suggests that the systems remain, on average, for about 20,000 years close to Roche lobe overflow.

3.1.3 IGR J16318-4848

IGR J16318-4848, the most obscured persistent sgHMXB, is almost Compton thick with an absorbing column density varying in the range \((1.2{-}2.2)\times 10^{24}\) cm\(^{-2}\) (de Plaa et al. 2003; Ibarra et al. 2007). The X-ray absorption is much larger than that of the infrared counterpart (Revnivtsev et al. 2003). Walter et al. (2003) and Barragán et al. (2009) did not find any significant Fe K\(\alpha \) Compton shoulder indicating that the absorbing column density averaged isotropically is several times lower than observed on the line of sight. IGR J16318-4848 has been detected continuously with INTEGRAL/ISGRI and Swift/BAT for more than 10 years. During this period, the hard X-ray luminosity, averaged over two months or over a year, has shown variability by a factor of only three, respectively two, around an average value of \(10^{35}\) erg/s. This corresponds to the typical behaviour of a classical system with a close to circular orbit and excludes scenarios involving a high eccentricity or a Be system. Flares and low flux states reaching 100 mCrab and \({<}2\) mCrab, respectively, are observed on time scales of some days very regularly. No period is detected.

Walter et al. (2006) suggested that the compact object is orbiting within the dense equatorial outflow of its B[e] super-giant companion. The thickness of the disk was evaluated as \({\sim }0.7\) R\(_*\) (Chaty and Rahoui 2012) and densities \({>}10^{13}\) cm\(^{-3}\) are mentioned in such disks (Levesque et al. 2014), which would correspond to a Hydrogen column density through the disk of \({\sim }10^{24}\) cm\(^{-2}\). If this interpretation is correct the inclination angle of the system on the line of sight should be \({\sim }15^{\circ }\) to explain the absence of a Compton shoulder. Such a geometry does not generate any eclipse if the orbital period is \({\gtrsim }40\) days. Thanks to the high-density wind, the accretion rate on the compact object remains large enough even far away from the companion star. The variability is probably related to hydrodynamic instabilities that the compact object will not fail to be produce. The fate of IGR J16318-4848 is unclear. Chaty and Rahoui (2012) estimated the size of the infrared emitting disk to \({\sim }70\) R\(_*\). If the compact object orbits in the external regions of that disk, the system may end up in a BH/NS binary (Taam and Sandquist 2000).

3.2 Super-giant fast X-ray transients

Super-giant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs) were identified as a new class of sources in 2005 (Sguera et al. 2005; Negueruela et al. 2006b) thanks to the long-term monitoring program of the Galactic plane carried out with INTEGRAL. These hard X-ray transients produce short and bright flares with typical durations of a few hours and peak fluxes of few tens to hundred mCrab (in the energy band \(\sim \)20–100 keV). Given the short and sporadic nature of these events, the large field of view of the IBIS/ISGRI imager on-boad INTEGRAL proved to be particularly well suited to search for SFXT sources (Sguera et al. 2006; Walter and Zurita Heras 2007). So far, about 15 objects have been identified among the SFXTs (Falanga et al. 2011). Outside the short bright events, these sources are hardly detectable with INTEGRAL. Their average persistent X-ray flux is a factor of \(\sim \)10\(^2\)–10\({^5}\) lower than the one at the peak of the bright flares. This is much below the sensitivity level of any presently available large FoV X-ray instrument and thus deep pointed observations with focusing high sensitivity X-ray telescopes are required to study their persistent emission (e.g. XMM-Newton, Chandra, Suzaku, Swift/XRT; Romano et al. 2009b; Sidoli et al. 2008; Romano et al. 2010c; Bozzo et al. 2010; Sidoli et al. 2010; Bodaghee et al. 2011; Bozzo et al. 2012b; Sidoli et al. 2013).

Since 2005, SFTXs have been monitored regularly in the X-rays and a relatively large effort was devoted to perform observations of these sources in different energy domains, spanning from the far IR to \(\gamma \)-rays (Walter 2007) and up to the very high energies (\(\sim \)GeV; Sguera et al. 2009, 2011). It was soon understood that all SFXT systems were hosting a compact object accreting from the wind of a massive companion, typically a super-giant O-B star (Tomsick et al. 2006a, 2008, 2009a; Chaty et al. 2008; Masetti et al. 2008; Negueruela et al. 2008b; Chaty 2010; Bodaghee et al. 2012a). SFXTs were thus classified as a subclass of wind-accreting super-giant X-ray binaries. Accurate spectroscopic classifications of super-giant stars in SFXTs made it possible to establish in a few cases the mass and radius of the star, together with its wind properties (i.e. mass loss rate and terminal velocity; see, e.g. Rahoui et al. 2008 and references therein). The detection of X-ray pulsations in a few sources, with periods ranging from few up to thousand seconds, led to the conclusion that compact objects in SFXTs should be relatively young neutron stars, with magnetic field (at least) as high as 10\(^{11}\)–10\(^{12}\) G (Grebenev and Sunyaev 2007; Bozzo et al. 2008b; Sguera et al. 2010). In several SFXTs, long-term observations carried out with INTEGRAL and Swift also permitted to measure their orbital periods. Reported values span from 3.3 up to 57 days, the only exception being the source IGR J11215-5952 with an orbital period of \(\sim \)168 days (see Table 1). The similarity between sgHMXBs and SFXTs in terms of constituent stars and orbital properties makes it difficult to understand the peculiar behaviour displayed by the latter in the X-ray domain (Bozzo et al. 2013).

A large number of X-ray flares has been recorded so far from the SFXTs and thus the flaring state of these sources is known in fairly good detail (see, e.g. Romano et al. 2013, for recent reviews). INTEGRAL and Swift observations permitted to carry out broad band spectral analysis of these events and it is now established that flares can occur at different luminosity levels, spanning from a few times 10\(^{35}\) to 10\(^{37}\) erg/s. The brightest flares (peaking at \(>\)10\(^{36}\) erg/s) are sometimes called “outbursts” to distinguish them from the lower luminosity events. In four sources flares and outbursts showed evidence of clustering at preferred orbital phases. In the other sources they have been detected at any time during the neutron star revolution around the companion.

The spectral model generally used to fit X-ray spectra of the flares is an absorbed cutoff power-law (e.g. Romano et al. 2011a). The measured parameters are on average very similar to those observed in other classes of young accreting X-ray pulsars: (i) the absorption column density is higher than the Galactic value in the direction of the source due to locally distributed dense material from the stellar wind; (ii) the power-law photon index ranges from 0.5 to 2.0; (iii) the cutoff energy (if any) is between 10 and 30 keV (Sidoli et al. 2009b, c; Ducci et al. 2010). Some flares are accompanied by remarkable increases in the absorption column density, indicative of possible local enhancement in the accreting material around the compact object. Many flares, however, do not show such a feature and are accompanied by relatively modest variations (if any) in the spectral photon index. Thermal spectral components during SFXT flares are rare, at odds with other classes of highly accreting neutron stars. So far, the best examples are these of IGR J08408-4503 (Sidoli et al. 2009a) and AX J1845.0-0433 (Zurita Heras and Walter 2009), where prominent black-body spectra were observed with temperature and emission radius comparable to those expected for a hot spot on the neutron star surface, similar to what is detected in other classes of accreting X-ray pulsars. Long-term observations with wide field instruments also permitted to accurately investigate the duty cycle of SFXTs. The general finding is that these sources spend only a small fraction of their time (\(\lesssim \)5–10 %) in the flaring states (i.e. at luminosities \(\gtrsim \)10\(^{35}\) erg/s; Paizis and Sidoli 2014) and on-average display a much lower persistent luminosity that ranges from 10\(^{32}\) (very low state) to 10\(^{34}\) erg/s (intermediate state).

