
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Currently, users of interactive theorem provers (ITPs) spend a lot of time iteratively interacting with their ITP to manually specialise and combine tactics. This time consuming process requires expertise in the ITP, making ITPs more esoteric than they should be. The integration of powerful automatic theorem provers (ATPs) into ITPs ameliorates this problem significantly; however, the exclusive reliance on general purpose ATPs makes it hard to exploit users’ domain specific knowledge, leading to combinatorial explosion even for conceptually straight-forward conjectures.

To address this problem, we introduce PSL, a programmable, extensible, meta-tool based framework, to Isabelle/HOL [22]. We provide PSL (available on GitHub [18]) as a language, so that its users can encode proof strategies, abstract descriptions of how to attack proof obligations, based on their intuitions about a conjecture. When applied to a proof obligation, PSL’s runtime system creates and combines several tactics based on the given proof strategy. This makes it possible to explore a larger search space than has previously been possible with conventional tactic languages, while utilising users’ intuitions on the conjecture.

We developed PSL to use engineers’ downtime: with PSL, we can run an automatic proof search for hours while we are attending meetings, sleeping, or reviewing papers. PSL makes such expensive proof search possible on machines with limited memory: PSL’s runtime system truncates failed proof attempts as soon as it backtracks to minimise its memory usage.

Furthermore, PSL’s runtime system attempts to generate efficient proof scripts from a given strategy by searching for the appropriate specialisation and combination of tactics for a particular conjecture without direct user interaction. Thus, PSL not only reduces the initial labour cost of theorem proving, but also keeps proof scripts interactive and maintainable by reducing the execution time of subsequent proof checking.

In Isabelle, sledgehammer adopts a similar approach [2]. It exports a proof goal to various external ATPs and waits for them to find a proof. If the external provers find a proof, sledgehammer tries to reconstruct an efficient proof script in Isabelle using hints from the ATPs. sledgehammer is often more capable than most tactics but suffers from discrepancies between the polymorphic higher-order logic of Isabelle and the monomorphic first-order logic of most backend provers. While we integrated sledgehammer as a sub-tool in PSL, PSL conducts a search using Isabelle tactics, thus avoiding the problems arising from the discrepancies and proof reconstruction.

The underlying implementation idea in PSL is the monadic interpretation of proof strategies, which we introduce in Sect. 6. We expect this prover-agnostic formalization brings the following strengths of PSL to other ITPs such as Lean [14] and Coq [28]:

  • runtime tactic generation based on user-defined procedures,

  • memory-efficient large-scale proof search, and

  • generation of efficient proof scripts for proof maintenance.

2 Background

Interactive theorem proving can be seen as the exploration of a search tree. Nodes of the tree represent proof states. Edges represent applications of tactics, which transform the proof state. Tactics are context sensitive: they behave differently depending on information stored in background proof contexts. These proof contexts contain such information as the constants defined and auxiliary lemmas proved prior to the current step. Since tactic behaviour depends on the proof context, it is hard to predict the shape of the search tree in advance.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

External and internal view of proof search tree

The goal is to find a node representing a solved state: one in which the proof is complete. The search tree may be infinitely wide and deep, because there are endless variations of tactics that may be tried at any point. The goal for a PSL strategy is to direct an automated search of this tree to find a solved state; PSL will reconstruct an efficient path to this state as a human-readable proof script.

Figure 1 shows an example of proof search. At the top, the tactic erule conjE is applied to the proof obligation \(\mathtt {w\wedge x \Rightarrow y \wedge z \Rightarrow z}\). This tactic invocation produces two results, as there are two places to apply conjunction elimination. Applying conjunction elimination to \(\mathtt {w\wedge x}\) returns the first result, while doing so to \(\mathtt {y\wedge z}\) produces the second result. Subsequent application of proof by assumption can discharge the second result; however, assumption does not discharge the first one since the z in the assumptions is still hidden by the conjunction. Isabelle’s proof language, Isar, returns the first result by default, but users can access the subsequent results using the keyword back.

