1 Introduction

Sequential data is widely present in several domain such as biology [7, 19], medical [10] and web usage logs [20]. Consequently, sequence classification [24] has become a fundamental problem in data mining and machine learning. The sequence classification task is defined as learning a sequence classifier to map a new sequence to a class label [24]. The literature in sequence classification is split into three main paradigms: (1) feature based classification; (2) distance based classification and (3) model based classification.

The feature based classification approach aims at extracting sequential classification rules of the form \(\pi : s \rightarrow c_i\) where s is the body of the rule and \(c_i\) is the value of a class attribute. Then, these rules are used as an input of a classification method to build a classifier. Due to its potential of interpretability, many approaches have been developed for mining sequential classification rules, such a BayesFM [16], CBS [21], DeFFeD [13], SCII [27], and so on. All these methods need parameters to prune the enumeration space. Unfortunately, setting these parameters is not an easy task – each application data could require a specific setting. Egho et al. [8, 9] introduce a user parameter-free approach, MiSeRe, for mining robust sequential classification rules. This algorithm does not require any parameter tuning and employs an instance-based randomized strategy that promotes diversity mining. MiSeRe works well in practice on typical datasets, but it can not provide scalability, in terms of the data size and the performance, for big data.

In modern life sciences, the sequential data can be very large; e.g., considering a document collection with millions of documents or a web site with millions of user web logs [1]. Mining massive sequential data on single computer suffers from the problems of limited memory and computing power. To solve this problem, parallel programming is an essential solution [23]. Parallel programming can be divided into two categories: shared memory system; in which processes share a single memory address space, and distributed memory system; where processes only have access to a local private memory address space [2].

A number of efficient and scalable parallel algorithms have been developed for mining sequential patterns [14]. Zaki et al. [26] present how a serial sequential approach SPADE [25] can be parallelized by using a shared memory system. Parallelizing an algorithm by using shared system architecture is easy to implement, but it does not provide enough scalability due to high synchronization among processors and memory overheads [2]. On the other hand, Guralnik et al. [12] propose a distributed memory parallel algorithm for a tree-projection based sequential pattern mining algorithm. Cong et al. [5] present Par-CSP a distributed memory parallel algorithm for mining closed sequential pattern. Par-CSP is implemented by using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) in which low level language is used for programming [11].

A recent framework for distributed memory system, Hadoop-Yahoo MapReduce, has been proposed by Google [6]. MapReduce is a scalable and fault-tolerant data processing model that allows programmers to develop efficient parallel algorithms at a higher level of abstraction [6]. Many parallel algorithms has been developed by using MapReduce framework for mining big sequential data such as: BIDE-MR [22], PLUTE [17], SPAMC [4], MG-FSM [3] and so on. However, all these algorithms need parameters to prune the enumeration space (frequency threshold, maximum length and a gap constraint) and they focus solely on mining sequential pattern.

Although a significant amount of research results have been reported on parallel implementations of sequential pattern mining, to the best of our knowledge, there is no parameter-free parallel algorithm that targets the problem of mining sequential classification rules. In this paper, we propose MiSeRe-Hadoop, the first scalable parameter-free algorithm for mining sequential classification rules. MiSeRe-Hadoop is the parallel implementation of a serial algorithm MiSeRe [8, 9] on MapReduce framework. MiSeRe-Hadoop has the same features as MiSeRe which are: it is user parameter-free and it promotes diversity mining. To validate our contributions, we perform an experimental evaluation on two real large datasets. The first one is marketing dataset from the French Telecom company Orange containing sequential information about the behavior of 473, 898 customers. Our second dataset includes natural language text from New York Times corpus (NYT) which consists of over 53 million sentences.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly reviews the preliminaries needed in our development as well as a running example. Section 3 describes the serial algorithm MiSeRe, while the design and implementation issues for MiSeRe-Hadoop are presented in Sect. 4. Section 5 presents experimental results before concluding.

Table 1. \(\mathcal {D}\): a tiny labeled sequential data set as an example.

