
1 Introduction

With the advent of various input devices, gesture recognition has become increasingly relevant in human-computer interaction. As these input devices get more capable and precise, the complexity of the interactions that they can capture also increases which, in turn, ignites the need for recognition methods that can leverage these capabilities. From a practitioner’s point of view, a gesture recognizer would need to possess a set of traits in order to gain adoption: it should capture the fine differences among gestures and distinguish one gesture from another with a high degree of confidence, while being able to work with a vast number of input devices and gesture modalities. Concurrently, a recognition method should enable system designers to integrate the method into their workflow with the least amount of effort. These goals are often at odds: the recognition power of a recognizer usually comes at the cost of increased complexity and decreased flexibility of working across different input devices and modalities.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Our proposed model for gesture recognition which consists of an encoder network of stacked gated recurrent units (GRU), the attention module and the classification layers. The input \(\mathbf{{x}} = (x_0, x_1, ..., x_{(L-1)})\) is a sequence of vector data of arbitrary length and the output is the predicted class label \(\hat{y}\). See Sect. 3 for a thorough description.

With these contradicting goals in mind, we introduce DeepGRU: an end-to-end deep network-based gesture recognition utilityFootnote 1 (see Fig. 1). DeepGRU works directly with raw 3D skeleton, pose or other vector features (e.g.  acceleration, angular velocity, etc.) produced by noisy commodity hardware, thus requiring minimal domain-specific knowledge to use. With roughly 4 million trainable parameters, DeepGRU is a rather small network by modern standards and is budget-aware when computational power is constrained. Yet, we achieve state-of-the-art results on various datasets.

Contributions. Our main contributions are devising a novel network model that works with raw vector data and is: (1) intuitive to understand and easy to implement, (2) easy to use, works out-of-the-box on noisy data, and is easy to train, without requiring powerful hardware (3) achieves state-of-the-art results in various use-cases, even with limited amount of training data. We believe (1) and (2) make DeepGRU enticing for application developers while (3) appeals to seasoned practitioners. To our knowledge, no prior work specifically focuses on model simplicity, accessibility for the masses, small training sets or CPU-only training which we think makes DeepGRU unique among its peers.

2 Related Work

Recognition with Hand-Crafted Features. Despite the success of end-to-end methods, classical methods that use hand-crafted features to perform recognition have been used with great success [18, 21, 49,50,51]. As Cheema et al. [9] showed, these methods can achieve excellent recognition results. They compared the performance of five algorithms (AdaBoost, SVM, decision trees etc.) on Wii controller gestures and concluded that, in some cases, the seemingly simple linear classifier can recognize a set of 25 gestures with 99% accuracy. Weng et al. [51] leveraged the spatio-temporal relations in action sequences with naïve-Bayes nearest-neighbor classifiers [6] to recognize actions. Xia et al. [53] used hidden Markov models (HMM) and the histogram of 3D joint locations to recognize gestures. Vemulapalli et al. [49] represented skeletal gestures as curves in a Lie group and used a combination of classifiers to recognize the gestures. Our approach differs from all of these methods in that we use the raw data of noisy input devices and do not hand-craft any features. Rather, our encoder network (Sect. 3.2) learns suitable feature representations during end-to-end training.

Recurrent Architectures. The literature contains a large body of work that use recurrent neural networks (RNN) for action and gesture recognition [10, 14, 16, 23, 24, 29, 33, 43, 48, 52]. Shahroudy et al. [38] showed the power of recurrent architectures and long-short term memory (LSTM) units [20] for large-scale gesture recognition. Zhang et al. [55] proposed a view-adaptive scheme to achieve view-invariant action recognition. Their model consisted of LSTM units that would learn the most suitable transformation of samples to achieve consistent viewpoints. Avola et al. [2] used a LSTM architecture in conjunction with hand-crafted angular features of hand joints to recognize hand gestures. Contrary to these methods, we only use gated recurrent units (GRU) [12] as the building block of our model. We show that GRUs are faster to train and produce better results. Also, our method is designed to be general and not specific to a particular device, gesture modality or feature representation. Lastly, we leverage the attention mechanism to capture the most important parts of each input sequence.