Isabelle represents this non-deterministic behaviour of tactics using lazy sequences: tactics are functions of type \(\texttt {thm}\,\,\texttt {->}\,\,\texttt {[thm]}\), where [ \(\cdot \) ] denotes a (possibly infinite) lazy sequence [25]. Figure 1b illustrates how Isabelle internally handles the above example where ++ stands for the concatenation of lazy sequences. Each proof state is expressed as a (possibly nested) implication which assumes proof obligations to conclude the conjecture. One may complete a proof by removing these assumptions using tactics. Tactic failure is represented as an empty sequence, which enables backtracking search by combining multiple tactics in a row [30]. For example, one can write apply (erule conjE,assumption) using the sequential combinator, (comma) in Isar; this tactic traverses the tree using backtracking and discharges the proof obligation without relying on the keyword back.

The search tree grows wider when choosing between multiple tactics, and it grows deeper when tactics are combined sequentially. In the implementation language level, the tactic combinators in Isabelle include THEN for sequential composition (corresponding to , in Isar), APPEND for non-deterministic choice, ORELSE for deterministic choice, and REPEAT for iteration.

Isabelle/HOL comes with several default tactics such as auto,simp,induct, rule, and erule. When using tactics, proof authors often have to adjust tactics using modifiers for each proof obligation. succeed and fail are special tactics: succeed takes a value of type thm, wraps it in a lazy sequence, and returns it without modifying the value. fail always returns an empty sequence.

3 Syntax of PSL

The following is the syntax of PSL. We made PSL’s syntax similar to that of Isabelle’s tactic language aiming at the better usability for users who are familiar with Isabelle’s tactic language.

figure a

The default strategies correspond to Isabelle’s default tactics without arguments, while dynamic strategies correspond to Isabelle’s default tactics that are specialised for each conjecture. Given a dynamic strategy and conjecture, the runtime system generates variants of the corresponding Isabelle tactic. Each of these variants is specialised for the conjecture with a different combination of promising arguments found in the conjecture and its proof context. It is the purpose of the PSL runtime system to select the right combination automatically.

subtool represents Isabelle tools such as sledgehammer [2] and counterexample finders. The compound strategies capture the notion of tactic combinators: Thens corresponds to THEN, Ors to ORELSE, Alts to APPEND, and Repeat to REPEAT. POrs and PAlts are similar to Ors and Alts, respectively, but they admit parallel execution of sub-strategies. PThenOne and PThenAll take exactly two sub-strategies, combine them sequentially and apply the second sub-strategy to the results of the first sub-strategy in parallel in case the first sub-strategy returns multiple results. Contrary to PThenAll, PThenOne stops its execution as soon as it produces one result from the second sub-strategy. Users can integrate user-defined tactics, including those written in Eisbach [13], into PSL strategies using User. Cut limits the degree of non-determinism within a strategy.

In the following, we explain how to write strategies and how PSL’s runtime system interprets strategies with examples.

4 PSL by Example

Example 1

For our first example, we take the following lemma from an entry [23] in the Archive of Formal Proofs (AFP):

figure b

where dfs is a recursively defined function for depth-first search. As dfs is defined recursively, it is natural to expect that its proof involves some sort of mathematical induction. However, we do not know exactly how we should conduct mathematical induction here; therefore, we describe this rough idea as a proof strategy, DInductAuto, with the keyword strategy, and apply it to dfs_app with the keyword find_proof as depicted in Fig. 2. The find_proof command tells PSL’s runtime system to interpret DInductAuto. For example, it interprets Auto as Isabelle’s default tactic, auto.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Screenshot for Example 1.