2 Preliminaries

Let \( \mathcal {I}=\{e_1,e_2,\cdots ,e_{m}\}\) be a finite set of m distinct items. A sequence s over \(\mathcal {I}\) is an ordered list \(s=\langle s_1,\cdots ,s_{\ell _{s}} \rangle \), where \(s_i \in \mathcal {I}\); \((1 \le i \le \ell _{s}, \ell _{s} \in \mathbb {N})\). An atomic sequence is a sequence with length 1. A sequence \(s'=\langle s'_1\cdots s'_{\ell _{s'}}\rangle \) is a subsequence of \(s=\langle s_1\ldots s_{\ell _{s}}\rangle \), denoted by \(s'\preceq s\), if there exist indices \(1 \le i_1< i_2< \cdots < i_{\ell _{s'}} \le \ell _{s}\) such that \(s'_z = s_{i_z}\) for all \(z=1\ldots \ell _{s'}\) and \(\ell _{s'} \le \ell _{s}\). s is said to be a supersequence of \(s'\). \(\mathbb {T}(\mathcal {I})\) will denote the (infinite) set of all possible sequences over \(\mathcal {I}\). Let \(\mathcal {C}=\{c_1,\cdots ,c_j\}\) be a finite set of j distinct classes. A labeled sequential data set \(\mathcal {D}\) over \(\mathcal {I}\) is a finite set of triples (sidsc) with sid is a sequence identifier, s is a sequence (\(s \in \mathbb {T}(\mathcal {I})\)) and c is a class value (\(c \in \mathcal {C}\)). The set \(\mathcal {D}_{c_i} \subseteq \mathcal {D}\) contains all sequences that have the same class label \(c_i\) (i.e., \(\mathcal {D}= \cup _{i=1}^{j}\mathcal {D}_{c_i}\)). The following notations will be used in the rest of the paper: m is the number of items in \(\mathcal {I}\), j is the number of classes in \(\mathcal {C}\), n is the number of triples (sidsc) in \(\mathcal {D}\), \(n_c\) is the number of triples (sidsc) in \(\mathcal {D}_{c}\), \(\ell _s\) is the number of items in the sequence s, \(k_s\) is the number of distinct items in the sequence s, (\(k_s \le \ell _{s}\)) and \(\ell _{max}\) is the number of items in the longest sequence of \(\mathcal {D}\).

Definition 1

(Support of a sequence) Let \(\mathcal {D}\) be a labeled sequential data set and let s be a sequence. The support of s in \(\mathcal {D}\), denoted \( f (s)\), is defined as:

$$ f (s)=|\{(sid',s', c') \in \mathcal {D} | s \preceq s'\}|$$

The value of \(n- f (s)\) can be written as \(\overline{ f }(s)\). The support of s in \(\mathcal {D}_{c}\) is noted \( f _{c}(s)\) and \(\overline{ f }_c(s)\) stands for \(n_c- f _c(s)\).

Given a positive integer \(\sigma \) as a minimal support threshold and a labeled sequential data set \(\mathcal {D}\), a sequence s is frequent in \(\mathcal {D}\) if its support \( f (s)\) in \(\mathcal {D}\) exceeds the minimal support threshold \(\sigma \). A frequent sequence is called a “sequential pattern”.

Definition 2

(Sequential classification rule). Let \(\mathcal {D}\) be a labeled sequential data set with j classes. A sequential classification rule \(\pi \) is an expression of the form:

$$\pi : s \rightarrow f _{c_1}(s), f _{c_2}(s),\cdots , f _{c_j}(s)$$

where s is a sequence, called body of the rule, and \( f _{c_i}(s)\) is the support of s in each \(\mathcal {D}_{c_i}\), \(i=1 \cdots j\).

This definition of classification rule is slightly different from the usual definition where the consequent is a class value (i.e., \(s \rightarrow c_i \)). It refers to the notion of distribution rule [15] and allows us to access the whole frequency information within the contingency table of a rule \(\pi \) – which is needed for the development of our framework.

