
1 Introduction

Robotic systems have applications in many real-life scenarios, ranging from household cleaning to critical search-and-rescue operations. Assessing their expected behaviour is challenging. In spite of that, typically controller software is developed in an ad-hoc manner, driven by simulations and physical experiments, but without a clear relation with models of requirements and design.

Standard state-machine notations, without underlying formal semantics, are often used [1, 2] together with natural language annotations to specify more complex behaviours, involving aspects such as time and probabilities. State machines are often neither presented in an abstract way, nor do they contain precise and sufficient information to relate the designs to the simulations and deployments. In this scenario, the ability to faithfully replicate results, even just across different simulators, let alone using different robotic platforms, is significantly hampered.

In this paper we present a timed semantics for RoboChart [3], a state-machine based notation that can be characterised as a UML profile extended with time primitives and with a formal semantics. RoboChart provides constructs for capturing the architectural patterns of typical timed and reactive robotic systems. An abstract characterisation of a robot’s operations and events is formalised via the notion of a robotic platform that decouples the software and hardware platform from controllers. A controller can encapsulate multiple state-machines, and is connected with a particular platform via the notion of a module. This enables an abstract and precise approach to the design of robotic systems, where high-level concepts can be mapped into low-level constructs of typical executable simulations, for example, as we have considered in [3].

Here we propose a compositional semantics for refinement using Timed CSP [4], enriched with deadline constructs from  [5], a discrete-time process algebra that combines constructs of Z [6], CSP [7], and Timed CSP, besides deadline operators. A semantics for the enriched Timed CSP is defined in the Unifying Theories of Programming [5, 8].

For RoboChart models that make a modest use of data types, we translate the semantics to CSP using a special event tock to mark the time. This version of CSP, called tock-CSP [7], is supported by the model checker FDR [9]. We use it to validate the design of RoboChart and our semantics, and check timed properties of RoboChart models. With tock-CSP, we can give a discrete-time model for all constructs of Timed CSP and deadlines.

The encoding in tock-CSP is mechanised in RoboTool, a graphical editor for RoboChart models. Using RoboTool and the automatically generated semantics, we have tackled a number of examples, and present here four experiments: two chemical detectors [10], an alpha algorithm used in swarm robotics [11], and a transporter that works in a swarm to move an object to a goal position [1].

Our long-term objective is to use our semantics for verification by automated theorem proving using an Isabelle encoding of  [12], and prove that automatically generated simulations are sound, that is, refine the RoboChart models. Translation from Timed CSP with deadlines to is not challenging, since is a richer language.

In Sect. 2 we motivate our work by presenting an example of a typical timed robotic controller, as used in swarm robotics, and giving an insight into related work. In Sect. 3, we present RoboChart. We discuss in detail the RoboChart timed semantics in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5 we present verification results and discuss tool support. Finally, we summarize our contributions and provide pointers for future work in Sect. 6.

2 Modelling Robotic Controllers

We now present an example (Sect. 2.1) and related works (Sect. 2.2) to indicate the need for a specialised timed formal language.

2.1 Motivating Example

Our goal is not to propose an entirely novel notation, but to define a language that is akin to that currently adopted by roboticists in their informal approach. We present in this section an example, taken from the domain of swarm robotics, whose published model is representative of the current practice.

We consider an individual timed reactive controller used in robots of a swarm for cooperatively transporting tall objects towards a locally perceived goal [1]. The robotic platform has a camera that allows it to distinguish objects and the goal, and proximity sensors that can be used to estimate the distance to an object and to detect other nearby robots.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Transport swarm state machine [1].

