
1 Introduction

The decarbonation of transportation relies largely on electromobility for the present and future decade in India. Future markets predict that electrical vehicles will reach a dominant share compared to present running vehicles on road by 2030, taking into consideration of road transportation modes [1]. Even though electric vehicle technology is rapidly developing, but charging the battery is a challenging task to adopt this technology for a routine lifecycle. The recent electric vehicle technology allows it to get fully charged within 30 min from the previous 8 h through a cable, pantograph or wireless [2].

The advent of charging enables an array of opportunities and markets. Which will advantageous from autonomous taxis to cargo transport without halt, innovating transport methods are possible. Wireless charging is distinguished into two types such as stationary charging and dynamic charging. In stationary charging, electrical vehicles are charged wirelessly through charging pads when they are parked similar to mobile devices [3]. But dynamic charging electrical vehicles specify the technology that can simultaneously supply power and perform charging, while vehicle is driving or in motion.

Presently, investments are being sought to develop dynamic wireless charging from many companies research and development wing to improve its usage and efficiency to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emission. Dynamic remote charging of electric vehicles [4] could turn into a favored technique since it would empower power trade between the vehicle and the grid while the vehicle is moving pervasively. Mobile energy disseminators (MED) are a new concept [4] that can facilitate EVs to extend their range in a typical urban scenario. Our proposed method exploits inter-vehicle (IVC) communications in order to eco-route electric vehicles taking advantage of the existence of MEDs. Combining modern communications between vehicles and state of the art technologies on energy transfer, vehicles can broaden their movement time without the requirement for huge batteries or incredibly expensive framework [5].

But in a typical electric car, it needs to be charged only in the charging stations or else in the parking lots but in our proposed system the car will be charged within the vehicle when the vehicle is in the motion this will change the problem of the vehicle because there will be no problem of recharging the vehicles in the parking lots or in the charging stations and this is the major advantage of our proposed system.

2 Literature Survey

The literature survey is carried out as a part of the research work. It has provided review of the past research about the electric vehicles kind of a battery they used in it and the way they used to charge the vehicle. The previous exploration exertion will appropriately manual for legitimize the degree and bearing of the current exertion.

Mazlan et al. [6] carried an experimental study on the effect of alternator speed to the car system. In this context, an attempt has been made to charge the battery as fast as possible. The system that they have developed is capable of charging a 12 V, 42 Ah battery within 2 h, if the speed of the alternator rotor is maintained around 2000 rpm. To achieve this they have used different pulley ratios. The pulley ratio that they have maintained to charge the battery within two hours is 1:6 ratios and it produced a desired result.

Koumartzakis et al. [7] worked on designing and developing of a prototype electric vehicle chassis. The paper describes about the designing of the chassis to build a prototype of an electric vehicle and the mechanisms of breaking system, steering system as well as the drive shaft. The paper describes about the exact measurement of the chassis that they have designed and the steering system working and the details of the transmission system.

Udaeta et al. [8] proposed a model for energy efficient looking into the electric mobility in electric vehicles analysis. This paper describes about the evolution of electric vehicle has taken place where the power consumption is dramatically decreased and the performance of the vehicle is increased and higher energy densities battery are required with electric vehicles, which restricts them due to the volumes and the masses associated with it and also another limitation of it is that the least availability of the charging stations.

Suhas et al. [9] designed an electric vehicle battery with self-charging capacity for its own propulsion and compared its performance. The proposed work manages the manufacture and testing of a battery electric vehicle with a self-charging framework. An endeavor has been made to create a self-charging battery electric vehicle which uses the rotational energy of wheels to charge the batteries, in this way presenting a framework which makes the vehicle contamination free. After the drive they tested the distance that can be achieved so that the capacity of the battery can be found.

The main objectives of the project are

  1. 1.

    To reduce the pollution caused by ICs and to make the environment pollution free.

  2. 2.

    To make the car using the proposed method, so that no need for the car to charge in the parking lot or in the charging stations.

  3. 3.

    A low cost and highly effective method of producing the energy almost at the rate of it is depleting and to make the vehicle moving without problems of energy depletion.

