
1 Introduction

Representation learning is one of the main driving forces of deep learning research. In 2D vision, the finding that pre-training a network on a rich source set (e.g. ImageNet classification) can help boost performance once fine-tuned on the usually much smaller target set, has been key to the success of many applications. A particularly important setting, is when the pre-training stage is unsupervised, as this opens up the possibility to utilize a practically infinite train set size. Unsupervised pre-training has been remarkably successful in natural language processing [13, 47], and has recently attracted increasing attention in 2D vision [3, 3, 8, 8, 26, 26, 27, 38, 40, 40, 64, 81].

In the past few years, the field of 3D deep learning has witnessed much progress with an ever-increasing number of 3D representation learning schemes [1, 9, 12, 15, 16, 21, 22, 34, 62, 69, 75]. However, it still falls behind compared to its 2D counterpart as evidently, in all 3D scene understanding tasks, ad-hoc training from scratch on the target data is still the dominant approach. Notably, all existing representation learning schemes are tested either on single objects or low-level tasks (e.g. registration). This status quo can be attributed to multiple reasons: 1) Lack of large-scale and high-quality data: compared to 2D images, 3D data is harder to collect, more expensive to label, and the variety of sensing devices may introduce drastic domain gaps; 2) Lack of unified backbone architectures: in contrast to 2D vision where architectures such as ResNets were proven successful as backbone networks for pre-training and fine-tuning, point cloud network architecture designs are still evolving; 3) Lack of a comprehensive set of datasets and high-level tasks for evaluation.

The purpose of this work is to move the needle by initiating research on unsupervised pre-training with supervised fine-tuning in deep learning for 3D scene understanding. To do so, we cover four important ingredients: 1) Selecting a large dataset to be used at pre-training; 2) identifying a backbone architecture that can be shared across many different tasks; 3) evaluating two unsupervised objectives for pre-training the backbone network; and 4) defining an evaluation protocol on a set of diverse downstream datasets and tasks.

Specifically, we choose ScanNet [11] as our source set on which the pre-training takes place, and utilize a sparse residual U-Net [9, 49] as the backbone architecture in all our experiments and focus on the point cloud representation of 3D data. For the pre-training objective, we evaluate two different contrastive losses: Hardest-contrastive loss [10], and PointInfoNCE – an extension of InfoNCE loss [40] used for pre-training in 2D vision. Next, we choose a broad set of target datasets and downstream tasks that includes: semantic segmentation on S3DIS [2], ScanNetV2 [11], ShapeNetPart [71] and Synthia 4D [50]; and object detection on SUN RGB-D [31, 53, 55, 65] and ScanNetV2. Remarkably, our results indicate improved performance across all datasets and tasks (See Table 1 for a summary of the results). In addition, we found a relatively small advantage to pre-training with supervision. This implies that future efforts in collecting data for pre-training should favor scale over precise annotations.

Our contributions can be summarized as follows:

  • We evaluate, for the first time, the transferability of learned representation in 3D point clouds to high-level scene understanding.

  • Our results indicate that unsupervised pre-training improves performance across downstream tasks and datasets, while using a single unified architecture, source set and objective function.

  • Powered by unsupervised pre-training, we achieve a new state-of-the-art performance on 6 different benchmarks.

  • We believe these findings would encourage a change of paradigm on how we tackle 3D recognition and drive more research on 3D representation learning.

2 Related Work

Representation Learning in 3D. Deep neural networks are notoriously data hungry. This renders the ability to transfer learned representations between datasets and tasks extremely powerful. In 2D vision it has led to a surge of interest in finding optimal pretext unsupervised tasks [3, 5, 8, 10, 14, 18, 26, 27, 38,39,40,41, 64, 77, 78, 81]. We note that while many of these tasks are low-level (e.g. pixel or patch level reconstruction), they are evaluated based on their transferability to high-level tasks such as object detection. Being much harder to annotate, 3D tasks are potentially the biggest beneficiaries of unsupervised- and transfer-learning. This was shown in several works on single object tasks like reconstruction, classification and part segmentation [1, 16, 21, 22, 34, 51, 62, 69]. Yet, generally much less attention has been devoted to representation learning in 3D that extends beyond the single-object level. Further, in the few cases that did study it, the focus was on low-level tasks like registration [12, 15, 75]. In contrast, here we wish to push forward research in 3D representation learning by focusing on transferability to more high-level tasks on more complex scenes.

