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Initial results from the Nobeyama Radiobeliograph

  • 1 Solar Flares and the Corona
  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Coronal Magnetic Energy Releases

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Physics ((LNP,volume 444))


The Nobeyama Radioheliograph started routine observations in late June, 1992, after two years of construction and system integration. In two years of observations, which contain a last part of the maximum phase of the solar cycle 22, it was possible to obtain almost every aspect of solar activity at 17 GHz. They include two X-class flares, tens of M-class flares, hundreds of flares from the very initial phase through the late decay phase, or from pre-flare enhancements through post-flare loops, slowly varying components from active regions, bright points, prominence eruptions, and so on, with a spatial resolution of 10 arcsec and a time resolution of 1 s and 50 ms for specific events.

Although the number of samples is not large enough, it appears as a general tendency that gradual phenomena in time domain are large in spatial domain. Gradual rise and fall type bursts are such example, and gradual-hard events are another example. This trend seems to hold even during a course of an event that the impulsive-phase source is smaller than the decay phase source. This will be more explicitly stated that explosive phenomena take place in a very limited space and extended structures change slowly.

We will describe burst structures in space and time, due to the gyrosynchrotron mechanism, and thermal emission due to the free-free mechanism and gyroresonance mechanism. Magnetobremsstrahlung or gyromagnetic radiation is unique to radio waves that maps magnetic structures in active region corona. We will present examples for each case and show how this instrument is effective to observe and resolve them. Future plan and prospect are briefly described.

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Arnold O. Benz Albrecht Krüger

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Enome, S. (1995). Initial results from the Nobeyama Radiobeliograph. In: Benz, A.O., Krüger, A. (eds) Coronal Magnetic Energy Releases. Lecture Notes in Physics, vol 444. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-3-540-59109-2

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