Example 1

We use the sequence database \(\mathcal {D}\) in Table 1 as an example. It contains four data sequences (i.e., \(n=4\)) over the set of items \(\mathcal {I} = \{a, b, d, e,f,g\}\) (i.e., \(m=6\)). \(\mathcal {C}=\{c_1,c_2\}\) is the set with two classes (i.e., j=2). The longest sequence of \(\mathcal {D}\) is \(s=\langle e e f g b g \rangle \) (i.e., \(\ell _{s}=\ell _{max}\)), \(\ell _{max}= 6\) while \(k_s= 4\). Sequence \(\langle a a d \rangle \) is a subsequence of \(\langle b a a d g \rangle \). The sequence \(\langle a \rangle \) is an atomic sequence. Given the sequence \(s~=~\langle ab \rangle \), we have \( f (s)=2\), \(\overline{ f }(s)~=~2\), \( f _{c_1}(s)=1\), \(\overline{ f }_{c_1}(s)=1\), \( f _{c_2}(s)=1\) and \(\overline{ f }_{c_2}(s)=1\). \(\pi : \langle ab \rangle \rightarrow f _{c_1}(\langle ab \rangle )=1,\) \( f _{c_2}(\langle ab \rangle )=1\) is a sequential classification rule.

Given a labeled sequential data set \(\mathcal {D}\) and a sequential classification rule \(\pi : s \rightarrow f _{c_1}(s), f _{c_2}(s),\cdots , f _{c_j}(s)\), a Bayesian criterion level is defined by Egho et al. [8, 9] for evaluating the interestingness of sequential classification rule. This criterion is based on the a posteriori probability of a rule given the data and does not require any wise threshold setting. The level criterion is defined as follows:

$$level(\pi )=1-\frac{cost(\pi )}{cost(\pi _{\emptyset })}$$

where \(cost(\pi )\) is defined as the negative logarithm of the a posteriori probability of a rule given the data:

$$cost(\pi ) = -log(P(\pi \mid \mathcal {D})) \propto -log(P(\pi )\times P(D\mid \pi ))$$

Considering a hierarchical prior distribution on the rule models, Egho et al. [8, 9] obtained an exact analytical expression of the cost of a rule:

$$\begin{aligned} cost(\pi )= & {} \log (m+1)+ log(\ell _{max}+1) + \log (\frac{m^{k_s}}{k_s!}) + \log ({k_s}^{\ell _s})\\&+\log \left( {\begin{array}{c} f (s)+j-1\\ j-1\end{array}}\right) + \log \left( {\begin{array}{c}\overline{ f }(s)+j-1\\ j-1\end{array}}\right) \\&+\log ( f ( s)!)- \sum _{i=1}^{j}\log ( f _{c_i}(s)!)+\log (\overline{ f }(s)!)- \sum _{i=1}^{j} \log (\overline{ f }_{c_i}(s)!) \end{aligned}$$

\(cost(\pi _{\emptyset })\) is the cost of the default rule with empty sequence body. The cost of the default rule \(\pi _{\emptyset }\) is formally:

$$\begin{aligned} cost(\pi _{\emptyset })= & {} log (m+1)+log(\ell _{max}+1)+ log \left( {\begin{array}{c}n+j-1\\ j-1\end{array}}\right) +log (n!)- \sum _{i=1}^{j} log (n_{c_i}!) \end{aligned}$$

The level naturally highlights the border between the interesting rules and the irrelevant ones. Indeed, rules \(\pi \) such that \(level(\pi ) \le 0\), are less probable than the default rule \(\pi _{\emptyset }\). Then using them to explain the data by characterizing classes of sequence objects is more costly than using \(\pi _{\emptyset }\); such rules are considered spurious. “rule such that \(0 < level(\pi ) \le 1\) is an interesting rule (see [8, 9] for more details about the interpretation of these two formulas).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Flow chart for the main procedure of the MiSeRe algorithm

3 MiSeRe Algorithm

In this section we describe MiSeRe [8, 9], an algorithm for mining sequential classification rules, which forms the basis for our distributed algorithm. MiSeRe is an anytime algorithm: the more time the user grants to the task, the more it learns. MiSeRe employs an instance-based randomized strategy that promotes diversity mining. MiSeRe is based on the following two-step process:

Step 1: MiSeRe firstly performs a single data scan to gather basic statistics about the data: the number of items in \(\mathcal {I}\), the number of classes in \(\mathcal {C}\), the number of sequences in \(\mathcal {D}\), the number of sequences in \(\mathcal {D}_{c_i}\) and the length of the longest sequence of \(\mathcal {D}\). In this step, MiSeRe also generates all sequential classification rules whose body is an atomic sequence, such rules with positive level values are chosen. These rules are selected for two reasons: first, these rules are easy to mine. Second, the short sequences are more probable a priori and preferable as the cost of the rule \(c(\pi )\) is smaller for lower \(\ell _s\) and \(k_s\) values, meeting the consensus: “Simpler and shorter rules are more probable and preferable”.

Step 2: In this step, MiSeRe randomly chooses one sequence s from the labeled sequential database \(\mathcal {D}\). Then, it randomly generates a subsequence from the chosen sequence s. This generation is done by randomly removing z items from s where z is between 1 and \(\ell _s-2\). Then, the rule \(\pi \) is built based on the generated subsequence \(s'\). Finally, the rule \(\pi \) is added to the rule set if its level value is positive and it is not already in \(\mathcal {R}\). MiSeRe repeats the Step 2 until the algorithm is stopped by the user manually at some point in time. Figure 1 shows a flow chart (simplified for exposition, see [8, 9] for full details) for the main procedure of the MiSeRe algorithm.

4 MiSeRe Hadoop Algorithm

In this section, we present MiSeRe-Haddoop, a distributed version of MiSeRe. MiSeRe-Hadoop has the same features as MiSeRe which are: (i) it is user parameter-free and (ii) anytime algorithm and (iii) it employs an instance-based randomized strategy. MiSeRe-Hadoop is divided into two steps as MiSeRe where each step is completely parallelized (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.
figure 2


4.1 Step I:

In the first step, MiSeRe-Hadoop gathers basic statistics about the data and mines all sequential classification rules having only an atomic sequence in the body. This can be done efficiently in two MapReduce jobs.

The job \({{\varvec{Generating\ Statistics\ and\ Singleton\ Rules}}}\) generates the singleton rules and the statistics about the data consisting of: the number of sequences in \(\mathcal {D}_{c_i}\) (i.e., \(n_{c_i}\)), the number of sequences in \(\mathcal {D}\) (i.e., n) and the length of the longest sequence of \(\mathcal {D}\) (i.e., \(\ell _{max}\)). During this job, the data is distributed to available mappers. Each mapper takes a pair \((s,c) \in \mathcal {D}\) as input and tokenizes it into distinct items. Then, the mapper emits the class label for each item. In order to compute the statistic values about data \(n_{c_i}\), n and \(\ell _{max}\), the mappers output the pair (key,value) as follow: the mapper emits also 1 for the class label c (i.e., (class.c, 1)), 1 for the term n (i.e., (notation.n, 1)) and the number of items in the sequence for the term \(\ell _{max}\) (i.e., (\(notation.\ell _{max}\), \(\ell _{s}\))).

Example 2

Given the pair \((\langle baadg \rangle , c_1)\) from our toy data set (Table 1). The mapper splits the sequence \(\langle baadg \rangle \) into distinct items b, a, d and g. Then, the mapper forms the key value pairs: \((b,c_1)\), \((a,c_1)\), \((d,c_1)\), \((g,c_1)\), \((class.c_1,1)\) , (notation.n, 1) and \((notation.\ell _{max},5)\).

The reducer forms an aggregation function and outputs its results into two files: Singleton Rules and Statistics depending on the key as follows:

  • In case the key is a class label \(class.c_i\) or the term notation.n, the reducer sums up the values associated with this key. Then, it outputs them to the Statistics file.

  • In case the key is the term \(notation.\ell _{max}\), the reducer selects the maximum values associated with the key \(notation.\ell _{max}\). Then, it outputs them to the Statistics file.

  • In case the key is an item \(e;~ e\in \mathcal {I}\), the reducer computes the frequency of each class label appearing in its value. Then, it outputs the sequence and its support in each \(\mathcal {D}_{c_i}\) to the Singleton Rules file.

