Definition of the Subject

The present chapter addresses the question of building better models. This is crucial for coping with complexity in general, and in particular forthe management of dynamic systems. Both the epistemological and the methodological-technological aspects of model validation for the achievement ofhigh-quality models are discussed. The focus is on formal models, i. e. those formulated in a stringent, logical, and mostly mathematicallanguage.


The etymological root of valid is the Latin word validus, which denotesattributes such as strong, powerful and firm. A valid model, then, is well‐founded and difficult to reject because it accurately represents theperceived real system which it is supposed to reflect. This system can be either one that already exists or one that is being constructed, or evenanticipated, by a modeler or a group of modelers.

Validation standards in System Dynamics are more rigorous than those of many other methodologies. Let us distinguish between two types ofmathematical models, which are fundamentally different: Causal, theory‐like models and non‐causal, statistical (correlational)models [4]. The former are explanatory, i. e., they embody theory about the functioning ofa real system. The latter are descriptive and express observed associations among different elements of a real system. System Dynamics modelsare causal models.

Non‐causal models are tested globally, in that the statistical fit between model and data series from the real system under study isassessed. If the fit is satisfactory, the model is considered to be accurate (“valid”, “true”). In contrast, system dynamicistspostulate that models be not only right, but right for the right reasons. As the models are made up of causal interdependencies, accuracy is required foreach and every variable and relationship. The following principle applies: if only one component of the model is shown to be wrong, the whole model isrejected even if the overall model output fits the data [4]. This strict standard is conducive tohigh‐quality modeling practice.

A model is an abstract version of a perceived reality. Simulation is a way of experimenting with mathematical models to gain insightsand to employ these to improve the real system under study. It is often said that System Dynamics models should portray problems or issues, not systems. This statement must be interpreted in the sense that one should not try to set the boundaries ofthe model too widely, but rather give the model a focus by concentrating on an object in accordance with the specific purpose of the model. Ina narrower definition, even an issue or problem can be conceived of as a “system”, i. e., “a portion of the worldsufficiently well defined to be the subject of study” [21]. Validity then consists in a stringent correspondencebetween model system and real system.

We will treat the issue of model validation as a means of assuring high‐qualitymodels. We interject that validity is not the only criterion of model quality , other criteriaincluding parsimony, ease-of-use, practicality, importance, etc. [22].

In the following, the epistemological foundations of model validity are reviewed (Sect. “ EpistemologicalFoundations”). Then, an overview of the methods for assuring model validity is given (Sect. “Validation Methods”). Further, the survey includes an overview of the validation process(Sect. “Validation Process”) and our final conclusions (Sect. “Synopsis and Outlook”).

The substance of this article will be made more palpable by means of the following frame of reference. We call it the Validation Cube. The diagramin Fig. 1 shows three dimensions of the validation topic:

  • Orders of Reflection: We distinguish between an epistemological and a methodological layer. These define the objects of the next two Sects. “Epistemological Foundations” and “Validation Methods”.

  • Domains of Validation: The three domains, context, structure and behavior refer to the groups of validation methods as described in Sect. “Validation Methods”.

  • Degrees of Resolution: We address the different granularities of models. Micro refers to the smallest building blocks of models (e. g., variables or small sets of variables), meso to modules which constitute a model, and macro to the model as a whole.

Figure 1
figure 1_540

The Validation Cube – A frame of reference showing three dimensions of the validation topic

Epistemological Foundations

Epistemology is the theory that enquires into the nature and grounds of knowledge: “What can we know and how do we knowit?” [13]. These questions are of utmost importance when dealing with models and theirvalidity, because a method of validation is only as good as its epistemological basis.

We can only briefly refer to the antecedents of the epistemological perspective inherent in the idea of model validation as commonly held today inthe community of system dynamicists. One could go back to Socrates who, in Plato's Republic (fourth century BC),addressed the problematic relationship between reality, image and knowledge. One could also refer to John Locke (seventeenth century), the first Britishempiricist who maintained that ideas could come only from experience, while admitting that our knowledge about external objects is uncertain. We willaddress the philosophical movements of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which are direct sources of the epistemology which is important for modelvalidation. The reader may kindly excuse us for certain massive simplifications that we are obliged to make.

What will be said here about theories applies equally to formal models. In System Dynamics, models either embody theories or they are consideredessential components of theories. In addition, processes of modeling and theory‐building are of the same nature; a model, like any theory, isbuilt and improved in a dialectic of propositions and refutations [22].

Positivism and Critique

Positivism is a scientific doctrine founded by Auguste Comte (nineteenth century) which raises the positive to the principle of all scientific knowledge. “Positive”, in this context, is not meant to be the opposite of negative, but the given, factual, or indubitably existent. The positive is associated with features such as being real, useful, certain, and precise. Positivism confines science to the observable and manipulable, drawing on the mathematical, empirical orientation of the natural sciences as its paragon. The objectivist claim of positivism is that things exist independently of the mind and that truths are detached from human values and beliefs. This stance calls for models that approximate an objective reality.

A younger development in this vein is the school of logical positivism, also logical empiricism (with Schlick, Neurath, Hempel, etc.), which concentrates on the problem of meaning and has developed the verifiability principle: Something is meaningful only if verifiable empirically, i. e., ultimately by observation through the senses. To verify here means to show to be true [13]. For the logical positivists, the method of verification is the essence of theory‐building. Tests of theories hinge on their confirmation by facts. In System Dynamics , testing models on real-world data is a core component of validation.