In contrast with the flaring state, the intermediate and the very low luminosity states of the SFXTs are still poorly known. In these states, the low X-ray luminosity of the SFXTs implies that deep pointed observations lasting several tens of ks (typically about 10–30 ks with XMM-Newton) are required to measure accurately the spectral properties and investigate their time variability with sufficient accuracy. Such long integration times challenge our understanding of processes occurring on the most relevant time scales that are comparable to dynamical processes occurring close to the neutron stare magnetosphere and typically range from a few to hundred seconds. These observations are usually also limited in time to a maximum total exposure time of \(\ll \)100 ks per source, and they can only probe a relatively small fraction of the neutron star orbit around the companion. The picture that was achieved so far of the low emission states of SFXTs thus remains fragmented.

A XMM-Newton observation of IGR J16479-4514 revealed in 2008 that part of the X-ray variability of this source was due to an extended X-ray eclipse, lasting about 0.6 day (Bozzo et al. 2008c). X-ray eclipses were later discovered in IGR J16418-4532 (Drave et al. 2013) and possibly in IGR J16207-5129 and IGR J17354-3255 (Bodaghee et al. 2010; Ducci et al. 2013b). XMM-Newton and Suzaku observations of XTE J1739-302, IGR J17544-2619, IGR J16328-4726 and IGR J08408-4503 revealed the presence of pronounced X-ray variability also during “quiescence”. This variability comprises small flares that occur on the same time scales as the brightest outbursts but reaches peak luminosities that are a factor of 10\(^2\)–10\(^3\) lower. Some of these flares are also accompanied by modest changes in the spectral slope and/or in the value of the local absorption. X-ray dips have been observed in two sources (Bozzo et al. 2012b; Drave et al. 2013). Due to the relatively low statistics of the corresponding data, their nature is still debated but they seem to have a different origin with respect to dips usually observed in low mass X-ray binaries. The latter are usually ascribed to the presence of geometrically thick material on the rim of the accretion disk surrounding the neutron star (Kuulkers et al. 1998). Soft spectral components, dominating the X-ray emission at energies \(\lesssim \)2 keV, have been detected in SFXTs much more often in quiescence than during flaring states (Zurita Heras and Chaty 2009; Bozzo et al. 2010; Sidoli 2010). In the case of XTE J1739-302 and AX J1845.0-0433 these components have been mainly ascribed to the reprocessing of the X-ray emission from the neutron star by the surrounding wind material (Hickox et al. 2004), but in the case of IGR J08408-4503 it was argued that the soft X-ray emission could have been produced within the super-giant wind itself. The temperature and luminosity of this component resembled, indeed, that of close-by isolated super-giant stars (see, e.g. the case of \(\zeta \)-Puppis; Nazé et al. 2012 and references therein). If confirmed, this would suggest that accretion during the lowest luminosity periods displayed by some SFXTs might be strongly inhibited: X-ray observations of SFXTs in these states could then be used to directly probe the properties of their super-giant companions’ wind.

Interesting spectral and timing behaviours have thus been revealed from “quiescent” SFXTs (i.e. outside the flaring states), but it is not clear yet if such phenomena occur in all sources or if they are peculiar of a few specific systems. As we argue later in this section, the latter seems so far the most reliable conclusion and thus SFXTs might need to be divided in a number of sub-classes.

Table 2 Super-giant fast X-ray transient candidates: variability of the hard X-ray luminosity and orbital parameters

Early models proposed to interpret the peculiar X-ray variability of the SFXTs ascribed the fast flaring behaviour to the presence of very pronounced eccentricities coupled with inhomogeneous super-giant winds (Negueruela et al. 2008b; Chaty 2010). This hypothesis was severely challenged already in 2009 when short orbital periods were measured in a few SFXTs (e.g. IGR J16479-4514 and IGR J17544-2619). As these systems display similar properties as those with much longer orbital periods (e.g. XTE J1739-302; Drave et al. 2010), it is unlikely that the separation between the neutron star and the companion is playing a central role in triggering the SFXT variability. In analogy with classical HMXBs, different possibilities have been considered to explain the SFXT behaviour, including large inhomogeneities in the wind (“clumps”), magnetic/centrifugal gates due to the magnetic field and rotation of the neutron star and hydrodynamical effects. At odds with the classical HMXBs, all these possibilities require extreme values of the involved parameters to match the SFXT dynamical range in the X-ray luminosity. The orbital characteristics of these sources mostly affect the way in which different effects combine to give rise to the pronounced variability (see Sect. 4). We summarized in Table 2 the most relevant properties of all known confirmed and candidate SFXT sources. By taking advantage of all information published in the past \(\sim \)10 years on these sources, we organised the SFXTs in the four sub-groups listed below.

  1. 1.

    Classic-like systems:

These are variable systems behaving very much like classical sgHMXB:

  • IGR J16418-4532 is the most distant SFXT and the only one persistently detected above \(10^{36}\) erg/s and reaching the Eddington luminosity during flares. This suggests that the system is close to Roche lobe overflow (Sidoli et al. 2012). The absence of strong orbital modulation indicates that its transient nature is likely related either to some hydrodynamic properties of the accretion stream (Manousakis et al. 2012) and/or that a temporary accretion disk might form around the neutron star (see also Ducci et al. 2010, and references therein). The range of luminosity is similar to that observed in Vela X-1.

  • The five sources IGR J17354-3255, IGR J16207-5129, IGR J16328-4726, AX J16195-4945 and IGR J16465-4507, with intermediate orbital periods, feature a low variability amplitude with flares reaching a flux a few tens of times the average source level. The hard X-ray luminosities are in the range \(10^{35-36}\) erg/s. These characteristics are comparable to those of some classical sgHMHB.

  • The source IGR J11215-5952 is the only one displaying a long period of activity at periastron, most likely related to its anomalously large orbit and eccentricity (for an HMXB). The duration of the pronounced activity at periastron is much shorter than that usually observed from Be-systems, thus suggesting that accretion is never mediated through a stable accretion disk. The variability properties of IGR J11215-5952 more likely resemble those of GX 301-2, a classical sgHMXBs displaying a remarkably peaked X-ray activity around periastron.

  1. 2.

    Fast transients reaching anomalously low luminosities:

The four sources IGR J16479-4514, IGR J17544-2619, AX J18410-0536 and AX J18450-0433 display short orbital periods and large variability with average and minimal luminosities (\({\lesssim } 10^{34}\) erg/s) and typical flare luminosities \({\gtrsim } 10\) times lower (see Fig. 7) than expected in classical systems with such orbits (Oskinova et al. 2012).

  • IGR J16479-4514: Sidoli et al. (2013) analysed a Suzaku observation covering an almost complete orbit of the system. Apart from the eclipse-related variability, the luminosity remained at a level of \({\sim } 10^{34}\) erg/s with a variability less than a factor of 10. Flares at two specific orbital phases and an \(N_H \approx 10^{23}\) cm\(^{-2}\) suggest the presence of accretion streams comparable to these found in obscured systems. Flares up to a level of \(10^{36}\) erg/s were detected by Swift/XRT (La Parola et al. 2010b) while the source remained below \(10^{34}\) erg/s for 20 % of the time (Romano et al. 2014a). Note that the distance to the source is uncertain and that the luminosities quoted above could be significantly larger. No spin period is available.

  • IGR J17544-2619: Drave et al. (2014) and Romano et al. (2014a) observed that its X-ray luminosity varies mostly in the range \(10^{33-35}\) erg/s with some flares reaching few \(10^{36}\) erg/s. The source activity shows a clear peak at periastron, reminiscent of the building up of a tidal stream, and a minimum at apastron. The average source luminosity of \(10^{34}\) erg/s is well below the expectation for such a short orbital period. The detection of a CRSF indicating a magnetic field of \(10^{12}\) G (Bhalerao et al. 2015) speaks against magnetic gating.