In Fig. 1 we reproduce the transport swarm controller in [1]. In state S1 the robot searches for an object and, once it sees one, it transitions to state S2. If the object is near, then it transitions to state S3. While in states S2 and S3, if the object is lost for a certain amount of time \(T_a\), the robot initiates another search for the object by transitioning to state S1. When the robot is close enough to the object, by transitioning from state S3 to S4, it performs an alignment procedure and checks whether the goal can be seen. The underlying idea is that if the goal is occluded by the object, and the robot is close to the object, then it pushes the object towards the goal. While pushing, in state S5, the robot may lose contact with the object, in which case after a time threshold of \(T_c\) it evades the vicinity; or it may lose sight of nearby neighbours, in which case it tries to align itself again by transitioning to state S4. The transitions between states S7 and S1, and S6 and S1, are equally timed according to thresholds \(T_e\) and \(T_d\).

We observe that the state machine in Fig. 1 is specified in natural language and a few aspects are unclear, such as the behaviour and time spent in each state, whether timed transitions take place immediately or need to wait until the behaviour has completed, and thresholds related to the distances to the object. Even when taking into account the implementation details [1], it is ultimately unclear whether the controller, as presented, could be independently and correctly implemented. In our experience, this is not an uncommon scenario in the development of robot applications. We refer, for instance, to [13, 14] for examples of other applications modelled with similar state machines.

2.2 Related Work

According to a recent survey [15], there is increasing interest in domain-specific and model-driven approaches in robotics. We discuss below those closest to ours in tackling aspects such as architectural design, time, and verification.

G \(^{\textsf {en}}\) \(_{\textsf {o}}\) M [16] provides a component-based approach for designing middleware-agnostic robotic controllers. Functional aspects are captured by recording the input and output parameters of functions together with their worst-case execution time. Implementations are provided by code fragments, for example, using C code. Verification of schedulability via model-checking is available using Fiacre [16], through the Timed Petri Net model-checker TINA, while deadlocks can be checked using BIP. G \(^{\textsf {en}}\) \(_{\textsf {o}}\) M is primarily an executable language, whereas RoboChart is a modelling language catering for different levels of abstraction.

Proof techniques, including model-checking, have also been used to identify optimal configurations of adaptive architectures [17]. Related approaches such as CIRCA [18] tackle the problem of meeting real-time constraints given dynamic plan generation. Behavioural properties are not the main focus of these works.

Orccad [19] supports modelling, simulation, and programming, as well as verification of timed behavioural properties via translation into Esterel and Timed Argos. Unlike RoboChart, its support for graphical modelling is limited, while the modelling constructs employed are closest to those of our semantics.

UML has been used for model-based engineering of robotic systems [20]. The profile RobotML [21] supports design modelling and automatic generation of platform-independent code, but verification is not considered. On the other hand, several formal models of UML state machines exist; some of them use CSP [22, 23]. However, none of these deal with time modelling.

UML has a simple notion of time. Its profile UML-MARTE [24] supports logical, discrete and continuous time through the notion of clocks. Specification of time budgets and deadlines, however, is focused on particular instances of behaviour via sequence and time diagrams. It is not possible to define timed constraints directly in terms of transitions and states as we require.

UML-RT [25], an extension to UML, includes the notion of capsules, which encapsulate state machines. Communication between capsules is governed by protocols. A timing protocol can raise timeouts, but it is not obvious how timed constraints, such as deadlines, can be specified directly on state machines. In [26] a semantics is given for a subset of UML-RT without considering time. An extension to UML-RT is considered in [27] with semantics given in CSP+T [28], an extension of CSP that records the timing of events.

Timed automata [29] use synchronous continuous-time clocks. Temporal logic properties can be checked using the model checker UPPAAL [30]. It is not directly comparable to RoboChart, which provides modelling abstractions catering for robotic applications and has a semantics for refinement. It is our aim to explore a semantics for RoboChart using UPPAAL for property verification.

3 RoboChart: A Formal Notation for Robotics

A system in RoboChart is characterised by a module that contains a robotic platform, associated with one or more controllers. A controller is specified by one or more state-machines. Our focus here is on the state machines, since that is where we define the time properties. The untimed RoboChart semantics defined in [31] already describes how CSP models of state machines can be composed to define models for controllers, and how these can be composed to define a complete module and provide a formal model of a robotic system.