Deep Architectures for Point Cloud Processing. In this work we focus on learning useful representation for point cloud data. Inspired by the success in 2D domain, we conjecture that an important ingredient in enabling such progress is the evident standardization of neural architectures. Canonical examples include VGGNet [54] and ResNet/ResNeXt [25, 66]. In contrast, point cloud neural network design is much less mature, as is apparent by the abundance of new architectures that have been recently proposed. This has multiple reasons. First, is the challenge of processing unordered sets [37, 45, 48, 74]. Second, is the choice of neighborhood aggregation mechanism which could either be hierarchical [16, 32, 33, 46, 76], spatial CNN-like [29, 35, 57, 68, 79], spectral [58, 60, 72] or graph-based [52, 59, 63, 67]. Finally, since the points are discrete samples of an underlying surface, continuous convolutions have also been considered [4, 61, 70]. Recently Choy et al. proposed the Minkowski Engine [9], an extension of submanifold sparse convolutional networks [20] to higher dimensions. In particular, sparse convolutional networks facilitate the adoption of common deep architectures from 2D vision, which in turn can help standardize deep learning for point cloud. In this work, we use a unified UNet [49] architecture built with Minkowski Engine as the backbone network in all experiments and show it can gracefully transfer between tasks and datasets.

3 PointContrast Pre-training

In this section, we introduce our unsupervised pre-training pipeline. First, to motivate the necessity of a new pre-training scheme, we conduct a pilot study to understand the limitations of existing practice (pre-training on ShapeNet) in 3D deep learning (Sect. 3.1). After briefly reviewing an inspirational local feature learning work Fully Convolutional Geometric Features (FCGF) (Sect. 3.2), we introduce our unsupervised pre-training solution, PointContrast, in terms of pretext task (Sect. 3.3), loss function (Sect. 3.4), network architecture (Sect. 3.5) and pre-training dataset (Sect. 3.6).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Training from scratch vs. fine-tuning with ShapeNet pretrained weights.

3.1 Pilot Study: Is Pre-training on ShapeNet Useful?

Previous works on unsupervised 3D representation learning  [1, 16, 21, 22, 34, 62, 69] mainly focused on ShapeNet [7], a dataset of single-object CAD models. One underlying assumption is that by adopting ShapeNet as the ImageNet counterpart in 3D, features learned on synthetic single objects could transfer to other real-world applications. Here we take a step back and reassess this assumption by studying a straightforward supervised pre-training setup: we simply pre-train an encoder network on ShapeNet with full supervision, and fine-tune it with a U-Net on a downstream task (S3DIS semantic segmentation). Based on results in 2D representation learning, we use full supervision here as an upper bound to what could be gained from pre-training. We train a sparse ResNet-34 model (details to follow in Sect. 3.5) for 200 epochs. The model achieves a high validation accuracy of 85.4% on ShapeNet classification task. In Fig. 1, we show the downstream task training curves for (a) training from scratch and (b) fine-tuning with ShapeNet pretrained weights. Critically, one can observe that ShapeNet pre-training, even in the supervised fashion, hampers downstream task learning. Among many potential explanations, we highlight two major concerns:

  • Domain gap between source and target data: Objects in ShapeNet are synthetic, normalized in scale, aligned in pose, and lack scene context. This makes pre-training and fine-tuning data distributions drastically different.

  • Point-level representation matters: In 3D deep learning, the local geometric features, e.g. those encoded by a point and its neighbors, have proven to be discriminative and critical for 3D tasks [45, 46]. Directly training on object instances to obtain a global representation might be insufficient.

This led us to rethink the problem: if the goal of pre-training is to boost performance across many real world tasks, exploring pre-training strategies on single objects might offer limited potential. (1) To address the domain gap concern, it might be beneficial to directly pre-train the network on complex scenes with multiple objects, to better match the target distributions; (2) to capture point-level information, we need to design a pretext task and corresponding network architecture that is not only based on instance-level/global representations, but instead can capture dense/local features at the point level.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

PointContrast: pretext task for 3D pre-training.

Table 1. Summary of downstream fine-tuning tasks. Compared to the baseline learning paradigm of training from scratch, which is dominant in 3D deep learning, our unsupervised pre-training method PointContrast boosts the performance across the board when finetuning on a diverse set of high-level 3D understanding tasks. \(*\) indicates results trained using only \(1\%\) of the training data.