  • AX J1845.0-0433: Zurita Heras and Walter (2009) caught an outburst of the source with XMM-Newton and concluded that it was likely related to the accretion of a clump with a mass of \({\sim } 10^{22}\) g. The flare spectrum was steep and included a soft component with an absorption corrected luminosity (0.2–10 keV) of \(10^{36}\) erg/s (and \({\approx } 10^{35}\) erg/s at hard X-rays). The spectra observed by INTEGRAL/ISGRI and Swift/BAT averaged over the missions are 10 times fainter. The X-ray lightcurves indicate that the source can shut down in a few minutes, corresponding to the free fall time at the accretion radius. A minimum luminosity of \(0.5\times 10^{34}\) erg/s (0.7–10 keV) was reported by Yamauchi et al. (1995). No spin period is available.

  • AX J1841.0-0536: Bozzo et al. (2011b) studied an outburst of the source well-sampled by XMM-Newton. A luminosity of the source (1–10 keV) was \({\approx } 4\times 10^{32}\) erg/s in quiescence and reached \({\approx } 4\times 10^{35}\) at the flare peak. The flare characteristics, in particular the evolution of the absorption, could be well explained by the ingestion of a wind clump with a mass of \({\sim } 10^{22}\) g. Suzaku detected a similar flare and a quiescent luminosity of \(10^{34}\) erg/s (1–10 keV; Kawabata Nobukawa et al. 2012). The source is found to be 28 % of the time below a luminosity of \(10^{34}\) erg/s by Swift/XRT (Romano et al. 2014a). An average luminosity (20–100 keV) of \({\sim } 10^{34}\) erg/s can be derived from ISGRI and BAT data. No spin period is available.

The behaviour of this sub-class of SFXT systems could be related to abnormal low mass-loss rates, high wind velocities or gating mechanisms (Bozzo et al. 2013). The flares with a duration of a few hours are probably frequent (\({\sim }P_\mathrm{orb}\)) but not that often detected (in particular in AX J18410-0536, where the hard X-ray flares are at the limit of sensitivity, but for which a flare was detected by chance when observed by XMM-Newton).

  1. 3.

    Eccentric transients:

The three sources IGR J18483-0311, SAX J18186-1703 and XTE J1739-302 display large X-ray variability and short flares clustered at a specific orbital phase. The maximum luminosities reach few \(10^{36}\) erg/s. The minimum (and average) luminosities detected decrease with the orbital period. The range of luminosities observed are not far from those expected by orbital modulation, if the intrinsic variability observed in classical systems is taken into account (Fig. 6). Note that the minimum observed in SAX J18186-1703 was detected only once and could be an outlier (Bozzo et al. 2008a; Zurita Heras and Chaty 2009).

  1. 4.

    Unclear systems:

The last three sources IGR J08408-4503, IGR J18462-0233 and AX J18205-1434 are difficult to categorize, mostly because of a lack of good observations. IGR J08408-4503 and IGR J18462-0233 have unknown orbital periods and only a few flares were observed. Their average luminosities are very low, which may indicate eccentric orbits. AX J18205-1434 could be an eccentric classical sgHMXB; however, the high-mass nature of its companion was not firmly established yet.

According to our classification above, it appears that the SFXT class comprises seven systems with variability properties relatively similar to classical sgHMXBs (one in Roche-lobe overflow) and seven more extreme fast transients. The main peculiar property of the latter group is not the luminosity of the flares, but rather their low persistent luminosity which is on average much lower than expected when compared to classical systems. As we discuss further in Sect. 4, the spread in the properties of winds from super-giant stars and their intrinsic inhomogeneity can be invoked to interpret reasonably well the X-ray variability of the “classic-like systems”.

For the “fast transients reaching anomalously low luminosities”, featuring short orbital periods, additional mechanisms are required to explain their behaviour in the X-ray domain. As the average luminosity of these systems is significantly lower than expected (i.e. when comparing with classical systems with similar orbital periods), the additional mechanisms need to account for a substantial reduction of the mass accretion rate along the orbit of the compact object. In Sect. 4 we show that efficient “gating” mechanisms to inhibit the accretion onto the compact objects can be realized by taking into account the neutron star rotation and magnetic field. The need for gating mechanisms in the “eccentric transients” is somehow less critical than in the previous subclass, as the eccentric and elongated orbits of these systems also contribute to enhance their dynamic range in the X-ray luminosity and decrease its average value over each orbital revolution.

3.3 Be systems, X-ray pulsars and properties of cyclotron absorption lines

Binary systems with Be stars as secondaries constitute a substantial part of all HMXBs. By definition, Be stars are non super-giant B-type stars that have shown emission lines in their spectra, originating from a circumstellar disk expelled by a rapidly rotating star (Porter and Rivinius 2003). A majority of these systems are transient sources exhibiting two type of outbursts. Type I outbursts are caused by the enhanced mass accretion rate close to periastron, last for 0.2–0.3 \(P_\mathrm{orb}\) and peak to \({\sim } 10^{37}\) erg s\(^{-1}\). The rare type II outbursts, reaching the Eddington luminosity, can last for several orbital periods and are probably related to events of stellar activity that may finally lead to the disappearance of the circumstellar disc.

Observing transient X-ray pulsars in bright outburst is essential to understand the physical processes at play close to the neutron star surface and in particular the response of the “neutron star–magnetosphere” system to the variability of the mass accretion rate on different time scales.

As Reig (2011) wrote a detailed review of the observational properties of Be systems and related models, we are concentrating here only on some recent results obtained at hard X-rays.

Thanks to the number of wide field of view X-ray telescopes operating during the past decade (RXTE/ASM, Swift, INTEGRAL, MAXI), practically all major Be outbursts in this period could be detected and 8 new galactic BeXBs were discovered increasing the sample of these sources to 60; before INTEGRAL’s launch this number was 52 (Liu et al. 2006).

The Be nature was confidently established for six of the newly discovered sources. Five systems feature pulsations with periods ranging from 12 to \({\sim }700\) s (IGR J01583+6713, IGR J11435-6109, IGR J13020-6359, IGR J19294+1816, IGR J22534+6243) and orbital periods have been determined for four systems (IGR J01363+6610, IGR J11305-6256, IGR J11435-6109, IGR J19294+1816). More details on these systems can be found in Table 1.

INTEGRAL was able to promptly observe dozens of bright type I and type II outbursts. As a result, comprehensive studies of spectral and timing properties of these transients were performed in a wide energy band for different time scales and source luminosities. In particular new CRSFs were discovered in the spectra of several X-ray pulsars (e.g. RX J0440.9+4431, EXO 2030+375, see Table 3).

Broad CRSF features are detected in a subset of the accreting X-ray pulsars. The first CRSF was detected in the spectrum of the X-ray pulsar Her X-1 (Truemper et al. 1978), a low-mass X-ray binary. By now cyclotron absorption lines were detected in the spectra of more than two dozens accreting pulsars. In four of them higher harmonics (up to the fifth!) were detected as well. Typical spectra detected by INTEGRAL for X-ray pulsars are shown on Fig. 10 for V 0332+53 (Tsygankov et al. 2006), which includes a CRSF with two higher harmonics, and LMC X-4 (Tsygankov and Lutovinov 2005a) which does not.

The list of X-ray pulsars with confirmed cyclotron absorption lines in their spectra is presented in Table 3. Many CRSF were discovered with data from Ginga and RXTE. INTEGRAL contributed to new detections and to detailed studies of known lines thanks to its large effective area and high sensitivity in the energy range where most of CRSFs are located (10–70 keV).

Fig. 10
figure 10

Energy spectra of two X-ray pulsars: V 0332+53 (red squares) with three harmonics of the cyclotron absorption line and LMC X-4 (blue circles) without such a feature (INTEGRAL data)

Table 3 List of X-ray pulsars with known cyclotron lines

The emission spectra of X-ray pulsars are usually approximated by phenomenological power law models modified by an exponential cutoff at energies above 15–30 keV (White et al. 1983). Physical spectral models (see, e.g. Nagel 1981; Meszaros and Nagel 1985; Becker and Wolff 2005, 2007) were constructed only for specific configurations of the emitting regions and are not able to explain in a self-consistent manner the variety of the observations.

