
2.1 Introduction

An early, and still predominant, economic approach to climate change has been to treat it as the challenge of pricing a large, global externality. The focus has been on economic efficiency and determining optimal emissions trajectories using integrated assessment models (IAMs) where the avoided damages of climate change could be compared with abatement costs. Given the possibility of catastrophic impacts and the myriad uncertainties surrounding climate change, we, like several other authors, argue for a risk management approach, not an efficiency approach.

A risk management approach asks what policy should be, given the large range of possible outcomes from that choice. This is quite distinct from asking what the optimal policy is under different assumptions of our uncertain variables. Drawing an analogy to risk management in the insurance and financial sectors, society may wish to keep the probability of facing catastrophic damages to some determined low level. This change in focus to a risk management paradigm dramatically shifts our information needs. A risk management approach highlights the need for research on the possibility of climate catastrophes, their likelihood under various emissions scenarios, and whether we can detect impending catastrophes soon enough to avert them.

There are many places where we can improve our climate information to improve climate risk management, raising the question of where to spend scarce research dollars and when it is worth waiting for better information. Basic value-of-information models make clear that information will be valuable only when (1) the possible policy options perform quite differently in different states of the world; (2) our current beliefs would lead us to pick an option that is worse than what we would do with better information; and (3) we can undertake some measurement, the result of which would shift our belief substantially enough to change our preferred policy.

Bayesian belief nets (BBNs) can be used to take a distinctly risk management approach to the task of valuing improved climate information. BBNs are graphical models of the dependencies between multiple variables. They can be used to calculate how improved information on one or more parameters would change the estimated probability of meeting a given policy target, as well as how improved knowledge alters welfare estimates. BBNs can also incorporate expert judgment for determining beliefs and quantifying uncertainties and highlight what scientific information is most valuable for a policymaker taking a risk management approach, as opposed to an efficiency approach, to the climate problem.

The next section introduces what we consider to be a risk management approach to climate change. Section 2.3 offers an overview of a basic value-of-information framework. In Sect. 2.4 we move on to discussing how BBNs can be used to conduct a value-of-information analysis for the climate problem while incorporating a distinctly risk management flavor of analysis. Section 2.5 concludes.

2.2 A Risk Management Approach

As is known in finance, an increase in expected rewards usually carries with it an increase in risks. Prudent firms in the banking and insurance industries often manage the risk of insolvency using a value-at-risk (VaR) approach. A firm chooses a target solvency probability (or one is set for it through regulation) and then ensures that the risk of insolvency does not exceed this target, through, for example, building capital reserves or reducing exposure. So too with climate change, the benefits of increased economic growth from a carbon economy carry with them risks of negative climate impacts, some of which could be quite catastrophic. When the uncertainties and nontrivial probability of catastrophic outcomes are recognized, it can change preferred policy choices; in these cases, some amount of abatement in the near term as a hedging strategy becomes optimal (see, e.g., Manne and Richels 1995; Lempert et al. 2000).

Following the VaR approach used in the private sector, society could choose to limit the risk of a climate-induced “insolvency.” This would be some form of collapse in social welfare—a worst-case scenario whose probability should be kept beneath a defined tolerable level. The policy questions then become, first, what the worst-case outcome is we wish to avoid, and second, how much risk of such an outcome we are willing to tolerate. Regulations for the banking and insurance industries in the European Union dictate the solvency threshold for firms at around 1-in-200. We are currently taking much larger risks of large-scale climate damages than this.

In a risk management approach, then, fully assessing and clearly communicating the uncertainties become essential for policy. Too many studies conducted under an efficiency approach to the climate problem include the uncertainties as a caveat, and too many policymakers dismiss the uncertainties of modeling as fine print. In a world of climate risk management, the size and nature of these uncertainties and our attitudes toward risk determine the optimal amount of abatement today. This requires undertaking a complete uncertainty analysis with current climate models.

It is also the case that a risk management approach highlights different information needs. The correct discount rate becomes less important than an improved understanding of the nature of catastrophic consequences, their likelihood under differing emissions scenarios, our ability to detect tipping points before a catastrophe materializes, and the time frame for response should we pass such tipping points. Although we have some information on catastrophic impacts—for instance, numerous studies point to catastrophic consequences if global temperature exceeds 5 °C above preindustrial conditions, or even above 2.5 °C (Keller et al. 2008)—in general, we have a fairly poor understanding of the tail of the climate change damage distribution.

