
1 Introduction

The classical RCPSP basically includes two types of resources: renewable resources, in which the availability of each resource is renewed at each period of the planning horizon, and non-renewable resources, whose availability are given at the beginning of the project and which are consumed throughout the processing of the activities requiring them. However, in the last decade new types of resources have been proposed to allow the model to include new types of constraints which appear in industrial problems: allocatable resources (Schwindt and Trautmann 2003, Mellentien et al. 2004), storage or cumulative resources (Neumann et al. 20022005, Chap. 9 of this handbook), spatial resources (de Boer 1998), recycling resources (Shewchuk and Chang 1995), time-varying resources (Chap. 8 of this handbook) or continuous resources (Chap. 10 of this handbook).

Another new type of resource is partially renewable resources. The availability of this resource is associated to a subset of periods of the planning horizon and the activities requiring the resource only consume it if they are processed in these periods. Although these resources may seem strange at first glance, they can be a powerful tool for solving project scheduling problems. On the one hand, from a theoretical point of view, they include renewable and non-renewable resources as particular cases. In fact, a renewable resource can be considered as a partially renewable resource with an associated subset of periods consisting of exactly one period. Non-renewable resources are partially renewable resources where the associated subset is the whole planning horizon. On the other hand, partially renewable resources make it possible to model complicated labor regulations and timetabling constraints, therefore allowing us to approach many labor scheduling and timetabling problems as special cases of project scheduling problems. The RCPSP with partially renewable resources is denoted by RCPSP/π or in the three-field classification by PSp | prec | C max .

Partially renewable resources were first introduced by Böttcher et al. (1999), who proposed an integer linear formulation and developed exact and heuristic algorithms. Schirmer (2000) studied this new type of resource thoroughly in his book on project scheduling problems. He presented many examples of special conditions which can be suitably modeled using partially renewable resources and made a theoretical study of the problem. He also proposed several families of heuristic algorithms for solving the problem. More recently, Alvarez-Valdes et al. (20062008) have developed some preprocessing procedures, as well as GRASP/Path Relinking and Scatter Search algorithms, which efficiently solve the test instances published in previous studies.

In this chapter we introduce the concept of partially renewable resources and review all the existing algorithms. In Sect. 11.2 we define first this type of resource and describe an integer linear formulation, adapted from Böttcher et al. (1999). Then we present and discuss some examples of conditions appearing in real problems which can be modeled using partially renewable resources, and briefly review the first proposed algorithms. Section 11.3 contains the preprocessing procedures and Sects. 11.4 and 11.5 describe the GRASP/PR and the Scatter Search algorithms in more detail. Finally, Sect. 11.6 contains the computational results and Sect. 11.7 the conclusions.

2 Solving Problems with Partially Renewable Resources

The RCPSP/π can be defined as follows: Let n be the number of activities to schedule. The project consists of n + 2 activities, numbered from 0 to n + 1, where activities 0 and n + 1 represent the beginning and the end of the project, respectively. Let Pred(i) be the set of immediate predecessors of activity i. Each activity i has a processing time of p i and once started cannot be interrupted. Let \(\mathcal{R}^{p}\) be the set of partially renewable resources. Each resource \(k \in \mathcal{R}^{p}\) has a total availability R k and an associated set of periods Π k . An activity i requiring resource k will consume r ik units of it at each period t ∈ Π k in which it is processed. Finally, let T be the planning horizon in which all the activities must be processed. For each activity i we obtain its earliest and latest start times, ES i , LS i , by critical path analysis. We denote by W i  = { ES i , . , LS i }, the set of possible starting times, and \(Q_{\mathit{it}} =\{ t - p_{i} + 1,\ldots,t\}\).

2.1 Formulation of the Problem

The RCPSP/π consists of sequencing the activities so that the precedence and resource constraints are satisfied and the makespan is minimized.

If we define the variables:

$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} x_{\mathit{it}} = \left \{\begin{array}{@{}l@{\quad }l@{}} 1\quad &\mbox{ if activity $i$ starts at time $t$}\\ 0\quad &\mbox{ otherwise}. \end{array} \right.& & {}\\ \end{array}$$

the problem can be formulated as follows:

$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} \mbox{ Min. }& & \sum \limits _{t\in W_{n+1}}t\,x_{n+1,t}{}\end{array}$$
$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} \mbox{ s.t. }& & \sum \limits _{t\in W_{i}}x_{\mathit{it}} = 1\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad (i = 0,\ldots,n + 1){}\end{array}$$
$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} & & \sum \limits _{t\in W_{j}}(t + p_{j})x_{\mathit{jt}} \leq \sum \limits _{t\in W_{i}}t\,x_{\mathit{it}}\qquad \qquad (i = 0,\ldots,n + 1,j \in \mathit{Pred}(i)){}\end{array}$$
$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} & & \sum \limits _{i=1}^{n}r_{\mathit{ ik}}\sum \limits _{t\in \varPi _{k}}\sum \limits _{q\in Q_{\mathit{it}}\bigcap W_{i}}x_{\mathit{iq}} \leq R_{k}\qquad \ \ (k \in \mathcal{R}^{p}){}\end{array}$$
$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} & & x_{\mathit{it}} \in \{ 0,1\}\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad (i = 0,\ldots,n + 1,\,\,\,t \in W_{i}){}\end{array}$$

The objective function (11.1) to be minimized is the starting time of the last activity and hence the makespan of the project. According to constraints (11.2), each activity must start once. Constraints (11.3) are the precedence constraints and constraints (11.4) are the resource constraints. Note that in this problem there is only one global constraint for each resource \(k \in \mathcal{R}^{p}\). An activity i consumes r ik units of a resource k for each period in which it is processed within Π k . Another special characteristic of this problem is that all the activities must finish within the planning horizon T in which sets Π k are defined. The starting times of each activity i form a finite set W i and therefore the existence of feasible solutions is not guaranteed. In fact, Schirmer (2000) has shown that the feasibility variant of the RCPSP/π is \(\mathcal{N}\!\mathcal{P}\)-complete in the strong sense.

The above formulation is called the normalized formulation by Böttcher et al. (1999) and Schirmer (2000). Both consider an alternative, more general, formulation in which several subsets of periods are associated with each resource \(k \in \mathcal{R}^{p}\). Π k  = { P k1, , P k ν } is a set of subsets of periods where each subset of periods P k μ  ∈ Π k has a resource capacity R k μ . This general formulation can be transformed into the above formulation by a “normalization” procedure in which a new resource k is defined for each subset of periods P k μ . Therefore, the normalized formulation can be used without loss of generalization.

2.2 Modeling Capabilities

In this section we describe several situations in which partially renewable resources can be used to model conditions which classical renewable or non-renewable cannot accommodate.