Positivism has been criticized for being reductionist, i. e., for its tendency to reduce concepts to simpler or empirically more accessible ones, and to conceive of learning as an accumulation of particular details. The critique has also asserted that there is no theory‐independent identification of facts, and therefore different theories cannot be tested by means of the same data [6]. Another objection maintains that social facts are not merely given, but produced by human action, and that they are subject to interpretation [23]. These arguments introduce the principle of relativity, which is of crucial importance for the field of model validation: A model is a subjective construction by an observer.

Pragmatism – A Challenge to Positivism

Pragmatism, which arose in the second half of the nineteenth century, emphasizes action and the practical consequences of thinking. Its founder, Charles Sanders Peirce, was interested in the effects that the meaning of scientific concepts could have on human experience and action. He defined truth as “the opinion which is fated to be ultimately agreed to by all who investigate” [13], whereby truth is linked to consensual validation. For pragmatists, truth is in what works (Ferdinand Schiller) or satisfies us (John Dewey), and what we find believable and consistent: “ ‘The true’ … is only the expedient in the way of our thinking”, and “truth is made … in the course of experience.” (see p. 581 and p. 583 in [11]).

Pragmatism is often erroneously disdained for supposedly being a crass variety of utilitarianism and embodying a crude instrumentalist rationality. A more accurate view considers the fact that pragmatists are not satisfied with a mere ascertainment of truth; instead they ask: “If an idea or assumption is true, does this make a concrete difference to the life of people? How can this truth be actualized?” In other words, pragmatism does not crudely equate truth and utility. It rather postulates that those truths which are useful to people ought to be put into practice [23].

Pragmatism introduces the criteria of confidence and usefulness, which are more operational as guides to the evaluation of experiments than is the notion of an absolute truth, which is unattainable in the realm of human affairs. At the same time, pragmatism triggers a crucial insight for the context of model‐building: The validity of a model depends not only on the absolute quality of that model but also hinges on its suitability with respect to a purpose [7]. In the context of model validation, then, truth is a relative property; more exactly, a truth holds for a limited domain only.

More Challenges to Positivism

We discuss three more challenges to positivism in the twentieth century. First, Thomas Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions [12]: Kuhn shows, by means of historical cases, that in the sphere of science, generally accepted ways of looking at the world (“paradigms”) change over time through fundamental shifts. Therefore, the activities of a scientist are largely shaped by the dominant scientific worldview. Second, Willard Van Orman Quine and Wilfrid Sellars argue that knowledge creation and theory‐building is a holistic, conversational process, as opposed to the reductionist and confrontational views [4].

Both of these movements contribute to our understanding of how real systems are to be modeled and validated: as organized wholes, and consciously with respect to the values and beliefs underlying a given modeling process . This approach adheres to the spirit of models themselves, by means of which the behavior of whole systems can be simulated and tested on their inherent assumptions.

A third challenge is presented by the interpretive streams of epistemology (for an overview, see [9]). Among them, a main force which expands the possibilities of scientific methodologies is the strand of hermeneutics. Derived from the Greek hermeneuein – to interpret or to explain – the term hermeneutics stands for a school, mainly associated with Hans-Georg Gadamer, which pursues the ideal of a human science of understanding. The emphasis is on interpretation in an interplay between a subject‐matter and the interpreter's position. This emphasis introduces the subjective into scientific methodology . Hermeneutics denies both that a single “objective true interpretation” can transcend all individual viewpoints, and that humans are forever confined within their own ken [13]. This epistemology offers a necessary complement to a scientific stance, which exclusively hinges on “hard”, quantitative methods in order supposedly to achieve absolute objectivity. The implication of hermeneutics for model validation is that it recognizes the pertinence of subjective judgment. In this connection, interpretive discourses play a crucial role in group model‐building and validation. Such discourses lead beyond the subjective, entailing the creation of inter‐subjective, shared realities. We will return to this factor in Sect. “Validation Process”.

Critical Rationalism

Critical rationalism is a philosophical position founded by Karl R. Popper [19,20]. It grew out of positivism but rejected its verificationist stance. Critical rationalism posits that, in the social domain, theories can never be definitely proved, but can only reach greater or lesser levels of truth. Scientific proofs are confined to the realm of the formal sciences, namely logic and mathematics.

As Popper demonstrates, all theories are provisional. As a consequence, the main criterion for the assessment of a theory's truth status is falsification  [19]. A theory holds as long as it is not refuted. Consequently, any theory can be upheld as long as it passes the test of falsification. In other words, the fertile approaches to science are not those of corroboration, but the falsificationist efforts to test if theories can be upheld. In the context of modeling this means that validation must undertake attempts to falsify a model, thereby testing its robustness.

Even Popper's theory of science is not unchallenged. For example, Kuhn has made the point that its principles are applicable only to normal science, which operates incrementally within a given paradigm, but not to anomalous science, which uncovers unsuspected phenomena in periods of scientific revolution [12]. This observation has an implication for model validation: Alternative and even multiple model designs should be assessed for their ability to account for fundamental change.

On the Meaning of Validity and Validation

One of the predominant convictions about science is the obsessive idea that proofs are the touchstone of the validity of both theories and models. We follow a different rationale, reverting to the philosophy of science as embodied in critical rationalism.

Popper's refutationist concept (as opposed to a verificationist concept) of theory‐testing implies both an evolutionist perspective and an empiricist stance. The evolutionist perspective is primary because it welcomes the challenges posed to a theory, since these attempts at falsification lead to an evolutionary process: successful falsification efforts result in revisions and improvements of the theory. Correspondingly, empiricism is paramount in the social sciences, because the main source for the refutation of a theory is empirical evidence. However, falsification can also be grounded in logical arguments where empirical evidence cannot be obtained. In this sense, a structuralist approach as used in System Dynamics validation transcends the bounds of logical empiricism.