Satellite data are critical to this type of research. For instance, satellites can be used to document the trends that could be indicative of climate tipping points, such as melting of ice in Antarctica or the amount of methane in the atmosphere. They can also be used to look at effects as diverse as ocean acidification and desertification. This information, however, is under threat because the number of earth-observing satellites is declining, not increasing. Even rough model calculations of the value such information satellites provide in terms of detecting tipping points to avoid catastrophe could be useful for Congress when lawmakers consider appropriating more money to observation systems.

2.3 Value-of-Information Refresher

It is useful to recall a basic model of the value of information. Assume we can choose one of a set of available policy options, and that each option has a well-defined outcome with well-defined utility in each possible state of the world. If the future state of the world were known, we would simply choose the option that would generate the highest utility. Unfortunately, the state is not known, and so we must quantify our uncertainty and then choose the option with the highest expected utility, given our beliefs about the state of the world.Footnote 1 Now, suppose we have the opportunity to perform an observation before choosing a policy, which will produce information to alter our beliefs about the likely state of the world. The observation may incline us to choose a different policy than we would have chosen without the observation. A simple result in decision theory states that it is never disadvantageous to perform a cost-free observation before choosing. That does not mean, however, that it is always worth spending money to obtain more information. The value of information quantifies the expected gain of performing this observation, relative to the given set of policy options.

A simple example clarifies the basic properties of the value of information. Suppose we have to choose between three climate policies: (1) business as usual (BAU) with no abatement; (2) tempered abatement (a little now with the possibility of more later); and (3) maximal abatement now. Suppose for illustration that there are two possible states of the world: climate sensitivity (cs) = 1.5 and cs = 5. The value cs = 1.5 corresponds to the most sanguine value given in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 4), and 5 is a very pessimistic value “which cannot be excluded” (IPCC 2007). BAU produces high utility if cs = 1.5, as no money is wasted on unnecessary abatement. It is catastrophic if cs = 5. The opposite holds for maximal abatement: it avoids catastrophe if cs = 5 but is very wasteful if it turns out that cs = 1.5. Tempered abatement is intermediate. Since in this simple example Prob{cs = 1.5} = 1 − Prob{cs = 5}, the expected utility of each policy is a linear function of Prob{cs = 1.5}, as shown in Fig. 2.1.

Fig. 2.1
figure 1

Value of information for simple climate policy choice problem, with value of perfect information

According to our assessed probability of the event {cs = 1.5}, one of these three options will be optimal. Figure 2.1 shows that for a belief point Prob{cs = 1.5} = 0.66, tempered abatement is optimal, but if the probability were a little higher, say 0.7, the preference would shift to BAU. Of course, we would like to know the true cs before choosing. If we could simply observe this number, then we would obviously choose BAU if cs = 1.5 and choose maximal abatement if cs = 5. Without knowing the outcome of this hypothetical measurement, we can compute the expected value of observing cs before choosing by drawing the thin dotted line in Fig. 2.1. The difference between this line and the maximum expectation of our policy options at our belief point is called the value of perfect information, for this belief point and these policy options.

Unfortunately, we are seldom afforded the possibility of performing a perfect observation. The best we can do in practice is find (costly) observations whose possible outcomes would alter our beliefs. Suppose scientists can undertake a study to get better but still imperfect information on the climate sensitivity. Keeping the example simple, suppose the possible outcomes of such a measurement are either HI or LO. Experts agree that if we observe LO, then the probability that {cs = 1.5} = 0.75, whereas if we observe HI, then the probability of {cs = 1.5} = 0.3. It is easy to calculate that Prob{outcome = LO} = 0.8.Footnote 2 If we observe LO, then we would choose BAU, whereas if we observe HI, then we would still choose tempered abatement, as shown in Fig. 2.2. The expected value of this observation is found by connecting the best choices for each possible outcome by the thin dotted line in Fig. 2.2. The value of this information in this problem is the difference between the thin dotted line and the value of the best option at Prob{cs = 1.5} = 0.66. This value is rather small because a HI value doesn’t change our initial choice.

Fig. 2.2
figure 2

Value of information simple climate policy choice problem with value of imperfect information

Our simple example demonstrates that for the value of information to be important, all of the following must obtain:

  1. 1.

    The set of available options is strongly concave in the sense that it consists of options that are very good in some states of the world and very bad in others, and options that are mediocre in all states of the world.

