
Biomedical natural language processing (BioNLP); Computational linguistics; Information extraction; Natural language understanding; Text mining; Text processing


Natural language processing is the analysis of linguistic data, most commonly in the form of textual data such as documents or publications, using computational methods. The goal of natural language processing is generally to build a representation of the text that adds structure to the unstructured natural language, by taking advantage of insights from linguistics. This structure can be syntactic in nature, capturing the grammatical relationships among constituents of the text, or more semantic, capturing the meaning conveyed by the text.

Natural language processing is used in systems biology to develop applications that integrate information extracted from the literature with other sources of biological data (see Applied Text Mining).


The typical natural language processing system consists of a pipeline of components that manipulate an input text in increasingly sophisticated ways. Generally, the aim of each component is to add structure to the text that can be used to facilitate downstream processing. The components early on in the pipeline handle tasks that are close to the surface strings of the text, while later components aim to analyze concepts and relationships. Various methods may be used to accomplish component tasks, ranging from rule-based methods, such as regular expressions and finite state automata, to statistical and machine learning models.

In Fig. 1, we can see an example of the processing of a single sentence from a biomedical text. Each level will be discussed in more detail below.

Natural Language Processing, Fig. 1
figure 144figure 144

The levels of analysis for a sentence processed by a typical NLP pipeline (From Hunter and Bretonnel Cohen [2006], adapted from Nakov et al. [2005])

Tokenization and Sentence Demarcation

Natural language processing is strongly word based in that words are generally considered to carry the meaning of a text. It is therefore important as a preprocessing step to any further analysis to delimit the individual word tokens that make up a text. This is seen at the “Word” level in Fig. 1. This process is referred to as tokenization. While a simple approach is to split the text on any whitespace or punctuation, some care must be taken in biomedical texts to appropriately handle punctuation that has special meaning in certain contexts, such as a single quote in the representation of a DNA strand (5′-GCRTGNCCAT-3′), the characters in some chemical names (tricyclo(,7)decanone), hyphens which can indicate charge (Cl-), constitute part of a gene or cell name (hsp-60, t-cell), or a knocked out gene (lush- flies), etc. Thus, tokenization tools sensitive to the biomedical context are required.

As a precursor to syntactic analysis, it is also important to delimit individual sentences within a text. This is because the sentence is generally the grammatical unit of a text. Similarly to tokenization, sentence splitting generally involves taking advantage of a basic heuristic: look for normal sentence-final punctuation (period or question mark) followed by a capital letter. However, again complications can be introduced in the context of names containing initials (e.g., H.G. Wells or Dr. Bronner’s soap) where the heuristic would incorrectly split a sentence into multiple pieces. Similarly, domain-specific conventions that sometimes require a sentence-initial, lowercase letter can cause problems for sentence demarcation, such as in the following example:

The process of activation involves […] phosphorylation of tyrosine kinases. p21(ras), a guanine nucleotide binding factor, mediates T-cell signal transduction … (from PMID 8887687, with thanks to Bob Carpenter for finding it)

Syntactic and Morphological Analysis

Syntactic information about the text can be important to assist in resolving ambiguities and in establishing the appropriate relations among the words in a text. At the most basic level, determining whether a word is a noun or a verb (or some other part of speech) can be useful. This is accomplished through tools that perform part-of-speech tagging. Then, identification of phrases in the text can be important, such as recognizing that a sequence of words forms a single conceptual unit (e.g., breast cancer (Data Integration, Breast Cancer Database) and NF kappa beta inhibitor). A commonly used strategy for this is shallow parsing, which involves identifying coarse phrasal structures, such as noun phrases, without identifying the specific grammatical relationships among them. In contrast, deep parsing determines the full set of grammatical relations among words in a sentence, producing a complete parse tree to represent these relations.

The surface forms of words will vary depending on their syntactic usage in a sentence, for instance, a noun appearing in plural form or a verb appearing in various tenses (regulated, regulating, regulates). Often, it is desirable to normalize such variation to a base form of the word in order to appropriately associate different occurrences of the same term. This is called morphological normalization and is often accomplished in practical NLP applications through stemming tools which strip off inflected word endings. The Porter algorithm, based on suffix stripping, is a popularly used strategy for stemming (Porter 1980).