As a consequence of the evolutionist perspective, there is no such thing as absolute validity. Validity is always imperfect, but it can be improved over time. The empiricist aspect of theory‐building implies that theories must be validated by means of empirical data. However, logical assay, estimation and judgment are complementary to this empiricist component (see below).

A validation process is about gradually building confidence in the model under study [2]. This is both analytical and synthetic. It is directed at the model as a whole as much as it is at the components of the model. The touchstone of validity is less whether the model is right or wrong: as Sterman states, “… all models are wrong.” [28]. Some models, however, fulfill the purpose ascribed to them, i. e., they are useful. Models are inherently incomplete; they cannot claim to be true in an absolute sense, but only to be relatively true [4]. In this sense, validation is a goal‐oriented activity and validityrelative concept.

Finally, the validation process often involves several people because the necessary knowledge is distributed. In these cases, the dialectics of propositions and refutations, as well as the interaction of different subjective viewpoints, and consensus‐building, are integral. Validation processes, then, are semiformal, discursive social procedures with a holistic as opposed to a fragmentary orientation [ibidem].

On Objectivity

If subjective views and judgments are as prominent as alleged above, does objectivity play a role at all? Operational philosophy shows a way out of this dilemma: Rapoport defines objectivity as “invariance with respect to different observers.” [21]. Popper has a similar stance in proposing that general statements must be formulated in a way that they can be criticized and, where applicable, falsified [20]. This concept of objectivity is a challenge to model validation: When defining concepts and functions, one must first of all strive for falsifiable statements. In principle, formal models meet this criterion: each variable and every function or relationship can be challenged. And they must be challenged, so that their robustness can be tested. The duty, then, is in finding the invariances that are inter‐subjectively accepted as the best approximations to truth. Frequently this is best achieved in group model‐building processes [30]. Finally, truth is something we search for but do not possess [20], i. e., even an accepted model cannot guarantee truth with final certainty.

Validation Methods

A considerable set of qualitative and quantitative tests has been developed for the enhancement of model validity. The state-of-the-art hasbeen documented in seminal publications [2,4,7,8,14,17,28]. Ourpurpose here is to present and exemplify the different tests to encourage and help those who strive to develop high‐quality SystemDynamics models.

In the following, an overview of the types of tests developed for System Dynamics models is given, without any claim to completeness. Most of thesetests have been documented extensively in [2,7,8,28]. Thedescriptions of the tests adhere closely to the specifications of these authors (mainly Forrester and Senge). In addition, we have developed a newcategory for tests that concentrate on the context in which the model is to be developed. High‐quality models can be created only if the relevantcontext is taken into consideration. To facilitate orientation, we have attached an overview of all described tests in the Appendix.

In this section we describe three groups of tests: those related to model‐related context, tests of model structure and tests of modelbehavior. Many of the tests described in the following can be utilized for explanatory analysis which aims at an understanding of the problematic behaviorof the issue under study. Others are suitable for normative ends, in analyzes targeted on improvements of system performance with regard toa specified objective of the reference system. Also known as policy tests, or policy analyses, these “tests of policy implications differ fromother tests in their explicit focus on comparing changes in a model and in the corresponding reality. Policy … tests attempt to verifythat response of a real system to a policy change would correspond to the response predicted by the model” [8]. Policy testing can show the risk involved in adopting the model for policy making.

Tests About the Model‐Related Context

These tests deal with aspects related to the situation in which the model is to be developed and embedded. They imply metalevel decisions which have to be taken in the first place, before engaging in model‐building. Applied ex-post-facto, i. e., after modeling, they allow for assessing the utility of the modeling endeavor as such.

Issue Identification Test. The raison d'être of a System Dynamics model is its ability to adequately address an issue and to enhance stakeholders' understanding, an ability which may lead to policy insights and system improvements. The issue identification test examines whether or not the identified issue or problem is indeed meaningful. Has the “right” problem been identified? Does the problem statement address the origins of an issue or only superficial symptoms? Whenever complex issues are addressed by a model, different perspectives (e. g. professional, economic, political) must be integrated for accurate problem identification and modeling. This is not a “one-shot‐only” test; it must be applied recurrently during the modeling procedure. By reflecting regularly on the correctness of the identified issue, the modeler can increase the likelihood of capturing the origins of suboptimal system behavior.

Adequacy of Methodology Test. Simulation models respond to the limitations of humans' mental ability to comprehend complex, dynamic feedback systems [27]. The adequacy of methodology test scrutinizes whether the System Dynamics methodology is best‐suited for dealing with the issue under study. One needs to clearly ascertain if that issue is characterized by dynamic complexity, feedback mechanisms, nonlinear interdependency of structural elements and delays between causes and effects. One needs to ask also if the issue under study could be better addressed by another methodology. For example, in a case where the question is to understand the difference in numerical outcomes between two configurations of a production system, it lets one determine whether discrete event simulation would fulfill this requirement more accurately than System Dynamics.

System Configuration Test. This test asks the fundamental question about whether the structural configuration chosen can be accepted. It challenges the assumption that the model represents the actual working of the system under study. The applicability of a different design would be suggested by its ability to capture new conditions, such as different system configurations, phenomena or rules of the game. Even revolutionary changes might be considered. Such an outlook may require a totally new model, or an alternative model designed from a different vantage point. This would at least feasibly approximate the need to take paradigmatic change into account.