2.2.1 Lunch Break Assignments

In this example, taken from Böttcher et al. (1999), we have five workers in a 09:00 to 18:00 shift with a lunch break of 1 h. If the lunch period is fixed to period 13 for all workers, the availability profile would be that depicted in Fig. 11.1. We would get more flexibility if each worker could have the break either in period 13 or 14. However, if we use renewable resources, the number of workers taking the break at each period must have been decided beforehand. An example appears in Fig. 11.2, in which three workers take the break at period 13 and two at period 14.

Fig. 11.1
figure 1

Fixed break at period 13

Fig. 11.2
figure 2

Fixed distribution of breaks between periods 13 and 14

The situation can be more appropriately modeled by using a partially renewable resource k with Π k  = { 13, 14} and total availability of R k  = 5 units. Each task consumes r ik  = 1. Therefore, the total number of working hours assigned to these periods cannot exceed five, leaving time for the five workers to have their lunch break.

2.2.2 Weekend Days-Off Assignments

Let us consider a contractual condition like that of working at most two weekend days out of every three consecutive weeks (Alvarez-Valdes et al. 2008). This condition cannot be modeled as a renewable resource because this type of resource considers each period separately. It cannot be modeled as a non-renewable resource because this type of resource considers the whole planning horizon. We model this condition for each worker as a partially renewable resource k with a set of periods Π k  = { 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21} for the first three weekends and a total availability of R k  = 2 units. Each task i assigned to this worker consumes r ik  = 1 unit of this resource for each weekend day in which it is processed. In Fig. 11.3 we see three activities A, B, and C scheduled within the timescale depicted above. Activity A is in process at periods 6 and 7 and then it consumes two units of the resource. Activity B does not consume the resource and activity C consumes one unit in period 20. If these three activities had to be done by the same worker, the solution in the figure would not be possible because it would exceed the resource availability.

Fig. 11.3
figure 3

Weekend days-off assignment

2.2.3 Special Conditions in School Timetabling Problems

When building their timetables, some schools include conditions such as that each teacher must have classes at least one afternoon per week and at most two afternoons per week. Let us assume for simplicity that the morning sessions are numbered 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and the afternoon sessions are numbered 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. For each teacher we define two partially renewable resources. In both cases, \(\varPi _{1} =\varPi _{2} =\{ 2,4,6,8,10\}\). In order to ensure that the teacher attends at least one afternoon session, \(R_{1} = -1\) and for each of the teacher’s classes, \(r_{i1} = -1\). The second condition is ensured defining R 2 = 2, r i2 = 1.

A complete study of logical conditions that can be modeled by using partially renewable resources and then applied to different real situations can be found in Schirmer (2000).

2.3 A Branch & Bound Algorithm

Böttcher et al. (1999) proposed an exact algorithm for the RCPSP/π that is based upon the branch and bound method introduced by Talbot and Patterson (1978) for the classical RCPSP, because this was one of the few approaches allowing time-varying capacity profiles to be accommodated. The basic scheme of the algorithm is straightforward. Starting with an empty schedule, partial schedules are feasibly augmented by activities, one at a time. The enumeration tree is built with a depth-first strategy, where the depth of a branch is the number of activities scheduled. Backtracking occurs when an activity cannot be scheduled within its feasible interval. In order to reduce the computational effort, Böttcher et al. (1999) developed several resource-based feasibility bounds tailored to the specifics of the problem.

The authors employed a sample of 1,000 test instances generated from a modification of ProGen (Kolisch et al. 1995). They generated four sets with 250 instances each one and with 15, 20, 30, and 60 activities, respectively. The number of resources for each set was 30. Applying the branch and bound algorithm in a truncated version (TBB), using a CPU time limit of 5 min per instance on a C-language implementation on an IBM RS/6000 workstation at 66 MHz, produced the results shown in Table 11.1.

Table 11.1 Effectiveness of TBB algorithm proposed by Böttcher et al. (1999)

The study by Böttcher et al. (1999) also included several priority rules designed to obtain good quality solutions in short computing times. First, they tested some classical rules: MINEFT (minimum earliest finishing time), MINLFT (minimum latest finishing time), MINSLK (minimum slack), MTSUCC (most total successors). Defining the maximum resource usage of each activity i as \(\mathit{SRU}_{i} =\sum _{k\in \mathcal{R}^{p}}r_{\mathit{ik}}\), they included the priority rules MAXSRU and MINSRU, considering the maximum and minimum of the activities resource consumptions. In order to obtain a more accurate calculation of resource usage they defined SC ikt , the consumption of resource k by activity i when started at period t, MC ikt  = min{SC ik τ  | t ≤ τ ≤ LS i }, the minimum resource consumption of resource k by activity i when started not earlier than t and not later than LS i , and MCI ikt which is the sum of MC ikt of all the successors of activity i considering their corresponding time intervals. These elements were used to calculate \(\mathit{TRU}_{\mathit{it}} =\sum _{k\in \mathcal{R}^{p}}(\mathit{SC}_{\mathit{ikt}} + \mathit{MCI}_{\mathit{ikt}})\) and \(\mathit{RRU}_{\mathit{it}} =\sum _{k\in \mathcal{R}^{p}:R_{k}>0}(\mathit{SC}_{\mathit{ik}} + \mathit{MCI}_{\mathit{ikt}})/R_{k}\) which are lower bounds on the absolute and relative resource usage, producing rules MAXTRU, MINTRU, MAXRRU, MINRRU. These rules are static because they do no take into account the resources already consumed in a partial solution. If R k 0 if the left-over capacity of resource k with respect to a partial schedule, \(\mathit{DRRU}_{\mathit{jt}} =\sum _{k\in \mathcal{R}^{p}:R_{k}^{0}>0}(\mathit{SC}_{\mathit{ikt}} + \mathit{MCI}_{\mathit{ikt}})/R_{k}^{0}\) is the dynamic relative resource usage and \(\mathit{TRC}_{\mathit{jt}} =\sum _{k\in \mathcal{R}^{p}}(R_{k}^{0} -\mathit{SC}_{\mathit{ikt}} + \mathit{MCI}_{\mathit{ikt}})/R_{k}^{0}\) an upper bound of the total remaining capacity. These values were used to define rules MAXDRRU, MINDRRU, MAXTRC, MINTRC. Böttcher et al. (1999) concluded that classical rules worked well for easy instances, while the new dynamic rules did a better job on hard instances. In summary, rule MINLFT seemed to be the most promising one.

2.4 Schirmer’s Algorithms

In his book in 2000, Schirmer made a complete study of partially renewable resources, their modeling capabilities and theoretical properties. He also developed a series of progressively more complex algorithms. First, he collected known priority rules and added some new ones. The list appears in Table 11.2. In order to test them, Schirmer used Progen to generate new instances, but previously he analyzed the parameter combinations that generally produce infeasible solutions. So he selected the most promising parameter combinations to generate the new set of test instances. For each of the 96 promising clusters, ten instances were generated of sizes 10, 20, 30, and 40 with 30 resources.