Attention Mechanism. When using recurrent architectures, the sub-parts of a temporal sequence may not all be equally important: some subsequences may be more pertinent to the task at hand than others. Thus, it is beneficial to learn a representation that can identify these important sub-parts to aid recognition, which is the key intuition behind the attention model [3, 31]. Even though the attention model was originally proposed for sequence to sequence models and neural machine translation, it has been adapted to the task of gesture and action recognition [5, 28, 41]. Liu et al. [28] proposed a global context-aware attention LSTM network for 3D action recognition. Using a global context, their method selectively focuses on the most informative joints when performing recognition. Song et al. [41] used the attention mechanism with LSTM units to selectively focus on discriminative skeleton joints at each gesture frame. Baradel et al. [5] leveraged the visual attention model to recognize human activities purely using image data. They used GRUs as the building block of their recurrent architecture.

Contrary to some of this work, DeepGRU only requires pose and vector-based data. Our novel attention model differs from prior work in how the context vector is computed and consumed. GCA-LSTM [28] has a multi-pass attention subnetwork which requires multiple initialize/refine iterations to compute attention vectors. Ours is single-pass and not iterative. Our attention model also differs from STA-LSTM [41] which has two separate temporal and spatial components, whereas ours has only one component for both domains. VA-LSTM [55] has a view-adaptation subnetwork that learns transformations to consistent view-points. This imposes the assumption that input data are spatial or view-point dependent, which may prohibit applications on non-spatial data (e.g. acoustic gestures [36]). Our model does not make any such assumptions. As we show later, our single-pass, non-iterative, spatio-temporal combined attention, and device-agnostic architecture result in less complexity, fewer parameters, and shorter training time, while achieving state-of-the-art results, which we believe sets us apart from prior work.

3 DeepGRU

In this section we provide an in-depth discussion of DeepGRU’s architecture. In our architecture, we take inspiration from VGG-16 [39], and the attention [3, 31] and sequence to sequence models [42]. Our model, depicted in Fig. 1, is comprised of three main components: an encoder network, the attention module, and two fully-connected (FC) layers fed to softmax producing the probability distribution of the class labels. We provide an ablation study to give insight into our design choices in Sect. 5.

3.1 Input Data

The input to DeepGRU is raw input device samples represented as a temporal sequence of the underlying gesture data (e.g. 3D joint positions, accelerometer or velocity measurements, 2D Cartesian coordinates of pen/touch interactions, etc.). At time step t, the input data is the column vector \(x_t \in \mathbb {R}^{N}\), where N is the dimensionality of the feature vector. Thus, the input data of the entire temporal sequence of a single gesture sample is the matrix \(\mathbf{{x}} \in \mathbb {R}^{N \times L}\), where L is the length of the sequence in time steps. Each input example sequences could have different number of time steps. We use the entire temporal sequence as-is without subsampling or clipping. When training on mini-batches, we represent the \(i^{th}\) mini-batch as the tensor \(\mathbf{{X}}_i \in \mathbb {R}^{B \times N \times \widetilde{L}}\), where B is the mini-batch size and \(\widetilde{L}\) is the length of the longest sequence in the \(i^{th}\) mini-batch. Sequences that are shorter than \(\widetilde{L}\) are zero-padded.