System Improvement Test. The purpose of modeling is to understand a part of reality and to resolve an issue. The system improvement test can be performed only after the modeling project (an ex-post-facto test), once the insights derived from the model have already been implemented in the real system. This test reestablishes the connection between the abstract mathematical model and the real system. The system improvement test helps to evaluate whether or not model development was successful. In operational terms, any improvements of the real system under study must be compared with explicit objectives. In practice, the test might assess the impact of the modeling process or the model use either on the mental models of decision makers or on changes in organization structures. In principle, assessing the impact of a modeling endeavor is very difficult (one preliminary example is provided by Snabe and Grössler [25]).

Tests of Model Structure

Tests of model structure refer to the “nuts and bolts” of System Dynamics modeling, i. e., to the formal concepts and interrelationships which represent the real system. Model structure tests aim to increase confidence in the structure of the created theory about the behavior mode of interest. The model structure can be assessed by means of either direct or indirect inspection. Tests of model structure assess whether the logic of the model is attuned to the corresponding structure in the real world. They do not yet compare the model behavior with time series data from the real system.

Direct Structure Tests

Direct structure tests assess whether or not the model structure conforms to relevant descriptive knowledge about the real system or class of systems under study. By means of direct comparison, they qualitatively assess any disparities between the original system structure and the model structure.

Structure Examination Test. Examination in this case means comparison in the sense just outlined. Qualitative or quantitative information about the real system structure can be obtained either empirically or theoretically. Empirically based tests include reviews of model assumptions about system elements and their interdependencies, e. g., reviews made by highly knowledgeable experts of the real system. Theory‐based tests compare the model structure with theoretical knowledge from literature about the type of system being studied. Thereby, a preference for theoretical knowledge specific to the modeled situation over more abstract and general knowledge is usually the case.

To pass the structure examination test, a model must not contradict either the evidence or knowledge about the structure of the real system. This test ensures that the model contains only those structural elements and interconnections that are most likely extant in the real system. In this context, formal inspections of the model's equations, reviews of the syntax for the stock and flow diagram, and walkthroughs along the causal loop diagrams and their embodied causal explanations may be indicated. The experienced reader might recommend the use of statistical tests to identify and validate model structure. As Forrester and Senge [8] indicate, a long‐standing discussion exists about the application of inferential statistical tests for structure examination. After a series of experiments, Forrester and Senge conclude “that conventional statistical tests of model structure are not sufficient grounds for rejecting the causal hypotheses in a system dynamics model.” [8]. In the future, however, new statistical approaches might enrich the testing procedures.

Parameter Examination Test. A parameter is a quantity that characterizes a system and is held constant in a case under study, but may be varied in different cases (e. g., energy consumption per capita per day). The aim of parameter examination is to evaluate a model's parameters against evidence or knowledge about the real system. The test can utilize both empirical and theoretical information. Furthermore, the test can be conceptual or numerical. The conceptual parameter examination test is about construct validity; it identifies elements in the real system that correspond to the parameters of the model. Conceptual correspondence means that the parameters match elements of the real system's structure. Numerical parameter examination checks to see if the quantities of the conceptually confirmed parameters are estimated accurately. Techniques for the estimation of parameters are described in [9].

Direct Extreme Condition Test. Extreme conditions do not often occur in reality; they are exceptions. The validity of a model's equations under extreme conditions is evaluated by assessing the plausibility of the results generated by the model equations against the knowledge about what would happen under a similar condition in reality. Direct extreme condition testing is a mental process and does not involve computer simulation. Ideally, it is applied to each equation separately. It consists of assigning extreme values to the input variables of each equation. The values of the output variables are then interpreted in terms of what would happen in the real system under these extreme conditions. For example, if a population is zero, then neither births, deaths, nor consumption of resources can occur.

Boundary Adequacy Structure Test. Boundary adequacy is given if the model contains the relevant structural relationships that are necessary and sufficient to satisfy a model's purpose. Consequently, the boundary adequacy test inquires whether the chosen level of aggregation is appropriate and if the model includes all relevant aspects of structure. It should ensure that the model contains the concepts that are important for addressing the problem endogenously. For instance, if parameters are likely to change over time, they should be endogenized [8]. The pertinent validation question is: “Should this parameter be endogenized or not?” That question must be decided in view of the model's purpose.

The boundary adequacy test can be applied in three ways: as a structural test, as a behavioral test, and as a policy test. The names are correspondingly: boundary adequacy structure test, boundary adequacy behavior test, and boundary adequacy policy test.

As a test of model structure, the boundary adequacy test involves developing a convincing hypothesis relating the proposed model structure to the particular issue addressed by the model. The boundary adequacy behavior/policy test (explained in Subsect. “Indirect Structure Tests”) continues this line of thinking.

Dimensional Consistency Test. This test checks the dimensional consistency of measurement units of the expressions on both sides of an equation. The test is performed only at the equation level. When all tests of the individual equations are passed, a large system of dimensionally consistent equations results. This test is passed only if consistency is achieved without the use of parameters that have no meaning in respect to the real world. The dimensional consistency test is a powerful test to establish the internal validity of a model.

Indirect Structure Tests

Indirect structure tests assess the validity of the model structure indirectly by examining model‐generated outcome behaviors. These tests require computer simulation. The comparative activities in these tests are based on logical plausibility considerations which in turn are based on the mental models of the analyst. Comparisons of model generated data and time series about the real system are not yet involved. The tests can be applied to different degrees of model completeness, i. e., to the smallest “atomic” model components, to sub‐models, as well as to the entire model.

Indirect Extreme Condition Test. For this test, the modeler assigns extreme values to selected model parameters and compares the generated model behavior to the observed or expected behavior of the real system under the same extreme conditions. This test is the logical continuation of the direct extreme condition test, i. e., many of the extreme conditions mentally developed in the previous stage can now be deployed to evaluate the simulated behavioral consequences. This test can be used for the explanatory analysis phase of modeling, but also for the normative phase of policy development. In the first instance, indirect extreme conditions are used to develop a structure that can reproduce the system behavior of interest and guard against developments impossible in reality. In the latter instance, the introduction of policies aims to improve the system's performance. The indirect extreme policy test introduces extreme policies to the model and compares the simulated consequences to what would be the most likely outcome of the real system if the same extreme policies would have been implemented.