Table 11.2 Priority rules proposed by Schirmer (2000)

In Table 11.2, RK ks is the remaining availability or resource k at stage s; RD ikt is the relevant demand (consumption) of resource k if activity i starts at time t; MDE ikt is the minimum relevant demand on resource k of all the successors of activity i when it starts at time t; and D s is the set of possible assignments (i, t) at stage s. The 12 rules involving resources can use all the resources or only those which are potentially scarce. Therefore, a total of 32 rules were defined.

In a second phase he introduced randomization, using the Modified Regret-Based Biased Random Sampling, in which the probability assigned to each activity is calculated using the regret, that is the worst possible consequences that might result from selecting another candidate. In a third phase, Schirmer developed a local search, based on local and global left-shifts of the activities. Finally, he proposed a Tabu Search algorithm. He compared the results with those obtained with the TBB algorithm by Böttcher et al. (1999) and concluded that good construction methods solved significantly more instances optimally than tabu search, so these perform better on easier instances. Yet, on very hard instances, tabu search outperformed all construction methods. Indeed, the multi-start version of the tabu search method was the only one that managed to solve all the instances attempted, except for five that he conjectured to be infeasible.

3 Preprocessing

Preprocessing has two objectives. First, helping to decide whether a given instance is infeasible or if it has feasible solutions. If the latter is the case, a second objective is to reduce the number of possible starting times of the activities and the number of resources. If these two objectives are satisfactorily achieved, the solution procedures will not waste time trying to solve infeasible problems and will concentrate their efforts on the relevant elements of the problem.

The preprocessing we have developed includes several procedures:

  1. 1.

    Identifying trivial problems

    If the solution in which the starting time of each activity i is set to ES i is resource-feasible, then it is optimal.

  2. 2.

    Reducing the planning horizon T

    For each instance, we are given a planning horizon (0, T). This value plays an important role in the time-indexed problem formulation. In fact, late starting times of the activities, LS i are calculated starting from T in a backward recursion. Therefore, the lower the value T, the fewer variables the problem will have. In order to reduce T, we try to build a feasible solution for the given instance, using a GRASP algorithm, which will be described later. The GRASP iterative process stops as soon as a feasible solution is obtained or after 200 iterations. The new value T is updated to the makespan of the feasible solution obtained. Otherwise, T is unchanged.

    If the makespan of the solution equals the length of the critical path in the precedence graph, the solution is optimal and the process stops and returns the solution.

  3. 3.

    Eliminating idle resources

    Each resource \(k \in \mathcal{R}^{p}\) is consumed only if the activities requiring it are processed in periods t ∈ Π k . Each activity can only be processed in a finite interval. It is therefore possible that no activity requiring the resource can be processed in any period of Π k . In this case, the resource is idle and can be eliminated. More precisely, if we denote the points in time where activity i can be in progress by \(\overline{W_{i}} =\{ \mathit{ES}_{i},\ldots,\mathit{LS}_{i} + p_{i} - 1\}\), and \(\forall i\,\,\vert \,\,r_{\mathit{ik}} > 0\,:\,\,\,\varPi _{k}\bigcap \overline{W_{i}} = \varnothing,\) the resource \(k \in \mathcal{R}^{p}\) is idle and can be eliminated.

  4. 4.

    Eliminating non-scarce resources

    Schirmer (2000) distinguishes between scarce and non-scarce resources. He considers a resource \(k \in \mathcal{R}^{p}\) as scarce if \(\sum _{i=1}^{n}r_{\mathit{ik}}p_{i} > R_{k},\) that is, if an upper bound on the maximum resource consumption exceeds the resource availability. In this case, the upper bound is computed by supposing that all the activities requiring the resource are processed completely inside Π k .

    We have refined this idea by taking into account the precedence constraints. Specifically, we calculate an upper bound on the maximum consumption of resource k by solving the following linear problem:

    $$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} \mbox{ Max. }& & \sum \limits _{i=1}^{n}r_{\mathit{ ik}}\sum \limits _{t\in \varPi _{k}}\sum \limits _{q\in Q_{\mathit{it}}\bigcap W_{i}}x_{\mathit{iq}} {}\end{array}$$
    $$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} \mbox{ s.t. }& & \sum \limits _{t\in W_{i}}x_{\mathit{it}} = 1\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad (i = 1,\ldots,n) {}\end{array}$$
    $$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} & & \sum \limits _{\tau =t}^{T}x_{ j\tau } +\sum \limits _{ \tau =1}^{t+p_{j}-1}x_{ i\tau } \leq 1\quad \qquad (i = 1,\ldots,n;j \in \mathit{Pred}(i);t \leq T) {}\end{array}$$
    $$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} & & x_{\mathit{it}} \geq 0\quad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad (i = 1,\ldots,n;t \in W_{i}) {}\end{array}$$

    The objective function (11.6) maximizes the resource consumption over the whole project. Constraints (11.7) ensure that each activity starts once. Constraints (11.8) are the precedence constraints. We use this expression, introduced by Christofides et al. (1987), because it is more efficient than the usual precedence constraint. In fact, the reformulation of these constraints produces a linear problem whose coefficient matrix is totally unimodular and thus all the vertices of the feasible region are integer-valued (Chaudhuri et al. 1994). If the solution value is not greater than the resource availability, this resource will not cause any conflict and can be skipped in the solution process.

  5. 5.

    A filter for variables based on resources

    For each activity i and each possible starting time t ∈ W i , we compute a lower bound LB kit on the consumption of each resource k if activity i starts at time t. We first include the resource consumption of activity i when starting at that time t and then for each other activity in the project we consider all its possible starting times, determine for which of them the resource consumption is minimum and add that amount to LB kit . Note that this minimum is calculated over all the periods in W j for each activity j not linked with i by precedence constraints, but for an activity h which is a predecessor or successor of i, the set W h is reduced by taking into account that i is starting at time t. If for some resource k, LB kit  > R k , time t is not feasible for activity i to start in, and the corresponding variable x it is set to 0.

    When this filter is applied to an activity i, some of its possible starting times can be eliminated. From then on, the set of possible starting times is no longer W i . We denote by \(\underline{W_{i}}\) the set of starting times passing the filter.

    This filter is applied iteratively. After a first run on every activity and every starting time, if some of the variables are eliminated the process starts again, but this time computing LB kit on the reduced sets. As the minimum resource consumptions are calculated over restricted subsets, it is possible that new starting times will fail the test and can be eliminated. The process is repeated until no starting time is eliminated in a complete run.

