
Accumulation of leukocytes in the target organ is a hallmark of autoimmunity. This process is widely believed to be co-ordinated by specific CD4+ T lymphocytes responding to locally presented antigen [1]. In many situations, this accumulation requires that cells pass through basement membranes, such as those associated with the blood–brain barrier and the blood–retinal barrier (BRB), that limit macromolecular and cellular entry [2]. Alterations in barrier permeability are therefore key to the disease process.

We have studied immune cell entry into the eye in the murine model of inflammatory eye disease, experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU). Experiments have shown that, during early disease (before day 30), cell trafficking is a highly dynamic process [3]. Enumerating CD4+ and CD11b+ cells in the target organ reveals rapid changes in ocular cell content which oscillate with time. Furthermore, treatment of animals that have ocular inflammation with FTY720, a drug that arrests the recirculation of CD4+ cells, provokes a rapid exodus of leukocytes from the eye [4], providing a direct demonstration that at the peak of disease cells can move rapidly from one side of the BRB to the other.

Monitoring clinical disease allows serial analysis of individual eyes in EAU. While not as sensitive a measure of variation in the level of infiltration as counting cells, it does confirm, in many individual eyes, an underlying fluctuating disease course (J. Boldison and L. Nicholson, unpublished data). Shao and co-workers [5] reported results in the Lewis rat EAU model, obtained by clinical scoring, that also exhibited similar oscillatory behaviour; however, this report did not distinguish changes in individual cell populations. Observations such as these are not restricted to EAU and quantitative experiments in other autoimmune diseases have also revealed rapid changes in specific immune cell number. In non-obese diabetic mice, staining CD8+ cells from peripheral blood with tetramers that detected cells capable of recognising an autoantigen showed oscillations in cell number as disease developed [6].

These considerations have led us to formulate a mathematical model to probe the role that changes in BRB barrier function might play in determining the dynamics of cell trafficking into and out of the eye, since, to the best of our knowledge, models of the immune system that attempt to include barrier effects have not previously been investigated mathematically. There is already a wealth of information regarding the molecular mechanisms that regulate the accumulation of leukocytes at sites of inflammation [79]. Much less has been made of the importance of the dynamics of T-cell generation, antigen-presenting cell (APC) mobilisation and the role of the barrier in determining the course of disease. Our aim here is to establish a model that contains a minimal number of dynamical equations consistent with the biologically understood behaviour of the immune response as manifested in EAU. We chose to approach the modelling of the experimental data by using the assumption that the relative concentrations of cells on either side of the barrier are a function of cell number and the presence of a barrier that may promote or impede cell exchange. In this regard, our system is a natural extension to a well-established class of single-compartment population models that have been proposed and used to analyse the dynamics of the immune response [1013].

Through the incorporation of the barrier and by choosing parameters close to values deduced from experimental data (where these are available), our model can qualitatively reproduce the main features observed experimentally whilst the equivalent model without a barrier fails to do so. Furthermore, this study reveals two novel biological insights: first, that global barrier disruption alone cannot lead to a surge of cells into the eye comparable to that observed experimentally, and second that the dynamics of APC generation and recruitment are critical parameters, with a significant impact on the behaviour of the system. Finally, by solving the equations using estimated values for APC turnover and murine eye volume, we derive a value for the maximum increase in APC production under inflammatory conditions that agrees closely with that found by experiment.