Behavior Sensitivity Test. Sensitivity analysis assesses changes of model outcome behavior given a systematic variation of input parameters. This test reveals those parameters to which the model behavior is highly sensitive, and asks if the real system would exhibit a similar sensitivity to changes in the corresponding parameters. “The behavior sensitivity test examines whether or not plausible shifts in model parameters can cause a model to fail behavior tests previously passed. To the extent that such alternative parameter values are not found, confidence in the model is enhanced.” [8]. A model can be numerically sensitive, i. e., the numerical values of variables change significantly, but the behavioral patterns are conserved. It can also exhibit behavioral sensitivity, i. e., the modes of model behavior change remarkably based on systematic parameter variations (Barlas [3] defines several distinct patterns of model behavior).

As the test for indirect extreme conditions, the behavior sensitivity test can also be deployed to assess policy sensitivity. It can reveal the degree of robustness of model behavior and hence indicate to what degree model-based policy recommendations might be influenced by uncertainty in parameter values. If the same policies would be recommended regardless of parameter changes over a plausible range, risk in using the model would be lower than if two plausible sets of parameters lead to distinct policy recommendations.

Integration Error Test. Integration error is the deviation between the analytical solution of differential equations and the numerical solution of difference equations. This test ascertains whether the model behavior is sensitive to changes in either the applied integration method or the chosen integration interval (often referred to as simulation time step). Euler's method is the simplest numerical technique for solving ordinary differential and difference equations. For models that require more precise integration processes, the more elaborated Runge–Kutta integration methods can produce more accurate results, but they require more computational resources.

Boundary Adequacy Behavior Test/Boundary Adequacy Policy Test. The logic for testing boundary adequacy has already been developed under the aspect of direct structure testing in the preceding section. The indirect structure version of this test asks whether model behavior would change significantly if the boundary were extended or reduced; i. e., the test involves conceptualizing additional structure or canceling unnecessary structure with regard to the purpose of the study. As one example of expanding the model boundary, this version of the test allows one to detail the treatment of model assumptions considered as unrealistically simple but still important for the model's purpose. On the other hand, simplifying the model is also a way to reduce the model boundary. The loop‐knockout analysis is a useful method to implement this two-sided test. Knockout analysis checks behavior changes induced by the connection and disconnection of a portion of the model structure, and helps the modeler to evaluate the usefulness of those changes with respect to the model's purpose.

The other version of this test is the boundary adequacy policy test. It examines whether policy recommendations would change significantly if the boundary were extended (or restricted): That is, what would happen if the boundary assumptions were relaxed (or confined)?

Loop Dominance Test. Loop dominance analysis studies the internal mechanisms of a dynamic model and their temporal, relative contribution to the outcome behavior of the model. The relative contribution of a mechanism is a complex quantitative statement that explains the fraction of the analyzed behavior mode caused by the mechanism considered in System Dynamics, Analytical Methods for Structural Dominance Analysis in. The analysis reveals the relative strengths of the feedback loops in the model. The loop dominance test compares these results with the modeler's or client's assumption about which are the dominant feedback loops in the real system. Since the results are analytical statements, interpretation and comparison with the real system requires profound knowledge about the system under study.

Loop dominance analysis reveals insights about a model on a different level of analysis than the other validation tests discussed so far: It works not on the level of individual concepts or behaviors of variables but on the level of causal structure, and compares the temporal significance of the different structures to each other. The use of this test for model validation is a novelty. If the relative loop dominances of the model map the relative loop dominances of the real system, confidence in the model is enhanced. If the relative loop dominances of the real system are not known, it is still possible to evaluate whether or not the loop dominance logic in the model is reasonable.

Tests of Model Behavior

Tests of model behavior are empirical and compare simulation outcomes with data from the real system under study. On that basis, inferences about the adequacy of the model can be made. The empirical data can either be historical or refer to reasonable expectations about possible future developments.

Behavior Reproduction Tests

The family of behavior reproduction tests examines how well model‐generated behavior matches the observed historical behavior of the real system. As a principle, models should be tested against data not only from periods of stability but also from unstable phases. Policies should not be designed or tested on the premise of normality, but rather should be validated with a view toward robustness and adaptiveness.

Symptom Generation Test. This test indicates whether or not a model produces the symptom of difficulty that motivated the construction of the model. To pass the symptom generation test is a prerequisite for considering policy changes, because “unless one can show how internal policies and structures cause the symptoms, one is in a poor position to alter those causes” [8].

Summary statistics, which measure and enable the interpretation of quantitative deviations, provide the means to operationalize the symptom generation test.

One known example is Theil inequality statistics, which measures the mean square‐error (MSE) between the model‐generated behavior and the historical time series data. It breaks down the deviation into three sources of error: Bias (U m ), unequal variation (U s ), and unequal covariation (U c ) [26].

An example taken from Schwaninger and Groesser [22] illustrates the interpretation of the error sources.