  6. 6.

    Consistency test for finishing times

    When the above filter eliminates a starting time of an activity i, it is possible that some of the starting times of its predecessors and successors are no longer feasible. For an activity i, \(\tau _{i} = \mbox{ max}\{t\,\vert \,t \in \underline{ W_{i}}\}\). Then, for each j ∈ Pred(i) the starting times \(t \in \underline{ W_{j}}\) such that t > τ i p j can be eliminated. Analogously, \(\gamma _{i} = \mbox{ min}\{t\,\vert \,t \in \underline{ W_{i}}\}\). Then, for each j ∈ Succ(i), the starting times \(t \in \underline{ W_{j}}\) such that t < γ i + p i can also be eliminated.

    This test is also applied iteratively until no more starting times are eliminated. If, after applying these two procedures for reducing variables, an activity i has \(\underline{W_{i}} = \varnothing \), the problem is infeasible. If the makespan of the initial solution built by GRASP equals the minimum starting time of the last activity n + 1, then this solution is optimal.

  7. 7.

    A linear programming bound for the starting time of activity n + 1

    We solve the linear relaxation of the integer formulation of the problem given in Sect. 11.2.1, using only variables and resources not eliminated in previous preprocessing procedures and replacing expression (11.3) with expression (11.8) for the precedence constraints. The optimal value of the linear program, opl 1, is a lower bound for the optimal value of the starting time of activity n + 1. Therefore we can set \(x_{n+1,t}:= 0\) for all \(t < \lceil opl_{1}\rceil \). If that eliminates some variables with non-zero fractional values, we solve the modified problem and obtain a new solution opl 2, strictly greater than opl 1, which can in turn be used to eliminate new variables, and the process goes on until no more variables are removed. If the solution value obtained by GRASP equals the updated minimum starting time for activity n + 1, this solution is optimal. Otherwise, the lower bound can be used to check the optimality of improved solutions obtained in the GRASP process.

4 GRASP Algorithm

In this section we describe the elements of our GRASP implementation in detail. The first two subsections contain the constructive randomized phase and the improvement phase. The last two subsections describe an enhanced GRASP procedure and a Path Relinking algorithm operating over the best GRASP solutions obtained. A comprehensive review of GRASP can be found in Resende and Ribeiro (2003).

4.1 The Constructive Phase

4.1.1 A Deterministic Constructive Algorithm

We have adapted the serial schedule-generation scheme (SSS) proposed by Schirmer (2000), which in turn is an adaptation of the serial schedule-generation scheme commonly used for the classical RCPSP. We denote by S i the starting time assigned to activity i. At each stage of the iterative procedure an activity is scheduled by choosing from among the current set of decisions, defined as the pairs (i, t) of an activity i and a possible starting time \(t \in \underline{ W_{i}}\). The selection is based on a priority rule.

Step 0. :


S 0: = 0 (sequencing dummy activity 0)

\(\mathcal{C}:=\{ 0\}\) (activities already scheduled)

\(\forall k \in \mathcal{R}^{p}\,:\, \mathit{RK}_{k}:= R_{k}\) (remaining capacity of resource k )

\(\mathit{TD}_{k}:=\sum \limits _{ i=1}^{n}r_{\mathit{ik}}p_{i}\) (maximum possible demand for k )

\(\mathit{SR}:=\{ k \in \mathcal{R}^{p}\,\vert \,\,\mathit{TD}_{k} > \mathit{RK}_{k}\}\) (set of possible scarce resources)

EL: = set of eligible activities, i.e. those activities for which activity 0 is the only predecessor

Step 1. :

Constructing the set of decisions

\(\mathcal{D}:=\{ (i,t)\,\vert \,i \in \mathit{EL}\,,\,t \in \underline{ W_{i}}\}\)

Step 2. :

Choosing the decision

Select the best decision (i , t ) in \(\mathcal{D}\), according to a priority rule

Step 3. :

Feasibility test

if (i , t ) is resource-feasible, go to Step 4.


\(\mathcal{D}:= \mathcal{D}\setminus \{(i^{{\ast}},t^{{\ast}})\}\)

if \(\mathcal{D} = \varnothing \), STOP. The algorithm does not find a feasible solution.

else, go to Step 2.

Step 4. :


\(S_{i^{{\ast}}}:= t^{{\ast}}\)

\(\mathcal{C}:= \mathcal{C}\cup \{ i^{{\ast}}\}\)

\(\mathit{EL}:= (\mathit{EL}\setminus \{i^{{\ast}}\}) \cup \{ i\,\vert \,\mathit{Pred}(i) \subseteq S\}\)

\(\forall h\,\vert \,i \in \mathit{Pred}(h)\,:\underline{ W_{h}} =\underline{ W_{h}}\setminus \{\tau \,\vert \,\,t^{{\ast}} + p_{i^{{\ast}}} >\tau \}\)

\(\forall k \in \mathcal{R}^{p}\,:\,\,\,\, \mathit{RK}_{k}:= \mathit{RK}_{k} -\mathit{RD}_{\mathit{ikt}}\)

\(\mathit{TD}_{k}:= \mathit{TD}_{k} - r_{i^{{\ast}}k}p_{i^{{\ast}}}\)

if TD k  ≤ RK k  , then \(\mathit{SR} = \mathit{SR}\setminus \{k\}\)

if \(\vert S\vert = n + 2\), STOP. The sequence is completed.

else, go to Step 1.

At Steps 1 and 2, we follow Schirmer’s design, working with the set of decisions \(\mathcal{D}\) and choosing from it both the activity to sequence and the time at which it starts. An alternative could have been to first select the activity and then the time, choosing, for instance, the earliest resource-feasible time. However, this strategy has serious drawbacks. First, it is less flexible. Priority rules which take into account the resource consumption could not be used, because this consumption varies depending on the periods in which the activity is processed. Second, as Schirmer has shown in his book, scheduling each activity at its earliest resource-feasible time may not only fail to produce an optimal solution but may also fail to produce feasible solutions. As he says: “delaying activities from their earliest feasible start time is crucial to finding good—even feasible—solutions for some instances”.

At Step 3, we perform a complex feasibility test which does not involve only activity i but also the unscheduled activities. Following a process which is quite similar to the filter described in Sect. 11.3, we try to assess the effect of scheduling i at time t by computing an estimation of the global resource consumptions, also considering the minimum consumption of the activities not yet scheduled. If this estimation exceeds the remaining resource availability, t is labeled as non-feasible for i . This test allows us to avoid decisions which will inevitably produce infeasible solutions in the later stages of the constructive process and our computational experience has told us that significantly improves the proportion of feasible solutions we obtain. However, it has a larger computational cost. Therefore, we do not perform the feasibility test for each decision of \(\mathcal{D}\) at Step 1, as in Schirmer’s algorithm, but only for the decision chosen at Step 2. In problems with a large number of possible finishing times for the activities, this strategy is more efficient. If this decision fails the feasibility test of Step 3, the second best decision is tested and so on. Few tests are usually required and therefore it is more convenient to take the feasibility test out of Step 1.

