
1 Introduction

Patients arriving at a primary care service sometimes need to wait for a long time before being advised by a doctor [26]. This is often due to high workload and limited resources at the primary care service [7]. To facilitate the process, nurses and other health care staffs usually take the role of patient intake. An incoming patient would be first greeted by a receptionist who carries out an intake inquiry. The receptionist would typically be someone who has a certain level of medical proficiency, and the inquiry involves collecting patient information and understanding the symptoms of the patient. A brief report is generated as outcome of this inquiry to narrow down the causes of the symptoms, so that the doctor may then use minimum effort to perform differential diagnosis [30].

This seemingly robust system still has many shortcomings: Firstly, the medical staffs who carry out patient intake interviews are expected to acquire a good level of medical expertise; this limits the pool of potential candidates and increases the personnel cost. Secondly, at times the staffs need to meet the demand of a large number of patients and quickly attend to each individual; this increases the risk of losing crucial information in the interview reports. Thirdly, if the intake interview relies on standardized forms or questionnaires, the questions to patients would not be sufficiently personalized to reflect the specific symptoms of individuals, reducing the effectiveness of the interview.

The goal of this paper is to harness the power of artificial intelligence to automate the patient intake process, so that patients receive timely, cost-effective, and personalized healthcare services. To this end, we introduce \(\mathsf {Mandy}\), a mobile chatbot who interacts with patients using natural language, understands patient symptoms, performs preliminary differential diagnosis and generates reports.

Despite vast technological advancement, present-day clinics still very much rely on healthcare staff to handle patient intake and carry out initial interviews in a manual way [17]. On the other hand, it is widely viewed that data mining and AI may offer unprecedented opportunities and broad prospects in health [16]. Efforts have been made to deploy humanoid robots (e.g., “Pepper in Belgian hospitalsFootnote 1) in hospitals. However, a robot is expensive (e.g. Pepper comes with a price tag of \(\pounds \)28000) and would not be able to efficiently cope with a large amount of people. Many industry giants are increasingly investing in AI-enhanced medical diagnosis tools. Notable products include Google DeepMind HealthFootnote 2, IBM Watson HealthFootnote 3 and Baidu’s MelodyFootnote 4. The ambitious goal of these platforms is to allow AI to access and process vast amount of lab test results and genomic data for precision-driven medical diagnosis and predictions.

The novelty of \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) lies in the fact that it is not directed at precise diagnosis and prediction, but rather, \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) simply provides a humanized interface to welcome patients and understand their needs, and provide valuable information to physicians for further inquiry. In this way, the system aims to free up the time of healthcare staffs for more meaningful interactions with patients, and help to enable physicians to operate more efficiently.

\(\mathsf {Mandy}\) is an integrated system that provides a range of functionalities: (1) \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) provides a patient-end mobile application that pro-actively collects patient narratives of illness and register background information; this may take place at an arbitrary time before the doctor’s appointment and at an arbitrary location. (2) \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) is equipped with natural language processing (NLP) modules that understand patients’ lay language, process the patient symptoms, and generate interview questions. (3) Based on interactions during the interview, \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) will generate a report for the doctor regarding the patient’s symptoms and likely causes. (4) \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) also provides a doctor-end desk-top application for the doctors to check their patients’ records and interview reports.

The potential benefits of \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) are many-fold. Firstly, the system aims to reduce the workload of medical staffs by automating the patient intake process, and providing initial reporting to doctors. Secondly, \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) provides personalized intake service to the patients by understanding their symptom descriptions and generating corresponding questions during the intake interview. Thirdly, by interacting with a chatbot, the patient avoids the need to express his health concerns out loud to people other than the doctor. This also reduces the likelihood of patients not seeking medical help due to shyness or cultural boundaries [28]. Furthermore, many studies have shown that patients tend to be more honest when facing a robot rather than a human health staff [1]. So \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) is likely to collect truthful information about the patients.

Paper Organization. Section 2 presents related work and identifies insufficiencies with existing AI technology in terms of patient interviews. Section 3 describes system design and core algorithmic modules of \(\mathsf {Mandy}\). Section 4 evaluates a proof-of-concept of \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) by test cases and discusses the results. Finally, Sect. 5 lists some future works which can further improve \(\mathsf {Mandy}\).

2 Problem Identification and Related Work

The “overcrowding” issue or long waiting time at emergency units of hospitals and other primary care services has been a world wide challenge [3, 10, 25]. To cope with the increasing population and an ever increasing demands of patients, a number of countries have implemented targets for reducing waiting time at the healthcare providers, e.g., New Zealand has implemented a “6-hours target” for the waiting time of patients at emergency department since 2009 [15].