A state-machine includes states and composite states with entry, during and exit actions, junctions, and transitions, possibly guarded by expressions. The language for actions is well defined to include assignments, operation calls, and a primitive to raise events. In Fig. 2 we include part of the RoboChart metamodel showing constructs related to time, whose syntax is summarized in Table 1. The RoboChart Reference Manual [31] gives a complete description.

Table 1. Timed primitives of RoboChart.
Fig. 2.
figure 2

Timed metamodel of RoboChart.

We have a notion of Clock (see Fig. 2) that allows transitions to be guarded by time expressions that define constraints relative to the occurrence of other events via the since(C) (ClockExp in Fig. 2) and #C (ClockReset) primitives, and relative to activation of a state via sinceEntry(S) (StateClockExp). We also have primitives to impose a deadline d on action A (A <{d}) (TimedStatement), or transition trigger e (e <{d}) (Trigger), and to specify a budget d (Wait(d)) (Wait) for an operation, where d is an Expression.

Similarly to timed automata, expressions involving clocks are restricted to comparing single timed primitives with constant expressions. We, however, allow conjunctive as well as disjunctive expressions involving more than one clock.

To illustrate the RoboChart notation we consider a robot that moves at constant speed in a square pattern while avoiding obstacles. The state machine is shown in Fig. 3, where the annotations T0 to T6 uniquely identifying the transitions are not actually part of RoboChart, but are included to guide the later discussion of the semantics in Sect. 4.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Example of a square trajectory state machine controller.

When the robot is started, it transitions from the initial state, denoted by a black circle, to the state MovingForward, while resetting (#C) a clock C and assigning 0 to the local variable segment. The local declarations are elided in Fig. 3, but a RoboChart state machine is self-contained, in that it declares all the variables, events, and operations that it uses. The local variable segment records how many sides of the square have been covered so far; the robot stops when it completes the square (segment == 4). This is achieved by sending an event stop to the platform and transitioning to the final state: a white circle. The event stop is given a deadline 0, indicating that it is expected that the robotic platform is always ready to accept this event immediately.

In the composite state MovingForward, the motion is linear, unless an obstacle is detected. Linear motion is activated by calling the operation moveForward in the entry action with a constant value linear passed as a parameter. This operation is annotated with a deadline of 0, since moveForward can typically be implemented just as an assignment to a variable whose duration is regarded as negligible. Operations may be specified by other state machines or have their implementation provided by the robotic platform.

Before MovingForward is actually entered, its entry action executes, followed by that of its substate Observing, enabling the collision detection capability. Once a collision is detected, the event collisionDetected is raised by the robotic platform: the transition from Observing to the state Collision is then triggered, but only if there is enough time (since(C)<3) before the next turn, executing the exit action of Observing and subsequently the avoid operation that performs the actual collision avoidance. Here we do not specify this operation, but record its budget of 2 time units by sequentially composing it with the timed primitive wait(2). In RoboChart time elapses explicitly via budgets, unless a state has been entered and no transitions are enabled, or, every enabled transition is associated with an external event. Once the collision is resolved, a transition back to Observing is taken. Transitions are triggered once the guard is true and the associated event is raised, or, if there is no event associated, immediately.

The square motion pattern is achieved by limiting the linear motion to 5 time units before switching to angular motion for 2 time units, and then switching again to linear motion. Accordingly, we guard the transition from MovingForward to the state Turning with the expression \(\mathsf{since(C) == 5}\). Upon such a transition, the value of segment is incremented. Similarly, the angular motion is limited by guarding the transition from Turning to MovingForward using the timed primitive sinceEntry(Turning). Upon this transition, the clock is reset.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

RoboChart model of the transport swarm state machine.

