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The spin glass transition: a comparison of Monte Carlo simulations of nearest-neighbor Ising Edwards-Anderson models with experiments

  • Theoretical Papers
  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Heidelberg Colloquium on Spin Glasses

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Physics ((LNP,volume 192))


Numerical studies of Ising square lattices with random bonds (Jij =±J or drawn from a gaussian distribution) are reviewed. Particular attention is paid to the temperature- and field dependence of the equilibrium magnetization M(H,T). While for a symmetric bond distribution the zero-field susceptibility trivially follows a Curies law Xo∝ T−1, the nonlinear susceptibility Xn shows a dramatic temperature-dependence, which can nearly be mistaken for a power-law divergence at a freezing temperature Tf. These findings are compared in detail with corresponding experimental data, including possible “scaling” representations. We relate this behavior to the onset of long-range Edwards-Anderson order as T→0, as measured by the correlation function gEA(rij)=[<SiSj> 2T ]av

We then discuss time-dependent quantities: the spin-spin autocorrelation function and the time-dependent Edwards-Anderson order parameter q(t), dynamic susceptibility χ(t) etc.; also the onset of irreversible behavior at critical magnetic fields Hc(t) is emphasized, and again compared to experiments. A possible explanation of this behavior in terms of the free energy barriers separating the various “valleys” in configuration space is indicated.

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J. L. van Hemmen I. Morgenstern

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Binder, K., Kinzel, W. (1983). The spin glass transition: a comparison of Monte Carlo simulations of nearest-neighbor Ising Edwards-Anderson models with experiments. In: van Hemmen, J.L., Morgenstern, I. (eds) Heidelberg Colloquium on Spin Glasses. Lecture Notes in Physics, vol 192. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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