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Plant Nutrition in Tropical Forestry

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Tropical Forestry Handbook


The chapter summarizes available information on nutrition and fertilization of natural forest and tree plantations in tropical regions with emphasis on about 30 species of economic relevance in lowland wet tropical America (mainly Eucalyptus ssp., Tectona grandis, Acacia mangium, and Pinus spp.). Information on dry or seasonally dry tropical forests is scarce. Recent documents on tropical forest and plantation nutrition considered in this review include Fisher and Binkley (2000), Reddy (2002), Hartemink (2003), Rodríguez and Alvárez (2010), Paudyal (2012), and Alvarado and Raigosa (2012).

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Alvarado, A. (2015). Plant Nutrition in Tropical Forestry. In: Pancel, L., Köhl, M. (eds) Tropical Forestry Handbook. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  1. Latest

    Plant Nutrition in Tropical Forestry
    05 November 2015


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    Introduction to Plant Nutrition
    24 July 2015