In Fig. 4, we also show the RoboChart model for the transport swarm controller described in Sect. 1. We assume that the robotic platform can raise events: objectSeen, with a distance value passed as a parameter in response to seeing an object at an estimated distance; goalSeen in response to detecting the goal; and neighbourDetected, with a number of neighbours passed as a parameter. We also assume that the controller needs to enable the platform to receive those events, by calling appropriate operations, such as enableObjectWatch.

Operations likely to be implemented as assignments to variables have been annotated with zero deadlines. Overall we have the same structure as the original specification [1], with the same number of states, but with additional substates. This stems from interactions that are not clear in the original model, such as the need to keep counting neighbours while in states Pushing and Scanning, and the need to keep track of the object across multiple states.

The existing semantics of RoboChart deals with the structure (modules, controllers, and parallel state machines) of models. That semantics defines the visible behaviour of a module: the order and availability of the events of the platform. That semantics, however, ignores all time constructs of a model: clocks, and associated statements, waits, and deadlines. We address them in the next section.

4 Semantics

Here, we describe the semantics of RoboChart state machines (Sect. 4.1) [31]. We then focus on the semantics of each timed RoboChart construct, namely budgets and deadlines (Sect. 4.2) and clocks (Sect. 4.3).

Before defining the semantics, we first introduce the required CSP syntax. A communication on event e (also known as a channel), optionally parametrised by x, is defined as \(e.x \rightarrow P\), with e?x being syntactic sugar for allowing x to range over the type of e and introducing x in the scope of P, and with e!v being used for a specific value v. Processes can be composed in parallel (\(P |[s ]|Q\)), where s is the set of events on which P and Q require agreement, and if s is empty this is an interleaving (P|||Q). An external choice offers an initial choice between behaving as P or Q, while \(P ~\triangle ~ Q\) behaves as P but can be interrupted by Q at any time, with the timed version \(P ~\triangle _{d}~ Q\) in addition also interrupting P exactly at d time units. \(P ~\varTheta _A~ Q\) initially behaves as P but can be interrupted by an event in A to behave as Q. Sequential composition of P and Q is P ; Q, with SKIP being the unit. Hiding (\(P \setminus h\)) makes the events in set h internal to P. Finally, the events in a process P[f] can be renamed according to function f.

4.1 State Machines

A state machine is given a CSP semantics as the parallel composition of a process States, itself the parallel composition of processes that model a state, with a process Initial, that models the transition from the initial state. In Fig. 5 we illustrate the architecture of the CSP semantics of the example from Fig. 3. A state is modelled by a process Entry, modelling its entry action, sequentially composed with During, a model for its during action, that can be interrupted by a process Transitions that models the possible outgoing transitions.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Semantics Architecture based on Example of Fig. 3.

A state machine defines a sequential and hierarchical control flow. To model this flow, there are enter, entered, exit, and exited events that model state activation and deactivation, with the associated entry and exit actions. Each event takes two parameters: the state that requested the activation or deactivation to start, and the target state of the request.

A state is modelled in a compositional way, capturing information only about itself, irrespective of whether it is inside a state machine or another state. In Fig. 5, the execution sequence is numbered. For example, the process modelling MovingForward offers events \(enter?x!\mathsf{MF}\) for any other state x, including the initial state to request it to enter, followed by the process that models its own entry action, a request on \(enter!\mathsf{MF}!\mathsf{Obs}\) for the child Observing to enter, the entry action of Observing, and the acknowledgements \(entered!\mathsf{MF}!\mathsf{Obs}\) and \(entered!x!\mathsf{MF}\). The process then offers an external choice of events that trigger its transitions.

Following a transition event, the exit and exited events to request and acknowledge deactivation are offered. For instance, in our example, following a transition triggered from state MovingForward, the process offers to synchronize on events \(exit!\mathsf{MF}.S\), where S ranges over all state identifiers except \(\mathsf{MF}\) itself, as a way of requiring deactivation of either Observing or Collision.