3.2 Revisiting Fully Convolutional Geometric Features (FCGF)

Here we revisit a previous approach FCGF [10] designed to learn geometric features for low-level tasks (e.g. registration) as our work is mainly inspired by FCGF. FCGF is a deep learning based algorithm that learns local feature descriptors on correspondence datasets via metric learning. FCGF has two major ingredients that help it stand out and achieve impressive results in registration recall: (1) a fully-convolutional design and (2) point-level metric learning. With a fully-convolutional network (FCN) [36] design, FCGF operates on the entire input point cloud (e.g. full indoor or outdoor scenes) without having to crop the scene into patches as done in previous works; this way the local descriptors can aggregate information from a large number of neighboring points (up to the extent of receptive field size). As a result, point-level metric learning becomes natural. FCGF uses a U-Net architecture that has full-resolution output (i.e. for N points, the network outputs N associated feature vectors), and positive/negative pairs for metric learning are defined at the point level.

Despite having a fundamentally different goal in mind, FCGF offers inspirations that might address the pretext task design challenges: A fully-convolutional design will allow us to pre-train on the target data distributions that involve complex scenes with a large number of points, and we could define the pretext task directly on points. Under this perspective, we pose the question: Can we repurpose FCGF as the pretext task for high-level 3D understanding?

figure a

3.3 PointContrast as a Pretext Task

FCGF focuses on local descriptor learning for low-level tasks only. In contrast, a good pretext task for pre-training aims to learn network weights that are universally applicable and useful to many high-level 3D understanding tasks. To take the inspiration of FCGF and create such pretext tasks, there are several design choices that need to be revisited. In terms of architecture, since inference speed is a major concern in registration tasks, the network used in FCGF is very light-weight; Contrarily, the success of pre-training relies on over-parameterized networks, as clearly evidenced in other domains [8, 13]. In terms of dataset, FCGF uses domain-specific registration datasets such as 3DMatch [75] and KITTI odometry [17], which lack both scale and generality. Finally, in terms of loss design, contrastive losses explored in FCGF are tailored for registration and it is interesting to explore other alternatives.

In Algorithm 1, we summarize the overall pretext task framework explored in this work. We name the framework PointContrast, since the high-level strategy of this pretext task is, contrasting—at the point level—between two transformed point clouds. Conceptually, given a point cloud \(\mathbf{x} \) sampled from a certain distribution, we first generate two views \(\mathbf{x} ^1\) and \(\mathbf{x} ^2\) that are aligned in the same world coordinates. We then compute the correspondence mapping M between these two views. If \((i,j)\in M\) then point \(\mathbf{x} _i^1\) and point \(\mathbf{x} _j^2\) are a pair of matched points across two views. We then sample two random geometric transformations \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) to further transform the point clouds in two views. The transformation is what could make the pretext task challenging as the network needs to learn certain equivariance with respect to the geometric transformation imposed. In this work, we mainly consider rigid transformation including rotation, translation and scaling. Further details are provided in Appendix. Finally, a contrastive loss is defined over points in two views: we minimize the distance for matched points and maximize the distance of unmatched points. This framework, though coming from a very different motivation (metric learning for geometric local descriptors), shares a strikingly similar pipeline with recent contrastive-based methods for 2D unsupervised visual representation learning [8, 23, 64]. The key difference is that most work for 2D focuses on contrasting between instances/images, while in our work the contrastive learning is done densely at the point level.

3.4 Contrastive Learning Loss Design

Hardest-Contrastive Loss. The first loss function, hardest-contrastive loss we try, is borrowed from the best-performing loss design proposed in FCGF [10], which adopts a hard negative mining scheme in traditional margin-based contrastive learning formulation,

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_c = \sum _{(i,j) \in \mathcal {P}} \bigg \{ \big [ d(\mathbf {f}_i,\mathbf {f}_j) - m_p \big ]^2_+ /|\mathcal {P}| + 0.5 \big [m_n - \min _{k \in \mathcal {N}}d(\mathbf {f}_i,\mathbf {f}_k)\big ]^2_+ /|\mathcal {N}_i| + 0.5\big [m_n - \min _{k \in \mathcal {N}}d(\mathbf {f}_j,\mathbf {f}_k)\big ]^2_+ /|\mathcal {N}_j| \bigg \} \end{aligned}$$

