
1 Introduction

Great changes have occurred in many tropical countries in recent decades and these have led to problems in their coastal and marine ecosystems and their dependent human societies. For example, in the Red Sea ‘In the late 1960s, probably 98% of the total Red Sea coast was in practically virgin condition … ’ (Ormond 1987). The rapid development that occurred in parts of the Red Sea since the 1960s (as a direct result of the expansion of petroleum-based economies) had profound consequences for its ecosystems, with the loss of this ‘virgin’ status in many places. Coral reefs near urban and industrial centers were degraded by land-filling and dredging, port activities, sewage, and tourism. Three-quarters of the Red Sea’s mangrove stands were negatively affected by camel grazing, felling, cutting, solid wastes, sewage, burial by mobilized sand dunes, or obstruction to tidal flows. Sharks were over-fished and overfishing by industrial trawlers in the Gulf of Aden depleted cuttlefish and deep-sea lobsters (Gladstone 2008).

A global response to the problems occurring in all tropical coastal ecosystems (including the Red Sea) has been the design and development of a range of conservation and management tools, approaches, and principles and these will be the focus of this chapter. I begin by justifying the need for conservation and management from the perspectives of the benefits human societies derive from them, and the ecological, social, and economic costs flowing from their degradation. I then review nine major goals for conservation and management. Each goal is described and justified, and some practical case studies of the ways each is being implemented are provided. There is a rich vocabulary in the disciplines of coastal conservation and management (Kay and Alder 1999) but I have selected ‘goals’ to illustrate the point that achieving these goals will help achieve the conservation and sustainable use of coastal ecosystems. Readers interested in additional related topics (e.g., financing, legal aspects) will find many relevant references herein. I have deliberately focused on the practical ways of addressing current issues, rather than a detailed review of the issues, and readers interested in the latter can consult several excellent recent reviews (Connell 2007, Fine and Franklin 2007, Glasby and Creese 2007). Examples of the practical actions that can be applied are described in case studies in boxes and many more are listed in Appendix 16.1 at the end of this chapter. The references cited in Appendix 16.1 provide the starting point for further exploration of a diverse and exciting literature.

2 The Values of Coastal Ecosystems

Coastal ecosystems in the tropics include coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass. Coral reefs, described as ‘the largest durable bioconstruction projects on Earth’ (Knowlton and Jackson 2001), are the major centers of marine diversity. More phyla inhabit coral reefs than tropical rainforests, and coral reefs probably contain close to one million species, although only about 100,000 have been described (Harrison and Booth 2007). The presence of coral reefs influences the physical structure of the coastline and adjacent ecosystems, and they protect mangroves and seagrasses against the sea.

Seagrasses are the only marine representatives of the flowering plants and the habitats they form (‘seagrass beds’) contain diverse assemblages of other organisms. There are more than 70 seagrass species, with centers of diversity occurring in southwestern Australia, Southeast Asia, and Japan/Republic of Korea (Gillanders 2007). Mangrove forests are the other plant-based coastal habitat that occurs in the high intertidal areas of soft sediment shorelines. Mangroves and seagrass beds contribute to other habitats through export of detritus (see Chapter 3) and the movements of juvenile and adult organisms (see Chapter 8 and 10), and both habitats trap sediments and thereby protect coral reefs (Connolly and Lee 2007).

The conservation and management of coastal ecosystems can be justified by the need to maintain the benefits they provide to human society (Duarte 2000, Turner 2000, UNEP 2006). Ecosystem services, including provisioning, regulating, and cultural services, are the benefits humans derive from ecosystems and their supply is dependent on supporting services (Table 16.1). Provisioning services provide the products used by humans for subsistence, enjoyment, and enterprise, and include pharmaceuticals, curios, building materials, and food from fisheries and aquaculture. Regulating services include shoreline protection and stabilization from waves and storm surges (provided by coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass), and sediment trapping and pollutant filtering (by mangroves and seagrass).

Table 16.1 The range of services provided by tropical ecosystems and examples of the benefits provided to human society from these services (X indicates the ecosystem provides a significant amount of the service) (adapted from UNEP 2006)

Cultural and amenity services are the non-material benefits obtained from ecosystems. These include the attributes of ecosystems that are appreciated and used for tourism, recreation, cultural, and spiritual reasons. These services also include the traditional knowledge that forms the basis of much fisheries management, tourism, alternative food sources and medicinals, education, and research (UNEP 2006). Humans use beaches, cliffs, estuaries, open coasts, and coral reefs for recreation and their aesthetic values. Coastal recreational activities such as boating, fishing, swimming, walking, beachcombing, SCUBA diving, and sunbathing produce substantial economic and social returns to coastal nations and communities. The rapid growth of coastal tourism and the associated economic and social benefits means that it is now an essential component of the economies of many small island states (Spurgeon 2006, UNEP 2006).