The interpretation of Dynamic(Induct) is more involved: the runtime generates tactics using the information in dfs_app and its background context. First, PSL collects the free variables (noted in italics above) in dfs_app and applicable induction rules stored in the context. PSL uses the set of free variables to specify two things: on which variables instantiated tactics conduct mathematical induction, and which variables should be generalised in the induction scheme. The set of applicable rules are used to specify which rules to use. Second, PSL creates the powerset out of the set of all possible modifiers. Then, it attempts to instantiate a variant of the induct tactic for each subset of modifiers. Finally, it combines all the variants of induct with unique results using APPEND. In this case, PSL tries to generate 4160 induct tactics for dfs_app by passing several combinations of modifiers to Isabelle; however, Isabelle cannot produce valid induction schemes for some combinations, and some combinations lead to the same induction scheme. The runtime removes these, focusing on the 223 unique results. PSL’s runtime combine these tactics with auto using THEN.

PSL’s runtime interprets IsSolved as the is_solved tactic, which checks whether any proof obligations are left or not. If obligations are left, is_solved behaves as fail, triggering backtracking. If not, is_solved behaves as succeed, allowing the runtime to stop the search. This is how DInductAuto uses IsSolved to ensure that no sub-goals are left before returning an efficient proof script. For dfs_app, PSL interprets DInductAuto as the following tactic:

figure c

where induct_ns are variants of the induct tactic specialised with modifiers.

Within the runtime system, Isabelle first applies induct1 to dfs_app, then auto to the resultant proof obligations. Note that each induct tactic and auto is deterministic: it either fails or returns a lazy sequence with a single element. However, combined together with APPEND, the numerous variations of induct tactics en masse are non-deterministic: if is_solved finds remaining proof obligations, Isabelle backtracks to the next induct tactic, induct2 and repeats this process until either it discharges all proof obligations or runs out of the variations of induct tactics. The numerous variants of induct tactics from DInductAuto allow Isabelle to explore a larger search space than its naive alternative, induct THEN auto, does. Figure 3a illustrates this search procedure. Each edge and curved square represents a tactic application and a proof state, respectively, and edges leading to no object stand for tactic failures. The dashed objects represent possible future search space, which PSL avoids traversing by using lazy sequences.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Proof search tree for some_induct

The larger search space specified by DInductAuto leads to a longer search time. PSL addresses this performance problem by tracing Isabelle’s proof search: it keeps a log of successful proof attempts while removing backtracked proof attempts. The monadic interpretation discussed in Sect. 6 let PSL remove failed proof steps as soon as it backtracks. This minimises PSL memory usage, making it applicable to hours of expensive automatic proof search. Furthermore, since PSL follows Isabelle’s execution model based on lazy sequences, it stops proof search as soon as it finds a specialisation and combination of tactics, with which Isabelle can pass the no-proof-obligation test imposed by is_solved.

We still need a longer search time with PSL, but only once: upon success, PSL converts the log of successful attempts into an efficient proof script, which bypasses a large part of proof search. For dfs_app, PSL generates the following proof script from DInductAuto.

figure d

We implemented PSL as an Isabelle theory; to use it, PSL users only have to import the relevant theory files to use PSL to their files. Moreover, we have integrated PSL into Isabelle/Isar, Isabelle’s proof language, and Isabelle/jEdit, its standard editor. This allows users to define and invoke their own proof strategies inside their ongoing proof attempts, as shown in Fig. 2; and if the proof search succeeds PSL presents a proof script in jEdit’s output panel, which users can copy to the right location with one click. All generated proof scripts are independent of PSL, so users can maintain them without PSL.

Example 2

DInductAuto is able to pick up the right induction scheme for relatively simple proof obligations using backtracking search. However, in some cases even if PSL picks the right induction scheme, auto fails to discharge the emerging sub-goals. In the following, we define InductHard, a more powerful strategy based on mathematical induction, by combining Dynamic (Induct) with more involved sub-strategies to use external theorem provers.

figure e

PSL’s runtime system interprets Fastforce and Hammer as the fastforce tactic and sledgehammer, respectively. Both fastforce and sledgehammer try to discharge the first sub-goal only and return an empty sequence if they cannot discharge the sub-goal.