Example 3

If the reducer receives the following (key,value) pairs from the mapper: \((f,c_2)\), \((g,c_1)\), \((g,c_2)\), \((g,c_2)\), \((notation.\ell _{max},5)\), \((notation.\ell _{max},4)\), \((notation.\ell _{max},\) 5), \((notation.\ell _{max},6)\), (notation.n, 1), (notation.n, 1), (notation.n, 1), (notation.n, 1), \((notation.c_2,1)\) and \((notation.c_2,1)\). Then, it results \(( \langle f \rangle ,\) \( f _{c_2}(\langle f \rangle )=1)\), \(( \langle g \rangle ,\) \( f _{c_1}(\langle g \rangle )=1~ f _{c_2}(\langle g \rangle )=2)\), \((class.c_2,2)\), (notation.n, 4) and \((notation.\ell _{max},6)\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Generating statistics and singleton rules job

Given the output of the job \({{\varvec{Generating\ Statistics\ and\ Singleton}}} {{\varvec{Rules}}}\) , we compute the rest of the statistics about the data consisting of: the number of classes in \(\mathcal {C}\) (i.e., j) and the number of items in \(\mathcal {I}\) (i.e., m). The term j is computed by counting the number of lines in Statistics file then subtracting 2 from the result which represents the two lines of the terms \(notation.\ell _{max}\) and notation.n. Then, we inject the value of j into the Statistics file. The term m is computed by counting the number of lines in Singleton Rules file and we inject it into the Statistics file. Figure 3 details the job \({{\varvec{Generating\ Statistics\ and\ Singleton\ Rules}}}\) .

The job Pruning Singleton Rules prunes the candidate rules which are generated after applying the job \({{\varvec{Generating\ Statistics\ and}}} {{\varvec{Singleton\ Rules}}}\) . This job consists only of mappers. The rules are distributed to available mappers. The basic statistics of our data (i.e., Statistics file) are passed as a parameter to each mapper by using the distributed cache. Then, the mapper computes the level of each rule and emits the rules having a positive level, i.e., “interesting singleton rules”, as a key and its level as a value.

4.2 Step II:

In the second step, MiSeRe-Hadoop mines all sequential classification rules having a sequence with more than one item in the body. MiSeRe-Hadoop iteratively repeats this step until the algorithm is stopped by the user manually at some point in time. The Step II can be efficiently achieved in two MapReduce jobs.

The job \({{\varvec{Generating\ Candidates}}}\) employs an instance-based randomized strategy to generate candidate sequences from the data. This strategy can generate exactly the same candidate sequence several times. To avoid this redundancy problem, we define two kinds of mappers as follows:

  • The set of first mappers take data as an input and generates new candidate sequences as an output. When the data is distributed to these mappers, each mapper randomly chooses one sequence s from each subset of data. From this chosen sequence s, the mapper randomly removes some items to generate a new subsequence. Finally, the mapper outputs the generated subsequence as a key and the term “New” as a value. This task is repeated by each mapper until a fixed number of candidate sequences is generated from each subset.

  • The second set of mappers take the sequences from Previous Candidates Footnote 1 file which is generated from this step iteratively. The sequences in Previous Candidates file are distributed to these mappers. Then, the mapper outputs the sequence as a key and the term “Old” as a value.

The reducer filters the sequences based on its value i.e., it only outputs those sequences which do not include the term “Old” in their value. Figure 4 details the job \({{\varvec{Generating\ Candidates}}}\) . The candidate sequences generated from this job are then copied to the Previous Candidates file to avoid generating the same candidate sequences from the data in the next iteration.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Generating candidates job

The job \({{\varvec{Generating\ and\ Pruning\ Rules}}}\) generates the sequential rules from the data based on the candidate sequences generated from the job \({{\varvec{Generating\ Candidates}}}\) . The data is distributed to available mappers while the candidates are passed as a parameter to each mapper by using the distributed cache. Each mapper takes a pair \((s,c) \in \mathcal {D}\) as input. Then, each candidate sequence is checked against the input sequence, if it is a sub-sequence of the input sequence, a key value pair is emitted where the key is the candidate sequence and the value is the class label. The reducer then generates the sequential classification rules by aggregating the frequency of the sequence in each class. Finally, the reducer computes the level of the rule and emits only the rules having a positive level, i.e.,“interesting rules”, as a key and its level as a value.