The interaction of the radiation with the accreted matter in strong magnetic and gravitational fields is a complex problem. A number of authors attempted to simulate the shape of the continuum and CRSFs as a function of the pulse phase, source luminosity, geometry of the emission regions, etc (see, e.g. Araya and Harding 1999; Araya-Góchez and Harding 2000; Schönherr et al. 2007; Harding and Lai 2006; Nishimura 2008 and references therein).

The comparison of the model predictions with the observations, however, still fails to provide strong constrains on the physical parameters of the accretion regions due both to the limitations of the present-day hard X-ray telescopes and the complexity of the models.

An important result of INTEGRAL is the discovery of an anti-correlation between the cyclotron energy and the X-ray luminosity in the transient X-ray pulsars V 0332+53 (Tsygankov et al. 2006; Mowlavi et al. 2006) and 4U 0115+63 (Nakajima et al. 2006; Tsygankov et al. 2007; but see Müller et al. 2013; Boldin et al. 2013 for the influence of the continuum spectral shape). This result initiated a systematic study of the cyclotron energy properties as a function of the source luminosity.

This behaviour was interpreted with a change of the geometry of the accretion column, which is rising above the neutron star surface at luminosities higher than the critical one (Basko and Sunyaev 1976; Mushtukov et al. 2015). Nishimura (2008, 2014) modelled the cyclotron line by the sum of the contributions emerging from individual line-forming regions along the accretion column with different magnetic field strength, temperature and density. An increase of the mass accretion rate causes the emergence of additional line-forming regions with lower magnetic fields that lead to a decrease of the cyclotron energy.

Another recent model (Poutanen et al. 2013) suggests that a significant part of the accretion column radiation is intercepted and reflected by the neutron star surface because of relativistic beaming. Variations of the accretion column height lead to a shift of the illuminated part of the neutron star surface toward the equator where the magnetic field is weaker. This naturally causes the observed anti-correlation of the cyclotron line energy with luminosity. Moreover, this model is able to explain the amplitude of the cyclotron energy variability which is smaller than would otherwise be anticipated for the corresponding luminosity changes.

Further observations of X-ray pulsars during bright outbursts are needed to discriminate between the models.

For low-luminosity sources an opposite behaviour of the cyclotron energy with the luminosity has been observed (Staubert et al. 2007; Yamamoto et al. 2011; Klochkov et al. 2012). This has been explained by a squeeze of the emitting region towards the neutron star surface (where the magnetic field is higher) triggered by the ram pressure of the in-falling matter (Staubert et al. 2007).

The measurements of the cyclotron line energy as a function of luminosity are presented in Fig. 11 for the sources with known positive and negative correlations (shown by blue and red points, respectively). Finally, it is worth to note that for some transient pulsars no dependence of the cyclotron energy on luminosity has been detected for a wide range of luminosities (see, e.g. Caballero et al. 2013, for A 0535+26).

Fig. 11
figure 11

Cyclotron line energy dependence on the luminosity for the X-ray pulsars V 0332+53 (from Tsygankov et al. 2010), 4U 0115+63 (from Tsygankov et al. 2007), GX 304-1 (from Klochkov et al. 2012), Her X-1 (from Staubert et al. 2007) and Vela X-1 (the energy of the first harmonic divided by two is used; from Fürst et al. 2014b). Sources with positive and negative correlations of the cyclotron line energy with luminosity are shown by blue and red points, respectively

Apart from the transient BeXBs, Reig and Roche (1999) pointed out the existence of persistent sources of the same Be/X type, but with low luminosities (\(10^{34}{-}10^{35}\) erg/s). Such objects are usually characterised by wide (\(P_\mathrm{orb}\gtrsim 200\) days) and low-eccentricity (\(e\lesssim 0.2\)) orbits, suggesting small natal kick (Pfahl et al. 2002), and by thermal excesses with a temperature of about \(kT\simeq 1\) keV for a small emission region (\(R < 0.5\) km). INTEGRAL detected very hard spectra in some of these systems. In particular, X Persei and RX J0440.9+4431 were detected significantly up to \({\sim }160\) keV (Doroshenko et al. 2012b; Lutovinov et al. 2012a) and \({\sim }120\) keV (Tsygankov et al. 2012), respectively. Broadband spectra of both sources are shown in Fig. 12 for illustration. Both cyclotron absorption lines and hard X-ray emission can be clearly seen.

4 Wind accretion: a chaotic process

4.1 Slick winds

In the simplest approximation, the wind of a massive star is considered to be spherically symmetric and its properties are described by the so-called “CAK” model (from the initials of its three inventors; Castor et al. 1975). This model predicts that symmetric and homogeneous winds stream outward from the stars as their atmospheres are not in hydrostatic equilibrium and gravity is overcome by gas and radiation pressure. The latter is generated by the high luminosity of the star, reaching \(\sim \)10\(^6\) L\(_{\odot }\) in super-giants. The absorption of radiation in spectral lines provides the means to transfer energy and momentum to the out-flowing material and thus accelerates the wind up to velocities of \(v_{\infty }\simeq 1000{-}3000\) km/s, following a \(\beta \)-law (Lamers and Cassinelli 1999):

$$\begin{aligned} v_w = v_{\infty } (1-R_0/r)^{\beta }, , \end{aligned}$$

where \(R_0=R_*[1-(v_0/v_{\infty })^{1/\beta }]\), \(R_*\) is the radius of the super-giant star, \(v_0/v_{\infty }\simeq 0.01\) and \(v_{\infty }\) is the terminal wind velocity. Typical mass loss rates carried away by these fast winds are in the range \(\dot{M}_w\simeq 10^{-7}{-}10^{-5}\) M\(_{\odot }\)/year.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Broadband energy spectra of X Persei and RX J0440.9+4431 obtained with JEM-X (red crosses) and IBIS (blue circles) on board INTEGRAL, RXTE/PCA (magenta crosses) and Swift/XRT (green crosses). Broad cyclotron absorption lines \({\simeq }30\) keV and the hard X-ray emission above 100 keV are clearly visible in both sources. The spectrum of RX J0440.9+4431 is multiplied by a coefficient 0.2 for clarity

According to the classical wind accretion scenario, the wind material flowing at supersonic velocities from the super-giant companion is shocked at a certain distance from the neutron star and then freely falls toward the surface of the compact object where it is accreted (see, e.g. Frank et al. 1992 and references therein). The distance of the (bow-) shock from the NS is usually termed the “accretion radius” and can be estimated as

$$\begin{aligned} R_\mathrm{acc}=2GM_\mathrm{NS}/v_{\mathrm{rel}}^2 \simeq 2GM_\mathrm{NS}/v_{w}^2 = 3.7 \times 10^{10} v_8^{-2}~\mathrm{cm}. \end{aligned}$$

In the above equation we neglected the NS orbital velocity and approximated \(v_{w}\sim v_{\infty }\) (\(v_8\) corresponds \(v_{\infty }\) in units of \(10^8\) cm/s). A NS mass of 1.4 M\(_{\odot }\) is considered throughout this section. \(R_\mathrm{acc}\) also defines the typical NS cross-section with respect to the wind material flowing around and thus determines the effective fraction of the mass lost from the super-giant that the NS is able to capture at any time. If we assume as a first-order approximation that the wind from the super-giant star is spherically symmetric, then we can express the mass loss rate at a distance r from the star as \(\dot{M}_w=4\pi \rho _w(a)a^2v_{w}\) and the NS mass capture rate as \(\dot{M}_\mathrm{acc}=\pi \rho _w(a)R_\mathrm{acc}^2 v_{w}\), where a is the orbital separation between the NS and its companion. It is thus clear that only a tiny fraction of the total mass loss rate from the super-giant star can be effectively accreted onto the NS:

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{{\dot{M}}_\mathrm{acc}}{{\dot{M}}_w}\simeq \frac{1}{4} \left( \frac{R_\mathrm{acc}}{a}\right) ^2 \sim 2 \times 10^{-5} v_8^{-4} a_{10\mathrm{d}}^{-2}. \end{aligned}$$

We have assumed in the equation above a circular orbit a binary orbital period of 10 days and a total mass for the two stars of 30 \(\hbox {M}_{\odot }\), i.e.

$$\begin{aligned} a = 4.2 \times 10^{12} P_{10\mathrm{d}}^{2/3} M_{30}^{1/3} = 4.2 \times 10^{12} a_{10\mathrm{d}}. \end{aligned}$$

The accretion of all the captured material onto the neutron star gives rise to a total X-ray luminosity of

$$\begin{aligned} L_X = \frac{GM_\mathrm{NS}{\dot{{M}}_\mathrm{acc}}}{R_\mathrm{NS}} \simeq 2 \times 10^{35} {\dot{M}}_{-6} a_{10\mathrm{d}}^{-2} v_8^{-4}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\dot{M}_{-6}\) is the super-giant mass loss rate in units of 10\(^{-6}\) M\(_{\odot }\) year\(^{-1}\). This regime, in which all the mass captured by the NS is accreted onto its surface, is usually called “direct accretion regime”.

