
1 Introduction

Sentiment analysis aims at extracting users’ subjective information from raw texts. It is valuable for companies and institutions to turn user-generated texts into knowledge for decision support. One of the most successful paradigm for sentiment analysis is to feed bag-of-words (BOW) features with weighting schemes into classifiers such as support vector machines [16]. In BOW, each word represents one dimension of features, and weighting schemes give those important words more weights [11]. Though simple, strong baselines are achieved on a range of sentiment analysis datasets.

However, traditional text features suffer from high dimensionality and data sparsity. They take each word as an atomic unit, which totally ignores the internal semantics of the words. Recently, many researchers have turned their attention to extracting dense text representation by neural networks (NNs) [5]. Typical neural networks include Convolutional NNs [7], Recursive NNs [17], Paragraph Vector (PV) [9], etc. Usually, these models learn dense text representations upon pre-trained dense word representations. One advantage of these models is that they can extract features automatically. In this sense, we can directly feed raw data into neural networks with no requirements of prior knowledge. However, a natural question is raised here: if prior knowledge is available, can we utilize the knowledge to help the training of the neural networks to achieve better results? This is the motivation of our models.

In this paper, a novel model is proposed which takes advantages of both neural models and traditional weighting schemes. Weighting schemes tell us which words are important and which words are not. Taking movie reviews for example, words like ‘wonderful’ and ‘worst’ reflect reviewers’ sentiment tendencies, while words like ‘of’ and ‘watch’ contain little information about users’ attitudes to movies. A lot of work has proven the effectiveness of weighting schemes on raw BOW features [2, 8, 11, 15, 19]. Inspired by their successes in BOW, we discover that weighting techniques are also very useful for guiding the training of neural networks. By knowing importance of words in advance, we can train neural models to focus on extracting features from words that is critical to the meanings of texts, while ignore those unimportant words. Since previous weighting schemes are originally applied to BOW features, we propose a novel weighting framework specially designed for neural models. As a result, very competitive results are achieved in both sentence-level and document-level datasets.

Section 2 reviews the related work of sentiment analysis. Section 3 discusses how to integrate weighting techniques into neural models. Section 4 proposes a novel weighting framework specifically designed for neural models. Experimental results are given in Sect. 5, followed by the conclusion in Sect. 6. Source code of the paper will be available at Other researchers can reproduce our results easily and further improve models upon our new baselines.

2 Related Work

Bag-of-words Features. Text representation is of vital importance for sentiment analysis. One of the most popular features is bag-of-words (BOW). Early work that uses BOW feature on sentiment analysis is done by [16]. They found that binary weighted feature with SVM classifier gives promising results. Following their work, many researchers focus on applying various weighting schemes to original BOW text representations. One of the most successful attemptions is to introduce information of class preference into weighting schemes. [11] calculate the document frequency (DF) of words in positively and negatively labeled texts respectively, and use the ratios of them to weight words. [19] apply class preference weighting on bag-of-ngrams features and achieve very strong baselines on a range of sentiment analysis and text classification tasks. [8] add credibility weighting to determine which words are important for sentiment analysis. [2, 15] give detailed discussions over different weighting schemes on BOW features.

Deep Neural Networks. Recently, neural networks (NN) have become increasingly popular in natural language processing (NLP). They can generate dense word and text representations and achieve state-of-the-art results on a range of tasks. One of the most fundamental work in this field is word embedding, where dense word representations are learned by modeling the relationships between target words and their contexts [1]. Almost all neural models for NLP are built upon word embeddings since neural networks require dense representation as input to make models computational. [7] propose to use Convolutional NN (CNN) for sentiment analysis, which can effectively capture n-gram features and achieve state-of-the-art results on many sentence-level datasets. Recursive NN (RecNN), proposed by [17], constructs neural networks on the basis of parse tree and is able to extract fine-grained information of sentences. Another family of neural networks for sentiment analysis is Recurrent NN (RNN). The hidden layers of the RNN store all previous information in theory. The hidden layer of the last word can be used as the representation of the whole texts. Most recently, combinations of neural networks are proposed to capture complex structures of the texts. Their training processes can be categorized in two steps. The first step is to extract sentence features from word features (word embeddings), and the second step is to extract document features from sentence features [3, 10]. As a result, these models can not only capture word order and syntactic information, but also take relationships among sentences into considerations. The drawbacks of these deep neural networks are also obvious. These models are expensive in computational resources. Besides that, they are not as robust as traditional BOW approaches. The effectiveness of these models closely relies on careful hyper-parameters tuning and some sub-tasks such as pre-trained word embedding, parsing and sentence segmentation.