The repetitive application of sledgehammer would be very time consuming. We mitigate this problem using Ors and PThenOne. Combined with Ors, PSL executes PInductHard only if DInductAuto fails. When PInductHard is called, it first applies Dynamic(Induct), producing various induction schemes and multiple results. Then, SolveAllG tries to discharge these results in parallel. The runtime stops its execution when SolveAllG returns at least one result representing a solved state. We apply this strategy to the following conjecture, which states the two versions of depth-first search programs (dfs2 and dfs) return the same results given the same inputs.

figure f

Then, our machine with 28 cores returns the following script within 3 minutes:

figure g

Figure 3b roughly shows how the runtime system found this proof script. The runtime first tried to find a complete proof as in Example 1, but without much success. Then, it interpreted PInductHard. While doing so, it found that induction on xs and ys using DFS.dfs2.induct leads to two sub-goals both of which can be discharged either by fastforce or sledgehammer. For the second sub-goal, sledgehammer found out that the result of Example 1 can be used as an auxiliary lemma to prove this conjecture. Then, it returns an efficient proof script (simp add: dfs_app) to PSL, before PSL combines this with other parts and prints the complete proof script.

Example 3

In the previous examples, we used IsSolved to get a complete proof script from PSL. In Example 3, we show how to generate incomplete but useful proof scripts, using Defer. Incomplete proofs are specially useful when ITP users face numerous proof obligations, many of which are within the reach of high-level proof automation tools, such as sledgehammer, but a few of which are not.

Without PSL, Isabelle users had to manually invoke sledgehammer several times to find out which proof obligations sledgehammer can discharge. We developed a strategy, HamCheck, to automate this time-consuming process. The following shows its definition and a use case simplified for illustrative purposes.

figure h

We made this example simple, so that two sub-goals, 1:"ps_safe  p s" and 3:"ps_safe  p s’", are not hard to prove; however, they are still beyond the scope of commonly used tactics, such as fastforce.

Generally, for a conjecture and a strategy of the form of RepeatN (strategy), PSL applies strategy to the conjecture as many times as the number of proof obligations in the conjecture. In this case, PSL applies Ors [Hammer, Thens [Quickcheck, Defer]] to safe_trans three times.

Note that we integrated quickcheck and nitpick into PSL as assertion tactics. Assertion tactics provide mechanisms for controlling proof search based on a condition: such a tactic takes a proof state, tests an assertion on it, then behaves as succeed or fail accordingly. We have already seen one of them in the previous examples: is_solved.

Ors [Hammer, Thens [Quickcheck, Defer]] first applies sledgehammer. If sledgehammer does not find a proof, it tries to find counter-examples for the sub-goal using quickcheck. If quickcheck finds no counter-examples, PSL interprets Defer as defer_tac 1, which postpones the current sub-goal to the end of the list of proof obligations.

In this example, sledgehammer fails to discharge 2:"valid_tran  p s s’ c". When sledgehammer fails, PSL passes 2 to Thens [Quickcheck, Defer], which finds no counter-example to 2 and sends 2 to the end of the list; then, PSL continues working on the sub-goal 3 with sledgehammer. The runtime stops its execution after applying Ors [Hammers,Thens [Quickcheck, Defer] ] three times, generating the following proof script. This script discharges 1 and 3, but it leaves 2 as the meaningful task for human engineers, while assuring there is no obvious counter-examples for 2.

figure i

5 The Default Strategy: try_hard.

PSL comes with a default strategy, try_hard. Users can apply try_hard as a completely automatic tool: engineers need not provide their intuitions by writing strategies. Unlike other user-defined strategies, one can invoke this strategy by simply typing try_hard without find_proof inside a proof attempt. The lack of input from human engineers makes try_hard less specific to each conjecture; however, we made try_hard more powerful than existing proof automation tools for Isabelle by specifying larger search spaces presented.