Here \(\mathcal {P}\) is a set of matched (positive) pairs of points \(\mathbf{x} _i^1\) and \(\mathbf{x} _j^2\) from two views \(\mathbf{x} ^1\) and \(\mathbf{x} ^2\), and \(\mathbf{f} _i^1\) and \(\mathbf{f} _j^2\) are associated point features for the matched pair. \(\mathcal {N}\) is a randomly sampled set of non-matched (negative) points which is used for the hardest negative mining, where the hardest sample is defined as the closest point in the \(\mathcal {L}_2\) normalized feature space to a positive pair. \([x]_+\) denotes function \(\max (0, x)\). \(m_p = 0.1\) and \(m_n = 1.4\) are margins for positive and negative pairs.

PointInfoNCE Loss. Here we propose an alternative loss design for PointContrast. InfoNCE proposed in [40] is widely used in recent unsupervised representation learning approaches for 2D visual understanding. By modeling the contrastive learning framework as a dictionary look-up process [23], InfoNCE poses contrastive learning as a classification problem and is implemented with a Softmax loss. Specifically, the loss encourages a query q to be similar to its positive key \(k^+\) and dissimilar to, typically many, negative keys \(k^-\). One challenge in 2D is to scale the number of negative keys [23].

However, in the domain of 3D, we have a different problem: usually the real-world 3D datasets are much smaller in terms of instance count, but the number of points for each instance (e.g. a indoor or outdoor scene) can be huge, i.e. 100K+ points even from one RGB-D frame. This unique property of 3D data property, together with the original motivation to modelling point level information, inspire us to propose the following PointInfoNCE loss:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_c = -\sum _{(i,j) \in \mathcal {P}}\;\;\;\log \frac{\exp (\mathbf {f}_i\cdot \mathbf {f}_j/\tau )}{\sum _{(\cdot , k) \in \mathcal {P}}\exp (\mathbf {f}_i\cdot \mathbf {f}_k/\tau )} \end{aligned}$$

Here \(\mathcal {P}\) is the set of all the positive matches from two views. In this formulation, we only consider points that have at least one match and do not use additional non-matched points as negatives. For a matched pair \((i,j) \in \mathcal {P}\), point feature \(\mathbf{f} ^1_i\) will serve as the query and \(\mathbf{f} ^2_j\) will serve as the positive key \(k^+\). We use point feature \(\mathbf{f} ^2_k\) where \((\cdot , k) \in \mathcal {P}\) and \(k \ne j\) as the set of negative keys. In practice, we sample a subset of 4096 matched pairs from \(\mathcal {P}\) for faster training.

Compared to hardest-contrastive loss, the PointInfoNCE loss has a simpler formulation with less hyperparatmers. Perhaps more importantly, due to the large number of negative distractors, it is more robust against mode collapsing (features collapsed to a single vector) than the hardest-contrastive loss. In our experiments, we find that hard-contrastive loss is unstable and hard to train: the representation often collapses with extended training epochs (which is also observed in FCGF [10]).

3.5 A Sparse Residual UNet as Shared Backbone

We use a Sparse Residual UNet (SR-UNet) architecture in this work. It is a 34-layer UNet [49] architecture that has an encoder network of 21 convolution layers and a decoder network of 13 convolution/deconvolution layers. It follows the 2D ResNet basic block design and each conv/deconv layer in the network are followed by Batch Normalization (BN) [30] and ReLU activation. The overall UNet architecture has 37.85M parameters. We provide more information and a visualization of the network in Appendix. The SR-UNet architecture was originally designed in [9] that achieved significant improvement over prior methods on the challenging ScanNet semantic segmentation benchmark. In this work we explore if we can use this architecture as a unified design for both the pre-training task and a diverse set of fine-tuning tasks.