Despite the initial success of the CAK model and the smooth wind accretion scenario described above (Vink et al. 2000), observational results proved in the past few years that these calculations are oversimplified as massive star winds are inherently inhomogeneous and the inhomogeneities play an important role in the accretion process.

4.2 Take the rough with the smooth

The most direct evidence for the presence of inhomogeneities in stellar winds is provided by the detection of peculiar features in the spectra of Wolf–Rayet and O-stars (Eversberg et al. 1998; Lépine and Moffat 1999). Linear stability analyses already proved in the early 80s (Lucy and White 1980) that line-driven winds are unstable for velocity perturbations. During the non-linear growth of the instability, high-speed material steepens into strong reverse shocks that compress most of the wind mass into finite dense “clumps” and leave the surroundings filled up with a lower density medium (Owocki et al. 1988). Initial 1D hydrodynamic simulations showed that clumps merge and grow in size while moving away from the stellar surface, leading to large variations in the local density (up to 4 orders of magnitude) and velocity (a factor of few). In these simulations, collisions between clumps were also shown to be able to produce a remarkable amount of X-rays (Feldmeier 1995; Feldmeier et al. 1997; Cohen et al. 2010; Oskinova et al. 2011, 2012; Leutenegger et al. 2013). 2D hydrodynamical simulations later questioned the formation of large clumps, as in the multi-dimensional approach these structures are disrupted by the thin-shell and Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities (Dessart and Owocki 2002, 2003, 2005). At present, a general agreement on the formation and characteristics of the clumps is still missing (Puls et al. 2008; Sundqvist et al. 2012; Šurlan et al. 2013).

The debate on the clump properties intensified in the early 2000s due to the suggestion that the enhanced density of these structures could be the main driver of the pronounced X-ray variability displayed by many high mass X-ray binaries. Starting from the initial investigations presented by Sako et al. (2003), several studies adopted this interpretation and used detailed X-ray timing and spectroscopic observations of classical super-giant HMXBs to infer the properties of clumps (i.e. mass, density, size and velocity). The effect of clumps on the high-energy emission from these sources is twofold. Clumps simply passing in front of the X-ray source cause source dimming or even obscuration and display the signatures of photoelectric absorption. In addition to these phenomena, clumps that lead to increased accretion also give rise to large variations of the X-ray luminosity (qualitatively speaking, the instantaneous mass accretion rate onto the NS is proportional to the density of the surrounding wind material) and thus the encounter with a clump can lead to an immediate increase of the X-ray luminosity by a factor of \(\sim \)10–100 for a few thousand seconds; see Eq. 5). Under these assumptions, the masses (radii) of clumps derived from the currently available X-ray data would be in the range \(10^{18}{-}10^{20}\) g (\(10^{10}{-}10^{11}\) cm), in agreement with what is expected from simulations and observations of isolated super-giant stars (Kreykenbohm et al. 2008). Fürst et al. (2010) analysed in details a long INTEGRAL data-set of Vela X-1 and showed that the X-ray count-rate recorded from this source typically follows a log-normal distribution. They demonstrated through a MonteCarlo approach that such differential distribution would be expected in case wind accretion onto a neutron star occurs from a highly-structured clumpy medium. A similar result was found for a number of other classical sgHMXBs by exploiting the usage of cumulative luminosity distributions (Paizis and Sidoli 2014). These studies thus seemed to provide a strong support in favour of clumps being the key ingredient triggering the X-ray variability displayed by classical sgHMXBs.

This conclusion is challenged by new hydrodynamic simulations of accreting neutron stars in sgHXMBs (Manousakis and Walter 2015a), in which the required level of X-ray variability in Vela X-1 is reproduced by assuming only smooth winds and including the development of hydrodynamic instabilities and the effects of photo-ionisation to modulate the mass accretion rate onto the compact object. The collision between the primary stellar wind, slowed by photo-ionisation and flowing outwards and a gas stream flowing inwards from the tidal stream generates a shock front that moves inwards and outwards regularly creating transient low-density bubbles. This “breathing” mechanism generates instantaneous accretion rates 10 times lower than predicted previously, log normal luminosity distributions with variations by a factor of \(10^3\) and transient modulations. The identification of a mechanism that can explain both the observed variability amplitude and distribution and quasi-periods is encouraging. Log normal distributions are the signature of a self-organised criticality. In our case the criticality condition is the angular momentum of the shock front discussed above which could alternatively lead or trail the neutron star.

When an accretion stream can develop in a classical system, the hydrodynamical effects of the neutron star are strong enough to explain the observed variability. An important question that is currently under investigation is whether intrinsically clumped winds would survive and have significant additional effect when compared to these of the neutron star. The observability through absorption of the presence of strong tidal streams matching the results of simulations based on CAK winds (Manousakis et al. 2012) indicate that line driven instability plays a minor role in forming the global structure of the wind close to the surface of the star.

In 2005, the discovery of the super-giant fast X-ray transients (SFXT) opened new questions regarding physical processes at work during wind accretion onto NSs. As reported in Sect. 3.2, the SFXTs are far from being a homogeneous class of sources and thus we shall discuss them separately.

For the SFXTs that we classified as relatively similar to “classical systems”, the observed variabilities are not larger than these observed in Vela X-1 (or GX 301-2, in the case of IGR J11215-5952 that has a very eccentric orbit). The X-ray dynamic range in these sources could tentatively be associated with hydrodynamically generated small-scale inhomogeneities. The additional variability observed in “eccentric transients” can be accommodated for by the variation of the wind density along the orbit.

For the four SFXTs that we classified as “fast transients” the above explanations are not viable and other mechanisms have to be invoked. In these four systems, the compact objects orbit close to their companions and should generate tidal streams but feature anomalously low luminosities (\({<}10^{34}\) erg/s) in quiescence. Despite the uncertainties still affecting our knowledge of the mass loss rates from OB super-giants(Puls et al. 2008; Vink et al. 2000), Eq. 5 shows that sgHMXBs with periods of 4–5 days should have typically an average luminosity of \({\gtrsim }10^{36}\) erg s\(^{-1}\). The flares, therefore, roughly reach the luminosities expected on average for smooth winds but the minimal luminosities are much too low (Romano et al. 2014b), suggesting a mechanism quenching accretion most of the time rather than generating inhomogeneities. The wind clump scenario (Walter and Zurita Heras 2007) can perhaps explain density ratios up to \(10^{3-5}\) (Runacres and Owocki 2005) between the clump and inter-clump medium. Such density contrasts are, however, predicted relatively far from the surface (\({\sim }10\)R\(_*\)) of the companion and low and large densities are expected i.e. flares and low states. This is not matching the observations.