3.2 Encoder Network

The encoder network in DeepGRU is fed with data from training samples and serves as the feature extractor. Our encoder network consists of a total of five stacked unidirectional GRUs. We prefer GRU units over LSTM units [20] as they have a smaller number of parameters and thus are faster to train and less prone to overfitting. At time step t, given an input vector \(x_t\) and the hidden state vector of the previous time step \(h_{(t-1)}\), a GRU computes \(h_t\), the hidden output at time step t, as \(h_t = \varGamma \big (x_t, h_{(t-1)}\big )\) using the following transition equations:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} r_t&= ~~\sigma ~~ \Big ( \big ( W_x^r~x_t + b_x^r \big ) ~~+~~ \big ( W_h^r~h_{(t-1)} + b_h^r \big ) \Big ) \quad \quad \quad \quad \\ u_t&= ~~\sigma ~~ \Big ( \big ( W_x^u~x_t + b_x^u \big ) ~~+~~ \big ( W_h^u~h_{(t-1)} + b_h^u \big ) \Big ) \\ c_t&= \text {tanh} \Big ( \big ( W_x^c~x_t + b_x^c \big ) ~~+~~ r_t\big ( W_h^c~h_{(t-1)} + b_h^c \big ) \Big ) \\ h_t&= u_t \circ h_{(t-1)} ~~+~~ \Big (1-u_t\Big ) \circ c_t \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sigma \) is the sigmoid function, \(\circ \) denotes the Hadamard product, \(r_t\), \(u_t\) and \(c_t\) are reset, update and candidate gates respectively and \(W_p^q\) and \(b_p^q\) are the trainable weights and biases. In our encoder network, \(h_0\) of all the GRUs are initialized to zero.

Given a gesture example \(\mathbf{{x}} \in \mathbb {R}^{N \times L}\), the encoder network uses Eq. 1 to output \(\bar{h} \in \mathbb {R}^{128 \times L}\), where \(\bar{h}\) is the result of the concatenation \(\bar{h} = \big [h_0;~h_1;~...~;~h_{(L-1)}\big ]\). This compact encoding of the input matrix \(\mathbf{{x}}\), is then fed to the attention module.

3.3 Attention Module

The output of the encoder network, can provide a reasonable set of features for performing classification. We further refine this set of features by extracting the most informative parts of the sequence using the attention model. We propose a novel adaptation of the global attention model [31] which is suitable for our recognition task.

Given all the hidden states \(\bar{h}\) of the encoder network, our attention module computes the attentional context vector \(c \in \mathbb {R}^{128}\) using the trainable parameters \(W_{c}\) as:


As evident in Eq. 2, we solely use the hidden states of the encoder network to compute the attentional context vector. The hidden state of the last time step \(h_{(L-1)}\) of the encoder network (the yellow arrow in Fig. 1) is the main component of our context computation and attentional output. This is because \(h_{(L-1)}\) can potentially capture a lot of information from the entire gesture sample sequence. However, since the inputs to DeepGRU can be of arbitrary lengths, the amount of information that is captured by \(h_{(L-1)}\) could differ among short sequences and long sequences. This could make the model susceptible to variations in sequence lengths. To mitigate this, we jointly learn a set of parameters that given the context and the hidden state of the encoder network would decide whether to use the hidden state directly, or have it undergo further transformation while accounting for the context. This decision logic can be mapped to the transition equations of a GRU (see Eq. 1). Thus, after computing the context c, we additionally compute the auxiliary context \(c'\) and produce the attention module’s output \(o_{\text {attn}}\) as follows, where \(\varGamma _{\text {attn}}\) is the attentional GRU of the our model:

$$\begin{aligned} c' ~~ = \varGamma _{\text {attn}}\big (c, h_{(L-1)}\big ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o_{\text {attn}} ~ = ~~ \big [ c~;~c' \big ] \end{aligned}$$

We believe that the novelty of our attention model is threefold. First, it only relies on the hidden state of the last time step \(h_{(L-1)}\), which reduces complexity. Second, we compute the auxiliary context vector to mitigate the effects of sequence length variations. Lastly, our attention module is invariant to zero-padded sequences and thus can be trivially vectorized for training on mini-batches of sequences with different lengths. As we show in Sect. 5, our attention model works very well in practice.

3.4 Classification

The final layers of our model are comprised of two FC layers (F\(_1\) and F\(_2\)) with ReLU activations that take the attention module’s output and produce the probability distribution of the class labels using a softmax classifier:

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{y} = \text {softmax}\bigg ( \text {F}_2\Big ( \text {ReLU}\big (\text {F}_1(o_{\text {attn}})\big ) \Big )\bigg ) \end{aligned}$$

We use batch normalization [22] followed by dropout [19] on the input of both F\(_1\) and F\(_2\) in Eq. 4. During training, we minimize the cross-entropy loss to reduce the difference between predicted class labels \(\hat{y}\) and the ground truth labels y.