3.6 Dataset for Pre-training

For local geometric feature learning approaches, including FCGF [10], training and evaluation are typically conducted on domain and task specific datasets such as KITTI odometry [17] or 3DMatch [75]. Common registration datasets are typically constrained in either scale (training samples collected from just dozens of scenes), or generality (focusing on one specific application scenario, e.g. indoor scenes or LiDAR scans for self-driving car), or both. To facilitate future research on 3D unsupervised representation learning, in our work we utilize the ScanNet dataset for pre-training, aiming to address the scale issue. ScanNet is a collection of \(\sim \)1500 indoor scenes. Created with a light-weight RGB-D scanning procedure, ScanNet is currently the largest of its kind.Footnote 1

Here we create a point cloud pair dataset on top of ScanNet for the pretraining framework shown in Fig. 2. Given a scene \(\mathbf{x} \), we extract pairs of partial scans \(\mathbf{x} ^1\) and \(\mathbf{x} ^2\) from different views. More precisely, for each scene, we first sub-sample RGB-D scans from the raw ScanNet videos every 25 frames, and align the 3D point clouds in the same world coordinates (by utilizing estimated camera poses for each frame). Then we collect point cloud pairs from the sampled frames and require that two point clouds in a pair have at least \(30\%\) overlap. We sample a total number of 870K point cloud pairs. Since the partial views are aligned in ScanNet scenes, it is straight-forward to compute the correspondence mapping M between two views with nearest neighbor search.

Although ScanNet only captures indoor data distributions, as we will see in Section 4.4, surprisingly it can generalize to other target distributions. We provide additional visualizations for the pre-training dataset in Appendix.

4 Fine-Tuning on Downstream Tasks

The most important motivation for representation learning is to learn features that can transfer well to different downstream tasks. There could be different evaluation protocols to measure the usefulness of the learned representation. For example, probing with a linear classifier [19], or evaluating in a semi-supervised setup [26]. The supervised fine-tuning strategy, where the pre-trained weights are used as the initialization and are further refined on the target downstream task, is arguably the most practically meaningful way of evaluating feature transferability. With this setup, good features could directly lead to performance gains in downstream tasks.

Under this perspective, in this section we perform extensive evaluations of the effectiveness of PointContrast framework by fine-tuning the pre-trained weights on multiple downstream tasks and datasets. We aim to cover a diverse suit of high-level 3D understanding tasks of different natures such as semantic segmentation, object detection and classification. In all experiments we use the same backbone network, pre-trained on the proposed ScanNet pair dataset (Sect. 3.6) using both PointInfoNCE and Hardest-Constrastive objectives.

4.1 ShapeNet: Classification and Part Segmentation

Setup. In Sect. 3.1 we have observed that weights learned on supervised ShapeNet classification are not able to transfer well to scene-level tasks. Here we explore the opposite direction: Are PointContrast features learned on ScanNet useful for tasks on ShapeNet? To recap, ShapeNet [7] is a dataset of synthetic 3D objects of 55 common categories. It was curated by collecting CAD models from online open-sourced 3D repositories. In [71], part annotations were added to a subset of ShapeNet models segmenting them into 2–5 parts. In order to provide a comparison with existing approaches, here we utilize the ShapeNetCore dataset (SHREC 15 split) for classification, and the ShapeNet part dataset for part segmentation, respectively. We uniformly sample point clouds of 1024 points from each model for classification and 2048 points for part segmentation. Albeit containing overlapping indoor object categories with ScanNet, this dataset is substantially different as it is synthetic, and contains only single objects. We also follow recent works on 3D unsupervised representation learning [22] to explore a more challenging setup: using a very small percentage (e.g. 1%–10%) of training data to fine-tune the pre-trained model.

Table 2. ShapeNet classification. Top: classification accuracy with limited labeled training data for finetuning. Bottom: classification accuracy on the least represented classes in the data (tail-classes). In all cases, PointContrast boosts performance. Relative improvement increases with scarcer training data and on less frequent classes.
Table 3. ShapeNet part segmentation. Replacing the backbone architecture with SR-UNet already boosts performance. PointContrast pre-training further adds a significant gain, and outshines where labels are most limited.

Results. As shown in Table 2 and Table 3, for both datasets, the effectiveness of pre-training are correlated with the availability of training data. In the ShapeNet classification task (Table 2), pre-training helps most where less training data is available, achieving a \(4.0\%\) improvement over the training-from-scratch baseline with the hardest-negative objective. We also note that ShapeNet is a class-imbalanced dataset and the minority (tail) classes are very infrequent. When using 100% of the training data, pre-training provides a class-balancing effect, as it boosts performance more on underrepresented (tail) classes. Table 3 shows a similar effects of pre-training on part segmentation performance. Notably, using SR-UNet backbone architecture already boosts performance; yet, pre-training is able to provide further gains, especially when training data is scarce.