Existing patient interview support applications often take the form of expert systems. A common challenge faced by all these applications is the ambiguity and diversity of patient answers. As a result, traditional expert systems usually fail to deliver effective decision support and lacks the flexibility that suits individual needs [14]. An example of AI-driven intake interview assistance system is provided by Warren in [30]. The system sets up complicated rules based on clinical experts’ experience and medical knowledge. However, it does not demonstrate capabilities on personalizing the questions to patients and is not able to learn about the individual nature of patients. To apply the system, a clinic needs to provide necessary staffs with sufficient medical background to operate the system. The complicated interface of the system also requires considerable training time, which all adds extra costs to the health provider.

Numerous clinical decision support systems (CDSS) have employed AI technologies in various ways: MYCIN [29] is widely recognized as one of the very first rule-based expert systems that were used for diagnosing infectious diseases. It specialized in bacterial infections and it has been adapted as NEOMYCIN, a teaching and learning platform [8]. Other systems such as INTERNIST-I [22] used a much larger medical knowledge base – obtained from hospital case records – to assist medical personnel in diagnosing internal conditions the patient may have. The system has learning capability on patients’ medical history to deliver more accurate results. CDSS technologies have been rapidly developed in the last 10 years. A recent study identified 192 commercially available CDSS applications in existence [18]. One of the more well-known achievements in this area is from IBM’s Watson Health [12]. The system seamlessly combines natural language processing, dynamic learning and hypothesis generation and evaluation to provide useful systems in many key areas such as oncology, genomics, and medical imaging. We remark that most of the CDSS systems are designed to be used by the specialists but not the patients themselves.

Natural language processing has become a prevalent technology and formed an integral part of many IT applications; examples of which include e.g., SiriFootnote 5 and CortanaFootnote 6. Chatbot Systems and Spoken Dialogue Systems (SDS) respond with comprehensible sentences and elaborately constructed paragraphs to communicate with the user, which has been adopted in medical domain. The well-known ELIZA [31] was designed to act roughly as psychotherapists. More recently, Florence Bot is a chatbot that reminds patients to take pills regularlyFootnote 7. Your.MDFootnote 8 and HealthTapFootnote 9 are miniature doctors. Studies have verified that SDS could help intervening human habits, to help patients quit smoking [23], or affect their dietary behaviour [9] and physical activity [11]. Others application also used SDS for chronic illness monitor systems, e.g. for hypertensive diabetic [6]. Medical counseling and education is another area which often requires the delivery of SDS [4, 5, 13]. Among them, \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) resembles the user experiment of Your.MD the most. Your.MD constructs a Bayesian network with massive medical knowledge to compute the most likely cause of an indisposition. On the other hand, Your.MD has different purpose from \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) as it is not meant to assist doctors.

3 System Design and Implementation

Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of \(\mathsf {Mandy}\). The patient interacts with \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) through a mobile chatbot. All algorithms are executed and all data are processed in a web services (cloud). This means that all sentences to and from the patients are generated and analyzed in the cloud, respectively. After the intake interview, \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) scores the patient’s record and generate a report regarding the patient’s conditions. The doctor can then login into the e-health information management system to access the personalized reports generated for the patient.

\(\mathsf {Mandy}\)’s logic flow simulates a well-established clinical reasoning process for differential diagnosis, which consists of a series of well-defined steps [19, 24, 27]. These steps are guidelines for medical inquiries by a practitioner:

  1. 1.

    Data acquisition: Collect patient’s history and symptoms, which forms the basis for the initial diagnostic reasoning.

  2. 2.

    Problem representation: Summarize the chief complaints of the patient.

  3. 3.

    Developing differential diagnosis: Come up with the hypotheses list base on the data acquired.

  4. 4.

    Prioritizing differential diagnosis: Decide which should be the leading one among the hypotheses list.

  5. 5.

    Testing hypothesis: If additional data is required to confirm the hypotheses, order lab tests to take place.

  6. 6.

    Review and re-prioritize differential diagnosis: Rule out some diseases and then try to determine the cause of the symptoms. If a diagnosis cannot be drawn, go back to step 3.

  7. 7.