Each state transition T is modelled by a process that synchronizes on \(T_{ID}\), an event that uniquely identifies the transition in the state machine. If an event trigger e is associated with the transition, then at the outer level we rename the complete state machine process by mapping \(T_{ID}\) to e.

Variables declared in a state machine are modelled using a process Memory that exposes events get and set for each variable. In our example, Memory is parametrised by s, which holds the value of the variable segment, and offers the events getSegment and setSegment in an external choice followed by a recursion.

figure a

Moreover, it also models transition guards by constraining synchronization on transition events (\(T_{ID}\)). In our example, the transition from MovingForward to the final state is guarded, so Memory captures this guard by only offering the event T3 that uniquely identifies the transition (Fig. 3) when segment is 4.

4.2 Budgets and Deadlines

As mentioned before, RoboChart budgets can be specified as part of actions. using the wait(d) construct. Its semantics is given by \(\mathbf {Wait}~t\), a Timed CSP process that terminates exactly after t units of time elapse. Deadlines specified on actions are defined using the deadline operator \(A \blacktriangleright t\) of , where the process A modelling action A must terminate within t time units.

When a deadline is imposed on a transition trigger, however, it must be enforced only when the transition is enabled, that is, the transition’s guard is true and the source state has been entered. In our model, we define a pair of events \(deadline.T_{ID}.on\) and \(deadline.T_{ID}.off\) for each transition T whose trigger has a deadline. Whenever T’s guard is true, the Memory process offers the event \(deadline.T_{ID}.on\), and when the guard is false, it offers \(deadline.T_{ID}.off\). The Memory process of our example is defined as follows.

figure b

In addition to the get and set events for setting and getting the value of variable segment, and the guarded synchronization on T3, the event deadline.T3.on is guarded by the expression corresponding to the guard on the transition identified by T3, and the negation of this expression guards the event

For each process that models a state where an outgoing transition has a trigger with a deadline, we then compose in interleaving with the process modelling its during action, a \(Dline_i\) process for each deadline \(d_i\) as defined below.

figure c

\(Dline_i\) initially synchronizes on \(deadline.T_{ID}.on\), and thereafter must synchronize on \(deadline.T_{ID}.off\) within \(d_i\) time units, followed by a recursion. The deadline is imposed on \(deadline.T_{ID}.off\) rather than the transition identifier \(T_{ID}\). The deadline can be satisfied either as a result of the transition’s guard no longer being true, in which case the process synchronizes on \(deadline.T_{ID}.off\), or as a result of the process being interrupted due to some transition out of the source state of T, modelled by a process Transitions, being triggered, possibly T itself. Effectively an enabled deadline on a transition becomes a deadline on the external choice between all enabled transitions out of the same state.

As an example, we show the process M for the state MovingForward.

figure d

Initially it offers events \(enter?S!\mathsf{MF}\), so that any other state identified by S may request it to be entered. It then behaves as moveForward, the process that models the operation moveForward, and then requests the substate Observation to enter by synchronising on \(enter!\mathsf{MF}!\mathsf{Obs}\), subsequently waiting for an acknowledgement via \(entered!\mathsf{MF}!\mathsf{Obs}\) and then acknowledging its own entry through \(entered!S!\mathsf{MF}\). M then behaves as an interleaving (|||) between the process modelling its during action, in this case SKIP as there is none, and the process \(Dline_{MF}\) that models the deadlines on triggers of every outgoing transition of state MovingForward, while offering for any event in \(Transitions_{MF}\), the process that models every outgoing transition from this state, to interrupt the interleaving.

4.3 Clocks

As previously mentioned, RoboChart clocks allow conditions to be set relative to the time elapsed since a particular clock reset. To model a reset #C on clock C we introduce an event clockReset.C, where C is the name of the clock.

