1 Introduction

In today’s world, economic challenges driven by technological and societal developments force industrial enterprises improve their agility and responsiveness in order to gain ability to manage whole value-chain. Hence, enterprises require assistance of virtual and physical technologies which provide collaboration and rapid adaption for their businesses and operations (Ganzarain and Errasti 2016). Implementation of Industry 4.0 strategies require wide applications in companies since executives from several industries are uncertain about outcomes of the Industry 4.0 projects and investment costs and they have lack of knowledge in the concept of Industry 4.0. Maturity models provide large scale of knowledge about companies’ current state and a path to pursue for implementation of Industry 4.0 strategies.

Nikkhou et al. (2016) stated that maturity term refers to being in a perfect condition; also, it is an evidence of an achievement and it provides a guidance to correct or prevent problems. Mettler (2009) defined maturity as a development of a specific ability or reaching to a targeted success from an initial to an anticipated stage. Proença and Borbinha (2016) reported that maturity can be used as evaluation criteria and described as being complete, perfect or ready and also used for progression from a basic stage to more advanced final stage.

According to Tarhan et al. (2016) a maturity model represents desired logical path for processes in several business fields which include discrete levels of maturity. In addition, maturity models are defined as a valuable technique in order to assess processes or organization from different perspectives (Proença and Borbinha 2016). Backlund et al. (2014) also noted that maturity model frameworks are becoming extremely important to assess organizations. Nikkhou et al. (2016) described maturity models as a tool that can be used to describe perfect progression to wanted change utilizing a few progressive phases or levels. Maturity models enable organizations to audit and benchmark regarding to assessment results, to track progress towards to desired level and to evaluate elements of organizations such as strengths, weaknesses and opportunities by sequencing maturity levels in an order from basic to advanced stage: Initial, Managed, Defined, Quantitatively Managed and Optimizing (Proença and Borbinha 2016). According to Schumacher et al. (2016) maturity models are positioned as a tool for comparing current level of an organization or process to desired level in terms of maturity by conceptualizing and measuring. In the article, the difference between readiness and maturity models is explained in such a way that readiness models clarify whether organization is ready to start development process or not; however, maturity models target to demonstrate which maturity level the organization is in. In brief, Duffy (2001) concluded that maturity models help organizations to decide when and why they need to take an action to progress; in addition, teach organizations which actions should be considered in order to achieve advanced maturity level. According to author, organization must need the information obtained from maturity models to compare its current state to the best-practices in related business fields. Therefore, a value of a maturity model is measured by its usability on analysis and positioning.

In study of IBM in 2015, it is stated that Industry 4.0 transformation has many difficulties because of the inadequacy of current IT technologies, lack of knowledge and high investment costs (Erol et al. 2016). Digital transformation of companies’ businesses and operations is driven by investments in information and telecommunication technologies and new machineries. In addition, the need of the integration in current technologies, new machines and automated work processes restrain horizontal and vertical integration along the value chain (Erol et al. 2016). According to industry-wide interviews, when implementing Industry 4.0 in practice, following problems come in view (Schumacher et al. 2016):

  • Lack of strategic guidance and the problem of perception about highly complex Industry 4.0 concept.

  • Uncertainty about outcomes of Industry 4.0 projects in the matter of benefits and costs.

  • Failure of assessing Industry 4.0 capability of company.

With regard to third problem, maturity models and assessment of Industry 4.0 maturity become highly important, since a lot of companies seem to struggle to initialize Industry 4.0 transformation.

The purpose of this chapter is to explain “maturity models”; discuss the encountered problems when implementing Industry 4.0 strategies; to explain reasons of utilization of these models and their benefits to Industry 4.0 strategies. The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Section 4.2 includes detailed explanation of four maturity models in the literature. Then in Sect. 4.3, the comparison chart of analyzed Industry 4.0 maturity and readiness models is presented. Section 4.4 is organized to propose Industry 4.0 maturity model and an application in retail sector. The conclusion and future work are presented in final section.

2 Existing Industry 4.0 Maturity and Readiness Models

In this section, we performed analysis of several Industry 4.0 maturity and readiness models and assessment surveys. From these works, we derived concepts relevant for the structure of our model. Models and assessments are given below:

  • IMPULS—Industrie 4.0 Readiness (2015)

  • Industry 4.0/Digital Operations Self-Assessment (2016)

  • The Connected Enterprise Maturity Model (2016)

  • Industry 4.0 Maturity Model (2016).

