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Gum of Prosopis/Acacia Species

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This chapter presents the structural and physicochemical characteristics, functional properties, and main applications of two exudate gums: gum arabic (Acacia senegal) and mesquite gum (Prosopis velutina). Gum arabic is the oldest and best known of all natural gums. It possesses physicochemical characteristics and functional properties that make it unique in the international trade of food, pharmaceutical, textile, and other industries. Mesquite gum is other exudate less known in the international market, but it has potential applications in food and other industries. The chemical structure and functional properties of mesquite gum are comparable with gum arabic. It is a good emulsifier and stabilizer of oil–water emulsions, and it may be compared with gum arabic for such application. The information contained in this chapter considers that mesquite gum can be a suitable replacement of gum arabic in arid regions of the world where Prosopis trees have widespread occurrence.

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López-Franco, Y.L., Gooycolea, F.M., Lizardi-Mendoza, J. (2014). Gum of Prosopis/Acacia Species. In: Ramawat, K., Mérillon, JM. (eds) Polysaccharides. Springer, Cham.

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