Although clocks could be explicitly modelled in the semantics, for example, by adding variables in the Memory process for each clock, this would make the model intractable for model-checking as the variables would have an unbounded domain. Since we assume clocks can only be compared with constant expressions, we adopt a model where a timed expression involving a comparison between a constant and constructs since(C) or sinceEntry(S) is encoded by a boolean variable together with an auxiliary CSP process synchronizing with the Memory process. For example, a transition with unique identifier T1 guarded by the expression x = 1 \(\vee \) since(C)>= d is encoded in the Memory process as follows.

figure e

This process ensures that while \(wc_{T1}\) is being updated the event T1 is not offered. Initially it is ready to synchronise on T1 indefinitely (as defined using the process \(Do(e) = e \rightarrow Do(e)\)), but can be interrupted by the event \(clockReset.\mathsf{C}\) offered in the process \(WC\_T1\_reset\). Whether T1 is actually enabled or not is controlled by Memory and not \(WC\_T1\). So, the availability of T1 in \(WC\_T1\) indicates only that \(wc_{T1}\) is not being updated. If there is a clock reset, \(WC\_T1\_reset\) sets the value of the Memory process variable \(wc_{T1}\) to false via the synchronization \(setWc_{T1}!false\) and behaves as \(WC\_T1\_body\). This ensures that, when the clock is reset, the transition cannot take place, even if the value of the condition is not yet updated. Initially this process continuously offers the event T1 until exactly d units elapse (\(\triangle _{d}\)), after which it sets \(wc_{T1}\) to true via the synchronization \(setWc_{T1}!true\) and then continuously offers the event T1. At any point the process may be interrupted by \(WC\_T1\_reset\) due to a \(clockReset.\mathsf{C}\).

The complete semantics of a timed state machine is given by the parallel composition of the process modelling the state machine, STM, the Memory process and a Clocks process whose definition is the parallel composition of all WaitingCondition processes as defined for each timed condition.

figure f

Memory and Clocks synchronise on the events in the sets w, containing all setWc events, which are then subsequently hidden (\(\setminus \)). They also synchronise on the events of the set t of identifiers for transitions whose conditions are timed. This parallel process synchronises with STM on the events from g, containing the get and set events for reading and writing the value of state variables and the transition identifiers, and from dc, containing the deadline and clockReset events. This is illustrated by the lines on the top right corner of Fig. 5. The set of identifiers for internal transitions (I) are hidden (). Also, as explained, we use a function f to rename transition identifiers to external events of the platform. Finally if the state machine has a final state, the process STM can signal termination via the event term, which interrupts the process to behave as SKIP.

Our RoboTool presented next automatically calculates the timed semantics of a RoboChart model just described. Instead of Timed CSP, it uses tock-CSP for direct use of FDR. The time constructs are encoded as described in [4].

5 Tool Support and Model-Checking

To provide support for designing robotic systems using RoboChart, we have developed RoboToolFootnote 1, an Eclipse plugin that allows specifications to be input using both graphical and textual editors, implemented using the Sirius and XtextFootnote 2 frameworks. RoboTool automatically generates the semantics of RoboChart models in \(\texttt {CSP}_\texttt {M}\), the machine readable version of CSP used by FDR [9].

FDR includes facilities to translate untimed processes into tock-CSP. For example, the prefixing is translated into an external choice offering tock, the event that marks the passage of time, in addition to a: . Other operators are similarly accommodated, while more intricate concepts need to be manually specified using tock-CSP. For example, deadlines are encoded by timelocking once a deadline expires, that is, by refusing tock.