Table 1. The number of automatically proved proof obligations from assignments. TH and SH stand for the number of obligations discharged by try_hard and sledgehammer, respectively. TH\SH represents the number of goals to which try_hard found proofs but sledgehammer did not. POs stands for the number of proof obligations in the theory file. x(y) for SH means sledgehammer found proofs for x proof obligations, out of which it managed to reconstruct proof scripts in Isabelle for y goals. We omit these parentheses when these numbers coincide. Note that all proofs of PSL are checked by Isabelle/HOL. Besides, sledgehammer inside PSL avoids the smt proof method, as this method is not allowed in the Archive of Formal Proofs.
Table 2. The number of automatically proved proof obligations from exercises.
Table 3. The number of automatically proved proof goals from AFP entries and Isabelle’s standard libraries.

We conducted a Judgement Day style evaluation [3] of try_hard against selected theory files from the AFP, coursework assignments and exercises [1], and Isabelle’s standard library. Tables 1, 2 and 3 show that given 300 s for each proof goal try_hard solves 1115 proof goals out of 1526,while sledgehammer found proofs for 901 of themusing the same computational resources and re-constructed proofs in Isabelle for 866 of them. This is a 14% point improvement of proof search and a 16% point increase for proof reconstruction. Moreover, 299 goals (20% of all goals) were solved only by try_hard within 300 s. They also show that a longer time-out improves the success ratio of try_hard, which is desirable for utilising engineers’ downtime.

try_hard is particularly more powerful than sledgehammer at discharging proof obligations that can be nicely handled by the following:

  • mathematical induction or co-induction,

  • type class mechanism,

  • specific procedures implemented as specialised tactics (such as transfer and normalization), or

  • general simplification rules (such as field_simps and algebra_simps).

Furthermore, careful observation of PSL indicates that PSL can handle the so-called “hidden fact” problem in relevance filtering. Hidden facts are auxiliary lemmas that are useful to discharge a given proof obligation but are not obviously relevant. For example, a hidden fact may share no constants with the proof obligation, because it is related only via an intermediate fact. With PSL, a user can write a strategy that applies rewriting before relevance filtering to reveal more information. This information allows the relevance filter to find useful facts that were previously hidden. For example, the following strategy “massages” the given proof obligation before invoking the relevance filter of sledgehammer: Thens [Auto, Repeat(Hammer),IsSolved].

For 3 theories out of 35, try_hard discharged fewer proof obligations, even given 300 seconds of time-out. This is due to the fact that PSL uses a slightly restricted version of sledgehammer internally for the sake of the integration with other tools and to avoid the smt method, which is not allowed in the AFP. In these files, sledgehammer can discharge many obligations and other obligations are not particularly suitable for other sub-tools in try_hard. Of course, given high-performance machines, users can run both try_hard and sledgehammer in parallel to maximise the chance of proving conjectures.

6 Monadic Interpretation of Strategy

The implementation of the tracing mechanism described in Sect. 4 is non-trivial: PSL’s tracing mechanism has to support arbitrary strategies conforming to its syntax. What is worse, the runtime behaviour of backtracking search is not completely predictable statically since PSL generates tactics at runtime, using information that is not available statically. Moreover, the behaviour of each tactic varies depending on the proof context and proof obligation at hand.

It is likely to cause code clutter to specify where to backtrack explicitly with references or pointers, whereas explicit construction of search tree [17] consumes too much memory space when traversing a large search space. Furthermore, both of these approaches deviate from the standard execution model of Isabelle explained in Sect. 2. This deviation makes the proof search and the efficient proof script generation less reliable. In this section, we introduce our monadic interpreter for PSL, which yields a modular design and concise implementation of PSL’s runtime system.

figure j

Monads in Standard ML. A monad with zero and plus is a constructor classFootnote 1 with four basic methods (return, bind, mzero, and ++). As Isabelle’s implementation language, Standard ML, does not natively support constructor classes, we emulated them using its module system [19]. Program 1 shows how we represent the type constructor, seq, as an instance of monad with zero and plus.