These ecosystem services depend on the availability of habitats and nurseries, primary productivity, and nutrient cycling. The associated benefits of habitats and nurseries include their usage by a diverse range of species and communities, support for ecologically, recreationally, and commercially significant species, and opportunities for life cycle completion (by providing pathways of connectivity between different habitats) (UNEP 2006).

3 Issues for Coastal Ecosystems in the Tropics

All major coastal ecosystems are experiencing degradation throughout tropical regions of the world (summarized in Table 16.2). Coral cover is a case in point. Overall, 30% of global coral reefs are already severely damaged and 60% may be lost by 2030 (Wilkinson 2006). Recovery of coral reefs will be slow or not occur at all when they experience multiple stressors (Connell 1997). There has been a region-wide decline in coral cover in the Caribbean from 50 to 10% between 1977 and 2001 (Gardner et al. 2003). This loss of Caribbean coral reefs has been greater than any time in the last 100,000 years (Precht and Aronson 2006). The Indo-Pacific region contains 75% of the world’s coral reefs and has experienced substantial declines in coral cover: average coral cover was only 22.1% in 2003 and cover declined at the annual rate of 1% in the past 20 years and 2% between 1997 and 2003 (equivalent to an annual loss of 3,186 km2) (Bruno and Selig 2007).

Table 16.2 Synthesis of issues negatively affecting tropical coastal ecosystems

Habitat loss and modification are being driven by the demands for aquaculture, port construction, trawling, road construction, and the building industry (UNEP 2006). Approximately 75% of sheltered tropical coasts worldwide were once occupied by mangroves, but this figure is nowadays probably closer to 25% (Dahdouh-Guebas 2002). The use of mangroves and seagrass as nursery habitats by many coastal species, including commercially important species, highlights the more widespread costs that are felt from loss of these habitats.

Invasive species are likely to be an increasing cause of change in coastal ecosystems (UNEP 2006). Invasive species influence fisheries, local ecological interaction, and coastal infrastructure, and their effects will be difficult to reverse. The major route of transfer of invasive species is in ship’s ballast water. Ships began using water to control their draught, trim, and heel in the last nineteenth century in place of solid materials. However, it is only in recent years with the advent of larger tankers traveling at faster speeds that the chance of successful transfer of organisms around the world increased substantially. Currently, global shipping annually transfers 12 billion tonnes of ballast water around the world (Facey 2006).

Climate change will be one of the dominant causes of change in coastal ecosystems, especially mangroves, coral reefs, and beaches, through its potential influence on sea level, storm frequency, sea temperatures, and oceanographic processes such as upwellings and surface currents. Changes arising from climate change will be difficult to reverse and are likely to manifest as coral bleaching, coastal erosion, alterations in plankton delivery to coastal zones, and altered calcification processes arising from changes in ocean chemistry (Fine and Franklin 2007).

The food delivered by fisheries is one of the most important services derived from coastal ecosystems (see Chapter 15), e.g., fisheries based around coral reefs in developing countries provide food to about 1 billion people in Asia. After a period of intense growth in catch beginning in the mid-twentieth century, catches began to stagnate and decline at the end of the 1980s due to overfishing (UNEP 2006). The percentage of under-exploited stocks has declined and the percentage of stocks exploited at or beyond their maximum sustainable yield has increased. At the same time increases in per capita consumption of fish stimulated the rapid growth of aquaculture to fill the gap between production and demand, and aquaculture is the fastest growing primary industry globally. Many wild capture fisheries and aquaculture practices are leading to: physical damage to habitats and associated changes in community structure (e.g., from trawling) or complete habitat loss (e.g., due to conversion from mangroves to aquaculture), pollution, over-exploitation of species for fish meal, changes in trophic ecology manifested as reduced numbers of top predators (‘fishing down the food web’), effects on by-catch species (especially turtles, seabirds, sharks), and the spread of infectious diseases (UNEP 2006).

Major losses of seagrass have occurred in Florida and Australia and degradation is expected to accelerate in Caribbean and Southeast Asia (UNEP 2006). The major causes of seagrass loss are nutrient loading, sedimentation, dredging, and loss from algae farming. Coral reefs are highly degraded throughout the world: 20% are severely damaged and unlikely to recover, with the areas of most concern being the Caribbean and Southeast Asia (UNEP 2006). Major activities degrading coral reefs include: destructive fishing, collection for construction, overfishing, nutrient loading, bleaching, and sedimentation from catchment activities.

Underlying causes of many issues for coastal ecosystems (Table 16.2) include lack of information for management decision-making, population growth and poverty, limited technical and management capacity, poor governance and corruption, lack of institutional collaboration, a focus on solving single issues, lack of stakeholder participation, mismatch between the issue and the geographic scale of management, lack of an ecosystem perspective, ineffective governance and management, and a lack of awareness of the consequences of human activities (Duda and Sherman 2002). The remainder of this chapter considers goals for conservation and management of coastal ecosystems and the practical steps needed to address the immediate and underlying causes of issues.