Outline of the model

The model (Fig. 1) consists of a set of ordinary differential equations (see “Appendix”) that describe the dynamics of autoantigen-specific T-cell (T) and APC (A) populations inside and outside the eye. These populations are subdivided on the basis of their location (denoted by subscripts), their activation state (the activated state being denoted by a superscript asterisk) and their history. The model is simplified in that we consider only one type of T cell and one type of APC, counted in each of the two compartments which are separated by a variably permeable barrier. The behaviour of the system is then expressed in terms of the customary mass action equations, where it is assumed that concentrations are uniform within each compartment. This means that any movement across the BRB depends on the relative concentrations of cells in each compartment, but an important distinction from single compartment models is that different uniform concentrations can exist on either side of the BRB. The global properties of the barrier are subject to modification during the course of disease and the rate of permeation of different cell types through the barrier is controlled by permeability constants K that the model allows to change asymmetrically.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Two-compartment model of EAU. The model comprises two compartments separated by the blood–retinal barrier (BRB). Two types of cell are counted, T cells and A cells. These can be in different places, outside the eye (T o/A o) or inside the eye (T i/A i), and in a number of different states [e.g. activated (*) or unactivated]. Activated A cells (A *) drive the activation of T cells outside the eye (dotted blue line) and activated T (T *) cells drive the activation of A cells within the eye (dotted green line). Cells move between the two compartments by crossing the BRB. Some cells can change state (solid arrows) and all cells can die (red arrows) (color figure online)

Certain features of the way the model represents what is known about the ocular autoimmune response are worth emphasising. ‘Activation’ of APCs and T cells is conceived to represent two different immunological processes. For the APCs, activation denotes the acquisition of epitopes and appropriate costimulatory molecules which confer on these cells the potential to stimulate autopathogenic T cells. The epitopes can be acquired either as a result of ‘immunisation’, in which case the resulting APCs are only found outside the eye (A *oo ), or they can be acquired within the eye. This acquisition depends on the presence of activated T cells within the eye (T *i ), which are necessary to produce A *i cells (Fig. 1). T-cell activation is only considered for those cells with T-cell receptors that can recognise ocular antigens and occurs when an activated APC encounters such a T cell. The model does not enumerate other T cells. In the periphery, the interaction of activated T and A cells stimulates antigen-specific population growth, shown for ease of mathematical manipulation as the production of activated daughter cells (T *d ) from mother cells (T *m ). These daughter cells may die or may become memory cells (T M). One important feature of our model is that T cells do not divide within the eye. This aspect is based on our extensive experimental work, which shows that the ocular microenvironment limits T-cell proliferation [3, 14, 15].

Since the model counts only autoantigen-specific T cells, it implicitly assumes that non-specific T cells play no significant role in the dynamics we are modelling. All cells have the potential to die (indicated by the red arrows in Fig. 1). The model moves forward through time and unactivated T and A cells arise continuously de novo. In animals these cells come originally from bone marrow stem cells, followed, in the case of the T cells, by selection in the thymus. These events are handled, following the work of others, as logistic equations [16, 17] that incorporate as a parameter a maximum carrying capacity for each cell type.

An important consideration of the model is the physical size of the eye. Experimentally, our analyses of the mouse eye yield total cell counts, but the use of mass action equations to describe concentration-driven permeation across compartments of different volumes necessitates converting these numbers to concentrations. We can establish reasonable parameters for retinal volumes from direct measurement (H. Xu, University of Belfast, personal communication) but the volume outside the eye from which cells can move into the eye is more difficult to estimate. We conceptualise this as the available vascular volume within the retina from which cells can be exchanged. As discussed below, this exchange volume is constrained by the model.


The parameter space of our model is many-dimensional, rendering a general exploration unfeasible. The model was therefore analysed to yield limiting values with specific parameters (see below) and the equations (see “Appendix”) were solved numerically, using Taylor expansion. There are various schemes available for solving differential equations numerically, with differing strengths and weaknesses. We have chosen a scheme that uses a third-order Taylor series approximation to the solution. The first-, second- and third-order derivatives of the variables are used in our system to compute the values of these variables at fixed intervals Δt. These higher order derivatives are established directly from the first-order derivatives given in Eqs. (1)–(10), using the chain and product rules. The time step Δt was adjusted to ensure that the error terms were negligible throughout the simulation. This approach requires more calculation than lower-order methods, but the advantage is higher accuracy in the solution. For the calculations, we adopted the values for parameters as given in Table 1. The species described and their doubling times and half-lives are detailed in Tables 2 and 3. For many of these, we were able to ascribe reasonable values from the literature (see “Appendix”).