Using the timed semantics of RoboChart we can perform a number of core checks using FDR, namely, determinism and divergence freedom. In addition, for a given tock-CSP process \(STM_T\) modelling a state machine, and whose set of externally observable events is E, we can establish that there are no timelocks provided the following refinement is satisfied [7]. Since in our model unmet deadlines lead to timelocks this is a useful check to identify infeasible deadlines.

figure g

With the above we require that \(STM_T\), with every event other than those in E and tock hidden (using the projection operator \(\upharpoonright \)), is a refinement (\(\sqsubseteq _{F}\)) in the failures model of the process \(RUN(\{tock\})\), that is always offering tock, in interleaving (|||) with the process CHAOS(E) that can perform any event in the set E nondeterministically. Zeno freedom, that is, the absence of a behaviour where an infinite sequence of events is performed in finite time, can be ascertained by checking that \(STM_T \upharpoonright (E \cup \{tock\})\) is divergence free. Assertions to establish all these core properties are also automatically generated by RoboTool.

Using our semantics we have considered several case studies. We have verified core properties and also defined requirements directly in CSP and tock-CSP. A complete account of the experiments can be found in [32].

Table 2 summarises the results of checking for divergence freedom, a particularly expensive check in FDR, including state-space complexity (S / T) in terms of number of states (S) and transitions (T) visited, compilation time (\(C_T\)) and verification time (\(V_T\)). We also include the experimental results obtained with the untimed models, defined without using tock, for comparison. Results were obtained using FDR version 4.2.0 on a computer with 16GiB of RAM and an Intel i5-5287U CPU. Times correspond to an average of 5 runs. For the purpose of verification, in examples E2, E3 and E4 the types for reals and integers are instantiated in \(\texttt {CSP}_\texttt {M}\) as ranging from 0 to 1, whereas in E1 reals are instantiated within the range from \(-90\) to 180 due to the specification using such values.

Table 2. Verification results of checking divergence freedom with FDR.

Our results show that assertions in the failures-divergences model can typically be checked within a few seconds. Diligent application of compression functions significantly reduces the time required to compile and verify the assertions. We use diamond, which removes silent transitions from the LTS, and wbisim, that reduces the LTS by computing the maximal weak bisimulation.

To cope with additional variables in the Memory process, typically as the result of modelling timed conditions, we have optimized this process. Each variable is captured in separate, but parallel, “cell” processes, that synchronize with an auxiliary non-parametrised process, modelling the transitions’ conditions, such that whenever a variable is changed it introduces in scope the current value of all variables. This yields a reduction in the number of possible states. The efficiency gain is particularly noticeable when a state machine has several variables, or timed conditions, which we have also optimized by generating equivalent timed expressions only once as a Waiting Condition CSP process.

As expected, the usage of tock increases the state-space complexity of examples compared to their untimed counterparts. The exception here is E2, likely due to wbisim that can yield better compression than diamond in some cases. We observe that diamond is not permitted by FDR within timed processes.

6 Conclusion

RoboChart can be viewed as a UML profile extended with timed primitives and a formal semantics. We have used constructs from  to capture budgets and deadlines in a timed semantics for refinement and model checking. Support for refinement is essential to our future plans to prove soundness of automatically generated simulation and deployment code.

To optimise model checking, clocks are modelled implicitly, with timed conditions modelled explicitly. Our use of clocks makes a translation into UPPAL feasible, and of interest for further analysis. For example, we have considered UPPAAL models of the transport swarm, including a model based on the architecture of our semantics and a simplified version. Both require additional states and transitions when compared to RoboChart to achieve a faithful model.

A semantic model generator has been implemented in RoboTool via translation into tock-CSP [7]. We have tackled several examples and verified whether the generated models satisfy expected system requirements, in addition to core properties like divergence freedom and zeno freedom. Results suggest an increase in complexity, but not necessarily in verification time, when compared to the verification of untimed models. The verifications are tractable given modest data ty pes and diligent use of FDR’s compression functions. For realistic data types we do not expect scalability, instead we will consider theorem proving.

We have a precise account of the timed semantics of RoboChart embedded in RoboTool. We will capture this semantics via translation functions that generate  models suitable for use in Isabelle/UTP [12], which supports reasoning about the  family of languages via theorem proving. Furthermore, to account for the environment and probabilistic behaviour we will ultimately consider richer semantics models in the context of the UTP.