4.3 Magnetic gating

Grebenev and Sunyaev (2007) and Bozzo et al. (2008c) proposed that such inhibition of accretion can occur due to centrifugal and/or magnetic gates related to the pulsar magnetic field and rotation. It is known since the early 70s that direct accretion onto a magnetized neuron star can occur only if the rotation of the compact object is slow enough to allow its magnetospheric boundary \(R_m\) to reside within the so-called corotation radius:

$$\begin{aligned} R_{\mathrm{co}}=3.7\times 10^{9} P_{s2}^{2/3}~\hbox {cm} \end{aligned}$$

(here \(P_{s2}\) is the NS spin period in units of 100 s). \(R_{\mathrm{co}}\) represents the distance from the NS at which a particle attached to its corotating magnetic field lines would reach a velocity comparable with the local Keplerian velocity; the condition \(R_m<R_{\mathrm{co}}\) thus ensures that the accreting flow is not pushed outward (rather than accreted) by the rapidly rotating compact object. In case of wind accretion, the NS magnetospheric boundary \(R_m\) can be roughly estimated by equating the magnetic to the free-fall pressure of the accreting material:

$$\begin{aligned} R_{m}=3.3\times 10^{9} \dot{M}_{-6}^{-1/6} a_{10\mathrm{d}}^{1/3} v_8^{-1/6} \mu _{30}^{1/3}. \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(\mu =B_\mathrm{NS} R_\mathrm{NS}^{3}\) is the neutron star magnetic moment and \(\mu _{30}=\mu /(10^{30})\) G cm\(^{3}\), for typical parameters (i.e. \(R_\mathrm{NS}=10^6\) cm and \(B_\mathrm{NS}=10^{12}\) G). By using Eqs. (6) and (7), we thus conclude that direct accretion cannot occur in case of (i) strongly magnetized (\(\mu _{30}\gg 1\)) and/or rapidly rotating (\(P_{s2}\ll 1\)) NSs, (ii) very slow wind velocities (\(v_8\ll 1\)) and/or low mass accretion rates (\({\dot{M}}_{-6}\ll 1\)). When \(R_m \gtrsim R_{\mathrm{co}}\), the centrifugal gate closes and the so-called “propeller” regime sets-in (Illarionov and Sunyaev 1975), inhibiting a large fraction of the accretion. A precise estimate of the expected drop in the mass accretion rate is difficult to be provided, due to the occurrence of numerous physical processes and instabilities that cannot be taken into account in a simplified theoretical calculation. More sophisticated multi-dimensional simulations of the propeller regime have been carried out in the past years, supporting the above findings. However, these simulations could not include yet all relevant 3D magneto-hydrodynamic instabilities that dramatically affect plasma entry into the NS magnetosphere and thus the mass accretion rate (see, e.g. Toropin et al. 1999; Romanova et al. 2003 and references therein).

Accretion can also be inhibited by invoking a magnetic, rather than a centrifugal barrier. The magnetic barrier sets-in when \(R_m \gtrsim R_\mathrm{acc}\). In this condition, the inflowing material from the super-giant star cannot be gravitationally focused toward the compact object and it gets deflected away (rather than accreted) by the NS magnetosphere. For typical parameters, the expected drop in the mass accretion rate compared to the direct accretion regime can be as large as a factor of \({\gtrsim }100\). By using the Eqs. 2 and 7, the condition \(R_m \gtrsim R_\mathrm{acc}\) can be written as

$$\begin{aligned} \dot{M}_{-6} \lesssim 4.5 \times 10^{-7} \mu _{30}^{2} a_{10\mathrm{d}}^{2} v_8^{11}. \end{aligned}$$

It can thus be easily deduced that the magnetic gating requires strong NS magnetic fields (\(B\gg 10^{12}\) G) to be applicable in the SFXT case.

The magnetic and centrifugal gates can also operate simultaneously when both the conditions \(R_m \gtrsim R_{\mathrm{co}}\) and \(R_m \gtrsim R_\mathrm{acc}\) are satisfied. As \(R_\mathrm{acc} \sim 10^{10}\) cm for typical parameters, the latter case is realized only when the corotation radius is also of the same order, i.e. in case of NS endowed with long spin periods (\({\gtrsim }1000\) s, see Eq. 6). If both magnetic and centrifugal gates are at work together, the lowest X-ray luminosity regime can be achieved with a total drop in the mass accretion rate by a factor of \(10^{4}{-}10^{5}\). Gating models thus suggest that the peculiar X-ray variability of the SFXTs could be related to different values of the magnetic field and spin period of the NS hosted in these systems compared to classical sgHMXBs. In particular, the longer spin periods and more intense magnetic fields of the SFXTs could permit to achieve easily a dynamic range in the X-ray luminosity of \(10^{4}{-}10^{5}\), by assuming only the presence of moderately dense clumps in the wind of the super-giant star.

Even though large magnetic fields are not always required for the gating models to be applicable to the SFXTs, the recent discovery of a possible cyclotron line at \(\sim \)17 keV in the X-ray spectrum of one of the most highly variable SFXTs raised questions on the possibility of having very strongly magnetized NSs in these sources (Bhalerao et al. 2015). Such spectral feature would, indeed, indicate a NS magnetic field as low as \({\sim }10^{12}\) G.

4.4 Cooling switch

A different mechanism to halt the mass accretion flow in sgHMXBs and SFXTs was proposed by Shakura et al. (2012). These authors developed in details the previously proposed idea of the so-called “subsonic accretion regime” (Davies and Pringle 1981; Ikhsanov 2007). According to Elsner and Lamb (1977), the wind material halted at \(R_\mathrm{acc}\) is able to fall freely and accrete at the rate indicated by Eq. (3) only if it can be rapidly cooled below a critical temperature. The latter is determined by the operating condition of the Rayleigh–Taylor instability (RTI), the main mechanism allowing material to penetrate the NS magnetosphere and to get accreted onto the surface of the compact object. The wind material at the accretion radius is cooled by Compton scattering with lower energy photons produced close to the neutron star as a consequence of the on-going accretion. Shakura et al. (2012) demonstrated that systems endowed with an X-ray luminosity \({\lesssim }4\times 10^{36}\) erg s\(^{-1}\) cannot cool rapidly enough the material at \(R_\mathrm{acc}\), and thus a hot envelope is formed around the NS in which the radial velocity of the inflowing material is significantly lower than the free-fall value. In these conditions, material can be cooled down sufficiently for the RTI to operate only close to the inner magnetospheric boundary \(R_m\), and detailed calculations show that the reduced mass accretion rate corresponds to roughly 30 % of the value given in Eq. (3).

In sources with even lower X-ray luminosities (\({\ll }10^{36}\) erg/s), Compton cooling is not efficient enough to cool material located even in the closest proximity of the NS magnetospheric boundary and the system enters a radiatively (bremsstrahlung) cooling regime. In this case, only \({\lesssim }10~\%\) of the mass flow rate given by the Eq. (3) is allowed to penetrate the NS magnetosphere and be accreted onto the surface of the compact object. On the one hand, Shakura et al. (2013) suggested that a switch from the Compton to the radiatively cooling dominated settling regime could be invoked to explain the off-states displayed by several sgHMXBs (see also Sect. 3.1.1). Such switch would be caused by the change from the fan to the pencil-beam emission typically observed in young accreting X-ray pulsars at luminosities \({\lesssim }10^{36}\) erg/s. Indeed, due to geometrical constraints, the pencil-beamed emission cannot illuminate sufficiently the inner boundary of the NS magnetosphere with the X-rays emitted from the compact objects, thus largely inhibiting the RTI and leading to the onset of the radiatively dominated settling accretion regime. On the other hand, Shakura et al. (2014) also suggested that a similar mechanism could be responsible for the peculiar X-ray variability displayed by the SFXTs. As these sources are typically characterised by an average X-ray luminosity \({\lesssim }10^{34}\) erg/s, the authors proposed that SFXTs are in the radiatively dominated regime for most of the time. According to this interpretation, the bright SFXT flares/outbursts would correspond to peculiar episodes of enhanced accretion during which the hot envelope around the NS magnetospheric boundary collapses and is accreted at once onto the NS. In their model, the collapse is induced by sporadic reconnections between rare magnetized clumps (transporting both the radial and tangential components of the super-giant star magnetic field) and the NS magnetic field lines close to \(R_m\).