5 Experiments

In this section, we empirically evaluate our approach on two real big datasets. MiSeRe-Hadoop is implemented in JAVA. The experiments are performed on a cluster of 6 computers, each with 64GB memory. One machine actes as the Hadoop master node, while the other five machines acte as worker nodes. The experiments are designed to discuss the following two points: the scalability of MiSeRe-Hadoop and the diversity of the mined rules with MiSeRe-Hadoop.

Datasets. We use two real-world datasets for our experiments. The first dataset is a large marketing database from the French Telecom company Orange containing sequential information about the behavior of 473 898 customers. We use this dataset for predicting their propensity to churn. Each sequence represents a time-ordered set of actions (or events) categorized into two parts: (1) history of interaction between the customer and the LiveBoxFootnote 2, e.g., changing the channel, rebooting the router, etc., (2) state of the box such as sending the temperature of box etc. These customers are classified into 2 classes. The first class includes 159 229 customers who terminated their contract with the company. The second class consists of 314 669 customers who still have the contract. This data set contains 433 distinct actions, the longest sequence is a customer having 23 759 actions while the median length of sequences is 192 actions. Our second dataset is the New York Times corpus (NYT) [18] which consists of 53 267 584 sentences from 1.8 million articles published between 1987 and 2007. We treat each sentence as an input sequence with each word (token) as an item. All the sentences were stemmed and lemmatized using WordNet lemmatizer. These sentences are classified into 34 classes such as News, Sports, Health, etc. This data set contains 965 782 distinct words, the longest sequence is a sentence having 2 381 words while the median length of sequences is 10 words. The difference between Orange and NYT dataset is that the former does not contain a large number of sequences however each sequence contains too many number of actions creating longer sequences. While the latter consists of huge number of sequences with lesser number of words in the sequences.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The scalability results for each iteration in Step 2.

Scalability. In this experiment, we explore the scalability of each job in MiSeRe-Hadoop. We run MiSeRe-Hadoop for 48 h over Orange dataset. MiSeRe-Hadoop firstly runs the job “generating statistics and singleton rules” which takes 43 s and generates 433 candidate singleton rules. Then, MiSeRe-Hadoop filters these rules over the second job “pruning singleton rules” which takes 40  s and returns 268 singleton interesting rules. Then, MiSeRe-Hadoop passes to the second step where it iteratively repeats the two jobs “generating candidates” and “generating and pruning rules” until it is stopped after 48 h. In each iteration, MiSeRe-Hadoop generates at most 2000 distinct candidate sequences then prunes them. MiSeRe-Hadoop repeats this step 877 times during 48 h. Figure 5 (a) shows the execution times of the two jobs “generating candidates” and “generating and pruning rules” over Orange dataset. The average execution time of the job “generating candidates” is 33.4 s while for the job “generating and pruning rules” it is 118.51 s.

We also run MiSeRe-Hadoop for 192 h over NYT dataset. The job “generating statistics and singleton rules” takes 183 s and generates 965 782 candidate singleton rules. Then, the job “pruning singleton rules” filters these rules which takes 47 s and returns 7 092 singleton interesting rules. Then, MiSeRe-Hadoop iteratively repeats 110 times the two jobs “generating candidates” and “generating and pruning rules” during 192 h. In each iteration, MiSeRe-Hadoop generates at most 2000 distinct candidate sequences then prunes them. Figure 5(b) shows the execution times of the two jobs “generating candidates” and “generating and pruning rules” over NYT dataset. The average execution time of the job “generating candidates” is 43.67 s while for the job “generating and pruning rules” it is 2 528.4 s.