Information Extraction

Information extraction in general refers to the extraction of specific types of information from text and normally formalized in a structured representation, such as an event template or a concept from an externally defined ontology. It can refer to the association of particular strings of a text to a category of interest, for instance, identifying protein names in a publication.

Named Entity Recognition

In the upper levels of Fig. 1, we see annotations of ontology terms and gene/protein terms. Many of such terms correspond to named entities , i.e., to objects that are generally referred to by name. This is in contrast to terms that correspond to processes or events, which normally require identification of higher-order relations. Examples of named entities in the biological domain that are often targeted for extraction are genes, diseases, chemicals, or experimental methods.

Various methods exist for performing named entity recognition. The most basic approach is to compile a dictionary of the relevant names for a specific category of entities, and to perform a string match into the dictionary. Empirical methods based on supervised machine learning will often use a dictionary match as one feature of a model that also considers surrounding words, syntax, and other textual evidence to identify likely instances of terms from a particular category.

Relation and Event Extraction

Beyond extraction of entities, many applications require extraction of relations among those entities. One popular example, addressed in several shared tasks such as BioCreative (Hirschman et al. 2005; Krallinger et al. 2008; Leitner et al. 2010) and BioNLP′09 (Kim et al. 2009), is identification of protein–protein interactions from text. This first requires the recognition of the proteins as entities and then identification of an interaction relation among at least two of the recognized proteins. In the sentence in Fig. 1, for instance, we can identify an activation relationship between Bcl-2 and p53, i.e., one of the key pieces of information in the sentence can be summarized as Bcl-2 activates p53. Strategies for relation extraction again vary from high-precision linguistic-based methods (Cohen et al. 2011) to high-recall supervised learning methods (Dai et al. 2010), and hybrid methods that achieve more balanced performance (Hakenberg et al. 2010).

Co-reference Resolution

Co-reference resolution refers to identifying multiple occurrences in the text of the same entity or event. It includes resolving pronouns such as “it” to their references, as well as other kinds of references such as definite noun phrases (a noun phrase that starts with “the,” e.g., “the protein”). Note that these references can include references to events previously mentioned, e.g., “the process” or “this interaction.”

Implementation Aspects

Natural language processing systems are implemented in the form of software. Such systems tend to have modular architectures where components such as those outlined above are run serially in a “pipeline.”

Document Format Issues

Before any more sophisticated linguistic processing can be performed, documents must be converted into a format that is easy for computational tools to work with. Since source documents can be available in various formats, including HTML, XML, Microsoft Word, and PDF, in addition to plain text, NLP systems must clearly specify the kinds of input documents they can handle. In general, documents must be converted to a simpler plain text representation without the structure and formatting information available in other formats. There are tools available to assist with these conversions, but they can vary in quality and effectiveness.

In addition, NLP systems must be sensitive to the character encoding of a given document. Documents can be encoded in numerous formats, including UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1. Some characters, in particular special two-byte UNICODE characters such as Greek letters, will not be correctly interpreted if the correct encoding is not utilized when loading the document. Since such characters can be meaningful in biomedical texts, (e.g., in the name of the TGF-β gene), this is an issue that cannot be overlooked.

For most applications, it is preferable to retain as much of the original document structure as possible. Certain formatting information can have semantic import. For instance, italics are sometimes used to highlight a gene name in a document. In addition, sensitivity to the sections of a document can provide a system with an advantage in solving certain problems, such as for detecting new experimental protein interactions described in the text – one would not expect these to be mentioned in a background or methods section. Document sections are generally most reliably identified by taking advantage of the previously demarcated structure of the document, but sophisticated algorithms to perform document zoning might need to be employed if such demarcations are unavailable.

Unstructured Information Management Architecture

The Unstructured Information Management Architecture, or UIMA, is a commonly used architecture for computational systems that aim to perform Natural Language Processing (Ferrucci et al. 2009). It provides a common representation for a document and its meta-data, which can be shared across components. It is the foundation of several repositories of tools supporting biomedical text mining, such as and


Applied Text Mining