Table 1 Parameter set for basic calculations
Table 2 Species and initial concentrations
Table 3 Doubling times and half-lives

Experimental data

The data we use are based on experiments carried out in B10.RIII mice and reported elsewhere [3]. Briefly, EAU was induced by immunisation with peptide and adjuvants in a large number of animals which were killed at various time points. Eyes were collected and CD4+ and CD11b+ cells were enumerated in tissue including the retina and the ciliary marginal zone but not the choroid or iris (Fig. 2). The number of cells per eye was calculated as a mean value from all the eyes acquired on any particular day and each data point represents the average of 4–8 separate measurements. To convert cell numbers to concentrations, the cell counts have been converted to a number concentration (number of cells cm−3) based on a value for the retinal volume of 2.29 (± 0.2) × 10−3 cm3. From these data we defined a number of characteristic criteria that we could compare with results predicted by the model. These are time and concentration of the first maximum, the period of the first oscillation, the ratio of concentration of the first and second peak and the ratio of APCs to T cells within the eye at the second maximum.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Experimental data. a The concentration of CD4 T+ cells and CD11b+ antigen presenting cells (APCs) inside the eye calculated based on published data [3] as a function of time; A cells (CD11b+ APCs) are shown as triangles and T cells (CD4+ cells) as squares. b The ratio of APC to T-cell concentration; the heavy line is the best fit exponential decay through the data

Model constants and parameters

Figure 1 shows that the model comprises 10 individual cell states, five for APCs and five for T cells. The change in concentration of each of these is defined by an ordinary differential equation and the mathematical treatment of the model is given in the Appendix. Here we focus on the insights we derive from the model. For many parameters, such as half-life and death-rate constants, it is possible to acquire values from independent experimental data, while for others, for example permeability constants, estimates from experiment are subject to a wide margin of uncertainty. The parameter set chosen for the basic calculation is given in Table 1 and further details on parameter selection are given in the Appendix.

Modification of the BRB by activated T cells

Movement across the BRB is a complex process regulated by many influences, particularly the upregulation of adhesion molecules and their receptors, the activating effects of cytokines and the chemotactic influence of chemokines [7]. In the model, these considerations are addressed indirectly by using cell-specific concentration-independent permeabilities which are expressed using permeability constants (K) to reflect changes in the trafficking properties of individual cell types and global functions that reflect the rapid changes in permeability that occur at barrier breakdown and affect all cells. The permeation rate through the barrier is assumed to be proportional to the concentrations on either side of the barrier. Consistent with experimental data, the unperturbed barrier is permeable to activated cells, which allows the accumulation of T *i up to a saturation limit [18]. To model how this accumulation impacts the BRB, we introduced two functions. The first addresses the observation that the barrier breaks down about 10 days after immunisation [3, 19]. To model this, we introduce a sigmoid function with a maximum rate of change that depends on the characteristic time for barrier change t D. The second increases barrier permeability by a factor varying from unity to a maximum σ as the concentration of T cells within the eye increases. This reflects the influence that a build-up of activated T cells within the eye has on the barrier.

Equilibrium and barrier-free conditions

At equilibrium (indicated by superscript ‘e’), and in the absence of immune system activation, the model retains three species of cell, T cells outside the eye (T eo ), APCs outside the eye (A eo ) and APCs within the eye (A ei ). All other concentrations are zero and the remaining equations can be solved analytically and return a constant value of T eo with time. For the T cells, maintenance of homeostasis according to the logistic equation imposes an upper bound on the rate of cell production.

The steady-state values of the APCs are subject to specific limiting values. If the permeability constants are set to be the same in both directions, the equations show that A eo  > A ei , as supported by experiment [see Eq. (19) in Appendix]. Analysis of the relationship between the APC concentration at the carrying capacity A L and their concentration at equilibrium A eo reveals that the ratio A L/A eo (defined as θ) has upper and lower bounds that can be expressed in terms of the rates of production and death of APC cells and the ratio of retinal to vascular volumes. For the parameters analysed here, this upper limit for θ is 1.313. Furthermore, for oscillations to occur in the production of APCs the concentration A o must be close to its limiting value A L (see Appendix).