2.1 IMPULS—Industrie 4.0 Readiness (2015)

Lichtblau et al. and other project partners performed Industry 4.0 workshops and literature researches to propose an Industry 4.0 readiness model. This model contains six levels of Industry 4.0 readiness given below:

  • Level 0: Outsider

  • Level 1: Beginner

  • Level 2: Intermediate

  • Level 3: Experienced

  • Level 4: Expert

  • Level 5: Top performer.

In this study, existing readiness model redesigned with contributions from workshops and formed in six Industry 4.0 dimensions by adding two dimensions to previous model. These dimensions (Lichtblau et al. 2015) are “Strategy and organization”, “Smart factory”, “Smart operations”, “Smart products”, “Data-driven services” and “Employees”. Dimensions and associated fields of Industry 4.0 related with this model are given in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Dimensions and associated fields of Industry 4.0 (Lichtblau et al. 2015)

Proposed readiness model is used in order to measure companies’ Industry 4.0 readiness levels from 0 to 5 containing minimum requirements that companies should possess. Questionnaire of this readiness model measures structural characteristics of companies, their Industry 4.0 knowledge, their motivations and obstacles through Industry 4.0 journey. Assessment survey has 24 questions in total for related dimensions and a few questions about industry, size of domestic workforce and annual revenue. In order to measure and define Industry 4.0 readiness, five point Likert scale is used.

Company profiles are grouped under three titles to summarize results better (Lichtblau et al. 2015) such as Newcomers (level 0 and 1), Learners (level 2) and Leaders (level 3 and up). Newcomers consist of companies that have never initialized any projects or have studied a few projects. Learners consists a group of companies which initialized first projects related to Industry 4.0. Leaders is a group that contains level 3, 4 or 5 companies which are way ahead of other companies about Industry 4.0 implementation.

Companies’ readiness levels are determined based on lowest level of associated field in the dimensions. Industry 4.0 dimensions are weighted on 100-point-scale. “Strategy and organization” has 25 point overall, “Smart factories” has 14 points overall, “Smart products” has 19 points overall, “Data-Driven services” has 14 points overall, “Smart operations” has 10 points overall and finally “Employees” has 18 points overall.

As a result of measurements, company profiles are identified and main hurdles in the dimensions are listed. In the final stage, action plans are created for companies to help them reach level 5 Industry 4.0 readiness.

2.2 Industry 4.0/Digital Operations Self-Assessment (2016)

PwC published a report entitled “Industry 4.0: Building the digital enterprise” to provide companies comprehensive perspective on Industry 4.0 by representing its own maturity model and “Blueprint for Digital Success” given in Table 4.2

In the first step of “Blueprint for Digital Success”, PwC provides companies a maturity model to assess their capabilities. This maturity model is formed in four stages and seven dimensions. Stages are determined as below:

  • Digital novice

  • Vertical integrator

  • Horizontal collaborator

  • Digital champion.

PwC assess companies’ maturity levels with seven dimensions such as “Digital business models and customer access”, “Digitisation of product and service offerings”, “Digitisation and integration of vertical and horizontal value chains”, “Data and Analytics as core capability”, “Agile IT architecture”, “Compliance, security, legal and tax”, “Organisation, employees and digital culture”.

PwC enables companies to assess their Industry 4.0 maturity and map their results by online self-assessment tool. In the final stage of assessment, PwC provides companies an action plan to make them successfully reach high level of Industry 4.0 maturity.

Online self-assessment tool (PwC, 2016) has 33 questions in total for related dimensions and a few questions about industry, region, country and annual revenue to classify companies. In questionnaire, five point Likert scale is used for each question and radar graphic is provided at the end of the assessment.

2.3 The Connected Enterprise Maturity Model (2016)

The Connected Enterprise Maturity Model was developed by Rockwell Automation in 2014 and this model contains five stages and four technology focused dimensions. Stages in this model are given below (Rockwell Automation 2016):

  • Stage 1: Assessment

  • Stage 2: Secure and upgraded network and controls

  • Stage 3: Defined and organized working data capital

  • Stage 4: Analytics

  • Stage 5: Collaboration.

The Assessment Stage of the Connected Enterprise Maturity Model evaluates all facets of an organization’s existing OT/IT (Operational Technologies/Information Technologies) network with four dimensions such as “Information infrastructure (hardware and software)”, “Controls and devices (sensors, actuators, motor controls, switches, etc.) that feed and receive data”, “Networks that move all of this information” and “Security policies (understanding, organization, enforcement)”. It is stated that a major challenge during assessment stage is potential hesitations on investing time for questioning practices that they have relied upon for years.