Although Shakura et al. (2014) showed that the accretion of the entire mass contained in the hot envelope would produce the required amount of X-rays to explain the emission recorded during SFXT flares/outbursts, the model still fails to explain why SFXTs should be characterised a priori by a lower averaged mass accretion rate than all other sgHMXBs. If no gating mechanism is at work to maintain an accretion rate low enough to sustain the formation of a hot envelope around the NS, the only remaining alternative to explain the low average luminosity of the SFXTs would be that their super-giant stars have systematically faster and/or less dense winds compared to other OB super-giants in classical sgHMXBs. This hypothesis seems, however, unlikely given the fact that the spectroscopic classifications of OB super-giants in SFXTs and classical sgHMXBs show no systematic differences (Bozzo et al. 2013).

5 Populations of HMXBs

The properties of individual X-ray binaries in nearby galaxies have been studied for more than a decade, in particular after the launch of the Chandra X-ray observatory (see, e.g. Trudolyubov et al. 2001; Pence et al. 2001; Kong 2003; Swartz et al. 2003). This requires to establish the nature of all X-ray sources, which remains difficult as the spatial resolution of Chandra and of the Hubble Space Telescope are not sufficient to unambiguously identify the counterparts and the nature of most sources. Therefore indirect methods, such as the construction of X-ray luminosity functions (LF), are needed to study of properties of populations of sources located in different regions of a galaxy (see, e.g. Gilfanov 2004; Mineo et al. 2012a).

Observing our Galaxy and, for some aspects, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds is, therefore, necessary to study the global properties of X-ray binaries. As it is impossible to track the evolution of individual sources, it is necessary to investigate the full population of X-ray binaries to understand their evolution, including its dependence on the companion mass or on the binary parameters. Catalogue of sources, collected with many different instruments (e.g. Liu et al. 2006), are also not well suited for statistical and physical studies of populations because of their non-uniformity.

A systematic survey of the Galaxy with INTEGRAL at hard X-ray energies (\({>}17\) keV) with a moderate angular resolution (\({\sim }12^{\prime }\)) allowed for the first time to overcome these difficulties and to obtain a virtually unbiased list of X-ray binaries in the Milky Way with an unprecedented sensitivity of \({\simeq }3\times 10^{-12}\) erg/s cm\(^2\). An image of the inner (\(|l|\lesssim 80^\circ \)) Galactic plane obtained by INTEGRAL is shown in Fig. 1.

5.1 Distribution of HMXBs and its correlation with the spiral structure

High-mass X-ray binaries are a young galactic population and cannot migrate far from their birthplace, tracing regions of enhanced stellar formation. A spatial correlation between HMXBs and spiral arms was clearly established by Grimm et al. (2002), using data from RXTE/ASM.

As INTEGRAL observed the complete galactic plane and discovered many new high-mass X-ray binaries, several studies of their distribution were published (Lutovinov et al. 2005a, 2007; Dean et al. 2005; Bodaghee et al. 2007, 2012c; Coleiro and Chaty 2013).

Fig. 13
figure 13

Distributions along the Galactic plane of all X-ray sources detected by INTEGRAL at low galactic latitude (\(|b|<5^\circ \), top) and of high-mass (dark blue solid histogram) and low-mass (red dashed histogram; divided by two) X-ray binary systems (bottom)

The distributions of HMXBs and LMXBs along the Galactic plane are shown in Fig. 13. The overwhelming majority of the low-mass X-ray binaries is located in the Galactic bulge, while high-mass X-ray binaries are concentrated in the spiral arms. The HMXB distribution differs from a uniform or LMXB one with a probability \({>}99.9\) % (Lutovinov et al. 2005a, 2007).

A detailed comparison of the HMXBs distribution with the spiral structure shows that the correlation is not exact. In particular, the maxima of the HMXB angular distribution do not coincide with the tangents to the spiral arms. Although the distances of the majority of the systems and, therefore, their exact positions with respect to the spiral arms are uncertain, it has been argued that the displacement of the HMXB distribution when compared to the spiral arms is real and corresponds to a delay of several of \({\sim }10^7\) years expected between the star formation and their appearance as bright X-ray sources.

Several observations support this interpretation. Galactic molecular clouds with very intensive star formation feature many young hot stars, but no high-mass X-ray binary systems (see, e.g. Feigelson et al. 2003; Nakajima et al. 2003). A small displacement between the massive X-ray binary systems and the position of the spiral arms was also detected in M83 (see Fig. 17 from Soria and Wu 2003). Moreover, Shtykovskiy and Gilfanov (2005a) have shown, that the population of HMXBs does not correlate with the current regions of stellar formation in the LMC and found that they could be connected assuming an interval which can be estimated as \({\simeq }(1{-}2)\times 10^7\) years.

The spiral waves of the Galaxy (see, e.g. Lin et al. 1969) rotate with angular velocities varying between \(\varOmega \sim 20{-}60\) rad/Gyr, in the outer and inner galactic regions, respectively (Bissantz et al. 2003). The inner part of the spiral galactic structure is probably corotating with the stars up to a distance of \({\sim }3.4\) kpc, corresponding approximately to the inner extremity of the Norma arm.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Galactic distribution of HMXBs (filled triangles—with known distances, open triangles—with unknown distances, placed at 7.6 kpc) and the locations of OB associations (circles, with a size proportional to the amount of activity in the association). As in Fig. 13 the shaded sectors represent the distribution of HMXBs along the Galactic plane (Bodaghee et al. 2012c)

During the lifetime of massive stars and stars of average masses whose evolution can lead to the formation of HMXBs (see, e.g. Tutukov and Yungelson 1973, 1993; Massevitch et al. 1976), the position of the spiral arms will change considerably with respect to the stars, and their tangent directions appear displaced with respect to the maxima of the HMXB population. The inner part of the Norma arm was at the position of the observed HMXB peak density approximately \(\sim \)15–20 million years ago which is in agreement with the model of Shtykovskiy and Gilfanov (2007).

A significant two-dimensional clustering between HMXBs and OB associations was also found in the Milky Way (see Fig. 14 and Bodaghee et al. 2012c). The two populations were found not perfectly aligned, confirming the above (1-D) analysis. An average offset of \(0.4\pm 0.2\) kpc was derived between a given HMXB and its nearest OB association, a distance consistent with natal kicks of \({\sim }100\pm 50\) km/s (Bodaghee et al. 2012c). The observed distribution of HMXBs in the Milky Way contains, therefore, information on the evolutionary history of massive binaries. Similar results were obtained by Coleiro and Chaty (2013), who found the correlation between HMXB distribution and the distribution of star forming complexes. Note that this was done using of a new approach for estimating of the distance and absorption for HMXBs, by spectral energy distribution fitting.

5.2 Luminosity function and surface density of HMXBs

The X-ray luminosity function is an important tool for the study of the formation and evolution of binary systems and of their dependence on the type of galaxy. The differential luminosity function of HXMBs in galaxies of different types is proportional to their star formation rate (SFR) (see, e.g. Grimm et al. 2002, 2003) and has an universal power law shape: \(\frac{\mathrm{d}N}{\mathrm{d}L}\propto \hbox {SFR} \times L^{-\alpha }\), with an index of \(\alpha \simeq (1.6\pm 0.1)\) in a wide luminosity range \(10^{35}{-}10^{40}\) erg/s, that can be explained by the fundamental mass–luminosity and mass–radius relations for high-mass stars (Postnov 2003). There are also some indications for a flattening (Bhadkamkar and Ghosh 2012) of the HMXBs luminosity function at low luminosities both for sources in our Galaxy (Voss and Ajello 2010) and for objects in the Small Magellanic Cloud (Shtykovskiy and Gilfanov 2005b). The luminosity function at low luminosities is very important for the predictions of the number of sources that can be expected in future, more sensitive, surveys (Pavlinsky et al. 2009) and for estimating the contribution of HMXBs to the total X-ray luminosity of outer galaxies.