Figure 2
figure 2_540

An example comparison of historical and simulated time series for product revenues. The explained variance is close to 100% (\( { \text{R}^{2}=0.9967 } \))

This example from an industrial firm concerns the design of a model that replicates the observed, historical product life-cycle pattern with high accuracy (Fig. 2). “Product Revenue” is the main variable of interest and specifies the symptom (growth phase followed by rapid decay). The mean square-error for revenues is 0.35. The individual components of the inequality statistics are: \( { \text{U}_{m}=0.01, \text{U}_{s}=0.01, \text{U}_{c}=0.98 } \). The break down of the statistics shows that the major part of the error is in the U c component, while the other two sourees of error are small. This signifies that the point-by-point values of the simulated and historical data do not match, even though the model captures the dominant trend and the average values in the historical data. Such a situation indicates that a major part of the error is probably unsystematic, and therefore the model should not be rejected for failing to match the noise component of the data. The residuals of the historic and simulated time series show no significant trend. This strengthens the assessment that the model comprises a structure that captures the fundamental dynamics of the issue under consideration.

Frequency Generation and Phase Relationship Tests. These tests focus on the frequencies of time series and phase relationships between variables. An example is the pattern of investment cycles in an industry. These tests are superior to point-by-point comparisons between model‐generated and observed behavior (cf. [7]).

Frequency refers to periodicities of fluctuation in a time series. Phase relationship is the relationship between the time series of at least two variables. In principle, three phase relations are possible: Preceding, simultaneous, and successive. The frequency generation test evaluates whether or not the periodicity of a variable is in accordance with the real system. The phase relationship test assesses the phase shifts of at least two variables by comparing their trajectories.

If the phase shift between the selected simulation variables contradicts the phase shift between the same variables as observed or expected in the real system, a structural flaw in the model might be diagnosed. The test can uncover failures in the model, but offers only little guidance as to where the erroneous part of the model might be. The autocorrelation function test is one way to operationalize the frequency generation test [1]. The function test consists in comparing the autocorrelation functions of the observed and the model‐generated behavior outputs, and can detect if significant errors between them exist.

Modified Behavior Test. Modified behavior can arise from a modified model structure or changes in parameter values. This test concerns changes in the model structure. It can be performed if data about the behavior of a structurally modified version of the real system are available. “The model passes this test if it can generate similar modified behavior, when simulated with structural modifications that reflect the structure of the “modified” real system” [2]. The applicability of this test is rather limited since it requires specific data about the modified real system which must be similar in kind to the original real system. Only under this condition can additional insights into the suitability of the original model structure be obtained. If the modified real system deviates strongly from the original real system, the test does not result in any additional insights, because no stringent conclusions about the validity of the original system can be derived from a model that is dissimilar in its structure.

Multiple Modes Test. A mode is a pattern of observed behavior. The multiple mode test considers whether a model is able to generate more than one mode of observed behavior, for instance, if a model about the production sector of an economy generates distinct patterns of fluctuations for the short-term (production, employment, inventories, and prices) and for the long term (investment, capital stock) [15]. “ A model able to generate two distinct periodicities of fluctuation observed in a real system provides the possibility for studying possible interaction of the modes and how policies differentially affect each mode” [8].

Behavior Characteristic Test. Characteristics of a behavior are features of historical data that are clearly distinguishable, e. g., the peculiar shape of an oscillating time series, sharp peaks, long troughs, or such unusual events as an oil crisis. Since System Dynamics modeling is not about point prediction, the behavior characteristic test evaluates whether or not the model can generate the circumstances and behavior leading to the event. The creation of the exact time of the behavior is not part of the test.

Behavior Anticipation Tests

System Dynamics models do not strive to forecast future states of system variables. Nevertheless, given that the fundamental system structure is not subject to rapid and fundamental change, dynamic models might provide insights about the possible range of future behaviors. Hence, behavior anticipation tests are similar to behavior reproduction tests but possess a higher level of uncertainty.

Pattern Anticipation Test. This test examines whether a model generates patterns of future behavior which are assumed to be qualitatively correct. The limits of anticipation reside in the fact that that the structure of the system may change over time. The pattern anticipation test entails evaluation of periods, phase relationships, shape, or other characteristics of behavior anticipated by the model. One possibility for implementing this test is to split the historical time series into two data sets and introduce an artificial present time at the end of the first data series. The first set is then used for model development and calibration. The second data series is employed to perform the behavior anticipation test, i. e., to evaluate whether the model is able to anticipate possible future behavior.

This test can also be used for policy considerations, in which case it is called “Changed Behavior Anticipation Test”. It determines whether the model correctly anticipates how the behavior of the real system will change if a governing policy is altered.

Event Anticipation Test. In respect to System Dynamics, the anticipation of events does not imply knowing the exact time at which the events occur; it rather means understanding the dynamic nature of events and being able to identify the antecedents leading to them. For instance, the event anticipation test is passed if a model has the ability to anticipate a steep peak in food prices based on the development of the conditioning factors.

Behavior Anomaly Test

In constructing and analyzing a System Dynamics model, one strives to make it behave like the real system under study. However, the analyst may detect anomalous features of the model's behavior which conflict with the behavior of the real system. Once the behavioral anomaly is traced to components of the model structure responsible for the anomaly, one often finds flaws in model assumptions. The test for recognizing behavioral anomalies is sporadically applied throughout the modeling process.

Family Member Test

A System Dynamics model often represents a family of social systems. Whenever possible, a model should be a general representation of the class of that system to which the particular case belongs. One should ask if the model can generate the behavior in other instances of the same class. “The family‐member test permits a repeat of the other tests of the model in the context of different special cases that fall within the general theory covered by the model. The general theory is embodied in the structure of the model. The special cases are embodied in the parameters. To perform this test, one uses the particular member of the general family for picking parameter values. Then one examines the newly parametrized model in terms of the various model tests to see if the model has withstood transplantation to the special case” [8]. The model should be calibrated so as to be applicable to the widest range of related systems. For the family member test, only the parameter values of the model are subject to alterations; changes in the model structure are part of the modified behavior test, as discussed in the preceding section.