The resource availabilities are updated, subtracting RD ikt , the consumption of activity i when starting at period t from the remaining capacity R k . We also keep the set of possible scarce resources SR updated because some priority rules based on resource consumption only take this type of resource into account.

4.1.2 Priority Rules

We have tested the 32 priority rules used by Schirmer (2000). The first eight are based on the network structure, including classical rules such as EFT, LFT, SPT or MINSLK. The other 24 rules are based on resource utilization. Twelve of them use all the resources and the other 12 only the scarce resources. A preliminary computational experience allowed us to choose the most promising rules and use them in the next phases of the algorithm’s development. These preliminary results also showed that even with the best performing rules, the deterministic constructive algorithm failed to obtain a feasible solution for many of the ten-activity instances generated by Böttcher et al. (1999). Therefore, the objective of the randomization procedures included in the algorithm was not only to produce diverse solutions but also to ensure that for most of the problems the algorithm would obtain a feasible solution.

4.1.3 Randomization Strategies

We introduce randomization procedures for selecting the decision at Step 2 of the constructive algorithm. Let sc it be the score of decision (i, t) on the priority rule we are using, let \(\mathit{sc}_{\mathit{max}} = \mbox{ max}\{\mathit{sc}_{\mathit{it}}\vert (i,t) \in \mathcal{D}\}\), and let δ be a parameter to be determined (0 < δ < 1). We have considered three alternatives:

  1. 1.

    Random selection on the Restricted Candidate List, RCL

    Select decision (i , t ) at random in set RCL = { (i, t) |  sc it  ≥ δ sc max }

  2. 2.

    Biased selection on the Restricted Candidate List, RCL

    We build the Restricted Candidate List as in alternative 1, but instead of choosing at random from among its elements, the decisions involving the same activity i are given a weight which is inversely proportional to the order of their finishing times. For instance, if in RCL we have decisions (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 7), (2, 8) involving activity 2 and ordered by increasing finishing times, then decision (2, 4) will have a weight of 1, decision (2, 5) weight 1∕2, decision (2, 7) weight 1∕3 and decision (2, 8) weight 1∕4. The same procedure is applied to the decisions corresponding to the other activities. Therefore, the decisions in RCL corresponding to the lowest starting times of the activities involved will be equally likely and the randomized selection process will favor them.

  3. 3.

    Biased selection on the set of decisions \(\mathcal{D}\)

    We have also implemented the Modified Regret-Based Biased Random Sampling (MRBRS/δ) proposed by Schirmer (2000), in which the decision (i, t) is chosen from among the whole set \(\mathcal{D}\) but with its probability proportional to its regret value. The regret value is a measure of the worst possible consequence that might result from selecting another decision.

4.1.4 A Repairing Mechanism

The randomization strategies described above significantly improve the ability of the constructive algorithm to find feasible solutions for tightly constrained instances. However, a limited computational experience showed that not even with the best priority rule and the best randomization procedure could the constructive algorithm obtain feasible solutions for all of the ten-activity instances generated by Böttcher et al. (1999). Therefore, we felt that the algorithm was not well-prepared for solving larger problems and we decided to include a repairing mechanism for infeasible partial schedules.

In the construction process, if at Step 3 all the decisions in \(\mathcal{D}\) fail the feasibility test and \(\mathcal{D}\) finally becomes empty, instead of stopping the process and starting a new iteration, we try to re-assign some of the already sequenced activities to other finishing times in order to free some resources that could be used for the first of the unscheduled activities to be processed. If this procedure succeeds, the constructive process continues. Otherwise, it stops.

4.2 The Improvement Phase

Given a feasible solution obtained in the constructive phase, the improvement phase basically consists of two steps. First, identifying the activities whose starting times must be reduced in order to have a new solution with the shortest makespan. These activities are labeled as critical. Second, moving critical activities to lower finishing times in such a way that the resulting sequence is feasible according to precedence and resource constraints. We have designed two types of moves: a simple move, involving only the critical activity, and a double move in which, apart from the critical activity, other activities are also moved.

4.3 An Aggressive Procedure

The standard version of our heuristic algorithm starts by applying the preprocessing procedure in Sect. 11.3. The reduced problem then goes through the iterative GRASP algorithm described above, combining a constructive phase and an improvement phase at each iteration, until the stopping criterion, here a fixed number of iterations, is met.

An enhanced version of the heuristic algorithm combines preprocessing and GRASP procedures in a more aggressive way. After a given number of iterations (stopping criterion), we check whether the best known solution has been improved. If this is the case, we run the preprocessing procedures again, setting the planning horizon T to the makespan of the best-known solution and running the filters for variable reduction. The GRASP algorithm is then applied to the reduced problem. Obtaining feasible solutions is now harder, but if the procedure succeeds we will get high quality solutions.

The stopping criterion combines two aspects: the number of iterations since the last improvement and the number of iterations since the last call to preprocessing. For the first aspect a low limit of 50 iterations is set. We do not call preprocessing every time the solution is improved, but we do not wait too long to take advantage of the improvements. For the second aspect we set a higher limit of 500 iterations to give the process enough possibilities of improving the best current solution and, at the same time, do not allow it to run for too long a time.

4.4 Path Relinking

If throughout the iterative procedures described above we keep a set of the best solutions, usually denoted as elite solutions, we can perform a Path Relinking procedure. Starting from one of these elite solutions called the initiating solution, we build a path towards another elite solution called the guiding solution. We progressively impose the attributes of the guiding solution onto the intermediate solutions in the path, so these intermediate solutions evolve from the initiating solution until they reach the guiding solution. Hopefully, along these paths we will find solutions which are better than both the initiating and the guiding solutions.

We keep the ten best solutions obtained in the GRASP procedure. We consider each of them in turn as the initiating solution and another as the guiding solution. We build a path from the initiating to the final solution with n − 1 intermediate solutions. The jth solution will have the finishing times of the first j activities taken from the guiding solution, while the remaining nj finishing times will still correspond to those of the initiating solution. Therefore, along the path, the intermediate solutions will become progressively more similar to the guiding solution and more different from the initiating one. In many cases these intermediate solutions will not be feasible. If this is the case, a repairing mechanism similar to that described in Sect. 11.4 is applied. We proceed from activity 1 to activity n, checking for each activity j whether the partial solution from 1 to j is feasible. If it is not, we first try to find a feasible finishing time for activity j, keeping previous activities unchanged. If that is not possible, we try to re-assign some of the previous activities to other finishing times in order to obtain some resources which are necessary for processing activity j at one of its possible finishing times. If this procedure succeeds, we consider activity j + 1. Otherwise, the solution is discarded and we proceed to the next intermediate solution. If we obtain a complete intermediate solution which is feasible, we apply to it the improvement phase described in the GRASP algorithm.