  2. 2.

    Our belief point leads us to choose an option that is much worse than what we would choose with perfect information.

  3. 3.

    There are observations whose possible outcomes would strongly influence our belief point.

2.4 A Risk Management Approach to the Value of Information

A risk management approach to climate change should translate through to value-of-information calculations. A risk management perspective suggests that value-of-information calculations should allow for examination of how improved information alters our estimate of the odds of meeting a given policy target. Furthermore, they should incorporate rigorous expert judgment for determining beliefs and quantifying uncertainties and should highlight what scientific information is most valuable for a policymaker taking a risk management approach, as opposed to an efficiency approach, to the climate problem.

We argue that Bayesian belief nets are useful tools that meet all three criteria. A BBN is a graphical model representing variables and their conditional probabilities. It allows for quantification of uncertainty in complex models of multiple variables. A simple example based on the IAM of William Nordhaus, DICE, is used, with distributions on three uncertain parameters. We model temperature-induced damages, Ω(t), at time t as a function of global mean surface Temperature, T(t), with uncertain parameter dx:

$$ \Omega ({\hbox{t}}) = 1/[1 + \rm psi {\hbox{T}}({\hbox{t}})^{\hbox{dx}}]. $$

Temperature is a function of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and the uncertain climate sensitivity parameter, cs:

$$ {\hbox{T}}({\hbox{t}}) = {\hbox{\it cs}} \times \ln ({\hbox{GHG}}({\hbox{t}})/280)\!/\!\ln (2). $$

Ω(t) is a value between zero and one that scales down total output, Q, which is a function of abatement Λ, total factor productivity A (this is a parameter, evolving over time to capture technological change), capital stock K, and labor N, with uncertain Cobb-Douglas parameter gx:

$$ {\hbox{Q}}({\hbox{t}}) = \Omega ({\hbox{t}})[1 - \Lambda ({\hbox{t}})]{\hbox{A}}({\hbox{t}}){\hbox{K}}({\hbox{t}})^{\hbox{gx}}{\hbox{N}}({\hbox{t}})^{1 - {\hbox{gx}}}. $$

Different policies are characterized by their GHG emissions: policy 1 involves the lowest emissions at highest abatement cost; policy 10 involves the highest emissions at lowest abatement cost. Greater abatement leads to reduced output.

This model as a BBN is shown in Fig. 2.3. The top three nodes represent uncertain variables in the model: the climate sensitivity cs, the exponent in our damage function dx, and the exponent in a Cobb-Douglas production function gx. We have assigned distributions to each of these variables.Footnote 3 One tenet of risk management is that these distributions should be assigned not in an ad hoc fashion by modelers (as we do here simply for purposes of illustration) but in a process of structured expert judgment. This involves transparently choosing a range of experts on the topic, familiarizing them with the study, allowing them to consider the problem and prepare a response, conducting a face-to-face interview, querying experts about measurable variables, querying experts about calibration variables, and measuring performance on statistical accuracy and informativeness to aggregate judgments (Cooke and Kelly 2010). This process of expert judgment will allow for the best assessment of the uncertainties in the model.

Fig. 2.3
figure 3

Bayesian belief net for example climate model

The nodes labeled “output” in Fig. 2.3 represent output over the next 100 years under the five abatement policy options, which are shown in the Temp5 nodes. The arrows connecting the nodes represent defined relationships between those two variables. The thresholdtemp node at the base of the model allows for stipulating a threshold maximum temperature, and the model can then calculate the probability of exceeding this threshold for each policy option. When run, these probabilities would be shown in the White nodes, or the VaR nodes (see Fig. 2.4).

Fig. 2.4
figure 4

Stipulating temperature increases to not exceed 3°

Figure 2.4 shows the result of running the model with temperature threshold set at 3 °C. The expected value of each variable ± the standard deviation is shown at the bottom of each node. The expected value of the VaR nodes is the probability of not exceeding the stipulated threshold. We see that the expected output and expected temperature increase as we move from option 1 to option 10, whereas the probability of staying below the stipulated temperature threshold drops. This reflects the fact, long obvious to investors, that increasing expected gain is coupled with greater risk. The first policy achieves our target 100% of the time, and the second policy achieves it 95.5%. By policy option 3, however, the target is met only about 39% of the time. If we defined 3° as our “collapse” point with a threshold of 5%, then only the first two policies would be deemed viable. We can see that output is higher under the second policy, as would be expected, since there are greater emissions.