3 Proposed Work

The system mainly includes electric motors, boost converter, battery packs, smart switching system, alternators and microcontroller as shown in Fig. 1. The motor gives the mechanical movement required to move the car. The battery packs act as a power source to the motor. Boost converter is used to boost the voltage from 24 to 48 V [10]. The alternators are used to charge the batteries while the vehicle is in motion. Smart switching system is used to switch the battery packs to the motor and alternators based on the voltage levels of the batteries and the controller is used to check the voltage levels and excite the relay. The hardware components are the major contributor for the proposed model when it is compared with the software. Hardware components used are Arduino Nano, brushless DC motor, speed controller, alternator, batteries and relays and software used are Arduino IDE 1.8.5.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Block diagram of self-charging electric vehicles

4 Experimentation

As shown in Fig. 2, alternator acts as a power source for the electrical vehicles. The alternator is another form of mechanical energy created by the engine through combustion of fossil fuel; here, we have used the battery to rotate the motor to rotate the alternator to generate electricity. The induction coil transfers the electric energy from one coil to another coil, i.e., wound-up coil through an electromagnetic field [11]. Every time, vehicles in motion receive electricity for a fraction of time and it will continue while in motion due to the rotor and stator windings. The synchronous Table 1 shows the relation between frequencies and rotation per minute (RPM) for selected poles.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Circuit diagram of smart switching circuit

Table 1 Synchronous speed

Battery contains an electrochemical cells with external connection to motor through a relays, and it converts the mechanical energy into chemical energy [12]. The voltaic cell depends on a unique piezoelectric film that moves lithium particles from one side of the cell to the next when the layer is exposed to mechanical power. By driving the lithium particles through the spellbound layer utilizing the piezoelectric potential, the vehicle ready to store synthetic energy straightforwardly utilizing an electrochemical cycle. The relay is connected for the isolation switching function for with standing high power density and circuit protection [13].

The DC–DC boost converter is necessary to interface with fuel cell and battery, and it stores the DC input temporarily either magnetic field (inductors or transformers) or electric field (capacitors) components. Here, to achieve the required voltage regulation, two control loops are used as shown in Fig. 3. The control mode operates on the knowledge of inductor current and using RST controllers. The electric vehicle designed here works with a DC voltage of varying between 96 and 190 V [14].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Control mode operation for DC–DC converter

The construction and working of DC motor are shown in Fig. 4. The DC bias of 12 V is given to DC motor, which is limited by resistor and fed to timer IC; here, diode protects the motor from back electromotive force [15]. The timer IC produces a timing pulse at pin 3 relies upon VR1 and C2 components, and this timing pulse controls the MOSFET consequently the engine associated through MOSFET is controlled, and the beat yield from IC 555 has the control of DC engine speed, by changing the pulse span we can control the speed of DC engine [16].

Fig. 4
figure 4

DC motor speed controller

Brushless DC motor has permanent magnets on the outer side called stator and spinning armature inside called rotator. A brushless DC engine is basically flipped back to front, taking out the requirement for brushes to flip the electromagnetic field [17, 18]. The efficiency of the motor is about 90% with 360° rotation of motor.

5 Result

The self-charging electric car should reduce the use of fuel vehicles so that which makes the vehicle pollution less and environment pollution free. Self-charging electric vehicle is designed and developed and it is in the working condition capable of carrying or taking a load up to 500 kg by the motor. The sufficient amount of energy has been generated using the alternator and it is redirected to the battery. The smart switching action is also performing well by switching when the voltage level of the one battery pack is depleted and it has been reached to the threshold level so at that time it has been performing the switching action. The snapshot of the working model is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Snapshot of the working model

6 Conclusion

Electric vehicle should make the environment pollution free because it does not release any toxic contents and it does not require fuels because it is using the motor to run which requires electricity and that power is supplied through the battery. It significantly reduces the use of fuel vehicles and it is pollution-free journey. The smart switching system which has been installed enables the user to carry out the journey uninterrupted. Because of its capability of self-charging, it does not require to charge in the parking lots, and in the charging station, it will charge while it is in the movement.