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Part of the book series: Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications ((NOIA,volume 27))


We present a review of some ad hoc subdifferentials which have been devised for the needs of generalized convexity such as the quasi-subdifferentials of Greenberg-Pierskalla, the tangential of Crouzeix, the lower subdifferential of Plastria, the infradifferential of Gutiérrez, the subdifferentials of Martínez-Legaz-Sach, Penot-Volle, Thach. We complete this list by some new proposals. We compare these specific subdifferentials to some all-purpose subdifferentials used in nonsmooth analysis. We give some hints about their uses. We also point out links with duality theories.

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Penot, JP. (1998). Are Generalized Derivatives Sseful for Generalized Convex Functions?. In: Crouzeix, JP., Martinez-Legaz, JE., Volle, M. (eds) Generalized Convexity, Generalized Monotonicity: Recent Results. Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications, vol 27. Springer, Boston, MA.

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