The BBN thus formalizes our uncertainty over particular parameters and, similar to the simple value-of-information model in the preceding section, will allow us to estimate the value of improved information on any of the uncertain variables. For instance, we can compare the distribution of output under the various policy options when climate sensitivity is modeled as an uncertain random variable and then compare this with the case when it is known with certainty or when its distribution narrows from improved information.

To illustrate, suppose we perform an imperfect observation on climate sensitivity, leading to the distribution shown in Fig. 2.5, with mean lowered from 2.08 to 1.2, and with narrower uncertainty. Now option 3 meets the risk management requirement of holding temperature below 3 °C with probability at least 0.95. The expected output of option 3 is 270. Without performing this observation, our best option meeting the risk management requirement was option 2 with expectation 233. The expected outputs in Fig. 2.5 are a bit higher than in Fig. 2.4, since the lower climate sensitivity leads to reduced damages for all options.

Fig. 2.5
figure 5

Observation on climate sensitivity leading to shifted distribution

Once defined, the BBN can be sampled. Examining 1,000 such samples, displayed as a cobweb plot in Fig. 2.6, shows, as just one example, the relationship among climate sensitivity, temperature, and output, under the five policy options. The cobweb plot shows clearly that lower climate sensitivity values are associated with lower temperatures and higher output. Although this particular finding is obvious, it demonstrates the way in which a BBN can be used to explore the links among multiple variables. If a measurement could be taken to narrow the possible range for climate sensitivity, a value of that measurement can be determined by resampling our BBN with the narrowed range comparing output under the range of policies, as well as the probability that various policy options meet our threshold probability.

Fig. 2.6
figure 6

Cobweb plot with 1,000 samples

Finally, the BBN can help risk managers determine what type of information would be most useful and thus where best to direct scarce research dollars, or whether to invest in a particular research project. This can be done by comparing improved information on a variety of multiple uncertain variables. In this simple model, we only have three, but more complicated climate models would include a broader range of the uncertain variables. Our model would then let us uncover which types of information may be useful and which will not be. For instance, if catastrophic tipping points in the climate system are irreversible, detection is impossible, or detection would be too late for society to take action, Weitzman (2007) notes that the option value of waiting for more information would be zero. Thus, knowing when not to wait for more information and when not to invest in learning is just as important as knowing when to do so.

Note that to do this type of analysis effectively, we must clearly determine which uncertain variables are those over which we can undertake measurements to improve our knowledge and those where the uncertainty arises from other sources, such as differing value judgments. For instance, although there is uncertainty over the proper discount rate, this is at base a disagreement of values or opinion and cannot be resolved through better information.

The simple BBN used here represents just one climate model. It thus makes certain assumptions about the functional form of relationships among variables. From IAM modeling, however, we know that varying these assumptions can produce dramatically different outcomes. Fankhauser and Tol (2005), for example, observe that damages can affect capital depreciation, the utility function, the production function, and population growth. Which is chosen can create profound differences in predicted welfare for various policy choices. These differences can be addressed in one BBN by including different climate damage models.

2.5 Conclusion

Among the most challenging aspects of addressing climate change are the uncertainties and the possibility of truly catastrophic damages should we fail to abate sufficiently. Rather than neglecting these features of the problem, we suggest that a risk management policy approach be pursued, which would aim to keep the probability of reaching catastrophic damages below some tolerable threshold. Within this framework, improved information on some aspects of the climate problem will be more useful than other aspects. A simple model of the value of information suggests when improved information will be helpful—namely, when we have policy options that produce very different outcomes in different states of the world, when our current beliefs lead us to choose a policy we would not choose if we had better information, and when it is possible to learn information that would alter our beliefs substantially. Although these heuristics are useful, more sophisticated analyses of the value of improved climate information based on detailed climate models would help policymakers make improved decisions about where to invest in information, how much to invest, and when more research is even worthwhile.

Such calculations can be performed using BBNs. Translating climate models into this framework creates a visually intuitive model in which it is easy to stipulate risk management thresholds and observe the consequences of improved learning within such targets. We have presented a simple illustration here, but a true analysis would, of course, require a much more detailed model. It would also require the use of expert judgment to adequately characterize the uncertainties, as well as discussion with scientists to discover what uncertainties could be reduced through various investments in research.