To test whether the presence of a barrier changed the behaviour of the system, we analysed a single-compartment model by summing the pairs of Eqs. (4) + (5), (6) + (7) and (8) + (9). This creates a situation in which there is no distinction between external and internal species, although mother, daughter, memory and naïve T cells remain distinct. Using parameters that are identical to those producing oscillations in the full model, this single compartment model exhibits entirely different behaviour (Fig. 3). The final cell concentrations are not the same and the system does not oscillate as it does in the corresponding two-compartment model. This confirms that in this model the presence of a barrier profoundly influences the behaviour of the system. We proceeded to explore the effects of parameter modification and the extent to which the model can mimic the characteristic behaviour observed in our experiments [3].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Comparison of single- and two-compartment models. Data were obtained from the two-compartment model and the same model with the barrier removed by combining Eqs. (1), (2), (3) and (10) with (26), (27) and (28). a Comparison of the values found for the concentration of T cells in the eye in the two-compartment model (T *i ) with total T cells in the single-compartment model (T). b Comparison of the concentration of all A cells within the eye (Total A i) with all A cells in the single-compartment model (Total A)

Barrier breakdown plays a limited role in regulating cell trafficking

Based on the experimental data, we targeted solutions that give damped oscillations after a delay of about 12 days. We defined five characteristic criteria of the experimental data and sought conditions for which the results from the model best approached these values (Table 4). Having established that the barrier plays a role in determining the behaviour of the system, and because of the large body of literature implicating breakdown in the barrier as a key step in uveitis [2, 20, 21], we first examined the effects of global barrier modification. To mimic a disruption in the barrier, leading to a large increase in permeability, we introduced the sigmoid function h(t) [Eq. (12)] discussed earlier. This allowed us to test the impact of changing the permeability of the barrier by a factor of ϕ over a few hours. Over a range of ϕ from 2 to 500, low values of ϕ were associated with stronger damping but changes in this value produced only minor modification in the height and positions of the maxima (Fig. 4a). This shows that, although some alteration in the permeability of the barrier is required for the model to conform to our characteristic criteria, the magnitude of this is not crucial.

Table 4 Characteristic criteria from experiment and theory
Fig. 4
figure 4

Effect of changing the global properties of the barrier. a The magnitude of the increase in barrier permeability when it breaks down has little effect on the behaviour of the system. Comparison of the concentration of Total A i when barrier permeability undergoes a two-fold increase (ϕ = 2) with a 500-fold increase (ϕ = 500). b T-cell activation of the barrier has a small effect across a wide range of values. When activated T cells have no effect on the barrier (σ = 1) the resulting oscillation in Total A i is heavily damped, but for values 10 < σ < 1,000 there is only a very small change in Total A i numbers or in the frequency of oscillation

The concentration of activated T cells within the eye also has an impact on barrier function. The parameter σ represents the maximum increase in traffic that the presence of these cells can induce and values are based on the changes that the administration of tumour necrosis factor-α has on the rate of neutrophil traffic across endothelium. A reasonable estimate of the magnitude of this effect taken from the literature is σ = 1,000 and using this value in the model results in damped oscillations [18]. Although this is a numerically large effect, we find that the behaviour of the model is very insensitive to changes in this parameter—reducing σ by two orders of magnitude resulted in only a small change in damping (Fig. 4b). Only if the effects of activated T cells on the barrier are removed completely by setting σ = 1 is there much impact, in that the oscillations are much more strongly damped and have a longer period. These results show that although barrier disruption does modify the observed behaviour, including the threshold for oscillation, and the existence, magnitude and damping of the oscillations, the response is relatively insensitive to the values of parameters that define the size of this effect. Therefore, based on the present model, barrier breakdown in its simplest form cannot be wholly responsible for the experimental observations.

Control of the model by permeability and APC parameters

Since simple disruption is not sufficient to reproduce the experimental findings, we examined the effects of modifying other aspects of barrier function. Traffic across the barrier by the different cell types is also determined by the permeability constants K. The model allows us to assign individual permeability constants to each cell species that crosses that barrier. The equations for the equilibrium state show that the equilibrium concentrations of APC inside and outside the retina are not equal if the barrier permeability is the same in each direction. To simplify the investigation of the model, we then used separate values for cells moving into the eye (K o) and for cells moving out (K i) for all species. Preliminary calculations showed that the system is highly sensitive to the magnitude of these permeability constants.