    Test new hypotheses: Repeat the process until a diagnosis is produced.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An illustration of the application scenario and system architecture of \(\mathsf {Mandy}\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Main procedure

Figure 2 illustrates the main control flow of \(\mathsf {Mandy}\). It simulates Steps 1–4 of the clinical reasoning process above. \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) starts by asking the patient’s chief complaint. After the patient inputs a text in natural language, the analysis engine extracts the symptoms in a standard corpus from the patient description text. In this way, the system gets an accurate problem representation. Then, the symptoms-to-cause (S2C) mapping module comes up with a list of hypothetic diseases based on the symptoms provided by the patient’s complaint. The system ranks the possibility of the hypothetic diseases. If there is enough information for proposing the final hypothesis list, the procedure will terminate; Otherwise, the question generator will produce another question for the patient and repeats the procedure back to the analysis engine.

We next describe the key data structures and algorithmic modules. The internal algorithms of \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) rely on the following sets:  

\(\mathrm {A}\,\, symptom \) :

is a subjective, observable condition that is abnormal and reflects the existence of certain diseases. For ease of terminology, we abuse the notion including also signs, which are states objectively measured by others. A patient feature is a fact reflecting the patients, age, gender, geographical and demographical information and life styles (e.g. smoking, alcoholic). \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) uses a set S of words representing standard symptoms and patient features that are extracted from an external knowledge base.

\(\mathrm {A}\,\, disease \) :

is a medical condition that is associated with a set of symptoms. \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) also uses a set L of standard diseases. The connection between S and L is captured by a matching function \(f:L\rightarrow 2^S\) where each disease \(\ell \in L\) is associated with a subset \(f(\ell )\subseteq S\).


Example 1

For the diseases “allergies” and “asthma”, we have:  

\(f(\mathrm {allergies})=\) :

\(\{\)sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, cough, postnasal drip, itchy nose, itchy eyes, itchy throat, watery eyes, dry skin, scaly skin, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness\(\}\)

\(f(\mathrm {asthma})=\) :

\(\{\)cough, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing, whistling sound when exhaling, frequent colds, difficulty speaking, breathless\(\}\)


Module I: Analysis Engine. The analysis engine understands user’s natural language input and extracts a set of symptoms and features from the set S. To implement an effective mechanism that can handle arbitrary language input from the user, we apply Google’s word embedding algorithm word2vec to map words into a vector space to capture their semantic similarities [2, 20, 21]. There are two scenarios that word embedding plays a key role: Firstly, when patients describe symptoms in a lay language, the analysis engine picks up keywords and constructs bags of words that represent all patients’ symptoms. The algorithm analyzes the most likely diseases by comparing the similarity of the patient’s symptoms and all common disease’s symptoms. Secondly, when the input words do not appear in the standard corpus S, the analysis engine computes words similarity using a word2vec model, which is pre-trained on a large dataset of medical documents. The words similarity will allow the system to find symptoms in the set S that best align with the input description (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The algorithmic process of the analysis engine in \(\mathsf {Mandy}\).

Example 2

We give two symptoms with their top-10 similar words:  

rash: :

blisters, itchy, scabies, bumps, hives, ringworm, scaly, bite, flaky, planus

nausea and vomiting: :

dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, drowsiness, lightheadedness, cramps, sleepiness, vertigo, weakness, bloating


Module II: S2C Mapping. This module takes the set \(S'\subseteq S\) of patient’s symptoms (output of the analysis engine) as input and computes a hypothesized disease \(\ell \in L\) that corresponds to \(S'\). We propose an algorithm, named Positive-Negative Matching Feature Count \(\mathsf {(P-N)MFC}\), to compare the similarity between S and \(f(\ell )\) for all \(\ell \in L\). The algorithm runs the following steps: Suppose that we have a set \(S_+\) of positive symptoms of the patient and a set \(S_{-}\) of negative symptoms. Suppose also that the set of diseases L is \(\{d_1,d_2,\ldots \}\) and let \(S_{d_i} = f(d_i)\) be the set of symptoms corresponding to \(d_i\). For every \(d_i\in L\):

  1. 1.

    Calculate \(S_+\cap S_{d_i}\), and let \(n^+_i=|S_+\cap S_{d_i}|\).

  2. 2.

    Calculate \(S_{-}\cap S_{d_i}\), and let \(n^-_i=|S_{-}\cap S_{d_i}|\).

  3. 3.

    Calculate \(\sigma _i = (n^+_i - n^-_i)\), this is the similarity value of the patient’s symptoms with each disease’s symptom.

The \(\mathsf {(P-N)MFC}\) algorithm selects \(d_i\in L\) that has the highest \(\sigma _i\) value has the next hypothesis.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Left: The app user interface; Whenever users encounter obscure medical terms, the relevant explanation from Merriam-Webster Dictionary can be viewed by clicking the dialog box. Right: The generated initial interview outcome report.