5 Scatter Search Algorithm

A Scatter Search algorithm is an approximate procedure in which an initial population of feasible solutions is built and then the elements of specific subsets of that population are systematically combined to produce new feasible solutions which will hopefully improve the best known solution (see the book by Laguna and Marti (2004) for a comprehensive description of the algorithm). The basic algorithmic scheme is composed of five steps:

  1. 1.

    Generation and improvement of solutions

  2. 2.

    Construction of the Reference Set

  3. 3.

    Subset selection

  4. 4.

    Combination procedure

  5. 5.

    Update of the Reference Set

This basic algorithm stops when the Reference Set cannot be updated and then no new solutions are available for the combination procedure. However, the scheme can be enhanced by adding a new step in which the Reference Set is regenerated and new combinations are possible. The following enumeration describes each step of the algorithm in detail.

  1. 1.

    Generation and improvement of solutions

    The initial population is generated by using the basic version of the GRASP algorithm.

  2. 2.

    Generation of the Reference Set

    The Reference Set, RefSet, the set of solutions which will be combined to obtain new solutions, is built by choosing a fixed number b of solutions from the initial population. Following the usual strategy, b 1 of them are selected according to a quality criterion: the b 1 solutions with the shortest makespan, with ties randomly broken. The remaining \(b_{2} = b - b_{1}\) solutions are selected according to a diversity criterion: the solutions are selected one at a time, each one of them the most diverse from the solutions currently in RefSet. That is, select solution S for which the Min S ∈ RefSet {dist(S, S )} is maximum. The distance between two solutions S 1 and S 2 is defined as

    $$\displaystyle{\mathit{dist}(S^{1},S^{2}) =\sum _{ i=1}^{n+1}\vert S_{ i}^{1} - S_{ i}^{2}\vert }$$

    where S i μ is the starting time of the i-th activity in solution S μ.

  3. 3.

    Subset selection

    Several combination procedures were developed and tested. Most of them combine two solutions, but one of them combines three solutions. The first time the combination procedure is called, all pairs (or trios) of solutions are considered and combined. In the subsequent calls to the combination procedure, when the Reference Set has been updated and is composed of new and old solutions, only combinations containing at least one new solution are studied.

  4. 4.

    Combining solutions

    Eight different combination procedures have been developed. Each solution S μ is represented by the vector of the starting times of the activities of the project: \(S^{\mu } = (S_{0}^{\mu },S_{1}^{\mu },S^{\mu _{2}},\ldots,S_{n}^{\mu },S_{n+1}^{\mu })\). When combining two solutions S 1 and S 2 (or three solutions S 1, S 2 and S 3), the solutions will be ordered by nondecreasing makespan. Therefore, S 1 will be a solution with a makespan lower than or equal to the makespan of S 2 (and the makespan of S 2 will be lower than or equal to the makespan of S 3).

    Combination 1

    The starting times of each activity in the new solution, S new, will be a weighted average of the corresponding starting times in the two original solutions:

    $$\displaystyle{S_{i}^{\mathit{new}} = \lfloor \frac{k_{1}S_{i}^{1} + k_{ 2}S_{i}^{2}} {k_{1} + k_{2}} \rfloor \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\mbox{ where}\,\,\,k_{1} = (1/S_{n+1}^{1})^{2}\,\,\,\mbox{ and}\,\,\,k_{ 2} = (1/S_{n+1}^{2})^{2}}$$

    Combination 2

    A crosspoint m ∈ { 1, 2, . . , n} is taken randomly. The new solution, S new, takes the first m starting times from S 1. The remaining starting times \(m + 1,m + 2,..,n + 1\) are selected at random from S 1 or S 2.

    Combination 3

    A crosspoint m ∈ { 1, 2, . . , n} is taken randomly. The new solution, S new, takes the first m starting times from S 1. The remaining starting times \(m + 1,m + 2,..,n + 1\) are selected from S 1 or S 2 with probabilities, π 1 and π 2, inversely proportional to the square of their makespan:

    $$\displaystyle{\pi _{1} = \frac{(1/S_{n+1}^{1})^{2}} {(1/S_{n+1}^{1})^{2} + (1/S_{n+1}^{2})^{2}}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\mbox{ and}\,\,\,\,\,\,\pi _{2} = \frac{(1/S_{n+1}^{2})^{2}} {(1/S_{n+1}^{1})^{2} + (1/S_{n+1}^{2})^{2}}}$$

    Combination 4

    The combination procedure 2 with m = 1. Only the first starting time is guaranteed to be taken from S 1.

    Combination 5

    The combination procedure 3 with m = 1. Only the first starting time is guaranteed to be taken from S 1.

    Combination 6

    Two crosspoints m 1, m 2 ∈ { 1, 2, . . , n} are taken randomly. The new solution, S new, takes the first m 1 starting times from S 1. The starting times \(m_{1} + 1,m_{1} + 2,..,m_{2}\) are taken from S 2 and the starting times \(m_{2} + 1,m_{2} + 2,..,n + 1\) are taken from S 1.

    Combination 7

    The starting times of S 1 and S 2 are taken alternatively to be included in S new. Starting from the last activity n + 1, \(S_{n+1}^{\mathit{new}} = S_{n+1}^{1}\), then S n new = S n 2 and so on until completing the combined solution.

    Combination 8

    Three solutions S 1, S 2 and S 3 are combined by using a voting procedure. When deciding the value of S i new, the three solutions vote for their own starting time S i 1, S i 2, S i 3. The value with a majority of votes is taken as S i new. If the three values are different, there is a tie. In that case, if the makespan of S 1 is strictly lower than the others, the vote of quality of S 1 imposes its finishing time. Otherwise, if two or three solutions have the same minimum makespan, the starting time is chosen at random from among those of the tied solutions.

