Erratum to: Theor Appl Genet (2010) 120:699–708 DOI 10.1007/s00122-009-1187-y

In the original version of the article, an error was detected in the simulation of breeding scheme S1TC-DHTC. This error led to an overestimation of the selection gain (\(\Updelta\widehat{G}^*\)) and the probability of selecting superior genotypes (\(\widehat{P}(q)^*\)) in this breeding scheme. The corrected results for all selection strategies of breeding scheme S1TC-DHTC in Tables 2 and 3, as well as Fig. 1 are presented in the following pages.

Table 2 Optimum allocation of test resources maximizing the optimization criteria (OC), selection gain (\(\Updelta\widehat{G}^*\)) and the probability of selecting superior genotypes (\(\widehat{P}(0.1\%)^*\)), in two-stage selection with evaluation of testcross progenies of (1) DH lines at both stages (DHTC) and (2) S1 families at first stage and DH lines of S1 families at second stage (S1TC-DHTC)
Table 3 Optimum allocation of test resources maximizing the optimization criteria (OC), selection gain (\(\Updelta\widehat{G}^*\)) and the probability of selecting superior genotypes (\(\widehat{P}(0.1\%)^*\)), in two-stage selection with evaluation of testcross progenies of (1) DH lines at both stages (DHTC–2a) and (2) S1 families at first stage and DH lines of S1 families at second stage (S1TC-DHTC–2c) and its dependence on the phenotypic correlation ρ P (between the mean performance of the parents and the mean genotypic value of the testcross performance of their progenies), the variance component ratios (VC), and the budget in terms of testcross plot equivalents
Fig. 1
figure 1

Selection gain (\(\Updelta \widehat{G}\)) and the probability of selecting superior genotypes (\(\widehat{P}(0.1\%)\)) as a function of the number of crosses in the first stage (\(N_{1_C}\)) for selection strategies 1 (open square), 2a (open circle), 2b (open triangle), and 2c (open diamond) in breeding scheme DHTC (solid symbols) and S1TC-DHTC (hollow symbols)