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Capitalising on Subjectivity: The ‘New Model Worker’ and the Importance of Being Useful

  • Chapter
Workplaces of the Future

Part of the book series: Critical Perspectives on Work and Organisations ((CPWO))


The ever-new buzz words for the ideal worker, such as ‘intrapreneur’ or ‘self-manager’, can be seen as management rhetoric and fashions without major consequences for the labour process. But it can also be maintained that these notions and images shed light on the processes of social construction of the ‘model worker’, that is, the historically variable ideal of workers’ subjectivity and behaviour. It is, for example, quite surprising that few demands are evident for the traditional virtues of work, such as reliability, performance of one’s duties or obedience, in current managerial discourses, although these have been the cornerstones of the work ethic in capitalist societies. Instead, ‘responsible decision makers’, ‘intrapreneurs’, ‘self-managers’ and ‘self-developers’ have entered the scene. In contrast to conventional wisdom, such labels are not reserved for managers or workers in financial services and the like. The discourse embraces virtually every industry and occupation, blurring the differences, in socio-psychological terms, between the board of directors and the shop floor.

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Flecker, j., Hofbauer, J. (1998). Capitalising on Subjectivity: The ‘New Model Worker’ and the Importance of Being Useful. In: Thompson, P., Warhurst, C. (eds) Workplaces of the Future. Critical Perspectives on Work and Organisations. Palgrave, London.

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