Surprise Behavior Test

A surprising model behavior is a behavior that is not expected by the analysts. When such an unexpected behavior appears, the model analysts must first understand the causes of the unexpected behavior within the model. They then compare the behavior and its causes with those of the real system. In many cases, the surprising behavior turns out to be due to a formulation flaw in the model. However, if this procedure leads to the identification of behavior previously unrecognized in the real system, the confidence in the model's usefulness is strongly enhanced. Such a situation may signify a model-based identification of a counter‐intuitive behavior in a social system.

Turing Test

The Turing test is a qualitative test which uses the intuitive knowledge of system experts to evaluate model behavior. Experts are presented with a shuffled collection of real and simulated output behavior patterns. They are asked if they can distinguish between these two types of patterns. If they are unable to discern which pattern belongs to the real system and which to the simulation output, the Turing test is passed. Similar to the phase relationship test, the Turing test is powerful in its ability to indicate structural flaws, but offers only little guidance for locating them in the model.

Validation Process

The validation process pervades all phases of model‐building and reaches even beyond, into the phases of model implementation and use. Thediagram in Fig. 3 visualizes the function of validation in the process of model‐building.

Figure 3
figure 3_540

Validation in the context of the System Dynamics modeling procedure

For the purposes of this contribution, validation is placed at the center of the scheme. From there it is dispersed through all steps of themodeling process , Map (high-level model creation), Model (build the formal model), Simulate(explore scenarios, etc.) and Design (articulation of policies). We have limited the differentiation of these steps in order to highlight the structure ofthe process – a recursive structure drawn as a nested loop line. After the initial identification of issues and the articulation ofmodel purpose, the simplified diagram denotes the four phases, of mapping to modeling to simulation and design. The small loops symbolizemicro‐processes in which, for example, a model is submitted to validation, e. g., a direct structure test, which may lead to itsmodification (two small arrows). The larger loops illustrate more comprehensive processes. For example, an indirect structure test of the model is carriedout, in which the behavior is tested by means of simulation. Or a policy test by simulation leads to implications for design (large loop), and thedesign is validated in detail thereafter (small loop).

Now, we should note that the process scheme reminds us of a further aspect which is quite fundamental. If the results of the model's operation,e. g., a “prediction”, diverge from the results of a test, then either the model is wrong or the test is inadequate (seep. 168 in [24]). This meta‐perspective lets us keep an eye on the adequacy of the tests:is the logic of the test flawless? Are the data sources in order? (see adequacy of methodology test in Sect. “Validation Methods”).

Model‐building is a process of knowledge‐creation, and model validation is an integral part of it. As the model is validated usingthe methods described in the former chapter, insights emerge, and a better understanding of the system under study keeps growing. Butmodel‐building is also a construction of a reality in the minds of observers [31,32] concerned with an issue. In this procedure, validation issupposed to be a “guarantor” for the realism of the model, a control function for preventing gross aberrations in individual andcollective perceptions. Validation should encompass precautions against cognitive limitations and modeler blindness. The set of tests presented above isa system of heuristic devices for enhancing such provisions. A question not yet answered is how these tests should be ordered along thetimeline. We have fleshed out three structural principles, which are illustrated in Fig. 4:

Figure 4
figure 4_540

The interplay of validation activities

  1. 1.

    Validation is a parallel process: Validation in all three domains – context, structure and behavior – is carried out in a synchronized fashion, as shown in Fig. 4. Context validation is continuous, while the other two components show alternations.

  2. 2.

    Parts of the validation process have a sequential structure: This refers to the alternations between the components of structure and behavior validation. In principle, they occur alternately, with structural validation taking the lead and behavior validation following. After that, one might revert to structural validation again and so forth.

  3. 3.

    Validation processes are polyrhythmic: The length and accentuation of validation activities vary among the three levels. This fact is symbolized by the frequency of the vertical lines in the blocks of the chronogram.

A further important factor affecting the validation process is the degree of resolution: micro, meso or macro (asvisualized in Fig. 1). The focus of validation is primarily on micro‐objects, the smallest buildingblocks of a model, for example, a stock or a subsystem containing a stock with its flows. One could call them metaphorically atoms or molecules. Each building‐block should be validated individually, before it isintegrated into the overall model structure. The reason is that at this atomic level disfunctionalities or errors of thinking are discovered immediately,while at higher levels of resolution the identification of structural flaws is more difficult and cumbersome. The same holds for the relation betweenmodules (meso) and the whole model (macro). Before adding a module, it should be validated in itself. This way, errors at the level of the wholesystem can be minimized and, it is very important to add, counterintuitive behavior of the model can be understood with more ease.

Until now we have examined what occurs in a validation process and how the process is structured. Finally, we raise the issue of who the actorsare and why. In this context, we will concentrate on group processes in model validation.

Different observers associate diverse contents with a system, and they might even conceive the system distinctly, as far as its boundaries,goals and structures are concerned. They might also succumb to erroneous inferences and therefore adhere to defective propositions. Consequently,error‐correcting devices are needed. A powerful mechanism for this purpose is the practice of model‐building and validation in groups. Wehave already referred to that concept in respect to several of the methods discussed in Sect. “ ValidationMethods”, and now we will briefly expand on it.

Group Model‐building (GMB) is a methodology to facilitate team learning with thehelp of System Dynamics [30]. The methodology consists of a set of methods and instruments aswell as heuristic principles. These are meant to facilitate the elicitation of knowledge, the negotiation of meanings, the creation of a sharedunderstanding of a problem in a team, as well as the joint construction and validation of models. The process of GMB is essentiallya dialog in which different interpretations of the real system under study are exposed, transformed, aligned and translated into the concepts andrelationships which make up the model system. This is mainly a matter of structural validation, of qualitative mapping and the elaboration of theformal model.