Neural Bag-of-words Models. Though deep neural models are very powerful in theory, only limited improvements are achieved in sentiment analysis when compared with traditional BOW features with weighting schemes. It seems that information like word order, sentence and document structure is not very crucial for sentiment analysis. Another line of neural models is neural bag-of-words models. Instead of constructing complex composition upon word embeddings, these models basically ignore order and syntactic information. Representative neural bag-of-words models include Deep Average Networks (DAN) [6] and Paragraph Vector (PV) [9]. DAN at first takes average of the words embeddings as the inputs and then constructs multiple neural layers upon them. PV embeds text by making it useful to predict the words it includes. These models enjoy the advantages of being simple and robust compared with other deep neural networks, and can still achieve competitive results on sentiment analysis tasks.

Existing neural bag-of-words models treat each word equally. To capture better features for sentiment analysis, in this paper we use weighting schemes to guide the training of Paragraph Vector models, thus the new models can pay more attention to words that reflect the polarities of texts. When suitable weighting schemes are used, significant improvements over traditional Paragraph Vector model are witnessed.

3 Weighted Paragraph Vector (WPV)

In this study, we introduce weighting schemes into a neural bag-of-words model, Paragraph Vector (PV). PV is just the direct extension of word2vec. Word2vec is a very popular word embedding training toolkitFootnote 1. It achieves state-of-the-art results on a range of linguistic datasets, and at the same time only requires a fraction of time compared with previous word embedding models [13, 14]. The main difference between PV and word2vec is that PV treats each text as a special word and uses this special word to predict the words in the text. PV includes two variants, PV-DBOW and PV-DM, which corresponds to two variants in word2vec, Skip-gram (SG) and continuous bag-of-words (CBOW). In the following subsections, we introduce weighting techniques into PV-DBOW and PV-DM respectively.

3.1 Weighted PV-DBOW

The original objective function of PV-DBOW is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \sum ^{|T|}_{i=1}\sum ^{|t_{i}|}_{j=1}logP(w_{ij}|t_{i})+\sum ^{|WN|}_{i=1}\sum _{-c\le j \le c,j\ne 0}logP(w_{i}|w_{i+j}) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} where \quad P(a|b)=\sigma ( \, e(a)\bullet e(b) \, )\prod _{k=1}^{K}E_{w_{k}\thicksim P_{n}(w)}(\sigma ( \, -e(b) \bullet e(w_{k}) \, )) \end{aligned}$$

where t\(_i\)={w\(_{i1}\),w\(_{i2}\),......,w\(_{i|t_{i}|}\)} denotes i\(_{th}\) text and T={t\(_{1}\),t\(_{2}\),......,t\(_{|T|}\)} denotes the whole dataset. |WN| is the number of training words in the whole dataset. Negative sampling [14] is used to define the ‘conditional probabilities’ of target word given its context: e(\(\cdot \)) denotes the embedding of word (text) \(\cdot \) . \(\bullet \) denotes inner product. \(\sigma \) is sigmoid function and P \(_{n}\)(w) is uni-gram distribution raised to the n-th power. The first part of the objective uses text that contains the target word as context. The second part is just the objective of ordinary word embedding model, where words in local window are used as context. Traditional Paragraph Vector model treats each word in the text equally. In this sense, it can be viewed as the counterpart of BOW features where each feature is represented by the count of the word in the text.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Illustration of weighted PV-DBOW

Obviously, some words are more important for discriminating polarities of the sentiment. The main idea of our model is to make embedding of text pay more attention to those discriminative words, instead of neutral words which have little value for determining polarities of texts. We give each word a weight (a real value), which represents how important a word is for sentiment analysis. How to assign the weights to words will be discussed in Sect. 4. The objective of weighted PV-DBOW is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \sum ^{|T|}_{i=1}\sum ^{|t_{i}|}_{j=1}Weight(w_{ij})logP(w_{ij}|t_{i})+\sum ^{|WN|}_{i=1}\sum _{-c\le j \le c,j\ne 0}logP(w_{i}|w_{i+j}) \end{aligned}$$

where Weight(w) reflects the importance of word w. By optimizing the above weighted objective, the trained text embedding is able to predict important word in larger probabilities while ignore those unimportant words. Figure 1 illustrates the framework of weighted PV-DBOW.