Luminosity functions can be straightforwardly constructed for outer galaxies as the distance to all sources is known and as focusing X-ray telescopes provide a rather uniform sensitivity. In the case of our Galaxy it is necessary to correct for the unequal sensitivity of the survey along the galactic plane. The simplest way to make such a correction is to assume a density distribution of HMXBs over the Galaxy. The latter can be done in different ways—in particular, Grimm et al. (2002) parametrised it as a disk with certain parameters, Voss and Ajello (2010) expected that HMXBs are distributed like the stellar mass in the Galaxy.

INTEGRAL observations allowed us to measure the HMXBs’ density distribution and to calculate their luminosity function using fewer assumptions (Lutovinov et al. 2013b). It was first shown that the most numerous population of persistent HMXBs in our Galaxy are the wind-fed systems as other types of HMXBs indeed have only a few representatives. Then an axisymmetric distribution of HMXBs was assumed, i.e. that the Galaxy could be divided into several annuli of constant HMXBs surface density and luminosity function. A model of the latter in the form of a broken power law (with slopes \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _2\) below and above the break at the luminosity \(L_{*}\)) was then adjusted to the data. The best fit luminosity function is presented in Fig. 15 and the parameters are listed in Table 4.

It is clearly seen that the luminosity function of HMXBs in a wide range of luminosities (\(10^{34}{-}10^{37}\) erg/s) cannot be described by a simple power law. It features a break or a curvature at luminosities around \((0.4{-}2)\times 10^{36}\) erg/s and a flattening at low luminosity, confirming previous results (Shtykovskiy and Gilfanov 2005b; Voss and Ajello 2010).

Fig. 15
figure 15

Luminosity functions of HMXBs accreting from the stellar wind (red histogram). Red dashed line represents the best fit model of the luminosity function with parameters from Table 4. Two black solid histograms represent luminosity functions within volume limited samples (see Lutovinov et al. 2013b, for details). Hatched area shows the number-luminosity function of all classes of HMXBs in our Galaxy from Grimm et al. (2002)

Table 4 Best fit parameters of the luminosity function of HMXBs and their spatial density distribution

The normalizations of the luminosity function can be used to calculate the surface density of HMXBs in each annulus. The results are presented in Table 4 and Fig. 16. The distribution of the surface density of HMXBs in the Galaxy has a maximum at galactocentric distances of 2–8 kpc, as is also observed for the galactic SFR.

Fig. 16
figure 16

(left) Surface density of HMXBs in the Galaxy (a darker color of the annulus corresponds to a higher surface density of HMXBs, see Table 4). Blue points indicate positions of persistent HMXBs. Different lines correspond to different sensitivity levels of the INTEGRAL survey (Lutovinov et al. 2013b). (right) Dependence of the HMXBs surface density (histogram, right axis) and star formation rate surface density (upper and lower bounds, solid curve, left axis) on the galactocentric distance

A comparison of the surface density of HMXBs with that of the star formation rate in the Galaxy (Guesten and Mezger 1982; Lyne et al. 1985; Chiappini et al. 2001) shows a very good correlation that can be expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} N(\hbox {HMXB},L_\mathrm{x}>10^{35}\hbox {erg~s}^{-1})/\mathrm{kpc}^2\approx 5.5\times 10^{-2} ~\hbox {SFR}/\hbox {SFR}_{\odot } \end{aligned}$$

where \(\hbox {SFR}_{\odot }\) is the star formation rate near the Sun.

Finally, the observations from INTEGRAL allow us to calculate the scale of the HMXBs vertical distribution as \({\simeq }85{-}90\) pc which is significantly larger (by about \({\sim }50\) pc) than that of massive stars. This indicates that HMXBs should have travelled some distance from their birth places, similar to what was discussed above for the spatial correlation between HMXBs and OBAs. Assuming that HMXBs receive a systematic kick 50–90 km/s during supernova explosions, the kinematic age of the population of HMXBs with wind-fed neutron stars after the supernova explosion can be estimated as \(\tau \simeq 0.5{-}1\) Myr.

6 Summary

Our knowledge of high-mass X-ray binaries, and in particular of super-giant ones, has improved significantly since the launch of the wide field of view hard X-ray imagers on board INTEGRAL and Swift in 2002 and 2004, respectively. The discoveries of 23 new super-giant systems, increasing their population in the Galaxy by a factor 2.6 and of new X-ray variability patterns came as a surprise, challenging our understanding of stellar wind accretion around neutron stars.

In this review we have tried to make some sense of the observed phenomenology, keeping in mind that wind accretion is a stochastic process (Sect. 2). The super-giant HMXB population was classified as follows:

Classical super-giant systems feature a low orbital eccentricity and variability by a factor of \({\sim } 10^3\) on time scales much longer than the free fall time at the accretion or Alfvén radius. It is likely that most of that variability can be explained by hydrodynamic effects driven by the gravitational field of the neutron star. This variability can be enhanced by magnetic gating or a cooling switch on short time scales but it is not yet clear if such mechanisms are operative or needed. Several SFXTs belong to this category.

Obscured super-giant systems are similar to classical system, but characterised by persistently high X-ray absorption \(({\sim } 10^{23}\) cm\(^{-2})\). Most of them are luminous systems with orbital periods of less than 5 days, in transition to Roche lobe overflow. Strong absorption can also be related to particularly slow stellar winds or by the presence of large amount of interstellar material on the line of sight. The extreme obscuration observed in IGR J16318-4848 has a different nature and probably originates in the equatorial outflow of its B[e] companion.

Fast transients reaching anomalously low luminosities (IGR J16479-4514, AX J18410-0536, AX J18450-0433 and IGR J17544-2619) have very short orbital periods (\(<\)5 days) and display average and minimal luminosities of \({\sim } 10^{34}\) erg/s and typical flare luminosities ten times lower than expected in classical systems with similar orbits. Several mechanisms to quench the accretion have been discussed (low mass loss rates, high wind velocities, magnetic gating, cooling switch) but no univocal process has been identified. Note that no spin periods are available for any of these sources.

Eccentric transients (IGR J18483-0311, SAX J18186-1703 and XTE J1739-302) are SFXTs with orbits sufficiently eccentric to explain the range of observed X-ray fluxes. The short flares require specific hydrodynamic processes (or structured winds), possibly similar to those observed in classical systems.

So far, several attempts have been made to study either the combined effects of wind clumps, neutron star magnetic field/spin rotation or the effect of eccentricity on the accretion from a smooth wind. A more complete theoretical study including all these effects is still missing. Our currently poor knowledge of the orbital parameters of many SFXTs and the lack of spin periods and magnetic field measurements still make the comparison between the outcome of such extended study with the constraints obtained through the currently available data (Sect. 4) challenging.

Hard X-ray observations of INTEGRAL in combination with other observatories were also unique to probe the variations of the CRSFs and of the geometry of the accretion column as a function of the accretion rate. The impact of observing Be systems flares with sensitive hard X-ray instruments is very important and has led to several geometrical interpretations, new ideas and theories (Sect. 3) that should be tested in the future.

The clustering of HXMBs near star formation regions in the Galaxy, that could be determined for the first time thanks to deep observations of the Galactic plane, has allowed us to constrain their formation rate and, in addition, the average natal kicks of neutron stars (Sect. 5). Furthermore, the fraction of HXMBs of different classes has allowed us to constrain some of the time scales and processes driving their evolution.

The low flux population of HXMBs remains undetected. The Spectrum-RG survey (Pavlinsky et al. 2009; Doroshenko et al. 2014) should soon unveil it and help constraining further the evolution of these systems and populations. Thousands of normal galaxies will also be detected by Spectrum-RG opening a new window on their recent star formation and compact object population.