The body of bind for lazy sequences says that it applies f to all the elements of xs and concatenates all the results into one sequence. Attentive readers might notice that this is equivalent to the behaviour of THEN depicted in Fig. 1b and that of Thens shown in Fig. 3. In fact, we can define all of THEN, succeed, fail, and APPEND, using bind, return, mzero, and ++, respectively.

Monadic Interpretation of Strategies. Based on this observation, we formalised PSL’s search procedure as a monadic interpretation of strategies, as shown in Program 2, where the type core_strategy stands for the internal representation of strategies. Note that Alt and Or are binary versions of Alts and Ors, respectively; PSL desugars Alts and Ors into nested Alts and Ors. We could have defined Or as a syntactic sugar using Alt, mzero, Fail, and Skip, as explained by Martin et al. [11]; however, we prefer the less monadic formalisation in Program 2 for better time complexity.

figure k

eval deals with all the atomic strategies, which correspond to default, dynamic, and special in the surface language. For the dynamic strategies, eval expands them into dynamically generated tactics making use of contextual information from the current proof state. PSL combines these generated tactics either with APPEND or ORELSE, depending on the nature of each tactic. eval_comb handles non-monadic strategy combinators, such as Cut. We defined the body of eval and eval_comb for each atomic strategy and strategy combinator separately using pattern matching. As is obvious in Program 2, interp separates the complexity of compound strategies from that of runtime tactic generation.

Adding Tracing Modularly for Proof Script Generation. We defined interp at the constructor class level, abstracting it from the concrete type of proof state and even from the concrete type constructor. When instantiated with lazy sequence, interp tries to return the first element of the sequence, working as depth-first search. This abstraction provides a clear view of how compound strategies guide proof search while producing tactics at runtime; however, without tracing proof attempts, PSL has to traverse large search spaces every time it checks proofs.

figure l

We added the tracing mechanism to interp, combining the non-deterministic monad, Nondet, with the writer monad. To combine multiple monads, we emulate monad transformers using ML functors: Program 3 shows our ML functor, writer_trans, which takes a module of MONAD0PLUS, adds the logging mechanism to it, and returns a module equipped with both the capability of the base monad and the logging mechanism of the writer monad. We pass Nondet to writer_trans as the base monad to combine the logging mechanism and the backtracking search based on non-deterministic choice. Observe Programs 1, 2 and 3 to see how Alt and Or truncate failed proof attempts while searching for a proof. The returned module is based on a new type constructor, but it is still a member of MONAD0PLUS; therefore, we can re-use interp without changing it.

History-Sensitive Tactics using the State Monad Transformer. The flexible runtime interpretation might lead PSL into a non-terminating loop, such as REPEAT succeed. To handle such loops, PSL traverses a search space using iterative deepening depth-first search (IDDFS). However, passing around information about depth as an argument of interp as following quickly impairs its simplicity:

figure m

where level stands for the remaining depth interp can proceed for the current iteration.

We implemented IDDFS without code clutter, introducing the idea of a history-sensitive tactic: a tactic that takes the log of proof attempts into account. Since the writer monad does not allow us to access the log during the search time, we replaced the writer monad transformer with the state monad transformer, with which the runtime keeps the log of proof attempt as the “state” of proof search and access it during search. By measuring the length of “state”, interp computes the current depth of proof search at runtime.

The modular design and abstraction discussed above made this replacement possible with little change to the definition of interp: we only need to change the clause for Atom, providing a wrapper function, iddfc, for eval, while other clauses remain intact.

figure n

iddfc limit first reads the length of “state”, which represents the number of edges to the node from the top of the implicit proof search tree. Then, it behaves as fail if the length exceeds limit; if not, it executes eval atom_str n.Footnote 2

7 Related Work

ACL2 [9] is a functional programming language and mostly automated first-order theorem prover. ACL2 is known for the so-called waterfall model, which is essentially repeated application of various heuristics. Its users can guide proof search by supplying arguments called “hints”, but the underlining operational procedure of the waterfall model itself is fixed. ACL2 does not produce efficient proof scripts after running the waterfall algorithm.