4.2 S3DIS Segmentation

Setup. Stanford Large-Scale 3D Indoor Spaces (S3DIS) [2] dataset comprises 3D scans of 6 large-scale indoor areas collected from 3 office buildings. The scans are represented as point clouds and annotated with semantic labels of 13 object categories. Among the datasets used here for evaluation S3DIS is probably the most similar to ScanNet. Transferring features to S3DIS represents a typical scenario for fine-tuning: the downstream task dataset is similar yet much smaller than the pre-training dataset. For the commonly used benchmark split (“Area 5 test”), there are only about 240 samples in the training set. We follow [9] for pre-processing, and use standard data augmentations. See Appendix for details.

Results. Results are summarized in Table 4. Again, merely switching the SR-UNet architecture, training from scratch already improves upon prior art. Yet, fine-tuning the features learned by PointContrast achieves markedly better segmentation results in mIoU and mAcc. Notably, the effect persists across both loss types, achieving a 2.7% mIoU gain using Hardest-Contrastive loss and an on-par improvement of 2.1% mIoU for the PointInfoNCE variant.

Table 4. Stanford Area 5 Test (Fold 1) (S3DIS). Replacing the backbone network with SR-UNet improves upon prior art. Using PointContrast adds further significant boost with a mild preference for Hardest-contrastive over the PointInfoNCE objective. See Appendix for more methods in comparison.

4.3 SUN RGB-D Detection

Setup. We now attend to a different high-level 3D understanding task: object detection. Compared to segmentation tasks that estimate point labels, 3D object detection predicts 3D bounding boxes (localization) and their corresponding object labels (recognition). This calls for an architectural modification as the SR-UNet architecture does not directly output bounding box coordinates. Among many different choices [28, 42, 44, 73], we identify the recently proposed VoteNet [43] as a good candidate for three main reasons. First, VoteNet is designed to work directly on point clouds with no additional input (e.g. images). Second, VoteNet originally uses PointNet++ [46] as the backbone architecture for feature extraction. Replacing this with a SR-UNet requires a minimal modification, keeping the proposal pipeline intact. In particular, we reuse the same hyperparameters. Third, VoteNet is the current state-of-the-art method that uses geometric features only, rendering an improvement markedly useful. We evaluate the detection performance on the SUN RGB-D dataset [55], a collection of single view RGB-D images. The train set contains 5K images annotated with amodal, 3D oriented bounding boxes for objects from 37 categories.

Table 5. SUN RGB-D detection results. PointContrast demonstrates a substantial boost compared to training from scratch. We observe a larger improvement in localization as manifested by the \(\Delta \)mAP being larger for @0.5 than @0.25.
Table 6. Segmentation results on the 4D Synthia test set. All networks here are SR-UNet with 3D kernels, trained on individual 3D frames without temporal modeling.

Results. We summarize the results in Table 5. We find that by simply switching in the backbone network, our baseline results (training from scratch) with the SR-UNet architecture achieves worse results (-1.4% mAP@0.25). This may be attributed to the fact that VoteNet design and hyperparamter settings were tailored to its PointNet++ backbone. However, PointContrast gracefully closes the gap by showing a +3.1% gain on mAP@0.5, which also sets a new state-of-the-art in this metric. The performance gain with harder evaluation metric (mAP@0.5) suggests that the PointContrast pre-training can greatly help localization.

4.4 Synthia4D Segmentation

Setup. Synthia4D [50] is a large synthetic dataset designed to facilitate the training of deep neural networks for visual inference in driving scenarios. Photo-realistic renderings are generated from a virtual city, allowing dense and precise annotations of 13 semantic classes, together with pixel-accurate depth. We follow the train/val/test split as prescribed by [9] in the clean setting. In the context of this work, Synthia4D is especially interesting since it is probably the most distant from our pre-training set (outdoor v.s. indoor, synthetic v.s. real). We test the segmentation performance using 3D SR-UNet on a per-frame basis.

Results. PointContrast pre-training brings substantial improvement over the baseline model trained from scratch (+2.3% mIoU) as seen in Table 6. PointInfoNCE performs noticeably better than the hardest-contrastive loss. With unsupervised pre-training, the overall results are much better than the previous state-of-the-art reported in [9]. Note that in [9] it has been shown that adding the temporal learning (i.e. using a 4D network instead of a 3D one) brings additional benefit. To use 3D pre-trained weights for a 4D network with an additional temporal dimension, we can simply inflate the convolutional kernels, following the standard practice in 2D video recognition [6]. We leave it as a future work.