    $$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} S_{i}^{\mathit{new}} = \left \{\begin{array}{@{}l@{\quad }l@{}} S_{i}^{1} \quad &\,\,\,\mbox{ if}\,\,\,S_{i}^{1} = S_{i}^{2} \\ S_{i}^{2} \quad &\,\,\,\mbox{ if}\,\,\,S_{i}^{1}\neq S_{i}^{2} = S_{i}^{3} \\ S_{i}^{1} \quad &\,\,\,\mbox{ if}\,\,\,S_{i}^{1}\neq S_{i}^{2}\neq S_{i}^{3}\,\,\,\mbox{ and}\,\,\,S_{n+1}^{1} < S_{n+1}^{2} \\ \mathit{random}\{S_{i}^{1},S_{i}^{2}\} \quad &\,\,\,\mbox{ if}\,\,\,S_{i}^{1}\neq S_{i}^{2}\neq S_{i}^{3}\,\,\,\mbox{ and}\,\,\,S_{n+1}^{1} = S_{n+1}^{2} < S_{n+1}^{3} \\ \mathit{random}\{S_{i}^{1},S_{i}^{2},S_{i}^{3}\}\quad &\,\,\,\mbox{ if}\,\,\,S_{i}^{1}\neq S_{i}^{2}\neq S_{i}^{3}\,\,\,\mbox{ and}\,\,\,S_{n+1}^{1} = S_{n+1}^{2} = S_{n+1}^{3}\\ \quad \end{array} \right.& & {}\\ \end{array}$$

    Most of the solutions obtained by the combination procedures do not satisfy all the resource and precedence constraints. The non-feasible solutions go through a repairing process that tries to produce feasible solutions which are as close as possible to the non-feasible combined solution. This process is composed of two phases. First, the starting times S i new are considered in topological order to check if the partial solution (S 0 new, S 1 new, . . , S i new) satisfies precedence and resource constraints. If that is the case, the next time S i+1 new is studied. Otherwise, S i new is discarded as the starting time of activity i and a new time is searched for from among those possible starting times of i. The search goes from times close to S i new to times far away from it. As soon as a time t i is found which could be included in a feasible partial solution (S 0 new, S 1 new, . . , t i), the search stops and the next time S i+1 new is considered. If no feasible time is found for activity i, the process goes to the second phase which consists of a repairing procedure similar to that of the constructive algorithm. This procedure tries to change the starting times of previous activities, 1, 2, . . , i − 1, in order to give activity i more chances of finding a starting time satisfying precedence and resource constraints. If this repairing mechanism succeeds, the process goes back to the first phase and the next time S i+1 new is considered. Otherwise, the combined solution is discarded.

  5. 5.

    Updating the Reference Set

    The combined solutions which were initially feasible and the feasible solutions obtained by the repairing process described above go through the improvement phase in Sect. 11.4.2. The improved solutions are then considered for inclusion in the Reference Set. The Reference Set RefSet is updated according to the quality criterion: the best b solutions from among those currently in RefSet and from those coming from the improvement phase will form the updated set RefSet.

    If the set RefSet is not updated because none of the new solutions qualify, then the algorithm stops, unless the regeneration of RefSet is included in the algorithmic scheme.

  6. 6.

    Regenerating the Reference Set

    The regeneration of Reference Set RefSet has two objectives: on the one hand, introducing diversity into the set, because the way in which RefSet is updated may cause diverse solutions with a high makespan to be quickly substituted with new solutions with a lower makespan but more similar to solutions already in RefSet; on the other hand, obtaining high quality solutions, even better than those currently in RefSet.

    The new solutions are obtained by again applying the GRASP algorithm with a modification. We take advantage of the information about the optimal solution obtained up to that point in order to focus the search on high quality solutions. More precisely, if the best known solution has a makespan S n+1 best, we set the planning horizon \(T = S_{n+1}^{\mathit{best}}\) and run the preprocessing procedures again, reducing the possible starting times of the activities. When we run the GRASP algorithm, obtaining solutions is harder, because only solutions with a makespan lower than or equal to S n+1 best are allowed, but if the algorithm succeeds we will get high quality solutions.

    For the regenerated set RefSet we then consider three sources of solutions: the solutions obtained by the GRASP algorithm, the solutions currently in RefSet and the solutions in the initial population. From these solutions, the new set RefSet is formed. Typically, the b 1 quality solutions will come from the solutions obtained by the GRASP, completed if necessary by the best solutions already in RefSet, while the b 2 diverse solutions will come from the initial population.

6 Computational Results

This section describes the test instances used and summarizes the results obtained on them by the preprocessing procedures, the priority rules, and the metaheuristic algorithms developed in previous sections.

6.1 Test Instances

Böttcher et al. (1999) generated an instance generator PROGEN 2. Taking as their starting point PROGEN (Kolisch et al. 1995), an instance generator for the classical RCPSP with renewable resources, they modified and enlarged the set of parameters and generated a set of 2,160 instances with ten non-dummy activities, ten replications for each one of the 216 combinations of parameter values. As most of the problems were infeasible, they restricted the parameter values to the 25 most promising combinations and generated 250 instances of sizes 15, 20, 30 and 60 of non-dummy activities, always keeping the number of resources to 30.

Later Schirmer (2000) developed PROGEN 3, an extension of PROGEN 2, and generated some new test instances. He generated 960 instances of sizes 10, 20, 30, and 40, with 30 resources. Most of them have a feasible solution, while a few of those with ten activities are infeasible. Additionally, we generated a new set of test instances of 60 activities using Schirmer’s PROGEN 3, with the same parameter values he used to generate his problems. This new set gave us an indication of the performance and running times of our algorithms on larger problems.

We applied all the algorithms and procedures described in previous sections to both sets of instances, obtaining similar results. In the next subsections we present and comment on the results obtained on Schirmer’s problems.

6.2 Preprocessing Results

Table 11.3 shows the detailed results of the preprocessing process. A first filter identifies the trivial instances. For the remaining instances, a first feasible solution is obtained. Let us suppose that the value of this solution is S n+1 start. If S n+1 start equals the length of the critical path, the solution is optimal. The number of instances proven optimal by this test appears as CPM_bound. Otherwise, the filters for resources and variables are used, sometimes eliminating some feasible finishing times for the last activity n + 1. If S n+1 start equals the minimum possible finishing time of n + 1, the solution is optimal. The number of instances proven optimal by this test appears as MIN_PFT_bound. Finally, the linear bound is calculated. If S n+1 start equals the linear bound, the solution is optimal. The number of instances proven optimal by this test appears as LP_bound. However, the linear bound is only applied if the number of remaining variables is fewer than 1,500, to avoid lengthy runs. The sum of the instances proven to be optimal by these three tests appears as Solved to optimality by preprocessing. The remaining problems are shown on the last line of the table. For more than 60 % of the non-trivial problems, the preprocessing procedures are able to provide a provably optimal solution.

Table 11.3 Schirmer problems—optimal solutions identified in the preprocessing

A characteristic of PROGEN 3 is that it tends to produce large values of the planning horizon T. For this set of problems the reduction of T described in Sect. 11.3 is especially useful. Table 11.4 shows the reduction of T obtained by that procedure on the non-optimally solved problems.