Module III: Question Generator. This module takes a list of hypothesized diseases \(C\subseteq L\) as input, and generates a new question with a most likely symptom for the patient to confirm. Unless \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) has obtained enough information to derive a diagnosis, the system will continue to pose new questions to the patient. Note that the input list of hypotheses is the result obtained from S2C Mapping Module; element in the list are ordered by the likelihood according to the current patient info. The output is a symptom that \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) selects from the knowledge base which represent the most likely symptom the patient has. \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) will form a question that asks the patient to confirm or reject this symptom. The detailed steps of the algorithm is as follows:

  1. 1.

    Update \(S_+\) and \(S_{-}\) according to the patients input.

  2. 2.

    If \(S_+\) has a new element, perform the \(\mathsf {(P-N)MFC}\) algorithm to get the most likely disease \(\ell \in L\). If \(f(\ell )\setminus S_+ \ne \varnothing \), randomly choose one such symptom in \(f(\ell )\) but not in \(S_+\) and ask about it in the next question.

  3. 3.

    If \(f(\ell )\) does not contain any symptom not in \(S_+\), the system will analyze patient’s input, then choose the most similar symptom in our standard corpus, and use it in the next question.

  4. 4.

    Once the system has got enough information from the patient, it will generate a diagnosis result, list top-most possible diseases which are related to the patient’s symptoms.

We deploy a proof-of-concept of \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) on an Amazon Web Services CloudFootnote 10. It provides services for both the mobile app versionFootnote 11 (see Fig. 4) and the PC versionFootnote 12. Knowledge about symptoms and diseases is constructed based on external sourcesFootnote 13. In this proof-of-concept, we select 25 common diseases. The dataset for word2vec to train a word embedding consists of crawled entries from the Internet. Firstly, on WikipediaFootnote 14, the crawler dredges data from the main page of “disease” and visit each medical terminology using hyperlinks. To collect more colloquial sentences, we also crawled data from HealthlineFootnote 15. The collected dataset contains approximately 20,000 web pages on Wikipedia and about 10,000 web pages on Healthline with a size of \(\approx \)50 MB.

4 Performance Evaluation

We extracted case studies from a standard medical textbook which contains numerous real-life patient complaints with suggested diagnosis [27]. We evaluate the performance of our proof-of-concepts on four randomly selected disease categories: Chest Pain, Respiratory Infections, Headache and Dizziness. Each case study starts with a patient description and then a list of hypotheses containing valid hypotheses which can be viewed as ground truth results. We investigate the result of \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) on 11 such case studies.

1. Evaluating the Generated Questions. \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) is intended to communicate with the patients just like a real healthcare staff. An ideal intake interviewer should pose a list of personalized questions that truthfully reflect the medical conditions of the patient and lead to meaningful information for their treatment. Thus the questions generated by \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) during an interview amounts to a crucial criterion for its effectiveness.

From the patient description, we recognize main symptoms. We then input only the first symptom to the system and check if the system can generate high-quality questions. We regard the questions which covered the other symptoms as “high-quality” since they are sufficient and important for the doctors to come up with the hypothesis list.

Example 3

One case study includes the following patient description: “Mrs. G is a 68-year-old woman with a history of hypertension who arrives at the emergency department by ambulance complaining of chest pain that has lasted 6 hours. Two hours after eating, moderate (5/10) chest discomfort developed. She describes it as a burning sensation beginning in her mid chest and radiating to her back. She initially attributed the pain to heartburn and used antacids. Despite multiple doses over 3 hours, there was no relief. Over the last hour, the pain became very severe (10/10) with radiation to her back and arms. The pain is associated with diaphoresis and shortness of breath. The patient takes enalapril for hypertension. She lives alone, is fairy sedentary, and smokes 1 pack of Cigarettes each day. She has an 80 pack year smoking history.” The symptoms extracted from the text are severe chest pain associated with diaphoresis and shortness of breath. To evaluate the generated questions, we only provide “severe chest pain”, and see if “diaphoresis” and “shortness of breath” will be asked by \(\mathsf {Mandy}\).