PVS [24] provides a collection of commands called “strategies”. Despite the similarity of the name to PSL, strategies in PVS correspond to tactics in Isabelle. The highest-level strategy in PVS, grind, can produce re-runnable proof scripts containing successful proof steps only. However, scripts returned by grind describe steps of much lower level than human engineers would write manually, while PSL’s returned scripts are based on tactics engineers use. Furthermore, grind is known to be useful to complete a proof that does not require induction, while try_hard is good at finding proofs involving mathematical induction.

SEPIA [8] is an automated proof generation tool in Coq. Taking existing Coq theories as input, SEPIA first produces proof traces, from which it infers an extended finite state machine. Given a conjecture, SEPIA uses this model to search for its proof. The authors of SEPIA chose to use breadth-first search (BFS) to find shorter proofs. For PSL we could emulate the BFS strategy within the IDDFS framework. However, our experience tells us that the search tree tends to be very wide and some tactics, such as induct, need to be followed by other tactics to complete proofs. Therefore, we chose IDDFS for PSL. Both SEPIA and PSL off-load the construction of proof scripts to search and try to reconstruct efficient proof scripts. Compared to SEPIA, PSL allows users to specify their own search strategies to utilize the engineer’s intuition, which enables PSL to return incomplete proof scripts, as discussed in Sect. 4.

Martin et al. first discussed a monadic interpretation of tactics for their language, Angel, in an unpublished draft [12]. We independently developed interp with the features discussed above, lifting the framework from the tactic level to the strategy level to traverse larger search spaces. The two interpreters for different ITPs turned out to be similar to each other, suggesting our approach is not specific to Isabelle but can be used for other ITPs.

Similar to Ltac [6] in Coq, Eisbach [13] is a framework to write proof methods in Isabelle. Proof methods are the Isar syntactic layer of tactics. Eisbach does not generate methods dynamically, trace proof attempts, nor support parallelism natively. Eisbach is good when engineers already know how to prove their conjecture, while try_hard is good when they want to find out how to prove it.

IsaPlanner [7] offers a framework for encoding and applying common patterns of reasoning in Isabelle, following the style of proof planning [5]. IsaPlanner addresses the performance issue by a memoization technique, on the other hand try_hard strips off backtracked steps while searching for a proof, which Isabelle can check later without try_hard. While IsaPlanner works on its own data structure reasoning state, try_hard managed to minimize the deviation from Isabelle’s standard execution model using constructor classes.

8 Conclusions

PSL improves proof automation in higher-order logic, allowing us to exploit both the engineer’s intuition and various automatic tools. The simplicity of the design is our intentional choice: we reduced the process of interactive proof development to the well-known dynamic tree search problem and added new features (efficient-proof script generation and IDDFS) by safely abstracting the original execution model and employing commonly used techniques (monad transformers).

We claim that our approach enjoys significant advantages. Despite the simplicity of the design, our evaluations indicate that PSL reduces the labour cost of ITP significantly. The conservative extension to the original model lowers the learning barrier of PSL and makes our proof script generation reliable by minimising the deviation. The meta-tool approach makes the generated proof script independent of PSL, separating the maintenance of proof scripts from that of PSL; furthermore, by providing a common framework for various tools we supplement one tool’s weakness (e.g. induction for sledgehammer) with other tools’ strength (e.g. the induct tactic), while enhancing their capabilities with runtime tactic generation. The parallel combinators reduce the labour-intensive process of interactive theorem proving to embarrassingly parallel problems. The abstraction to the constructor class and reduction to the tree search problem make our ideas transferable: other ITPs, such as Lean and Coq, handle inter-tactic backtracking, which is best represented in terms of MONAD0PLUS.