3.2 Weighted PV-DM

PV-DM uses average of the text embedding and word embeddings in local window to predict target word. The original objective of PV-DM can be written as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \sum ^{|WN|}_{i=1}logP(w_{i}|w^{context}_{i}) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} where \quad w^{context}_{i}=e(t_{*})+\sum _{-c\le j \le c,j\ne 0}e(w_{i+j}) \quad \quad and \quad w_{i}\in t_{*} \end{aligned}$$

Like the way we introduce weighting into PV-DBOW. The objective of weighted PV-DM is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \sum ^{|WN|}_{i=1}Weight(w_{i})logP(w_{i}|w^{context}_{i}) \end{aligned}$$

An alternative for introducing weighting information into PV-DM is to change the representation of target words’ contexts. Since text embeddings should pay more attention to important words, we give text embeddings more weights in constructing contexts when target words are important. In this way, the text embeddings are more affected by those important words while less affected by those unimportant words. The objective function can be written as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \sum ^{|WN|}_{i=1}logP(w_{i}|w^{context}_{i}) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} where \quad w^{context}_{i}=Weight(w_{i})e(t_{*})+\sum _{-c\le j \le c,j\ne 0}e(w_{i+j}) \quad \quad and \quad w_{i}\in t_{*} \end{aligned}$$

We find the latter one performs slightly better in practice. In the rest of the paper, we use weighted PV-DM to denote the latter model.

One may connect our models to the attention based neural models, where attention is also regarded as weighting mechanism. The weights in attention models are obtained during the training process, which comes at a cost [10]. However, the weights in this paper are calculated before the training process. We will discuss how to obtain weights for words in details in the next section.

4 Weighting Schemes

For several decades, intensive researches have been done on designing various weighting schemes on raw BOW features. Most of weighting schemes can not be directly applied to neural case, but the intuition behind them are very valuable, which guides us to design a new weighting framework for Paragraph Vector. As mentioned in above section, traditional PV treats each word equally and can be viewed as the neural counterparts of raw BOW feature. We use PV as baselines and gradually add new weighting techniques upon it.

4.1 IDF Weighting

Direct improvement over BOW baseline is inverse document frequency (IDF) weighting, where words that appear in every texts are given very low weights. Document frequency of word w is denoted by df(w). A substitution for IDF weighting is sub-sampling technique used in [14], where high-frequency words are removed randomly. These two techniques perform almost the same in practice. For sake of space saving, in the following subsection we add new weighting techniques on the basis of IDF weighting. The weighting function of IDF is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} Weight_{1}(w)=log(\frac{|T|+1}{df(w)}) \end{aligned}$$

4.2 Weighting with Class Preference

IDF and sub-sampling weighting do not take class preference into consideration. Intuitively, a word is important if it has uneven distribution over classes. In this paper, we only consider binary sentiment analysis. We use Pos(w) and Neg(w) to respectively denote the number of positively and negatively labeled texts that contain word w. [11, 19] show that weighting word w with log(Pos(w)/Neg(w)) is very effective for BOW features. We adapt this term weighting function for neural case:

$$\begin{aligned} Weight_{2}(w) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} ( Pos(w)/Neg(w) )^{k} &{} Pos(w)>Neg(w) \\ ( Neg(w)/Pos(w) )^{k} &{} Pos(w)\le Neg(w) \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

where k is a hyper-parameter and determined by validation set. Empirically, 0.5 is a good choice for k.

4.3 Credibility

The last block we add on our weighting framework is credibility. In fact, credibility is a supplementary of class preference weighting. The occurrence of a word in positive and negative texts can be modeled by binomial distribution. If a word occurs twice in positive texts and once in negative texts, we can not reject hypothesis that word has even distribution with reasonable significance levels. If a word occurs 200 times and 100 times in positive and negative texts respectively, we can conclude that the word has uneven distribution over classes with greater credibility, even though the ratio is the same with the previous case. Therefore the number of times a word occurs in the dataset is also an important factor for us to determine if a word is ‘important’ or not. The weighting for credibility used in this paper is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} Weight_{3}(w)=log(log(Count(w)+1)+1) \end{aligned}$$

where Count(w) is used to denote the number of times word w occurs in the dataset.

Finally, we combine three components together and obtain the entire weighting framework for Paragraph Vector models.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} Weight(w) &{} = &{} Weight_{1}(w)Weight_{2}(w)Weight_{3}(w)\\ \\ &{} = &{}(Pos(w)/Neg(w))^{k * \lfloor Pos(w)>Neg(w)\rfloor }\\ &{} &{} *log(log(Count(w)+1)+1)*log(\frac{|T|+1}{df(w)}) \\ \\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} where \quad \lfloor \cdot \rfloor = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 \quad &{} \cdot \, is \, True \\ -1 \quad &{} \cdot \, is \, False \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

5 Experiments

5.1 Experimental Setup

Models in this paper are trained by stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Text embeddings obtained by models are regarded as texts features and are fed into logistic regression classifier [4]. Pre-processing of datasets and hyper-parameters setting follow the implementation by [12]. 10 percent of training data is selected as validation data to determine the number of training epochs and hyper-parameters in weighting schemes. The above settings are applied to all datasets unless otherwise noted. Experiments are conducted on two document-level datasets, IMDBFootnote 2 and RT-2kFootnote 3, and one sentence-level dataset, RT-sFootnote 4. Detailed statistics of these datasets are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Detailed statistics of datasets. CV denotes that dataset is evaluated by cross validation. l denotes the average length of texts and |V| denotes the vocabulary size.