4 Evaluation

We evaluate our proposed method on five datasets: UT-Kinect [53], NTU RGB+D [38], SYSU-3D [21], DHG 14/28 [13, 15] and SBU Kinect Interactions [54]. We believe these datasets cover a wide range of gesture interactions, number of actors, view-point variations and input devices. We additionally performed experiments on two small-scale datasets (Wii Remote [9] and Acoustic [36]) in order to demonstrate the suitability of DeepGRU for scenarios where only a very limited amount of training data is available. We compute the recognition accuracies on each dataset and report them as a percentage.

Implementation Details. We implemented DeepGRU using the PyTorch [35] framework. The input data to the network are z-score normalized using the training set. We use the Adam solver [25] (\(\beta _1=0.9, \beta _2=0.999\)) and the initial learning rate of 10\(^{-3}\) to train our model. The mini-batch size for all experiments is 128, except for those on NTU RGB+D, for which the size is 256. Training is done on a machine equipped with two NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPUs, Intel Core-i7 6850 K processor and 32 GB RAM. Unless stated otherwise, both GPUs were used for training.

Regularization. We use dropout (0.5) and data augmentation to avoid overfitting. All regularization parameters were determined via cross-validation on a subset of the training data. Across all experiments we use three types of data augmentation: (1) random scaling with a factorFootnote 2 of ±0.3, (2) random translation with a factor of ±1, (3) synthetic sequence generation with gesture path stochastic resampling (GPSR) [45]. For GPSR we randomly select the resample count n and remove count r. We use n with a factor of (\(\pm 0.1\times \widetilde{\text {L}}\)) and r with a factor of (\(\pm 0.05\times \widetilde{\text {L}}\)). We additionally use a weight decay value of 10\(^{-4}\), as well as random rotation with a factor of \(\pm \frac{\pi }{4}\) on NTU RGB+D dataset. This was necessary due to the multiview nature of the dataset.

4.1 UT-Kinect

This dataset [53] is comprised of ten gestures performed by ten participants two times (200 sequences in total). The data of each participant is recorded and labeled in one continuous session. What makes this dataset challenging is that the participants move around the scene and perform the gestures consecutively. Thus, samples have different starting position and/or orientations. We use the leave-one-out-sequence cross validation protocol of [53]. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results with the perfect classification accuracy of 100% as shown in Table 1.


To our knowledge, this is the largest dataset of actions collected from Kinect (v2) [38]. It comprises about 56,000 samples of 60 action classes performed by 40 subjects. Each subject’s skeleton has 25 joints. The challenging aspect of this dataset stems from the availability of various viewpoints for each action, as well as the multi-person nature of some action classes. We follow the cross-subject (CS) and cross-view (CV) evaluation protocols of [38]. In the CS protocol, 20 subjects are used for training and the remaining 20 subjects are used for testing. In the CV protocol, two viewpoints are used for training and the remaining one viewpoint is used for testing. We create our feature vectors similar to [38]. Also, note that according to the dataset authors, 302 samples in this dataset are corrupted which were omitted in our tests.

Our results are presented in Table 2. Although DeepGRU only uses the raw skeleton positions of the samples, we present the results of other recognition methods that use other types of gesture data. To the best of our knowledge, DeepGRU achieves state-of-the-art performance among all methods that only use raw skeleton pose data.

Table 1. Results on UT-Kinect [53] dataset.
Table 2. Results on NTU RGB+D [38] dataset.

4.3 SYSU-3D

This Kienct-based dataset [21] contains 12 gestures performed by 40 participants totaling 480 samples. The widely-adopted evaluation protocol [21] of this dataset is to randomly select 20 subjects for training and the use remaining 20 subjects for testing. This process is repeated 30 times and the results are averaged and presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Results on SYSU-3D [21].

