Reinforcement learning describes a large class of learning problems characteristic of autonomous agents interacting in an environment: sequential decision-making problems with delayed reward. Reinforcement-learning algorithms seek to learn a policy (mapping from states to actions) that maximizes the reward received over time.

Unlike in supervised learning problems, in reinforcement-learning problems, there are no labeled examples of correct and incorrect behavior. However, unlike unsupervised learning problems, a reward signal can be perceived.

Many different algorithms for solving reinforcement-learning problems are covered in other entries. This entry provides just a brief high-level classification of the algorithms.

Perhaps the most well-known approach to solving reinforcement-learning problems, as covered in detail by Sutton and Barto (1998), is based on learning a value function, which represents the long-term expected reward of each state the agent may encounter, given a particular policy. This approach typically assumes that the environment is a Markov decision process in which rewards are discounted over time, though it is also possible to optimize for average reward per time step as in average-reward reinforcement learning. If a complete model of the environment is available, dynamic programming, or specifically value iteration, can be used to compute an optimal value function, from which an optimal policy can be derived.

If a model is not available, an optimal value function can be learned from experience via model-free techniques such as temporal difference learning, which combine elements of dynamic programming with Monte Carlo estimation. Partly due to Watkins’ elegant proof that Q-learning converges to the optimal value function (Watkins 1989), temporal difference methods are currently among the most commonly used approaches for reinforcement-learning problems.

Watkins’ convergence proof relies on executing a policy that visits every state infinitely often. In practice, Q-learning does converge in small, discrete domains. However in larger and particularly in continuous domains, the learning algorithm must generalize the value function across states, a process known as value function approximation. Examples include instance-based reinforcement learning, Gaussian process reinforcement learning, and relational reinforcement learning.

Even when combined with value function approximation, the most basic value-free methods, such as Q-learning and SARSA, are very inefficient with respect to experience: they are not sample-efficient. With the view that experience is often more costly than computation, much research has been devoted to making more efficient use of experience, for instance, via hierarchical reinforcement learning, reward shaping, or model-based reinforcement learning in which the experience is used to learn a domain model, which can then be solved via dynamic programming.

Though these methods make efficient use of the experience that is presented to them, the goal of optimizing sample efficiency also motivates the study of efficient exploration in reinforcement learning. The study of exploration methods can be isolated from the full reinforcement-learning problem by removing the notion of temporally delayed reward as is done in associative reinforcement learning or by removing the notion of states altogether as is done in k-armed bandits. k-Armed bandit algorithms focus entirely on the exploration versus exploitation challenge, without having to worry about generalization across states or delayed rewards. Back in the context of the full RL problem, Bayesian reinforcement learning enables optimal exploration given prior distributions over the parameters of the learning problem. However, its computational complexity has limited its use so far to very small domains.

Although most of the methods above revolve around learning a value function, reinforcement-learning problems can also be solved without learning value functions, by directly searching the space of potential policies via policy search. Effective ways of conducting such a search include policy gradient reinforcement learning, least squares reinforcement-learning methods, and evolutionary reinforcement learning.

As typically formulated, the goal of a reinforcement-learning algorithm is to learn an optimal (or high-performing) policy based on knowledge of, or experience of, a reward function (and state transition function). However, it is also possible to take the opposite perspective that of trying to learn the reward function based on observation of the optimal policy. This problem formulation is known as inverse reinforcement learning.

Leveraging this large body of theory and algorithms, a current focus in the field is deploying large-scale, successful applications of reinforcement learning. Two such applications treated herein are autonomous helicopter flight using reinforcement learning and robot learning.