5.2 Effectiveness of Weighting Schemes

We gradually add weighting techniques upon Paragraph Vector baselines and observe the effectiveness of each weighting function over classification accuracies. From Tables 2, 3 and 4, we can observe that weighting schemes, especially weighting with class preference, are very effective for sentiment analysis. Since RT-2k and RT-s only contain limited texts, Weight \(_2\) and Weight \(_3\) are calculated by statistics of IMDB dataset. Adding additional texts from IMDB dataset to these two datsets is also helpful. We also conduct ‘oracle’ experiments where Weight \(_2\) and Weight \(_3\) are calculated by all data (including test data). Though knowing basic statistics of test data in advance is not realistic in many cases, ‘oracle’ experiments further demonstrate the effectiveness of class preference weighting in Paragraph Vector models.

Table 2. Illustration of effectiveness of weighting schemes on IMDB. Weighting techniques are gradually applied to PV models and competitive results are achieved finally.
Table 3. Illustration of effectiveness of weighting schemes on RT-2k. PV baselines are weak in this dataset. However, class preference weighting give rise to very significant improvements

When all weighting techniques are added, very competitive results are achieved on all three datasets. Though PV models are known for being able to extract features from texts automatically, weighting schemes are still very useful for these models.

Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the accuracies of PV-DM and Weighted PV-DM on IMDB dataset at different embedding dimensions and iterations level. We can observe that WPV achieves decent accuracies even when dimensions of text is very small, while the accuracies of PV declines sharply as we reduce the text features dimensions. WPV also outperforms PV significantly at different iterations levels, and achieves optimal accuracy with less training epochs.

Table 4. Illustration of effectiveness of weighting schemes on RT-s. The corpus size of RT-s is very limited, additional text is necessary for this dataset.
Fig. 2.
figure 2

Accuracies of PV-DM and Weighted PV-DM at different dimensions levels. Iter. is set to 20

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Accuracies of PV-DM and Weighted PV-DM at different iterations levels. Dim. is set to 50

5.3 Comparison of State-of-the-art Models

IMDB is one of the most popular sentiment analysis dataset and has been studied by a large amount of researches. State-of-the-art results on IMDB are obtained by NBSVM and various neural networks. Different state-of-the-art models are compared in Table 5. From IMDB column we can observe that even though our models are essentially bag-of-words models, the results can compete with or even outperform the models that exploit complex information of texts. Since our models basically ignore word order and syntactic information, they are much faster in training time and require less computational resources compared with other state-of-the-art approaches. When our model is combined with NBSVM (Ensemble), state-of-the-art results are achieved on IMDB dataset.

Table 5. Comparison of models on three commonly used datasets. PV is implemented by source code\({^a}\) provided by [12]. Results of Ensemble is obtained by linear combination of WPV and NBSVM [12]. Results in rows 4–7 are from [19]. DCNN uses convolutional-convolutional neural network to extract text features upon word embeddings [3]. Results in row 9–11 are from [10], where recursive-recurrent neural network is used for text representations learning. RecNN: [18]. CNN: [7].

The previous state-of-the-art models on RT-2k is NBSVM. Rare work reports the effectiveness of neural network on this dataset. We speculate the reasons are that the size of RT-2k is limited and the average length is too long. Original Paragraph Vector models only obtain weak baselines on this dataset. However, weighting schemes are very effective on this dataset and we can observe that new state-of-the-art results are achieved by our models.

RT-s is a sentence-level dataset. Since the corpus size of RT-s is too limited, it requires additional data to achieve decent accuracy. The best result on RT-s is achieved by Convolutional neural network, which performs slightly better than our models. It is probably because that order information is considered in CNN. However, our models require only a small fraction of training time compared with CNN.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we present a method for introducing weighting schemes into Paragraph Vector models. Weighting schemes tell which words are important, and can be easily used to guide the training of the neural models in our new method. We also propose a novel weighting framework specially designed for neural case. Three weighting techniques are gradually added to our weighting framework to better determine the importance of words for sentiment analysis. From Experimental results, we obtain following conclusions: (1) Though neural models are known for their ability to extract features automatically, prior knowledge like weighting schemes still show obvious effectiveness on neural models, just like weighting schemes work for raw BOW features. (2) Features extracted by our new method are very discriminative. We can obtain high-quality text features with less embedding dimensions and training epochs compared to traditional PV. Even 10-dimensional text feature can achieve good results. (3) Even though our models are essentially bag-of-words models, they can still rival the models that exploit complex compositionality over words and phrases. Very competitive results are achieved by our models on two document-level and one sentence-level sentiment analysis datasets.