From Fig. 5, it can be noticed that the job “generating and pruning rules” is the only job which takes the most time in the pipeline of MiSeRe-Hadoop. The performance of this job is based on two criteria. The first one is the number of candidate sequences which are generated form the job “generating candidates”. For this reason, the execution time of the job “generating and pruning rules” for NYT data set is more stable and fixed around 2 528.4 s as the number of candidates are more stable and fixed around 2000 new candidates sequences (see Fig. 6). On the other hand, for Orange dataset, the number of candidate sequences is lesser at each iteration, for this reason the execution time of the job “generating and pruning rules” is decreasing at each iteration. The second criteria which effects on the performance of the job “generating and pruning rules” is the size of the dataset. For this reason, the execution time of this job over NYT dataset takes 20 times more than the execution time of the same job over Orange dataset because the size of NYT data set is larger than the Orange data set.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Number of candidate sequences and rules generated over each iteration in Step 2.

Diversity. In this section, we study the diversity of the mined rules by MiSeRe-Hadoop. The maximum number of candidate sequences to be generated by the job “generating candidates” at each iteration over the two datasets was set to 2000. The main goal of these experiments are as follows: (1) how many candidate sequences and interesting rules are generated by MiSeRe-Hadoop at each iteration, (2) the number of candidate sequences and interesting rules generated by MiSeRe-Hadoop having n-items and (3) what is the relation between the number of items in the body of the rules and its value for the level criterion.

Figure 6 shows the number of candidate sequences generated and the interesting rules found over each iteration. From Fig. 6(a), it can be observed that for Orange dataset, at each iteration around 70% of the candidate sequences are interesting rules which implies that these rules were easier to generate. On the contrary, for NYT dataset, we have text data where MiSeRe-Hadoop has difficulty in finding interesting rules at each iteration as the percentage of finding rules from candidate sequence is very low, which is around 5% (see Fig. 6(b)). The total number of interesting rules generated from Orange dataset during 877 iterations is 534 460 rules, while the total number of rules generated from NYT dataset during 110 iterations is 11 473 rules.

In Fig. 7, we study the relation between the length and the value of level of interesting rules. We plot the length of the interesting rule against its level. For Orange dataset, we can extract interesting rules with up to 72 items while for NYT, MiSeRe-Hadoop extracts interesting rules with at most 4 items (words). From Fig. 7, it can be concluded that the level value of the shorter rules is larger than the longer ones, meeting the consensus: “Simpler and shorter rules are more probable and preferable”.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Length of rules against its value of level criterion.

We also study the relation between the length of candidate sequences and mined rules. Figure 8(a) shows the number in logscale of candidate sequences and rules mined over the step 2 of MiSeRe-Hadoop from Orange dataset. For this plot, we limit the visualization up to 30 items as 99.75% of mined rules have a body with maximum 30 items. In MiSeRe-Hadoop, the job “generating candidates” generates more candidate sequences with lesser number of items as compared to the longer ones because short rules are more probable and preferable. For this reason, the candidate sequences having items less than 8 represent 85% of all the generated candidate sequences. For NYT data set, MiSeRe-Hadoop generates most of the candidate sequences with 2-items because it is a text data set and has 965 782 distinct words. Thus, it can generate upto \((965782)^2\) distinct candidate sequences with 2-items. From Fig. 8(b), It can be observed that generating sequential classification rules form text data is not easy task. For example, MiSeRe-Hadoop generates 11 673 candidate sequences with three words and finally finds just 157 interesting rules over these candidates.

Figures 6, 7 and 8 highlight that the randomized strategy employed in MiSeRe-Hadoop allows us to mine interesting rules with diversity which is highly dependent on the data.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Length of candidate sequences and rules against the number of rules.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

This paper focuses on the important problem of mining sequential rule patterns from large scale sequential data. We propose MiSeRe-Hadoop, a scalable algorithm for mining sequential rules in MapReduce. MiSeRe-Hadoop is a parameter-free algorithm that efficiently mines interesting rules. The empirical experiments show that: (1) our method is scalable for large scale sequential data analysis and (2) the randomized strategy employed in MiSeRe-Hadoop allows us to mine interesting rules with diversity. As future work, we plan to extend our approach for multi label sequential data set. On the other hand, we are also planning on using the mined sequential classification rules by MiSeRe-Hadoop as an input of the classification method to build a classifier.