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Advanced Nano-biocomposites Based on Starch

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Starch as a biopolymer directly extracted from nature has received much attention in recent years due to its strong advantages such as low cost, wide availability, renewability, and total compostability without toxic residues. Starch-based materials always display properties that are less satisfactory than those of traditional polymer materials, which can be ascribed to the inherent characteristics of starch. To make such materials to be truly competitive and to widen its applications, the development of starch-based nano-biocomposites could be a promising solution. This chapter provides the fundamental knowledge related to starch-based nano-biocomposites as well as the most recent developments in this area. Various types of nanofillers that have been used with plasticized starch are discussed such as montmorillonite, cellulose nanowhiskers, and starch nanoparticles. The preparation strategies for starch-based nano-biocomposites with these types of nanofillers and the corresponding dispersion state and related properties are also largely discussed.

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Atomic force microscopy


Bacterial cellulose nanowhisker


Carbon black


Cationic exchange capacity


Carboxymethyl cellulose sodium


Carbon nanotube


Cellulose nanowhisker



d 001 :

Interlayer spacing or d-spacing


Dynamic mechanical analysis


Dimethyl sulfoxide


Degree of polymerization


Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy


Elastic modulus (rheology)


Graphite oxide




Ionic liquid




Length-to-diameter ratio (i.e., aspect ratio)


Life-cycle assessment


Layered double hydroxide



MMT–Na+ :

Sodium montmorillonite


Multiwall carbon nanotube


Octahedral sheets


Organomodified montmorillonite


Cationic starch–organomodified montmorillonite


Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)


Poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate)




Polyethylene glycol


Poly(lactic acid)/polylactide


Poly(vinyl alcohol)


Reactive extrusion


Scanning electron microscopy


Specific mechanical energy


Starch nanoparticles


Single-screw extruder


Single-wall carbon nanotube


Tetrahedral sheets


Transmission electron microscopy

T g :

Glass transition temperature


Twin-screw extruder




X-ray diffraction


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Xie, F., Pollet, E., Halley, P.J., Avérous, L. (2014). Advanced Nano-biocomposites Based on Starch. In: Ramawat, K., Mérillon, JM. (eds) Polysaccharides. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-03751-6

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Chemistry and Mat. ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials ScienceReference Module Chemistry, Materials and Physics

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