If we choose a single permeability constant: \( K_{A} = K_{{A_{\text{o}} }} = K_{{A_{\text{i}} }} \), then Eq. (21) shows that A eo  > A ei , as supported by experimental observation. When both outgoing and ingoing permeabilities are set to be identical, then using our defined set of parameters, we find \( K_{{A_{\text{o}} }} = 2.14 \times 10^{ - 4} {\text{h}}^{ - 1} \). If the barrier permeability is asymmetric, \( K_{{A_{\text{i}} }} \) can be calculated from the equilibrium condition in Eq. (21) of the Appendix and a value of \( K_{{A_{\text{o}} }} \) between the upper and lower limits imposed by this equation found (see “Appendix” for detail). Trial calculations with values with K > 2.6 × 10−4 h−1 could not be completed because concentrations rapidly diverge and when \( K_{{A_{\text{o}} }} \) approaches its minimum value, \( K_{{A_{\text{i}} }} \) approaches zero. This would mean that no cells could permeate out of the eye and very high concentrations of APCs would accumulate within the eye. However, out of a wide-ranging search of the parameters, we found no instances of oscillations at this limit.

With values of \( K_{{A_{\text{o}} }} \) between 1.0 and 2.5 10−4 h−1 the model exhibits oscillatory behaviour with characteristic values that approach the experimental data, with the notable exception of the high first maximum concentration (Table 4), which exceeds any value predicted by the model by at least an order of magnitude. As can be seen from Table 4, the position of the maximum is quite responsive to variation of the θ and \( K_{{A_{\text{o}} }} \) parameters. When extremely high maxima, commensurate with experiment, are achieved by increasing \( K_{{A_{\text{o}} }} \) with the consequence that \( K_{{A_{\text{i}} }} \) approaches zero, these initial stages resemble experiment more closely.

Further analysis also revealed the unexpected importance of the dynamics of APC production. In the resting state, it is possible to define the maximum value of the parameter θ in terms of the ratio of the concentration of APCs outside the eye at equilibrium to the maximum concentration of APCs that can be achieved. We can also calculate θ in terms of the relative concentrations of APCs within and outside the eye, the rate that these cells die and the rate that they are produced from the bone marrow. The model can then be interrogated in terms of the ratio of θ/θ max. Calculations show that θ has to be very close to its maximum value for oscillations to occur in the production of APCs; that is, the concentration A o must be close to its maximal value A L (Appendix). It follows from this that oscillations are a feature of the rate of APC output approaching its maximum value.

Using the parameters tested here, we found the maximum value of θ to be 1.313. Independent corroboration for this value comes from studies performed in the 1970s that determined rates of the production and kinetics of mononuclear phagocyte accumulation under resting or inflammatory conditions [22]. These experiments were carried out over a much shorter time scale than EAU, and studied trafficking into the peritoneal cavity, nevertheless measurement by two different methods yielded values for the ratio of the maximum concentration of monocytes to the steady state concentration of these cells in the range 1.12–1.63, in good agreement with the value (1.313) we find by calculation.


The accumulation of leukocytes in response to stranger and danger signals [23] is a fundamental feature of inflammation. In ocular autoimmunity it is particularly striking, because of the very low numbers of resident immune cells and their rapid concentration within the eye during the course of inflammatory disease. This accumulation is accompanied by dramatic changes in the properties of the BRB and a large number of interactions have been shown to impact on this process. The perception that a breakdown in the barrier is critical to this fundamental process motivated our construction of a simplified model. Here we have used a set of ordinary differential equations to define changes in cell concentrations in different compartments and have included, as a novel feature, terms that allowed us to reproduce rapid alterations in the barrier properties. To assess the model we have made use of quantitative data obtained from animals with experimental autoimmune uveitis, from which we have derived a number of characteristic criteria. The model was tested against its match with the experimental data over a range of different parameters.