In Stage 2, OT/IT organization is being formed to deliver secure, adaptable connectivity between plant-floor operations and enterprise business systems after an assessment stage. Long-term upgrades begin and gaps and weaknesses of current operations are identified. In large-scale companies, outdated control and networks create a challenge for transformation as well as hesitations from executives and engineers who feel that current systems remain viable.

Stage 3, which the improvements made with the current data is in progress with Stage 2. At this stage, it is defined how the collected data will be processed and how to obtain optimum outcome from these data. Organized team ensures that new workflows, charts and responsibilities are set so that they are not overwhelmed by the company data pool thanks to Working Data Capital.

In Stage 4, focal point shifts towards continuous development with data. Analytics utilizing Working Data Capital will assist to pinpoint the greatest needs for real-time information and ensure the continuity of standardized protocols triggered by the data. In addition, these analytics provide information transfer about asset management for leadership team. Challenges during Stage 4 will be use of lots of unnecessary data and distrust of analytics.

In Stage 5, main idea is to provide collaboration between company and environment with the help of analytics and data sharing.

2.4 Industry 4.0 Maturity Model (2016)

Schumacher et al. (2016) used nine dimensions and sixty-two maturity items in order to assess companies Industry 4.0 maturity levels. Nine dimensions and maturity items are given in Table 4.3. Maturity levels are examined under five levels. According to this model, level 1 companies have lack of attributes the supporting concepts of Industry 4.0 and level 5 companies can meet all requirements of Industry 4.0.

Table 4.2 Blueprint for digital success (Geissbauer et al. 2016)

In this maturity model , assessment surveys are made by using five point Likert scale for each closed ended question. After survey results weighted points are calculated and maturity levels of companies are determined. To determine maturity level of a company, an equation (Eq. 4.1) is used. In this equation, “M” corresponds to “Maturity”, “D” corresponds to “Dimension”, “I” corresponds to “Item”, “g” corresponds to “Weighting Factor” and “n” corresponds to “Number of Maturity Item” (Schumacher et al. 2016).

Table 4.3 Dimensions and maturity items of Industry 4.0 Maturity Model (Schumacher et al. 2016)
$$M_{D} = \frac{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} {} M_{DIi} *g_{DIi} }}{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} {} g_{DIi} }}$$

3 Comparison of Existing Industry 4.0 Maturity and Readiness Models

In this section, maturity/readiness levels, dimensions and industry scope are compared between existing Industry 4.0 maturity and readiness models. In order to provide easy understanding, comparison table is given in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4 Comparison of existing industry 4.0 maturity and readiness models

4 Proposed Industry 4.0 Maturity Model

In order to facilitate different analyses of Industry 4.0 maturity , the proposed model includes a total of 13 associated fields which are grouped into 3 dimensions. Table 4.5 provides an overview on the dimensions together associated fields, related Industry 4.0 to support understanding. An assessment criterion of the maturity model is based on Industry 4.0 principles and technologies given in Table 4.6 for each associated field.

Table 4.5 Proposed industry 4.0 maturity model

Smart products can do computations, store data and be involved in an interaction with their environment as well as they can give information about their identity, properties, status and history (Schmidt et al. 2015). These features create a chance to obtain data from products and interpret data to offer services. Smart Products and Services dimension is formed to measure these features of companies’ products and their service offerings driven by product data.

Smart Business Processes is formed as a dimension containing functional operations of companies to assess their maturity level regarding to Industry 4.0 principles and triggering technologies.

Strategy and Organization can be defined as an “input” for Industry 4.0 transformation where it is important to shape business and organization. Development of new smart products, data-driven services and smart business operations depend on generating suitable business models or transforming current one for Industry 4.0, investments in triggering technologies, collaboration with strategic partners which provides fast progression and organizational structure and leadership.

Table 4.6 Industry 4.0 principles and technologies

To identify Industry 4.0 maturity level of a company, four stages are used and answers of the assessment survey is evaluated regarding to these stages such as “Absence”, “Existence”, “Survival” and “Maturity”. Each associated field’s questions weighted between 0—“Absence” and 3—“Maturity” to determine a maturity level.

Level 0: Absence identifies a level of a company that does not meet any of the requirements for Industry 4.0. Some of the requirements are at low level.