After we input “severe chest pain” as the answer to the first question, \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) generated the following interaction. The answers to the questions were obtained from understanding the text description above:

      \(\mathsf {Mandy}\): Do you have dysphagia?       Answer: no

      \(\mathsf {Mandy}\): Do you have hypotension?       Answer: no

      \(\mathsf {Mandy}\): Do you have cardiac arrest?       Answer: no

      \(\mathsf {Mandy}\): Do you have hyperhidrosis?       Answer: yes

      \(\mathsf {Mandy}\): Do you have fever?       Answer: no

      \(\mathsf {Mandy}\): Do you have abdominal pain?       Answer: no

      \(\mathsf {Mandy}\): Do you have shortness of breath?       Answer: yes

      \(\mathsf {Mandy}\): Do you have nausea and vomiting?       Answer: no

      \(\mathsf {Mandy}\): Do you have productive cough?       Answer: no

      \(\mathsf {Mandy}\): Do you have any other symptoms?       Answer: no

Among the 9 questions symptoms, two match exactly as our expected questions. Thus we evaluate the accuracy as: Question Accuracy = matched questions \(\div \) expected questions \(= 2/2 = 100\%\).

Using the same approach, we calculate question accuracy for six test cases (the other five test cases are all single symptom cases, so they cannot be used to evaluate the question accuracy). See Table 2. Among the six cases, two are from each of Chest Pain and Respiratory Issues, and a single case is from each of Dizziness and Headache. Besides the case for Dizziness which only asks 2 high-quality questions out of the expected 3 ones, the question accuracies for the other cases are all 100%.

2. The Performance of the Diagnosis Module. Another natural evaluation criterion is the diagnosis capability of \(\mathsf {Mandy}\). For this, we input the entire paragraph of patient description into the system as the answer to the first question. We then answer subsequent questions manually based on understanding of the case description. When the system has no more questions for the patient, we check if the output hypothesis list from the system matches with the ground truth hypotheses from the book (Table 1).

Table 1. Diagnostic hypotheses for Mr.W.
Table 2. Question and prediction accuracy of \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) over the case studies.
Fig. 5.
figure 5

Mr.W’s case on Your.MD

Example 4

The patient Mr.W complained that he felt chest pain with squeezing, sub-sternal pressure while climbing stairs. The only symptom recognized is chest pain. The diagnostic hypotheses including stable angina, GERD, and Musculoskeletal disorders from the guide book Table 8-1 [27] are shown here.

The hypotheses report from our system shows that one out of the four hypotheses is matched with the guide book (GERD). Another hypothesis “Myocardial infarction” (MI) from our system shares the same disease category with “stable angina” from the guide book. We regard MI as correct because it is close enough and “stable angina” does not exist in our current disease corpus.

Therefore we conclude that the final accuracy of our system for this case is: Prediction Accuracy = matched hypotheses from our system/ diagnostic hypotheses in guide book \(= 2/3 = 67\%\).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Mr.W’s case on HealthTap

Following the same approach, we calculate all the prediction accuracy for the 11 test cases. See Table 2. The low prediction accuracies for Dizziness and Headache are mainly caused by the lack of training data and knowledge in brain diseases in our system. This can be improved in a future update of the proof-of-concept.

To further evaluate our proof-of-concept, we input Mr.W’s case on two well-known existing medical chatbots Your.MD and HealthTap from the Facebook Messenger Bots Platform. The conversations are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Even including “chest pain” in the description, the results provided by HealthTap were not convincing. Similarly, after Your.MD checked 30 symptoms, the two conclusions were far from the correct one. On this test case, \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) clearly outperforms these existing chatbots as the questions are related to the symptoms and the hypotheses list also make sense.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

We develop an integrated, intelligent and interactive system called \(\mathsf {Mandy}\) who is not designed as a diagnostic or clinical decision-making tool but an assistant to doctors. We use word2vec to solve the NLP problem in this particular domain which works well according to our evaluation experiments.

Much further work is needed to improve the capability of our proof-of-concept. Firstly, we need to include more diseases into our system. The total number of human diseases is over 1000, so there is still a lot of work to do. Secondly, a symptom synonym thesauri should also be produced. Then we could generate questions with more understandable symptoms for the patients. Additionally, the symptom thesauri could improve the performance of the trained model. Because more than one target will definitely increase the mapping possibility of patient’s doc and standard symptom corpus. Thirdly, the update of our S2C module is necessary. Currently, we only deal with symptoms, due to the lack of proper data, though the function is able to handle other features, such as gender and bad habits. Another data set we desired, is the S2C kind of file with weight for each symptom. Some symptoms are highly likely to lead to some disease more than others. This could greatly improve our system’s performance. Additionally, we also plan to add a case-based Incremental learning and reinforcement learning algorithm to enhance the diagnosis accuracy. Besides, the separate modules in our structure make it possible to replace our S2C module like a plug-in with another diagnosis system, if which also provides an ordered hypothesis list. The last but not least, to achieve the ambitious goal, chatting like a human, we need to acquire real life Patient-Doctor conversation data, which will give us more confidence to provide smarter interaction.