Given its transdisciplinary approach, GMB enables an integration of different perspectives into one shared image of the system-in-focus. GMB is animportant provision for attaining higher model quality : it can broaden the available knowledgebase, inhibit errors and show itself to be a cohesive force in the quest for consensual model validation. The opportunity for validation inheres inthe broad knowledge base normally available in a modeling group. Much of this knowledge can be leveraged for validation purposes. Most validationtests are carried out in coordination with model‐building activities. Often the tests become a task to be accomplished betweenworkshops. However, the members of the model‐building group can, in principle, be made available for knowledge input into and monitoring ofvalidation activities.

A functioning GMB process requires a number of necessary elements [18]: commitmentof key players (e. g., attendance of workshops), impartial facilitation, on-the-spot modeling at conversational pace, with continuous display of thedeveloping model as well as an interactive and iterative group process.

Let us not forget that there are many situations in which one single person is in charge of building and validating a model. In these cases themodeler must constantly challenge his or her own position. Normally, it is preferred that one should also call for external judgment in reviews,walkthroughs and the like. The same holds for knowledge supply. One‐person modelers can find a lot of material in the media, libraries, theinternet, etc., but it is also usually beneficial to find experienced persons from whom to elicit relevant knowledge, or even persons who join themodeling and validation venture.

Synopsis and Outlook

Models should be relevant for coping with the complexity of the real world. At the same time, the methods by which they are constructed must berigorous; otherwise the quality of the model suffers. Rigor and relevance are not entirely dichotomous, but given resource constraints they are incompetition to a certain extent. Lack of rigor in building a model is often worse than limitations to the model's relevance. One may say,cum grano salis: incomplete validation entails complete irrelevance. Modelers must find a way to ensure both rigorand relevance, as both are necessary conditions for achieving the model purpose. Neither alone is sufficient, but one may assume that, taken together,rigor and relevance are sufficient conditions. The relative importance of these two dimensions of model building may vary over time as a function ofthe model quality achieved. At the beginning, relevance might be more important, while at high levels of model accomplishment rigor might becomeprevalent.

Investing in high model quality is indeed both worthwhile and imperative. It is impressive to register the fact that model validation has achievedhigher levels of rigor not only in the academic field but also in the world of affairs: According to Coyle and Exelby, the need for orientating decisionsabout “real‐world” affairs has also fueled strong efforts among commercial modelers and consultants for ensuring modelvalidity [5].

We have discussed two essential aspects of model validation, the epistemological foundations and methodological procedures for ensuring modelvalidity. The main conclusion we have reached on epistemology is that crude positivism has been superseded by newer philosophical orientations thatprovide guidance for an adequate concept of validation in System Dynamics. Validation has been defined as a rich and well‐defined process bywhich the confidence in a model is gradually enhanced. Validity, then, is always a matter of degree, never an absolute property.

Well‐defined here is not meant in the sense of a rigid algorithm, but as the rigorous application ofa battery of validation methods which we have described in some detail. We have includeda number of new validation tests by which modelers' understanding of the relevant context can be scrutinized. These additional tests are rightlysupposed to prevent wrong methodological choices. They should also trigger innovative approaches to the issues under study and foster the ability to thinkin terms of contingencies. Finally, they should liberate modelers from tunnel vision and open avenues to creativity. The imperative here is to cultivatea “sense of the possible” (Robert Musil's Möglichkeitssinn) and a skepticism against thesupposedly impossible (see also [29]).

Simulation based on formal dynamic models is likely to become ever more important for both private and public organizations. It will continue tosupport managers at all levels in decision‐making and policy design. The more that models are relied upon, the greater the importance of their highquality. Therefore, model validation is one of the big issues lying ahead in System Dynamics modeling.

Appendix: Overview of the Tests Described in This Chapter

  1. 1.

    Tests of the Model‐Related Context

    1. 1.1

      Issue Identification Test

    2. 1.2

      Adequacy of Methodology Test

    3. 1.3

      System Configuration Test

    4. 1.4

      System Improvement Test

  2. 2.

    Tests of Model Structure

    1. 2.1

      Direct Structure Tests

      1. 2.1.1

        Structure Examination Test

      2. 2.1.2

        Parameter Examination Test

      3. 2.1.3

        Direct Extreme Condition Test

      4. 2.1.4

        Boundary Adequacy Structure Test

      5. 2.1.5

        Dimensional Consistency Test

    2. 2.2

      Indirect Structure Tests

      1. 2.2.1

        Indirect Extreme Condition Test

      2. 2.2.2

        Behavior Sensitivity Test

      3. 2.2.3

        Integration Error Test

      4. 2.2.4

        Boundary Adequacy Behavior Test/Boundary Adequacy Policy Test

      5. 2.2.5

        Loop Dominance Test

  3. 3.

    Tests of Model Behavior

    1. 3.1

      Behavior Reproduction Tests

      1. 3.1.1

        Symptom Generation Test

      2. 3.1.2

        Frequency Generation and Phase Relationship Test

      3. 3.1.3

        Modified Behavior Test

      4. 3.1.4

        Multiple Modes Test

      5. 3.1.5

        Behavior Characteristic Test

    2. 3.2

      Behavior Anticipation Tests

      1. 3.2.1

        Pattern Anticipation Test

      2. 3.2.2

        Event Anticipation Test

    3. 3.3

      Behavior Anomaly Test

    4. 3.4

      Family Member Test

    5. 3.5

      Surprise Behavior Test

    6. 3.6

      Turing Test