We show in this study that the presence of the barrier has a profound impact on the dynamics of the system. If the barrier is removed while keeping all relevant parameters constant (Fig. 3), the oscillations are abolished and there are marked changes in the steady-state concentrations of T cells and APCs at the end of the simulation (equivalent to 50 days). With the barrier present, we could achieve a more accurate representation of the experimental data but, surprisingly, the behaviour of the model was found to be relatively insensitive to the extent to which the barrier impeded the trafficking of cells. An effectively impermeable barrier did not produce a realistic representation of the experimental data, but once traffic through the barrier was possible, global changes over at least two orders of magnitude had little impact on the behaviour of the model. One reason for this is that points of equilibrium are only weakly dependent on the rate at which cells can move from one side of the barrier to the other, but it is this feature that is most affected by ‘opening up’ the BRB.

Experimentally, measuring cell numbers at a single time point cannot distinguish between many different cells trafficking rapidly through the eye or a few cells with long dwell times that only move in and out of the eye slowly. However, by repeated sampling we find fast accumulation of cells leading to the primary peak of disease [3] and by arresting cell movement, using treatment with fingolimod [4], we have shown a dramatic exodus of cells from the eye. Both of these experiments indicate that in the presence of pathological inflammation, cell turnover in the target organ can be very rapid.

A further important consideration arising from this work is that while we have modelled changes in permeability as arising from alterations in barrier function, an alternative but valid approach would be to conceptualise this in terms of changes in the expression patterns of surface molecules on the cells that govern the rates of trafficking into and out of the eye. While the mathematical modelling of this would be essentially the same, the biological and therapeutic implications might be different and these are therefore important considerations for further experimental exploration.

The model system was sensitive to changes in the permeability constants that in principle may be attached to individual cell types. These control the ease with which different cell species move through the barrier. In order to reduce the multiplication of entities for which there are, at present, only very limited independent data, we only specified permeability values for species moving in (\( K_{{A_{\text{o}} }} \)) or out (\( K_{{A_{\text{i}} }} \)) of the eye (a requirement imposed by considering the resting state of the system) and examined the impact of different values on movement in each direction. This was sufficient for the model to match the experimental data qualitatively. A 2.5-fold variation in \( K_{{A_{\text{o}} }} \) resulted in quite wide variation in the characteristic criteria of the model (Table 2). It was striking that values approaching experiment were achieved in situations where the permeability constant for cells moving out of the eye approached zero (but not if there was no movement). This raises the possibility that asymmetry in trafficking is critical to the accumulation of cells and its biological correlate might be the upregulation of chemokine/chemokine-receptor signals that retain cells within the eye. Interestingly, the model does not require that such cell trapping fluctuates for oscillations in cell numbers to occur, or for the model to approach the behaviour that we have demonstrated experimentally.

The model also provides insight into the importance of APC generation and homeostasis. Our results demonstrate that the ratio of normal APC output to maximal APC output was a critical parameter that determined whether oscillation occurred. This value could be derived from the set of parameters used in the model. Remarkably, its value of 1.3 falls within the range for the same ratio measured by experiment in the 1970s (1.1–1.6) [22]. This focuses attention on the importance that the dynamics of APC generation and recruitment play in determining the magnitude and character of the inflammatory response. The complexity of the biology of this response far exceeds the scope of the model presented here [2426], but our results underscore that it may drive as well as be driven by the antigen-specific adaptive response of T cells.

In summary we have studied a relatively simple model that neglects much of the biological complexity, including considerations such as compartment-dependent death rates and changes in cell-surface phenotype, that we understand regulate inflammation. By considering cell numbers on either side of a barrier as a function of cell concentration and permeability properties of the barrier, we have been able to produce results that are qualitatively in good agreement with experimental data, although of limited quantitative fidelity. We can conclude that the simplifying assumption, that cell traffic can be modelled by the application of the laws of mass action, is sufficient to produce a model that can mimic much of the behaviour demonstrated by experiment. Furthermore, the model draws attention to our need to understand better the permeability properties of the barrier from the perspective of the individual cell types, as well as suggesting that the dynamics of the process are dependent on the turnover and maximum rate of production of APCs.