4.4 DHG 14/28

This dataset [13] contains 14 hand gestures of 28 participants collected by a near-view Intel RealSense depth camera. Each gesture is performed in two different ways: using the whole hand, or just one finger. Also, each example gesture is repeated between one to ten times yielding 2800 sequences. The training and testing data on this dataset are predefined and evaluation can be performed in two ways: classify 14 gestures or classify 28 gestures. The former is insensitive to how an action is performed, while the latter discriminates the examples performed with one finger from the ones performed with the whole hand. The standard evaluation protocol of this dataset is a leave-one-out cross-validation protocol. However, SHREC 2017 [15] challenge introduces a secondary protocol in which training and testing sets are pre-split. Table 4 depicts our results using both protocols and both number of gesture classes.

Table 4. Results on DHG 14/28 [13] with two evaluation protocols.

4.5 SBU Kinect Interactions

This dataset [54] contains 8 two-person interactions of seven participants. We utilize the 5-fold cross-validation protocol of [54] in our experiments. Contrary to other datasets, which express joint coordinates in the world coordinate system, this dataset has opted to normalize the joint values instead. Despite using a Kinect (v1) sensor, the participants in the dataset have only 15 joints.

We treat action frames that contain multiple skeletons similarly to what we described above for the NTU RGB+D dataset, with the exception of transforming the joint coordinates. Also, using the equations provided in the datasets, we covert the joint values them to metric coordinates in the depth camera coordinate frame. This is necessary to make the representation consistent with other datasets that we experiment on. Table 5 summarizes our results.

4.6 Small Training Set Evaluation

The amount of training data for some gesture-based applications may be limited. This is especially the case during application prototyping stages, where developers tend to rapidly iterate through design and evaluation cycles. Throughout the years, various methods have been proposed in the literature aiming to specifically address the need for recognizers that are easy to implement, fast to train and work well with small training sets [26, 27, 44, 46]. Here, we show that our model performs well with small training sets and can be trained only on the CPU. We pit DeepGRU against Protractor3D [27], $3 [26] and Jackknife [46] which to our knowledge produce high recognition accuracies with a small number of training examples [46].

Table 5. Results on SBU Kinect Interactions [54].

We examine two datasets. The first dataset contains acoustic over-the-air hand gestures via Doppler shifted soundwaves [36]. This dataset contains 18 hand gestures collected from 22 participants via five speakers and one microphone. The soundwave-based interaction modality is prone to high amounts of noise. The second dataset contains gestures performed via a Wii Remote controller [9] and contains 15625 gestures of 25 gesture classes collected from 25 participants. These datasets are vastly different from other datasets examined thus far in that samples of [36] are frequency binned spectrograms (165D) while samples of [9] are linear acceleration data and angular velocity readings (6D), neither of which resemble typical skeletal nor positional features.

For each experiment we use the user-dependent protocol of [9, 46]. Given a particular participant, random samples from that participant are selected for training and the remaining samples are selected for testing. This procedure is repeated per participant and the results are averaged across all of them. We evaluate the performance of all the recognizers using = 2 and = 4 training samples per gesture class to examine a setup with limited training data. Even though deep networks are not commonly used with very small training sets, DeepGRU demonstrates very competitive accuracy in these tests (Table 6). We see that with = 4 training samples per gesture class, DeepGRU outperforms other recognizers on both datasets.

Table 6. Rapid prototyping evaluation results with T training samples per gesture class.
Table 7. Ablation study on DHG 14/28 dataset (14 class, SHREC’17 protocol). We examine (respectively) the effects of the usage of the attention model, the recurrent layer choice (LSTM vs. GRU), the number of stacked recurrent layers (3 vs. 5) and the number of FC layers (1 vs. 2). Training times (seconds) are reported for every model. Experiments use the same random seed. DeepGRU’s model is boldfaced.
Table 8. DeepGRU training times (in minutes) on various datasets.DeepGRU training times (in minutes) on various datasets.

