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Part of the book series: Social Indicators Research Series ((SINS,volume 16))


Subjective quality of life has attracted increasing research interest over recent decades but more often than not authors complain of a lack of clarity and consensus over definitions, terminology and theoretical models. Such disagreement is slowing progress and development in the field Spurred on by the lack of consensus, this chapter firstly reviews the characteristics of subjective quality of life on which there is some agreement. This is followed by examination of the role that cognitions and emotion are considered to play in subjective quality of life judgements. In this regard, there is evidence that cognitions play a major role in most judgements. Likewise, emotions appear to play an integral part, but this role has yet to be adequately explored in the literature. In order to address this deficit, definitions of emotion and mood are reviewed, followed by discussion of the possible role of emotion in subjective quality of life judgements. It is proposed that emotion and mood, along with cognitions and personality, help to shape perceptions of quality of life.

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Bramston, P. (2002). Subjective Quality of Life: The Affective Dimension. In: Gullone, E., Cummins, R.A. (eds) The Universality of Subjective Wellbeing Indicators. Social Indicators Research Series, vol 16. Springer, Dordrecht.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-94-010-3960-4

  • Online ISBN: 978-94-010-0271-4

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