Table 11.4 Schirmer problems—reductions of planning horizon T

The reductions in the planning horizon T, together with the procedures for reducing possible finishing times for the activities, produce significant decreases in the final number of variables to be used by solution procedures, as can be seen in Table 11.5.

Table 11.5 Schirmer problems—reductions of resources and variables

6.3 Computational Results of Constructive Algorithms

The 32 priority rules described by Schirmer (2000) were coded and embedded in the constructive algorithm in Sect. 11.4.1. In a preliminary computational study these rules were tested on the 879 feasible instances of size 10 generated by Böttcher et al. (1999). Table 11.6 shows the results obtained by the six best performing rules. The first three rules are based on the network structure of the problems. The last three rules are based on resource consumption. In them, SR indicates that the rules require the use of only scarce resources, indexed by k. RK ks is the remaining capacity of resource k at stage s. RD ikt is the relevant demand, defined as RD ikt  = r ik  | Q it Π k  | . MDE ikt is the minimum relevant demand entailed for resource k by all successors of activity i when started at period t. The most important feature of Table 11.6 is that even the best rules fail to produce a feasible solution for 20 % of these small instances of size 10. Therefore, we need randomizing strategies and repairing mechanisms to significantly increase the probability of finding feasible solutions in the constructive phase of the GRASP algorithm.

The randomization procedures allowed us to get an important increase in the number of feasible solutions. However, not all these small problems could be solved. That was the reason for the development of a repairing mechanism to help the constructive algorithm to find feasible solutions for the more tightly constrained problems. After this preliminary study we decided to use the second randomization procedure, a biased selection on the Restricted Candidate List, and the priority rule LFT.

Table 11.6 Results of priority rules

6.4 Computational Results of GRASP Algorithms

Table 11.7 contains the results on the 2,553 non-trivial Schirmer instances, including the 60-activity instances we generated. The first part of the table shows the average distance to optimal solutions. However, not all the optimal solutions are known. The optimal solution is not known for one instance of size 30 and five instances of size 40. In these cases, the comparison is made with the best-known solution, obtained by a time-limited run of the CPLEX integer code, by the best version of GRASP algorithms in any of the preliminary tests or by the best version of the Scatter Search algorithm. The second part of the table shows the number of times the best solution does not match the optimal or best known solution, while the third part shows the average computing times in seconds.

Columns 6 to 9 of Table 11.7 show the results of the GRASP algorithms. Four versions have been tested: GRASP, the basic GRASP algorithm, GR+PR, in which the best solutions obtained in the GRASP iterations go through the Path Relinking phase, AG-GR, the aggressive GRASP procedure, and AG+PR, combining aggressive GRASP and Path Relinking. The GRASP algorithms use priority rule LFT and the second randomization procedure with δ = 0. 85. The GRASP algorithm runs for a maximum of 2,000 iterations while for the aggressive procedure in Sect. 11.4.3 we use the limits described there.

The results in Table 11.7 allow us to observe the different performance of the four algorithms more clearly. The aggressive GRASP procedure does not guarantee a better solution than the basic GRASP algorithm for each instance, but it tends to produce better results especially for large problems. The Path Relinking algorithm adds little improvement to the good results obtained by GRASP procedures.

The last lines of the table provide the running times of the algorithms, in CPU seconds. In all cases preprocessing is included as a part of the solution procedure. The algorithms have been coded in C++ and run on a Pentium IV at 2.8 GHz. The average running times are very short, though some problems would require quite long times. In order to avoid excessively long runs, we have imposed a time limit of 60 s for the GRASP procedures. This limit negatively affects the solution of some hard instances, which could have obtained better solutions in longer times, but in general it ensures a good balance between solution quality and required running time. The addition of the Path Relinking procedure does not increase the running times very much, in part because we have included a mechanism to detect solutions which have already been explored and avoid submitting them to the improvement procedure. Therefore it seems convenient to keep it in the final implementation. Therefore, the aggressive GRASP algorithm with Path Relinking seems to be the best option for this type of metaheuristic algorithm.

Table 11.7 Comparison of Scatter Search and GRASP algorithms on Schirmer problems

6.5 Computational Results of Scatter Search Algorithms

In order to obtain the initial population, the GRASP algorithm is run until 100 different feasible solutions are obtained or the limit of 2,000 iterations is reached. From the initial population, a reference set RefSet of b = 10 solutions is built, with b 1 = 5 quality solutions and b 2 = 5 diverse solutions.

In a preliminary experience, the eight combination procedures described in Sect. 11.5 have been tested on Schirmer’s problems. In this case, no regeneration of the reference set is included and the algorithm stops whenever no new solutions can be added to the Reference Set after a combination phase. We could see that all the combinations except for Combination 7 obtained similar results. So for further testing we keep Combinations 1 and 8, which produce the best results and have completely different structures. We could observe that the basic Scatter Search algorithm is very efficient, obtaining optimal solutions for most of the 3,826 feasible Schirmer test instances. Therefore, an additional step in which the reference set is regenerated will only be justified if it helps to solve the hardest problems, those not solved by the basic algorithm. The regeneration procedure depends on three parameters: the number of iterations of the modified GRASP algorithm, the number of new solutions obtained, and the number of times the regeneration process is called. We have considered the following values for these parameters:

  1. 1.

    Maximum number of iterations: 500–1,000

  2. 2.

    Maximum number of new solutions: 20–50

  3. 3.

    Calls to regenerate: three times—Only when the solution is improved after the last call to regenerating

Table 11.7 shows the results for three versions of the Scatter Search algorithm: Regen 0 (without regeneration), Regen 1 (500 iterations, 20 solutions, the regeneration is called while the solution is improved), Regen 6 (1,000 iterations, 50 solutions, regeneration is called three times), and compare them with the best version of the GRASP algorithms. The table shows that while the GRASP algorithm is very efficient and can obtain better solutions on small problems, the Scatter Search procedure with increasingly complex regeneration strategies can significantly improve the overall results with a moderate increase in the running times. Similar results were obtained for the test instances of Böttcher et al. (1999).

7 Conclusions

Partially renewable resources, in which the availability of the resource is associated to a given set of periods and the activities only consume it when they are processed in these periods, can be seen as a generalization of renewable and non-renewable resources, but their main interest comes from their usefulness for modeling complex situations appearing in timetabling and labor scheduling problems, which can be approached as project scheduling problems.

Preprocessing techniques which help to determine the existence of feasible solutions and to reduce the number of variables and constraints are specially useful for this type of problems because of the existence of a time horizon in which the partially renewable resources are defined.

In this chapter we have reviewed existing formulations and exact algorithms but we have focused on preprocessing techniques and heuristic algorithms, ranging form simple priority rules to sophisticated GRASP/Path Relinking and Scatter Search procedures. The computational results show that these metaheuristic algorithms are able to produce high quality solutions in moderate computing times.