5 Discussion

Comparison with the State-of-the-Art.Footnote 3 Experiment results show that DeepGRU generally tends to outperform the state-of-the-art results, sometimes with a large margin. On the NTU-RGB+D [38], we observe that in some cases DeepGRU outperforms image-based or hybrid methods. Although the same superiority is observed on the SBU dataset [54], our method achieves slightly lower accuracy compared to VA-LSTM [55]. One possible intuition for this observation could be that the SBU dataset [54] provides only a subset of skeleton joints that a Kinect (v1) device can produce (15 compared to the full set of 20 joints). Further, note that VA-LSTM’s view-adaptation subnetwork assumes that the gesture data are 3D positions and viewpoint-dependent. In contrast, DeepGRU does not make any such assumptions.

As shown in Table 4, classifying 14 gestures of the DHG 14/28 dataset [13] with DLSTM [2] yields higher recognition accuracy compared to DeepGRU. As previously mentioned, DLSTM [2] uses hand-crafted angular features extracted from hand joints and these features are used as the input to the recurrent network while DeepGRU uses raw input, which relieves the user of the burden of computing domain-specific features. Classifying 28 classes, however, yields similar results with either of the recognizers.

Generality. Our experiments demonstrate the versatility of DeepGRU for various gesture or action modalities and input data: from full-body multi-actor actions to hand gestures, collected from various commodity hardware such as depth sensors or game controllers with various data representations (e.g. pose, acceleration and velocity or frequency spectrograms) as well as other differences such as the number of actors, gesture lengths, number of samples and number of viewpoints. Regardless of these differences, DeepGRU can still produce high accuracy results.

Ease of Use. Our method uses raw device data, thus requiring fairly little domain knowledge. Our model is straightforward to implement and as we discuss shortly, training is fast. We believe these traits make DeepGRU an enticing option for practitioners.

Ablation Study. To provide insight into our network design, we present an ablation study in Table 7. We note depth alone is not sufficient to achieve state-of-the-art results. Further, accuracy increases in all cases when we use GRUs instead of LSTMs. GRUs were on average 12% faster to train and the worst GRU variant achieved higher accuracy than the best LSTM one. In our early experiments we noted LSTM networks overfitted frequently which necessitated a lot more parameter tuning, motivating our preference for GRUs. However, we later observed underfitting when training GRU variants on larger datasets, arising the need to reduce regularization and tune parameters again. To alleviate this, we added the second FC layer which later showed to improve results across all datasets while still faster than LSTMs to train. We observe increased accuracy in all experiments with attention, which suggests the attention model is necessary. Lastly, in our experiments we observed an improvement of roughly 0.5%–1% when the auxiliary context vector is used (Sect. 3.3). In short, we see improved results with the attention model on GRU variants with five stacked layers and two FC layers.

Timings. We measured the amount of time it takes to train DeepGRU to convergence with different configurations in Table 8. The reported times include dataset loading, preprocessing and data augmentation time. Training our model to convergence tends to be fast: GPU training of medium-sized datasets or CPU-only training of small datasets can be done in under 10 min. We also measured DeepGRU’s average inference time per sample both on GPU and on CPU in microseconds. On a single GPU, our methods takes 349.1 \(\upmu \)s to classify one gesture example while it takes 3136.3 \(\upmu \)s on the CPU.

Limitations. Our method has some limitations which we plan to address in the future. The input needs to be segmented, nonetheless adding support for unsegmented data is straightforward and requires some changes in the training protocol as demonstrated in [8]. In our experiments we observed that DeepGRU performs better with high-dimensional data, thus application on low-dimensional data may require further effort from developers. Although we used a similar set of hyperparameters for all experiments, other datasets may require some tuning.

6 Conclusion

We discussed DeepGRU, a deep network-based gesture and action recognizer which directly works with raw pose and vector data. We demonstrated that our architecture, which uses stacked GRU units and a global attention mechanism along with two fully-connected layers, was able to achieve state-of-the-art recognition results on various datasets, regardless of the dataset size and interaction modality. We further examined our approach for application in scenarios where training data is limited and computational power is constrained. Our results indicate that with as little as four training samples per gesture class, DeepGRU can still achieve competitive accuracy. We also showed that training times are short and CPU-only training is possible.