Table 7. Segmentation results on ScanNet validation set. PointContrast boosts performance on the “in-domain” transfer task where the pre-training and fine-tuning datasets come from a common source, showing the usefulness of pre-training even when labels are available.
Table 8. 3D object detection results on ScanNet validation set. Similarly to in-domain segmentation task, here as well PointContrast boost performance on detection, setting a new best result over prior art. See Appendix for more methods in comparison.

4.5 ScanNet: Segmentation and Detection

Setup. Although typically the source dataset for pre-training and the target dataset for fine-tuning are different, because of the specific multi-view contrastive learning pipeline for pre-training, it is likely that PointContrast can learn different representations (e.g. invariance/equivariance to rigid transformations or robustness to noise) compared to directly training with supervision. Thus it is interesting to see whether the pre-trained weights can further improve the results on ScanNet itself. We use ScanNet semantic segmentation and object detection tasks to test our hypothesis. For the segmentation experiment, we use the SR-UNet architecture to directly predict point labels. For the detection experiment, we again follow VoteNet [43] and simply switch the original backbone network with the SR-UNet without other modifications to the detection head (See Appendix for details).

Results. Results are summarized in Table 7 and Table 8. Remarkably, on both detection and segmentation benchmark, models pre-trained with PointContrast outperform those trained from scratch. Notably, PointInfoNCE objective performs better than the Hardest-contrastive one, achieving a relative improvement of +1.9% in terms of segmentation mIoU and 2.6%+ in terms of detection mAP@0.5. Similar to SUN RGB-D detection, here we also observe that PointContrast features help most for localization as indicated by the larger margin of improvement for mAP@0.5 than mAP@0.25.

4.6 Analysis Experiments and Discussions

In this section we show additional experiments to provide more insights on our pre-training framework. We use S3DIS segmentation for the experiments below.

Supervised Pre-training. While the focus of this work is unsupervised pre-training, a natural baseline is to compare against supervised pre-training. To this end, we use the training-from-scratch baseline for the segmentation task on ScanNetV2 and finetune the network on S3DIS. This yields an mIoU of 71.2%, which is only 0.3% better than PointContrast unsupervised pre-training. We deem this a very encouraging signal that suggests that the gap between supervised and unsupervised representation learning in 3D has been mostly closed (cf. years of effort in 2D). One might argue that this is due to the limited quality and scale of ScanNet, but even at this scale the amount of labor involved in annotating thousands of rooms is large. The outcome of this, complements the conclusion we had so far: not only should we put resources into creating large-scale 3D datasets for pre-training; but if facing a trade-off between scaling the data size and annotating it, we should favor the former.

Fine-Tuning vs From-Scratch Under Longer Training Schedule. Recent study in 2D vision [24] suggests that simply by training from scratch for more epochs might close the gap from ImageNet pre-training. We conduct additional experiment to train the network from scratch with \(2\times \) and \(3\times \) schedules on S3DIS, relative to the \(1\times \) schedule of our default setup (10K iterations with batch size 48). We found that validation mIoU does not improve with longer training. In fact, the model exhibits overfitting due to the small dataset size, achieving \(66.7\%\) and \(66.1\%\) mIoU at 20K and 30K iteration, respectively. This suggests that potentially many of the 3D datasets could fall into the “breakdown regime” [24] where network pre-training is essential for good performance.

Holistic Scene as a Single View for PointContrast. To show that the multi-view design in PointContrast is important, we try a different variant where instead of having partial views \(\mathbf {x}^1\) and \(\mathbf {x}^2\), we directly use the reconstructed point cloud \(\mathbf {x}\) (a full scene in ScanNet) PointContrast. We still apply independent transformations \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) to the same \(\mathbf {x}\). We tried different variants and augmentations such as random cropping, point jittering, and dropout. We also tried different transformations for \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) of different degrees of freedom. However, with the best configuration we can get a validation mIoU on S3DIS of 68.35, which is just slightly better than the training from scratch baseline of 68.17. This suggests that the multi-view setup in PointContrast is critical. Potential reasons include: much more abundant and diverse training samples; natural noise due to camera instability as good regularization, as also observed in [75].