4 Goals for Conservation and Management of Tropical Ecosystems

The protection of coastal tropical ecosystems and the maintenance of ecosystem services is a highly desirable though complex aim. Conservation and management are more likely to succeed when they are planned with reference to goals or guiding principles that are based on ecological and socio-economic understanding. The remainder of this chapter is a synthesis of nine goals for conservation and management. These goals acknowledge that successful conservation and management requires consideration of species and ecosystems and the people who use and manage them. Five goals relate to the need to conserve biodiversity and associated ecological processes at the scale of whole ecosystems and include: maintenance of resilience, connectivity, and water quality, the recovery of species at-risk of extinction, and conservation of representative samples of biodiversity. Four goals relate to the people and institutions who use and manage coastal ecosystems and include: understanding of the socio-economic context, stakeholder participation, education (which includes capacity building), and management at the appropriate spatial scale. Each goal is supported by examples of the management actions and interventions and many of these (e.g., establishment and management of marine reserves, environmental assessment) are relevant to several goals, which reinforces their general power for conservation and management. Appendix 16.1 is an overview of the practical actions that can be utilized to achieve each goal.

4.1 Providing for Resilience

Tropical ecosystems are affected by anthropogenic and natural disturbances such as storms, coral bleaching, crown-of-thorns starfish, invasive species, shipwrecks, pollution events, disease, and fishing. Resilience is the ability of an ecosystem to recover from a disturbance and maintain its production of goods and services (Carpenter et al. 2001). A large number of coral reefs were affected by the 1998 bleaching event and the resilience of reefs to continued bleaching events is a major concern. Resilience requires ecosystems to possess biological and functional diversity including herbivores (especially grazing parrotfish and sea urchins; Mumby et al. 2006, 2007), mobile species that move between ecosystems (such as fishes moving between mangroves, seagrass, and coral reefs), a reef framework consisting of scleractinian corals and coralline algae, predators (that maintain a high diversity of herbivores and control bioeroders), corallivores, and settlement facilitators (such as bacteria, diatoms, coralline algae) (Nyström and Folke 2001, Grimsditch and Salm 2005). An ecosystem’s resilience will be facilitated by its connections with source areas that provide large numbers of recruits that maintain populations in sink areas. Resilience will be naturally greater in dense reef networks where individual reefs are highly connected but resilience is likely to be less for isolated reefs (Roberts et al. 2006). Appropriate environmental conditions for successful recruitment are required and these may relate to water quality, light availability, limited sedimentation, and availability of suitable substratum (Grimsditch and Salm 2005).

Resilience can be maintained by a range of management actions (Appendix 16.1). Key functional groups can be conserved through: fisheries management, species-specific action plans (Gladstone 2006), protection of spawning aggregation sites (Gladstone 1986, 1996), and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Fisheries management (e.g., banning fish traps) can maintain both functional diversity and abundant populations (Mumby et al. 2007). Population rehabilitation (e.g., via transplantation of urchins) may be necessary to return the resilience of specific sites (Jaap et al. 2006). Populations of targeted species recover in no-take MPAs (Edgar et al. 2007). The grazing intensity of parrotfish in MPAs can be double that occurring in non-reserve areas (Mumby et al. 2006) and is associated with significant increases in the density of coral recruits (Mumby et al. 2007). Coral reefs within MPAs are more resilient to a major natural disturbance and the effects of increasing human usage (see Box 16.1). Populations of a diverse range of species that are protected within MPAs act as ‘source’ areas by producing large numbers of genetically diverse propagules that will be available for settlement in downstream ‘sink’ areas. Additional protection of highly important source areas (e.g., spawning aggregation sites) is likely to be necessary because many have been decimated by targeted fishing (Sadovy 1993).

12 Conclusion

Addressing the issues confronting tropical coastal ecosystems requires management approaches that restore and conserve the natural patterns and functions of ecosystems. The recent advances in our understanding of the dynamics of marine and coastal ecosystems, the scales at which they operate, and the development of new technologies (reviewed in Part 3 of this book) have supported simultaneous advances in conservation and management. These advances include the selection and design of MPAs, habitat rehabilitation, environmental assessment, and the developing field of seascape approaches to management. Achieving society’s aspirations for coastal ecosystems requires, on the one hand, changes to people’s behaviors and greater awareness about the effects of their actions. This cannot be successful without deep understanding of human coastal societies and economies and their interaction with local coastal ecosystems. The greatest challenges to conservation and management will continue to come from larger factors such as global climate change, poverty, population growth and coastal migration, and low development status.