Level 1: Existence is a maturity level where company has some pilot initiatives in its functional departments. Company provides products, but these products are not capable of being fully smart. Integration and automation levels are low and data collection/use levels are not enough to realize Industry 4.0 transformation. Digital technologies and cloud has not been implemented to all operations. Equipment infrastructure readiness is also at low level. Top management is considering implementing Industry 4.0 strategy with investments in a few areas. There are pilot initiatives to generate business models or transform current one. Organizational structure is not suitable enough.

Level 2: Survival is a maturity level where company’s products are capable of real time data management and being tracked through different sites; in addition, data-driven service offerings are at medium level. Company’s business processes at medium level in terms of integration, data sharing/collection/use and agility. Processes are ready for decentralization and interoperability principle is implemented a few areas in company with support of digital technologies. Leadership is developing plans for Industry 4.0 and has made investments in a few areas. Company is considering new business opportunities at medium level and creating partnerships with other companies or academics. Organizational structure is suitable for initial Industry 4.0 projects and new business models are being generated.

Level 3: Maturity is a maturity level where company’s products are defined as smart and data-driven services are provided high level. Company’s business processes at high level in terms of integration, data sharing/collection/use and agility . Nearly all processes are capable of being decentralized and interoperability principle is implemented lots of areas in company with support of advanced digital technologies. Leadership team provides widespread support for Industry 4.0 and has made investments for nearly all departments. Organizational structure is suitable for managing transformation across the company. Company is creating lots of partnerships with companies, academics, suppliers and technology providers. Digital business models are integrated to company’s current business models and company is generating revenue from these models.

Each associated field in this maturity model is graded with related survey questions by 0–3 points. After all, calculated points of associated fields are grouped under dimensions and sub-dimensions in order to identify maturity levels individually and overall. Equations to calculate maturity levels are given in Eqs. 4.14.3.






Associated Field


Question Number




Number of Total Questions


Number of Associated Fields

$$M_{DAi} = \frac{{\sum\limits_{j = 1}^{n} {} Q_{Aij} }}{n}$$
$$M_{D} = \frac{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m} {} M_{DAi} }}{m}$$
$$M_{O} = \hbox{min} \left( {M_{1} ,M_{2} ,M_{3} } \right)$$

To determine overall maturity level, limit values for each level is given in Table 4.7. Maturity levels of “smart products and services”, “smart business” and “strategy and organization” are explained in Table 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10 respectively. 

Table 4.7 Limit values to determine maturity level
Table 4.8 Smart products and services maturity level requirements
Table 4.9 Smart business processes maturity level requirements
Table 4.10 Strategy and organization maturity levels requirements

5 An Application in Retail Sector

The study was conducted in a retail company operating in Turkey. In this study, the questionnaires in Appendix were answered and according to the answers given, scores related to the relevant fields and dimensions were calculated according Eqs. 4.24.4.

The scores corresponding to the answers given to the questions are shown on the Tables 4.11, 4.12 and 4.13. Since the firm operates in the retail sector, it has decided not to answer the questions about the field of “R&D—Product Development”. So this field did not participate in the scoring account according to Eqs. 4.24.4.

Table 4.11 Smart products and services maturity score
Table 4.12 Smart business processes maturity score
Table 4.13 Strategy and organization maturity score

According to an equation (Eq. 4.4), overall maturity level of a company is determined by minimum maturity level of dimensions. As we can see in Table 4.11, Table 4.12 and Table 4.13, minimum maturity level score is 1.14 which is calculated for Strategy and Organization dimension. Therefore, a retail company is at “Level 1: Existence” regarding to Industry 4.0 maturity. Summary of maturity scores is given in Table 4.14. Radar chart is provided in Fig. 4.1.

Table 4.14 Maturity score and level table for each dimension/sub-dimension of a company
Fig. 4.1
figure 1

Maturity levels of dimensions of company in a radar chart

6 Conclusion

The study presented here aimed to develop of an Industry 4.0 maturity model and an assessment survey to provide companies a tool to help them understand their current state regarding to Industry 4.0. Different application areas were proposed for Industry 4.0 such as smart finance, smart marketing and human resources in order to differentiate the model and increase companies’ perspective for Industry 4.0 applications. Future studies will aim at diversifying Industry 4.0 maturity model to enhance the industry scope with weighted associated fields for each industry and create activity plans according to companies’ current maturity level.